#dash: sylvia cuenco burke
verachadha · 7 months
"So... what do you wanna do first?" Vera asked Sylvia, taking a look around them at the party. With it being their first winter party in Merrock, they weren't sure what there was on offer. But some ice skating or sledding sounding fun, both of which they hadn't done in quite a while.
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jmiemagvans · 11 months
So you know how the whole Y2K thing is a whole trend now? Are chunky highlights coming back in fashion? Like do I need to get frosted tips and what not? I'm really nervous, because the kids at work are talking about Lisa Frank stickers and everything.
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mcndyhcrtmcn · 8 months
“Hey, gorgeous,” Mandy walked over to Sylvia with a giant grin on her face. “You look amazing as per usual,” she hummed happily. “How’s your night going? Care to take a walk and explore this place?”
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merrock · 2 years
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We’ve divvied everyone up into teams for trivia! These were assigned carefully so that no one had too many characters on the same team (of course there are some overlaps!). Please note that the characters do not know their teams! They will find these out as they walk into the venue on Saturday night. But we wanted to give you, as players, a heads up in case you wanted to reach out to plot with anyone, or even do some shit talking on dash (who doesn’t love that?).
Check under the cut for your teams!
TEAM # 1
cage newman
olivia hartman
madelyn holbrook
margaret johnson
brooklyn harris
chetan gupta
jamie mariadaga-evans
fallon harris
nari gim
joshua lane
dane byers
hugo stevenson
nicholas turner
aleja alverez
alice zhao
vivienne quinn
rafael bardales
evan parker
jayla hopkins
saihaj varma
grace nguyen
iris xanthe
lara caruso
maryam bayat
estelle carter
jacob hartland
sylvia cuenco-burke
sunny nardelli
elise quinn
trey wright
vera chadha
gwendolyn mariadaga
darrius powell
julian fields
alec jacobs
darcy alexander
kellan newman
greyson mcvey
rosa cabrera
spencer lawrence
demetrius dawson
owen anderson
hazel lawrence
clementine newman
josephine eubanks
amina zaidi
miranda hartman
cordelia browning
ramsey welcott
MOD NOTE: if you signed up before 10PM EST last night and your name is not on this list, please let me know (but do so politely, I’m only human and do make mistakes).
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jmiemagvans · 1 year
You look great tonight, Syl. Want to grab a drink? Who would have guessed I could find a glittery suit that actually fits, huh? @xsylcuenco
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jmiemagvans · 2 years
Do you remember the last time I was so out of it I thought my hair was on fire? I feel like that is the territory I am moving into right now and I am working my way towards a quarter-life crisis here, except this time I’m pretty sure it’s not because I drank too many vodka sodas, but my ex just moved into town. Mhmm. That ex.  @xsylcuenco​
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jmiemagvans · 3 years
So my mom has something she wants me to give you to give to your mom, which is weird because I know they’re always together. This is also a sign that she’s making me get another haircut. I wish I knew why my hair grows like a Chia Pet.
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