#darlentina fanfiction
km-writers · 2 years
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"Are you okay?" Luna asks the moment the Extra is subdued. In the face of two Martean warriors - granted one of them was only half-Martean - the Extra didn't stand a chance of winning. He sure tried his best though. His fight is over now, but he landed good hits.
"I could be better. It hurts where he punched me in the ribs." Narda replies. She rubs at the aforementioned spot. They were watching the Extra be escorted from afar.
"Oh. I can go get ice for you." Luna offers, already moving to take off in flight.
"No need. I can do it myself, like I always do." Narda shrugs. Lune glances her way. A question sits at the tip of the Martean's tongue, but she lets it go.
"Okay. Are we going to patrol more?" Luna asks.
"No. I have to go back to my actual job or else we all lose our only source of income." Narda pats Luna on the back. She slings her bag over her shoulder and hails a pedicab driver to take her to the foundation. Luna watches her leave with a frown on her face.
Narda doesn't notice how easy words fall out of her mouth, nor the ease by which thoughts flow - uncensored and uncaring. She doesn't notice until she's talking to Andre.
"So," Andre grins, mischievous and ready to cause mayhem, "have you and Brian finally talked again?"
"No." She snaps back quietly. Her hands busy with filing the paperwork she hadn't finished yet.
"When then?" Andre insists.
"Never." She rolls her eyes. "If you haven't noticed, I don't have time between my day job as an EMT, my night job as Darna, and my everyday job of raising a teen boy."
"Come on! You've made the guy wait long enough." Andre walks closer, one hand on the table.
"So? It's not like I'm forcing him to wait. He's a free citizen of this country, so he has the choice to move on." Narda looks up with a slight glare, "I don't understand how his choices in life suddenly became my problem."
Andre leans back. Despite the lack of her armor, Narda looked just as fierce as her superhero counterpart.
"Right, sorry." He sheepishly replies. He's about to say more when he notices a certain lawyer walking their way - fierce staccato steps leading her to them. "Uh, Narda..."
Narda looks up about to snap at him for pushing the issue when she notices Regina. Instantly, her whole body loses tension. She doesn't notice Andre stepping away, focus squarely on the gentle blue of Regina's blazer.
"Narda, you're here." Regina exclaims.
Narda tilts her head, "What do you mean? I'm here every day."
Regina stops short, briefly confused, but soldiers on.
"Yeah, I guess you are. I was just wondering if you wanted to eat lunch together?" Regina says with a laugh.
"Oh. I can't." Narda eyes gain sudden clarity, "It hurts too much to move since I got punched in the ribs an hour ago."
What. The. Fuck. Did she just say that?
The gasps ripped from a delicate throat is proof she did, in fact, just say that. Regina's hand flutter over Narda's torso, closing the small distance between them.
"What?! Oh gosh. Who punched you? What happened? Narda are you okay?" Regina is understandably worried. Narda got punched by some unknown assailant. She feels the first embers of rage light up - her snakes hiss in discontent.
Narda bites her tongue but unbidden and uncontrolled the words spill out of her mouth. "Luna and I were fighting an Extra. He was more powerful than we expected so he gained the upper hand on me but look, see? I'm fine." She grins although her eyes are twitching because why can't she control her words.
"Fighting an Extra." Regina repeats slowly. "WHY are you and your cousin fighting an Extra? Narda! That's so dangerous. Please tell me Luna is okay? Oh my god, where did he punch you? We need to go to the hospital." Regina wraps a hand around Narda's biceps, gently, trying to drag her towards the exit.
"No need!" Narda says, she grits her teeth trying to stop the words but it's so hard. "I'll be healed in maybe an hour, two hour tops. Oh Luna? Well, she isn't my cousin, funny right? She's actually an alien from this planet called Marte." Tears fill her eyes because no, stop.
Regina stops, staring at her in confusion then in shock the in slowly dawning realization.
"Narda?" Regina whispers.
The words do not stop. "And why? Luna and I were hunting that Extra down. Y'know, all in a day's work when you're Darna."
When you're Darna
The words echo between them.
"What?" Regina asks.
Narda opens her mouth.
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shesagoodgirlforme · 2 years
This Love
Her hair flows down to the center of her back. She walks with purpose, a smile on her face to greet me. And I have to hold myself back, the thoughts, the desire, it's overwhelming. Even amongst the rubble of a destroyed small town she is as beautiful as ever.
"Darna, you saved me." Regina lets out. She doesn't hate me like the snake woman, she doesn't hate me when she's the snake lady. When she's Valentina.
It takes power, it takes control. A handshake. I can't just leave her in the middle of nowhere, "do you need a ride?"
"Please," she dusts off her hands, before she places them around my neck. And I smell her, the sweat, the dirt, the rubble, with a mix of musk. Thank the heavens for superspeed, I dropped her off at her office. "Thank you," she says as she dismounts. She stumbles, and I catch her. I'd always catch her.
She's staring at me strangely, her hand on my cheek. She tilts her head to the left and squints her eyes. "Narda," she whispers. My GOD does it feel good to hear her say my name. She pushes back away from me and looks me over. Using her finger to trace the outline of my suit. "It's really you, isn't it?"
Have I already thanked the GODs for superspeed? As soon as she blinked, I was behind her. But not as Darna, as the woman she knew. "This is not how I wanted you to find out." I'm taking a risk here, but I don't care. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back against my chest. "This is not how I wanted to do it."
I thought she would pull away, I believed she would try to run, but she stayed. Why is she still her? Valentina is so so bad, but Regina, she's a good girl, a good girl for me.
I spun her around, and used my thumb to trace her lips, "I'm going to kiss you now." All she could do was nod. She wanted this too. And I let it out, I lost control, and it felt good to lose myself in her.
This was supposed to be smut, but I'm incapable of just writing smut.
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dgodalright · 2 years
Have you ever?
Have you ever looked at an artist's work, and it spoke to you? The artist spoke to you through the piece. Have you ever fallen for someone's heart, their soul? It speaks to you, it compliments you. That's how I see SwanQueen Supercorp Darlentina that's how I see the ships that are woman x woman it's so much more than what they look like. So much more than the power you wield. It's so much more than how much money you have.
That connection is why we stan Katie, it's why we stan Jane, and Melissa, and JMO, and Alba. They are good at what they do, and you are great at what you do.
I love you for you, even if right now you don't love yourself. I know she hurt you, and I respect you enough to wait. I respect you enough to let you heal. I care about you enough to leave you alone. Doesn't mean I will love you any less. Your soul speaks to me, and I don't know how to explain that. I know we would be great together if you could see me in that way. You could be the Lena to my Kara. Or the Narda to my Regina. I don't care how much money you have, I don't care what you look like, I was yours before I saw your face, but I didn't know that at the time.
I'll be getting over you my whole life, as Taylor Swift said.
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astrophiliaxx · 4 months
I should have known that I was not straight at all. Because the reason that I got into Wattpad in the first place is because of a ship between two members of the girl group "Little Mix". Like the reason that I made a Wattpad account was in order for me to continue reading a Jerrie (Jade/Perrie) fanfiction. Like 11 or 12 year old me found those videos where it has the picture who was supposed to be speaking and then you have the text which shows what they are saying. I watched one where Perrie and Zayn are supposed to get married but Jade stopped it.
(I was obsessed with those videos. Especially the ones that have Little Mix and One Direction)
I read so many fanfictions about them, then I also wrote fanfiction about them. Sadly, I have lost the access to the account where I published those fanfics (they were so cringy). They are still up on the app (though I really want it to get deleted). As of this moment, the first fanfic that I have written and published there has 11.8k reads.
(I have looked at it once using my new account and it was so 😨😰)
(I hope no one will ever found about it because I badly want to get rid of it)
Fast forward to now where I read fanfics about wlw ships like Darlentina, Supercorp, Gloria/Barbie, and Mirandy. Literally following an account on TikTok that edits Anne Hathaway.
I already have a suspicion that I was not straight at all for sometime. I think I was just being in denial. (The stuff that I have heard my family say about people that are part of the LGBTQIA+ does not really help at all).
I like girls and boys. That's what I am. I hope in the future, I can say that loud and free with my family knowing. I love them and once I'm ready I will tell them.
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km-writers · 2 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: Darna (TV 2022) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Darna | Narda/Valentina, Narda Custodio | Darna/Regina Vanguardia | Valentina Characters: Darna | Narda, Valentina (Darna), Narda Custodio | Darna, Regina Vanguardia | Valentina Additional Tags: Drabbles, Short & Sweet, 300 - 800 words, Fluff, This is really just me typing words out, yes - Freeform, take that as you will Summary:
Narda, Regina, and the thousands of universes they share in.
A drabble/ficlet per chapter based on prompts or AUs.
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