#darkwood quotes
kishdoodles · 2 years
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A search through the Abyss, and a birth.
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panoffrying · 5 months
My Dr. Sozonius LORE Headcanons
✨Warning this is a bit long✨
Sozo is a character that has lived for a very long time. Whatever that mushroom was on their head not only influenced Sozo but kept them immortal. We know really nothing bout Sozos past so I made some headcanons for silly fun and for me to visualize who Sozo was and what his life may have looked like. I want to do my best to keep this as game accurate as possible, so there will be quotes from the game. The quotes are not at all in order! I kinda just bring up random Sozo quotes as I go. Also I apologize if this doesn't make sense or if I ramble (I get excited about certain topics) 
thank you so much @7moonbird for going over and editing this for me, Love ya Pookie!
And so we start:
Sozonius was born in the days of the old faith. He was present the day the Bishops declared the genocide of the lambs and he actually played a big part in assisting the lambs survival. However, he almost got caught and had to stop helping the lambs to keep his family safe. He's never seen any of the bishops(maybe) but his village was part of Darkwood and therefore under Bishop Leshy’s ruling.
Sozonius village was mostly a colony of Carpenter Ants, there were a few other species living there too but it was mostly Carpenter Ants. I imagine there are different races of ants depending on the region they’re in; so there could be fire ants, pharaoh ants, and more! Most ants get along nicely and work together but sometimes other races of ants can be more temperamental and cause conflict between colonies. Carpenter ants are a more calm type of ants, they aren't aggressive but they are incredibly strong. Carpenters ants are known to live in trees; they hollow out trees to make their homes and they like to stay off the ground as much as possible in case of floods and other dangers.
In the colony they had their ruler, the “Queen,” who looked over the village and did queenly business (not gonna go too deep into it). Everyone had many different jobs, ants are hard workers and very strong. They made marvelous structures, farmed a lot of crops, and knew how to work together when there was a threat. Sozo’s village was one that many others would try making deals/trades with. I would talk more about his village but that's not why y’all are here lol. 
Sozonius was a fellow damn near everyone in the village knew. He loved his work and he loved to talk about it to anyone that expressed that they wanted to listen. He was that guy that you could get stuck in a conversation with and struggle to end it. He liked to ramble about his work and kids. Other than that though he never really started conversations with others, he would keep to himself unless someone interacted with him.
And I could definitely see him having a science rival but nothing too bad lol.
“Where am I…? Where is… my family…?”  are the words Sozo says when he turns back into Dr. Sozonius. I like to think he had a wife and two children. They didn’t have the best marriage but they made it work out for their two sons. His wife was a bit stubborn and very honest. She would say things before thinking which did cause issues, but Sozonius let it slide because he loved her so much and wanted a happy family for his sons. 
Sozonius was a very funny dude. He made dad jokes all the damn time, his family would pretend to hate the jokes but in reality they did love them. 
Sozo Dialogue “Now all Sozo can think about is mushrooms, mushrooms, MUSHROOMS… They don’t leave mush-room for anything else! Ha!”
(Also, this next idea is inspired off of @kuphulwho headcanons for Sozo. I loved her ideas and I recommend y'all look at her headcanons too!) Aside from Sozonius being a mycologist he had a side hobby of art! He wasn't the best artist, but he was really talented with sketching plants/fungi, he liked to make art of anything that interested him. He most likely wrote an educational picture book about Fungi, there's probably an old copy of it somewhere.
This art hobby caught the interest of his two sons, and they also started to pursue art. Sozonius would take his free time teaching his sons how to draw plants and such. Sozonius would hang his kids' art everywhere in their house, it was like walking into an art museum haha.
Sozonius studied mycology which means he studied fungi. Sozonius knew fungi could benefit his society and he wanted to help educate others about the importance of fungi. Soon he learned enough of a new discovery of mushroom people, neither plant nor animal…Sozonius then made the decision to go on a solo mission to study the Mushroomo people.
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “My name is Dr. Sozonius. I was researching the Mushroomos that live in Spore Grotto… strange creatures, Neither animal nor plant…” 
Sozonius went to Spore Grotto and at first, he studied the Mushroomo people from a distance setting up a campsite near the Mushroomo Village. When the Mushroomo people discovered Sozonius they welcomed him into their home, cheerful happy little things. Sozonius was given the chance to learn more about these strange creatures up close! How could he say no? Sozonius was welcomed into Spore Grotto and was treated like a god. 
Sozonius asked the Mushroomos many questions, but getting any actual answers from them was difficult. The Mushroomos treated Sozonius like he was their most special guest, they danced and sang for Sozonius. They would mimic Sozonius and follow him around, making sure to do anything he asked of them. There would be many times when the Mushroomos would offer to feed Sozonius menticide mushrooms but Sozonius knew a lot about fungi and declined their offers. However, there seemed to be a special Ritual the Mushroomos took part in… 
Sozonius had been in Spore Grotto for many weeks now, it was time for him to leave, he had studied enough and was ready to return home but the Mushroomos were surprisingly sad when he announced this. They wanted to show Sozonius a sacred ritual to them before he left, he wasn't aware of the menticide mushrooms being part of it…
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “They gave me Menticide Mushrooms, and then… that’s the last thing I remember…”
After Sozonius was tricked into eating menticide mushrooms and also gave Sozonius a crown, a crown that would grow into Sozoniuss mind, he shall be the Mushroomos leader… And the new Sozo was made. (literally just think of Ice Age 2 when the lil sloths take Sid to be their fire king, however they don't sacrifice him)
The mushroom on Sozos head is very powerful, it makes me wonder what it is exactly, it gives the person wearing it immortality, but also causes the user to go insane (don't forget that Sozo is also being fed menticide mushrooms) the mushroom crown kinda reminds me of Chemachs crown. It seems to have a mind of its own and a face. I feel like the Mushroomos for days straight made sure to give Sozo a diet of only menticide mushrooms to make him forget everything and to possibly power the mushroom crown. They would constantly tell Sozo that his mind would be open and free, that it would make him feel better, and Sozo being under the influence of the mushroom listened to them.
A Mushroomo Dialogue "Once you taste the Menticide Mushroom your mind will be opened." 
As the years went by so did all the sanity Sozonius had left, but in some moments Sozonius seems to still be aware but not all there. 
Sozo Dialogue “Sozo had friends... Followers... family... now Sozo has mushrooms..."
Sozo over time seems to start to dislike his followers and call them liars. He even becomes quite cruel to his followers. Yet he also mentions that he trusts the lamb and wants the lamb to protect him from his followers which makes me believe that Sozonius is somehow a little aware and fighting against the mushroom crown’s influence. He is mad at the Mushroomos for lying to him, tricking him, making him into who he is now.
 Sozo Dialogue  “No need to thanks Sozo. Build it at your Cult then come back to me. Sozo shall grant you one last gift. Sozo is always fair. Always repays this debts. Not like those LIARS out there."
"You did it! Now I know I can trust you... not like those nasty liars outside. They are always watching, always listening! Here take this. You are Sozo's best friend, you are Sozo's only friend."
"Sozo can trust you now, Sozo will pledge himself to you! You will protect me from those liars outside and bring Sozo mushrooms!"
(Also a side note that my gf brought to my attention last second lol! Apparently parasitic mushrooms rely on insects to spread. That is probably why they tricked Sozonius into staying and eating menticide mushrooms. Maybe it's been that long since they've seen an insect)
So, this next little headcanon of mine is an interesting one and might be confusing to explain. Was Sozonius imprisoned within his own mind while under the control of the mushroom crown? If he was, I can see him being stuck in a sort of loop, imagining his family and friends. Think like Mabel's Bubble from ‘Gravity Falls’ weirdmageddon. Sozonius is trapped in a mental bubble, stuck in a false reality as the now mushroom-infected Sozo takes over his body and actions. 
In Sozonius’s mental bubble he is in a place where trees are big, tall mushrooms and flowers are mushrooms, everywhere he turns its mushrooms. He knows something is wrong, everything is too strange, everyone he loves is there with him but is it real? It feels like he's living in a dream. Sozonius proceeds to talk to his friends and family as if they are actually there in which I noticed that Sozo will talk to the menticide mushrooms as if they are actual people.
Sozo Dialogue “Precious, perfect little mushrooms, Sozo is here now, Sozo will always be here…”
”Sozo is busy now… Sozo must commune with the ‘shrooms.”
As time passes more mushrooms grow in his mind prison, and they keep growing and growing until they start to grow on the people he loves. He knows something is happening, he's going mad, and he starts to search for an exit, he needs to escape this false reality that the mushroom crown has created for him. 
He starts fighting the mushroom crown’s hold on him which causes him to regain some awareness. This is when a part of him realizes he’s been tricked, and he starts refusing everything the Mushroomos give him and becomes cruel to them. However, the lambs have never done him wrong before and the lamb (from the cult) begins to be the only person he can trust. At least until it becomes too much and well… we know Sozo’s fate.
So Sozo doesn't get resurrected until all the bishops become mortal (at least in my playthrough)(I might change this to he was part of the cult before the bishops I’m not sure). So all the bishop siblings are in the cult and learning the ways of mortal stuff and Sozo appears around the same time, still the crazy Sozo we know and love. However, he’s still very addicted to the menticide mushrooms and both the Lamb and night workers have found Sozo digging through the mushroom crops like a lil racoon.
Based on the game, Sozo likes to run around the cult and do his own thing; he often looks very spaced out but the moment someone talks to him he starts spitting nonsense before yelling at them to go away. The only people Sozo will talk to are people that give Sozo what he wants, which is menticide mushrooms! If you do that for him he will talk your ear off with nonsense, in conversations with him he will often talk about his followers, them being liars and disgusting little creatures. One day though Sozo’s personality seems to change? He starts to tell the lamb,
 “Sozo was just here, all alone, thinking about mushrooms... Uh, Sozo means Sozo's little Mushroomo followers!”
”Yes,, they must be so lost without Sozo. They love Sozo! Everyone loves Sozo - especially Lamb!”
“Without their great and beloved Sozo, Mushroomos must be so scared... YOU! You must save them! Save them and bring them to Sozo.”
”They will be trapped in Anura. They are always getting captured when they don't have their great Sozo to protect them. Rescue them and bring them to me.”
But when you bring the followers to Sozo he ends up eating them. At first glance you can assume it's just his addiction, in which it most certainly could be! He sees a big mushroom and he's like oooo~ delicious but there's also a possibility of this being Dr. Sozonius’s anger coming out. The whole fighting against the mushroom crown’s influence and realization that he’s been tricked. Maybe a mix of his addiction and anger for what they did to him? I’m not too sure if Sozo eating the Mushroomos was a problem before he joined the cult.
Of course, this addiction must be stopped so the lamb decides enough is enough and refuses to get more Mushroomos. This causes Sozo to dissent and, with little choice, the Lamb has to put him in rehab. I imagine it would’ve been a struggle getting Sozo to the prison without the Red Crown’s help. With the power of an ant that is Sozo’s size it's a miracle he didnt break that pillory while he was in it. Sozo just stayed silent and didn't fight; the person he had put his trust and hope in has imprisoned him. Sozo is a bit depressed at that moment. 
After Sozo has been re-educated, released, and cured of his addiction the mushroom crown finally falls off his head. Which, like I said before, makes me wonder, was it being powered by the menticide mushrooms Sozo has been eating or is it something else?
But Dr. Sozonius talks about some stuff before saying,
Dr. Sozonius Dialogue “I can’t help but feel that I have you to thank for… something. You have my loyalty, I will remain here and serve you. Please, take this!”
Sozonius was ready to live his life rather than reunite with his family in the afterlife. He wasn't expecting to be resurrected after dying in the cult from old age. But Sozonius gave the lamb their loyalty and promised to stay in the cult and serve them. The Lamb had been so kind as to give Sozonius an immortality necklace, the Lamb didn’t want Sozonius to go yet… and Sozo’s heart was too kind and soft. He will have to wait a bit longer to return home to his family, but maybe some good things will come out of staying longer~
Also! Who do we think Sozo was talking to? 
A Mushroomo Dialogue "Who is Sozo talking to when he whispers in the dark...?"
Is he talking to himself? The mushrooms? Or the Fox?
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writer-of-the-lamb · 9 months
"darkwood dating" - cotl oneshot
--the lamb shoots his shot. narinder replies accordingly--
The sun shone through the thick forest canopy, casting dappled light onto Narinder and the lamb as they wandered. Holding a map from Clauneck in his hands, the lamb turned to face him.
"We have arrived."
Narinder raised an eyebrow, all three eyes looking around skeptically. "..Arrived where, exactly?"
The lamb flourished his arm outwards, conjuring a picnic blanket in checkered red from his crown before adding a wooden table atop it. Narinder watched him craft, giving the crown's eye a dirty look.
Sometimes he kicked himself for giving that thing away.
The lamb pulled back a chair, bowing slightly and looking up to Narinder. "Take a seat." he said, grinning.
Disgusted, Narinder sat himself down. "How will this help us harvest for the feast tonight?" he asked as the lamb sat across from him and leant onto his elbows.
"Oh that was a lie. I already have stuff ready." The lamb revealled nonchalantly, tilting his head. "Soo..."
Unamused, Narinder scowled. "So what?"
"How are yooou?"
"I beg your pardon."
"You enjoying the weather?" The lamb tried again, winking with a click of his tongue.
Narinder's face scrunched in horror. "Are you...attempting to advance on me?"
The lamb's eyes crinkled in a smile. "Now who implied that?" he said innocently.
"W- you are asking me mundane questions. Am I incorrect to assume that is not an attempt at being forward?" Narinder argued, waving his hands.
The lamb chuckled, eyes glistening merrily. "I think you're being forward."
Narinder's eye twitched. "What is this." he whispered, terrified, scanning the perimeter of the forest clearing they were in, "This is a trap."
"I'd never."
"You just killed a follower in cold blood after she neglected to tend the farms."
The lamb giggled, almost airily. "Whoopsie."
Narinder broke his gaze off of the lamb, watching the swaying camellia like they were about to jump out and kill him. "Forgive me, but I am incredibly suspicious of your motives."
"Why's that?" The lamb asked, grinning again.
Narinder paused, eyes narrowed. "Forget it." he muttered, turning away in his chair. "Must we sit here for longer?"
"Until you answer my questions, yes."
A loud groan.
"Ask me your ridiculous queries, then." Narinder mumbled, clenching his jaw.
The lamb beamed, now kicking his feet under the table. "How are you on this fine day, then?" he chirped, tilting his head.
"How do you find the weather?"
"How do you find the flowers?"
"The colour is acceptable."
"What about Darkwood?" "It was better before this."
The lamb laughed - a merry laugh Narinder didn't think he'd quite heard before. There'd been a lot of chuckles, snickers, snorts at his expense...especially when he had been dethroned...but a laugh?
Narinder's face softened slightly as the lamb wiped his eyes.
"I'd apologise but I don't entirely care about you hating me." he chuckled, grinning.
"I don't hate you."
The lamb's gaze snapped back onto him.
Narinder pursed his lips, looking away.
"Repeat that?" The lamb asked wide-eyed, leaning forward.
"Be prepared to sit here forever then."
A pause.
"I simply stated...that I do not despise your presence before me in the circumstance of a table-sat gathering."
"You like me."
"If any soul here favours someone, it is you toward I." Narinder scoffed. "You are a pathetically obvious fool, Lamb. One I regrettably enjoy tolerating."
"Your fancy words don't hide your true feelings." The lamb smirked, "How would you feel if I was 'advancing' on you?" he asked, using air quotes.
"Disgusted." Narinder replied.
The lamb rolled his eyes, chuckling.
"..but not impartial."
The lamb waggled his eyebrows. "Pathetic display, truly. I have been better wooed by specks of dirt." Narinder said, fighting a smile.
The lamb leaned forward on his elbows, whispering. "Specks of dirt wouldn't dare approach you under my gaze."
Narinder felt the sun get hotter on his face. "Your sudden vocabulary change does not impress me, Lamb."
The lamb stood from his seat, walking over. "So if I told you something like 'the crimson upon these flowers has nothing on the divine red of your soul', you wouldn't be interested?"
Narinder shut his mouth.
The lamb stepped back, chuckling. "We can go back now, by the way. I'm shooting a shot." he grinned. "Can't blame me fo-" Narinder rose from his seat, abruptly seizing the lamb by his robe and kissing him firmly.
The lamb's eyes widened just as Narinder let him go, turning on his heel back toward the cult.
"Are you advancing on me?" The lamb mocked, running after him.
Narinder smiled a small smile. "Now who implied that?"
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thebemoon · 3 months
For ‘the darkwood wand’
5. What was the hardest part to write?
The darkwood wand is one of my favourite Dramione fics so I would read your answers to literally any of the questions haha
In "The Darkwood Wand," the hardest scene to write was a dark one, where Draco does something extremely morally grey (you could argue even dark.).
I'll try to identify the scene without spoiling it and will XXXX the other character. Draco is in the infirmary and is presented with an opportunity. The chapter is simply titled "Pain" and contains violence, references to sexual assault and dark themes related to mental illness. I don't usually use a beta, but I made a very rare exception for this chapter because I wanted to ensure I succeeded in what I wanted to convey.
In this scene, Draco is trapped mentally in a debate between his Malfoy side, his Black side, and his newly awakened conscience. An opportunity lies before him and he must decide how -- and whether -- to take it.
Here's a quick quote that gives you a sense of this chapter.
This time Draco found a windswept landscape, barren and abandoned. Just misty, swirling shreds of dark thoughts and feelings. Pain without purpose, too weak to hold. XXXXs few remaining thoughts were scattered, unfocused, like scraps of parchment. Hot fire and blood. Slavering fangs. Sobbing. Soft, dark curls and wide golden eyes.
It's rather unlike my usual writing, which is usually energetic and often comical. But I found exploring Draco's character very satisfying.
This scene also felt very appropriate with this fanfic about Draco's character journey, which opened with a quote from Dante's "Inferno":
I found myself within a forest dark,     For the straightforward pathway had been lost.
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luis-block · 1 year
So, that incorrect quote post popped a little scenario in my head: what if Leshy pulled the whole "pissing out the bonfire" stunt, and then caught the reader sneaking a peek?
Oh, that's naughty, I'm in! I am making this a bit NSFW, but if you would like this with nothing suggestive, or even a continuation of this for a full NSFW piece of this let me know!
Warnings: Trying to catch a peek of his log pipe, suggestive themes, cornering of reader, virgin/inexperienced reader
Sneaking a peek at Leshy at a bonfire ritual 🌿
The cool summer nights of Darkwood always had a special place in your heart. The smell of freshly bloomed Camellia flowers and the candle smoke from the forest filled your senses as you sit on the sidelines of the bonfire ritual taking place. This ritual was a favorite of the followers of this section of the Old Faith. Throwing acorns into the fire was especially fun, as it added to the chaos factor that was always present in rituals here. The dancing and singing were always the highlight of the week for everyone, including yourself.
 You smile as you see your betrothed watching over the festivities as his followers enjoy themselves. You have been with Leshy for about two winters now, and you have never been happier. He has done nothing but adore you and make sure that you are treated on the same level as he is. You have told him that that part isn’t necessary, you aren’t a god like him after all. “But you are betrothed to a god, my wildflower. Anyone to steal a bishop’s heart like you have deserves nothing less.” Is his go to response whenever you mention it. It never ceased to make you blush.
Even before you took the pilgrimage to the lands of the Old Faith, you have never felt more loved before. Leshy respected all of your boundaries without fail, letting you take the reigns as far as the physical part of your relationship. You hear Leshy give a blessing to a follower, you look over to see his arm out of his robes. You look at his hand and feel your heart skip a beat as you look away.
It only serves to remind you that the main thing that you two haven’t done in your relationship is… ah, being intimate. You have been too embarrassed to admit it, but you have little experience in the way of being sexual with another being. Sure you have masturbated, but you damn well that they are very different experiences. Not only that but you’re not sure if Leshy even has any, well, parts?? He is a natural born god, and you are not sure if gods just appear or if they do reproduce? You haven’t had the balls to ask.
As you are stuck in your thoughts, you hear nervous whispering from followers nearby. You look up to see Leshy creep over to the bonfire with a mischievous look in his eyes. You know exactly what he is planning. The first time he did this was when you had both gotten together, and it was even your first bonfire ritual at that. Maybe it was to let you know what you were getting into, you think with a giggle.
But wait. If he pissed on the bonfire last time… Does that mean…
You have an idea! If you can see what he has, if anything, it would make the conversation of intimacy much easier for you. You look to the bushes parallel to the fire with your plan coming to light as you carefully make yourself as inconspicuous as possible. You make it to your spot, hiding between two big berry bushes as you get the best view to fulfill your goal. You watch as Leshy makes it the fire, the surrounding followers know what he is planning, covering their eyes and moving out of the way. Your heart races out of your cheat as he slowly moves his main robes and under robes as your eyes are glued with anticipation as he……
Looks you straight in the eyes, a devious smirk growing as he stops what he is doing and walks right for you. You go pale as you retreat in the woods, never have you been so embarrassed in your whole life! You are sure none of the other followers knew what was going on, but what if they did see you?! Your thoughts race as you think you are far enough away, Leshy not being in sight. You take a calming breath, maybe that was a prank? He was currently known for them. Maybe he didn’t notice you looking at his crotch to see if he’s got a dick or-
You are pushed up to a tree as the foliage around you falls apart, the woods shaking as it is covered in red. “Dammit..” You puff out, realizing the who had found you. The ground turns black as Leshy comes out of the portal before stepping onto the grass. He keeps eye contact as you look away blushing, not ready for the conversation about to take place. “What do you have to say for yourself, my dear?” he questions, staking closer to you as you aren’t paying attention. “A-ah, Well… I was just… picking berries?” You stammer out, knowing that was the lamest lie you could have given. You look up to realize he is right in front of you, towering over you as you fell like the butterflies in your stomach are going to rot it way.
He laughs as he picks you up around your waist, his hand on ass and fingers daringly close to your crotch as your thighs shake as he brings you up to his eye level. “Oh (Y/N), we both know that isn’t what you were doing...” He teases, his breath fanning over you as you tremble in his hand. You feel more and more heat building in you as you look into his eyes that are scanning you over. “So, tell me (Y/N)- “he says as he brings you up for a kiss on the cheek as you let out a small whine. “- is there something you have been meaning to talk to me about?”
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I WAS ABOUT TO SEND THIS YESTERDAY BUT!! hi gate!!! 🪻🌸 for the ask game!!!
lady luck, dear diary, and soulmate!! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
HI MAYO !! 💗🌻💗🌻💗🌻💗
Answering for the Seeker 🌻 and the Informant 🔍
➳ Do you or your f/o perhaps have a lucky charm that you always keep with you ? Did they themselves give you it ?
Seeker has her necklace and Info has his ring. Both were a gift from the other !!
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Info had wanted to give the necklace to Seeker for a while, he had it made as a personalised gift at one of Darkwood's best jewelers. He gave it to her the evening after he walked her home after they tested mechanical wings and almost kissed. Seeker gave the ring to Info as a reconciliation gift after he was framed as a criminal. She had it made by her friend the blacksmith, who had the idea and was well aware like everyone in town basically that she and the Informant were very much in love but too stubborn to do anything about it. He explained during the process that it was a Turkish puzzle ring and that they are used as wedding rings, the groom solving the puzzle and putting the ring on the bride's finger without the puzzle breaking apart for good luck. Of course the Informant solved it quickly and wore it on his ring finger for the time before he proposed.
➳ Do you and your f/o have a scrapbook or a journal where you keep mementos from memorable moments spent together ?
Seeker and Info both have diaries !! They write down about their day, but it is also where they write about each other, both about what they did together or about what they feel for each other, especially when they were pining 🥰🥰🥰 Seeker has the habit of sticking and doodling a bit of everything in her diary, and you can be sure to find hearts and doodles everywhere when the page mentions the Informant !! Info also has a sketchbook where he has entire pages where it is only Seeker doodles and hearts and little poems and cute quotes scribbled down.
➳ Who fell first and who fell harder ?
Answered here !!
ask game here
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interstella5555daily · 5 months
Well, that's certainly a depressing thought. That Darkwood's abduction left the band with lasting brain damage. :(
It's moreso an analogy (like everything in the film is an analogy) about how a loss of freedom or self creates a new self or shell around it, and how no experiences can be taken back, and their consequences can never be negated completely. sort of inspired by a quote from the last unicorn I'll see if i can find
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leothetraveler · 7 months
Coin and Crown AU
Fate Worse Than Death
I don’t know why I was summoned here. I am no follower of the lamb. They a just a customer…just a customer.
            Yet here I am with their cultists, crucified. Forced to bear witness to what was going to be their execution but is now Narinder’s. Heh, if anyone else called the cat by his given name, he would throw a fit. Though I am probably the only one outside the bishops who remember it.
            “Damned Lamb!” Oh, speak of the devil. “I am at your mercy… are you to be a vengeful false idol, or a merciful coward? No longer can you blame your vile acts on me.” Strange choice of words, provoking the lamb with ‘merciful coward’ while his life is on the line. I can barely see the lamb by craning my head over my shoulder. Lamb hesitates, before turning to look at me. Their eyes, at first uncertain, fill with rage at the sight of me. Do I really mean so much to them?
The Lamb turned back to face the still cowering Narinder. “You…took EVERYTHING from me…before I was even born. My family and race were sacrificed. Because. Of. You. You and your damned family. Even so, I had hoped you would fix your mistake. That for my service, my people would be restored, that I would get to see my mother again! Fool that I was, hoping for mercy…fool that you are, expecting the same.” Lamb’s choice was clear. But instead of using the crown’s power, they turned their crown into an axe. They weren’t simply going to kill him. Infront of everyone, they were going to sacrifice him. Execute him as the lamb been. Those who faced better towards the lamb relayed to the others what was happening. Terrified whispers and whimpers of fear echoed as Narinder gave a weak laugh. “So, we are the same after all. You have become as I-”
“Lamb,” I interjected. “don’t let him taunt.” I still couldn’t see well, but it seems I had stopped them mid-swing. “While you are justified and this cat is a two-faced snake, he does speak true in one part.” I turned my head away from Lamb to the other cultists around me, whose attention was also on me. I continued, raising my voice to be heard behind me. “Killing him changes nothing. The world will fear you just as it feared the bishops. You would just be another in a long line of vengeful gods.”
Lamb walked over to my cross, a mixture of fury and grief in their teary eyes as they looked up at me. “Then what do you suggest, Leon. Just forgive him? Show him mercy, after all he has done? Just…walk away?” Narinder laughed from behind my sight. A pained but hearty, mocking laugh. “Yes, listen to the coward of Darkwood. He has been doing nothing but running and hiding for centuries!” I rolled my eyes at his jab. It is almost like he wanted to die. Knowing him, he may just prefer it. “Death is a mercy. You want him to suffer? Let him live.”
Another laugh from the bastard cat. “By all means, do. I will reclaim what’s mine in time. That crown belongs to ME, by divine right!” Now it was my turn to laugh at the fool. He sits there, at the mercy of the lamb and acts like he is still a god. How delusional must one be? How big can one’s ego get? “Ah, I haven’t heard a joke that good is months. You? Take the crown from lamb? They just stripped you of all divine might. The crown is theirs. And without one of your own, you could never hope to oppose them. You, Narinder, will be mortal for the rest of your days. However many that will be.” I looked back at the sorry excuse of a former god. “It will be your punishment. Just as you punished me with the same, 473 years ago. To quote your family, it is ‘a fate worse than death, to watch the world rot around you.’” The fear on Narinder’s face as he realized the truth of my words brought a smile to my face. Karma is a bitch. “Besides, Lamb. If there is a way to bring your people back, we need him to tell us.” Lamb visibly considered my words and then walked back to Narinder, silently sending him to the cult grounds. The crosses then lowered back down, finally releasing me and the others. The cultists immediately sprang into cheers for the lamb’s victory and praises of their mercifulness. I walked over to them as they continued to stare at the spot where they had banished Narinder. “Lamb, I…you need a hug? This one’s on the house.” I spread my arms openly, giving a weak smile at my own joke.
The lamb didn’t move. “…the bishops killed my people. I never met my father. Can’t remember my mother. I thought…maybe he would…” I didn’t wait for them to finish before pulling them into a hug. They had been through so much in such a short time. They froze for a moment, before weakly returning the hug as they held back tears. I sighed, “I understand what you mean.” Lamb looked up at me, their sorrow paused by confusion. I smiled weakly. “I can’t remember my family either. I don’t even know where they were buried. Or how many of us there were. But I remember they were hated for my actions. That they suffered because of me. Because of the bishops cursing me and making my name known to all. I know what it’s like, being all alone because of them.” It was more personal than I got with most customers, but I could tell my past gave them some comfort. The moment was broken up when a cultist approached the lamb and they had to return to being their leader. Their god. While they calmed their fears and shaped their faith, my mind was on Narinder. While he could be of use to the lamb, and such was the worst punishment we could do to him, I couldn’t help but wonder how the lamb would ever be able to get them to cooperate.
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talon-the-hawk · 1 year
Even MORE Incorrect D19 Quotes
Valeri : Whoa, Alexandru, what’s up with that angry face? Alexandru: Valentin won’t stop talking about how “Ancient Egyptians were furries”. Valentin: But they were! Just looks at all their gods- Alexandru: Oh my god, SHUT UP!
Alexandru: Do you guys ever have a civilized conversation that doesn't require insulting each other every time you get a chance? Valentin: No. Valeri : No. Alexandru: Didn't think so.
Tim: I’m a reverse necromancer! Larissa: Isn’t that just- Jamie: No. Shut up. Shut the fuck up. You are literally so fucking unfunny that it hurts. It physically hurts my body knowing that people still think murder is funny. I cant believe im saying this but do you guys know how chronically online you all are, thinking that saying “oOh iM a rEVeRsE nECrOmANcER i LOvE tO kiLL pEOpLe” is genuinely funny and will get everyone in the room shitting themselves from laughter?? cause its not. It’s fucking not. In fact, its the unfunniest fucking joke ever. Not just any joke about killing people. This one specifically. Its so unfunny and stupid. Nobody is fucking laughing at that, Tim. It makes you look like a greasy emo kid who has never been outside once in their life and uses tumblr religiously. Like not even the funny side of tumblr. the fucking unfunny side filled with overused jokes about murder and illegal acts. Honestly, youre so unfunny, Tim. Fuck you.
Jamie: Do you think different paints have different tastes? Larissa: They do. Kate: ...Why did you say that with such certainty?
Jamie: I reserve the right to judge a movie based on when it was made, thank you very much. Kate: You consider anything made before 2000 old and bad. Jamie: And I reserve that right! After all.... Jamie: I bet you wouldn’t like the average movie made in 1879! Kate: There were no movies made in 1879. Jamie: *slams table* WRONG! There was ONE movie made in 1879! The first movie! A zoopraxioscope of a horse galloping! Matt: Oooh! Let’s go ask Valentin if he saw it in theatres!
(Yes, he did in fact see it in theatres-)
Kate: I didn’t know that air fryers are a real thing. Used to think that they were made up by the internet as a funny joke and that their purpose was to “fry air”. Larissa: WAIT, BUT IT FRIES THE AIR TO FRY THE FOOD?? Kate: I DIDN’T KNOW IT WAS A KITCHEN APPLIANCE, MY FIRST ASSUMPTION WAS SOMETHING AKIN TO AN AIR CONDITIONER! Matt: IT’S NOT LIKE AN AIR CONDITIONER???? Jamie: You guys clearly don’t own an air fryer.
Kate, spraying a melted cutting board with a tiny water gun: We gotta cool this bitch down. Cool it down. Jamie: I actually just put the cutting board in the oven... Larissa, visibly confused: Okay, so they decided to put the cutting board in the oven? Kate, spraying Jamie: You FUCKING DUMBASS! Jamie: Dude, I forgot- Kate: OH MY FUCKING GOD! We're trying to make Chicken Alfredo right now, and you fucking MELT the cutting board in the oven at 400 DEGREES FAHRENHEIT!? Valentin: *Watching in complete confusion while trying to process this whole situation.*
Valentin: We might have gotten into a bar room brawl back in the city. Dracula: Well, that was entirely predictable. Valentin: One of them punched a gang member. Dracula: Valeri? Valentin: Alexandru, actually. Dracula: Oh, that was going to be my second guess.
Kate: What’s the announcement, Matt? Matt: It’s a lecture. Jamie’s gonna tell us everything they know about sex. Larissa: It should be an enjoyable 60 seconds.
Valeri: I still don’t have a New Year’s resolution. Alexandru: You could lose a few. Dracula: You could be less lazy. Valentin: Don’t be such a bitch. Valeri: Okay DAMN, SHIT.
Jamie: THEY COME SEASONALLY! Jamie: THEY COME EVERY YEAR! Kate: What- Larissa, are they drunk again- Jamie: IT DOESN’T MATTER WHERE I GO! Jamie: WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Larissa: What does WHAT mean? Matt, who is the only one who knows what Valentin is talking about: I mean, when you found one in the bathroom- Kate: WHAT THE FUCK DID JAMIE FIND IN THE BATHROOM? Jamie: I’M TELLING YOU LIKE- LIKE IN THE SWIMMING POOL- Jamie: IN L.A. Jamie: EVERYWHERE I GO, THE DUCKS COME TO ME! Kate and Larissa : Oh, for fuCKS SAKE Jamie-
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wickermayne · 1 year
14, 16, 24, 25!
14. cake or donuts?
I like both, but if I had to pick one it would be cake. I'm a fiend for cake lol.
16. favourite quote from a book?
I used to read a lot of novels in my youth, but I really can't remember a quote! Here's one from a fanfiction instead:
“It began as a small, flickering flame, hardly worthy of notice. Surely a weak, transient thing. But every night the flame grew brighter, casting light upon my darkness, rendering me helpless, and I could not deny that this was something new, unwanted and unlooked for, but desperately needed, and that my life would never be the same.”
The Darkwood Wand
24. morning or night person?
I'm a night person, I guess, but more because I can't stand waking up and I love sleeping 😅
25. tea or coffee?
I love both, if I had to pick, then tea, but I can't imagine life without either lol.
Thanks for the asks!
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scribblestatic · 2 months
Hello! It's anon again with a lot of questions, inspired by a new chapter!
First of all, I want to wish you good health! <3
Now let's start the attack! (if you don't mind, of course!)
Does the Mystic Seller know who the new deity is?
If this isn't a spoiler, are the tears is tear-tattoos, constant flowing real tears, or occasional tears evoked by memories? Because if tears flow constantly, then, probably, the Mystical Seller is very happy with such a supplier of rare artifacts :>
And a little more about the Mystical Seller: did Narinder give him a name? Or this deity (?) goes around nameless, because all of their local clients either don’t care (for natural reasons of being in an unknown place, apparently in a very bad state), or don’t care (yes, Narinder, I looking at you)
2. Was the Horn of the Slaughtered created from the remains of our Lamb or from a simple sheep, but imbued with the power and pain of a new god?
3. The power of He Who Weeps can grow any plant?! Can we say that they are connected not only with death (or with sleep. Sleep, I think, is a different domain from death, but very related), but also with life?
4. Will Narinder go through a personal growth/redemption arc? Or is their relationship with the Lamb a "once toxic, always toxic" thing?
5. From your previous answers, we know that the Lamb's mind is more or less in an acceptable state, but what about their body? How big a tear (my tear, not their) bucket should I prepare?
6. What do you think about Borgatt roses? Oh, and Nigrette roses! I think they are a bit like Narinder?
I hope you're not tired of me yet! Just this story really captivates me 👉👈
Hehehe not tired at all! Just tryin to make sure I don't give entirely too much away before I get further hehehe
And thank you! I'm getting some other tests done, so that's neat. We'll figure out what's going on, hopefully.
So, to go down the questions:
#1. Yes, it's aware of who is crying these little power-packed teardrops. It's certainly a much more concentrated version than the ones they seem to cry all the time. Though, if all the tears they cried were just as powerful, the market price would certainly plummet faster than crypto stock after a pump-and-dump.
Ah, the Mystic Seller is currently nameless to Narinder, who hasn't bothered to name it. However, it does have a name to its other clients. It just depends on who it's speaking with. The name changes with each client.
#2. The Horn of the Slaughtered has been made with the shards of several different horns from many sheep, combined into a single cracked horn. Flesh ungodly, yet a relic made of them. How effective could something like that even be?
#3. Ah, well, who's to say the flowers are from The One Who Weeps? Narinder's in Darkwood, after all, a place notorious for flowers and plants even before The Lamb half-slayed Leshy. I guess the best way to put is that, like the fact the mini-bosses have both a God Tear and a Pink Tear (I'll call it that for now), perhaps the roses and flowers and bits are more of a joint effort than we think?
#4. That depends on if Narinder can get his head out of his own ass.
#5. Hmmm... A few gallons should probably do. The Lamb, ah...to quote a meme, "needs some milk."
#6. Nothing comes up when I search "Borgatt Roses," but the Nigrette Roses look lovely!
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badolmen · 3 years
The Stranger: i don’t think we can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time
The Wolfman: *loading his gun* manslaughter it is
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nessietessimal · 3 years
Tumblr media
I did another one @theramblinganalyst because I missed drawing the Darkwood fam and these are all TRUE 
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Trader: You're cute.
Stranger: *immediately gets flustered instead of saying anything back because he questions why anyone would find him cute when he looked like a walking corpse.*
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scatteredstrings · 3 years
The picture was crystal clear. He would return to Malfoy Manor after graduation. He would complete his probation. He would take care of his mother. He would have meaningless secret encounters. No marriage. No family. Just dark, quiet evenings alone as the years spun by. He would sit in his manor’s expansive library, drink in hand, and think of a night long gone, his breath catching at the memory of honey-gold eyes across a wooden table. And a golden card. “UNDER CONSIDERATION.”
(The Darkwood Wand by ThebeMoon)
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diamondclaw21 · 3 years
Diana: The food is too hot, I can’t eat it.
Jakob: You’re too hot and I still eat you.
Diana: *grins*
Jakob: *smiles*
Nikolai: One dinner. WE WANTED JUST ONE DINNER!
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