#darkwood trader x reader
whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
Requests are open again but I am goin on break for a bit. Be back on the 15th-ish <3
Check my rules and requests before requesting!
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Yo yo request for the Trader from Darkwood but like winter solstice vibes type fic,, I leave all creative vibes in your hand, oceanic mom friend
The Joys of the Winter Solstice
[The Trader X GN!Reader]
[Warnings: like, none?]
[AN: Ask and you shall receive. I swear I put my whole hm into the works that never get seen. anyways- 1683 words <3]
The snow has been falling since November, but it hasn’t actually felt like the holiday season since… You can’t quite remember. You were born in the woods, and all you’ve ever known is the woods. Your parents used to take you to the capital when you were a child, but things are different now. You’re no longer in those sweet halcyon days where you could leave the woods as freely as you used to. Instead, you, and your siblings, are stuck here. In the woods.
It’s not all bad though, at least, not right now. The village is in high spirits because it’s finally the winter solstice, and the beginning of Yule. For the Christians, Christmas is right around the corner.
Your village is a healthy mix of pagans, atheists and Christians. And, due to the awful situation you’re all stuck in, differences like whose God is the most high have fallen on the wayside. There’s other things they need to worry about than who to praise. As a result of years being stuck here, the traditions have mixed, and no one goes excluded unless there’s a proper reason. That’s only been applied to an odd wolf that stalks near the village, reveling in the sound of anguish that comes from the rest of the year.
Today, however, you’re about to head out to meet a man you hold near and dear to your heart. He’s never told you his name, so you’ve taken to calling him “дорогой”. You’re not actually sure he has a name, or if he was ever really born a man to begin with, but he loves you, that much you know for sure.
“You’ll meet us in the market when you’re done?” Your father calls out, his brows raised slightly as he sees you rushing out the front door. In his arm is your infant brother, babbling and cooing happily as he watches you leave. Your other four siblings are helping him prepare the feast for your own home and some things for the festival. Thomasin is currently stirring some apples. The house smells of cinnamon and apples conjured up by your mother’s magic. After all, she is one of the best witches in the village.
You nod, a small smile on your face. “Yes, I’ll be there,” you say as you wave back. “I’ll bring him with me.”
Your mother perks up. “See if he has some elderflowers,” she says. She knows it’s winter, and that nothing grows when the snow falls, but she also knows that if he has anything dried from the late summer/early autumn, she could bring it back. “And the two of you stay safe out there!” She calls out, that maternal twinge in her voice plucking hard.
You snicker and nod once more as you open up the door and pull your coat around you. It’s freezing, but the thought of seeing him makes you feel warm. You hear your siblings bidding you a warm farewell and to stay safe before you close the door behind you. The snow is falling in huge flakes today. They flurry towards the ground and blanket it in a beautiful sheet of white with tinges of blue. You puff your breath out and crunch your boots onto the freshly fallen snow.
There’s children playing outside, making things with the snow. Amusingly, you can see them making snowmen and snow-effigies of the shrine that guards your village. They’ve even got the head-bowl right. You chuckle to yourself and trot down the main path, nodding warmly as a greeting to the parents and little ones you pass until you reach the edge of the village. There, waiting for you, is the man you hold near and dear to your heart.
He signs a hearty ‘hello!’ to you before stepping in the bounds of the village. His arms open and he receives you warmly. You haven’t actually kissed him yet - his gas mask never comes off - but you peck your lips to the cracked glass regardless. He chuckles deeply, sweetly, and spins you in his warm embrace.
Hesitantly, you pull away. “Happy winter solstice,” you say as you reach into the bag on your hip. You fish around for a moment before pulling out a necklace. It’s a little spell jar your mother helped you make. It’s chock full of stones and herbs from the summer. Atop its cork is pink wax veering towards red. It hands firmly from the leather cord your father helped you find.
The Trader lights up. His eyes sparkle. You feel like he’s smiling because the corners of his eyes crinkle. ‘Thank you!’ He signs with those same beaming eyes before bowing his head to you.
You slip the necklace on him and clasp it in the back, watching as it hangs from his neck and melds into the rest of him as if it’s always belonged with him. You giggle in excitement and nod in approval. “You look fantastic,” you compliment.
The Trader chuckles deeply again before nodding in agreement. ‘Yes, yes, I adore it and you,’ he signs, his gloved hands expressing absolute delight to you. ‘I have things for you and your family as well,’ he continues, ‘but I would wait until we get back to your home to give them to you.’
You blink a few times before scooching your body to the side. There, strapped to his back is a huge bag. He’s always carried a good amount with his time as a trader, but this is different. “Oh my gods,” you gasp, “you didn’t-”
‘I did,’ he laughs. ‘You and your loved ones have been so good to me. I thought for the solstice I would-’
You cut him off by once again launching forward, pressing smooches to his gas mask and the cracked glass, giggling all the while. Your arms are squeezing him with everything you’ve got. When you pull away from him, he’s giving you those puppy dog eyes as if he wants to remain in your embrace just a little longer. Instead, you take his hands in yours and begin pulling him back into the village. “Come,” you begin, “let’s head to the square and get some food.” How he eats it you’ve no idea, but he enjoys it regardless.
The Trader’s eyes crinkle again and he gestures for you to lead the way. He’s been here dozens of times with your blessing, and the people of this village are more than used to him. He’s benevolent, the perfect antithesis of the wolf that stalks the outskirts, but he only has ever felt comfortable in your grasp.
The two of you walk through the quickly piling snow to the town square where vendors have set up for the rest of the solstice, Yule and Christmas. There’s little statues of deities that you recognize and don’t, the smell of sweet and savory things, and the brightest colors you’ve seen in a while. In the middle of the square today is the goat made of straw. There’s also other little animals, but none stand out like the goat. Dancing around the straw animals are Koledari, singing to welcome ancestors and keep away the demons. Some of the vendors have little nativity scenes set up. It’s all quite charming.
You and the Trader take a seat at one of the tables after getting two tray-fulls of food and begin to talk. It’s been far too long since you’ve last seen him - since the Autumn harvest celebration, similar to the one where you’d met him a year or so ago - and you’ve missed him terribly.
The Trader explains how violent the woods are getting. While it’s safe here, being like the Wolfman tests the border’s patience daily. The woods are fond of creating monsters, and traveling outside of the village now as a human is more than dangerous. The people that leave get swallowed whole and changed to something truly awful. The two of you continue to speak about the horrors while eating the delicious food. It’s hearty, and fulfilling in a way the news isn’t. It’s not all awful though. He decides to gift you one of your presents a little early.
The package in your hands is well wrapped in the same material you’d expect a brown bag lunch to come in. You open it carefully and almost tear up upon seeing what he’s gifting you. Inside, delicately laid inside a teapot turned incubator is an egg. You don’t even need to study the egg to know what it is. You’re almost scared to be holding the fragile thing, but the Trader assures you it’s sturdy and gently takes it from your hands to place it down on the table. With it safely out of harm’s way, you launch over the table and hug him. “Thank you so, so much,” you murmur as you bury your face into the crook of his neck.
He laughs softly. When you pull away, he begins to explain. ‘I remember you talking about the old bird you had as a child.’ His dark grey eyes fall over to the nestled raven’s egg that’s speckled like the earth. ‘And this poor thing’s mother had been… I knew no one better than you to gift it to.’
You can feel tears welling in your eyes from the happiness as your hands gingerly reach out to the makeshift incubator. It’s freezing outside and the thing still feels like the summer sun beating down on you in the fields in your hands. You smile, softly, genuinely, and mouth another ‘thank you’ before watching him stand to handle the trays of food the two of you have devoured. You don’t want to stay out while you have such precious cargo in your hands.
You stand once he’s given the bowls and utensils back to their respective vendors, carefully clutching the incubator as you rejoin his side. You melt into his warmth as he wraps his strong arm around your lower waist, guiding you back home.
After all, he has to give your mother some flowers.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
I saw your wolfman reader and loved it so much! Was wondering how you feel about maybe a Trader x reader? He's so sweet I feel like he's always looking out for you in the woods whether you know he is or not 🥺 also thank you so much for the darkwood fic we are starved here
Late Autumn's Trader
[The Trader X GN!Reader]
[Warnings: like, none?]
[AN: I was watching the VVitch when making this, and Thomasin is well, Thomasin. That poor girl deserved so much better lmfao, I will stand by that statement forever. At this point, I should just say that the Creepypasta/Marble Hornets requests are closed until Sunday lmfao I am not in love with that fandom rn. Anways, I hope you enjoy and that it's up to par <3 1.4K words]
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The sun is beginning to set on the cursed, yet self-sufficient village you call your home. It’s not like there’s really a sun to see - the light is never able to pierce through the thick clouds, but it’s gradually glowing darker. Autumn is slowly coming to a close, and the villagers have found reason to celebrate.
The sow has been most bountiful, and the woods more graceful.
The lights of the village are almost as warm as the ever falling orange and red leaves that now blanket the forest floor. It’s almost surprising how good this year has been, almost as if the power that be is granting a moment of breath and mercy.
Of course, the woods grow at an alarming rate and soon you will be consumed, but it is a sweet consumption all the same.
Your father and mother call it false security.
Quietly, you step out of your house into the cold autumn air, wondering if winter will be just as gentle and forgiving. In the distance, you can hear violins carrying on the chilly breeze and the sound of people dancing.
This is the only levity they’ve had in years.
You pull at your shawl, attempting to stay warm before blowing warm air into your hands and rubbing them together. Perhaps you’ll stop by the square and pick up some soup. Your boots gently tap against the earth, a small hum leaving your lips as you do so. The air smells sweet, nostalgic and still stuck in time, but sweet. The woods around you, though dark and foreboding, are not near as imposing as they normally are.
You huff silently before crossing through the dirt paths, your journey taking you near the entrance of the village. You glance out to the side, the shrine in her glory decorated with offerings both to the woods and herself. She’s done an incredible job of keeping her people safe and the woods to bring sustenance for yet another year.
But there, out in the darkness, is a man you’ve only ever seen in whispers and sparsely through the fog. He rolls his shoulders forward, almost as if he’s uncomfortable with the weight on his back before nodding to the shrine. He holds his hand out to her, the metallic band catching the remaining of the sun’s lights and flashing in your eyes before he leaves it at her feet.
You blink and flush with embarrassment when you realize you’ve been staring a tad too long and quickly avert your eyes, unsure if he’d take offense to the notion or not. Instinctively, you grip at your shawl and will yourself to move forward.
The man gazes at you, his head tilting to the side as he draws closer to the mouth of the village.
Embarrassment floods your system as you move closer to the crowds. That was rather rude of you, come to think of it. The smell of food and fire fills your nose as you walk closer and closer still. You’re watching the heads for your mother or your father, your younger siblings and hope to find them. It would do you well to see some familiar faces after that rather awkward experience.
You keep your head on a swivel as you walk and push past the people who chatter like they’ve never seen a nicer night. The moon is rising higher and higher in the sky, and the light she is able to shine through the clouds bathes the village in her beauty.
It almost feels warm.
You mentally curse yourself at finding your family when a strong bout of intuition leads you back away from the celebration, to the outskirts of the square.
“Excuse me,” you mumble as you push past merry people, your gut guiding you downwards.
What a sight to behold.
Your eyes widen and you feel an immense amount of protection flood through your system, practically breaking from the lights and merrymaking when you see that man from before, knee on the earth as he places a crown of autumn leaves on your little sister’s head. She giggles, her hands grasping at her dress as she sways side to side, a warm smile on her lips.
“Thomasin!” You hiss, rushing forwards and tackling the young girl, snarling in defense when the man widens his eyes in surprise.
“R-Reader!” She cries out and yelps, her small hands grasping at your forearm.
“Don’t touch her!” You growl.
The man immediately backs up, his hands raised in submission before stepping back, giving the two of you your space. The glass of his mask is fogging as he breathes in deeply, the scent of mushrooms overtakes your nose.
“Well?” You sneer as you back up with your sister in your arms. “What do you have to say for yourself?”
The man only stumbles for a moment, his movements snapping out of a daze before he rolls up the sleeve of his coat, revealing smudged marks.
You’re barely able to open your mouth when you see him procure a pen.
‘I’m sorry,’ the words read out.
His gloved index finger points again at the words. ‘I mean you no harm,’ he scribbles down after wiping away the previous words. ‘I came here for business, but your little one-’
“My sister.”
He wipes the words away. ‘Your sister (apologies) asked for my help.’
You look at the young girl in your arms and raise a brow. “Thomasin?”
She looks up at you sheepishly, the autumn colored leaves covering her head obscuring her full expression from you before she giggles nervously. “I’m sorry, Reader,” she says with that same sheepish smile. “I wanted some flowers.”
“It’s almost winter,” you frown.
“That’s why he gave me the leaves instead,” she beams. “He is a nice man!”
Curiously, you look between Thomasin and the man who nods in agreement. Your eyes lock with his, checking for any deceit when you find none. “Do you know the way back to mother and father?”
Thomasin nods against you.
“Head over there now, please.” Hesitantly, you unpeel your arms from your little sister and watch as she steps forwards to the ‘nice man’. Her hands reach out to him, and he smiles ever so slightly, his gloved hand reaching back out to her before you shoot a disapproving look his way. You sigh, unwrap your shawl from your shoulders and throw it over her to keep her warm for the journey back.
You clear your throat before she scampers off, an apologetic smile on her lips as the man watches her disappear into the crowd.
“So,” you begin.
‘So,’ the man writes.
“What’s your name?”
‘Most people call me the Trader.’
He smiles. ‘Reader is a pretty name.’
You flush for a moment.
An awkward pause follows between the two of you, the quiet growing and swelling much like the village’s festivities. You can hear laughter, the sow in the distance, good tidings for am approaching, hopefully short winter.
“Did you get to check out the festival yet?” You ask quietly, effectively breaking the thick silence.
The Trader shakes his head.
“Would you like to?”
He nods.
Slowly, the two of you stand, almost hesitant in the other’s presence and look each other over in full. He looks like a traveler, covered in layers of clothing and gear you’ve never really seen before except for maybe on the strangers that wander through once in a blue moon. You’ve heard whispers that they are the ones who come from beyond the trees.
You feel safe in the numbers of your fellow villagers, a small smile spreading on your lips as the Trader sticks close to you. You get the sense that he likes it too, and you reaffirm it when you see the ghost of a smile on his lips through the mist of his mask.
You’re about to ask him something when you’re suddenly pulled from the crowd to the center, a gasp falling from your lips before the music is seconds from starting back up. You look around with concern before the Trader steps forward, his bag an afterthought as he assuages your brief fear.
You smile at him as he holds his hand out to you, the beginnings of a lively song beginning to fill your head. He feels warm, and gentle, like sunlight that pierces through the clouds.
He nods his head almost playfully at you and you follow in suit, a courtesy feeling far too formal but you give in and demonstrate anyway. Another smile crosses onto his lips, his form dipping to accommodate yours.
You melt into his warmth and dance.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Hey Els. I'm here for an romantic matchup for Assassin's Creed Series or maybe Darkwood.
Physical Desc. ; I stand at about 5'8 - 5'9, it waivers a bit, even 5'7. Doctors are unreliable of the height for me. I have rectanglar shaped body with semi broad shoulders. My biceps/deltoids and upper back are more defined then the rest of my of my body. I have shoulder length hair, my roots (2½") are an really dark brown and then from there to my roots it's an alpine green. I have ovalish shaped face and around my nose and cheeks are lightly freckled from what I have been told. I have hazel eyes that change from an pale green or an amber color depending on lighting. I have an paleish complexion. I have two tattoos, one on my left forearm and then one on the right side of my collarbone.
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Personality ; I'm an INFP. My astrological signs are Libra Sun, Virgo Moon and Aquarius Rising. I'm not really sure what comprises my personality, we have talked about it more in depth what I personally think. I think some traits are loyal, introverted, gentle, quiet, adventurous, curious, stubborn, a bit judgemental, spitfire, closed off a bit. I'm super open minded and like to hear from others their opinions, in fact I just like listening to people, as I don't like talking much myself. I can be a bit of agent of chaos when I want but for the most part I typically usually just tired. I'm not really sure what else but there's that thing that you can refer too.
Preference ; I'm honest open to anything, but I am leaning towards more females with this matchup. I'm not really sure my whole type is but I'm touch starved and prefer somehow who'd be soft with me. I'm damaged and someone who could be to look past that.
Trivia ; I like collecting animals bones and vulture culture. I also really like photography, mostly focusing on landscapes and wildlife then people. My favorite animal is mountain lion/puma and my favorite color is dark green & pale green. My favorite trait in an significant other will always be there eyes because so much can be told just through the eyes and the many hues they come is just so pretty. I listen to a lot of music, it's my main way of coping. I like sharing my music with others too. My favorite type of music is folkish/acoustic music or alternative music. I'm consider an tomboy (with how I act and dress), since I really don't have preference on my gender as I don't have an label for it. If I did it was simply be non-binary. You also know this but I grew up in small back country town and came from wanna be redneck family that hunted a lot, so I'm no strange to what that entails.
Assassin’s Creed
[Disclaimer, if you're coming from the tags, this is part of a special event I am holding from November 17th to the 21st where I am accepting matchups from all fandoms I currently write for. Feel free to check out my 1K celebration masterlist here for rules during the window this event is open! If it's past the 21st midnight USA central time, do NOT send me a matchup. I will have to politely turn you down. Sorry </3 Another disclaimer: I also only give one fandom matchup. This is for a friend and I am DEEPLY biased towards them. This entire post is an exception to the "one matchup only" rule. If you ask for two fandoms, I will only do one.]
Your matchup is… Aya of Alexandria/Amunet!
In General
So, I chose Aya for you because I think she genuinely fits with you out of all the ladies my mind could scour. I adore Aya so perhaps I’m a bit biased and I’m not actually sure you know her that well?? But Aya is such a badass she’s great. I almost said Kassandra or maybe even Randvi - look I have a lot of whack takes too - but I’m not fighting my intuition on Aya.
Things She Likes About You
What doesn’t this woman like about you? Physically speaking, she loves your body, how defined your arms are. She also really likes your hair and finds it absolutely gorgeous. Your tattoos are works of art and she can’t help but admire them. I also see her really loving your eyes and nose (coming back to this part.) Your personality also really melds well with her, and I can see her loving how cryptic you can get. The whole cryptid energy is something that makes her melt and be drawn to you all at the same time. I think Aya is a perfect example of being cut throat in public, but soft and loving when in private. Aya has had her fair share of trauma and I feel the two of you would do a lot of healing together.
You Two as a Couple
Here’s my favorite part to actually flesh out. The two of you are definitely into holding hands a lot. As “the mother of assassins”, she’s going to train you in the only way she knows how. She’s a good assassin, loved by generations of assassins. You have one of the best smiling at you. Aya knows when to be soft with you, will absolutely cuddle with you on the rooftops and look at the moon, name stars to you, tell you mythology from Egypt and Rome. It’s really good. This woman is into vulture culture too and will give you cool skulls she finds while out on her travels. She’ll take pictures of things she sees too while out on missions as well, sometimes on polaroids to add a different feel to them. I feel Aya has gorgeous eyes, and if you compliment them, she’ll melt entirely. She also has freckles so please kiss those when you have the chance. She’ll listen to music with you and probably make a few playlists based off of your relationship. She thinks it’s super cute. Likes your tomboy style because she’s pretty fluid with how she presents too. Likes being masculine and feminine, will go shopping with you for all kinds of clothing choices tbh. She’s a hunter so like - hey that works out REALLY well. I can see the two of you talking about those things, looking for mythological creatures together, it’s good energy here. She’s prone to getting you aventurine jewelry. She knows that you’re judgemental - like a little bit and honestly she is too lmfao. Aya also finds it really safe to open up to you, which is something she’s not always able to do because of her own hangups. But she feels really safe with you. You make her feel complete in a way no one else ever could.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
Perhaps I’m biased but I genuinely feel you and Aya would get along like a house on fire. It’s really good, I love the energy here. She’s just your type in a way I can’t quite explain? Sharp witted, a little cocky, but classy. Her voice is beautiful, and she’s intelligent, skilled, and just - she’s literally a great assassin. I almost wanted to put you with Randvi or Kassandra, and while I’m still thinking about Kass, I think Aya is a better fit. Her in general fits you oh so well.
Your matchup is… The Trader!
In General
I almost put the Wolfman here as a joke. And then, I had a hard time whether I wanted to put you with the Trader or the Protagonist/Stranger. I think I’m standing firm in this one and going with the Trader. At one point I almost said Hanuska-- but uh, well. You can always ask me later why I didn’t.
Things He Likes About You
The Trader is a bit of an enigma, and I don’t want to spoil the game too much but I literally stan him and I think he looks for any semblance of normalcy in the woods. So, when he has someone like you in his life, the nights become easier and he feels like he can breathe because he has someone he’s breathing for. I know your type is traumatized men well, look no further! This man is full of trauma. The Trader, at least how I write him, is actually pretty tall? So he’s about 6’3 in my head. That makes hugs really fun. Trader can’t actually speak so he writes on his arm to get his messages across. I’ll come back to this. Finds your hair super pretty and your hobbies really interesting. He loves your curious nature and how you somehow pop in and out of his life at random. He’s a bit of a collector himself and will absolutely bring you fun bones or things he finds out in the wood. There’s no mountain lions in the woods, but there are plenty of small things like mice, voles, foxes, etc. He’ll bring you skulls, femurs, spinal cords, it’s really sweet of him. He likes your choice in music, specifically acoustic and folk.
You Two as a Couple
ALRIGHT so, this man is an absolute sweetheart. He’s probably the genuinely purest man that lives out in the woods and takes to you like a moth to moonlight. He’s found a few cameras in his travels through the more abandoned part of the village and gifts that to you because he knows how hard it is to find things out in the woods that grow way too fast. Trader also would love to learn sign language from you so he can stop scavenging for markers. His eyes kinda look like fogged over moons, which I think is super pretty and think you would find really pretty too. He’s really caring, kind and considerate and will help you through the nights that feel like too much. Trader is the definition of being soft and wanting to support his partner no matter what. He’s actually not that big into hunting?? He’s more of a forager, so I feel the two of you would have like, little trade offs. You give him a deer, he gives you plants to help with your craft and things to eat because he knows you need more than just meat. I feel like, because flowers are really hard to find in the woods, he’d give you really pretty leaf arrangements in various shades of autumn and green. It’s thoughtful of him. He doesn’t know his love language but I can guarantee he’s really soft around you. Loves to hold you. He’s kind of shy about how he looks due to the mutations of the woods so like, be gentle with him. He’s a mushroom man, he knows it, but reaffirm to him that he’s okay. I feel a part of him is still learning how to be human, and he would listen to you so openly. He doesn’t always know what to say, but when he does it’s always genuine and hits right at home. He’s a thoughtful man, genuinely good. He’s like the best thing in that forest, and you have his love.
Closing Thoughts/Other Things
You and the Trader that’s all. I think he’s such a sweetheart it’s unreal. ANYWAYS, I digress, hope you enjoyed <3 idk maybe I’ll bother you on Discord about this later.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 2 years
(Heyyy, I figured I'd throw my own letter into the event this time. Beloved anon here. (She/her) I'm good with darkwood, marble hornets/creepypasta, or your lovely OCs, whatever Yue Lao thinks fits best. 😌 Romantic matchup please.)
Dear Yue Lao,
I'm not one to buy into these sorts of things normally. But stubborn independence aside, it gets tiring being on my own all the time. For one reason or another, I felt called to write to you.
I romanticize many things in life, both little and big. All I want is someone to cherish all the things in life with. Someone who will give me reassurance when I need it, and won't complain when I cling on them like a little kid. Who just smiles when I grab their hand and tug them in the direction of my excitement.
I can be a bit childish, a bit stubborn, a bit too much of a doormat at times. And I don't know if I'm worth the patience it takes, but I hope you can find someone who might consider me to be enough.
Sending my sincerest regards.
- 💜
Enclosed within the letter is a very aged skeleton key on a thick silver chain. Having once served as an heirloom, the necklace is now severing the family ties, in hopes of forming a new one. There's also a few petals of an orchid flower, and a handful of hand picked raspberries.
[Disclaimer: The Red String of Fate event is a special event I'm running from August 12th, to whenever I feel it necessary to end - right now, I'm giving it to the first week of September! Check out rules HERE]
Sitting in the courtyard of his palace under the moon is the God of marriage and love, his fingers gently tracing over the things that you've brought him. The aged skeleton key is tied to the neck of his cat, who knows she will be running very soon. Resting across from him sharing the raspberries is the beloved Goddess Nuwa. Her snake tail rests along his gardens, her smile gentle and soft as she reads what another one of her distantly related creations yearns for. The orchid's petals you've gifted him has been replanted in the courtyard's garden and blooms beautifully under Chang'e's light.
Their thoughts are similar, it's why Yue Lao has called her to his side. Admittedly, the God was a bit puzzled on who to tie your string to. This was not due to a lack of suitors, but rather, far too many he saw as auspicious! Asking a Mother Goddess for help, she guided his thoughts to an odd man living in the woods. A man who was gentle, and fair, but lost in the trees. On his lap, the God's cat purrs as she watches him tie the string to your right pinky before he searches the earth for a man only known as 'The Trader'.
Upon finding him, both Nuwa and Yue Lao chuckle and place the other side on his left pinky. This man is exactly what you need, and you are exactly what he needs. Allowing him to find you may prove to be difficult given the nature of the woods - the trees grow faster and faster by the day - but a small favor from Pangu and the trees know to abide by the rules of the string. It is Nuwa herself that visits you in your dreams in the form of an alabaster snake, guiding you to the one you may call yours and yours alone.
When you wake, Yue Lao's cat is sitting at the foot of your bed. She's purring, and nuzzles against your right hand to show you the gift her God has bestowed upon you. And just like that, you're up! Hardly even thinking straight, you make plans to follow the string, amused that it seems to be leading you to somewhere in Eastern Europe. His cat never leaves your side, and if she does, she always returns. It's not until you reach the outskirts of some place protected by the government that the cat finally darts forward.
You watch as she slips into the thick trees, following your thread deeper and deeper in. A slight jolt of anxiety tingles up and down your spine from where it's led you, who Yue Lao thinks you're best suited to. Out in the distance, the Trader sees the small creature come up to him from the thick barrier of trees. He hasn't been able to pass through them, but this is where they lead to - out of the woods. He lovingly scoops the cat up and then plucks the skeleton key from her neck knowing it's tied to the same one he's seen in his dreams. He gently places her back down and watches as she mews to the woods.
His eyes widen as the trees begin to part, the red string a straight shot from one side to the other. The glow of the ruby like red thread guides the two of you in, your steps slow and calculated. And through the darkness of the trees that refuse to close around you, you see him. He's tall, wearing a gas mask and there's written marks in sharpie on his forearms. He's got tired eyes, but lights up when he sees you.
You raise your hand to greet him when you're finally close enough, only for him to enclose his around you and pull you into a hug you didn't know you were waiting for.
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
In the Tent, Under His Arms (Eyeless Jack X F!Reader)
[Eyeless Jack X F!Reader]
[Warnings: literally just smut, knotted dick, breeding kink kinda?, possessive, I feel like EJ is his own warning, dubcon, rough, degrading(?), slight praise, if you are a minor DNI]
[AN: this thing is 8K words so have fun. Ngl, I had a lot of inspiration from the Wolf Man from Darkwood, so like,,,,,, that's gonna show up here as influence srry. ily <3]
To say you are nervous as you traverse the woods was an understatement. You could hardly breathe as you quietly stepped through the darkness that curtained the forest around you. Small little mushrooms and pieces of paper dotted your way as you continued to shine your flashlight at the deer path before you. Branches seemed to spring out from tree trunks in the blink of an eye scratched at your clothes as you pushed yourself forward. Every little sound that didn’t emit from you set you on edge.
How the hell did you even get here? You woke up on the floor of a rundown house. Cold tile had been your mattress as you slowly found your bearings. A quick glance around the darkened room showed a barren room, its walls littered with papers worried about a tall man in the woods. The only warnings were to watch out for him, fear him and not get caught by him lest you be taken. But you were still confused, scared and unsure.
Instead, you found yourself doing the only thing you could really think of. Securing your safety. This went on for a week without a hitch (save for the odd faces that peered into the windows every now and then) until one fateful morning where you were greeted by the only sentient living being that wished to talk to you since… Well… Since before you ended up here.
You had taken up refuge in a closet for the night and after stretching, headed to the kitchen to make something when you were rudely greeted to a… man?
Leaning against your counter drinking some coffee he’s already brewed.
You were about to rush back to your closet and pick up your blade when the man lowly chuckled.
A deep silence fell between the two of you as your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. From the silence came low, rumbling, almost animalistic breathing.
It was then that you finally got a clear view of who was leaning in your kitchen. You grounded yourself in the doorway, not budging as the man slowly sipped from the coffee mug. You took notice of what he was wearing as he did so - a big, dark blue hoodie, and on top of that, a big, brown jacket. He had worn blue jeans. Steel toe boots.
The most unsettling parts of it all?
He had ashy, grey skin. From his profile, you could see shark-like teeth, grinning at you like a wolf.
“It’s really rude to stare, sweetheart,” the grey skinned man interrupted before taking another languid sip. “Have some coffee. I went outta my way to get it for you,” he finished before you could even begin to register what he was saying.
You awkwardly looked off to the side as words failed to build in your mouth. However, your mind continued to race with thoughts.
The grey skinned man verbally rolled his eyes with a huff before placing his mug down. Then, he quickly turned himself around and opened up one of the cabinets, fished for a mug, settled on a slightly chipped white one, inspected it, then placed it on the counter beside his. His clawed hand reached for the pot of coffee and grasped it before pouring the pleasantly warm and aromatic liquid into the slight chipped mug.
“Here,” he hummed as he held out the mug to the still frozen in place you. “Before it gets cold.”
You felt immediate disgust but hit it from your face as you cautiously stepped forward.
Sighing deeply, he closed the space between the two of you by taking confident steps forward.
On instinct, you held your hands out and took the mug.
He smiled in approval before leaning back on the counter to drink from his mug. “Sorry about the lack of sugar and creamer,” he said in passing as he watched you take a slow, shy sip. “You’ve seen the state of things out there, haven’t you? Can’t find shit even if I tried.”
Upon deeming the drink not poisonous and not harmful to your wellbeing, you felt more at ease and took more confident sips. “Who are you?” You asked, effectively breaking the semi-comfortable silence.
“A medic in some circles, a trader in others,” he began, flashing his rows of pearly white sharp teeth. “Call me Jack.” His gaze then lowered, eyes still obscured by his hood. “And what about you, sweetheart? How did you find yourself in this wicked place?”
You shifted uncomfortably before leaning in the doorway and taking another sip from the mug. “I don’t know,” you muttered. “I woke up here,” you gestured to the cold, checkered tile the two of you were currently standing on, “and got to work,” you finished. Your eyes remained trained on the floor. You remembered the first few days you were here - how awkward and strange they were. The feelings of confusion and anger. Stumbling around in the dark.
Jack nodded thoughtfully at your words before he finished his mug in one big gulp. He then smirked at you, the corners of his lip tilting upwards before he began stalking towards you.
Instinctively, you backed up, ready to defend yourself.
Jack chuckled under his breath. He smelled of wet soil and pine. “I’m not going to hurt you,” he said as he stopped just an arm’s distance in front of you. He looked down at you, his eyes still observed by the darkness as you struggled to see what he looked like. His clawed hand suddenly reached out, and you flinched. He grinned, and took his lifted hand to hold your chin before slowly tilting your gaze upwards to meet his in full. “Let me get a good look at those pretty eyes,” he murmured.
And that when you saw his, or rather, the lack of. Just empty caverns. Dark, soulless, but they looked at you with such hunger.
Jack watched your pretty eyes flutter, mostly in nervousness before he leaned down. His sockets bore into you. His other hand left his coat pocket to your face, clawed came closer and closer to your eyes making you scrunch your nose. “Find me in the burnt clearing. I’ll be waiting for you.” His index finger came up to the bridge of your nose and slid down it. He chuckled at your confused expression before he tapped your nose.
When you reopened your eyes, he was gone.
You spent a few days wondering if you should go or if it was a trap. There was really no one to ask and the faces that peered into your window didn’t seem to give an answer one way or another. Your gut, however, kept telling you it was a bad idea.
That was what you were sticking with: it’s a bad idea, you shouldn’t go.
So, why were you stumbling through the woods near sundown looking for him? It was stupid, you thought, that you could be walking into your death. You quickly slashed through the brambles until you made your way to a small clearing. A light shined in the short distance when it wasn’t obscured by rapidly growing branches. A quick glance down at your map showed that this was the eyeless man’s camp.
Your fingers tightened around your blade as you left the heavy foliage to inspect the camp. There was a sizable tent followed by various crates strewn about. In the center was a fire pit and across from it was a worn down green couch. How did that even get in here?
You carefully came closer to the roaring fire with timid steps while trying to calm down your breathing. A quick glance around and there was nothing but silence to accompany you as the sun sunk further and further down the horizon. You let your guard drop for just a moment before prickling back to attention. A presence behind you made you swivel, lurch and raise your blade faster than what you were capable of.
“Took you long enough. You do know that it’s rude to keep people waiting, don’t you?” Jack states with a small frown before bursting into a fit of laughter at the sound of your still drumming heart. “What has you so nervous?” He questions, eyeing you like you are nothing but a piece of meat.
“This is your camp?” You say, more out of observation than waiting for affirmation.
“It is,” Jack hums. “Good to see you made it. I’ve seen some proxies barely make it here by the skin of their teeth,” he continues as he sits down by the fire.
“What?” You ask as you quirk up an eyebrow.
Jack picks up his back to rest between his knees and rummage through it before beckoning you over to sit next to him.
You cautiously sit next to him on another crate. You avert your attention from him back to the fire.
“Proxies are servants of this tall guy,” Jack explains after ensuring you took your seat. “They run these woods essentially, but they never come to my neck in fear of the things that exist past what is safe,” he grins slightly, still rummaging in the bag. “Out here, it’s just me and the things who lurk.”
“The things that lurk?” You whisper in a questioning tone.
Jack nods again and pulls out a little journal. He begins to thumb through it as he continues to explain to you. “Things known as the Rake, the notdeer, the proxies that succumb to their sickness early, y’know, the things that kill.” He finally finds what he’s looking for.
You turn your attention to the journal and see he’s amassed a collection of polaroid photographs of the things that lurk.
“See? These are some proxies,” he hands the book to you and points at the pictures. “And here is one of the things that lurk.” His clawed finger shows you what used to be a proxy, their body torn to shreds, organs hanging everywhere, and in the center, what you can describe as a monster hungrily devouring their flesh. “I have a lot of good shit out here, and most of them never make it past this guy.”
You shiver slightly and Jack furrows his brows for just a moment.
“Sorry,” he apologizes for a moment before briefly taking the book from you. “Anyways, very few people make it out of the woods unless you’re a proxy or me. We used to make it out a lot easier but there was this one guy, ugly fucker,” he hisses. “That left the woods after burning down the trees to the main road - one of our crossing points. The trees grew back so fast after the tall guy’s wrath and now we’re all stuck here as a result. That ugly fucker? He disa-fucking-peared.” Jack growls deeply as he says it, clearly not happy with the memory.
“I’m… Sorry,” you apologize awkwardly.
Jack shakes his head. “It’s nothing. Don’t worry your pretty little head about it, yeah?” He hums. “Anyways, flip a few pages and you’ll see the ugly fucker’s hovel before he left.” He pointed to the picture of a house similar to the one you were staying in.
Small world?
You studied the man who stood in the picture. He wasn’t that ugly in your opinion.
Jack then shows you other photos, places, effigies, proxies and one of a brilliant mansion. Apparently, you need to stay away from that place at all costs. There’s also pictures of him and other people, some of them you recognize from your time on earth? Is that right? Are you still on earth?
Jack explains a bit more to you. Mostly about this place. It’s like a pocket. Somehow, you were taken and brought here for a reason. Jack suspects it’s because the tall man, also known as the Slender Man, wants to make you a proxy.
“You’ll lose your humanity that way,” he tsks. “And that’s why I called you here. Not for pictures and conversation,” the warmth that was in his tone over reminiscing over things and learning about others is gone.
You notice it almost instantly. You watch as his posture changes and so too do his facial features. You know he means business now.
“I know you’re looking for a way out,” he begins. “I can help you with that.” Jack notices your eyes light up for the first time in well… It’s the first time he’d seen you look so hopeful.
“What’s the catch?” You ask as you slowly lean away from him.
Before Jack could say anything, a shriek was heard off in the distance. Jack’s face twinkled with excitement for a second before he nodded his head over to his tent.
It caught you off guard and sent your heart racing before yet another shriek emitted from the dark forest around the two of you.
“It’s dark,” Jack says as his gaze goes back over to his tent again. “Stay here for the night. Those things out there don’t really fuck with me,” he muses. When you don't answer, he stands up. “Unless you wanna try your luck out there, sweetheart. By all means…” He trails off as he slowly begins walking over to his tent.
You swallow your pride and stand up much too fast and catch pace with him.
Jack lets out an amused chuckle as he opens the flaps to the tend and allows you entrance.
You were immediately shrouded in the scent of petrichor and wild flowers. Surprisingly, it didn’t smell near as rough as you had originally expected. You felt a tad awkward standing in his tent as he zipped it up.
“You can sit down,” he says as he ensures the flaps were shut properly.
You nod more to yourself than anyone else and take a few more steps inside. It was tall enough that you could stand without brushing your head on the roof. On the floor interspersed with grass were carpets. It looked like a nest was in the near middle? Tons of blankets and two twin sized mattresses laid side by side were on the ground.
You glance around and see a small little desk, some writing supplies, just normal home stuff. Why was Jack living out here? There were tons of vacant houses.
Instead, you brush the thought off and settle on sitting timidly at the end of one of the blanket covered mattresses.
“Good choice,” Jack says as he procures from his pocket a box of matches. Then, he reaches over on the little desk for a kerosene lamp. After lighting it, the dimness of the tent became something actually visible. He checks his watch as he slowly makes his way to the other mattress.
“What time is it?” You ask as you struggle to get comfortable on the mattress.
“Surprisingly? Nearing midnight,” he answers. Jack stretches slightly before plopping down entirely. “Get some sleep, yeah? Tomorrow morning, we’ll set out to do what I ask,” Jack subtly demands. He props his elbows up on his knees and watches from the corner of his gaze as you shift awkwardly.
You felt strange laying down on the mattress, but did so anyway. It doesn’t seem Jack cared very much that your shoes were still on. You move your body slightly to find comfort on the mattress while Jack continues to eye you from the corner of his vision.
He takes note of your form, how delicious you look. How he can take you right now.
But he saw your eyelids grow heavy. Within moments, you were on the verge of passing out.
Jack relents softly. He knows she wants your full attention while he ruts into you making you cry out to gods that don’t want to hear you. He sees you begin to fade in and out of consciousness. Luckily for him, he does have some business to attend to, and those creatures didn’t ever get too close to his camp.
They wouldn’t touch you, not with his scent bathed all over you.
One of the last things you heard before Jack left to attend to other matters was a compliment. You barely heard it, and it would have shocked you right awake if your body wasn’t on the verge of shutting down.
“You look so pretty right now, Sweetheart. Beautiful, even.”
It wasn’t until 3am that Jack finally returned. You were fast asleep when he finally resented the tent, but he could smell you all the way from where his important matters laid. His nose guided him back to you. And funnily enough, it brought him back to you about a week ago as well.
Jack hadn’t smelled a fertile woman in a very long time. Well, since this whole mess came upon the Slender Man’s woods, really. He spied on you the first few days you were here. You weren’t as ready for him then, must’ve just been leading up to it. When he popped into your kitchen, it was because you were getting so close to your peak. The smell was overwhelming, sweet, and tender. Intoxicating. Like fresh peaches and the tangiest of strawberry pie. Lucky for him? You came to him at your peak.
Jack ressecure the flaps of the tend before his vision that saw all too well in the darkness his beauty that rests on the mattress he knew you’d choose. Your face and other gestures were gently lit up by the almost extinguished kerosene lamp’s flame. It drove him wild to see you breathe so peacefully.
Your chest rose every so slightly and he could have sworn he caught the outline of your nipples if it wasn’t for that stupiud bra you had on instead.
Jack licked his lips as he quietly drew himself closer to you. He couldn’t stop himself from crawling on top, quietly and slowly, so as to not wake you. One of his knees gently pried apart your legs, and then he took in your scent. You smelled of something not from the woods. You smelled of fresh vanilla and dark roast coffee. Of strawberry pound cake. Of good things.
Jack leans down and takes in your scent near the base of your neck, inhales deeply, then buries his nose in your hair. You smell divine, possibly even better than… Well, it’s best not to say. His hand picks itself up off the mattress to gently and gingerly brush near your hairline. Sily. Pretty. He then places it on your stomach and lightly presses, trailing his claws along your abdomen to your side. You are so soft. So delicate.
The moment his clawed fingertips touch your side and begin trailing down, you wake up.
Your eyes fly open and you almost let out a scream at seeing how this strange man is looming over you. Your mouth opens, but his hand quickly leaves your side to smother you. You breathe heavily against his palm, your eyes wide and with fear. You struggle against him.
“Shhh, he hushes as his hand presses a little firmer on your mouth. “Calm down.” His voice was low as his knee dug further into the mattress, just below the place he wanted most.
You continue to struggle against him, fighting against his planted hand while his other hand presses down on your hips.
“You promise not to scream?” Jack deadpans in a low tone with an edge that cuts you to your core. He sees tears welling in your eyes, and he knows you’re telling the truth. Slowly, he peels his hand back, watching as you keep true to your word.
You take in deep breaths to help self regulate. “What the fuck?” You seethe. Your arms, which have been pawing wildly at his chest, relax only slightly when his clawed hands catch your wrist in a vice grip.
“Easy,” he murmurs, only loosening his grip when he’s sure you won’t fight him any further. His head dips so his empty caverns can peer right through yours in the dim light.
One look and you know what he wants. Horor and something else - something wanton - pass across your face, making Jack laugh.
“I said I wasn’t gonna hurt you,” he hums, his clawed index finger trailing your cheek.
Before you can say anything else, Jack’s hand leaves your hips and grabs your face. With a wicked grin, he licks his teeth, then leans down and licks your face.
You contort to digits as he does so. He smells of iron.
“Why are you doing this?” You growl as his tongue leaves your cheek to your chin, slowly making his way to your neck. “I can leave if that’s-”
“No,” Jack growls. “You won’t leave,” he states before gently nipping at the soft flesh on your neck. “You smell so good,” he murmurs before taking another languid lick at your neck.”I’m going to make you mine,” With that, he entirely retracted his form from yours to look down at you.
Of course, you fight him. Your thighs grip around his upper leg that still rests between your knees and you almost maange to flip the two of you over. But he was much bigger and much stronger than you could manage. With a deep laugh, he grips your wrists tighter above your head and squeezes to let you know who is in charge. With his free hand, he reaches into his back pocket and gets the zip ties.
How the fuck did he get zip ties?
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you hiss as he dangles them in front of your eyes.
“I just can’t trust you right now,” Jack tsks in the tone of a pouting child. The black zip ties feel awful against your wrists (they also feel good) - and he’d secured them so tightly. He playfully watches you attempt to break free from them, and when it proves futile, he laughs. Jack then allows his hands to take free roam of your body while you begin to protest him less and less. “I know you don’t have any spare clothes,” he hums thoughtfully before his fingers waltz down to the hem of your shirt. “Luckily, I have some left over. You won’t be needing any of this,” he cackles as his sharp claws make waste of the fabric.
You feel yourself growing weaker and weaker under his grasp but still curse at him more than what you deem possible. Jack seemed to eat up your insults. “You’re fucking sick,” you spit as he eyes your bra hungrily. “A sick fucking pervert.”
“You stayed the night, Sweetheart,” Jack grins wickedly. “I’m only taking claim of what’s now mine,” he says before delicately tracing the cups of your bra. He likes the design. Dark blue with light colored polka dots. An interesting choice. Without wasting any more time, his claws cut through the fabric too - no use in unclasping while your hands are bound. “How beautiful,” he giggles. “How lovely. I could hardly tell when you were using those bags you call clothes,” he teases, making your knees clamp around his knee once more, making Jack break again and laugh.
You bite your tongue and try to avert your gaze from him, not wanting him to see that you’re flushed due to the intimacy and that your body and you yourself are growing keen to the situation you have found yourself in. “This is…”
“C’mon,” Jack breathes out as his fingers trail up your smooth flesh to your breasts. “You must’ve known something was up. A man doesn’t just ask a woman to stay the night. He’s got one thing on his mind if she isn’t family or a friend: he wants to fuck her.”
The harshness and pure lust that dripped from his tongue made your face heat up in response. Your gaze darts and bounces around before you finally settle on his hands that are now fondling your chest.
Jack’s hands travel to your pants. He takes in your scent again. You are intoxicating, so intoxicating.
“You’re gonna have to work for it,” you manage to hiss out, legs still clamped around his knee.
Jack’s expression falls. “You’re not in charge, I am.” And with that, he rips through your pants, leaving you naked before him.
You shiver slightly in response to the cool air, and of course, Jack has to see that and make note of it as well.
“Awh,” he coos as his nose gets closer and closer to your heat. “Are you cold? Do you want me to warm you up?” He murmurs in a sickening lust filled tone.
“You bastard-” you’re barely able to breathe out before you’re cut off by Jack dragging the flat of his long, black tongue from the bottom to the top, taking great joy in the arousal that was already present.
“What a naughty, naughty girl,” he teases before dragging his tongue again. “Already soaking,” he compliments. His thumb, careful of the sharpened claw, travels to your clit and begins to slowly massage it. He feels your legs shift. Jack hums as he does to, hsi tongue only playing with your lips. He was going to make you suffer before he stuffs you completely.
His teeth nip you every now and then, just to remind you who was really in charge as his tongue and lips press kisses to your lower lips. He doesn’t dare dip into your heat despite wanting to taste you in full.
You write in his grasp, trying to hold back any and all sounds of pleasure. You don’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing what he’s doing to you.
It’s a shame really, he could make you see stars if only you’d let him.
He must have gone near half an hour with his head between your legs, still fully dressed. He was a man of great patience, and he’d been edging you for much longer and harder than he should have. He could see frustration dotting your face when he finally came back up to look at you.
You look a little more flushed than he remembers. It’s probably all the heat rushing to your face. He notices your hands are quite restless too, that and being tied up couldn’t be the most comfortable thing in the world.
“You look upset, why?” He asks before sucking on your clit. When you struggle to say anything, his teeth graze you ever so slightly. “Use your words, please,” he hums much like an authority figure would.
“Tongue fuck me,” you mumble in embarrassment, eyes darting anywhere but at Jack who is still nestled securely between your legs. You watch as Jack’s ears perk up.
“Say that again,” he prompts, his fingers taking over his tongue on your clit.
“Please,” you say softly “Tongue fuck me and please untie me.”
A sly grin crosses onto Jack’s face alongside yet another chuckle. He momentarily leaves your legs and crawls back up to be face to face with you. His index finger reaches up and his claw slashes through the zip ties.
You freely move your wrists, getting used to your newfound freedom.
“It’s only because you asked nicely,” Jack coos as his sockets bore into your eyes. He presses a gentle kiss to your lips, pleasantly surprised that you don’t fight him like before. He then crawls back down your body to rest in between your legs, his clawed fingers parting your lower lips slightly before he dives his tongue in. He takes great joy in how you write beneath him as your thighs press harder against the side of his head.
He buries his tongue inside of you and curls it in places no human could ever reach. He has you seeing stars.
You buck your hips quite a few times and Jack’s hand reluctantly leaves your thighs to push your hips back down. As he tongue fucks you closer and closer to release, you become a little harder to control. He enjoys it though.
Jack hums absentmindedly as he does so, relishing in your taste. You are soaking wet and so, so close. All he has to do is push you off the edge.
He slithers his tongue out of you before rubbing your clit with his thumb, allowing you to take your mind off your pussy and to the assault your clit before your mind goes white hot in pleasure. Jack’s tongue darts so fast into your pussy that you almost yelp in response as he thrusts it back in and out, still humming like it was no big deal.
Your back arches and that’s all Jack needs to know to see you’re just about to cum. A few more rough flicks of his tongue and you’re creaming onto his face. Your hands grip the nest’s bedsheets and various blankets as he continues to carefully tongue fuck you through your orgasm. He grins as he laps up your sweetness, teasing you under his breath about the effect he has on you.
But he’s not done with you, not by a long shot.
You look up hazily while panting deeply as Jack’s tongue slowly leaves your pussy. The flat of his tongue slowly swipes up from bottom to top which makes you giggle, and he smiles against your skin. From there, he begins working on undoing his belt.
“Here,” you murmur softly, his ears once again perking up to catch your words.
“Hm? He hums in response as he cocks his head to the side, watching as you slowly sit up and stretch before your hands gently press onto his chest. You push off his dark brown coat and then trail down to his belt.
Your hands are soft and gentle as you work on freeing him, and within moments, you are tossing his belt to the side and unzipping him. You can see the tent in Jack’s pants, and you can already feel how delicious he’s going to feel inside of you.
Jack nods for you to lay back down when you shake your head ‘no.’ Interesting. Instead, your hands unzip him and you reach for his cock. Your eyes pop as you touch it - he was hot, much hotter than any man you’d previously been with.
“Come on, don’t keep me waiting,” Jack teases.
You roll your eyes playfully before finally fishing him from his pants, guiding him out with anticipation. You look up at him the entire time you do so, lust clouding your vision and burning through your soul as you do so, almost unaware of the monster you hold in your hands. When you finally look down, you feel heat rise to your face once more.
Jack smirks in response and tangles his fingers near your scalp, brushing you ever so slightly. He guides your lips down to meet the giant. He was big. No denying it. Had to be near nine inches, thich, veiny, with a girthy know he couldn’t wait to stuff inside of you.
You didn’t fight against him. Instead, you eagerly awaited him for your mouth.
Your lips are soft as they press the lightest of kisses to his tip. And just like that, you’re dragging the length of your tongue up and down his cock and listening to him growl in anticipation. When you know you’ve got him where you want him, you take him in your mouth.
Jack’s claws keep steady in your hair as you bob your head. Your lips couldn’t reach his know, and to be completely fair, he wasn’t expecting you to be able to take all of him orally, but he loves what you can do. Your tongue swirls around his tip and shaft every time you come back up, and when Jack was acting up? You graze your teeth against him.
Before he knows it, you are looking up at him with the sweetest gaze, giving him your permission for him to use you. Jack passes you a look of affection before his other hand reaches up to caress your cheek, moaning out deeply as your tongue swirls on his tip, trying to coax his cum out.
Without any particular warning, he pushes your head down and brings you back up before working into face fucking you.
Your face goes dark as he uses you, making breathing damn near impossible. He begins muttering in some language you don’t know - they sound like praises - but he’s coming closer and closer to his edge.
In a mix of English and whatever language he was mumbling in, you can feel his praises get filthier and filthier. Though, Jack doesn’t want to finish in your mouth. Not this time.
“Back down, I’m going to fuck you,” he murmurs deeply while looking at you with lust and… something you can’t quite name. It wasn’t animalistic, that’s for sure.
Jack expects for you to lay back and spread your legs for him but instead, he watches as you maneuver on all fours. Your face is burying into the blankets and your ass is just shy of his waist level despite you pushing up towards him.
You glance back at him and roll your eyes playfully before swaying your hips, attempting to entice him further.
Jack sees the slickness of your cunt and without any hesitation, takes your waist into his clawed hands and begins rubbing his cock with your slick. “Gods, you’re so fucking wet,” he murmurs as he continues to rub his cock with your juices. “I’m going to destroy you.” And then he slips into that language you just can’t understand. “I’m going to knot you and you won’t be able to look at another man without begging for me to fill you up,” he says as his fingers lightly part your lips that were so tightly pressed together as he lines up with you.
Before he does so, he begins to shrug off his hoodie.
“Stop teasing me,” you say in a teasing tone, making Jack pause from taking off the rest of his clothes.
Jack verbally rolls his eyes before taking his hand out from under his hoodie before gripping your waist again. Without any warning, Jack shoves himself into your roughly, hilting himself to his knot before resting there and taking off the hoodie.
Your eyes roll up slightly as he thrust inside of you. The thickness he had wasn’t anything you were used to, and he stretched you open with absolutely no lead up and it made you see stars again.
“I can feel your wet cunt,” he says in passing as he throws his hoodie up and over his head. “Squeeze around me while you wait for me to fuck you,” he chuckles with a devilish grin. He feels your body’s eagerness for him to fuck you, and like such a good girl, you squeeze his cock making him breathe out with a smile. He feels you pulsing, he feels you growing hundred with the need the longer he stays dormant inside of you.
He sighs in ecstasy as he begins to slowly move himself out of you. When it was just the tip, he roughly slid back in, still refusing to knot. His ears twitch at the sound of you gasping for air as he really begins to fuck you. “And here you were calling me a pervert,” he muses as he begins to thrust into you with deep, long strokes, adoring the sounds that pour from your mouth. “But you like fucking me huh? You like it, you goddamn slut. You like being fucked by something that is no longer human,” he continues in that same dead language, nails digging into your soft flesh. “You’re gonna milk my cock and then you’re gonna do it again in the morning.”
Your eyebrows furrow, mouth slightly open, hair bouncing slightly with every thrust. Your face is so heated in response. This is something you know you shouldn’t be doing, but fuck was it good at keeping you around and interested.
As one of his clawed hands undug itself from your flesh to slide down your hip and caress your abdomen, his claws trace your skin and press into your clit once more. He thumbs you and leans over you as he does so, his other hand propping next to your head as he engulfs you with his size. He’s pounding into you now, still refusing to know. His tongue lazily swipes at your shoulder as his hips thrust into you at a damn near inhuman speed and strength, making you mumble incoherencies.
Your moans are music to his ears.
“I’m gonna fuck you until you feel like you can’t anymore, and I’m gonna fuck you until I’m the only man you’ll ever fucking think about,” he roughly sneers into your ears as he continues to pound his hips against you. “I’m going to fuck you until you tell me to stop, and even then? I might not stop.” He breathes deeply into your ear, his tongue tracing the shell as you pathetically move in tandem with him, his fingers digging into your clit and swirling.
He’s trying to get you to cum again.
You are trembling beneath him as his hips shatter you. You can feel his knot greet your lips, but still refuse to enter as Jack growls deeply into your ear. Your legs clamp together as his hand roughly fingers your pearl.
He’s so intoxicating, and you feel like you can’t breathe.
“Cum on my cock,” he hisses harshly, still fucking you to orgasm.
And just like that, he got his wish.
You squeeze shut your beautiful eyes before tightening your thighs together. An immediate waterfall gushes from between your legs, filling the air with something sweet and slightly bitter.
Jack laughs as he pulls out from your pussy, watching as the liquids continue to gush out. “What a cutie,” he teases as he lovingly licks your cheek. “Turn over. I wanna see your face when I knot you,” he grins, nodding for you to lay back on the side of the twin mattresses that was not turned into an ocean.
On hellied legs, you slowly wobble and hum as his finger traces your slit before falling back to the side of the mattresses that isn’t soaked. Your eyes meet his gaze and you slowly spread your legs as he looms over you. You catalog everything about him. In your eyes, he looks so animalistic, and so human all at the same time.
Without his jacket or his hoodie, you’re able to see the scars that decorate his body. He’s so dark, and the cuts and jagged lines that dash across his form are so light in contrast. He’s still lacking eyes - so how is it that he looks at you with such love?
That stupid smirk is looking at you again and you’re tearing your gaze off it to see the head of his cock weeping with precum.
Jack whistles down at you, his hand resting on your knee. “You knew this was coming, Sweetheart,” he hums as he leans forward, hands placing themselves on both sides of you. His grin grew as he saw your face heat up once more.
Jack feels your legs shift followed by a slight weight on his lower waist, He makes a noise of approval as your ankles lock before he glances down to where your bodies are soon going to be connected again. “Let me know if I hurt you at any point,” he whispers softly in your ear as his slightly pointed tip prods at your entrance.
You find yourself almost taken aback by his sudden kindness - he was so domineering but so soft? Your trail of thought is almost entirely derailed as he pushes his cock in and past your puffy, swollen lips as you listen to him hiss at the new angle.
It’s intimate - neither of you can deny that.
Jack watches your expressions from the corner of his gaze as he slowly begins to pump in and out of you, working you to that breakneck pace once more. He watches as your eyebrows furrow as he picks up the pace, fucking you in your entirety. He feels your legs tighten around his waist and watches as your eyebrows furrow once more and knit together in pleasure.
You begin to pant as he does so, walls pulsing deliciously around him as his hips meet yours in thick, meaty thrusts. You feel his cock slide deeper and deeper with every thrust, pushing you to new limits.
Your moans are, once again, music to his ears as he fucks you senseless. Your hands wantonly claw at his back and brush against his sensitive flesh. Swears and curses escape your lips every now and then and that makes him blush.
“You are taking me so, so well,” he harshly compliments through pants as he lowers himself onto his forearms, his hips continuously snapping forward. “It’s almost as if your cunt was made for me. I wonder if you can take my knot as well?” He mumbles as his knot kisses your bruised lips once again. “I don’t care what you say, I’m gonna make you take it.”
“Fuck!” Jack swore under his breath as your walls vice gripped him. “You’re gonna take my knot and you’re gonna like it,” he mumbles into your neck as he kisses and nips at it. He hisses again when you rake your nails across and down his back. His ears fall back in pleasure and close to his scalp as you moan louder. The sound of your pussy gobbling him up has him weak at the knees.
“You’re getting close again, aren’t you?” He questions as he nips at your neck, threatening to bite in the longer you hesitate in answering.
You’re admittedly pretty tongue tied at the moment. “I-!” You’re cut off but his hips slapping forward making you choke and gasp for air. “I am-,” you breathe out through your moans.
“Perfect,” Jack chuckles as he slowly inches his way out. He watches your face carefully as he pulls out, his gaze trained on yours as his forearms push up so he can see you better.
Confusion etches itself on your face. “What?”
“I just wanna see your face,” he answers as his tip rubs against your entrance. He licks your cheek playfully once more before slowly, and deliciously dragging his cock back in, his knot just barely meeting your lips. “This might hurt,” he murmurs gently as he picks his hips back up once more before thrusting back in, much more forcefully, his thick, large knot finally breaching your pussy.
Your eyes widen as his girthy knot pushes inside of you, your legs instinctively tightening around his hips. Your hand leaves his back to grip onto his bicep. Luckily for you, Jack doesn’t mind. You wince as he wiggles in the rest of his knot into your pussy as it swallows him whole, the entirety of his knot being buried inside of you, making it hard for you to breathe. You feel so full and stuffed!
Jack is a little surprised by how strong your grip is! He’s almost completely smitten with it when he finally looks down to see tears welling in your eyes. He can tell it’s a mixture of both paini, from being stressed immensely, and pleasure in a way only pain could bring. It’s ecstasy. Jack leans down gently and begins to kiss your tears away, careful to not pull where the two of you are connected all the while restraining himself to what he doesn’t believe is bearable.
“You feel so divine,” he murmurs livingly before licking away another tear. “Just relax, let me do the work,” he continues. He feels your lips on his and he smiles, taking that as the green light to rock into you. Unfortunately, he would not be able to completely destroy you like he did prior to knotting you simply because of the knot.
Now, Jack takes the time to be intimate. He lovingly relishes in the feeling of kissing you as he slowly and tantalizingly grinds his hips against you and lightly thrusts after every roll. It was a little difficult due to the connection, but it felt sweet. His hand went back between your legs to work your pearl as he continued to sweetly roll and thrust into you, thoroughly enjoying how your hips are shyly coming up to meet him.
“Come on,” he whispers softly through his kiss as he begins to thrust a little rougher. “Just a little more, cum on my cock again,” he urges as he breaks the kiss, licking your cheek. He’s swiping and thumbing your clit in ways that have you writhing beneath him.
Your legs tighten around his waist, urging him to press deeper inside of you.
Not one to deny a lady from what she wants, Jack backs up as far as his hips will let him and pounds back into you. He repeats the motion, making sure to roll every time he does so.
Your hands grasp at his back once more as he fucks you with reckless abandon, his name being the only thing to spill from your lips as he does so. You can’t believe he’s overloading you again, and your heart picks up in response. You kiss him once more, feeling his chapped, rough lips against your soft ones before he leaves and nips down the side of your face and back to your neck. He lightly bites down, not hard enough to draw blood, but enough for you to know he’s got a claim on you.
You look up at him as he mumbles in that same dead language against your skin. He’s so lost in you that it’s almost adorable. Your hand gently asks for his attention, and he gives it to you. You give him a look of nothing but lust and possibly love, and Jack’s lips are on yours again, thickly, warmly, with something deeper and much more passionate than anything you would have expected he was capable of. When he breaks away, panting, against your face, he makes you cry out in pleasure.
“I’m going to fill you,” Jack sneers through his panting, hips still thickly pounding into you. “I’m going to fill you for as long as I’m inside of you,” he mutters as his thrusts frow sloppy. Jack covers you entirely with his body as he roughly pants into your ear, so, so close to spilling.
Your walls begin to flutter around him, urging him to spill as he growls into you. You feel like you’re creaming rings around his dick, urging, no, begging him to bottom out inside of you. Your nails are leaving dark, jagged marks into the flesh of his back as he does so.
With a few more powerful thrusts, Jack finds himself going over the edge, his hips back as far as his knot will allow him before he buries himself deep, the tip pressing against your cervix as he releases himself inside of you. Hot, thick, sticky ropes of cum begin to flood into your needy cunt as lightly rocks himself inside of you, gritting his teeth as you tremble beneath him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” He continually growls out like a prayer as your fluttering walls coax more cum from him.
Your eyes roll upwards as the heat floods your cunt, making you squeeze your eyes shut and burying your face into his chest. You’re squeezing tightly around him, vice gripping him as he continues to relish in the feeling of your body holding him so tightly. You can barely think straight as his cock weeps more cum, threatening, and succeeding in filling you to your brim.
“Gods, you’re milking me,” he murmurs as he finally stops pumping you full of cum. “This… This is gonna take a while,” he says darkly in your ear.
Jack nods down to where the two of you are still connected. “Gonna be a while.” He sighs, secures your legs to his waist, and then flips you over so you are resting on top of his chest. “Get comfortable.”
“How long..?”
“A while,” Jack awkwardly coughs. “It’s just uh, a knot thing, I guess?” He attempts to explain as you shift your hips deliciously, making him huff and his cock spurt more ropes of cum. He looks away in slight embarrassment. “You can sleep, if you want? Like I said, this is gonna be a while,” he finishes as his hand fishes around for a blanket as his other hand travels down your lower waist to finally cup your ass. He squeezes gently once he finally throws the blanket over the two of you.
“Or,” you say as you plant your hands firmly on his chest, gradually bringing yourself back up. “We can go again.”
Jack laughs. “And you called me a pervert.”
You lightly slap him and grind your hips slowly against him. “Shut up.”
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