alt-wannabe · 8 months
fruit: i didn’t go to the cornucopia because i didn’t wanna get attacked 👉👈
his team (dasnerth and Couriway): you’re frickin FRUITBERRIES!?!
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silverphoenix212 · 3 months
Chapter 7 is here!
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the-final-sif · 8 months
So for those unaware, dasnerth is apparently banned from Karl & MrBeast challenge, accord to the discord message he showed today (1/29/2024), (which notably is from 8/30/2023)
basically, as it stands, almost all the "content" you provide by being in a video almost always gets cut out because you're generally pretty toxic, you take the gameplay extremely seriously which makes your time on-screen inherently destructive / toxic. If you are genuinely super interested in not being blacklisted, if you could just refrain from being toxic we can lift the blacklist. It would also mean reporting any exploits instead of abusing them.
A message he published himself, claiming he was only being competitive.
I've seen in response, certain people claiming that this is unfair, that he needs to be defended, or that this will inevitably lead towards toxicity towards people like Sapnap/Punz/Hannah.
This is not true, and I think people need to understand that there is a line between being competitive and being toxic to be around and effectively unwatchable and making others uncomfortable.
First, take note for a moment that Dasnerth has been banned for well over 5 months, and despite being very clearly and flatly told he's unwelcome, he's not only still stalking the discord to try to join stuff, but also then turned to twitter to kick up a fuss about the ban still being enforced.
This is pretty telling of him as a person. He's clearly been told that he's blacklisted and unwelcome, and five months later he's still trying to sneak in. That is a very clear indication of failing to respect boundaries, feeling entitled to participate in contests, and being unable to take no for an answer.
Putting that aside though, you can still clearly draw lines between taking competition seriously and being a toxic asshole in a game. I think a really good example of this is actually, weirdly enough, 5up's lobbies.
If you don't know 5up, he's a guy who plays among us. When he was starting out, he often played with what were called "sweat lobbies". These lobbies often devolved into yelling, shouting, insults, etc. 5up was noteworthy for generally not falling to that level. You can watch how awful of a viewing experience this is here. These lobbies are very competitive, and also suck so bad 5up left despite generally being willing to tolerate a lot of bullshit.
Contrast this to his later lobby that he built with Hafu, a very experienced streamer with a much calmer vibe. The morning lobbies that they built are known for being relatively serious and competitive, but not being toxic messes. Here's a good example, In this game 5up played an amazing crewmate much like the XQC, and caught Steve and Tina (Tinakitten) as imposters. Tina's distressed but not angry or being mean, and Steve compliments him on figuring out! It's a complete flip of the above. People sometimes yell and get excited, throw a bit, or get a bit salty, but it's nothing like what you see above with the constant screaming and insults. People from other lobbies that are more chaotic come in and are generally surprised by how seriously they take stuff.
To go even further, 5up also plays in the stell lobbies, which are very competitive and take the game very seriously. Listen to a meeting in the stell lobbies. Nobody is yelling, even when directly accused. They all remain calm and polite. They're still playing the game very seriously, they're playing to win, but nobody's being toxic or mean.
There's a difference between being competitive in a fun way, where you take a game seriously and try to win, and just being an asshole and disregarding good sportsmanship. It's perfectly valid for contests to ban players for violating good sportsmanship and abusing exploits. Technoblade was a very competitive person, but even when he's being teasingly toxic to squidkid for example, it's clearly in good fun. The two of them became friends. There's a fundamental level of respect there, and nobody is going over the top.
So yeah, while we don't have the specific behavior cited, it's perfectly valid for an event to ban someone for being toxic, and no, banning someone for being toxic isn't bait or eliminating competitiveness. It's just showing an asshole the door.
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xpoolboy · 8 months
and fuck everyone who hated on dasnerth for saying the monsters on the loose. "ohhh its so cringey" girl he's a teenage boy gamer he's just having fun. he's being silly. and yknow what HE WON 100K!!!! that's my streamer in law!!
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suenitos · 8 months
it shouldve been feinnnnnnnn
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supernovaa-remnant · 8 months
sapnap: that is the biggest ratpussy behavior ever
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vadergf · 8 months
Nooo farfadox☹️☹️☹️
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demonstars · 4 months
Kinda obsessed with him
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xomoosexo · 7 months
dasnerth on twitter:
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punz irl: driving to the strawberry festival 🥰🍓🍓🍓🚗🚗🌈🍓 !
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tinamybeloved · 8 months
Im telling you this if feinberg had won he would split the money 100% with his team and dasnerth hasn’t said shit and he would have been grateful as fuck for it
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alt-wannabe · 8 months
feinberg: hold up i’m gonna try something out
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the-final-sif · 8 months
I love morning lobby, dumbdog who is a long time streamer and been around the block (he's actually my favorite to watch) but he's had to acknowledge/apologize multiple times when he took things way too far. He's not the only one, though. Many people in that lobby have had to in the past and some will still get a little to into it sometimes but you know theyre friends and I love it coz it's nice they're still so passionate!!!
They've done a really good job of continuously working on balancing things and making sure everyone is having a good time. It's not always perfect but you can tell they really try and that makes such a difference!
I love them all 😭
Yeah exactly! Everyone gets tilted or toxic at some point in their life, it's normal, and it's to be expected on some level. But there's a difference between 'maybe got too heated or frustrated and then realized you fucked up later', vs "every goddamn second of every day is screaming and yelling and fighting".
You can get competitive and get too into it, but quite clearly that is not what Dasnerth got banned for. Like, the message is very clear that this is an ongoing issue with him, and he got banned well over 5 months ago. They even offered to unblacklist him if he behaved, and clearly he couldn't do that.
Like, 5up has also had moments where he gets toxic or frustrated. Hafu's got her moments, DK gets tilted and throws. It happens to everyone at some point. But they work past it, they move on, and it's mistakes, not how they are constantly. They're friends and care about each other (5up being asked how many people he'd let die for people he cared about and his questioning being about "would the person know" and if they wouldn't know he said pretty seriously he'd be okay letting 1000 people die to save Hafu sticks with me a lot when thinking about their friendship).
Also literally none of them would get banned from an event and then 5 months later still be trying to get back in after being banned and then bitch on twitter when it doesn't work. Like, they can take no for an answer, and listen when told basic boundaries, and that's a very basic ground floor for being competitive rather than toxic.
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xpoolboy · 8 months
dasnerth considering joining MC competitive events YIPPEE i love his personality he's so funny but not funny enough that i'd watch valo for it. i NEED him to meet purpled though
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suenitos · 8 months
who are all the gringos left
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patchesjam · 8 months
thing is toxicity in competitions can be fun.... can be good... but only if its entertaining as well (eg. Demon1 in valo for a mild example) and dasnerth is just not entertaining like theres no theater, theres no event, theres no drama, its just competitiveness for competition sake
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vadergf · 8 months
Nooo farfadox☹️☹️☹️
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