wastelandcatartist · 8 years
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The sketch isn't Darkibae, that's The Author, but the rest are Dark. I just haven't posted them in a while. Enjoy the sexiness!~
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4, 5, 13 for you and static hMMmmmMMmye
[how dare u do this to meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee]
4. How do they eat ice cream? What’s their favorite flavors?
Butter Pecan is my absolute favorite ice cream flavor, and I think Static’s would probably be something like Rocky Road. Static would probably try to be cute and romantic and steal a lick of my ice cream, which I would block because I share ice cream with nO ONE. Okay maybe I’d share with him but only him.
5. Do they go on dates? What are they like?
I, surprisingly enough, actually enjoy going out on occasion, so yeah we’d probably go on a few dates. The movies would be ideal because cuddles. Also probably the gym so we can do some sparring because I for one am always down to fight
13. When they can’t sleep what do they do?
Each other >B) Seriously though, probably just watch movies or play games and talk. Also baking because three a.m. cupcakes are the best
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delfu44 · 7 years
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J U S T S M I L E D O N ' T B E S C A R E D...
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delfu44 · 7 years
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Darkibae!! On CJ Style!! ❤❤
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delfu44 · 7 years
Wow wow wow...What?
I think I know what is going on with @markiplier Account!! Well...Apparently He is At home...And The Profile pic Is The Same As The Profile pic on YT! Also...He Likes Butts Again? (hehe) but...I discovered Something that will blow your mind! So...Here's the thing: When Markiplier Is At Home...(Making Videos, Staying With Chica,Etc...) Everything seems pretty normal... But... When he's On Tour (not at home) someone is Takeover The Tumblr Account! But The Real Question here Is...what is the meaning of the Masks?? Who is This Guy? A new alter ego? A old one?? Analyzing the Masks... The 1st one Looks like a Kind of Fusion Between Darkiplier and Wilford Warfstache (?) And The Second one is...Well...A retarder one...( IDK how to Analyze that one...Sorry) How About to Ripping off The Jacksepticeye's PMA? Positive Messages...? Smiling? Cheese?(😋) is that?... I think This Kind of Person who is Takeovering Markiplier Account...Maybe (just Maybe?) is Yandereplier...(Remember: The Perfect way to get more Friends Is Joining the Food Club...No Matter How They Scream) Also...Wilford and Dark are Not dead...Because...Just Look How Many Reblogs has The message about Keeping them alive! And still Counting... And How About That cult ? Well... Let me Say... its Just A Freaking Spamming game...Just To ripping Off Jacksepticeye's PMA! Maybe We Have a Surprise...But When all Of this Is Over... So that's pretty much About the Information I have... I hope you finding interesting...and...Yeah... It's Pretty much...More Info Coming Soon! (?) Bye bye!!
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How do you think your animals would feel about Static?
Ooooh I like this question
Gussie, my Australian Shepherd, would love him. She loves anyone that she knows isn’t a threat. She’d probably jump in his lap.
I don’t think my turtle, Pancho, would probably pay him no mind. He’s grumpy.
My horse however, would not like him. Not because Static is a bad person, but because Scooter is a little brat, and gets jealous whenever I pay attention to anything that’s not him. He might try to bite him, he’s been known to do that. But as long as Satic was nice to him, he probably wouldn’t mind him being around, as long as he brought treats. He still wouldn’t really like him though, he’d tolerate him.
(Once again, Static is @games-devoured-my-soul's oc. Not mine)
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