#darth acharon
tempestswing · 6 months
Ranking the Dark Council:
hi! I was writing some notes for a piece of SWTOR fiction I am working on, and decided to create this list as a fun way to share that information.
Dark Council Pre-Shadow of Revan:
12. Darth Aruk - we know nothing about this character, other than that they were head of the Sphere of Sith Philosophy. According to the Wiki, rooting out Revanites was supposed to be their job. What a failure, hopefully they still have a job after Shadow of Revan?
11. Darth Rictus - Also kind of a mystery, which is ironic since he was head of the Sphere of Mysteries. Rictus does appear in a novel called 'Annihilation', but that book is mostly about Theron Shan. All we really know about Rictus is that he's (A) old, (B) dislikes aliens, unless they're murderous enough, and (C) founded the Dread Executioners to take down the Dread Masters. Not enough information to rank any higher.
10. Darth Acharon - at least this guy appears in the game. He's kind of a nothing character though. He defended the imperial occupation of Corellia unsuccessfully. He was head of the Sphere of Biotics. Since he died on Corellia, he would presumably have been replaced by Shadow of Revan, but we don't know who by.
9. Darth Arkous - hate this guy, but he's still technically head of the Sphere of Military Offense after the Hutt Cartel plotline. God, what a bag of dicks he is though. The one good thing about this character is that he's technically Lana Beniko's master? Although she's an advisor rather than an apprentice, so he gets no credit for the existence of awesome Sith wife.
8. Darth Decimus - Also found in game on Corellia! Decimus is actually present in the imperial quests, so you get a lot more interaction with him than Acharon. Canonically, he also trained Krovos! Krovos is really cool, so decimus should get a few points by association. Not enough to bump him up the list though. For the head of Military Strategy, he's not a very good commander.
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7. Darth Ravage - You can meet Ravage at the end of the Inquisitor and Warrior storylines, and for all imperials he is present during the cutscenes preceding the Emperor Malgus flashpoints (although does nothing to help?). The main reason I'm putting Ravage so low is that he's a little bit inconsistently written. He'll gladly say "good riddance" to Darth Thanaton's death in the inquisitor plotline, but if you kill Baras in the Warrior plotline, he'll show up at Nathema and be all offended that you claimed power by murdering your master... does he know what a Sith is?
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6. Darth Mortis - I have a bit of a soft spot for Mortis. He's got a no-nonsense demeanour which is rare amongst Sith, and he's clearly serious enough about their philosophy to join a secret conspiracy against the alliance if you "squander" the power of the Eternal Throne - a petty move, this man is a bitch after my own heart. He also is the one who snaps Darth Thanaton's silly little neck, which definitely earns him a few points in my eyes. As a point, he's involved in the Macrobinocular missions, which I did not enjoy, but he was a highlight of the questline.
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5. Darth Acina - WOMEN IN POWER!!! Empress Acina is better than Emperor Vitiate. Unfortunately Acina is kind of bland, I really don't feel strongly about her either way. I've killed her on Iokath in most of my playthroughs, even if I don't intend to defect to the republic later. I might be lesbian but I just don't like her that much. Her reforms to the Empire are interesting though, I do have to give her credit for making the Empire slightly less racist and Sith dominated.
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4. Darth Vowrawn - Silly guy!! This man is genuinely quite funny. He's a blast to spend time with at the end of the Warrior story, after dealing with Baras' grumpy ass for close to fifty levels. His choice to help the Wrath with the Hand on Rishi says... something. He's genuinely an interesting character to me, especially since he maintains that joviality when he becomes Emperor. It's tempered, to be sure, but I think it does show it wasn't entirely an act. Vowrawn could be a genuine friend to the Wrath.
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3. Darth Jadus - Sue me, I like unapologetically evil characters. Jadus is not just an evil clown, he's an evil circus. Schemer to the core and melodramatic as fuck. I chose to serve him without a second thought in my agent playthrough. I appreciated the name drop on Iokath and I have 1% chance 99% cope that he will return at some point in the story.
2. Darth Occlus/Nox/Imperius - OCs are fun. No further notes. I should probably drop the lore for my verison of this character, huh... maybe in another post.
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Darth Marr - Everyone's favourite tired Dad just trying to keep his society from collapsing as his colleagues bicker about inane bullshit. I reckon he drinks coffee straight outta the pot in the Dark Council's break room. I really wish he hadn't died, but his force ghost shenanigans were neat and I liked seeing him find a measure of redemption. Again, I am on a high dose of copium but if Malgus can return after being killed and abandonded on an exploding space station why can't someone scrape Marr off the floor of Zakuul and rebuild him. I do also low-key ship Marr with Satele Shan?
anyway, that's my totally subjective ranking of Dark Council members.
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shabre-legacy · 1 year
Fifteen's very first memory
"See? A perfect example. Completely functional." The words reach Fifteen before the unending darkness lifts and she finds herself in a dimly lit room. She sits on a bed of some kind staring straight ahead. Her body aches, but she doesn't know if it's supposed to do that or not. She registers the pain only slightly before it vanishes into the background of her mind. If she hurts then that must just be how she exists. What is she? What are these strange hands in front of her? She knows they are hands, and they are hers, but not how she knows that.
In front of her stands a team of men. Two wear white coats and hold things she doesn't know. They stand to her sides, near a group of machines and IV's of things she couldn't begin to recall. Most of the others wear dark robes and are surrounded by a cold chill in the air. There are five men in front of her. The others seem to show deference to them. The one in the middle staring at her with crossed arms is taller and broader than the rest. His shoulders covered by something with spikes and his face entirely covered. On one side of him stand two men with helmets, one shows his face, one only his eyes. They seem human though. The other side had one who looked human and one of a species she didn't know, red skin and odd bits to his face. She didn't know what human was but she knew when she saw them. How did she know that? Who was she even? What is the place she was in? There is a pit of terror in her stomach that only grows larger as she stares.
One of the men in robes steps forward. "My lords, while she is a success of these experiments. The processes involved tend to leave not only no memory of previous life, but no memory at all. The subject will need to be taught things as basic survival memory returns.
The man turns to her. "These are doctors." He gestures to the men wearing robes. "We are Sith. The empire is ours and following orders of the Sith is required." He turns to gesture to the five men. "These are Darths of the Dark Council." He gestures at each in turn. "Darth Decimus, Darth Acharon, Darth Marr, Darth Vowrawn and Darth Ravage. They are your masters, your everything. You exist only to serve their will and worship at their feet in complete loyalty and obedience. When you greet them, you kneel. When you address them, you speak only when necessary or when spoken to. You keep things short and only address them as my Lord." She nods only to have him gesture at her. She remains still, she doesn't know what he wants. He grabs her and shoves her to the floor. Oh, she's supposed to kneel. He wanted her to kneel to these Darths, these beings of power who she existed for. If she knew why she existed.
She catches herself and kneels quickly. Her voice cracks with pain and confusion and disuse. "My lords." There's a sense of satisfaction in the air.
The deep voice seems to come from the man in the middle, Darth Marr if she remembers correctly. "You are Agent Fifteen, you are the Eye of the Sith and will be our eyes and ears inside Imperial Intelligence." The next words do not seem directed at her. "She is acceptable. See to it that she is trained and prepared thoroughly but quickly. Start immediately." The men behind and beside her bow deeply as the five men sweep out of the room, already discussing things amongst themselves.
There is a pinch on her neck and the unending blackness begins to creep in again. No. She cannot go back. She just left it. She only just discovered who she is. She is a servant of the Sith. Agent Fifteen. She cannot go back now. But she cannot outrun it and the darkness closes in.
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snootysith · 6 years
Dark Council Alignment
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chivalin · 6 years
Dark Council Members & The McDonalds Chart Meme (465 words)
Taking Requests (temporarily closed) ¤ Ko-fi
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Notes: I apologize for taking ages with this, anon, but I’m really not the memeing type lol. So, rather than just slap pictures on a blank canvas, have some text instead as this feels much more natural to me. Enjoy! (and one final note, this is obviously purely comical, so treat it as such, alright yall?)
A: “We have food at home”
B: *Pulls into the drive through as children cheer* *Orders a single black coffee and leaves*
Darth Thanaton is definitely mostly the ‘single black coffee’ guy. However, a part of him really likes McDonalds, so he would inwardly tell himself to go get it later when he’s alone.
Darth Acharon is of course in the ‘MCDONALDS!’ category but not for the food. He would just be excited as all hell to have a chance to find new torture subjects (hence him gleefully shouting ‘TORTURE! TORTURE! TORTURE!’ while going there), especially after listening to all the whining.
Darth Marr drives straight home and lets out a single, relieved sigh once the trip is over as he can go do something that actually has some importance to it.
Darth Ravage, well… as much as he would like to be in the bitchy category, he just can’t resist the allure of McDonalds. So, he’s loudly declaring that he wants it and won’t listen to any objections, essentially making it sound like it was his idea all along to go there.
Darth Jadus is beyond the scale. He’ll pull to the drive-through, order a meal but he’s not going to eat it, as he’s going to give it to one of his favorite pet agents later on.
Darth Mortis can’t believe he’s in the car with a bunch of whining children and would either get the black coffee or just ride home, depending on his mood.
Darth Baras would… as much as I’d like to say shout ‘MCDONALDS!’, let’s face it, he’s much more into Burger King. So, even though everyone’s screaming for McDonalds, he’s calmly driving to Burger King and getting himself something while others grumpily agree.
Darth Decimus doesn’t have time for this, especially as eating McDonalds is so unhealthy. He drives home and makes everyone eat a meal full of protein and other healthy stuff.
Darth Rictus is already in the McDonalds ordering his happy meal. No one is driving the car, so it crashes but everyone survives, albeit barely. Strangely, the same thing happens every time someone wants to get fast food.
Darth Vowrawn is a healthy dose of bitchiness and excitement. So, it would largely depend on his current mood what he would do, though if Marr is in the car too, he’s definitely going to McDonalds and spend the whole goddamn day there just to piss him off.
Darth Aruk is rather fond of the stuff Decimus cooks, so he’s shouting ‘DECIMUS! DECIMUS! DECIMUS!’ while driving to his place. Everyone else kind of cringes but Decimus is happy and that is all that matters.
Darth Hadra likes to indulge herself in occasional simple pleasures every once in a while. So, she drives to McDonalds to get a black coffee and then goes to get pizza from her favorite place while ditching the others as they would ruin the mood.
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sabersourcing · 4 years
Darth Acharon Lightsaber (SWTOR Lightsaber) | Lightsaber Profile
Darth Acharon Lightsaber (SWTOR Lightsaber) | Lightsaber Profile
The Darth Acharon lightsaber is a single-bladed red lightsaber wielded by Darth Acharon in Star Wars Legends. Darth Acharon is an Old Republic era human male Sith Lord with cybernetic enhancement who serves the resurgent Sith Empire. A member of the ruling Dark Council, he oversees the Battle of Corellia during the Galactic War. RELATED LIGHTSABER SELLERS affiliate linksIf you purchase an item…
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ardevaas88 · 7 years
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Eddarkx Vs. The Dark Council
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sullustangin · 3 years
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Straight up, I DID remember Savik from Corellia when I first played Onslaught, but only because her name is one letter off from one of my favorite Star Trek characters, Saavik.  
Eva manages to kill off Darth Acharon, Darth Hadra (an action which might be a turn-on for Theron; she’s yet another head of the Sphere of Technology), and Darth Decimus on Corellia. (And yes, that’s the Charlie’s Angels outfit in action)
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anchanted-library · 4 years
EW 3. 08. Lights go Out
Read on AO3
In Space, just outside Voss’ orbit
“Voss burns,” the Empress said aloud.
“Begging your pardon, Empress,” Darth Krovos said softly. Politely. “But Voss stands . That Droid threw a million ships at the planet, and several land assaults too. She had even succeeded in destroying the shield generators. But the destruction is not nearly as bad as it could have been. With our help, Voss fought off her attack.”
Acina frowned. Nodded. Krovos was a good woman, a Sith who had learned the military version of loyalty from Admiral Zasha Ranken, one of the Empire's finest.
“Not to mention,” the Pureblood continued. “All those wrecked ships! The Droid usurper lost a great number of them to a world whose orbital defenses she had already neutralized! And yet this wasn’t mundane weaponry at work here. It was all Force. Is all Force; you can still feel the flows. Someone very powerful is defending Voss alone.”
Beside Krovos, the holo of Darth Xarion stirred. Krovos aside, the Acina’s Dark Council was attending via holo. “It is as Intelligence reported. Vaylin is on Voss. Who but her could have done this?”
“We must kill her,” Darth Anathel spoke roughly. “We won’t get another chance.”
“She has the Voss on her side,” Xarion shook his hooded head. “She would not have been able to set foot on the planet without their approval. That she survived Odessen at all probably means that Commander Arro of the Alliance spared her. She might even be under their protection. Theron Shan and Koth Vortena of the Alliance were here too after all.”
“Why would the Commander have let her go?” Vowrawn wondered, airily shaking his head.
“Typical Jedi squeamishness,” Anathel smeared, sipping from his black stone goblet.
“Be careful what you assume,” Krovos cautioned. “He showed no hesitation with many of his other enemies, including several former Dark Councillors—Darths Decimus, Acharon, Arho, Hadra—Darth Malgus, and our late Emperor. He could be ruthless when called for.”
“The ‘why’ doesn’t matter anyway, does it?” Xarion asked. “All that matters is that she is under their protection. I see no reason to poke the Alliance. They already took down Arcann like it was nothing. If we earn their enmity, then we’ll be simultaneously at war with them, the droid, and the Republic; us alone against all the other major powers of the galaxy. Do we truly want that?”
“Are you scared?” Anathel sneered.
“War is ruinous,” Acina admonished him. “Surely these past forty years of it have shown you as much? We’ve lost trillions of souls, people whose loss is missed more and more as the death toll rises. Our food supply is at critical levels, our resources are dwindling, and our economy is in shambles. Now is not a time of rekindling the flames, we need to cease hostilities and rebuild our strength, even if it takes us a hundred years to do it.”
“Such a wonderful sentiment,” Vowrawn beamed. “I approve, I approve, I wholeheartedly approve! Oh, if only Darth Prowle were among us now!”
Acina did not rise to his barb. It was true that Prowle used to hark on about the same things, and Vowrawn, who had been quite fond of his friend, had been quite persuaded by her arguments. Furthermore, Prowle had given her life for a mere chance to win the war against Arcann, and Acina had—in his eyes, and in the eyes of many others in the Empire—squandered her sacrifice for her own selfish ambitions. He had never forgiven that, even if he did nominally follow her with the bigger picture in mind. “I will ally with the Alliance Commander. He has proven his strength and will. We know his resolve to end the war. He has already killed three Emperors.”
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kyber-heart · 3 years
The Dark Council
It’s weird how many Dark Council members have potentially survived the mini-civil war that occurs once Marr dies.
It’s stated that by the time Acina becomes Empress, it’s just her and Vowrawn left. However...
Acina, Vowrawn, Ravage, Mortis all appear in KOTFE/KOTET/Nathema Conspiracy
Then you have the ones that are up in the air; Rictus, Aruk, Zhorrid, and Nox. Nothing is said about what happens to Rictus or Aruk but it can be assumed that they went into hiding similar to Ravage and Mortis. Zhorrid is situational as it depends on the player’s choices in The Imperial Agent storyline so despite being ousted from her seat regardless, it can’t be said if she is alive or dead.
Nox being a player character is either dead or alive depending on one’s own headcanon and play state. Though I believe that BioWare just considers that any class other than the one your outlander is has died.
Lastly, you have the actually dead ones; Acharon, Arkous,  Decimus, and Marr who all die on screen with no named replacements (except for Marr but that’s a whole other thing). And it is weird because Acharon and Decimus die at the first battle of Corellia and Arkous, infamously, on Rakata Prime.
You also have at least 4 other named Dark Councilors who are from the pre-Acina reformation who are unaccounted for because they have no job title listed. These are:
Darth Howl
Darth Arrid
Darth Soverus 
The Apprentice of Darth Gorgos
Soverus dies as we know, yet Arrid is also with Rictus and that group as he becomes possessed by his mother and the Dark Council intervene. However, there’s no mention of what actually happens to him. Meanwhile, Howl and The Apprentice aren’t mentioned at all, it’s said that they became Dark Council members in The Cold War so who knows if they died or what happened to them since they don’t have specific seats mentioned.
Obviously all these people lose their seat but it feels weird that all these people just seem to... vanish with little explanation. 
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anchanted-one · 4 years
Work in Progress Wednesday!
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“Begging your pardon, Empress,” Darth Krovos said softly. Politely. “But Voss stands. That Droid threw a million ships at the planet, and several land assaults too. She had even succeeded in destroying the shield generators. But the destruction is not nearly as bad as it could have been. With our help, Voss fought off her attack.”
Thank you so much for always remembering to tag me @kunstpause, it does make me happy! I only manage to do these once in a blue moon, but without fail you help me move my plot with your bi-weekly prompts, and I'm grateful for that 😊
Tagging anyone who is interested!
This is from Eternal War 3, chapter 8
“Voss burns,” the Empress said aloud.
Acina frowned. Nodded. Krovos was a good woman, a Sith who had learned the military version of loyalty from Admiral Zasha Ranken, one of the Empire's finest.
“Not to mention,” the Pureblood continued. “All those wrecked ships! The Droid usurper lost a great number of them to a world whose orbital defenses she had already neutralized! And yet this wasn’t mundane weaponry at work here. It was all Force. Is all Force; you can still feel the flows. Someone very powerful is defending Voss alone.”
Beside Krovos, the holo of Darth Xarion stirred. Krovos aside, the Acina’s Dark Council was attending via holo. “It is as Intelligence reported. Vaylin is on Voss. Who but her could have done this?”
“We must kill her,” Darth Anathel spoke roughly. “We won’t get another chance.”
“She has the Voss on her side,” Xarion shook his hooded head. “She would not have been able to set foot on the planet without their approval. That she survived Odessen at all probably means that Commander Arro of the Alliance spared her. She might even be under their protection. Theron Shan and Koth Vortena of the Alliance were here too after all.”
“Why would the Commander have let her go?” Vowrawn wondered, airily shaking his head.
“Typical Jedi squeamishness,” Anathel smeared, sipping from his black stone goblet.
“Be careful what you assume,” Krovos cautioned. “He showed no hesitation with many of his other enemies, including several former Dark Councillors—Darths Decimus, Acharon, Arho, Hadra—Darth Malgus, and our late Emperor. He could be ruthless when called for.”
“The ‘why’ doesn’t matter anyway, does it?” Xarion asked. “All that matters is that she is under their protection. I see no reason to poke the Alliance. They already took down Arcann like it was nothing. If we earn their enmity, then we’ll be simultaneously at war with them, the droid, and the Republic; us alone against all the other major powers of the galaxy. Do we truly want that?”
“Are you scared?” Anathel sneered.
“War is ruinous,” Acina admonished him. “Surely these past forty years of it have shown you as much? We’ve lost trillions of souls, people whose loss is missed more and more as the death toll rises. Our food supply is at critical levels, our resources are dwindling, and our economy is in shambles. Now is not a time of rekindling the flames, we need to cease hostilities and rebuild our strength, even if it takes us a hundred years to do it.”
“Such a wonderful sentiment,” Vowrawn beamed. “I approve, I approve, I wholeheartedly approve! Oh, if only Darth Prowle were among us now!”
Acina did not rise to his barb. It was true that Prowle used to hark on about the same things, and Vowrawn, who had been quite fond of his friend, had been quite persuaded by her arguments. Furthermore, Prowle had given her life for a mere chance to win the war against Arcann, and Acina had—in his eyes, and in the eyes of many others in the Empire—squandered her sacrifice for her own selfish ambitions. He had never forgiven that, even if he did nominally follow her with the bigger picture in mind. “I will ally with the Alliance Commander. He has proven his strength and will. We know his resolve to end the war. He has already killed three Emperors.”
“Two, not three!” Anathel muttered into his goblet. “He killed one Emperor twice. And he's still not gone, Mark my words.”
“That's still two more than anyone else has ever managed," Xarion said.
"Regardless, he's still a Jedi," Anathel persisted. "A dog of the Republic. Would he really ally with Sith?"
"He's certainly not averse to marrying one," Vowrawn drawled, grinning toothily.
“Lana Beniko,” Darth Xarion said. “And in case anyone was going to ask, she has proven her own power, cunning, and resourcefulness. She’s no mere pawn.”
“We can deal with it later if he falls short of our expectations,” Xarion hissed. “For now, assuming he can indeed achieve his goal seems like a safe wager. Just like assuming he will negotiate with Sith.”
Anathel pondered that, then nodded.
“We are mostly in agreement then!” Acina spared a glance at Darth Malora’s holo, the only member of the Council who hadn’t yet spoken. But then, she rarely did unless the discussion involved technology. When it did, she didn’t hold back.
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semper-draca · 5 years
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Vyshaah, aka Darth Auguran, who replaces Darth Acharon as the Councillor for the Sphere of Biotic Sciences. She makes an appearance in the upcoming Iustitia chapter, so I felt the need to draw her and figure her out a bit. 
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badsithnocookie · 6 years
Last Known Members of the Dark Council
An attempt to ascertain the (canonical) last known members of the Dark Council at the time of its dissolution by Empress Acina in ATC 17. Timeline dates from this timeline.
Note: This only lists the last known occupants of the seats and their potential status/es at 17 ATC. It seems a reasonable assumption that seats vacated prior to that date are re-filled but that is speculation only.
Sphere of Ancient Knowledge
Darth Imperius/Occlus/Nox - unknown, presumed dead
Disappears into a plothole at or shortly after 16 ATC
Sphere of Biotic Science
Darth Acharon - dead (Battle of Corellia, 12 ATC)
Sphere of Expansion and Diplomacy
Darth Ravage - Alive
Sphere of Imperial Intelligence
Darth Zhorrid - unknown, potentially dead (10 ATC)
Sphere of Laws and Justice
Darth Mortis - Alive
Sphere of Mysteries
Darth Rictus - unknown
Sphere of Production and Logistics
Darth Vowrawn - Alive
Sphere of Philosophy
Darth Aruk - unknown
Sphere of Technology
Darth Acina - Alive
Sphere of Defence of the Empire
Darth Marr - Dead (16 ATC)
Sphere of Military Offence
Darth Arkous - Dead (15 ATC)
Sphere of Military Strategy
Darth Decimus - Dead (Battle of Corellia, 12 ATC)
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chivalin · 7 years
Dark Council Members’ Reactions To Finding Cute, Fluffy Creatures In The Council Chambers (458 words)
Notes: highly humorous and not meant to be taken seriously
Everyone turns to Vowrawn at first who says that for once he isn’t responsible for this.
Darth Thanaton stares one creature with only three legs with contempt. However, when it hobbles to him and nuzzles against his leg, letting a out small purr, he snatches it without anyone seeing, and takes it home. He starts calling it Hobbler and takes it with him everywhere he goes.
Darth Acharon begins to strangle the Dark Honor Guards for their incompetence. He stops grudgingly when he’s reminded that they aren’t his to punish.
Darth Marr looks briefly at Vowrawn before shaking his head. He starts to walk towards his seat, knowing that no matter how innocent Vowrawn looks, the Sith is responsible for all of this.
Darth Ravage starts to rage but is soon calmed down when some of the fluffy felines scramble to him, trying to get into his lap. He doesn’t leave the room until all the creatures who are now sleeping in his lap, have woken up.
Darth Jadus scares the felines away when he gets closer to them. He leaves willingly, as he’s much more interested in going to the Imperial Intelligence, and seeing how his little agents are doing.
Darth Mortis is amused.
Darth Baras regards the fast-moving feline creatures with suspicion. His mood turns quickly to anger when Vowrawn tells him to be extra careful when moving and sitting down. He manages to calm himself by thinking of his latest plan, #VowrawnSucks that would rid him of the insufferable man once and for all.
Darth Decimus ponders simultaneously how someone sneaked the fluffy creatures in the room, and whether they could be used in warfare to distract enemies. He takes a few of them home with him for further studies.
Darth Rictus finds the fluffy creatures delightful. When they proceed with their meeting, he’s on the floor in the middle of the felines, and enjoys their silky fur against his skin. No one dares to question his enjoyment.
Darth Aruk, to no one’s surprise, adopts a few of the felines straight away. He barely listens what others are talking about when their meeting continues.
Darth Hadra just stares at the felines. She eventually decides to follow Marr’s lead and proceed with the meeting, but not before she picks up a few strong-looking creatures. They might prove useful in some way; besides, she has always wanted one of these as her pet.
Darth Vowrawn feigns surprise but he’s barely holding his laughter back. He had brought the fluffy felines in here this morning, a couple of hours earlier.
Extra!Malgus is going adopt all the remaining fluffy creatures to form an army that will conquer, and reform the Empire into a new image of cuteness and cuddliness.
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thegingerjedi · 7 years
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Zaireyi Mitak
Class: Sith Inquisitor, Sorcerer Titles: Darth Occlus (or Darth Obcaecus depending on whose fic you’re reading) Light/Dark Side: Neutral Sexual Orientation: sophisticated bisexual, poly Romance/Spouse: Darth Acina, Urtel Moren Species: Miraluka
About: Zaireyi, despite being an alien in a racist Sith Empire, is absolutely the zealous patriot. She will do anything to make the Empire better, influence its allies, or improve its strength, regardless of the moral ambiguity of some of those actions. She was the apprentice of Darth Marr, and took the Sphere of Biotic Science from Acharon when she joined the Dark Council. She’s also a professor of medicine at the Imperial Academy (which I do have unpublished fic of, so if there’s an outcry for that, I can show you all). Vehemently against torture and political assassinations, but will wage a war to keep a planet in line; will do anything to protect the Empire. Also, though, she is aggressively bisexual, will flirt with everyone possible. Hates sycophants with a burning passion. Has zero self-esteem problems and lives to stick it to the old racists of the Empire. She definitely saves Urtel from the Jedi on Alderaan and that’s her first meeting with Messalina, my Darth Nox. Darth Thanaton also has it out for Zaireyi because aliens on the Dark Council are not “traditional” and she’s threatening Acharon’s position. So she teams up with my disaster Messalina, heals her up after the ghost eating catastrophe at the end of Chapter 2, and fights Thanaton with her and Thastre in Chapter 3.
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chivalin · 7 years
Could I get Dark Council members proposing to (or being proposed to by) their s/o ^^
Dark Council Members Proposing To Their S/Os (1367 words)
Notes: Anything for you, haha
DarthThanaton has set up a fancy but private dinner, and his nervousness is quitevisible even if he tries to hide it. When he pulls out the ring box, he onlyslides it towards you on the table, not being able to go down on one knee forthe fear of you denying him. It’s much easier to just play it off if you’re notinterested by being right where he is.
But when you smile at him, inquiring if this means what you think itmeans, he whispers the words with some difficulty. You agree to them, and helooks at you in shock for a few seconds before rising from his seat in haste. Hemakes his way to you in a rush, pulling you into a deep hug that eventuallyevolves into a kiss.
DarthAcharon doesn’t do fancy dinners or similar types of things. He just shoves the ringbox in your hands one day, telling you that he wants you. There’s anticipationand outright heat in his eyes as he waits for your response. When you say yes,he pulls you into a deep, hungry kiss. He places the ring on your finger afterwards,murmuring in your ear that he didn’t realize how good it would feel to claimyou like this too.
DarthMarr brings the matter out in the open when you two are alone. He pulls outthe ring box and opens it, showing you the simple but expensive ring inside. Hiswords after that are quiet and deep, making you shiver since you can feel his convictionbehind them. He tells you how much you mean to him, and that he has never feltthis enamored about anyone. Which is the reason why he wishes to spend and dedicatehis life for you the same way he’s dedicated it to the Empire. With burning,unwavering passion.
DarthRavage is more boisterous than usual the few days before the actual proposal. He’seager to impress you anyway he can, and it’s equally sweet and amusing. When heactually proposes you, he gets down on one knee, and the background noise fadesfrom your mind as you only focus on him.
He’s looking at you intently, with want and desire, but there’s also somenervousness in his features and movements. When you say yes, he freezes for afew seconds before a huge grin appears on his face. He enthusiastically jumpsup, crushing you into an embrace and a passionate kiss.
DarthJadus invites you to his private study to talk. In there, he sits you down, andyou feel his presence heavy all around you, signaling that he’s burning up withemotion. He takes a few steps away from you and begins pacing, eventually tellingyou how you have had a particular effect on him that he doesn’t quiteunderstand but wants to.
After managing to say that, he advances closer to you again, giving youthe ring that you slip on your finger eagerly. He doesn’t say anything, but hisForce begins to feel even heavier around you, bringing tingles down your spineand making you breathless.
DarthMortis does it the old-fashioned way in a sense. He takes you to the fanciestrestaurant in the city, where you two have an exquisite dinner, with appetizersand all. When the dessert is brought to the table, he rises from his seat andcomes to you nonchalantly, going down on one knee.
He’s socalm and composed while taking out the ring box, saying that the time you twohave spent together is invaluable, and that he doesn’t want anyone else toexperience the same with you. So, with earnest but cool demeanor, he proposesyou. When you agree, he slips the ring to your finger, kissing you deeply.
DarthBaras works on theproposal for weeks. Not that he’s nervous, definitely not, but because he wantsto make sure everything will be perfect and just the way you like it. He sendshis spies after you to get even the tiniest details right, not wishing to spoilthe big surprise by asking you things himself. So, when the time for theproposal comes, he spends the entire day before that doing things that you love.
Eventually,he takes you somewhere beautiful where the sky is clearly visible, and he asksyou to look up when a ship is flying over you. You discover that it has theproposal written on it. When you turn back to him, he’s absolutely smug and hasthe ring in his hands. He tells you how he planned this, and even if you beratehim for using spies, you must admit that you’re definitely impressed by all theeffort he has put into this.
DarthDecimus doesn’t see the need to do anything outrageously fancy as that wouldn’treally be him. But, he will make sure to do something simple, like buy you somethingyou have always wanted. He would give this gift at the start of his proposal,saying how much he has enjoyed spending time with you. And, that he wishes tocontinue being together and have something to show for it to everyone. When yousay yes to his proposal, he smiles widely and slips the ring to your finger,before rising up and kissing you deeply.
DarthRictus grabs your hand one day just as you two are about to part, pulling youfirmly back to him. He just keeps you there, gazing you with his almost hypnotic,intense eyes. You slowly sense how his Force begins to curl around you, pullingyou even closer to him. You can feel his desire, yearning for something deeperin the thoughts that passes your mind.
When you wordlessly tell him that you want the same, his Force wrapsaround you tight. It slips into every possible crack of your essence, bindingyou to him and him to you for what you know will be an eternity. He later givesyou a ring he made himself, to signify your bond with each other.
DarthVowrawn’s proposal is flamboyant, big and something that will render youcompletely speechless. Even if there’s bound to be a crowd while he does this,he doesn’t care about them as he’s only truly interested in you. He doesn’ttake his eyes off you, wanting to witness how overjoyed he makes you with thisbecause he loves to see you smile.
When he’s on one knee and shows the ring that is the most expensive thingyou have ever seen, he’s positively glowing. He asks you to spend the rest ofyour days with him with the biggest and charming grin on his lips.
DarthAruk loves the idea of proposing you so much that he couldn’t keep it as asecret even if he tried (which he doesn’t). He talks about it excessively,wanting to make it fitting for you but still honor the sith traditions. Heeventually ends up taking you to a place that you love while taking a few philosophyworks with him.
He quotes the ancient sith from them, drawing comparisons between yourrelationship and the sith code, saying that the bond you have will make youachieve victory together. After his thrilling and captivating telling, he takesthe ring and finally proposes you with a wide smile on his face.
DarthHadra brings up the idea of proposing casually, without buying any ring oranything. She’s only interested in knowing what you think about it because shewould be down for it. When you agree, she will nod and say that she’s going to arrangesomething for a proper proposal later on.
So, a few weekslater, she takes you out to eat to a fancy restaurant. You’re surprisinglygiddy about it, even though you know what is going to happen. Not to mention,that you two went to pick out rings together too a few days back. She makes herproposal quite dramatic, just for the fun of it and to show off, and you can’thelp but do the same. Your proposal easily becomes the talk of the month.
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chivalin · 7 years
Hehehe, this should be a fun one! Do you think you could do how the Dark Council reacts to receiving a really thoughtful/meaningful gift from their s/o? For the holidays and because I still ship my fem!Sith Inquisitor with Darth Marr! Happy Holidays!!
Dark Council Members Receiving A Meaningful Gift From Their S/Os (498 words)
Notes: Don’t we all ship at least one of our OCs with Marr? Or at least drool after him ourselves because he’s just so irresistible? Haha ;D. Anyways, Happy Holidays/Life Day for you too (and everyone else!), and I hope you find these enjoyable! :)
Darth Thanaton is absolutely astonished. You two had talked about getting gifts for each other but he never imagined that you would go out of your way to get something he really desired. He wraps his arms around you, and doesn’t let go.
Darth Acharon is first taken aback but he quickly regains himself. He thanks you for the gift, sounding surprisingly gentle. He tells you that he appreciates it, and will surely give you something in return later in the evening.
Darth Marr freezes. He gingerly takes your hands into his and squeezes them, saying quietly that he appreciates you and your gift with all his heart. He only wishes that he had put even more thought into his own gift for you.
Darth Ravage will grin and gush about it for a solid few minutes, showering you with excited kisses. When he calms down a little, he smiles widely and wraps you into his arms, saying that he loves your gift (if his enthusiasm wasn’t enough to convince you).
Darth Jadus is quiet as he observes the gift. He presses his thumb against your lips, and you can feel his warmth, wanting and caring, filling you. He doesn’t say anything but his appreciation is clear.
Darth Mortis is politely surprised. He kisses you and says that he appreciates your gift, even though he only requires your presence to make this Life Day better than the previous ones.
Darth Baras is smug. He’s so proud of you because you got him a gift he really loves. He nudges you eagerly to open his gift for you, wanting to know whether he would impress you as much as you had impressed him.
Darth Decimus smiles widely. He pulls you into a deep hug, saying that he makes sure to put the gift to best use/have it somewhere where he can always see it. You know it’s true because he always puts up everything you give him proudly on display.
Darth Rictus pulls your face close to his, and you two stare at each other. It would be awkward if it was anyone else, but you only feel calmed by his familiar presence. After a while, he whispers that he appreciates your gift and sends gentle vibrations to you with the Force.
Darth Vowrawn is all wide smiles. He stops being his usual self when he can’t stop grinning, having to even apologize for it. Once he has calmed down while you two are in an embrace, he amusingly congratulates you for managing to surprise him as only few people have ever managed to do that.
Darth Aruk is excited about it. He eagerly wraps you into a hug and kisses you, saying that it’s the best gift he has ever gotten.
Darth Hadra is slightly stunned. She says that she never imagined that you would remember her mentioning wanting this gift but you did. She pulls you close and kisses you, saying that she truly appreciates your gift.
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