#and then in the morning lobbies he seemed a bit unsure but polite
the-final-sif · 8 months
So for those unaware, dasnerth is apparently banned from Karl & MrBeast challenge, accord to the discord message he showed today (1/29/2024), (which notably is from 8/30/2023)
basically, as it stands, almost all the "content" you provide by being in a video almost always gets cut out because you're generally pretty toxic, you take the gameplay extremely seriously which makes your time on-screen inherently destructive / toxic. If you are genuinely super interested in not being blacklisted, if you could just refrain from being toxic we can lift the blacklist. It would also mean reporting any exploits instead of abusing them.
A message he published himself, claiming he was only being competitive.
I've seen in response, certain people claiming that this is unfair, that he needs to be defended, or that this will inevitably lead towards toxicity towards people like Sapnap/Punz/Hannah.
This is not true, and I think people need to understand that there is a line between being competitive and being toxic to be around and effectively unwatchable and making others uncomfortable.
First, take note for a moment that Dasnerth has been banned for well over 5 months, and despite being very clearly and flatly told he's unwelcome, he's not only still stalking the discord to try to join stuff, but also then turned to twitter to kick up a fuss about the ban still being enforced.
This is pretty telling of him as a person. He's clearly been told that he's blacklisted and unwelcome, and five months later he's still trying to sneak in. That is a very clear indication of failing to respect boundaries, feeling entitled to participate in contests, and being unable to take no for an answer.
Putting that aside though, you can still clearly draw lines between taking competition seriously and being a toxic asshole in a game. I think a really good example of this is actually, weirdly enough, 5up's lobbies.
If you don't know 5up, he's a guy who plays among us. When he was starting out, he often played with what were called "sweat lobbies". These lobbies often devolved into yelling, shouting, insults, etc. 5up was noteworthy for generally not falling to that level. You can watch how awful of a viewing experience this is here. These lobbies are very competitive, and also suck so bad 5up left despite generally being willing to tolerate a lot of bullshit.
Contrast this to his later lobby that he built with Hafu, a very experienced streamer with a much calmer vibe. The morning lobbies that they built are known for being relatively serious and competitive, but not being toxic messes. Here's a good example, In this game 5up played an amazing crewmate much like the XQC, and caught Steve and Tina (Tinakitten) as imposters. Tina's distressed but not angry or being mean, and Steve compliments him on figuring out! It's a complete flip of the above. People sometimes yell and get excited, throw a bit, or get a bit salty, but it's nothing like what you see above with the constant screaming and insults. People from other lobbies that are more chaotic come in and are generally surprised by how seriously they take stuff.
To go even further, 5up also plays in the stell lobbies, which are very competitive and take the game very seriously. Listen to a meeting in the stell lobbies. Nobody is yelling, even when directly accused. They all remain calm and polite. They're still playing the game very seriously, they're playing to win, but nobody's being toxic or mean.
There's a difference between being competitive in a fun way, where you take a game seriously and try to win, and just being an asshole and disregarding good sportsmanship. It's perfectly valid for contests to ban players for violating good sportsmanship and abusing exploits. Technoblade was a very competitive person, but even when he's being teasingly toxic to squidkid for example, it's clearly in good fun. The two of them became friends. There's a fundamental level of respect there, and nobody is going over the top.
So yeah, while we don't have the specific behavior cited, it's perfectly valid for an event to ban someone for being toxic, and no, banning someone for being toxic isn't bait or eliminating competitiveness. It's just showing an asshole the door.
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koushou · 3 years
i love it smmmm omg. the megumi fix is amazing it’s more than i asked for ❤️❤️ bro 6,9k is a blessing you don’t understand how glad it made me it’s so worth the wait. tumblr is so dry when it comes to anime fics and especially w megumi thank you for feeding me something other than the crumbs this website gives me. i don’t want to be too annoying but whenever you’re free if you could do a pt 2 cause that ending omg. i love it sm and i can’t thank you enough ❤️
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pairing : megumi x f!reader [fluff]
warnings : slight makeout scene idk HAHA nothing too intense though (also not proofread because i wanted to get this posted as soon as i finished it)
wc : 3.5k
a/n : ur too sweet omg and im FINALLY back from procrastinating your request again anon… (i really apologize i don’t mean to take so long pls forgive me D: ) i hope this is what you wanted!!
pt. 1 (you don’t really have to read pt 1 to understand this part but i do recommend it)
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loud chatter echoes through the large modern dining hall located on the second floor of the hotel.
“i’m… so full…” a certain pink haired male burps for the nth time as he still continues to stuff food into his mouth. gojo laughs at itadori’s passion for the hotel food, while doing the same as he takes a large bite of a pancake.
you chuckle, taking a sip of your drink and leaning back in your cushioned chair, already finished with your 3rd plate of breakfast. i mean, who could blame you? hotel breakfast food just hits a different type of way.
“so, spill all the juicy events that happened last night, i wanna know!” nobara nudges you excitedly, her eyes twinkling as she pulls her chair closer to yours.
rolling your eyes, you look away from the ginger female and pretend to not have heard her. accidentally, you were now faced towards megumi, sitting on the opposite side of you. your eyes met for a brief moment before you quickly turned away, breaking the awkward interaction.
“aww— c’mon, y/n! please—“
“nothing happened at all! and don’t think i forgot the way you ignored my knocks on your door yesterday,” you shot her a glare, earning a sheepish laugh in return.
“but... in the same bed..?”
you were about to retort back when gojo stands up and claps his hand over his stomach, which now seemed just… a few sizes bigger.
“alright! have we all finished our food? god, when did hotel food get so good— anyway, it’s time to pack our things and head back home!” your constantly enthusiastic teacher exclaims, as a waiter comes to collect your plates.
after thanking the waiter and paying the bill (poor gojo-sensei’s wallet), you all head back upstairs to drive back home.
a thick silence hangs over your room as you and megumi collect your items, not wanting to bring up any events from last night. finally ready to head out, you walk towards the door to open it until another hand reaches the handle at the same time.
you retract your hand quickly, while the other hand lingers in the air above the knob.
“oh— sorry, you can go first!” you gulp, backing up a bit so megumi can exit first.
he pauses for a second, twisting the knob until the door pulls open. you expected him to walk out, but he makes his way to the other side of you instead, still holding the door open.
you look over at him with a questioning look, receiving a slight shrug and a hint of a smirk.
“ladies first.”
why was his stupid face so handsome?
you shook your head at his teasing expression, making your way out the door to the carpeted hallway, him following close behind.
the others were already at the lobby waiting, their conversation becoming clearer as you reach them.
“what’s taking them both so long? you don’t think they’re too busy… y’know…” nobara’s usual cheerful voice carries her words to your ears, making you roll your eyes and spook her from being.
“i’m just sayin- oh my go—“ she frantically turns around, breathing a sigh of relief upon seeing it was just you.
“you scared me!”
“what were we talking about?”
“nothing important! come on, we should get going!” nobara nudges gojo and itadori ahead, escaping you as she scurries out of the lobby.
you hear a yawn from behind you, a tuft of black hair moving past you as you suppress the urge to laugh at megumi’s already messy hairstyle, amplified by his morning bed hair.
finally, you were all seated back in gojo’s car, ready to drive back to the school so you all can head back to your own homes.
the ride back was full of gojo’s irritating voice singing along to songs playing from the car radio, itadori laughing along, and the rest of you too excited to leave the car.
“alright kids! we’re here, make sure to be safe on the way back home!”
gojo waves to all of you as you hop out of his car one by one, basking in the cool summer air for a few seconds.
“see you guys!”
itadori jogs away, heading in the direction of his own home, followed by megumi, then nobara, and lastly, you.
upon reaching your house, your mother welcomes you, asking about your day, if you had fun, and other typical mother questions.
you were telling her about your day when you suddenly recalled the hotel night events, and scurried away embarrassed upstairs to your room, leaving a very confused mom behind.
you flop down onto the bed, face down, wanting to get a good few minutes of quiet nap time in before your phone dings with a notification.
grunting, you pull your phone out from your pocket, swiping across the screen to check the message.
surprisingly, it was from megumi, eyebrows suspiciously raising as you open the text message from him. you two rarely texted unless it was about school or business-related, so you couldn’t think of anything he would need from you right now.
megumi : Hey.
megumi : I have your hair tie with me. You probably left it in my bag or something.
megumi : I’m coming over in 5 minutes.
you sat up abruptly, rereading his messages to make sure your eyes weren’t playing tricks on you.
you had been so caught up with his prior messages that you failed to register that he said he was going to be at your house in… 5 minutes.
hurriedly, you swiped to see what time he had sent that last message. 12:34 AM.
your eyes moved to the top of your phone screen, reading the current time. 12:37 AM.
almost falling out of bed scrambling to your room mirror, you checked your appearance to make sure you looked fine and your hair wasn’t messy and-
you paused.
“why am i so concerned about how i look? why do i care about this?”
you slapped your face with both hands, bringing yourself back to reality when you were interrupted again, but this time by your doorbell ringing from downstairs.
making your way out of your room, you saw that your mom had already opened the door with a familiar tall figure standing in the doorway.
“oh! megumi, it’s been a while!” your mom lets megumi in with a smile, already going to the kitchen to make him some tea.
he bows politely, sitting down on the couch, now changed into a loose white t-shirt with black shorts.
“uh- theres no need to make me tea, i won’t be here for too long—“
“nonsense! you can even stay for lunch, dear megumi! i just have to prepare the last dish and—“
you finally clear your throat, standing at the middle of the stairs, catching both of their attention.
“oh, y/n! i have to go out to the grocery store for some ingredients, take care of our guest megumi, alright?” she places two cups of tea on the table in front of megumi, grabbing her keys to head out.
“wait, mom—“
she sends you a wink by the door, already outside before you can finish your sentence.
you sigh in defeat, sitting across from megumi on the other couch.
megumi pulls out a black hair tie from his pocket, almost identical to the one currently around your wrist.
you raise your eyebrows in suspicion at the hair tie. “but i only have one? and i didn’t bring any extra yesterday..?” you motion to your own arm.
he looks back and forth between your wrist and the one he had in his hand, scratching his head in confusion.
“it was in our hotel room, so i assumed it was yours.” he shrugs, placing it on the table. “but if it isn’t, i can just throw it away.”
you hum, taking a sip of the tea your mom prepared as he does the same, cringing as the still hot tea burns his tongue.
he glares at you, placing the cup down as his eyes scan around your living room, taking in the decorations.
“i’ll just keep it then, it seems new.” you take the forgotten hair tie on the table, and wear it around your wrist, now decorated with two black hair ties.
he nods, sitting back against the couch, silence falling between you both.
a question suddenly popped up in your mind, your mouth moving faster than your brain.
“you came all the way here… just to give me a hair tie?”
the question seems to set him a little nervous, clearing his throat and avoiding eye contact as he fidgets in his seat.
“well— i figured i’d return it to you before i forgot,” he shrugs, reaching out to take another sip of his tea before pulling back quickly again at the heat.
you nod slowly, still unconvinced with his answer. who goes all the way to someone’s house to return a hair tie?
“okay then, see you on monday?” you get up, ready to send him back off.
his head snaps up, still not moving in his seat as he opens his mouth slowly, as if unsure of how to respond.
“um- i thought your mom said i could stay…for lunch…?”
he averts his eyes, pink dusting his pale cheeks as he looks away. your mouth forms into an ‘o’ shape as you recall your mom’s words and those were - in fact what she had said.
it wasn’t that you were against him staying for lunch, but you two weren’t even friends or remotely close at that. rivals would even suit you both better than friends.
“but if you want i can, uh, leave now,” he starts to stand, looking uncomfortable in his position across from you.
it was then that you remembered megumi’s background, that his mother had left early at birth, plus his father wasn’t exactly present.
you couldn’t imagine living without your parents, and how lonely he must be without true family.
“no! i mean, that’s not what i meant, you can stay.” you sputter out before he gets the wrong idea.
his eyes seem to light up at your words, nodding before sitting back down on his previous spot on the couch.
you glance over at the time on your phone, it had been around 7 minutes after your mom had left.
the tension was thick in the room, and just when you thought you were about to explode from the awkwardness, he finally breaks the silence.
“do you… play that?”
you turn to where his eyes are placed on, seeing your black xbox console laying on top of a cabinet, having been untouched for a while.
“oh that? yeah, occasionally, why?”
you hear a snicker from beside you, snapping your head to find his lips curled into a teasing grin.
“oh, i just didn’t think a nerd like you would play games.”
you raise your eyebrows at his words. “you sure about that? it doesn’t seem like you’re very good at games either, megumi.” you make sure to stretch out each three syllables of his name to tease him further.
he huffs while leaning back, still maintaining intense eye contact with you, almost challenging each other to say something back.
“how about this, whoever wins against the other gets to make them do whatever they want. no matter what it is.” he nods over to the console, tilting his head as he waits for your response.
you chuckle, standing up to take the console, fiddling with it for a moment before turning back to him.
“alright, just don’t cry when you lose too much, okay?”
he shrugs, smirking as he looks around the living room for the other console, making you remember something.
“oh, the other console plus a TV is in my room, wanna just play there?”
he stiffens suddenly, before nodding slowly and following you upstairs to your room.
reaching the door, you suddenly stop, making megumi grunt and come to a stop, almost crashing into you.
“uh - wait here.”
you open the door just enough to slip inside, quickly gathering some of your belongings and cleaning as much as you could, to at least make your room seem presentable.
“okay!” you open the door for megumi, who makes no move to enter at first.
“you can come in.”
“... is this okay?”
you cock your head, not understanding his question.
“your mom isn’t home.”
“we’re alone.”
“i’m… going into your room.”
“what is your point?” you began to grow frustrated at this conversation. then, it hit you all of a sudden.
“ahh, megumi? have you never been in a girl’s room alone before?” you snicker, shaking your head from laughter.
he starts to protest, before quickly closing his mouth and finally entering your room.
you connect the two consoles into your TV in your room, sitting down on the edge of your bed as you load up the games on the screen.
“you can sit here if you want,” you pat the empty spot next to you, to which he carefully sits down on, taking one console from your hand.
he nods, as you start the game.
-- --
you throw your hands up in frustration, groaning as you flop backwards on the bed.
“i told you, you can’t beat me.” megumi chuckles, dodging a stuffed bear you threw in his direction.
you huffed, sitting back up, determined to beat him at least once.
“one last rematch!”
he lets out a laugh, a rare one that you think you might just never forget, and starts the game again.
after a few minutes of intense clicking, yelling and laughing, you let out a proud shout, the word victory flashing across your screen.
you pick up another stuffed animal from your bed and toss it straight at megumi’s face, celebrating as he lets out an ‘oof’ and glare back at you.
“but i still won around, 7 times, so i get to make you do something- oof-” he stumbles back again from another stuffed animal to the face.
“hmm? i don’t know what you’re talking about--” you pretend to not have heard him before your vision goes momentarily black from a soft object hitting your face, a pink bear landing in your lap.
“what, you keep throwing them at me!”
“hey, why are you getting so close--!”
you tackle megumi backwards onto the bed, throwing your pillows at his face -- not very gently -- as he tries to shield his arms in vain.
“ahh—! okay, okay, i’m sorry, stop it—“ he huffs as you finally stops your attack, his dark blue orbs looking up into yours.
you only now noticed your close proximity, quickly sitting back up to create some distance between the both of you. he clears his throat, fiddling with one of your pillows.
“well, a loss is a loss, what do i have to do?” you sigh, admitting your defeat.
“hmm…” he seems to be lost in deep thought, probably trying to find the worst thing he can make you do.
after a few silent, intense seconds, he finally speaks.
“are you… free tomorrow?”
you turn to him, giving him a questioning look at his strange question. he only stares back at you in response, awaiting your answer.
“um… yeah, i’m free the whole day, why do you as-“
“come watch a movie with me tomorrow.” he blurts out quickly, not even letting you finish your sentence.
you gape at him, still processing his words, unsure if you had heard wrong.
“... sorry?”
his face was reddenning by the second, yet his eyes remained firmly on yours the whole time.
“let’s go watch the new movie in the theater. i heard it’s quite popular already despite releasing only last week.”
“oh… okay, i can ask nobara if she wants to com-“
“don’t!” he says a little too loudly, clearing his throat after as he regains his composure.
“i mean, i- just, you.”
“just.. us?”
he nods.
silence fell again between the two of you, unsure if he was asking you what you thought he was asking you. you decide to test the waters cautiously.
“man.. it’s almost like you’re asking me out on a date, megumi?” you tease lightly, expecting a ‘tch’ or an, ‘as if’.
“so what if i am?”
now that was an answer you weren’t expecting.
“you’re.. joking, right?”
megumi sighs, moving closer until his body was mere centimeters away from yours.
“i’m serious.”
“do you... like me or something?”
he stares at you blankly. “would i ask you on a date if i didn’t have feelings for you, idiot?”
you only just realize how stupid your question sounded, trying to find a response until he reaches up to cup your cheek with one hand.
they felt soft, yet slightly gruff from constant training and fighting, large enough to cover one half of your face. they were warm, slightly trembling probably from nervousness, yet made you wish he’d never take it off.
“it’s okay if you don’t want to. we can forget this ever happened.” his own cheeks turning slightly pink, yours probably even worse as the space between your faces closed in slowly.
“but i don't think i can do this anymore, so just let me be a little selfish this once, okay?”
barely registering his words before he moves in to kiss you, soft lips moving against the other as his hand tightens against the side of your cheek. you barely register your own actions anymore, hands reaching up to tangle themselves in his hair, moving down to his neck, and finally finding home cupped around his face.
he groans against your lips, pressing you down until he was now hovering above you, never breaking the kiss even once in the process. you lost track of how long you both had been making out in your bed before you hear the front door open from downstairs.
frantically, the both of you separated in fear of your mom catching you in the act, catching your breaths while still processing what just happened.
you hear shuffling from downstairs, standing up to escape megumi before you were pulled back into a warm chest.
“wait—“ his arms wrap around you to trap you from leaving his grasp, your eyes looking everywhere but his, and suddenly your wall was the most interesting thing in sight.
“are we… really going to pretend that didn’t happen?” you finally gather the courage to look him in the face, almost melting at the soft pout set on his (now slightly redder than before) lips.
“ilikeyoutoo.” you get out quickly before you lose the chance to say it again.
he stiffens against you, eyes lighting up almost like an excited puppy receiving treats. “you like me? i didn’t hear you, so can you say it again?”
you huff, trying to wriggle your way out of his arms, only resulting in him pulling you closer to sit on his lap. he presses his forehead to yours, chuckling at your futile attempt to escape.
“i said— i like you—!” you ram your head into his, making him groan in pain, loosening his hold on you. the perfect chance for escape.
you saw the opportunity, dashing to the door, twisting the knob, almost getting it open until—
“nope,” megumi’s hand stops the door in time, instead twisting you around until your back was now flat against the wood, both of his palms placed beside your head.
“y/n? megumi?” your mom’s voice calls from downstairs, but all you could hear was your heartbeat thumping loudly in your chest.
“megumi! move, my mom’s home,” you place your hands on his chest, trying to push him away to no avail.
he grabs your pushing hand and places it on the left side of his chest, letting you feel the soft but fast thumping of his heart, almost matching the pace of your own.
“this is all your fault. you’re not gonna take responsibility for it?” he inches closer to your burning face, making you huff and grab his face.
you press your lips to his, feeling him immediately return the kiss, but you pull away after a few seconds, leaving him still trying to kiss you again.
“nope, my mom’s home, and i’m hungry.”
you open the door, seeing your mom begin to set the table with plates of food downstairs. you look back at megumi, who still looked sad after getting his kiss cut short.
sighing, you take his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers together before pulling him down the stairs.
“come on, it’s time for lunch. you’ll get more later.”
you feel him perk up, giving your hand a squeeze as he follows close behind.
you steal a glance at your wrist, still wearing both the hair ties. good thing he hadn’t noticed you stuffing one into his bag this morning.
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Um can I have a part 2 to Lucien finding out about solstice? Pretty please?
You can have a part 2. I was not planning a follow up to yesterday's little sass-a-thon but apparently everyone likes bratty Elain and irreverent Lucien.
Lucien woke wondering if he’d imagined the entire night with Elain. It certainly didn’t seem real. She’d barely said one word to him for a good year and some months only to turn around and tell him to eat shit. He wondered what it said about him that he liked it. Lucien groaned, kicking the blankets off his sweaty body like a petulant child. He was tired of waking up alone and more tired still having seen the fire lurking behind his mates’ eyes.
Lucien padded to the bathroom suite, still naked from sleep. He perched on the edge of the tub, turned on the hottest water he could possibly stand, and sank into the scalding water until everything but the top of his head was visible. He was supposed to leave today, back to the mortal lands. Back to sniping with Jurian and arguing with Vassa and daydreaming about Elain when no one looked at him too closely. He still had his apartment in Velaris. Perhaps, if today went well, he’d spend a week in Feyre’s starlit city.
He took his time dressing and grooming, still more than a little irritated with Azriel from the night before no matter how his angry outburst had worked in Lucien’s favor. He certainly would not be outdone in the one arena he knew he could run circles around the male in. Lucien had always had a sense for fashion and what worked well. He didn’t need to know Elain well to know it was something she appreciated about a male.
If Rhysand was surprised to see him that morning, he gave no indication as he handed Lucien the morning paper at the breakfast table. Their silence was companiable enough, sipping coffee while Lucien tucked away tiny pieces of information about Night Court he thought might use as leverage at some point. It was nothing the High Lord wasn’t willing to risk, given how he prized information himself, but Lucien never passed up an opportunity to keep himself well informed.
He felt strangely content in that moment until Elain swept in wearing a gown of pale, shimmering gold that was altogether inappropriate for the softly snowing day around them. Rhys glanced up at her from his cup of coffee, one eyebrow raised for all Elain seemed to notice. She had tea and a scone and, without a word to either of them, sat across from Lucien. Lucien’s eyes roamed what part of her body she could see; the long-sleeved dress seemed to be made of paper and exposed her shoulders and collarbone to him. His fingers twitched around his own mug as the mating bond woke with a vengeance.
Touch her touch her touch her touch her—
“Lucien,” Rhys interrupted Lucien’s musing. Elain kept her eyes focused on the wall behind him, her big, brown eyes framed by too-long lashes. Was she wearing make up, he wondered? Or had her lips always been so pink, so—“Feyre mentioned you were considering staying for a few more days.”
Elain’s eyes focused, glancing towards the High Lord. Had Feyre said that? He certainly hadn’t made any promises outside of his own mind.
“I have some business in the city,” he agreed, well aware Rhysand must know his only business was his mate.
“Are you planning to stay here? You are welcome to, obviously.”
Lucien shook his head as color began to creep into Elain’s cheeks. What was she thinking, he wondered?
“No, in my apartment,” he replied, catching how her eyebrows raised. Did she not realize he had one?
Rhysand’s violet-colored eyes shifted to Elain, his mouth curving into a smile. “I’ll have your things sent over, then. Please, feel free to stop by for dinner if you’d like. I know Feyre very much enjoys your company.”
Yeah, yeah, Lucien thought, still thinking of how Rhysand had shut Azriel down the night before. Not out of friendship, but politics. Still, it was better than tacit approval and, in some stupid, small way Lucien could appreciate the shrewdness.
Elain excused herself leaving Lucien to finish his breakfast and dress for the cold before making the trek towards his apartment. He’d try at dinner, he told himself. It would be easier to corner her somewhere alone, to let her lobby insults at him and, perhaps, kiss her on the mouth if she held still long enough for him to capture her face.
Lucien turned the lock to his apartment to find two things wildly out of place. His bags were sitting just inside the foyer next to a long, silver cape that was too feminine and small to belong to him, hung on the hooks beside the door. Just at the end of the hall, Lucien saw Elain in that same golden gown, arms crossed over her chest.
“I didn’t know you had an apartment,” she accused as he unwound his scarf.
“You never asked,” he reminded her patiently, his blood thrumming at the sight of her in his apartment. He could practically taste the argument floating between them.
Give me your worst.
“Must I do everything?” She asked him, arms crossed over her chest. He had to look away; she’d inadvertently caused her breasts to swell beneath her arms and Lucien was struck dumb at the sight.
“Not everything, no,” he replied, walking to the living room where she waited. “But perhaps something might be nice.”
She scoffed and Lucien dropped onto the cream-colored loveseat, stretching out his long legs as she watched her from the corners of his eye.
“I don’t owe you—”
“Yeah, yeah,” he interrupted, bored. “Why are you here, again?”
Because it was her, after all, standing in his apartment. She shifted, her boots still wet from the snow. She’d created a little wet spot on the hard wood beneath her feet. He would normally have cringed at that, but it was Elain, if she wanted to ruin her floors, who was he to stop her?
She bit her bottom lip. “To tell you how hideous you looked at breakfast this morning.”
Lucien laughed as he ran a hand down his chest. Elain’s eyes followed the movement. “Liar.”
She scoffed. “I’m surprised you fit in this little apartment at all, given the size of your ego.”
He couldn’t help himself as he leaned forward, carefully watching her expression. “You know, Elain, they say it takes one to know one.”
Her mouth dropped open again as she stood, stunned into silence for a moment. “You find me ugly?” She asked, dropping her arms to her side.
“Impossibly ugly,” he agreed, the lie rolling right off his tongue. Her cheeks flushed as he took a step towards her. He was going to kiss her, he decided. “And ill mannered.”
“It is your manners that are offensive,” she retorted hotly. “Though not nearly offensive as your face.”
Lucien hesitated, surprised by how her words stung a bit. It was a game and yet…she’d touched on something he’d privately feared from the moment Amarantha gouged out his eye. He could still recall, in the early days, how people recoiled when they saw the scarring, how even now people stared, surprised at the brutality etched into his face. He’d spent more than one night wondering if Elain too found him abhorrent to look at.
He arched a brow, his heart hammering in his chest. He didn’t know what he’d do if she truly thought him ugly. It would wound him far more than anything, short of a flat-out rejection of the bond. “Oh?”
Her eyes drifted towards his mouth. Lucien blinked, some of his fear ebbing. “Disgusting,” she murmured, inching closer. He held himself exactly where he was despite his muscles screaming in protest, demanding he yank her into him and kiss her senseless. “The ugliest man I’ve ever seen.”
“Liar,” he told her again. She blinked, head tilted, eyes half-lidded, her lips parted ever so slightly. This was what had gotten Azriel in trouble, wasn’t it? This moment, right here. He suddenly felt immense sympathy for the male. Lucien was also rooted in place, desperate to touch her, too.
“I know,” she whispered. Her eyes fluttered closed the moment he reached for her face, holding her just as she was so he could kiss her. Words failed him the moment their lips touched, the world melting into nothingness. Whatever he’d thought, however he imagined that moment paled in comparison to the real thing. She was soft, her lips sweet. Every single piece of her seemed to radiate an invisible heat his blood recognized by contact alone.
Mate. Mine. His body sang, urging him to take things further, to strip her of her clothes and mark her with his scent so thoroughly no other male could get within a mile of her without smelling him, too. He had to stop himself, unsure what she wanted.
“You’re a shitty kisser,” he told her, forehead pressed to her own. Elain giggled, the sound ringing through his chest.
“You’re so rude,” she responded with a sigh. “How can anyone stand to be in your presence?”
“And yet here you are,” he reminded her, poking her in the stomach. “In my apartment.”
She looked around, her eyes taking in his furniture, his shelves of books, his artwork. “Why don’t you stay more often?”
He shrugged, unable to meet her gaze. “There is little for me to do here.” That was partially true. Why torture himself and sit around waiting on a female who had no interest in him? He wasn’t that much of a glutton for punishment. Elain stepped away, walking towards the wall length windows and pushing back the curtain. Gray, snowy clouds did little to hide the cheery day around them as fat snowflakes were carried along in a winter wind.
“I have been cruel,” she said after a moment. Lucien came up behind her, resting his hands on her delicate shoulders.
“Perhaps. But not without cause.”
She blinked, twisting her neck to look up at him. “It’s just a lot…even now.”
He nodded. “I could help, you know. I’m not your enemy.”
“What kind of help are you offering?” She asked as she turned around, letting him twine his arms around her body. His heart stuttered for a minute. Pretty, she was so pretty—
“Whatever help you’d like,” he managed to choke out. Elain smiled slyly.
“What if the help I want has nothing to do with being made?”
He was going to die, he thought. He cleared his throat. “Could you be more specific?”
She was mocking him. “I often struggle with the laces of my dresses, for example.” She gestured towards the back of her gown, neatly laced with a golden ribbon. Easily undone, he thought, his fingers twitching. It would take one pull to have her dress pooled at her feet. He brought his face closer to hers, well aware that his thoughts were likely not well aligned with what she really needed. Time. Space. Room to get to know not just him but herself.
“Sounds like you need a friend,” he murmured, brushing his lips across hers before dropping his arms and stepping away. She huffed a sigh.
“Do you treat all ladies so poorly?” She demanded. Lucien was back on the couch, legs stretched out as he willed himself to calm down.
“Only the ones I like,” he replied with a grin. Elain plopped down beside him and took his hand, much as she’d done the night before.
He’d never tire of hearing her say his name. “Yes, Elain?” She scooted a little closer, her eyes locked on his. She was looking at the scar, he realized. Panic flooded into his throat.
“I lied when I said you were ugly,” she confessed. He exhaled the breath he’d been holding. “And I like the scars. You’re beautiful.”
He reached for her chin, caressing her sweet face. Lowering his mouth to hers, Lucien told her, “Ah, well. It takes one to know one, now doesn’t it?”
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kuroo-shitsurou · 3 years
Bestfriend (College!Childe x College!Reader) PART 1
note: hello! i'm going to be making an entire college au series for the genshin characters ehe. this is a pretty lengthy one so i had to cut it into two parts. i hope you enjoy!
word count: 4.4k
"Why can't I get this shit to work?!"
You checked the clock.
3:28 AM.
Great. You had a half-seven morning class with professor Cyrus, and yet, here you were. Baking cookies at 3:28 AM. Although, baking wasn't really the appropriate term for it. Maybe... burning was a better fit.
You weren't a culinary arts major; Far from it, actually. You were in a college course that needed immense analytical and critical thinking skills: Accounting. You loved your course. You were always amazed by how numbers can always add up properly if you analyzed all the transactions properly beforehand. It also gave you more patience to thoroughly understand each problem presented to you so that you'd end up with the right answer in the end.
Which is why you were so dumbfounded when your cookies looked like pieces of charcoal the moment you took them out of the oven.
You followed the recipe, didn't you? Why don't your baked goodies look like those gorgeous gooey chocolate chip cookies on the website?
That was the... fourth batch of cookies you made that night. Frustrated, you carelessly threw the still-hot baking sheet in the sink. You didn't even mind that there were crumbs and burnt cookie residue in your damp sink. Like, there were burnt cookies on your counter, on your dining table, and even on your stovetop. Why be bothered about the sink, right? You could clean it up in the morning, anyway.
"Why am I even doing this?" You sighed, eyeing how there was a bit of black smoke coming out of your oven. You opened a window and fanned it out to prevent the smoke detector from going off. You didn't need more nuances adding to your already dwindling patience.
Taking in the sight of the flour, sugar, and egg-coated workstation you had, you realized that baking just wasn't your forte. If only your boyfriend was interested in receiving his complete financial statements for the year, then maybe you'd have an easier time in thinking of a present for his birthday.
You looked at the calendar.
July 20th.
It was the day of Childe's birthday.
He informed you yesterday that his friends had invited him to go to a party the night of the 20th to celebrate his birthday, and you politely declined his offer for you to be his plus one. Of course, he was disappointed. You could notice by how his cerulean eyes drooped to the floor and how his thin, pink lips pushed themselves into a pout.
"But... You have to be there, _____." He whined, taking your hands in his.
"I know, Childe. But you know that I have to review my presentation for professor An's class. It's going to make or break my term grade." You were disappointed. You wanted to spend the entire day with Childe, maybe cuddled up in bed, eating hot pizza and watching Netflix. However, you knew how much he loved partying and hanging out with his friends- Kaeya, was it? and the other boys in their fraternity. You disapproved of his frat-boy party-going lifestyle, but you didn't want to impose, so you just kept it to yourself.
"But it's my birthday," He reasoned, voice laced with sadness.
"I know, darling. I know. We can still spend the entire afternoon together before you head out to party with your friends... If you want. You're free for the entire day, right?" Your voice faltered a bit, unsure of whether he'd accept your proposal or not.
"Mhm! I'd be more than happy to spend the whole afternoon tomorrow with you, babe. We can hit the amusement park, or maybe watch a movie, or maybe have a picnic, or..."
As Childe continued to ramble on about all the possible plans you could do tomorrow, you couldn't help but smile at him. How his demeanor changed, and how he could never seem to hold a grudge against you even if he was upset. He spoiled you so much and you wanted to let him know that you appreciate him as much as he loves you.
And... Here you were.
You didn't expect baking to be so hard. You thought that following a simple recipe would lead to a great outcome the first time around.
Look how that turned out for you. Your tokens of appreciation for Childe were there. In the sink, on the counter, on the dining table, and on the stovetop. All burnt and inedible.
"Fuck this baking thing, I'll just get Zhongli to help me before lunch." You muttered, taking off your apron and retreating to your couch. You didn't want to sleep in your bed because your clothes were still messy, but you were too tired to clean up (too pissed to even care, to be honest).
And so, you flopped on the couch and set an alarm for 6:00 AM before you drifted off to sleep, dreaming of burnt baking pans and noisy smoke detectors.
The annoying sound of your alarm rang in your ears like a never-ending mockery of how your life is going. Why do morning classes exist? Why do alarms exist?
You groggily rubbed your eyes and rolled off the couch, landing on the carpet with a soft "thud". You blindly felt around the coffee table to look for your phone. Upon feeling the silicone texture of your case, you pulled it towards your chest and squinted your eyes as the bright display of the lock screen glared against your eyeballs.
You opened your phone by using the passcode (0720, go ahead and guess what that means) and tapped on the green message icon to open your texts. You then quickly typed out a message for a certain history major.
[ Hey, Zhongli, mind if you help me out before lunch later so I could bake some cookies for Childe? ]
Sent 6:04 AM.
You looked up at the ceiling and waited for a while, already planning out your itinerary for the day. The ding! of your phone was heard, waking you more than you already were.
[ I don't see why not. I have a vacant period right before lunch. I'm off at 9:00 and I'm vacant until noon. Are you free then? ]
Received 6:06 AM.
You couldn't help but grin. Zhongli was so kind. He was Childe's friend since high school, and although you found him somehow... creepy because of the knowledge he possesses (Seriously, was his brain implanted with a computer chip or something?), you still considered him a good friend.
[ Thank you so much! Yeah, I only have one class today anyway. I'll meet you in front of the main building by 9:00. ]
Sent 6:08 AM.
You got up from the carpet and stretched for a bit, wincing when the small burn on your arm stung. You had a few cuts and burns on your hands, fingers, and arms because of how clumsy you were in the kitchen, but it was fine. Who doesn't fuck up from time-to-time
You headed to the kitchen to clean up. You dumped all the burnt biscuits into a large garbage bag, wiped the counters, and put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Most of the mess was already gone and disposed of, and you whispered to yourself that you could probably deep-clean later that evening after reviewing your presentation.
The ding! of your phone brought your attention back, and you smiled at Zhongli's response.
[ I'll see you then, _____. I appreciate you doing all this for Childe. ]
Received 6:15 AM.
You quickly made your way to your bedroom and grabbed different pieces to throw together a decent outfit. You assumed that Childe wouldn't let you go by the time that your little date would begin, so it's best to be prepared.
You hopped in the shower and did your morning routine, making sure to use your favorite body wash, which happened to be Childe's favorite scent. You dried your hair afterwards and threw on the outfit you prepared earlier. You checked your phone.
6:45 AM.
There weren't any new messages from Childe, so you assumed that he was still asleep. After all, it's his day-off from uni. The lucky bastard got to get one whole day without lectures, and the freest day you had still required you to attend one morning lecture.
"I have to rush to McDonald's if I want to make it in time," You whispered, grabbing your bag and slipping your shoes on before rushing out the door.
You wanted to buy Childe a nice breakfast before heading to your own class. So, you sprinted to the McDonald's just a corner away from your dorm and stood in line. You ordered his favorite breakfast meal: A big breakfast deluxe set with hot chocolate, five-piece nuggets, and a side of apple pie. You also ordered a McGriddle for yourself that you could sneakily bite out of in class.
Childe's apartment was right beside the McDonald's you went to, so it wasn't any trouble reaching where he was. You checked your phone again.
7:10 AM.
Crap. Twenty minutes until your lecture with professor Cyrus. Childe still seemed to be asleep, so you decided to leave his breakfast with the receptionist, Verr Goldet. She already knew who you were because of how often Childe invites you to his apartment.
"I'm really sorry to leave this with you, Verr. But I have to get to class in twenty minutes and I think that Childe is still asleep." You said sheepishly, placing the paper bag on her counter and fiddling with the strap of your bag.
"Oh, _____, you act as if I'm a stranger!" She laughed, taking the paper bag and placing it behind her. "Don't worry, I'll keep it warm for him. Would you like to leave a note?"
"Ah, yes please!" You took a piece of paper and a pen from your bag and scribbled a short message for the ginger.
Happy birthday, Childe! Have a hearty breakfast, I got your favorites. I'll see you later for lunch, okay? I love you! ♡
You tried to make your handwriting as neat as possible, and even added a messy doodle of the man himself. Although, it did look more like a potato than the man you were trying to draw.
"How cute you are." Verr sighed, "It must be nice to feel the wonders of youth."
"Thank you so much, Verr! I really have to get going if I want to get to uni in time."
"You're welcome, _____!"
You bid your farewells and headed out of the apartment's lobby, walking towards the shuttle stop nearest to you. You had at least fifteen minutes before professor Cyrus' class. The shuttle was about ten minutes away from uni, and it would take you a little over five minutes to get to his lecture hall. While waiting for the shuttle, you quickly tapped out a message for your boyfriend.
[ I left something with Verr for you downstairs. You better get it as soon as you wake up ♡ ]
Sent 7:15 AM.
The shuttle arrived as soon as you hit send. You showed your ID to the driver and scrambled for a seat, shoving earbuds in your ears to drown out the rest of the world with a bit of music. Fortunately, the shuttle ride was quicker than usual since there were lesser stops for that day. You gave a light bow to the driver before you rushed out of the shuttle doors and bolted to get to your lecture hall.
It was on the third floor of the left wing of the main building. You were desperately trying to catch your breath as you felt a burn rising in your lungs. You wanted to puke because of how hungry and tired you felt so early in the morning, but you brushed it off.
You sprinted down the hallway to professor Cyrus' lecture hall, seeing that nearly all the seats were occupied. There were still a few vacant seats at the back, but you were glad to see your friend, Xingqiu, waving you over from the middle row.
"Thanks for saving me a seat," You thanked your blue-haired friend, fixing your hair and disheveled clothes. You sat down just in time as professor Cyrus walked into the lecture hall and began setting up his laptop to present.
"No worries. I knew you'd be late. It's Childe's birthday today, no? You've been talking about it all week. I already expected that you'd do something for him this morning." He said, not even batting an eyelash as he carefully opened his laptop in front of him.
"That predictable, huh?" You chuckled, placing your own laptop on the table and taking out the McGriddle you shoved in your bag earlier. Professor Cyrus seemed to be tweaking a few things on his presentation, so you decided to use the spare minutes to eat the sandwich you purchased.
You scarfed it down in a few bites, leaving Xingqiu confused and a bit scared. He thought you were going to choke.
"Didn't you have breakfast before you left your dorm?" He asked, marveling at how you managed to eat the McGriddle in- four, maybe five? bites.
"I mean, I bought this," You said, motioning to the crumpled up wrapper in your hand. "It was getting late since I dropped by Childe's apartment to leave him his breakfast."
"How charming of you, _____." Xingqiu chuckled, slipping on his glasses.
"I wonder if he's awake now," You mumbled, loud enough for Xingqiu to hear, but he didn't react to it.
You opened your phone and saw seven messages from your dorky boyfriend.
[ _____ you're gonna make me cry ]
Sent 7:28 AM.
[ Where are you now? Are you already at uni? ]
Sent 7:29 AM.
[ God, I love you so much, _____! You even got me nuggets!! ]
Sent 7:30 AM.
[ I love you sooo much!! You're so cute it's unreal!! Btw, is this supposed to be me?? Do I really look like that??!! ]
Sent 7:31 AM.
[ I'm so lucky to have you, _____. You really are the sweetest!! ]
Sent 7:31 AM.
[ I'll see you later at noon. I'll pick you up at your dorm, okay? ]
Sent 7:32 AM.
[ You must be in class now. Good luck!! I'm already eating. Thank you so much, darling! I love you!! ♡ ]
Sent 7:34 AM.
You couldn't help but smile at how his aura radiated even through the screen of your phone. You clicked on the notification from Instagram and it opened to a video on Childe's story. It was a boomerang of him making a winky face and then showing his meal neatly placed on his table.
There was a caption beside a heart sticker which read:
What a great way to start my birthday. Thanks to my lovely @_____. I love you so much! ♡
A familiar warmth spread throughout your chest and you couldn't help but smile at how sweet he was. It was amazing, really. Childe's words and actions always had such an effect on you, and it didn't even matter how you were the one who did a romantic gesture for him because you were here all blushy and gushy over his sickeningly sweet messages of affection.
You put your phone away as soon as professor Cyrus soon started his lecture on the different trading policies limited by oversea regulations- or something like that.
The lesson itself was interesting, but you couldn't help to nod off and daydream about your wonderfully dorky boyfriend and his beautiful eyes, his cute button nose, his slim cheeks, his pink lips.
Childe sneezed.
As soon as the last bell rang, you quickly gathered your things and shoved them in your bag. You nodded a swift goodbye to Xingqiu before running off to the entrance of the main building.
Zhongli messaged you that his lecture ended earlier than expected, and that he was waiting for you by the entrance already.
You saw the brunette sitting on one of the benches, a thick history book in hand and reading glasses firmly sitting on top of his nose. You noticed a few girls just a couple of feet away from him. They were eyeing him up, probably drinking in the sight of this beautifully constructed creature.
You chuckled. It was common for you to be more aware of people fawning over Childe and Zhongli. They were a couple of incredibly hot males, you knew that. You got used to the sight of other people gawking and eye-fucking your boyfriend and his bestfriend that it was just hilarious and amusing at this point.
"Zhong!" You called, earning the attention of both Zhongli and the group of girls.
"Ah, _____. Glad you're finally here." He closed his book and tucked it away in his satchel (This man owned a satchel) before he stood up to greet you.
"Were you waiting long? Sorry." You said sheepishly.
"No, not at all. I was enthralled by this one chapter on the Ming Dynasty and their more underrated feats. History never fails to amuse me." Zhongli replied, a glint sparkling in his amber eyes.
"Hey, um," You inched yourself closer to him, "Mind if we go on ahead? Some of your fangirls are scaring the hell out of me." From the corner of your eye, you could see how they were drilling holes at your head from staring too hard. You could've sworn one girl was even holding her phone up, as if taking a photo.
"What?" The taller man whipped around to look at the girls and they scurried off upon seeing the intimidating glare in his eyes.
"You and Childe really attract attention everywhere you go, don't you?" You chuckled, walking towards the shuttle station.
"Childe, certainly. He, along with his... fraternity brothers do attract quite the crowd whenever they are together. As for myself, I doubt it. I'm more of the silent-type compared to him, anyway."
"Are you kidding me?" You bit your tongue to hold back the thought.
"I see."
"Those girls look familiar, though." He mentioned.
"Oh? Maybe history majors as well?"
"_____, if they were history majors, I would've at least recognized their faces more clearly. I feel like I've seen them somewhere."
"Ah, my bad. You and your eerily accurate memory." You teased, climbing onto the shuttle and sitting on one of the empty seats.
"It is not eerie, thank you very much." He retorted with a snarky tone, joining you on the seat.
"Of course it isn't. You remember what I said to Childe when we were watching that one movie Rex Lapis: Revenge of the Fallen?"
"Indeed I do. You said, "Rex Lapis would be hot if he was a human, don't you think?" and Childe replied, "Yeah, but I could probably beat him up. I'd be way hotter than him." It was comedy, really. Rex Lapis, although a fictional figure, has far more capabilities than Childe could even dream of."
"Do you... not see the eerie part of that?"
"What? That Childe thinks he can beat up an actual Archon?"
"No... Zhongli, we watched that movie three years ago."
"Your point is?"
"...I can't even remember what I had for lunch yesterday."
"Childe bought you some sushi."
"See what I mean?!"
"That means you have a poor memory, _____." Zhongli laughed at your face curling into a frown. "Anyway, while you were entertaining me with your banter, I recalled why those girls are so familiar."
"Do tell."
"They're part of Childe's posse."
You could've sworn your heart leapt to your throat. You knew that your boyfriend was pretty much sculpted by the Archons themselves, but, really? a fucking posse?
Zhongli noticed how the lump in your throat bobbed, and he decided that it was better to calmly explain how and why he knew about it.
"See, it was during the first year of university. Childe started hanging around Kaeya and his other fraternity brothers. There was this one occasion where Childe was nearly black-out drunk in a bar. If I didn't see on Kaeya's Instagram story, I wouldn't have known," You noticed how Zhongli's face visibly darkened, "These girls were hanging off him like koalas to a strong tree branch. It was unsightly."
"I... see."
"Although he was about to pass out, he pushed them away. Charming, really. He was already crazy about you even during the first year of uni. Even though you weren't together yet, he didn't want to "cheat" on you by entertaining other females." A soft smile made its way to your face upon hearing Zhongli's confession about how your boyfriend felt about you.
"I'm determined to make these cookies a success," You said determinedly.
"Glad to hear it. It seems we're already at your dormitory. You still have enough ingredients for the cookies, right? I assume you failed quite a few times yesterday."
"How did you even know?"
Zhongli once again laughed as you stepped off the shuttle, "Lucky guess."
Unbeknownst to the two of you, three figures were following you the moment you left the campus.
"_____ is so sweet! They got my favorite breakfast this morning." Childe mindlessly gushed over his significant other.
Diluc wasn't really one to listen to other people ramble on and on about feelings and love and romance, but it was his friend's birthday. He'd let it slide.
"Bro, that's just gross," Kaeya spat, taking a chug of his beer.
"Oh, shut up, Kaeya. Just because you don't plan on committing to anyone doesn't mean the people around you are obligated to do so as well." Diluc rebutted, without even looking up from his journal.
"You're in college. It's the time when you're supposed to have a shit ton of flings, no commitment. And yet you're here being loyal to _____?" Kaeya glared at Diluc, but the redhead only flipped him off.
"I don't see the problem with that." Childe spoke up, toying with the bracelet on his wrist. It was a gift from you during your first anniversary. You said you made it yourself, and although Childe could purchase all the expensive jewelry and accessories he wanted, this particular bracelet meant more to him than anything.
"The problem is _____'s going to hold you back!" Childe knew that Kaeya was half-drunk and it was still before noon, so he didn't really take his words seriously. "They aren't going to the party later, right?"
"No, unfortunately. They have to review a presentation for professor An's class."
"Hah! Review my ass. If I knew any better, that little toy of yours is just messing around with some other dude."
"Watch yourself." Childe stood up from his seat. He knew that Kaeya disapproved of their relationship because it wasn't really a "frat-boy" thing, but he didn't care about that. He cared about you more than a stupid reputation, and definitely more than a stupid lifestyle of partying, getting high, and getting drunk.
"Back up, softie. _____'s pussyness rubbing of on 'ya?" Kaeya's words were slurred, but Childe knew that there was malicious intent behind them.
"Look, I don't care about what you say about me. Call me a softie? Call me a pussy? I don't really give a shit. But the moment you start shitting on my _____? Don't even consider that I'd just stand around and let them be slandered, you piece of fuck." Childe was a few centimeters taller than Kaeya, and he always used that to his advantage when he wanted Kaeya to understand his point.
"Whatever you fucking say. It's your birthday, I'm not gonna fight with you on your birthday." Kaeya lightly pushed Childe away from him before downing the rest of the beer can in his hand.
"Don't mind him," Diluc spoke, staring into Childe's eyes. "He never thinks straight, whether drunk or sober."
"Yeah, I kinda got the message." The ginger chuckled, watching as Kaeya nearly tripped over his own feet while walking towards the case of beer supposedly for the party tonight.
"I'm glad that you and _____ are still getting along. It's refreshing to see normal people once in a while."
"Well, when you put it that way." Childe could only laugh.
"Where's the tall brunette at? Isn't he always with you?"
"Ah, you mean Zhongli? I don't know, actually. He has a lecture this morning and I wanted to meet him for a light meal before lunch, but he isn't answering my texts."
"I see."
As if on cue, Childe's phone emitted a soft ding!
He typed in his password and the screen faded into a photo of you. You were wearing one of his hoodies (it was way too big on you) and he could've fainted because of how absolutely adorable you looked.
He received a few Instagram DMs from Ellin. Ellin was a member of their posse. Childe would rather refer to them as "fraternity friends", but she insisted otherwise.
[ You're seriously praising _____ for being a good partner? Poor you, dear. ]
Received 9:41 AM.
He frowned.
[ What are you talking about? Mind your business. ]
Sent 9:42 AM.
[ Oh? It's not my business, sure. But you might wanna see this. ]
Received 9:44 AM.
[ 3 Images Attached ]
Received 9:44 AM.
Childe's eyes widened. Ellin sent three photos.
The first one was a photo of you and Zhongli standing awfully close to each other in front of the university's main building.
The second one was of you and Zhongli sitting beside each other in the shuttle.
The last one was... you and Zhongli entering your dormitory building.
"What the..."
He checked his messages to see if either you or Zhongli texted him about the ordeal. However, he was only greeted by messages wishing him a happy birthday from some of his family and friends back in their hometown. No messages from Zhongli, and no new ones from you.
"What the hell?"
He quickly typed out a message for his bestfriend. He didn't jump to conclusions; He trusted both of you, but what was this feeling in his gut? It felt icky, gross, and disgusting.
[ Where are you rn? Answer me. ]
Sent 9:46 AM.
His foot tapped against the floor at a rapid pace. Diluc wanted to question him, but the worried look on the ginger's face made him bite his tongue.
Childe wasn't the type of person to jump to conclusions, nor was he the type of person to get upset immediately over trivial things. But upon receiving an irksome reply from the amber-eyed bestfriend he knew and love, his blood began to boil.
[ None of your business. ]
Received 10:05 AM.
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Love Doesn’t Do Encores Ch12 Battle Gym Leader Kabu
You had been so, so confused at first when Gloria all of a sudden announced she wanted to use your sobble against Kabu. And to be honest you weren't really too keen on the idea either. Your little cute roll-y poll-y sobble who'd cling to you when scared?? Fighting against the second strongest gym leader in all of Galar??......Yeah. You really, REALLY weren't feeling up for the idea, and had asked her why for goodness sakes!? Her answer was simple.
"The tears ability! Sobble's tears will be my winning strategy against Kabu. I already gotta plan in mind but I can't do it without your pokemon's help since I ain't got a sobble 'o my own! Please Y/n! I'm beggin' ya!"
Well.....You really didn't want to just hand over your sobble even if you trusted Gloria by now, but you also didn't want to make her lose the gym challenge either. After all completing the game was your only shot at making it back home so far. If Gloria couldn't beat Kabu and was snuffed out of the challenge by him then what would you do? So...You agreed. Your sleep didn't come easy to you that night but somehow you managed to fall in a deep dreamless sleep. The next morning literally having to make Gloria push you off the bed in order to wake you up as she shook you. Not on purpose of course, as she had just been trying to get you to wake up but the moment your groggy body fell to the floor with a thud she began apologizing purfusely.
"Y/N!!" Your body rattled more than a maraca as you suddenly began pulling out of the darkness blinking rapidly at the blurry vision of everything shaking before you like an earthquake. "WAKE UP ALREADY!! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!!"
"WHAT- AH!!" Your world tumbled as you fell from the comfy bed and was met with the hardness of the wooden floor by Gloria's feet. "OW!!"....You groaned as the blanket slowly fluttered down to messily cover you.
Gloria's hands shot to her mouth, making a hissing sound as she watched you experienced pain. "Y/N!! Oh my Arceus! I'm so so sorry!," she quickly apologised.
"...Good morning to you too, Gloria," you mumbled before kicking the sheet off you and pushing yourself off the floor, your hair a mess, and yawning. "What time is it?"
"Um..Seven in the morning I think?" You turned to her tiredly and noticed she was already wearing her white challenger uniform and all ready to go.
"Did you get the others up?," you asked stiffling a yawn as you stood.
"Um..." She chuckled nervously as you stretched your back and rose a brow at her as she held up a hand. "Uh..About that...They're gone." Her face frowned more as you paused...and blinked at her.
"...What do you mean 'They're gone'?"
"They weren't there when I knocked on the door, so I guess they left early! I'm sorry I didn't know!"
"Oh for the love of-..." You sighed and waved her off. "Nevermind." Quickly reaching over, you bent down and pulled the blanket off the floor, throwing it back neatly over the bed before going for your bag. "Are you all ready?" She nodded. "Good. We'll find them later. For right now let's just worry about getting to the stadium and seeing what's up! Ok?"
She had quickly agreed to that and you wasted no time throwing yourself together, tossing your bag over your shoulders, and grabbing your sobble's pokeball. From what she told you last night, you thought it'd be best to put the little critter into it's pokeball and give it to her before her battle to avoid any complications should your sobble start acting up. Which lead to now. The two of you were already in the elevator on your way down to the lobby. Anxious tention in the air so thick you could cut it with a knife as you lightly gripped the pokeball in your hand slightly harder. After a moment or two of silence Gloria went digging through her bag and pulled out something that looked pretty much like the goggles you'd see a diver wear before entering the water.
"Did you eat anything?," you asked glancing at her as she slipped the straps over her head making you give a confused look. "...And what are those for?
She silently shook her head slightly as her head was bent down and you watched in silence as she silently tightened the black straps tightly around her head. When Gloria finally managed to look up at you, the goggles were tightly clamped around her eyes and she shook her head no. "No. I was too busy tryin' too get ready. 'sides I feel pretty queezy. I don' know if food's a good idea right now." She blinked obviously noticing the look you were giving her goggles. "What are you- Oh these?" You nodded and she smiled. "Well last time he cried ya'll didn't stand a chance. But I figured if I covered my eyes real good I won't get affected by whatever's in those sobble's tears that makes ya cry rivers!"
You stared....."That's bloody genius!! Why didn't I think of that!?"
She chuckled. "To be honest it really ain't my idea anyways. I remember Hop telling me the idea back when I got my toxel. I remembered it when I thought of usin' your sobble and stopped by that clothes shoppe in town. They were sellin' swim wear n' stuff since it's summer and picked up these lil babies. Like I said. He's a genius."
Ah! That must've been why it took her a while to get back to the hotel. She really was preparing for her gym battle. As the elevator went you had reluctantly handed over your sobble's pokeball to her and she gently took it. Giving it a look before deeply inhaling and slowly exhaling, most likely psyching herself up before relaxing her posture and slowly slipping the pokeball into her pocket. You watched as she did so with worry and a little bit of guilt eating away at your stomach. You weren't sure if this was really the right thing to do after all, especially without telling your pokemon. This was surely going to be quite the shock for it, and you weren't too sure what the outcome could be. A ding interrupted any of your thoughts as the both of you looked back towards the doors as they opened, and you were lightly surprised to see the girl there. The same girl you had been worriedly thinking over last night. Marnie!
She was standing there in the lobby kneeled down handing her hamster like pokemon some kind of fruit to eat, which it took eagerly, but upon seeing you two blinked and slowly stood to her feet. "Mornin' Gloria. ..Oh. And you too Miss."
"Uh hi!," Gloria greeted a little unsure since she must've looked a bit strange in the swimming goggles. "Are you headin' off to battle Kabu too?"
She shook her head no. "No. We were 'bout to shove off on the next leg of our journey now. That friend of yours already went off to challenge the next gym, tho."
"He did?," you asked and Marnie politely nodded towards you. "...How early did those two wake up?"
"I couldn't say for sure, but by how happy they were it seemed like they had a plan."
"Oh! Well we have a pretty great stragety too!" Gloria smiled proudly. You were glad at least her nerves were seeming to be getting better.
Marnie only nodded. You looked at her for a moment and it didn't seem as if she had any nefarious schemes or malicious intent behind that polite exterior of hers. But still last night's questions swirled in the back of your mind as you narrowed your eyes in thought, raising your brows as she calmly reached into her leather jacket pocket and pulled out a small reddish card before handing it out to Gloria.
The brunette blinked at it for a moment before raising a brow in question. "What's this?"
"Kabu's League Card," she replied calmly, "It's supposed to help against him, but I ended up with a few copies, so I'll give you one." A look of surprise passed on both your faces as you two exchanged looks before looking back to Marnie. "Don't look so chuffed. It's no big deal. 'N I already got two others already."
Gloria stared for a second longer before smiling and taking the card from her. "Wow. Thanks!"
Marnie nodded in reply. "Oh. Here." She reached back into her pocket and pulled out a second card before holding it out towards her. "Take this too. A little somethin' for our battle yesterday. As a thanks for helpin' me out."
"What's this?"
"My own league card. Your friend gave me one of his so I figured you could have one too."
"Whoa! Thanks!" Gloria gladly accepted the other card with a smile. "That's real nice 'o ya!"
Marnie gave the smallest of smiles. "I bet you'll have no trouble beatin' that ''man of fire'' Kabu chap, right? Why don'cha get over to Motostoke stadium and get that gym badge already?"
...Gloria jumped. "OH!! RIGHT!! We need to get to the stadium!" She stuffed the cards into her pocket as fast as she could as Marnie peered up towards you and you blinked at her. ...You opened your mouth to ask her about the Team Yell involvement that's been going on. Not expecting really any answers outta her, but before you could say anything something tightly gripped around your arm and you yelped as Gloria yanked your forward in a run. Almost making you hit the floor for the second time that morning. "THANKS MARNIE!! GOOD LUCK ON YOUR NEXT STEP!!"
Marnie waved a hand back at your retreating forms. "Good luck out there!"
Gloria yanked you along, nearly tripping down the steps and over your own two feet as she raced ahead putting one arm out to shove the door open in her mad dash to the stadium ahead. Thank goodness the Budew Drop Inn was literally right next to the stadium. You didn't think you could last too long with Gloria's way of yanking you forward in a frenzy without falling over for too long. Cheers and loud noises were clear as day as soon as the two of you stepped out the doors and started running over towards the stadium. How early did these people wake up around here!? Thank goodness at least you two didn't have to worry about bumping or tripping over other people. It was a short distance, but with the adrenaline pumping and worry in your systems it felt as if you two ran a marathon by the time Gloria moved the two of you towards the double doors she had gone through previously during the Entrance Ceremony. Her sudden stomp making you stumble and catch your self clumsily on your knees and free hand as she still gripped your arm tightly, thankfully not smacking into the ground, as she skidded to a stop. Low and behold guess who was already waiting for you two? Victor gave the two of you a raised brow before sighing and reaching up to rub at his temple, as Hop chuckled and crossed his arms at the sight of you two girls.
"Slow moving aren't you, Glory?", Hop teased.
"O-Oh...S-S-Shove...o-off!," she forced out back at him between deep breaths. Letting lose your other arm. You hissed in sourness as you pulled it towards you, reaching up to rub where Gloria had gripped it.
"Where had you two been?," Victor asked frowning, "We spent half an hour knocking on your door before we left."
"I've already gone and earned my fire badge," Hop said in agreement, "The man of fire Kau is just what you'd expect. Nearly got burnt in my battle with him."
"LITERALLY," Victor added, "I'm surprised his pokemon weren't turned to ash when he barely made the second round. .....Was a very lucky close call that made him win."
"Even with my strongest team it was definitely tough- and - go .....but I still won in the end!"
"Just barely. He lost the first round, won the second, and third ended with a tie. Since no one won or lost the third round it counted as a win towards Hop as well and he managed to walk away with a two out of three win victory."
"SERIOUSLY!? How early did ya'll get up!?"
"Nevermind all of that!" Hop interrupted everyone waving a hand. "You need to get a shift on, Gloria. I bet you could beat the man of fire toooo....." He blinked. Staring right at her face seeming to FINALLY notice the swimming goggles on her face. "...Hey. Whatcha wearing those swimming things for? Afraid you'll get fire blasted at ya?"
She blinked as Victor was nice enough to walk over and help pull you up to your feet, pointing to her face. "Y'mean these? It's sobble protection."
he gave her a confused look. "Sobble protection? But Kabu doesn't have a sobble on his team."
"Not for Kabu's pokemon." She gestured to you as you thanked Victor. "I'm borrowing hers. I remembered what you said about using goggles to maybe help block the effects or their tears, so I'm tryin' it out."
Hop gained a look of surprise. Not sure if it was from what Gloria said or the fact she was using Sobble. "You...remembered t-that." He asked shyly. Yep. Def from what Gloria said.
She nodded. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I? By the way, how was the challenge?"
"Huh?" He blinked before turning an embarrased pink. "Oh uh r-right. *ahem* It went well. I mean you have to catch t-three pokemon but it's no big de-"
"WHAT!?" He blinked at her shout and watched silently as she quickly patted her pockets. "We have to catch pokemon!? B-But I didn't bring any empty pokeballs!!"
"Gloria, calm down-"
"Calm down!! CALM DOWN!?," she snapped towards her twin shouting with a look of panic, "I don't have any pokeballs on me except the ones that already have pokemon in them! How am I supposed to battle the gym LEADER if I can't make it past the gym CHALLENGE, Vic!?"
"You can borrow some of mine!," he shouted back at her.
Gloria shut up and stared at him blankly for a moment. "......Come again?"
Her brother groaned giving an eye roll before slipping the large (suitcase-) pack off himself. Silently you all watched as he brought it up and opened it before shoving his hand quickly inside for a second before pulling out a trio of pokeballs. Shoving them all at Gloria who barely managed to catch them all fumbling as she did. "Here!" He insisted already starting to close his bag. "Don't worry 'bout paying me back. You can keep 'em. But for crying out loud, Glory!! Become more prepared!"
Her brown eyes glanced between the poke balls and her brother. Looking to be at a loss for words. "I-....Uh....T-Thanks??"
"Don't thank me yet! You still have to get in there and beat him. So get to it, Glor! I know you can pass this challenge like you do every other- AH!!"
"THANK YOOOUUU!!! You're the best brother EVER!!"
Victor groaned as she hugged him before squirming his way free like a worm. "Yeah, yeah. Nevermind that now, you have a battle to win! Remember?"
"YEAH RIGHT!!......Um."
"What now?"
"You might want to stay out here instead of going inside, I uhhhh...Don't know how this might turn out."
"That might be a good idea," you commented. "Especially if those tears are gonna get BIG from Dynamaxing....But would you be able to do it without us there?"
"Yeah!...Wait." She glanced back to Hop with a slightly worried expression, "You'll still watch me from the live footage, r-right?"
Hop nodded without hesitation. "Of course we will!,'' he smiled whipping out his phone, "You don't even have to ask us. As your best rival and friend it's my sworn duty to support you in your journey even if it's from behind the scenes! We'll be here cheering you on all the way!"
"But first she actually has to go inside and do the challenge before Kabu decided you're not coming at all."
"R-Right! Yeah." With a turn of her head Gloria faced the doors before her before with another inhale and exhale, her face steeled and she started forward. "Wish me luck!"
"You don't need it!" "Go get 'em, Glory!" "Good luck!" The three of you shouted at her as the doors opened and she slowly walked her way in.
The worry feeling in your gut increased as you realized you wouldn't be watching your sobble battling within the stadium, but it might be better you all weren't affected by the giant tears if Gloria really was going to be dynamaxing the sobble. Hop pointed over towards a bench nearby where the three of you could sit and watch and you agreed, following the boys over as the cheers from the stadium was ever present. Guess the crowd must've gotten wind of another challenger on their way in to challenge Kabu. Hop had turned his rotom phone on and went to what he said was the Gym League's official website where you could find everything from past Gym leader's biographies, to their pokemon, to even content the Gym Leaders themselves posted. You could even find live footage if they currently battled anyone to watch if you couldn't be at the stadium. How convenient! It didn't take Hop too long to pull up a video turning his phone sideways to full screen as you and Victor huddle around to watch. What was shown on screen was the inside of the stadium, the many people in the stands, and an empty field. Gloria must've still been just starting the challenge presented to her. To which Victor commented it might take a bit to catch all three pokemon. So all the three of you could do was wait it out for the moment, which you did. You sat there for the longest time just staring at the phone screen mind wondering off into space as the boys chatted among themselves next to you glancing at the phone every so often. Would this really work out ok? You were starting to feel like maybe you shouldn't have let Gloria borrow sobble but you also really wanted to get home so if this really was the way she could win you were doing the right thing.....Right?
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!" You jumped at the loud man's voice that shouted out in what sounded like two different directions. And it kinda was, the announcer's voice was loud enough to be heard outside the stadium and came from the live feed being recorded live from Hop's phone as well. "The battle between Gym Challenger Gloria and Gym Leader Kabu shall now commence!!" The three of you quickly snapped to attention at the phone Hop held as the camera recording the live feed zoomed it just close enough where you could watch the battle at it's fullest, but also too far away to see their faces sadly. You hoped Gloria wasn't feeling too anxious. The crowd roared again in cheers as at last both the figures of Gloria and Kabu jogged their way towards the very center of the big field before stopping. Here we go. "Battlers please take your place on opposite field and face one another!!" It looked like they exchanged a few words before turning and walking a decent amount away from one another. " SET!" They faced one another. "Pokemon at the ready!! BATTLE BEGIN!!"
In a flash of bright light, both parties sent forth their pokemon as the crowd cheered. Kabu a fox looking pokemon, Nine tales if you remembered right. And Gloria her Roselia.
"Wha- Why's she using a grass type?," Hop asked confused, "Grass-type pokemon are usually weak against fire-types. Shouldn't she know the type disadvantage? "
You were confused at first too. Why would she be using a ro-...Your eyes widened remembering something from your past encounters. "....Stun spore."
"What?," he asked turning to you.
And you them as you spoke. "I bet you more than anything she's going to use that stun spore move on that thing."
...Hop's eyes widened. "Of course! Stun spore leaves a paralysis effect on it's opponent! She could that to get an edge up on Ninetales if she's able to land the hit!..If she can that is. Ninetales has the time advantage and more speed than any other nine tales I've seen. I couldn't even get passed it."
You said nothing after that and turned back to the screen as a flame thrower type move nearly hit the roselia by a couple inches. OH Crap- The battle must've started while you weren't paying attention! So far Gloria seemed to be doing ok. With a point from her form she must've been giving an order, because that roselia in all it's agility used tackle and ran straight towards the ninetales. ..!? WHAT WAS SHE DOING!? She was gonna get that poor rose pokemon hurt! A tense and cold feeling grabbed a hold of your body as the fox pokemon opened it's large mouth, and filled with the burning  fire as it shot towards the roselia. A collective aw reaction coursed through the crowd and you three as the roselia....slid. That's right. SLID. The grass pokemon suddenly dropping back as it it slipped and fell to it's knees (Or you guess what counted as knees on it) and as if in a rock star pose, leaned all the way back as the fire passed above it literally inches from it's face. No doubt the speed from the tackle added in it's aid of sliding across the grassy field. As if time slowed down, the fire soon left the ninetales's mouth, and it turned it's head down towards the roselia sliding towards it at break-neck speeds. Lifting the roses on it's arms surrounded by burst of electricity, you could've sworn the fox thing gave a look of panic, before there was a flash of light as bright as a camera's flash as the roselia continued it's journey under the ninetales as it was enveloped face first by electricity. Now if you thought the corvinkight's loud cries when you crashed into it's nest was terrifying, it was nothing compared to the high pitched dog like wails that came from this pokemon really made your stomach flip. Through the static shock surrounding it, the ninetales gritted it's fangs and looking as if pain, forced itself to snap towards the roselia who stopped just behind it. And in one swift motion, in a white blur the pokemon turned and swiped at it. HARD. With a cry from the pokemon it went flying across the feild, tumbling head over heels, round and round in summer salts until finally with a thud the poor thing landed with half it's body crossing one of the perimeter lines.
"MATCH!!" The announcer's voice called back through and it honestly made you jumped by how it surprised you, too lost in the battle to notice. "THE GYM CHALLENGER'S POKEMON IS OUT OF BOUNDS!! GYM LEADER WINS FIRST ROUND BATTLE!!"
The crowd roared out again at Kabu's obviously win, and you weren't too surprised since he is supposed to be the second strongest gym leader. So it shouldn't be surprised that the ninetales was still able to move like that after Gloria's stun spore surprise. Tho you were a bit sad at her loss.
"Aw man! She totally got canned out there!," Hop sighed lowering the phone a little disappointed as both battlers returned their pokemon
Victor hummed. "Well, yes. Glory lost first round but it's not a total loss. Stun spore's affects increases the more the recipient of it moves, so it'd be dumb if Kabu forced his ninetales to battle again for the second round. It'd just be giving her a better chance at winning. So she still managed to wittle down them to an equal two pokemon each."
....Hop nodded. "Yeah! You're right. But it doesn't mean the other two won't be just as powerful."
Two more bright lights appeared and the BIGGEST arcanine you had ever seen appeared before you! That thing was huge! Much better than the ones in game. And Gloria had sent out her raboot. A fire type against a fire type. They should be equaled out but you had a feeling the arcanine was the more powerful in terms of strength and skill. Gloria better have had a trick up her sleeve for this one. Kabu was the first one to make a move. As it quickly leaned his head forward just an inch and the raboot jumped a good yard back away in fear.
"That's arcanine's intimidate. Hope that raboot's not too scared."
The arcanine took a step forward the rabbot took another step back. Kabu pointed and in an instant it charged. Flames spewing from it's mouth the moment it opened it's maw and it fell. Well at least you thought it did by how fast it dropped, only to flip using it's back legs to kick off and a envelope itself in fire to perform Flame Wheel- Raboot. Charged! It's feet gaining fire with it's speed when you realized what was going to happen. Was Gloria attempting to use Flame Charge as a way to counter the Flame Wheel like back when she used her Scorbunny's move to deflect Hop's Wooloo's tackle? That may have worked out back then but Arcanine was much bigger and stronger than an ordinary wooloo! There's no way as strong as raboot was they could deflect that flame wheel....Except..Well...That wasn't what they did at all. As soon as that raboot jumped and made contact with that fire hoop of death, it was like a catapult suddenly went off under it's feet. Using the momentum of the moment that crafty little bunny used it's own fire as a shield for it's feet from the flames of it's enemy to leap itself into the air. The three of you watched in awe as the raboot launched itself a decent twenty or so feet in the air above the arcanine who had stopped and then looked up in confusion as it most likely didn't expect that. That's when it struck. With a surprising speed for being in mid air, the raboot shot back back down straight towards the arcanine. The dog pokemon in retaliation growled and opened it's maw WIDE to catch it within it's fangs at the same time as the raboot flipped, and landed a perfect double kick to the upper part of the pokemon's face. The. Arcanine. WAILED OUT!! The jerk it's head gave shoving the rabbit pokemon to the ground with a loud squeak as it hit the dirt but as quick as ever sprung itself back onto it's feet to face it's enemy. The much taller fire type shaking it's head and pawing at it's eyes.
"A Quick Attack and Double Kick combo!! How'd they do that so fast!?"
None of you had time to answer that before Gloria was already pointing at the arcanine and the raboot swiftly followed. The arcanine snarled it the approuching raboot's direction eyes closed and again went to use Bite, but with a quick side leap to the left, it easily delivered another double kick to the side of it's head. Making it recoil. And thus it had begun. Side! Back! Gut! Front Leg! Back Leg! Under Chin! Front Leg again! The raboot as quickly as a real rabbit in your world, was light on it's feet. Using quick attack and double kick over and over again to kick the blinded and confused arcanine in random places jumping over, under, around and sometimes latching onto it's fur to propel itself in a different direction from the jaws or swiping paws as it growled and blindly went after him. One time literally trying to slam it's whole right side onto the smaller pokemon before the rabbot quickly thrust itself forward under and away from the falling body before giving it a tackle to it's exposed middle in retaliation for the body slam. Using it's speed and smaller body to it's full advantage. The blinded pokemon's only saving grace was to suddenly use the order of flame wheel to break away from the small menace. Rolling fast away in a hoop of flames. You nearly choked on your own breath as you all watched in disbelief as the tinier much smaller raboot CHASED. Yes. CHASED after the spinning wheel of death faster than you had seen it run. The flames gathering on it's feet again. Another flame charge?? The arcanine stopped just a few yards away from him, flames still gathered within it's mouth as it turned, presumably to launch a strong flame attack at the smaller beast. And raboot with all it's speed and flaming feet. KICKED!! As fast as a jet streaking through the sky, a flaming rock was launched right at the pokemon's face. And connected. With a yelped and smoke going off from getting straightly hit by it, the arcanine went down.
THE. CROWD. CHEERED!! Ember....That raboot used ember to knock out that arcanine!! You didn't know whether to be impressed or surprised at what just happened but both the boys next to you exchanged a few cheers of their own and high fived. And you let out a breath you didn't know you were holding. Holy canoli that was tense!! ....But then you froze. Wait...If both first and second rounds were over..that meant only the third was left. And the third round was the dynamax specialty. And Gloria was planning on using... all the worry came rushing back in an instant.
"Oh no-"
"FINAL MATCH DETERMINES WHO WINS AND LOSES!! YOU FOLKS KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS!!" Oh please don't say- "DYNAMAX ROUND SET!! GET YOUR POKEMON AT THE READY!!" You could all suddenly hear the crowd begin chanting the word 'Dynamax'. Your eyes widened as, as tiny as Gloria's figure was on the camera, you could CLEARLY make out her reaching into her pocket and pull out a pokeball, her other hand coming up to her goggles. In than instant your face paled and your blood ran cold. A heavy feeling of cold settling in as you saw that unmistakable red energy gathering around her wrist band as she held your ball. Your poor baby's ball. "FINAL BATTLE BEGIN!!"
The first to make a move was Kabu as the pokeball in his hands swelled up to the size of a watermelon and with a firey look in his eyes, swiftly turned on his heel and with one arm chucked the giant thing into the air. It sored through the sky until popped open and THE BIGGEST centipede you had ever seen came forward. The ground where you three were sitting shook from the force of the giant pokemon in the stadium in front of you landed on the ground. Sending a wave of wind and rubble from the field flying in it's wake as dark reddish-orange storm clouds darkened itself overhead, making it look even MORE horrifying than it was....OH. SWEET. MOTHER. OF MILTANK!! If that thing was scary to you than it'd be an utterly drop dead terror for your poor sobble! The pokeball in Gloria's hold swelled up to the same size as a watermelon. Using both arms to lift the thing over her head, and tossed it into the air. It soared through the air and all three of you watched like you were watching a trainwreck happening. Too scared for the results but unable to look away feeling as it popped open. And your sobble made it's entrance. The blue pokemon now several times bigger than it's usual cat like hieght. It landed in the same fashion as Kabu's centipede thing did. And instantly a look if confusion graced it's face as with a montrous chirp it started quickly looking around at itself. Although that confusion quickly dashed away as soon as it's eyes laid upon the terror in front of it. It froze. Staring unblinking with that blank stare of his as it laid eyes on the centipede pokemon.
"Oh no-
Now you weren't entirely sure what move it was called that it used, but all of a sudden this giant bug thing decided to play....But this thing moved so fast in air as Kabu leaned back and pointed up at it you nearly had a heart attack then and there. It took the form of a sideways zig zag pose and gathered a great deal of fire within it's coils. The GIANT ball of flames launched in a moment's notice as it sailed out. And hit your sobble directly with an explosion. You cried out, hands coming to clasped at your mouth at the noise the water pokemon made as it connected and tumbled over. The three of you had to grab a hold on the bench as it wobbled, Hop nearly dropping his phone in process as he did. Thank goodness he didn't because you still had your panicked eyes stuck to the screen even as it shook. .......Your now giant sobble with storm clouds gathered over it's head was just laying there for a moment....before it pushed itself onto it's bottom silently, dirt from the field falling off itself as it did. He stared blankly back at the centipede-...thing for a moment....before it's giant mouth quivered. And in a flash the giant sobble threw it's back and began to cry. The loudest cries you ever heard rung out through the sobble's mouth, it sounded like someone took the world's largest bagpipes and cranked it's volume to eleven. But that's not what concerned you. Thousands of shining droplets starting floating down everywhere. And in an instant the centipede thing violently shook it's head. A loud cry of protest coming out of it.
"Holy Arceous..."
Was all any of you could manage to say at the situation as you continued to watch your sobble cry as the centipede thing continued to shake it's head and yell out. Kabu's small form on the screen even shown him using whatever towel he kept around his shoulder to suddenly smush his face against. The centipede thing suddenly dove. A giant crater forming in the field as it attempted to bury it head away from whatever was irritating it. After a moment your sobble stopped. Giving it a look as it twitched and kept it's face in the giant crater it made for itself like an ostrich, eyes watering a bit as it did. It gave a look around again but seemed to be scanning more of the stadium than the field. Most likely looking for a way out. That didn't surprise you in the slightest. What DID surprise you next was what it did next. Your. Sobble. Scowled. In the direction of the centipede thing who still rubbed it's head in the dirt, most likely trying to settle down the burning sensation of the tears it experienced before. You blinked as it gave off a montrous sound of it's own towards the other pokemon. Did....Did your sobble..The one who who dive under your arm or hide behind your head just...growl at the other pokemon?? By the end of the war cry it gave as a shock, it pushed itself forward. Landing it's hands right onto the ground as a wave of energy expelled from it. The force making crackes in the earth around the thing's buried head before blue light seeped through the depths of the earth and a geyer of blue light shook the stadium and the three of you.
"T-T-THAT WAS A SOBBLE'S MAX STRIKE MOVE!!," Hop managed to force out between holding onto the bench as everything shook.
"IT WAS A WHAT!?," You shouted back at him trying to make out the shaking screen in his hands between holding onto the bench yourself.
The centipede things wretched it's head up from the dirt and with a loud cry began shaking it frantically like a panicked snake. That was before it was attacked again of course by your sobble. A torrent of water rushed out from it's mouth the moment it was opened and hit the thrashing fire type straight in the face as it cried out. The fire becoming so bright it turned white...except it wasn't coming from the giant pokemon. The bright light was coming from the other side of the field as your sobble cried out again- The screen shut off with a beep. A flash of 'No Signal' coming over the sudden white screen. The three of you stared at Hop's phone. No one moving. No one saying anything. As the three of you just....stared at the lost signal-
"NO!!" Hop yelped and wretched his arm back in surprise as you snatched the phone from his hands. Frantically bringing it up to your painicked face as your body drawled in quicker breaths. You shook the phone within your hands and furiously tapped the screen in rapid moment before the rotom within it wretched itself from your grip with a scowl to escape your grip. "NO NO NO!!" You snapped back to Hop. "WHAT HAPPEND?!"
"We must've lost the live feed signal," Hop replied back reaching over and grabbing the rotom from mid air and bringing it back to him.
"Can you get it back?!"
"I can try, but I don't know if-"
"GYM MATCH IS OVER!!" All three of you froze to stare in the direction of the voice coming loud and clear from the stadium. ....You slowly stood up. "CENTISKORCH IS UNABLE TO BATTLE!! GYM CHALLENGER GLORIA WINS THE MATCH!!" The crowd cheered...And you leaned forward-
"OOF!!" You were yanked back by your backpack by Hop before you could fall to the ground below and you landed with a thud back onto the bench. "....Thanks.''
Hop nodded before he put the phone quickly away and stood along with Victor. "C'mon. I don't know about you guys, but I'm gonna see what happened."
You stood up quickly with a scowl. "You bet your pokeballs I'm going to see what happened! Gloria and my sobble is in there!"
There was no questions or doubts about it as the three of you unanimously started towards the inside of the stadium doors in worry for the young trainer and your pokemon. ...Except as soon as the doors opened the trio of you were stopped by some man wearing a gym suit and sunglasses. Surprise, surprise. You and Victor weren't allowed in as unregistered gym challengers. ....ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? You wanted to yell at this guy and push past him if you bloody had to to see them! And Hop looked as if he was about ready to argue in your favor as well squaring up. The only one who seemed to be thinking clearly in the situation was Victor who had to pull the two of you back to wait outside for her. You wanted to get it!! Who cares if they threw you out kicking and screaming!? You were seeing your pokemon!! Oh the irony when Victor yelled at you two it would only put Gloria's and Hop's places in the challenge in danger if either one of you did anything dumb to threaten their places. Oh....Well when he put it like that, then it did make the two of you seem foolish. But that didn't you liked it standing right outside those giant double doors leading to the inside of the gym pacing, and tapping your foot, staring at the doors in worry, mumbling to yourselves. Poor Victor standing deadpanned in the wake of your two's worried mess with a sigh. You all nearly jumped as the door opened and the slightly dirt covered girl of the hour finally came out-
"GLORIA!!" The brunette yelped as she was all of a sudden encased in a tight hug by her worried friend. "OH GOSH!! WE WERE SO WORRIED ABOUT YOU!! I figured if anyone could do it you and raboot would be the ones....But STILL!! That match had me right at the edge of my seat! I thought for sure you would've been crushed-"
"Hop! Geez! I'm perfectly ok! See?" She pried herself away from the clinging boy to make some space between them both. "I'm as fine as a deep fried curry! And I walked away with more than just my safety!" She beamed brightly as she spoke. "I got my bloody fire badge!"
His eyes widened. "WHAT!? No way! That's incredible!"
As the four of you were a little busy focusing on Gloria and worrying, none of you noticed the blue thing walking past her legs and up to you.
"WAIT WAIT!!" Hop nearly stumbled as you dove and Gloria blinked in surprise as you grabbed her shoulders in worry. There wasn't any signs of a sobble around her so it must've meant she put him back in his pokeball!!...Or at least you hoped she did. "Where is he!?" You asked in a worried tone. "Where's my sobble, Gloria?!"
......She blinked. "Oh...Ummm. Yeah about that." She gave an almost cringe as she said the next few words. "He's uh....Not exactly a sobble anymore." The three of you stared at her....A pit dropping in your stomach strong enough to make you feel like hurling.
"No no no! He's fine I swear!," she insisted holding her hands up to your scared face. "It's just that-"
"ACK!?" Gloria blinked as you were suddenly whipped back by something heavy latching onto your backpack. It felt like someone had dropped the weight of a toddler on your shoulders all of a sudden. The three looked on in confusion as you stumbled back in panic waving your arms wildly for balance before throwing yourself forward to right yourself and grabbed your knees in a leaned over position. "What in the actual-" You paused. Something shifted on your back and grabbed your shoudler. In an instant you whipped over your shoulder to look at the thing pulling itself up onto you. And what you were met with was a face to face encounter with a frowning blue head who gave a small thrum sound at you. ............You blinked. "What the heck!?"
"Uh...That's what I was trying to tell you about," Gloria said pointing to it.
Without breaking eye contact with the thing that was half sitting on your pack half slumped over against your shoulder, you slowly stood up and pointed at it. "What the world is this thing?" To which it gave a indignified chirp and grabbed your nose. "Hey!"
"Oh hey! It's a drizzilie!"
...You looked at Hop for answers brow raised. "It's a what?"
"A drizzilie," he repeated pointing at the thing slumped over your shoulder. "They're considered highly intelligent pokemon but also really lazy ones." Another pouty chirp was thrown in Hop's direction. " I think I read somewhere that they're good at making traps."
"This still doesn't tell me where my sobble is!"
"Y/n, drizzilie is the evolved form of a sobble!," Gloria pointed again, "Sobble evolved near the end of the match! He's literally right there on your shoulder!"
You paused...whipping back to the drizzile who only moved his eyes from where it's head laid upon your shoulder. ....THIS was your adorable tiny little sweet innocent baby sobble!? It reminded you of a moody preteen. You two continued to stare at each other a bit regarding each other silently...before you asked a question. "You want food?" It immediately lifted it's head up and gave a deeper chirp noise in approval and you laughed. " Ok...It's definitly him alright. But how come he evolved?"
"Because...it's what pokemon do?? They're always evolving and growing as they go, there's no stopping it."
"....Fair enough."
"Hey." Gloria blinked as her brother gently grabbed her shoulder with a concerned look. "Are you sure you're ok?"
"Of course I am. It'll take more than a dynamax battle to stop me."
Hop laughed. "With all the badges we've earned ourselves, I reckon we should be alright even against the fierce pokemon you find deep in the Wild Area. Let's go find out for ourselves-"
"NO!!," both you and Victor screamed at once making Hop blink...And Gloria snorted.
Surprisingly you did not want to stay there any longer in fear of what else might happen to you all, so after a bit of convincing on Victor's side to Hop who was eager to go straight to the Wild Area for the rest of the day to battle and catch wild pokemon, you five just went back to your hotel. You felt entire exhausted, and not because of the extra added weight to your load now thanks to your sobble's new and maybe not so improved form. But mentally from the exhausting experience you had been put through. It...was a day you'd have to get used to but in the end Gloria won her third badge and your sobble...uh..Drizzlie was perfectly fine even if he changed a bit. So at the end of the day it was in fact a win win situation for everyone. You had felt relief when you got back to your hotel room and slid off your bag, plopping yourself on the bed with a sigh. Your new drizzile standing there for a moment before flopping itself onto you with a small 'Oof' escaping you....Yeah. You guessed you'd have to train him out of just jumping on you anymore now that he was the size of a six year old child.
"Hey, Y/n? Are you going to sleep right now?", Gloria asked curiously.
"....I dunno. Maybe,'' you answered muffled by the pillow. "Why?"
"We're getting lunch. Want me to grab you a curry?"
"......Yeah. As long as it doesn't have any eggs or tails on it. Grab me one-" Your drizzilie patted your shoulder and you sighed. "Make that two. Something tells me he's going to be more hungry from now on." Gloria laughed again and you sighed.
The rest of the day went by rather quickly in your eyes. You all ate lunch and you ended up falling asleep way earlier than usual with your drizzilie watching the three teens curiously as they ate and ended up chatting and showing off their league card collection card collection thus far before you ended up closing your eyes. By the time you woke up again Gloria and Drizzile was already up and ready to go eating what must've been the room service breakfast, but she was also kind enough to order a small stack of waffles for your hungry self. Perfect! It wasn't long for the both of you to get packed and meet up with the boys outside the inn waiting for you two by that weird mechanical elevator.
"Hurry it up, Gloria!," Hop called over waving an arm.
"We're coming! Boy how early do you all wake up?"
You were a bit cranky. Still a bit groggy so early in the morning and having to lug around extra weight on your back as your drizzilie had insisted on jumping onto your back and took residence inside your back pack. Most of his body was inside the backpack amongst your other belongings but his head and arms were thrown over your shoulders as he refused to start walking chirping in protest when you tried to reason with him and wouldn't let you put him in the pokeball so you had to get creative with a compramise. Moving all the food you carried into the secondary pocket leaving just your clothes in the main space of your pack and leaving enough room for it to find acceptable. You wondered if the reason Drizzilie didn't want to go back into it's pokeball was in fear something like what happened yesterday would happen again, being used to getting carried by now, or if this was just because of the lazy behavior Hop mentioned before?..Or maybe a combination of the three? The boys gave a couple chuckles at the sight of your new situation but stopped when you tossed them a look and changed the subject by making the elevator go.
"So. Have you two decided where you want to go next?," you asked walking up to the exit of Motostoke that lead out to the Wild Area.
Both nodded.
"Yeah. I wanna stay here for a few more days and catch some pokemon," Hop answered.
Gloria blinked at him. "Wha- But I wanted to stop by Hammerlocke."
Hop stopped walking immediately just outside of the giant exit. Making Gloria stop and blink at the bewildered expression on her friend's face. "Hammerlocke? Why would you go there? You know Raihan doesn't battle anyone unless they have seven badges."
"Yeah. I know, but it's on the way to Stow-on-side." She explained with a smile. "Bea sounds like a good challenge for me to tackle next being the fighting type gym leader. Hammerlocke just happens to be on the way there."
"Eeehhhh. I dunno Glor. I really had my mind set on taking on some wild pokemon. With a stronger team comes a stronger trainer right?"
"I...guess so..."
"'kay. How 'bout this? If you're all that dead set on going to Hammerlocke, you can go and we'll we'll meet up with you there!"
Gloria seemed not too keen on that idea for a moment but sighed and nodded. "Alright. But how are you planning on getting there?"
Hop went to answer, but paused. Gold eyes blinking widely before leaning over to the right to look behind you all. "Huh? Hey. Is that who I think it is coming this way?"
Brown and f/c color eyes followed the path of Hop's gold ones to look behind you and the three of you paused at seeing who exactly was jogging towards you all. Coming towards you in all his firey glory was the 'Man Of Fire' Kabu himself. What was he doing here? ...Oh no! Were you all in trouble with what happened yesterday!?Was he angry from your sobble-..Er..Drizzilie's tears?! Were you all going to be billed or something!? You all couldn't pay any medical bills! None of you had enough money! The gym leader jogged right up to the four of you as you all exchanged confused or worried looks before stopping in front of you all.
"Thank goodness I managed to catch the lot of you before leaving Motostoke," he stated. It..didn't sound like he was angry.
"You're the gym leader, but you still came all the way to see us off?," Hop questioned, "...Oh! I bet you can already tell that I'm the one who'll become the next champion, yeah?"
To your surprise the older man chuckled and gave a smile. "There are many trainers who never manage to gather three or more gym battles, and they just give up on the gym challenge all together. So I make a point to see off any trainers who are able to defeat me. So allow me to send you off with a proper, sporty chant." He cleared his voice as you raised a hand to say he didn't have to- "Hustle, hustle, hustle Hop! You can do it, you can do it, Gloria!" ...Gloria gave off a few giggles and you lightly kicked her foot to get her to stop. "The Gym Leaders you will face ahead are all tough opponents. But I believe you will prevail! Believe in your pokemon and keep pushing on!"
"Thanks y'all! We're gonna keep winning!," Hop confirmed with a smile and thumbs up towards the older man, "We've got too if we want a face-off in the Champion Cup after all! C'mon, Everyone!" He spun on his heels and pointed towards the exit. "Let's head for Hammerlocke!" And ran off.
Victor groaned turning to walk after him. "Not again."
You chuckled and rolled your eyes. You wish you had that much energy. "Gloria correct?" You blinked and turned your head over to Kabu who was looking at Gloria. "That was a most unexpected battle the other day. As I already said, I'll have to learn from it. But I don't suppose you'd mind telling me how you thought of such strageties?"
She beamed. "Of course! Your league card listed your pokemon and their main abilites like everyone else! So I used that info. Your ninetales was pretty fast on it's feet, so it made sense to use a move that wouldn't let it use that speed. But arcanine are built bulkier and have more muscle than a ninetales. They may be fast on their feet too, but no where near the speed of raboot or ninetales. So speed and agility would've been the way to go. And as for your centiskorch, I didn't have a lot of pokemon that could withstand it's fire power, so I had to find a way around that. A sobble's tears seemed like the greatest force to fight it."
He hummed before nodded once again. "I see. Well then I must train my pokemon to overcome your sobble's tear attack before another trainer gets the same bright idea as you did."
"Oh it wasn't my sobble." She pointed at you and he looked at you. .....Then to the Drizzile's face lazily staring back from your shoulder. "It was hers."
"I see...Well then, Miss. I'll have to congratulate you on raising such a strong water type. I have no doubt that it'll make a mighty Inteleon one day."
You smiled as your drizzile patted your shoulder. "Thanks! I think he's a good boy too. Ain't that right?" Embarrassed your pokemon tutted and looked away making the old man chuckle.
"We'll then. I shall leave you. I must be off to start training up before the next gym challenger comes knocking at my door."
"We outta get going too. I have a feeling we're in for a long trip ahead of us." .....Hey. Now that you thought about it...Your eyes widened. Wasn't there some kind of character development or a tragic event that happened to one of the characters after the player received their third gym badge??..."Yeah. We better catch up to the other two."
You managed to pull Gloria away bidding good bye to the jogging gym leader and pulled her out of Motostoke at last. Onto the dirt path leading out of Motostoke and splitting in three directions to chose from. You spotted the two boys somewhere up ahead as the two of you approuched. Hop throwing his hands up into the air pumped.
"Hello again, Wild Area, my old friend!," he shouted to the sky, "I've come back to you even stronger than before!"
"Hop you don't need to shout." Victor adjusted his pack on his back with a roll and stretch of his shoulders. "If anything you might scare away any good potential pokemon with that racket."
....He hummed. "Well I guess you have a point about that, Vic." ..He turned his head more towards the two of you girls approuching before he smiled and twisted around fast to face the both of you. "Gloria! Hammerlocke is up that way." He pointed towards where the road split off towards the left. "Got it? Over Motostoke bridge and straight on down the road a ways. And yeah, you could certainly rush there without a single detour....But now that you and I have a few gym badges, we should be able to catch stronger pokemon! So I know what I'm doing!"
" And what's that mate?" Gloria asked in a tease.
"I'll be catching myself some amazing pokemon to fill in the next page in the tale of my legend!" You chuckled at his enthusiasm.
All of a sudden your Drizzilie turned to look behind you as footsteps approuched. "Don't waste your efforts." The rest of you followed suit to stare at the figure just now leaving Motostoke as well. And your eyes widened slightly. "It's not like either of you would ever make it through the gym challenge anyway." The one who approuched the two of you was none other than Bede. The poor gave that smug smirk he always did and placed a hand on his hip staring at the lot of you. "The Champion really must have been off his rocker to endorse likes of you."
"WHAT DID YA SAY YOU LAVENDER SOAKED EYED COTTONEE FOR BRAINS!?" "DON'T YOU INSULT MY BRO LEE LIKE THAT!!"  Gloria shouted and made a move to step forward but you grabbed onto her back pack to pull her back effectively also blocking Hop with your other arm as the two shouted with glares at him.
"Whoa there you two." You gave him a glare and he slowly looked up towards you the smug grin turning into somewhat of a frown. "I thought you left after collecting those Wishing Stars from the mines. Did you stay behind just to insult them? That's a pretty petty thing for you to be doing with your free time."
He didn't answer right away which made you raise a brow until he tutted and turned his head away. "I was going to leave after a day's rest here, but after hearing these two were going to battle Kabu I decided to stick around and watch the pitiful efforts of my enemies. I mean, Hop here can't even throw a poke ball properly."
You saw Hop flinch. Oh no..You remembered somewhat of him saying he practiced throwing the ball sometime during your first meeting with Leon. "Rubbish! More like you don't know enough to recognize greatness when you see it! My throws are the greatest and my bro is the finest champion the world has ever seen! I'm not gonna listen to you insult him!"
"How tiresome," Bede mutter again running a hand over his hair. "Fine. I'll battle you over there." He pointed a hand towards some trees. "Maybe that will help you finally understand just how weak you are."
Hop growled and your brows rose in shock at his sudden anger. You didn't think the ever chipper Hop could've gotten so mad. "You're on then. I know you challenged Gloria in Galar Mine Number Two and lost to her there." Your eyes widened more glancing between the two of them as Bede frowned more....So THAT'S what Bede meant by them causing him trouble. "And I'm her greatest rival. In other words there's no way you're beating me."
"All this prattle about Gloria and the Champion and whatnot. Do you not have anything of your own to show?"
"YOU BET YOUR SORRY PINK TUTU BUTT HE DOES COTTON FOR BRAINS!!," Gloria shouted giving  another tug against your grip on her as she leaned forward, angry glare that could put a dynamaxed pokemon to shame, hands balled into fists at her sides. Her sudden spout of anger caught Bede off guard enough to take a few steps back from the red faced girl spitting her scottish accent at him. "I'll have you know Hop's one of the smartest, most kindest people I know! He's a bloody genius who knows all kinds of pokemon skills! 'E's like a walking dictionary of smarts that's how skilled he is! He knows more than you and me put together so badger off with your sorry excuses!! I don't see you doing anything but complain about everyone else and praise the chairman like he's Arceous 'imself!" Victor grabbed onto his sister's other arm pulling her back with you at this point. "Yet ya complain 'bout us talkin' 'bout how amazin' Lee is!? When are ye gonna step up from being a walkin' billbourd for the Chairman n' his bloody secratary and show me somethin' huh!? HUH!? How 'bout you take ya own advice!?"
"GLORIA THAT'S ENOUGH!!," Victor shouted in his own scottish accent at her pushing her back by a wide eyed Hop as she continued to glare angrily at Bede who remained silent and wide eyed at her. "CALM DOWN!! Ok!?...I'm pretty sure he's gotten the point by now."
"Oh he better!"
"Hey! That's enough now!," you agreed giving her your own frown, keeping your grip on her back pack in case she tried anything. "I think you're scaring him." Gloria paused enough to give you her own stare, as you turned to look at Bede who continued to stand and stare....before he blinked, quickly whirled on his heel and sped walked away with his hands forced into his pink coat's pockets.
"I-I'll wait for you over there! Don't keep me waiting!"
Gloria huffed, jerking her body from her brother's grip as she glared at his leaving form. "Yeah? Well he started it by causin' all of us trouble n' insulting us for no reason. The bloody cottonee born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Ey Hop?".....She rose a brow when her friend didn't answer and turned to the silent boy staring wide eyed at her. "....Hop? Are you ok?"
".....I-..." He coughed reaching a hand up to rub at his neck as he looked off. "I mean uh....That was some roasting you gave h-him back there. Heh."
"Well it's true!," she insisted pointing at him, "You were the smartest kid in school! And y'know so much about science, and history, and you can calculate math in your head faster than a calculator could. You know so much about pokemon that I know you'd be a great Champion. That's why I got so angry at him."
Hop stared at her again mouth opening a little..before sputtering on his words. "I- You- R-Really?"
She crossed her arms and nodded with a huff. "'Sides, I wasn't about to let the Mareep Head get away with smack talkin' my best friend and his brother. If he's going to bring a fire then he better expect someone to roast him back!"
He stared at her a moment longer before an unmistakable red washed over his face as he quickly looked away. "R-Right! T-T-That's what friends do after all! D-Don't worry. I'll show this wally my skills in battle! S-So..." With that he quickly turned and began jogging off from the three of you. "See you later, Glory! L-Let's meet up in Hammerlocke when I'm through with him!"
Well whaddya know!? You smiled watching as Hop scampered off in a knowing way as Victor sighed before turning to his twin. "DONT DO THAT!!"
"Do what?"
"Try to fist fight another gym challenger like yer in a wrestlin' ring! Ya cook! What would've happened if that guy told ye off to the Chairman especially after you had dinner with him in Hulbury?! You'd get yourself kicked out by him or worse both yaself and Hop since you were defendin' 'is honor like in the bloody stone ages!?" You had started to notice a pattern that the accent would become more prominent in their voices when they were angry.
"Like I would've actually tried to punch to punch him! I know better then ta throw hands and risk somethin' like that now."
Victor groaned reaching his hands up to rub at his face. "I love ya but you drive me crazy!"
"I could say the same for you too."
.....Still rubbing his temples Victor turned. "I have to catch up with Hop before they start fightin' again. Make sure she stays out o' trouble."
"I can-"
"I was talkin' to Y/n!" He shouted back making Gloria pause as he walked off....And it was finally your turn to chuckle.
With a huff she placed her hands on her hips with a glare. "Well that's just a bunch of flamin' Rapidash crap if I ever heard it!"
You nodded reaching up to rub your face, finally letting go of her backpack as you did. "He has a point tho. If you and your opponents want to have a battle then that's fine, but you guys shouldn't get into fights like that." She hummed but didn't say anything else to that. "Come on. Let's get going to Hammerlocke. I'm curious about this place."
"Oh. Then if we're lucky we might meet the selfie guy himself hangin' 'round his gym!"
"Oh boy. Can't wait to see what the big bad strongest gym leader has to show."
"I think you'll like 'em. Lee said he's one of the kindest people he's met in the industry...But there is one thing I should warn ya 'bout."
"He's a playful teaser so he'll probably try to flirt with ya when he sees ya."
"........He's going to what?"
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Pepperony Gift Exchange
Title: Like It Never Happened Pairing: Pepperony Word Count: Almost 13k TW: Implied/referenced Alcohol Abuse Rating: G Summary: When Tony and Pepper get stranded alone in Colorado after a long (mostly) working weekend they learn more about the other in one night than in the five years they spent working together. Not only that but they discover there may be the possibility for more for them in the future. What started as the weekend from hell blossoms into something unexpected and life changing. OR There was only one bed. - "Hey, Pepper. Want to make out?" Notes:  I wrote this for the Pepperony Valentine's Gift Exchange via @dailypepperony for  @river-bottom-nightmare. I am so sorry that this is so late. Life has kicked my butt this last month but I hope the nearly 13k in content is a good apology. I had a lot of fun with this one even as it grew from just a funny little idea into something with actual plot. I hope that you enjoy it!! Sorry again for the wait. <3
Read it on AO3 Here
They were supposed to have gone back to Malibu on Thursday night after the conference. Instead, here Pepper was on Saturday night, trekking through one of the worst blizzards in Colorado history because her boss just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to take a mini vacation and go snowboarding with a gaggle of busty sycophants. 
She’d been working for Tony Stark for almost five years now, so she wasn’t sure why she was still sometimes so surprised by his need to go off script and wildly alter all of their plans, but at least when he did they were normally in California where it was warm and sunny, not this frozen tundra. 
She almost left without him, sure he would never notice or care she was gone but even though she and Tony had a good back and forth relationship, she had less of one with the CTO, Obadiah Stane and knew that Obadiah would be less thrilled if she left the wild child CEO on his own to get into trouble. 
 By the time that she had been able to finally convince Tony that they needed to leave and then to check out from their hotel and make it to the airport, the storm was already in full effect and all planes had been grounded, even for America’s premier billionaire weapons developer. So, they had to turn around. Or they would have if they could have made it past the airport parking lot but the snow was falling so heavily that their driver wouldn’t even attempt it, and he was a Colorado native. 
This left Pepper with the unique challenge of now finding lodging nearby because she would be damned if she was going to sleep inside the airport. There were several hotels and motels that were airport adjacent at least, so now she was mostly left with the issue of them all being fully booked by other stranded flyers. 
The concierge at their latest chain hotel was being very polite and understanding of their dilemma, however there was only so much they could do and apparently the Stark name meant nothing in the midst of a blizzard. 
Pepper pinched the bridge of her nose and then massaged her aching forehead as she parsed through her options, not that there really were any. It was almost midnight, she was tired, had been working all day when she wasn’t corralling Tony. This hotel would have to do. Tony only had himself to blame if the room wasn’t up to snuff. 
Speaking of which…
She turned around from the front desk, eyes scanning the mostly empty lobby until they zeroed in on her boss, leaning against the wall talking to another guest, female of course, with a wolfish smile on his face. 
“Mr. Stark?” she called out across the room to him, a fake pleasant smile plastered to her face and a thin veneer of exasperation lacing her words. 
“Yes, dear?” He responded automatically without so much as even a backward glance. 
Breathe, Potts, breathe.
“I think we are just about set up over here, just need your signature as always,” she replied, proud at how in check her temper was at the moment.
For a moment she thought she’d have to physically remove him from his conversation until a tall, buff looking guy came in the door carrying several suitcases, dropping them at the feet of the woman Tony was talking to, and he did not look pleased. Tony quickly gave a wink and a smile before he strategically retreated.
“You got it all figured out, huh?” he asked, as he made his way to the desk.
“I always do.”
He smiled genuinely at that and she felt just the slightest bit of her anger melting away and instead the butterflies she’d sometimes get in her stomach stirred to life instead. It was ridiculous really how nice of a smile her boss had, so she was allowed to be a little weak internally. From the looks of the young concierge, she would seem to agree, as well.
Tony reached across the front desk to grab a pen, and Pepper slid the forms over to Tony. Technically, her job did give her the power to sign for him but early on she had deemed it entirely necessary to make him put forth at least the bare minimum of effort, especially when situations like this would arise and it was all his fault. 
Tony signed his name with a flourish, only the ‘T’ and ‘S’ distinguishable on the line. As he did the lights in the lobby flickered.
“What’s up with that?”
The concierge kept a smile on her face as she took the information from them. “The blizzard might be causing an issue with the power. We have emergency lights and fireplaces in each of the suites in case it were to go out.”
Tony raised a brow and looked sideways to Pepper. She raised her hands in mock defense.
“We wouldn’t even still be in this state if you weren’t pursuing your...extracurriculars.”
“Pepper, I’m insulted.”
“No you’re not.”
“No I’m not,” he agreed with another one of those smiles that made those butterflies start fluttering again...until he turned his head back to the concierge, his hair flopping to the side. “So, what time do you get off work?”
Tony definitely knew how to clip those butterfly wings in a single instance. 
“No, no. We have to share a room and this is definitely one of those things that is not in my contract to have to deal with.”
“Aw, Pep you’re no fun. Besides, I’m sure she has her own room,” he said winking at the girl who let loose a nervous giggle.
Oh puh-lease.
“Tony,” she finally stated in her no nonsense voice that cut through all of his bullshit.
He looked at her then, really looked at her she thought, and saw something, probably her extreme exhaustion and distaste for him at the moment and he straightened his stance from leaning against the desk and turned back.
“Do you at least have a bar around here or in the room?” 
“They closed at nine.”
“What in the prohibition is wrong with this place?”
“I’m sure we could have something sent up for you?” The girl asked entirely unsure if that was even possible, Pepper was sure, though seemingly willing enough to risk her job to earn another grin from her boss. 
Thankfully Tony spared her from much more flirting and they were finally handed their room keys and directed to the elevator down the hall. They were on the third floor with a view overlooking the mountains which the concierge promised was a sight to behold in the mornings. The only sight Pepper was looking forward to was the back of her eyelids. 
She leaned heavily against the rail in the elevator and let her head flop back against the wall.
“You okay, Potts?” 
“Nothing a good night of sleep won’t fix,” she mumbled automatically.
Tony shrugged and went back to looking at his phone but every now and then she could feel the weight of his stare on her, even with her eyes closed. 
“There must be some kind of a mistake…”
Pepper dropped her bag in the doorway even as Tony shuffled around her to see what the problem was. 
The room was definitely much smaller than either of them was used to, and certainly a downgrade in quality but that was to be expected from a chain airport hotel. Still it wasn’t exactly a slum either. There was a mini kitchenette with a coffee pot and microwave on one end of the room, what he assumed was a door leading to a bathroom, and then at the opposite end was the fireplace that was boasted about, along with the balcony overlooking the mountains. A small desk and couch was also wedged up against the wall. 
“What’s wrong?” he asked, finally coming up with nothing out of the ordinary, aside from the horrific beiges and generic prints lining the walls.
That must have been the wrong answer because Pepper turned to him with the most unamused face in her arsenal. 
“There’s only one bed,” she finally pointed out. “This was supposed to be a double. I’m calling down to the front.” 
Tony didn’t consider that the end of the world but apparently Pepper did, as she stormed over to the old looking phone and dialed down to the front. He just shrugged and entered the room more fully, dropping his bag in front of the wardrobe/tv stand combo and instantly went to get a better look of the view, occasional snatches of Pepper’s conversation drifting to his ears.
“...no you said there was a room available you did not say that it was a single…”
Tony would almost be insulted by how vehemently his assistant was fighting against the hotel staff if he didn’t already know that she fought equally hard in all of her endeavors. It was one of the many reasons that he had hired her on in the first place. 
“Okay, so they don’t have any more rooms, it’s this or nothing,” Pepper finally said, slamming the receiver down. 
Tony turned back to his exasperated assistant and just grinned at how flushed she was. “It’s not the end of the world, I’m sure we can manage.”
Pepper was still not amused or comforted. “Sure, you can say that because you are literally inhuman and can fall asleep anywhere, but I have been chasing you around for two days, while also keeping everything caught up with SI and it's cold and I’m tired. I don’t exactly relish sleeping on a couch after everything that has happened.” 
Tony flinched and scrunched his face up. “Why would you sleep on the couch? C’mon we’re adults, it’s a big bed, there’s no reason that we can’t just share it. And if you’re cold, then I’ll get the fireplace going.”
Pepper paused and looked like she was considering his words, her eyes roaming over to the bed, probably calculating the amount of space that they would each have between their bodies. He could probably seal the deal if he could just keep his mouth shut for the next two minutes and swallow down the flirty retort on the tip of his tongue, alas though, he was Tony Stark and he had never been good at not saying what was on his mind.
“Besides, I have been trying to get you in bed with me for years.”
He could see the exact moment that the light left her eyes and all considerate notions of bed sharing were instantly quashed. 
Oh, well. Maybe next time. 
“Orrrrrrr,” he dragged the word out and at least had the decency to be mildly apologetic in tone and features for his joke, “I can sleep on the couch. I’ll still build you a fire though, cause I’m such a swell guy.”
Pepper rolled her eyes but he could see some of the tension drain from her shoulders and knew that he had made the right choice, chivalrous even. And to be honest, she really did deserve the very least of which he could give her in this instance. She was right, he could sleep anywhere. He had once fallen asleep standing up at his drafting board and Rhodey could probably write a book about all the weird places he had found him dozing while they were at MIT. Some of those naps might have been more alcohol or drug induced than by choice but the sentiment remained the same. And as Pepper so angrily stated, she had been running after him like his mother for the past few days. He’d make sure to give her a raise too. He liked to do that anytime he knew he had been particularly burdensome. Pepper got a lot of raises. 
Pepper didn’t say anything else but she went back for her bag and rummaged through it for a bit, pulling out night clothes and toiletries before disappearing into the bathroom, so surely she had agreed to their new terms. 
Tony wandered his way over to the fireplace and realized it was just an old electric thing. He turned a few knobs to get it going and by the time that Pepper had exited the bathroom, it was at least putting out a pleasant warmth and Tony had already mapped out ten different ways in his brain to improve the energy efficiency and output ratio. He liked finding new ways to fix old age problems. It was often a welcome relief from building the next big weapon, often saving him from his creative stifle. 
“Check it out, Potts,” he said over his shoulder and then turned his head to face her from where he was crouched beside the fire. When he looked at Pepper though his brain may as well have shut down entirely.
He had seen Pepper in all manner of power suits and business attire. Had seen her on the rarer occasion in her ‘off the clock attire’ containing various jeans and t-shirts. However, he had yet to see her in any kind of nightwear, the past few days they had had separate rooms and any time she may have crashed at the mansion before that she was always hidden behind closed doors and in fresh clothing by the time he was pulled out of his bed. 
Seeing her now...well it wasn’t quite what he would fantasize, no fantasies were just that and really there were no practical reasons to sleep in sheer lacy lingerie when one had no intentions of seduction, no this was right. This was very Pepper. Practical. Comfortable. Still surprisingly sexy?
She sensed his eyes on her as she stuffed her folded clothing back into her bag and slowly turned to him, her toothbrush still hanging out of one side of her mouth. 
“Nothing just you look…” he held his hands up as if lost for words and he kind of was at the moment. He felt that strange churn he’d sometimes get in the pit of his stomach when he would sometimes zone out in the middle of an all nighter and think about Pepper, really think about her, not just the curves and the pretty face, but all of her, and how he never smiled more than when he was with her. That feeling was back, gnawing at his gut as his eyes swiped over her one more time.
Pepper was instantly on the defensive. “They’re my winter pajamas. I never get to wear them in California, leave me alone,” she said, smoothing out any of the wrinkles of her pink flannel set. 
“No, no, I didn’t mean anything bad about it. It’s just…” he started to correct, “very you. It’s cute,” he shrugged.
Pepper softened at the recognition of one of his real admissions, dropping her guard back down and allowing a smile to creep across her face. “Not the lace and silk you were hoping for, huh?” she teased him back and he knew they were good again.
“Nah, this is better,” he admitted to her again. It could have been the light from the fireplace or just her body warming from the cold, snowy night but he thought he saw a flush of pink spread across her cheeks and tinge the top of her ears. It was adorable.
A knock at the door broke the moment and Tony took it upon himself to answer. It was the hotel general manager, a tall, balding man in his forties with a bushy mustache. He apologized about the inconvenience over the room and the bar being closed but offered Tony a bottle of, “their best wine,” free of charge. Tony accepted it and the man scurried away like a mouse.
Tony turned the bottle in his hand, reading the label.
“We’re rolling in luxury now, Pep.”
“Oh yeah? Did they bump some poor couple from a double room?”
“I thought we already solved the bed issue?”
“We did, but I could still hope,” she shrugged, and went into the bathroom to spit and rinse her toothbrush out.
Tony knew no boundaries though so he followed behind her and leaned into the doorway as she went about removing the days make up. Now that he had seen Pepper without, so it didn’t phase him to watch.
“No, they did apologize though with their best red wine, vintage 2004.  A whole year. We should be honored.”
“Not everyone in the world has exclusive access to their own family wineries in Italy, Tony,” she said, blotting at her face.
“Okay, I’m a snob,” he admitted. “You like wine, right Pepper? Let’s crack this bad boy open.”
“Tony,” she started in that tone that usually ended in a solid ‘no.’
“C’mon Potts, a quick nightcap. Live a little.”
“You live enough for the both of us.”
“That wasn’t a no,” he pointed at her and fled the room in search of cups before she did say no.
No glasses had been provided by Bill the general manager, nor the kitchenette, so Tony had to settle for the paper cups that were meant for the coffee pot. He’d just rinse his cup out when he was done and reuse it for the coffee in the morning. No big deal. 
The wine wasn’t the type that needed a corkscrew, nor was it the type that he thought needed to breathe after being opened but he went ahead and waited a few moments anyways. It certainly couldn’t make it any worse...he hoped. 
After further thought he flipped off the lights then glanced at the bed and pulled off the four fluffy pillows and sat them around the small fireplace, two of them he propped against the wall and leaned back against, the other two he left for Pepper to decide what to do with. 
He then grabbed the wine and the two paper cups and poured himself a measure. It smelled just like your basic, cheap, supermarket wine, and after a taste he knew that he had definitely had worse in his life but that wasn’t exactly a ringing endorsement. Satisfied that they at least wouldn't be poisoned tonight, he filled his cup the rest of the way and then Pepper's and waited.
“What is this?” Pepper said, haltingly when she finally emerged from the bathroom makeup-less and ready for bed. She looked Tony up and down, the way he was sprawled out on the cheap carpet, propped up only by the wall and the bed pillows beside the warm fire with suspicion. It felt like a cheap seduction attempt.
Tony however never faltered. “It’s our nightcap,” he said with a grin and raised his paper cup. “It tastes like shit but I figured maybe some ambiance wouldn’t hurt.”
Pepper hesitated again. Tony had always been flirty and he knew better than to try anything further with her. She had made it very clear from day one exactly where he could go if he tried to treat her like a one night stand. He had surprisingly been very respectful of her boundaries, testing the limits on occasion, but he never made her feel uncomfortable or anything. 
This whole situation though had been wearing her thin. The aggravation of what occurred and why mixed with the fact that there was a part of her that was  singing in glee at being confined to a single bed room with her good looking, charming boss who despite all the bravado she had put forth about leaving her alone, she had still managed to harbor a crush on. Maybe even could develop genuine feelings for. This was neither the time or the place for those kinds of thoughts.
Tony sighed loudly and drew her attention back to him after she must have zoned out for a decent while. “C’mon, Potts. We can pretend this is a slumber party and exchange gossip and paint each other’s nails. If you’re really good we can even end with a pillow fight.”
“Is that what you think happens at slumber parties?” Pepper asked. She gave the bed a longing glance but Tony just looked so damn earnest, so she ultimately gave in and grabbed the two pillows Tony had left for her and fixed herself a spot a respectable distance away from him and plopped down on the pillows with a groan. It felt so good to finally be sitting down.
“I mean that’s the Hallmark version of what I think happens. My only other experience is with porn and I have a feeling that would be even less accurate,” he smiled cheekily.
Pepper rolled her eyes and accepted the Styrofoam cup from his outstretched hand, their fingers brushing against each other ever so slightly, sending a pleasant tingle up her arm. “I haven’t had nearly enough to drink for any of that kind of talk,” she said, taking a sip. 
“Well, we do have this bottle all to ourselves…”
This time Pepper laughed a real laugh.
“It would take more than a bottle for either of us to be drunk. I’m pretty sure this is the same brand that my Mom used to buy when I was in high school and it’s pretty weak. Sometimes I’d still steal a drink or two when I was feeling particularly rebellious though.”
Tony gasped and clutched at his chest dramatically at the revelation. “You mean to tell me that the Pepper Potts was an underage drinker?! And here I thought your soul was completely pristine.”
Pepper snorted. “Please. Not that pristine,” she said, taking another drink. 
“Ohhh. I am liking this darker side of you, Pep, I have to say. What else did you do? Shoplift bubblegum? Forget to tip your waiter?” he teased.
“I’m sorry my criminal history is not living up to your expectations. Not everyone grew up with a lawyer on retainer and parents that could bail them out.” As soon as the words left her mouth she gasped lightly and covered her mouth, her eyes wide as she looked to him for his reaction. “I’m sorry, I was just teasing, and that was unprofessional…” 
It was an unspoken rule to not speak about Howard and Maria Stark literally ever, if one could help it. Sometimes it was unavoidable due to press members who thought they were clever comparing the son to his father or if it were related to Stark Industries business, but never as a joke. 
Pepper didn’t know the full story why the subject was so touchy, she’d always just assumed it was due to the tragic nature of their loss. She knew that they had passed years back in an auto accident, Pepper had been a senior in high school, and could still remember the headlines splashed across her father’s newspaper for weeks with photos of the wreck or the elder Starks. There was just one photo of a young Tony that she could remember taken from the funeral. He was all alone and even in black and white she could see and feel the sadness and vulnerability that had been radiating off of him. It was the first time she was cognizant of who he was. Sometimes she could still see the hints of the sad, lonely boy in the man before her and it made her heart ache. 
When she looked at Tony he didn’t seem offended at least but the sadness was there. His eyes grew a little more haunted and the smile on his face became a little more downturned but in the blink of an eye the smile was back, a little more cautious now, as he waved a hand at her and filled the cups back up.
“You’re fine,” he reassured her as he poured the wine, “I’m a snob and sometimes I forget how normal people live. And I’ll have you know that there were a couple of times when my parents were out of town that my Aunt Peggy let me cool my heels and sober up in the luxury of a jail cell overnight.”
“Is this Peggy Carter?” Pepper figured she was safe to ask about since she was still alive and well and she knew they were still in contact. She’d seen her flowing script occasionally on the mail she would bring to Tony and had always been a little curious. The woman was an icon.
“It is. You been checking up on me?,” he said, a genuine smile taking over his face again. She loved those smiles.
“It is part of my job,” she shrugged.
“I'm surprised you two haven’t met before, compared Tony-wrangling notes. I’m sure she could provide you plenty of pointers. On second thought--scratch that. Maybe you should never meet,” he laughed. “She’s a great woman though. You would really like her. You’re alike in a lot of ways. Strong, beautiful, capable women who don’t take anyone’s shit.”
Pepper’s heart fluttered a little erratically to be compared to a woman like Peggy Carter, but especially at the word beautiful. She was starting to feel flushed and she knew it had nothing to do with the wine. Time to deflect and redirect, a tried and true Tony-wrangling method. 
“You don’t talk about her very much.”
“I don’t?” 
Pepper shook her head.
“That’s too bad. It’s not intentional. She’s gone her own way with her family and I suppose I’ve gone mine. That’s life right?”
It sounded like there was more to it than that but Pepper wasn’t going to press her luck any further. Tony though became a little antsy, shifting his body around into several different positions before resettling and drinking the remnants of his cup. He refilled it again and they sat in silence for a moment. 
Pepper watched him stare into the fireplace contemplatively, the fake embers casting warm shadows across his face. In this lighting his eyes were a warm, honey brown, and she couldn’t help to be drawn to them as he clearly fought some internal fight.
Finally, after what felt like forever he spoke again, his voice soft and serious.
“Aunt Peggy isn’t too happy with me at the moment.”
Pepper frowned. “Why not? The stocks are the best they have ever been.”
“It’s not the company. Me in general. She thinks that an almost thirty-five year old man shouldn’t still be behaving like his twenty-one year old counterpart,” he said, trying for a wry grin that came off more painful than anything. 
“She thinks I need to settle down, have a family like she did. Cut down on the alcohol. Well, not just cut down but check myself into Betty Ford or some shit. I told her to mind her own business, we had an argument and I haven’t heard from her since,” he finished with a deep sigh of regret.
Pepper couldn’t say that she disagreed with Ms. Carter’s assessment and honestly, looking at Tony now, she didn’t think he disagreed now either, if he ever really had. There was a difference between knowing you have a problem and accepting it and seeking treatment. It was clear the woman had meant well, but Tony could be so guarded and so bullheaded.
She mentally fought herself over what to say next. She didn’t want to overstep her bounds, she was still his employee, no matter how friendly they could be off office hours, but he was clearly in pain and seeking a little direction, clarity even.
“Do you disagree with her?” she asked, cautiously.
Tony didn’t blow up at her or fire her. His eyes narrowed as he continued to stare at the dancing light in front of him, engaged in his own mental struggle. Slowly he shook his head, the strands of his overgrown hair that had started to curl, waved back and forth slightly.
At least he could admit it to himself even if he wasn’t necessarily ready to do anything to change it. 
“Call her when we get back. I bet she would love to hear your voice,” she smiled, encouragingly and scooted closer to him so that she could rub her hand down his back in a comforting manner. It was something that she had done a million times before but something about this moment just felt different.
Tony turned his head to face her then, and she felt her heart begin to beat faster in her chest. His eyes traced over her face even as she stopped her ministrations, slowly coming to a stop at her lips before darting back up to her eyes. His tongue darted out just for a second across his own lips and that was when she realized that he was thinking about kissing her. Actually kissing her!
“Hey, Pepper,” he said, voice soft and velvety.
“What?” she squeaked out, a little terrified.
“Wanna make out?” he asked, and was that longing she could detect in his otherwise nonchalant delivery?
Was he actually serious? 
For a moment she let her mind wander, let herself give in to the possibility of actually sharing a kiss with Tony Stark. She couldn’t lie and say she hadn’t imagined it before, she was only human after all and Tony was good looking and could even be quite charming when he wasn’t entirely self absorbed. She wondered if she would be able to taste the cheap wine on his full lips…
There was no way that Tony was actually being serious. 
She had just caught him in a vulnerable moment and he was deflecting the only way that he knew how and that was via flirtatious behavior. He didn’t want to kiss her because he liked her. Well, like he really liked her, as in he wanted to be with her for longer than a single night, where they were trapped together in a cheap hotel room with only one bed, her as his only option.
She couldn’t do it no matter how much she wished to know what he tasted like, no matter how alluring he looked in the flickering light of the fireplace. She would regret anything that happened in the morning, and knowing herself she would end up resigning, if Tony didn’t just outright fire her. She may have been his longest lasting PA so far but that didn’t mean she wasn’t still expendable once he got what he wanted.
“Mr. Stark, you are being entirely inappropriate right now,” she answered him, adopting the most detached, work voice in her repertoire and immediately scooting away from him. 
He frowned at her but didn’t try to close the gap between them again as he rubbed his eye.
“Back to Mr. Stark now, huh? I thought we were outside of office hours?”
“And sometimes I have to remind you of your boundaries.”
“Why? Do you have a boyfriend or something?”
“Why? Because you’re my boss, it’s inappropriate!” she reminded him, though she still felt a little flustered, even more so when he looked at her again the way he had before he asked her to make out, eyes intense and longing.
He smirked then leaned back up against the wall, his face and mannerisms melting away back to the normal facade of her cavalier boss. He raised his eyebrow to her and spoke. “I can’t help but notice that you didn’t deny having a boyfriend, only that it would be inappropriate given our working relationship.”
“Oh, please,” she groaned. She drained the rest of her cup, then stood up and tossed her pillows back onto the bed and pulled back the duvet.
“Where are you going?”
“To bed.”
“Aww c’mon, Pepper, I’m sorry.” 
He stood up and reached for her, just brushing his hand against her flannel shirt before she pulled away. He actually looked a little hurt by the rejection.
“I’m really tired, Mr. Stark and I’d really just like to go to bed now, please. I had your nightcap with you.”
“The slumber party was just getting started. We were having cheap booze, I told you a deep dark secret, there was an almost kiss. You owe me a deep dark secret, Ms. Potts.”
“Don’t count on it,” she said, sliding between the sheets and facing the opposite direction.
For a moment the room was silent except for the sound of the wind and snow outside the room and she thought that Tony might actually have given up. Then she listened to the sound of his shuffling feet and felt where the bed dipped in as he sat down at the very end, almost falling off the edge entirely as if he didn’t want to offend her by getting any closer to her.
“Look I really am sorry. You’re right, it’s been a long day, which is mostly my fault and then I just went a little too far. I didn’t mean anything by it and I am sorry if I offended you or hurt your feelings or whatever. I appreciate all you’ve done for us tonight. Are we good?” At that he did ever so carefully reach out and place his hand on top of her covered foot, a gentle weight meaning to convey his sincerity.
She appreciated the apology, and really had it been that big of a deal? Tony was just being Tony, it wasn’t his fault that she had started to get swept up in the moment. She sighed lightly against her pillow and lifted her head slightly to look at him. He had his head down but met her eyes when she looked at him.
“Will that be all, Mr. Stark?” she smiled after her customary phrase to let him know that all was forgiven.
His lips twitched up into a half smile. “That will be all Ms. Potts,” he returned the gesture and patted her leg before standing up. 
Pepper had just laid her head back down when he spun back around. 
“Actually, no, that’s not it, I’m sorry again. Can I at least get the top sheet? I’m a naturally hot-blooded male but even I need something to keep me warm at night,” he grinned and offered a mischievous wink.
She rolled her eyes but couldn’t keep her own face neutral, a small smile slipping across her face as she sat up and pulled back the duvet again, grasping at the top sheet underneath and pulled it free from where it was tucked in at the end of the bed. She balled it up once it was free and tossed it into Tony’s waiting arms with a little more force than was strictly needed.. 
“Thank you, Ms. Potts.”
“You’re welcome, Mr. Stark,” she said, her smile completely uncontained now and snuggled once more under the warm blanket, waiting for sleep to claim her.
Or at least she would have if Tony wasn’t so loud as he moved about the room, placing his pillows on the couch and spreading out his white sheet. 
Next came the thunk of his heavy snow boots coming off and being dropped on the floor and she said a mental apology for whoever was stuck beneath them as she kept her eyes screwed shut, desperate for him to finish whatever he was doing and be quiet.
Then came the distinct sound of his belt clanging together as he undid the fasten and Pepper’s eyes shot open in disbelief. 
Tony unabashedly stood beside the couch, the direction she happened to have been facing, and was actually undressing. It wasn’t like she hadn’t caught more than an eyeful before when she’d come to collect him in the mornings and he certainly never seemed to care about any level of nudeness. However, she thought he would at least attempt to have some modicum of decorum while they were sharing a room. Apparently not.
She could have looked away. She should have looked away. Alas, she watched him undress through squinted eyes in case she were caught, sleep would be easier to feign.
He pulled his green sweater up over his head and she watched as his white t-shirt beneath was caught up with it, revealing the well defined muscles of his back before he corrected the mishap and the t-shirt fell back down to cover it. 
When she heard the zipper of his pants being undone she did squeeze her eyes shut, what was she even thinking spying on him like that, even if he was doing it right in front of her.  She was ogling her boss in the same manner that she always got onto him for. 
“Do you really have to do that right there?” she asked, frustration laden in her tone.
“I thought you were sleeping,” he said with a playful tease, like he knew exactly what she had been doing. 
She just huffed and turned around the opposite direction, lest his dark chuckle tempt her to look again. 
“Your virtue is safe, Ms. Potts, I had shorts on under my pants.”
“Why were you wearing---I don’t need to know.”
He laughed again. “Goodnight, Pep.”
“Goodnight, Tony.”
Tony really tried to fall asleep after that. He spread out under the sheet, across the couch, his legs just hung over the edges where he was a little it too tall. It wasn’t uncomfortable, he was used to curling up anywhere he could to sleep. However, like most nights, he couldn’t seem to be able to get his brain to shut off.
His mind was racing with thoughts, ideas, calculations. How if he adjusted the processor chips for one of Stark Industries missiles he could make it that little bit more accurate. Schematics came and went as he did the mental math and how long it would take to adjust versus the cost and if it was even worth it to tweek or just create a whole new line. 
He had other ideas too. Ways to improve the intellicrops. An electronics line that could put Apple to shame. 
Sometimes he thought about Pepper. Nothing dirty surprisingly. Just about her. The way she looked in the Malibu sunlight, her hair flared out all around her, or even here in Colorado bundled up in snow gear or her ridiculous flannel pajamas. The way that he sometimes caught her staring at him the same ways he knew she caught him staring at her. She took care of him. Listened to him when she clearly didn’t understand half of what he was talking about. Helped him keep the company going. Put up with his whims. Just thinking about her, even her scolding him could put a smile on his face.  If he believed in love then he would definitely equate love with Pepper.
Thinking about love would make him think of his mother, then his father. Jarvis, Ana. What they all would think if they could see him now, spending every free moment drinking or chasing after the only version of companionship he could accept. 
Wonder what the world would have been like if he had been in that car with his parents, if he’d told them that he would come. Or what would have happened if he would have spoken to them a little longer. 
Hell sometimes he still wondered what happened to Shannon Dorman who gave him his first kiss in second grade when his father wasn’t able to make it to parent weekend at Andover. 
The only difference in all these thoughts from a  normal person is most people thought about them one at a time. For Tony it was everything all at once. Like someone had left a bunch of tabs open on a computer and they all were playing different music. It was hard to focus and distinguish one thought or emotion from another when he was left idle like this. 
He thrummed his hand against the back of the couch, the sound echoing loudly in the otherwise quiet room, so he stopped. He bounced his foot instead and turned his head to look out the window and watch the large chunks of snow as they continued to fall, not as heavy as before but still steady. 
In lieu of counting sheep he tried counting snowflakes. He made it to nearly one thousand before it became just another tab running in the background of his mind. 
He needed a drink. Or sex. He didn’t think Pepper would be offering though and he was well mannered enough that he would refrain from slinking away to the bathroom for some self love. 
That left Tony with a drink. 10% alcohol content was a drop in the bucket for him but perhaps it would at least let him close out some of those tabs for a while. At least enough so that he could catch a few hours sleep. 
Making up his mind, he threw back the covers and walked back over to the fireplace and retrieved the forgotten bottle. There was still a little over half left, it should theoretically do the trick. 
He collapsed back against the couch and haphazardly strew the sheet back across him as he took a long pull straight from the bottle. He didn’t figure that Pepper would be wanting anymore tonight so there was no one left to be considerate for. After a couple more long pulls he could feel that little tingle start working its way across his body, warming him from the inside. Whiskey did it better but it was still a pleasant start. 
“Tony...” Pepper’s tired voice called out to him and for the first time he noticed her blue eyes watching him.
“Don’t drink anymore tonight.”
He tried not to bristle against the perceived admonishment. “Why not?”
“I’m sorry. It’s really none of my business what my boss does,” she said.
“Okay...as my friend then. Why?”
Pepper was quiet for a moment before she shifted around on the bed and clicked on the bedside light and sat up. Her hands were almost hidden by the cuffs of her pajamas but he could see how she twisted them together nervously, one of her only tells of discomfort.
“If you’re serious about what you said earlier, about agreeing with your Aunt...why not start now? Just little steps. You don’t need to drink, you don’t even like that stuff,” she finally spoke, her voice steady and sure despite her earlier nervousness. When Pepper committed to a decision she always went all in. 
“Look, I’m sorry that I woke you. I just needed something to help me to sleep. This helps.” 
“Well, what normally helps?”
He smiled. 
Ah Pepper. Ever the problem solver. 
“Normally, I have a glass of whiskey and well, company with me, to tire myself out. That helps usually. When I’m home I can work. Right now I have none of that,” he shrugged. 
“Have you thought about taking a sleeping aid?”
Tony scoffed. “Uh. Yeah. That’s not going to work. You missed the early nineties with me so I forgive you, I just try to stay away from anything in pill format these days.”
Pepper brought both of her knees up to her chest and pulled the blanket back over her, one arm resting against her knee and propping her head up as she racked her mind for alternatives. “Is there nothing else that helps?”
“Working out, but I’m not sure you want me doing calisthenics while you’re trying to sleep.”
“What about talking?”
Tony thought it over. He remembered more than one night where he and Jarvis talked until he fell asleep. It was worth a go. At the very least the conversation was a distraction and he had a good partner to speak with. 
He nodded his head. “Talking helps.”
“Then talk to me.”
“Aren’t we already?”
Pepper rolled her eyes. “Tell you what, you can try and dig for slumber party gossip if you think it will help.”
“Ohhhh I knew you would warm up to the game,” he said, and took one final sip of the wine before standing and putting it on the bedside table beside Pepper so it would be out of his grasp.
“So, tell me about Virginia Potts. We’ve spent every day together for five years and I feel like I don’t know anything about you aside from your remarkable ability to keep my ass in line, your acumen for business, and your minor shoe addiction.”
Pepper shrugged and to his surprise took her own little drink from the bottle, seemingly nonplussed that he had been drinking straight from it like a heathen. “Well, I’m from a small town in Ohio…”
“Riverbend,” he finished.
She smirked back at him. “So you have checked up on me too.”
“Just your resume and the standard background check when you were originally hired. I did have to make sure you weren’t actually a crazy person you know after the pepper spray incident, you know? Happy wouldn’t let me breathe until I did.”
“And that’s why he is a great bodyguard.”
“Eh, jury is still out on that one. He did let you get by after all.”
There was another genuine smile.  Maybe it was the wine, maybe it was her smile. He could already feel his mind slowly beginning to calm, just with the little bit of banter between them.
“Anyways, my Dad used to run a farm with my Uncle Morgan but my Uncle was always a little flighty. When that was a bust my father started his own handyman business and then became a contractor. My mother was an elementary school secretary. I didn’t know what I wanted to do, I just knew I wanted to get out of there.” 
“Well, yeah. The land of corn and astronauts. There’s gotta be some reason all those guys wanted to leave Earth after a stint in your state. Nevermind the biography let's just get to the fun stuff.”
He could honestly sit and listen to Pepper talk about her life forever. She could be as detailed as a Tolkien novel and he’d never complain. He just wasn’t sure when he would ever get this opportunity for questions again, and while young Virginia fascinated him, he wanted to know more about Pepper now.
She raised her brow questioningly. “Like what?”
“What do you say to a fast money round? Favorite color?”
She laughed a little, surprised perhaps by the simplicity of the question. “Blue. You?”
“Red. Favorite food?”
“Pad thai.”
“Not bad. Mine is pasta carbonara. My mom…” he trailed off a little bit, suddenly struck by a memory of cooking with his mother in the kitchen. So much for forgetting. Pepper looked at him with concern as he mentally regrouped. “She made the best version of it. Authentic.”
His words hung thick in the air until Pepper broke the silence.
“Least favorite food?”
“Caviar. I know I’m probably destroying your elitist view of me but I had a terrible experience as a kid. Never again. You?” he said, grateful for the continuation of their game. 
“Really? You have a whole strawberry-blonde aesthetic going on,” he said pointing his finger at her hair.
“Yeah, I’m allergic. Like deathly allergic, so it’s a no go for me.”
“Bummer. There’s some irony for you. Do you want me to ban strawberries from the entire Stark Industries campus? Because I will.”
“I don’t think that is necessary.”
“Well, at least from the house. I’ll have Jarvis erase anything strawberry related from the grocery list.” 
“It's really not-”
“Please?” he insisted. He could think of at least ten different running items off the top of his head with strawberry in them. She was in his home just as much if not more than he was, he wanted her to feel comfortable there. “You’re at my house more than your own and the least I can do is make you feel safe. Mi casa es su casa, y’know?
“I hardly think that I need protecting from the big bad strawberries but if it really means that much to your chivalrous pride then yes, delete strawberry related items from your grocery list,” she teased, but her soft smile let him know how it was appreciated.
“Done deal.” 
“Thank you, Mr. Stark.”
“You’re welcome Ms. Potts. Now where were we? Oh yes, searching for your deep, dark secret. Do you have a boyfriend?” he asked, raising his brow expectantly.
Pepper groaned. “Didn’t you already ask that?”
“You didn’t answer the question. Look, it doesn’t have to be a boyfriend. Girlfriend maybe? You know there’s no judgement from me. It'd be like the pot calling the kettle black because you’ve seen the array of company I keep.”
“No, I don’t have a girlfriend, Tony, sorry to disappoint, and no boyfriend either.” 
“Why not? This may be crossing a boundary but you are smoking hot. You can’t tell me you haven’t left a trail of broken hearts from Ohio to California.”
“Like you?”
“No, that’s coast to coast. Global even,” he said with a wink that he knew would draw an eye roll from her. 
“Not that it is any of your business,” she predictably began with the eye roll, “but I really haven’t. There was someone in college that I thought maybe...he didn’t want a partner though he wanted a trophy. The people I have dated in between have never lasted very long and I don’t have the time for that right now anyways.” 
“Because of me?” he questioned.
“No. I’m just focused on my career and I have been since college. It’s hard finding a person who isn’t intimidated by a powerful woman who knows what she wants. You’d be surprised by all the fragile egos out there.”
“I’m really not. You forget about the people I’ve been expected to mingle with my entire life?”
She smiled at his words and took a few moments to collect her thoughts, her face pinching together in a frown. “I don’t want to compromise my goals just because my partner thinks barefoot and pregnant is a more appropriate title for a woman.” 
Tony thought her feelings were perfectly understandable. He couldn’t ever imagine Pepper relegated to taking a back seat in her own life. Not to say that being a mother is less than a corporate business woman, but that idea that someone would want to repress who Pepper was just to fit their own outdated ideals of what a family and relationship should be.
“I agree, Pep, that’s ridiculous.”
If she was shocked by his response she hid it well. Maybe she wasn’t though. He always thought he was a progressive guy, even if sometimes he could be a bit contradictory in his actions. That was mostly for show though. The carefully crafted Tony Stark persona.
“Besides, when would I ever really even have the time to date someone seriously with our schedules? We’re in a fast paced world, where plans can change on a dime…”
“Like spending an extra couple of days skiing, snowboarding and getting caught in a blizzard?”
She held out her hand towards him. “Exactly. Who would understand that? I feel like I’d spend more time justifying my work than actually having a relationship.”
“So, it is my fault then?” he asked sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“Ugh. Maybe a little. Don’t feel too bad,” she said, waving his feelings off. “The last time I did have a semi successful date, the guy ended it with what I’m sure he thought was an earth shattering kiss but he literally kissed like a fish. It was disgusting and ruined the entire night.”
Tony actually cackled at that anecdote. “So, no second date?” 
“Oh my god. Definitely not. Completely turned me off of the concept for the foreseeable future,” she laughed with him.
“When was that?”
Pepper thought about it a moment. “About a year ago.”
Tony flinched. “Oof. You sure you don’t wanna make out? You shouldn’t let that be your last kiss.”
“Thanks, tempting but no.” 
“Ooh I’ve gone from an outright no to tempting, huh?” Pepper opened up her mouth to protest but he immediately cut her off, pointing his finger at her. “No, no, don’t take it back. You said it. That’s going to be tattooed on my brain for a very long time.” 
“You’re ridiculous.”
They both fell silent after that, just enjoying each other’s company. Tony shifted on the couch folding his arms behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling. Pepper shifted to lay back down on her pillow, she still laid on her side facing him though, he felt her eyes watching him.
“What’s on your mind?” she finally asked.
“Do you ever think you’ll have a family one day?”
“I’ve really never thought about it, to be honest.”
“I find that hard to believe. Even  I have thought of it.”
“You have?”
“Hard not to when there’s a new paternity suit every year.”
That was the truth. He had thought of family in the traditional manner of course. Settling down like Aunt Peggy said with a wife and 2.5 children like the American dream dictated. He didn’t see it ever happening, but sometimes it was a nice thought if he didn’t think he would turn out just like his father, cold and neglectful. 
The paternity suits were another beast. None ever panned out and he expected none ever would. He may be promiscuous but he wasn’t an idiot. Still, it was always an interesting couple of weeks wondering what if. He wasn’t the type that would pay the mother off he knew that much. He would take an active part in any child of his life, fears be damned. 
“I guess it’s not something I’ve ever pined for. Maybe someday in the far off future where I’m the CEO of my own company. Maybe then.”
He turned his head to face her. “You gunning for my job, Potts?
She smiled tiredly back at him. “Maybe I am. I have to keep you on your toes somehow.”
“You’d probably do a better job. You like all the boring details of the job. I just want to be left alone to create.”
“Please. Don't sell yourself short. Creating is your passion, but you have an eye for business. If you didn't then I don't think this company would have survived the last decade and don't say it was all Obadiah either. You're way more progressive than he is.”
“While I appreciate the vote of confidence, weren't you already concerned with how you'd fit my ego in the room though? I don't want to suffocate you.”
“I think I can manage this once. Tony, can I ask you something?” she asked. 
Something in the tone of her voice made him look over at her. She was chewing at the bottom of her lip in indecision so he had a pretty good idea that like earlier in the night, whatever she wanted to say was probably something that he wouldn’t like. 
“Prying for the deep, dark secrets again?” he asked, going for levity and turning his attention back to the ceiling.
“Why did we stay here after the conference?” she asked softly. 
Of course she asked that.
“Just wasn’t ready to go back.” 
“You didn’t even want to go to the conference and then you stay here longer? You hate the cold and snow.” 
Tony shifted into a slouched position, one arm curving across the back of the couch as he drummed his fingers against the material again. He could feel his heart begin to race as he debated whether he wanted to tell Pepper the truth or not. This was one of those things that had been floating along in his myriad of thoughts and ideas, keeping him up at night the closer that the date approached. 
Pepper had shown good faith in him all night, humoring him even though he knew she had to be exhausted. After his behavior he supposed an explanation was the very least that he could provide her.
“I didn’t always hate it,” he began gingerly.
Pepper seemed to make a decision then, sitting back up and moving herself and her pillows to the opposite side of the bed. She left the duvet upturned and patted the empty space beside her invitingly. 
“I trust you,” was all she said.
He stood up from the couch and let the sheet fall away as he stretched out his limbs. He wasn’t a very tall man, but he was way too long to be scrunched up on the couch and was thankful for the reprieve. Tony wrapped the sheet back around his body as he slid beneath the warmth of the duvet and flipped the cover up over them both. He turned on his side to face Pepper, propping his chin up with his arm and she mirrored his movements. Tony tried to use the quiet moment to gather his thoughts and not to think about how the warmth he felt from the mattress was from where her body had lain. 
“Today...well, yesterday,” he conceded given the hour, “was my mother’s birthday.”
“I didn’t know,” she whispered and shook her head.
“You wouldn’t. I keep my parents close to the vest as much as I can these days,” he shrugged and absolved her from any guilt she might be feeling. Pepper hated not knowing important information. 
“I grew up in New York as you know, and she used to love it when it snowed. When I was younger we would build snowmen, snow angels, we made ice cream out of the snow and shared hot cocoa. Whatever you could think of. When I was older, the week of her birthday my parents would take me out of boarding school, and since it doesn’t usually snow in April, we would go to the Alps or Aspen or wherever else and ski, snowboard, whatever. It was one of the only times I ever remember feeling like I was really a part of the family. When she died…” he trailed off softly.
“It was snowing that night?” Pepper inferred. She always knew what he meant to say.
He nodded slowly. “The snow and cold didn’t bring me any kind of joy anymore.” 
“So, why now?” she asked gently.
He had come this far. May as well go all in.
“If we’d gone back to Malibu I would have done my best impression of drinking myself to death, like I do every year. I don’t know. I guess something Aunt Peggy said struck a chord and I wanted to try and honor Mom a better way. I still drank but when I’m in public it’s easier to stop. To control it. There’s no control when I’m alone.”
He ducked his head in shame not wanting to see any kind of judgement on Pepper’s face. She knew he had problems. How couldn’t she? She was always one step behind him cleaning up his messes and he had even admitted his problem to her tonight. He just wasn’t sure she knew the full extent. The reason why he was on full lockdown and unavailable on certain dates because he would rather drink himself to death than have to remember. 
“If you needed someone to keep you company, all you had to do was ask,” she answered him quietly and he dared to lift his head and take a peek at her face from beneath his hair, trying to gauge the sincerity behind the words. 
“I don’t pay you enough for that.”
She immediately frowned. “I don’t need you to pay me. I am your friend, Tony. If you’re struggling, I want to help.”
He wanted to believe her. Oh how bad he wanted to believe her. He could see the sincerity on her face and hear it in her words, He had just had so many experiences that told him the opposite. That everyone had a motive to be close with him, no one really cared. Until Rhodey and Happy. And now Pepper. 
He smiled sheepishly and wiped a tear that he didn’t know was there away with the back of his hand. “I guess I don’t know how to ask for help.”
“We’ll work on it,” she said and reached out and brushed the stray hair from his face, her hand lingering as it softly caressed his cheek.
“Hey, Pep,” he began hoarsely, his eyes downturned to the pattern of the duvet, ”in the spirit of asking, I guess I should start learning now.”
“Anything,” she replied honestly and that made him grin for the ghost of a moment.
“Do you think maybe when we get back you could put together a list of some, uh, outpatient facilities for my, uh...you know,” he stumbled.
She moved her hand from his cheek down to grasp his free hand and squeezed it in hers. “Of course.”
“Maybe keep it quiet from Obie and everyone else in case it doesn’t take.”
“It’s a process, Tony. You’ll get there in your own time, but yeah. I can keep it quiet as long as you’ll at least tell Rhodey. He’d want to support you too. And Peggy.”
He clutched her hand in his and ran his thumb across her skin soothingly. “You drive a hard bargain, Potts. You sure you aren’t trying to take my job?”
“Not today.” 
“Then I accept your terms,” he said squeezing her hand again. 
“Good. Do you think you can sleep?”
“Maybe. I feel a little better.”
“Well. Just try. I’m here if you need me.”
He wanted to tell Pepper that being in such a close proximity to her was part of what was keeping him awake now but he didn’t. Instead he carefully turned and clicked the light off before settling back into his pillow. He wasn’t about to give up this moment for anything, even if he didn’t sleep a wink.
Pepper couldn’t believe that she actually was sharing a bed with Tony right now. It had been awhile since her declaration to get some sleep but even though she was dead on her feet she couldn’t seem to get relaxed enough to drift off. Maybe that also had something to do with the fact that Tony was still loosely holding her hand in his and every time he took a breath she could feel it tickle against her skin. 
What did all of this mean? Did it even mean anything? She had always prided herself on enforcing boundaries and making sure Tony always stayed on the other side of the invisible line but tonight she felt like they both had leaped over it hand in hand. Skipping over the line between professionalism and friendship right into something more. Just what she could not say yet. Not even in her own mind. It wasn’t able to be defined yet. All she knew was that this little detour in the snowy mountains of Colorado had been a turning point in their relationship, seemingly for the better.
If Tony was comfortable enough now to tell her about such intimate information about his family and his drinking, reaching out to her for help, then that could only be for the better. He didn’t have many people he could trust like that and she was proud to be counted among them.
Were they still just friends though?
“Pepper, I can hear you thinking from over here, what’s on your mind?” he asked groggily, his hand closing around hers once more, causing her to flinch in surprise.
“I thought you were asleep?”
“The room is only big enough for one loud thinker not two. So spill it, what’s going on?” he asked, his eyelids fluttering open to reveal dark brown eyes.
Oh, nothing, just thinking about how distracting it is to be touching you and sharing a bed.
“Just the usual. Wondering if we’ll be able to fly out of here tomorrow. Thinking of everything that will need to be pushed back if we’re not.”
He didn’t buy it for a second she knew but he hummed in assent and kept his eyes locked on her own. 
“What?” she chuckled nervously under his gaze. 
“Hey, Pepper, now do you want to make out?”
There was something different about the way he asked her this time. Tony wasn’t teasing, he wasn’t vulnerable any longer. Enough time had passed that he had seemed to come back to himself which made this even scarier than all the other times. This time she didn’t doubt the sincerity as he held her gaze, jaw locked firmly in place in anticipation of her response. She was finding it harder to find reasons to turn him down.
“Tony…” she began, hoping for her brain to come up with something. “I know today has been difficult and we have had some really hard and emotional conversations…”
“You wouldn’t be taking advantage of me if that’s what you’re thinking. I’m not that compromised,” he grinned, his face lit up only by the moonlight pouring in from the window.  
“I just don’t think that’s going to happen,” she finished lamely. 
“Why not?”
She had to give him something real or he would never stop. She slowly pulled her hand away from his, instantly missing the warmth he had provided and hid it beneath her pillow. “I can’t be just another one of those girls, Tony.” He would have to understand that.
“Is that what you think, Pepper?” he asked, unable to mask the small amount of hurt from creeping onto his face and in his tone. He actually looked like a wounded animal. 
All she could offer was a shrug in response because it was exactly what she thought from the moment that she had met him until this evening when she finally started to see that other side of him. 
“You’re not, Pep,” he reassured her and reached back out and found her hand beneath the pillow anyways. “God you’re not.”
“What’s changed?” she dared to ask.
“You have always been different than everyone else. You’re not someone that I could or even want to throw away. You mean more to me than anyone else in my life. I thought it was obvious by the way that I am a complete and utter disaster without you. I have been wanting this since you first came through my office doors and until tonight I wasn’t completely sure, but I know you like me too. Don’t you?” he asked so earnestly, his eyes opened wide and his eyebrows raised. He looked like a literal puppy, begging to be let in from the cold. 
“Tony…” she started to deflect again but he cut her off.
“Look, it’s okay if you don’t, I’m not going to fire you or anything. I don’t want you to ever be worried about that because like you said, we’re friends right?”
She nodded her head gently. 
“Good. I just want to know that I’m not crazy, Pepper. That I’m not the only one that gets these weird little butterflies in the pit of my stomach whenever we’re together. You feel it too, right?”
Pepper hesitated a long time, instinctively chewing at her bottom lip again. She had another choice to make. Another boundary to shatter. Should she do it? She let loose a deep full body sigh, ignoring how shaky the exhale really was before she looked him in the eye.
“You’re not crazy,” she admitted.
His face lit up like a Christmas tree.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“You’re my boss,” she simply offered. Another truth. It was inappropriate. The press would always talk about the power imbalance and trash her for falling for it like all the others. 
Tony had the nerve to scoff at her  words. “Please, if anything you are my boss.”
“Okay then. You don’t do relationships,” she tried again.
“I could try. I want to try. With you,” he clarified gently, his voice lowering to that honeyed timber she loved. 
Her heart wanted to sing with his admission. In fact it was. She could feel how quickly it was pumping, the adrenaline sending shockwaves all across her body as she thrummed with anticipation. Her mind however knew otherwise. There was always a but. 
“Tony...you’re not ready for that yet.”
And he wasn’t. Her brain knew that even as her heart rebelled. Tony was a mess. On this trip alone he had been with at least three different girls. He was slowly coming to terms with being an alcoholic and what that meant for his personal and professional future as he started to seek help. That was on top of his already full work plate. He didn’t have the time or the mental capacity right now to try and begin a new  relationship and to do it the right way. He had no idea the work it would entail. Maybe someday in the faroff future, but not tonight.
His face dropped as his eyes flickered across her face, his hand going loose in hers so she could pull away but she didn’t. “Okay. Yeah, you’re right. I’m a bit of a mess aren’t I?” he asked, flashing a pained toothy smile. “It’s fine.” 
“Look, I’m not saying no forever,” she clarified. She was helpless against that face. 
“So, there’s a chance?” he asked, hopefully.
She squeezed his hand. “Perhaps.”
“Well, in that case I will do my best to become the kind of man you deserve.”
It was probably the most sincere declaration of affection she had ever received and she tried to hide the dopey grin in her pillow. That made him smile back and this time it was him who pulled his hand free to run the back of his hand down her face almost reverently, taking his time and just soaking the moment up. 
“Hey, Tony…”
“Want to make out?” she asked, coyly.
His eyebrows disappeared into his hairline as his head shot off the pillow. “But you said--”
“On one condition,” she continued unperturbed.
“What would that be?”
She waited until he settled back down and then looked away from him nervously. “After tonight...we pretend like it never happened.” 
“Never. Can you do that?”
“I can.”
“We can count this as an experiment. Maybe we won’t even like it, maybe it will be too weird,” she shrugged.
“You know me. Always willing to sacrifice anything needed in the name of science,” he teased and scooted closer to her. 
She held her breath when she felt his body brush up against her own as he tentatively leaned in closer to her. He brushed a strand of her hair back behind her ear and searched her face seemingly for any sign of doubt of discomfort. Anything saying that she was uncomfortable. Aside from her heart beating like a freight train inside her chest though she felt perfectly normal.
“You’re sure?” he asked again. He liked to play the field but she knew that he was always all about consent. 
“I’m sure,” she spoke so quietly she could barely even hear her own words. 
Pepper met his lips halfway and only had half a second of panic that this was really happening before his lips met hers and with it threw out any sense of logic or reason. Instead her mind was flooded with the happy influx of endorphins as her heart continued to pound away, the fluttering of the butterflies in her stomach melting away into something hotter as it spread across her body. 
Her hand reached up to tangle itself in his hair, gently pulling and encouraging him. When he opened his mouth to hers she almost giggled like a school child when she realized she could taste that cheap wine on his tongue like she wondered earlier and also knowing that it had never tasted better than it did right now. 
It was like a spark had been lit between them and nothing else existed. 
All that she knew were his lips, the smell of his aftershave and collage blending together in perfect harmony, some kind of leather and sandalwood type smell, not his usual expensive brand and she found that curious. His hands rove from caressing her cheek to burying themselves in her hair as well, or running up and down her back softly. It made a shiver go down her backside and he only pulled her closer for it. 
She actually whimpered when he pulled away, mouth still parted and wanting as they both were left breathless.
“Weird?” he asked, after a moment, his sweet breath tickling her nose, he was still so close. 
“No, I don’t think so,” she immediately shook her head. 
“Good, once more for science?” he asked, but it was rhetorical and she never got the chance to respond. 
Oh, how she wished that this never had to end. That it was the future already and Tony’s life was put together the way that they both hoped it would be. That the endless parade of booze and women was over and he was celebrating his sobriety and they were away celebrating. But it wasn’t. And this did have to end before it got too far.
Pepper pulled away from him slowly, letting him chase her and kiss her softly a couple more times as he came back down from the rush. She put a finger to his lips to prevent him from anymore but he just kissed her index finger instead.
“I think that’s enough for one evening,” she said, regrettably. 
He looked as disappointed as she did but also satisfied in a way that she had never seen him except maybe after some breakthrough on a project. His hand stayed buried in her hair, brushing and pulling at the strands.
“It will never be enough. But I think we have collected sufficient data for the future,” he grinned dopily in the waning light of the moon.
This time Pepper did giggle and she blamed it on the swell of emotions mixing with her utter exhaustion. 
“You could say that,” she agreed when her giggles subsided.
He gazed at her longingly and licked his lips, her attention instantly flying to his tongue. She knew what he tasted like now, and she didn’t ever want to forget it.
“Since this night never happened, might I trouble you for one more thing?” he asked hesitantly.
She clenched her teeth worried about what kind of favor exactly he had in mind and if it was going to put a damper on their evening.
“What is it?” she asked cautiously.
“Can I hold you tonight?” he asked, his voice barely coming out in a soft rumble that sent more shivers down her body.
Of all the requests she wasn’t expecting that one. Not something so innocent.
“Well, since it never happened,” she simply said with a shrug of her shoulder and moved in closer beside him. 
The hand that had been in her hair moved as he laid on his back and let her tuck herself in against his chest comfortably, before encircling her, the reassuring weight of his bicep against her back. She tentatively let her own arm creep across his torso and gently fist into the fabric of his shirt as she inhaled his scent beneath her. She heard more than felt when he kissed the top of her head.
“Goodnight Ms. Potts,” he said, his voice already thick with exhaustion. She thought he might actually be able to get some sleep tonight.
“Goodnight Mr. Stark.”
They missed the brilliant sunrise the next morning, and the gentle rapping at the door of the nervous general manager checking in on his guests. When she woke it was with the comfort of Tony’s arms still around her as he snored softly in the morning light.
They made it back to Malibu of course. Back to Stark Industries and deadlines and projects. Tony did start at an outpatient program and he did make that call to Peggy Carter to apologize and to his best friend to let him know what he was doing. 
They never spoke about that night.
Whenever, she’d start to feel like it was all just some strange, exhaustion induced fever dream though, she would catch Tony looking at her. Not the way that he always had with what she figured was nothing more than base lust. No, now he looked at her almost lovingly. Reverently. Hopefully. Like she hung the stars and the moon and nothing else existed in that moment. Then she was reminded of that moment. How he looked, how he felt pressed against her. 
If she ever did start to forget though and his gaze was not enough to remind her, she would come and find him. At home, at work. She’d slip away to where they could be alone and he could remind her once more, that what happened was real. What she was feeling for him and he for her was real 
They could never talk about it just yet.
Instead it was like it never happened.  
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Ain’t Family Great? ~ Lucifer Morningstar x  GenderNeutral!Reader
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Summary: You have come from a very religious household, and they don’t take too kindly when they heard that you are dating someone literally named the devil.
Author’s Note: I literally got this idea from seeing a dialogue prompt on Pinterest, and it just spiraled out of control. 
Trigger Warning: Curse words, some innuendos, biblical literalism, religious talk (It is Lucifer)
You were a friend and coworker of Chloe Decker, you mostly worked in the background doing research and gathering the data on the criminals and suspects of the cases your unit was working on. That is how you met Lucifer, Chloe asked you to gather information on two main suspects on a case she was working on and Lucifer was lingering on in the background.
 When you gave Chloe the information you gathered and she left, Lucifer piped up, “What’s your name? I haven’t seen you before” “That’s because I mostly work on research stuff for cases, so I do a lot of the office work and investigative work that requires me to be in a chair for the whole day. My name’s (Y/N), Chloe’s mentioned you before,” you replied with a small smile. “Ah I hope not all of them are terrible, even if I am the Devil I like to think I have a certain amount of charm,” he said with a smirk.
That’s when you first heard him call himself the devil, and if you were honest with yourself you were always curious about his name: Lucifer Morningstar. 
You grew up in an extremely religious household, which at times felt like you were suffocating from the relentless biblical literalism that was upheld in your house. You were always curious about the Devil in the biblical stories and you always found the quote by Mark Twain interesting if read in a certain context otherwise it’ll sound like an angsty emo kid trying to be philosophical. 
There was an instance where you were on a case with Chloe and Lucifer, and the killer had said, “Oh, you know that phrase? The devil made me do it? It felt like that” 
You let out a light snort at that as you immediately responded, “The devil didn’t make you do anything. Your poor impulse control and anger management, and might I add quite a horrid spectacle of internet history could certainly be a bad combination to make you do something.”
After the case, Lucifer was very curious about your statement towards the killer as you guys headed to a cafe to get some lunch together, he asks, “Why were you so against the man using that phrase? I mean I hate it because it is so demeaning, I’ve got better things to do.”
 You shrugged as you sipped your beverage and responded, “I don’t know, maybe it’s partly because of my very religious family which I have realized how much bullshit I was forced to listen to since I was born, so I guess I grew to have sympathy for the devil.” “Oh really?” Lucifer’s small smile grew to a smirk as he leaned forward, Chloe swatted him to move back.
“Not you. I don’t know you, but one of my favorite quotes about the devil is from Mark Twain,”  you commented. “I don’t think I have,” he continued to have that smirk on his face. He was very handsome but he was so goddamn annoying, you thought. “Well, it goes: ‘Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?’ Like, there’s this whole thing about redemption in the Bible and catholicism but does the Devil ever get the chance to get his redemption? No, I think God wanted a scapegoat and he got it from a rebel,” you ranted. 
Lucifer looked shocked for a moment but gathered his posture and said, “Well, you thought about this quite a bit. I assume because of your family?” You just shrugged at first, took a sip from your drink, then nodded. “Their family is very strict, I thought my family was weird but they got me beat, ” Chloe informed him. 
“They stopped talking to me, they didn’t think that I was enough for them. It hurt at first but y’know as time moves on I figured that I have better things to do than wallow in my past, so I realized I needed help so I got therapy and now I’m here,” you surmised. “Family is a wonderful thing, isn’t it? Filling us with traumas and issues since we were created,” Lucifer commented.
                                                                                                                             Time has passed between that first case with Lucifer and Chloe, now whenever they needed an extra pair of eyes they’d call on you to help with them. It was an interesting dynamic that you and Lucifer had developed over the weeks that you were going with them on cases. You were able to talk about literally anything with Lucifer, he made you feel comfortable which is odd since his persistence on him calling himself the Devil. By him associating himself with it, you thought he was supposed to be like an actual bad guy, but gauging his reaction to your conversation about your first case with them, you made a realization that because of his name people treat like the actual devil. 
One day, you went through your mail in the apartment lobby and spotted a letter that was from your hometown, and another one with the return address being your parents’ house. ‘The hell is this?’ you thought. 
When you opened the first one you found a wedding invitation that your cousin was inviting you to, you were actually pretty close with this cousin, she was really chill and she understands the conservative and religious household you used to live in. The second one was your parents’ basically condemning you from being at your cousin’s wedding, and that pissed you off. You were a grown adult, you would be damned if you’d let your parents try to control you anymore. 
You decided to go out to LUX, because if there is one person who understands controlling parents it was Lucifer and maybe he’d be able to give you the extra courage you need to stand up to your parents. You had on your favorite party outfit, and when you entered the club you could feel the thrum of energy and the bass of the music go straight to your heart. As you walked to the bar you spotted Maze whom you’ve met before when you came here out of Lucifer’s request, you waved her over.
 “What can I get for you?” She asked. “I’m sure you know what’s the best drink here, so I’ll leave that to you,” you said. You turned around to just watch the crowd and started to get a little nervous about the idea of going back to your hometown for the wedding, you love your cousin but hate your parents. So, you were at a bit of a crossroads with this. While you were watching the crowd you saw Lucifer come up to you with a big grin on his face. 
“Well, hello (Y/N) this is a surprise. What brings you here?” Lucifer beamed.
 “I actually came here to see you, to ask for advice,” you replied. 
“A horrible decision really,” he smirked.
“My cousin invited me to her wedding but my parents know and basically condemned me from going to the wedding, and I’m unsure of whether to just stay here in L.A. or to go to the wedding and just be resilient against what my parents’ might say to me,” you said crossing your arms and rubbing them back and forth. 
“Well, that sounds like quite a situation you got yourself in”
“I know, that’s why I am asking what I should do?”
“You know I’m all about that rebellion against parental figures, so I say go to the wedding and have a good time, your parents be damned. In fact, I would never say no to a party, so I could come up with you,” he added with a wink.
“Would you like to be my plus one? But please don’t start anything with my parents,” you begged him.
“I thought you’d never ask, and I can’t promise you that,” he smirked.
                                                                                                                            After, that conversation both of you got ready for travelling out to your hometown and you made sure to bring the outfits that gave you the most confidence in yourself because you knew that you’d need that. 
You admitted to yourself a while ago that you had a crush on Lucifer, he was hot as hell, always polite with you, and treated you with genuine interest and respect.  You also made a promise to not let your feelings get caught in the middle of your mission. You are going to have a good time at this wedding, congratulate your cousin and just have a good time. 
                                                                                                                            Both of you made it one piece to the hotel that Lucifer somehow booked without your knowledge, because you swore you got a cheap motel room but as you tried to convince Lucifer to let you go to your motel room, he just said, “Are you crazy? I’m the devil for a reason, darling, I got connections everywhere and plus this place is much more spacious. We don’t need to sleep in the same bed if that’s what’s making you uncomfortable.”
“I just thought you would probably be looking for hookups or something and would want your own hotel room for that stuff,” you sputtered. 
“Well if that comes to it, I’ll go to their room because I wanted to give you the comfiest place to go back to because I know how family can be,” Lucifer answered. 
“That’s really nice of you, y’know for someone insisting he’s the devil you can be really sweet.”
The hotel room was really nice, it had two bedrooms and a large tv screen in front of the dining area. As time moved on and you guys decided to decompress and relax on one bed and decided to just mindlessly watch the tv. You fell asleep and Lucifer watched you for a moment as he realized you were asleep, he put you under the covers and fell asleep next to you.
The next day you woke up to the sunlight hitting your eyes, you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and as you took a deep breath in you smelled something delicious. You turned around and saw Lucifer cooking breakfast with his shirt half undone and his hair all curled up. 
“Good morning (Y/N), how did you sleep?” Lucifer asked.
“Pretty good, actually,” you answered with a yawn still trying to wake up.
As you both ate breakfast in relative comfortable silence, you looked at your phone and noticed the time. “Shit, we should get ready to go to the church and the party afterwards,” you told him as you got up and went to your suitcase to gather your things.
After what seems like hours to both of you, you managed to get out of the hotel room and to the church. Lucifer dropped you off in front of the church as he wanted to find a parking space for his car. As you waited in front of the church you noticed your parents walking to the church and felt your stomach churn as they were inching closer to you. Your mom looked furious and it was like her whole head was on fire how red it was. Your dad had a more quiet anger to him but you saw the clenched fists and the tightened jaw on him. You put out a little prayer to whoever to get Lucifer faster to you. 
“What are you doing here? I thought we told you to not come here,” your mother sneered.
“The last time I checked I am a grown adult and (Y/C/N) invited me to their wedding,” you stated. 
“Listen here you bitch, you are a disgrace to this family and that is why we didn’t want you here,” your mother hissed.
Before you could get another word in you heard Lucifer, “Oh there you are, love, I was looking for you.” He kissed the side of your head as he wrapped a hand around your waist and looked at your parents as he continued, “You must be (Y/N)’s parents, I’m her boyfriend, a pleasure to meet you.”
You looked at him a bit surprised and your parents’ faces were that of a gulping goldfish. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry I haven’t introduced myself. My name is Lucifer. Lucifer Morningstar,” he stated.
“Like the devil?” your father said with apprehension in his voice, he made your mom step back behind him. 
“Oh, I’m not as bad as the books say, you know,” Lucifer spoke with a wink.
“Quiet, evil one,”  your dad sneered.
“Oooh, name-calling so fearsome, “ Lucifer scoffed. He looked towards you as you were just staring at the three of them. “C’mon love, we’ve got a wedding to go to, can’t be late.”
                        ��                                                                                                   After that encounter the wedding reception went quite beautifully, you may or may not have teared up hearing your cousin and their spouse recite their vows. When you both went to the after-party you both stayed away from your parents and they seemed to have lost interest after that conversation earlier. 
A slow dance came on while you were at the bar getting a drink when Lucifer appeared next and offered you his hand. You just raised an eyebrow at him in response and just said, “I thought you weren’t the type for slow dancing?” “Only with the right partner I find it enjoyable,” he smirked with a wink. 
You hit him on the chest playfully and replied, “How do you know I’d be the right partner?” you asked. “Ooh I’d figure you’d be good at from the first day I saw you” he quipped. “Okay show me your moves, then,” you replied, taking his hand and walking to the dance floor.
He led most of the dances, keeping you close to his chest with his hand on your back. It was nice, the rhythm of his heartbeat in your ear was very soothing as well as him occasionally humming with the song if he knew, which more often than not he did. 
You looked at him and you both started to stare at each other’s eyes. You felt your eyes flutter between his eyes and his lips, he was doing the same to you. His hand cupped the back of your head and he engulfed your mouth with his. You kissed back with as much passion, but as soon as he was kissing you it was over. That kiss left you wanting more and you subconsciously leaned in closer to him.
“Wow” you whispered looking at him. Lucifer just smiled at you for a second. “I hope you wouldn’t mind if you became my real girlfriend then a spontaneous fake one?” he asked. “I would love nothing more Lucifer,” you replied with a huge grin. “Let’s get out of here then, love,” he said as he took your hand and led you out of the building and back to your shared hotel room. This time there didn’t need to be any excuses to sleep next to each other, you just did.
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Another test
A completely different fic that im working on
Tuesday afternoons are always oddly slow, regardless of the location Cordelia found herself in. Earlier that morning, her brother had asked her to take on the role of his receptionist for a few days, as the woman who usually worked at the front desk of his office was unable. She sat at the desk, reorganizing papers out of complete boredom. Men had been coming in and out all day, but she felt like there was nobody she could talk to. She was more than happy to help whenever she was needed, but it was, in her mind, ridiculous that there was nothing to do. With a sigh, she tapped her fountain pen against the loose papers--schedules, notes, and other things--it almost took on a pointillistic look on the page. She leaned on the desk before noticing that her hair was a bit of a mess and started trying to pin stray strands back into place--she knew she should have been more careful when she was doing her hair that morning. She hated having her it pinned up, but attempted to be more professional, for her brother’s sake. She had heard rumors of a baronet all the way from England--she couldn’t remember if they had specified from where in that country--would be visiting Buffalo for the time being. A baronet, no less. That title was uncommon enough to warrant questions, as nobody she spoke to understood exactly what it meant. She made it a point to ask her friend, Edith, later--she would likely know. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door open and shut. A tall man dressed in all black walked in, carrying a wooden case. The only other visible color on him was the silver chain of a pocket watch. He removed his top hat as he approached the desk, revealing short, dark, slicked-back hair under it. His eyes met hers for a moment and he smiled.
“Good afternoon, miss. I’m looking for a Mr. Baker. I have an appointment, though I suspect I’m a bit early.” Cordelia looked through the papers to find if there was something written down. “It’s for Thomas--ah, I’ve a card, my apologies.” He took a piece of paper out of his pocket. Printed across it, in neat black ink, was the name ‘Sir Thomas Sharpe’ and the title of Baronet under it. She had no idea how accurate the rumors would have been, but each of them mentioned he was attractive. They were inaccurate, as none of them could accurately capture how handsome the gentleman before her truly looked. Though tempted to keep him in the lobby until it was time for him to go back to speak to her brother for answers--she was curious, wanting to know more about him--she decided against it.
“My brother wouldn’t mind if you went back early, actually. If you’re ready to, of course.”
“Really?” He asked, a bit surprised. “Yes, miss, I am ready. Where do I go?”
“I can show you.” She stood, deciding against prying for information and resigning to interrogating her brother later--she didn’t want to risk seeming nosy or inconsiderate. “My name is Cordelia Baker. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Baker.” He nodded with a smile. They reached the end of the hall and she knocked on the doorway.
“I’ll be right there.” A voice from within called.
“I wish you the best of luck.” She looked at Thomas, smiling.
“Thank you.” His eyes met hers for a moment. “I might just need it.”
“I have full confidence that everything will go well for you.” There was a look in his eyes; as if he was unused to warm smiles and genuine words with no hope of recompense--no cynicism or idle words. He was unsure, for the moment, if it was how America simply operated...or if she was one of those rare, kind souls. The type that would set him free from all the horrors, all the burdens--he pushed the thoughts away from his mind, reassuring himself that he needed to take things one step at a time. Thomas brushed off his coat in an attempt to make himself at least feel more presentable. The door opened, and a man a little shorter than the Baronet was standing there. He had strawberry blonde hair and was wearing a blue shirt with a tawny vest over it.
“Sir Sharpe.” He held out his hand to the dark-haired man. “I’m Anthony Baker. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Thomas shook his hand. “Thank you for agreeing to see me, I truly appreciate it.” He let go, the shorter of the two opening holding the door to his office open, motioning for him to follow. Cordelia left, wanting to give them privacy if they wanted.
“Please, just call me Anthony.” He said with a smile, gesturing to the chair. “I don’t know what you plan, but do make yourself comfortable.” Thomas found it odd. Other investors had not been anywhere near as considerate, or kind. He did not understand it, but he wasn’t going to waste such an opportunity.
“I have a model. May I?” He asked, gesturing to the box.
“Of course.” Again, much to his surprise, Anthony actually picked up some of the papers and things to make a bit more room for him to work. He was ready to take notes and already seemed interested. As if he was half-expecting the redhead to change his mind, the baronet quickly set the small model up, taking the jar and box that was inside. The man across from him watched, allowing him to concentrate. Taking a breath, he did his best to steady his sudden nerves.
“The Sharpe clay mines have been royal purveyors of the purest scarlet clay since 1796. In its liquid form, it is so rich in ore and so malleable that it can produce the strongest bricks and tiles.” He gestured to the jar, left of the machine model.
“May I?” Anthony asked, gesturing to the smaller wooden box with a clay tile in it. Thomas nodded. “I've never seen anything that vibrant a shade of red in my life.” He mused, letting him continue explaining.
“Excessive mining in the last 20 years has caused most of our old deposits to collapse. This is a clay harvester of my own design. It transports the clay upwards as it digs deep.” He turned the machine on. “I have absolutely no doubt this machine will revolutionize clay mining as we know it.” Anthony looked at the machine, amazed.
“This is very impressive.” Thomas looked up, a bit caught off-guard, unused to compliments. Now he had to wonder if it was those two siblings, or it was the country.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Have you had a chance to test it, full-scale?”
“Not yet, but we’re very close. We’re hoping that with funding, it will work. I've built the harvester on my estate, but more parts would be needed to keep it running smoothly.” He explained.
“Of course, of course, my apologies. Do you happen to have schematics? Sketches?” He asked. “I would like to look into this more before I make a decision. I believe it will take a bit of time. Research and all that, I hope you understand.” Thomas nodded, a little surprised he got this far.
“Of course.” He nodded, grabbing a folder from the case. “I have everything right here.” He handed it over--inside were schematics, other information that would hopefully be useful.
“This is genuinely impressive--I apologize for repeating. It's just so well designed.” Anthony smiled for a moment. “I will have to look into it, though I can't make any promises.”
“I understand. It is a bit risky but I wholeheartedly believe it's worth it.”
“I will do what I can to respond quickly. How long are you still staying in Buffalo?"
“I believe we are--my sister and I--staying until autumn. I’m unsure of the exact dates. My sister hasn’t told me anything, yet.” Anthony nodded.
“Well, I can at least guarantee it won't take that long to get an answer.” He chuckled softly. “I'm sorry to cut this short, but I do thank you for being here.” He stood. “It was nice to meet you. I'll have my sister…” He said that as if trying to show a bit of solidarity, or they at least had something in common. “...show you out." As if on cue, there was a rhythmic knock, a code of sorts. He got up and opened it. Cordelia was there. Thomas felt a little less uncomfortable...something about her, something about the way she carried herself.
“I swear I wasn't eavesdropping,” It was honest, but she was a bit nervous about how it came across. She pulled on her sleeve, letting out a soft snicker. “I just came by to drop off some letters for you. Including one from a certain Miss Cushing." She teased Anthony, who blushed a bit in embarrassment.
“Had it not been for witnesses…” He hissed. “I’ll trade you. Would you please show Sir Sharpe out?”
“Do I have to give you the letters?” He gave her a look and she handed them over, begrudgingly. Not that she didn’t want to spend the time with Thomas, she just wanted to see Anthony’s reaction.
“Shall I leave anything here for you to examine further?”
“No, thank you; if you want to take it, please do.” Thomas nodded, packing up the machine and carefully stowing the jar and box.
“Thank you for your time, sir.”
“And thank you for yours.” Anthony smiled, looking over his notes. The baronet looked at Cordelia with a soft smile. Her presence was almost comforting, in a way, he couldn’t quite explain it. She shut the door behind them both.
“Hello.” She greeted as she began to lead him back to the lobby. “How did it go?” She asked gently.
“I believe it went well--at least it seemed to.” He looked at her, tilting his head slightly. “Your brother is much kinder than others I’ve gone to.” He mused, finding the situation rather refreshing, in a way.
“Anthony loves listening to people talk, and their ideas. And from the look at the machine I got when you were putting it back in the case, it was rather interesting.” The comment caught Thomas off-guard. He wouldn’t have guessed a lady like her would have found his clay harvester fascinating. There was a level of intrigue they both felt, curiosity between strangers. The tall Englishman who dressed in dark clothing and spoke with a gentle elegance she was unfamiliar with; the American woman in rich lavender who took an interest in his work, unprovoked, not to just be polite--each unusual to the other, and yet it felt captivating. “So...you've got an accent. English, right?” She asked. “Sorry, I don’t know many people from Europe…”
“No, no, Miss Baker, you don’t need to apologize. I don’t mind answering...though I suppose others will have the same questions, no doubt.” He looked at her with a small smile. “I am from England.”
“Is it nice there?” She asked, looking up at him with a curious smile.
“Where I’m from, it’s rainy and dark in some of the most beautiful ways.” He smiled at her, finding the curiosity endearing. “Not like Buffalo.”
“It sounds beautiful, really.” She smiled, listening intently. Cordelia definitely loved his accent, though she knew there was more to him than what everyone else might care to ask about. High society had a tendency to gloss over personality, beyond the obvious and surface level. “I’ve always wanted to go to England. Everyone I know who’s been there speaks highly of it.” He looked over, a little intrigued. Her smile felt...reassuring, in a way. Her curiosity was almost comforting.
“I think everyone should go to London at least once in their life. It’s quite amazing--the art, architecture…” He looked over. “Perhaps I could be the one to show you, someday.” She looked over, unable to tell if he was subtly flirting, or if he was just being kind. She didn’t know if she was misinterpreting things.
“How could I possibly refuse an offer like that?” She looked over. “If you want, I could show you around Buffalo...make things even?” The idea of spending time with her was inexplicably something he wanted--no, needed. He was drawn to her, he needed to find out more about her. The fact that she would even suggest that she’d give him a tour was astonishing--nobody else he met up until then had brought it up.
“That sounds like a fair deal. I would love that, actually.” He admitted with a smile--it made her blush faintly. It was unexplainable...she had no idea how this man had an effect on her already. They reached the lobby, the door in sight. The soft evening light started filtering in through the glass.
“You know...I’m hosting a party on Friday night--this Friday…” She got irritated with herself, internally, wondering if she was embarrassing herself by talking too much. “...if you would be interested, you are more than welcome there.”
“Really?” He sounded a bit stunned. “I would very much enjoy that. Would it be alright if my sister came along with me? I’d hate to leave her out.”
“If she wants to, of course she can.” She looked at him with a soft smile.
“Well, that’s great.” He smiled back, brightly. “Until then, Miss Baker?”
“I’m already looking forward to it, Sir Sharpe.” He took his hat, putting it on and chuckling softly as he left. With him gone, she sighed. There was something about him that she couldn’t describe. Cordelia immediately set off to bother Anthony for information. She knocked on the door and opened it. Her brother had a completely smitten look as he was reading over the letter. “So...how’s Edith?” She teased, amused.
“She’s fine.” He muttered, closing the letter and putting it on top of the papers.
“Have either of you told the other, yet?”
“No. Stop asking.” He looked at her, half-glaring. “And don’t ask about the baronet. I’m not giving you anything, yet.”
“Fine, fine.” She shook her head. “Then I’ll get back to planning the party.”
“Alright. Have fun.”
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Styles. || 16
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The journey to LA was far from easy, and it was more than Jamie and I both expected to the point I had to convince Jamie not to back out on the plans and ideas. LA was a learning curve for both of us, and it was exhausting in every way possible. I did not expect things to be easy, but I don't think Jamie suspected the events to be as hard as they were. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. From our hotel being overbooked and having to find a new hotel to our clients signing the false documents. Everything with the entire trip went wrong from the beginning.
My phone vibrates against my desk. At first, I ignore it, but I glance over to glimpse at the caller ID-- A photo of Elise and me lights up the screen. I'm surprised to observe Elise calling at this hour. I slide across and answer my phone, "Hey, love," I greet, uncertain of why Elise is calling me at ten at night. I spoke to her earlier while she was walking to class. We had agreed to see each other tomorrow since I just got off my flight this morning. I place my papers in a file to keep private as I lean back in my chair.
"Harry," Elise attempts to keep her voice steady, but I can tell something is wrong.
"What happened? Are you okay?"
"Small problem," Elise sniffles, "My car broke down, my phone is almost dead, and my essay is due in an hour. I am soaked because I am locked out of my car, too," Elise informs me, on the verge of tears as she explains the events that have caused her to call me. "And it is pouring, and I'm in a white blouse," Elise whimpers, unmistakably sobbing. I hear thunder crack on the other end of the phone, and my office lights up while lightning intensifies the darkened sky.
"Send me your location. I am on the way."
"I'm right near my uncle's office."
"I'm coming down, don't move," I instruct, "Stay on the phone with me until it dies," I add, clutching my wallet and keys before walking to the door of my office and grabbing an umbrella. Elise grows withdrawn for a moment before she starts apologising to me for bothering me at this hour to come to get her. I shake my head and tell her to stop. It is my honour to find her in the middle of storms and help her out. It is what I am for. I hurry down the stairs and to the building's lobby, watching as the storm causes the lights to flicker on and off for a brief moment. The doorman glances at me and frowns but doesn't question me when I walk out of the door and hurry to my car.
The rain hits my windshield heavily, tapping furiously as if to make the point mother nature is pissed. I can hardly see as I begin to drive, following the location on my phone to get to Elise. Lightning illuminates the sky every few moments, and I swear the thunder shakes my car brutally. I tap my fingers against the steering wheel, anxiously attempting to locate Elise. Tonight wasn't the best time for Elise's car to break down. The raging storm is horrible. The trees are swaying side to side, the streets lights continue flickering, and the repercussions of thunder rock the earth.
I discover Elise's silhouette standing to the side under a slight covering. I park behind her car and put my hazards on, hopping out of my car instantly and hurrying towards her. "Hey," I greet, kissing her damp cheek and handing her the umbrella as I notice the small covering not doing much to keep her dry. Elise attempts to deliver me a humble smile, but she fails. I waste no time shrugging my suit jacket off my shoulders and sliding it up her arms, giving her something dry to help keep her warm, "Christ, you're freezing," I sigh, eschewing the fact she is wet head to toe. "Where are your keys?"
Elise holds her hand up and hands me her keys, "How are you locked out?" I ask, unsure how she has managed to lock herself out of her car on this awful evening.
"The car shut down, Harry. The locks won't work either. And I am in a white shirt."
It looks like someone has had a shit day.
Elise begins to sob while I place her car keys in my pocket.
I open my arms and bring her in for a hug. I press her against me for a moment and kiss the top of her head, "I think the white blouse is lovely," I chuckle, endeavouring to make light out of the situation.
"The doorman will get a good look at my bra." Elise cries into me.
"Could be worse, darling," I chuckle, "I have my laptop. You can send your work in once we get back to the office. It will all be okay, come on," I gesture my hand towards my car. "Get in the car where it's warm," I instruct, walking her to my car.
I hurry to the driver's side and sit in the car for a moment, adjusting the heat for Elise. "Thank you for coming." Elise breathes out.
"That's what boyfriends are for," I respond, beginning to drive while the heat is on full force.
I am not sure how Elise got so lucky to have her car break down and lock her out in the middle of a storm, but everything happens for a reason. There would be no way I could leave her out here in the middle of a storm.
❈ ❈ ❈
I close the blinds to the office and unbutton my shirt, "Here," I slide my navy shirt down my arms and hand it to her, "I have a white one over there," I gesture towards where Jamie left me a spare shirt the other evening in case I had a spare of the moment meeting. "I think it might be best if you wear the darker shirt," I smile, being considerate of the fact that I am sure she does not want everyone else seeing a wet, white shirt. Elise takes the shirt and looks around.
"Can anyone see?"
"No," I shake my head, "Door is locked, and blinds are closed," I assure her, stepping towards my spare shirt and grabbing it with my hand before wasting no time with sliding it up my arms and buttoning the shirt up.
Elise hurriedly peels off her blouse before pulling my shirt over her and buttoning it up, "What are you working on?" Elise softly asks.
"I am working on an ad-hoc analysis to make investment decisions for my client."
Elise nods her head and unlocks the door before she opens up my laptop just as my office door opens. Jamie marches in and steps towards me, handing me a file and setting a cup of coffee on my desk before glancing towards Elise, "What is my niece doing here? You both know I do not condone shacking up at work, right?" Jamie chuckles, and Elise shakes her head, bowing her head.
"Uh…" I trail off, "Not shacking up, her car broke down, and it has been downhill from there," I softly explain, unsure of whether Jamie disapproves of Elise remaining in my office.
"Elle," Jamie turns to face Elise, "What's wrong? What can I do?"
It is unusual to observe Jamie seem caring. In all honesty, most of the time, he seems cold. I still have no clue whether he is married or has kids. He is CEO to the max.
Elise shakes her head, "I am fine, Harry gave me a dry shirt, and I am trying to get my essay done," Elise gestures towards the laptop, "Will you tell Dad my car has stopped working? My phone is dead, and Harry is busy."
Jamie laughs, "And I am not busy? You know I run the business Harry works for, right?" Jamie continues to chuckle, "I will call my brother. If you need anything, just come to my office."
"Told you I am the favourite niece," Elise giggles as she wipes another tear away from her cheek.
I know she has to be overwhelmed and fatigued, hence the reason for her emotions and tears. "You're the more tolerable niece," Jamie corrects Elise, "Your sister is… She is a pain."
"Try growing up with her," Elise mutters.
"Mhm, anyway, I will leave you two alone. Harry, once you're done, you can leave. Take her home." Jamie gestures towards Elise, and I nod my head.
Jamie strolls out, and I stare back towards Elise, "Elle, are you okay?"
Elise glances up at shrugs her shoulders, not giving me anything to work with. I remain in silence for a moment, unsure of what to do or say. I cock my head to the side and watch Elise particularly. Her head is down, her hands are gradually typing at the laptop, and every few moments, she sniffles and wipes away a few tears.
I leave my side of the desk and shuffle over to her, "Elle," I demand her attention, politely taking my laptop and sliding it across my desk. I place my hand on her cheek and force her to look at me, "What's going on?" I softly request, wiping away a few of her tears and shifting her hair behind her ear.
Elise lifts her shoulders into another shrug, "I don't know. It is school, and Dad wants me to go into business and forces me to make investments I do not understand."
"What's going on with school?"
"It is kicking my ass already, and I hate my business classes."
It is a surprise to me that Elise is having difficulties. It appeared to me she was holding it all together and doing well. I guess I haven't paid as much attention as I should have. "I don't even know the basis of this essay, I am talking bullshit, and I have a test tomorrow. How the fuck do you do it?"
"Breathe," I instruct, "I'll help."
"You have enough to worry about."
"Is that why you haven't said anything until now?"
Elise nods her head, "Yeah, that is why Dad is on my ass. I have been asking him for help, and it is not working well. He is not of the teaching kind. Then, of course, I have my sister blowing me up, my roommate sucks, and life just isn't working in my favour right now. My car broke down, and I am sitting here crying in my boyfriend's office."… "It has been a bad day, Harry."
"It sounds like it. I'll help. Wipe the tears away and take a few drinks of my coffee to warm you up a bit, and we can work on your essay."
"But you're busy," Elise laments.
"Don't worry about me. Whenever you need help, just ask. I can work and help at the same time," I assure her, sliding my laptop back towards Elise and glancing at her screen. "Oh, you have Hargis. He's tough but not impossible. Have confidence in yourself. You have a great topic," I assure Elise, quickly reading the first few sentences to see what she's doing.
"I just don't understand any of it for my test."
"What is Computing the intrinsic or fundamental value of an asset?"
Elise heavily sighs, "Harry. I do not know."
She looks like she is about to start crying again. Fuck. "Basically, it's a fundamental price," I respond, kissing her cheek, "Takes time, baby. You'll get the hang of it."
"Mhm," Elise hums, not thrilled at all, "Can't I drop business?"
"Sure, I'll support you no matter what you choose."
I will support Elise in all decisions she makes. I may not always agree with them, but I will support her and be her number one fan. I want Elise to succeed and be happy. I want her to grow into the woman she has the power to be. I will never hold her back; instead, I will hold her up and hold her head above water to stop her from drowning.
"I'm sure my father will not."
"Business isn't for everybody. If it isn't what you want to do, don't do it." I respond.
Elise has the potential to do whatever she wants with her life. I know she will succeed at anything she puts her mind to. Business is something you are either born for or you're not. It doesn't come easy, and it isn't for everybody. I have been reading stocks and reading about the business world since I could read. It was my thing. It was what intrigued me.
"I don't know," Elise shrugs, starting to type away before I travel back to my side of my desk to do my work.
"You need a break."
"Oh, how the tables have turned," Elise sniffles, again wiping away a few tears. "What is the former? This makes no sense," Elise shakes her head, brushing a few more tears from her eyes.
"The former is known as a systematic or rule-based approach and the latter as a discretionary approach,"
"And they are usually associated with passive and active investing, right?" Elise softly asks.
I smile and nod my head, "See, you do know what you're doing, baby," I assure her. "Nevertheless, discretionary and systematic approaches are subtly different concepts. You need a break."
"Oh, how the tables have officially turned."
"They have," I nod, "I have to go up to Cheshire. How about we leave in the morning?" I suggest, "I know we both need to study, but I think it will be good to have the weekend off. We can still study."
"What about work?" Elise asks.
"Jamie gave me the weekend for working in LA all fucking week." I respond, more than happy to have a few days off, even if it means I have to devote it to studying.
❈ ❈ ❈
Elise accompanied the dreaded drive to my mother's, but even so, still, I was not too fond of every minute of the drive. This town always leaves me feeling cold and bitter. The memories I have of the place are not peaceful. My mother's house is still warm and comforting to a certain extent, but I can't help but feel an ache in the pit of my stomach every time I have to walk past the damn chair my father used to recline in. I clear my throat as my sister rocks back and forth in the damn chair, a white blanket draped over her as she taps her fingers against a wine glass. I tap my foot anxiously, my jaw clenching with every passing moment. She resembles my father in ways I can't stand. She is not the girl I once knew, the girl who would sit in the closet with me when our parents were fighting, the sister who held me and made sure that I knew we would be okay. At one point, she was my rock, now the tables have turned, and it seems like I am the one who needs to coddle her and protect her. Sadly, I do not know how to protect her and fix her. My father has destroyed both of us in many ways, but that cannot define us. I am not defined by the trauma my father has instilled in me. I can't use my father as an excuse for everything, and neither can my sister.
I shake my head and stand up, unable to control myself, "Gemma, get up," I instruct, taking her wine glass and placing it on the coffee table before my sister huffs and stands to her feet.
"What?" She mutters, not too pleased with me. We have not been speaking much since her antics when she went on an alcoholic rampage. It isn't that I hold it against her. It's that I know she can do better, and she hates authority. She hates that I am right about her.
"Jus' move, please," I instruct, gesturing for her to take a seat anywhere else in the house. My sister cocks her head to the side and stares at me, not moving out of the way. "Okay, since you won't move, help me pick this up. Grab the other end." I gesture towards the old chair that I want to douse in gasoline.
"You have lost your marbles. Mum will kill you."
"This chair is going to kill my sanity; let's go," I mutter, reaching down and picking up half the recliner, eyeing my sister to pick up her end.
My sister complies and lifts her end, most of the weight on my end.
I catch Elise in the corner of my eye, observing as she drinks her tea, but she doesn't say anything; instead, she moves to open the front door.
I carry the chair out and place it down by my car before walking back inside, not saying a word as Elise continues to sip her tea while she studies.
Carrying the damn couch was like taking a burden out of the house— it felt magnificent. My mother will more than possibly kill me for getting rid of the chair, it is one of the only pieces she has left, but it is a burden. Whenever I see it, I remember my father, who isn't worth the memory. Observing my sister rocking back and forth in the chair with a glass of wine was my tipping point. I do not want to see my sister turn into my father. Right now, she is on the same path as he is. She is slowly becoming a person I don't recognise, a person who doesn't do anything but drink and make life worse. I don't want this life for my sister. My sister has potential. She is a fantastic writer and could go far with her writing if she would apply herself and stop drinking.
"Why is my furniture outside?" My mum's voice distracts my thoughts, her voice4 travelling from the front door.
Uh oh.
I don't respond; instead, I wait for my mother to make her way to the living room, her hands full of paper bags filled with groceries. My mother raises a brow, and I make an effort to take the bags from her, wasting no time placing the groceries on the kitchen countertops. "Anyone care to answer my question?" My mother repeats her question.
I don't have the heart to tell her the reason why my impulse forced me to throw parts of her furniture outside. "Ah, Mum, I uh—" I trail off, reaching into one of the bags and taking out some of the groceries.
"I think what Harry means to say is that he is replacing the furniture."
"He is?"
"I am?" I look towards Elise with wide eyes before I clear my throat, "I am," I change my voice, sounding more convincing.
I don't think I can afford to buy a whole new living room set for my mother, who deserves it, but I guess I may as well add it to the list of things that I need to work on.
Maybe when I get my full pay from Jamie, I will buy my mother new furniture and fix up parts of her house. I know she needs some renovations, but she can't afford it, and I hate to see my mother without the best of the best.
"Harry, you don't need to do that."
"You deserve it," I shake my head, opening my arm and hugging my mother as she leans into me. My mother is an angel. She deserves the world— and I wish I could give her everything she deserves.
My mother gave up so much for my sister and me. She worked night and day to provide for us. She put us through school, raised us and made sure we had everything we ever needed. We may not have been rich with materialistic things, but we were rich in love. My mother loved and still loves my sister and me more than anything. She would walk to the ends of the earth for us. My mother is a saint after everything she has been through. My father was a horrible man and is still a horrendous man. To this day, my mother doesn't let that define her or allow it to be an excuse. My mother has raised above all challenges, and if buying her new furniture puts her at ease, I will do it.
I step towards the doors that lead to the back porch, and Elise instantly follows me. I close the door behind us, and Elise wraps her cardigan around the front of her body, the wind chill brushing past us. "Before you get mad and stress, hear me out," Elise instantly presses.
I shake my head, "I am not mad," I assure her. I have no reason to be mad with her. "I just can't afford it right now. Jamie doesn't pay me the big lump sum for another few weeks."
"Harry, I have it covered."
"What?" I question, unsure of how or why Elise has the living room furniture covered.
Elise steps closer to me and offers me a smile, "I noticed some of the couches were ripped and needed replacing, so I have been looking at furniture."
"That's nice, but I can't afford it."
"Great," Elise smiles, "I will pay for it."
"Elle," I shake my head, but she doesn't let me continue speaking.
Elise swiftly cuts me off, "Harry, it's one less thing for you to worry about. You won't let me help pay for the mortgage or anything. Let me do this. It can be an early Christmas present."
"I'm too tired even to fight it. I will pay you back," I assure Elise.
It isn't Elise's responsibility to pay for anything of my family. "Mhm, I don't want the money back."
"We shall see about that," I smile, leaning down and kissing her sweetly. "I do appreciate what you do and for being so understanding."… "Hopefully, this is temporary. I hope with my work starting that things will settle financially."
"I am sure it will," Elise nods, "Don't stress it," Elise offers me that sweet, addicting smile of hers that I adore so much.
I go to speak, but I stop when I see my mother at the door, gesturing for us to come inside.
❈ ❈ ❈
I feel myself in and out of sleep, a warm hand to my back, the tender touch causing a small smile to form on my lips. I have been having some restless nights lately in London. I had hoped that being out here in the countryside, I would sleep a little better, but that is far from the case. I have been in and out of sleep for the last few hours, my thoughts crowded with work and school. I will be glad when school is over and when things work in my favour. I just need to get through my masters, and it will all work out. If everything goes to plan, I will start my own business and have my masters in the next year or two. I will have to start from the bottom with my business, but I will get to the top. I will one day control my hours and be the CEO. Right now, it all seems so far fetched, but one day it will happen.
I lay awake noiselessly. Elise's delicate touch woke me a few moments ago, but I haven't moved; instead, I allow her to continue drawing on my back. This is the first time I have woken up to her awake and drawing soothing nothings on my back at an ungodly hour. I could get used to this. It's soothing.
She draws aimless circles on my back before she starts to trace a specific pattern. I follow the pattern, drowsily coming to terms with what is being written on my back. It takes me by surprise to understand what she is tracing over and over again. I didn't expect the words to come from her. Elise continues to trace "I love you" on my back.
I told Elise I loved her a few weeks ago, she never said it back, but I knew it would take time. I didn't expect nor want Elise to say it because she felt like she had to. I wanted her to say it on her terms and to mean it. I am not sure why Elise is tracing it on my back and not expressing it in person. I contemplate whether to say anything or not. I don't want to make her uncomfortable. I am not sure how she feels about things. If she wanted me to know, she would tell me verbally. Or perhaps this is the only way she knows how to express her feelings. I am not sure what goes through her mind when it comes to emotions and relationships.
Once Elise stops drawing sweet nothings on my back, I wait a few moments before I carefully roll over and wrap my arms around her. Elise nestles into me and gets comfortable. "I love you, too," I whisper, breaking the silence.
I love this woman more than I had intended. I know it sounds awful, but I hadn't meant to fall in love so quickly and easily. I thought it would take a lot more time than it has. On rare occasions, I get time to myself and don't have to study or work; I have realised that I'm already at the point of wanting her to move in with me full time, but I don't think my apartment is sufficient. If all goes as planned with my clients and Jamie's offers to keep me working with him, my salary will be enough to get a decent house for the two of us if I get a mortgage; however, I'm scared to jinx things.
What if we move in, and it all goes downhill?
What if she realises he hates the way I fold my towels?
As stupid as they may be, I have many what-ifs, but I love her and want a life with her. I don't want a half-life, and I don't want to live this separate life of barely seeing each other because our schedules don't add up and because I work all hours. I know we are young, but she's the one. I may not be anywhere near close to marrying her, but she's my other half. She's the woman my mother used to tell me about when she'd say to me, "you'll know when you find the right one; you'll just know."
Elise is like a breath of fresh air. She's what gives me that extra bit of hope when it comes to life. She's my constant. With everything I've been through growing up, with everything my father has put me through and my half brother roaming the town, she is the only constant thing that makes me feel at home. She's my safe haven. She isn't the reason why I wake up every morning, that's cliche, but she is the reason why I go to bed knowing the woman of my dreams has finally found me— she's finally mine. I couldn't have asked for anyone better.
When I glance at Elise, I don't just observe a beautiful woman. I see someone ready to take on the world. I see a strong, opinionated and intelligent woman who will challenge me in every way possible. I see a woman who will call me out when I'm an asshole and put me in line, a woman who will love me and stand by my side through thick and thin. When I look at Elise, I see a woman who will probably cause me to want to pull my hair out at some points, a woman who will raise children to be just as bold, independent and as loving as she is— and most of all— I see a woman who will go to the ends of the earth to greet me with a smile.
Everything she does turns into something beautiful. She's the sunshine on the gloomiest of days, she makes everything warm, she is the hope in my eyes when I wake up each morning— she’s yellow.
"You're awake?" Elise whispers, settling space between us so she can move from her position and gaze at me.
"Yeah," I softly respond, "Want me to pretend to be asleep so you can take back your 'I love you?" I extend a slight chuckle, referencing the night I told her I loved her, and she asked me if I wanted to take it back. I do regret blurting it out in the middle of an argument. But oh well.
"No," Elise responds.
I hope I haven't ruined things. I know she may not have been ready for me to know I was awake. Perhaps she was tracing it in confidence that I was asleep.
Elise grows quiet for a moment before she smiles and pushes a few strands of her behind her ear, "Guess the cat's out of the bag, huh?"
I chuckle and lift my shoulders into a shrug, "Guess so. But if you aren't ready to admit it, I can pretend I have been asleep?" I offer with a cheeky grin. I can't help but feel giddy inside. I feel like a kid in a candy shop told they could pick any candy they want—the butterflies and happiness hum through my veins at the realisation that she loves me too.
"I love you," Elise whispers.
"I love you, too, darling," I respond as she rests back down on me and gets comfortable.
As Elise lays on my chest, my arms are wrapped around her while the rain starts to set outside. "Ever wonder what happiness is?" Elise murmurs drowsily, sounding as though she is ready to fall asleep.
For most of my life, I have wondered what happiness is.
Is it truly a feeling?
Is it an emotion?
They say that happiness is an emotional state characterised by sensations of delight, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfilment. While happiness has numerous definitions, it is frequently described as involving positive emotions and life satisfaction.
I am not quite sure what happiness truly is.
Have I felt it? Have I felt true happiness, or is it an illusion?
It's a question I may never know the true answer to. Happiness comes and goes in waves. One minute it feels as though it washes over me and cleanses my soul, but other times it appears as though it has deserted me. Happiness is like a heartbeat monitor; it goes up, it goes down, and when it looks like it is a steady, straight-line— it's probably dead— happiness is not constant. If it were constant, we would never welcome other emotions that are essential for life.
When happiness is not present, I discover myself learning some of the best life lessons. If it weren't for the bitter feelings, I wouldn't have the energetic drive to succeed in the business world. My sentiments towards my father, the hatred and resentment, give me the fire in my soul to become everything he wasn't. I don't want to ever be like him, and I want more for myself. I want more out of life than alcohol and anger.
I may never know what happiness truly is— I may never have my answer for what happiness is— but one day, I hope to have an understanding of it.
"It's you," Elise softly whispers, her body getting heavier on my chest as she falls closer and closer to falling asleep.
I smile to myself and run my fingers through her hair. It is an honour to be her happiness, but deep down, I have the feeling that she is my definition of happiness, and if she isn't the definition, she is the source.
When we are born, they say we are born with all the universe's wisdom and the answers to everything, but we forget it by the time we can talk. If I could talk back then, I wonder what wisdom I would have known— I wonder what knowledge I would have to offer someone— for now, I will settle with knowing that my happiness begins with myself and ends with Elise. To be happy with her, I have to be satisfied with myself. I may not be the best man; I am not a saint, but I do my best to grow each day. That is all I can do— it is all anyone can do.
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nikibogwater · 4 years
A Shot in the Dark: a Tales of Arcadia Fanfiction (Chapter 1)
"...The Arcane Order doesn’t actually care whether you live or die. They have given me permission to do to you whatever I deem necessary. So...” Douxie swallowed and grit his teeth as Rivan’s hand began to glow with an ugly, pulsing red light. “...I will ask politely one more time before I resort to more extreme measures. Where is the forest-child Nari?”
When Douxie is stripped of his magic and captured by a new enemy, Nari and Archie risk everything to come to his rescue.
(Chapter 2)
(Chapter 3)
Here we are, dears, the first chapter. Don’t forget to check out the author’s commentary after you’ve finished (if that’s the kind of thing you’re interested in) and I will be back with the next chapter on Nov. 13. Thank you all for waiting, and I hope you enjoy. 💕
Read on Ao3
Or under the cut:
Most of Douxie’s mornings began with the harsh, clattering sound of his phone vibrating and whistling next to his ear. Necessary as his morning alarm was, he still hated it with every fiber of his being. So he had been borderline ecstatic when he slipped into bed the night before and left his phone alarm off, envisioning a long, uninterrupted sleep that he hoped would end no sooner than ten am, preferably eleven. This Saturday marked his first real day off since moving to this blasted city, and he intended to relish in it with all his might.
So he was just a tad miffed when, at approximately eight-fifteen, a strange, nervous sensation rising in his chest slowly pulled him from slumber. He attempted to ignore it, simply burrowing down deeper into his pillow, but the feeling did not abate. He could not shake the peculiar awareness that he was being watched. In the end, centuries of experience forced him to heed his instincts, and he pried one eyelid open and glanced over his shoulder.
Two pairs of luminous golden eyes were hovering uncomfortably close to his head and staring at him fixedly. Douxie yelped and threw off his covers, scrambling upright and fumbling for his magic vambrace nearby. A small green hand held it out to him politely, and after a bit of confused blinking, Douxie finally registered the faces of his companions. Nari and Archie were sitting on the floor next to his mattress, looking at him eagerly. He felt himself deflate as he gave a long sigh of relief.
“Fuzzbuckets, you two, don’t creep on me like that,” he admonished lightly, fastening his vambrace around his left wrist. Nari gave him a sheepish smile while Archie stepped up onto his mattress and rubbed against Douxie’s side.
“Next time, don’t oversleep,” the Familiar replied. “You do remember what day it is?”
“Yeah, it’s Saturday. My day off. Hence the reason I was sleeping,” Douxie said with a yawn, stretching his arms above his head.
“It’s also the day you promised to bring Nari to Central Park,” Archie informed him.
“...It is?” the wizard mumbled groggily, looking at the wood nymph crouched nearby. She gave him a somewhat apologetic nod.“...It is. Ah, fuzzbuckets, I’m sorry, I completely forgot.” He tumbled out of his bed, snatching up his day clothes from a heap on the floor. “I’ll be ready in two shakes,” he promised, ruffling Nari’s hair before pushing himself to his feet. He staggered to the bathroom, running his fingers through his sleep-mussed hair, very nearly smacking his head on the doorframe.
“Perhaps we should not have woken him,” Nari fretted as the door closed behind the wizard.
“You know Douxie always acts like a plague victim first thing in the morning, regardless of how much he slept.” Archie reminded her, following Nari into the kitchen area and pulling the box of English Breakfast tea out of the cupboard while she filled the kettle at the sink.
Mornings for Nari looked very different than they used to, she realized as she set the kettle on the stove, stepping back so Archie could light it (due to her somewhat complicated relationship with Bellroc, she was still wary about anything that involved fire). As a demigoddess who had existed for hundreds of millenia, she had never had much experience with something as human as family domesticity. Her siblings (if the Arcane Order could ever really be called such) certainly never spent mornings bustling around a kitchen making tea for one another, but even if they had, Nari was beginning to understand that there was more to being a family than the mundane routines. There was a feeling in the air around her, a sensation of companionship and contentment that felt almost otherworldly at times, yet it was inextricably linked to these small, daily, human gestures of kindness.
Douxie emerged from the bathroom a few minutes later, just as Nari was squeezing out the teabag. His damp hair was combed back into its usual neat appearance, and he was wearing his favorite hoodie. He mumbled a quiet ‘thanks’ as Nari presented the cup of tea to him, and slumped back against the island countertop as he took a sip. Archie sat down on the counter behind him, pressing against his wizard’s back and purring contentedly into the soft, warm fabric of his jacket. Nari mirrored Douxie’s position beside him, trying to quell the nervous excitement fluttering in her chest. She had heard much about Central Park, and after going two-and-a-half months without feeling any real grass beneath her feet, the thought of visiting even the smallest pocket of nature made her spirit tingle in anticipation. But she kept still and quiet, trying her best to be patient as Douxie drank his tea, slowly working his way back to full alertness.
“Right,” he sighed after he had drained the last drop from his mug. “You two already had breakfast?”
“Nari was kind enough to open a tin of sardines for me earlier,” Archie answered. “And she says the sunlight is strong enough today that she will not require any food.”
“Okay,” Douxie hummed as he set his mug in the sink and ran water in it. “Then I guess we’re ready.”
“Wait,” Nari chided, opening one of the cupboards and pulling out two granola bars. “You need sustenance as well.”
“Right. I forgot,” the wizard chuckled, slipping her offering into one of his pockets. “I’ll eat when we get there.” He grabbed his keys off of the counter and held out an arm for Archie to clamber up onto his shoulder. Nari scurried to the door eagerly, practically bouncing on her toes as Douxie reached out to undo the magical seals. Before his hand made contact with the door, he drew back suddenly and snapped his fingers.
“Fuzzbuckets, I’m forgetting all kinds of things today,” he muttered, turning to the small demigoddess. “Nari, face me and hold very still for just a second.”
“What is this for?” she asked, intrigued as Douxie knelt down to her level and placed his hands on either side of her head, his middle and index fingers pressing gently against her temples.
“I’ve been looking into some concealing spells that can be cast directly onto a person, rather than on an area. It’s a lot more complicated than the standard protective wards, but it should make your aura undetectable to other magic users for a little while.”
“Isn’t that a little excessive?” Archie remarked, climbing down from Douxie’s shoulder in order to give him some breathing room for the spell. “The entire reason we came here is because it is almost impossible to detect individual auras in a place this crowded.”
“I don’t see any harm in taking extra precautions,” Douxie replied. “Keep very still for me, Nari.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, his aura flowing out and wrapping around her like a warm, familiar cloak. “Celare,” he murmured, and Nari felt a sharp tug on her spirit as the spell washed over it, cool and comforting like the shade of an old tree. Douxie’s hands fell away from her head and he sat back on his knees, his breath short and a little ragged. “Wow,” he panted. “You have....a lot of magic. I almost didn’t have enough of my own to cover it all.”
“...I’m sorry,” Nari answered meekly, unsure of what else to say. Douxie laughed breathlessly and shook his head, bringing a hand up to squeeze her shoulder.
“You’re fine. I’m just impressed.” He levered himself back to his feet, bracing himself against the door for a moment, before seeming to collect his bearings. Archie hopped back up onto his shoulder and nudged his head in silent inquiry. Douxie waved him off with a soft ‘I’m fine.’ Then he disabled the protective seals and opened the door, stepping back and gesturing to Nari. “Let’s go.”
“Should your magic not also be concealed?” she asked as they emerged into the hallway, pausing while Douxie locked the door behind them (the ordinary way--he didn’t see any need for magic seals if none of them were home).
“I’m afraid I can’t cast the spell on myself,” he explained, pocketing his keys. “Anyways, I don’t think the Order had enough time to get a good feel of my aura. It’s your magic signature they’ll be looking for. Relax.” He smiled down at her as they began descending the uneven stairs (it was unknown whether there was ever a time in history when the elevator in this complex had actually functioned). “There’s nothing to worry about. Let’s just focus on having a good time today, alright?” He stopped her halfway down the flight so he could lift her over a broken step.
“Alright,” Nari promised. They made it to the lobby and burst into the sunlit street outside, the taste of freedom burning on the wood-nymph’s tongue like those carbonated drinks humans were so peculiarly fond of. The park wasn’t too far away, and Nari was still somewhat distrustful of automobiles, so they had opted to walk. She made sure to hold on to the edge of Douxie’s hoodie tightly so she wouldn’t accidentally lose him as her eyes wandered the cityscape, taking in the sights.
The first time she had walked the streets of New York City, Nari had been on the verge of tears. There were so many sensations assaulting her mind at once, the feeling of countless souls buzzing around, a crowd of spirits so thick that sometimes it felt like a wall. Even without tapping into her roots, she was drowning in a sea of tangling energies, as hundreds, even thousands of voices echoed in her soul all at once. It was more than she had ever experienced in one place before, and it had made her frantic with the desire to claw her way out of her own skin. The protective wards Douxie cast on their apartment helped filter out most of the magical noise, but it had taken several weeks of regular exposure before Nari was able to walk out in the open without clinging to Douxie’s hand so tightly that her nails left crescent marks on his fingers.
She had learned how to block out most of the noise now, and only felt the faintest twinge of anxiety as they joined the sea of bodies traversing the city. It helped that whatever spell Douxie had put on her was having a sort of swaddling effect on her aura. Her spirit felt comfortably nestled within her, not completely deaf to the world around her, but still separated from it in some way. She was even able to discern the individual life forces of the people around her, pick out who was emitting which charge. It was like a chaotic smear of colors had sharpened into a recognizable picture, one where she could finally see the finely drawn details and appreciate the contrasting shades.
Until suddenly, with a jolt in her stomach, she realized that one piece of the picture was missing entirely.
She and Douxie had stopped at a crosswalk, and were waiting for the signal, when her eyes drifted across the figure of a man, leaning against some brickwork near the turnoff into a smaller alleyway. He was fashionably dressed, (“business casual,” the humans called it), with an elegant black trench coat hanging nonchalantly off of his arm. He had dark brown hair, handsomely trimmed and styled, just a bit longer than Douxie’s, and was wearing a large pair of expensive-looking sunglasses. He looked thoroughly uninterested in the world around him, and had the appearance of someone who was waiting to meet up with a particularly tardy acquaintance. But Nari couldn’t sense that he was waiting. She couldn’t sense anything from this man. He emitted no life force, no aura or energy of any kind. He was like a standing, breathing corpse. Feeling oddly sick all of a sudden, Nari pressed closer to Douxie’s side and frantically tugged at his sleeve.
“What’s wrong?” he murmured, the sound swallowed by the noise around him, though Nari was able to feel his intent through his aura.
“I-I am not sure. I felt...Well, actually I did not feel...” she stammered, unsure of how to communicate what had just happened. Across the street, the signal changed, and the people around them surged forward. Douxie glanced at the crosswalk and then back at her, a silent request for her to make this quick. Out of ideas, Nari pointed back to the space between two buildings a few feet away from them, hoping to bring his attention to the man in question.
Except, when she looked back, he was gone.
“...What is it?” Douxie reiterated, glancing between her and the alleyway in confusion.
“There was... There was a man there, just a moment ago. Except, he was not there. I-I could see him, but I could not feel him. He had no aura or life force.”
“Perhaps he was a spirit?” Archie suggested, speaking as quietly as he could so as not to draw attention to himself.
“No, I have seen spirits before. He was definitely a living human,” Nari objected. “But he....It was like he had no soul.”
Across the street, the crosswalk signal changed again. Beside her, Douxie’s aura was rippling with unease. But a moment later, his spirit stilled, and he put an arm around her to turn her away from the alley.
“...Whatever it was, we don’t know for sure that it was a threat. It was strange, yes, but I don’t think we need to worry about it just now. It might not have anything to do with us. Heck, it might’ve just been a trick of the light, or--”
“Douxie, I know what I saw,” Nari interrupted, putting as much force into her small voice as she could.
“--or it might have been something real,” Douxie amended, giving her an apologetic look. “But whatever it was, we don’t have any reason to be anxious about it. Not yet, and maybe not ever. Let’s just get to the park and have a good time, alright?”
Nari fell silent, and gave a reluctant nod. A minute later, the crosswalk signal changed once more, and they continued on their way. Though Douxie’s spirit was radiating a placid energy, Nari couldn’t help noticing that he kept his arm around her for the rest of the journey.
To be continued. ✨
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syms-things-5 · 4 years
Clear The Area - Chapter Fifteen (Part Two)
**A Chris Evans Story**
Previous Chapter Here
Tags: @jennmurawski13 @kelbabyblue
Warnings: 18+ NSFW, strong language, generally a bit awkward
Notes: This is a long chapter, sorry. Any comments welcome, good and bad.
Chapter Fifteen (Part Two)
“Let me just bring up your booking here, one moment please.”
The lobby of The Langham was an ocean of grey and blue. The sun was shining brightly outside, the hottest day of the year so far, and it reflected in every surface of the space and accompanying bar. It was sparse on the usual detailing, instead preferring a minimalist approach; the check-in desk consisted of a mere iPad and one lily artfully growing from a tall, geometrical glass vase. Random art hung from all sides. One looked vaguely like a donkey, Sarah was sure. There was also what she thought was an ash tray balanced on a pillar to the left of where she was standing but she didn’t dare to investigate it any closer in case it cost the price of a small car.
It had the same over-perfumed odour as the fragrance section of a Macy’s. The tiled floor look so clean and fresh you could be forgiven for thinking it had only just been laid that very morning. Sarah felt a pang of guilt walking in wearing her scuffed Converse. She always felt so out of place in places like this. It was the kind of place she would run a mile from if she had the choice but Greg had an “in” with the manager and now here she was. 
“So that will be four nights in our Executive Suite with Central Park view. You also have the bar allowance of $150 per night. You just need to take the elevator up to the 32nd floor and it’s the second door on your left. Would you like a hand with your bags, madam?” She motioned for the concierge to come over but held her hand up when she spied the puzzled look on Sarah’s face.
“I’m really sorry but I think there’s been some kind of mistake. I didn’t book a suite, just a standard double and I don’t think I pre-paid for any bar allowance. I didn’t even know I could do that to be honest.” Sarah chuckled awkwardly in an attempt to diffuse the tension but it fell on deaf ears. She handed the key card back to the lady, unsure of what else to suggest.
The lady showed practically no emotion at the possible mistake and simply took another look at her records before confirming that she was in fact correct with the initial room choice. “It’s definitely your suite, and...everything is paid for in advance. Could it have been made on your behalf? It looks like it was upgraded yesterday afternoon.”
Sarah wasn’t sure if she was asking her a question or telling her. She couldn’t believe she wasn’t biting her hand off but she hoped she hadn’t made some kind of horrific error her bank wouldn’t forgive her for. She could barely afford the double room she’d booked as it was and she’s sure the college wouldn’t have upgraded her without letting her know in advance. It made zero sense. They couldn’t have that kind of money going spare, putting students up in posh suites. She had no clue what could have happened.
No, it wouldn’t be. He was less than pleased to hear she’d be away as it was. Except...well, who else? Sarah rolled her eyes a little too obviously before accepting the key card back. “That’s OK. I think I know what’s happened. It’s only the one bag. I can manage it.”
The lady nodded her thanks and, smiling politely, pointed her back towards the elevators. Sarah couldn’t move away from her fast enough.
Arriving at her floor, Sarah emerged from the lift expecting someone to come running up to her to confirm that they had in fact made a horrendous mistake. She slipped the key card into her door before pushing her way in to find her new home for the week.
The bedroom was large, uncomfortable so, with the bed positioned just off the middle in the room. Sarah figured the designer for a psychopath. It was big but not as empty as the lobby would have had her believe. In fact, it seemed reassuringly cosy despite the windows, so many windows stretching around the suite. There was a soft blue curved sofa opposite a screen that she’d seen smaller versions of in a cinema. Cushions fucking everywhere and fluffy white slippers she’d probably never take off again.
Everything seemed to be controlled from an iPad set in a stand by the bedroom door; the lights, the curtains, the air freshener, some background music for ambiance if she wanted. The windows tinted darker to block out the sunlight. Even the $1300 coffee machine was remote controlled; she had recognised it from the last edition of Home & Country Jocelyn had mailed to her, the exact one Shanna had been dropping hints about to Chris as a potential Christmas present.
The lounge offered her the clearest view of Central Park and with the light at this time in the afternoon, it was beyond stunning. She snapped a picture and considered texting it to Shanna but thought better of drawing attention to where she was staying. There was no way she could pass this off as a standard room even with her best efforts.
It was almost a shame to waste all of this on just herself. This room deserved romance, she thought.
Around the same time, Chris was on his third beer of the afternoon and lounging on his sofa. He had a new script in one hand, one he wasn’t particularly keen on but offered to read as a favour for a friend. He was so relaxed now that he had to re-read the last ten or so pages simply because it wasn’t landing. The whole room was lit softly by the sun outside. It had gone 4 o’clock when his phone rang disturbing the peace.
“Bernette! How was the journey?” he smiled into the phone as soon as he saw who it was.
“The bathtub is the size of my entire bathroom.” She announced, not giving him room to breathe. She heard him laugh heartily at the end of the line and could picture him looking smug and proud of himself, the dick. “I could have an orgy with the Patriots and still have room left.”
“Hey, don’t go getting any ideas.” he jostled with her. He placed the script down on the tablet to give her his full attention. “So, you like it, huh?”
“It’s...it’s absolutely gorgeous and utterly ridiculous. Seriously, dude, you did not need to do this.” She could sense his growing pride from here. “I’ve never stayed in anything like it. I have, like, a hundred towels.”
“That’s why I did it in the first place. Not for the towels, obviously, but just because you deserved something different. Something nice.” He enthused. “Don’t fight me on this, Bernette.”
“You should see the view. It’s so beautiful. I think I can see the museum.” She was stood on her tiptoes, pressed against the glass, looking at the tiny people milling around on the street so far below her. 
“i know,” he responded. “You’ll be there for a week and best to be comfortable, right?”
She didn’t want to argue with him. She was tired and extremely grateful for the kind gesture. She’d be able to enjoy the place and her time in the City more if she could firmly separate her work from any space in which she could chill out. It wasn’t like she was going to be raving all night nor have much chance to see places at this rate, so more space was probably a good thing. She hadn’t had an unbroken night’s sleep in...she couldn’t even remember when.
“Thank you, Chris.” she spoke softly after a brief pause.
“You’re welcome.”
She put her phone down on the bedside table and set about removing her clothes from her suitcase. Well, “clothes” in the loose sense. What she’d packed was basically gym gear, sweat pants, t-shirts, nothing remotely attractive, and a simple paid of black trousers for the exam day itself. Who was going to see her anyway? Shanna had thrown a jumper in the mix without her realising, dismayed at her insistence that she was not going out to bars to hook up with someone.
“But you’ll be gone the next day! It’s. The. Perfect. Crime!” Shanna had said, exasperated and throwing her hands in the air in dismay.
The majority of space in her suitcase has been taken up with journals and textbooks, ones she hadn’t see since she left medical school and had long since expected she would never see again. Funny what opportunities life threw at you when you least expected it.
She was soon feeling the push and pull of the day and had planned on spending at least a couple of hours studying that evening, so she had a clean-up and threw on the first set of sweatpants that fell out of the closet. She tied her hair up and out of her face, pulled out her notepad and switched her Macbook on. The TV was showing some repeat of a gameshow with the sound on low, more for background company than anything else, and she finally figured out how to get the coffee machine working thanks to a small tome buried inside a drawer underneath the coffee table.
Chris 9.44pm: All OK? Need company yet??
Sarah 9.45pm: I love you guys bt I can’t tell u how amazing it is having space to myself. Been a looooong day
Chris 9.51pm: ah
Chris 9.52pm: OK maybe don’t look outside your door
Momentarily confused, she rubbed at her eyes trying to come up with a pithy response.
Chris 9.56pm: well this is awkward...........
Sarah looked at the door and then back at her phone. Looking up at the door again, she unfolded her feet from underneath her and slowly walked towards it. Pulling it open, she found Chris looking up at her through his lashes, sheepishness drenching his entire body.
“OK, funny story,” he said. “But I thought this might be romantic and then I got carried away and now I’m here and I can absolutely go if you need me to...?” He half-turned his body in the direction of the elevators. “I’m so sorry, honey. I just thought it might be nice and not at all annoying but it’s annoying, isn’t it? It’s OK, you don’t need to say anything. Dammit, I really thought I pitched this right.”
“Chris, it’s fine.” Sarah finally found her voice to speak. “Honestly. I’m...I’m just really surprised is all. I was not expecting you to...drive? All this way?”
He nodded. “Yeh, I just bombed it down the ‘95.”
Awkward silence fell between them as they stared at each other unsure of what to do next. Finally picking up on the fact he remained in the hallway, a backpack thrown over his shoulder, she moved out of the way and he entered the suite. Relieved, he placed his bag down and turned to see her close the door behind him. He looked mildly embarrassed and she was all too aware she wasn’t welcoming but it was getting late and her eyes had started to hurt a little as she rubbed at them with the back of her hand.
“Fuck, that’s a long couch.” he announced, taking his black suede jacket off and placing it over the armrest nearest to him. He glanced over and saw papers strewn over the coffee table, her laptop light blaring brightly and looked back to her. She was working hard and he had ruined it.
“I am so sorry. First thing tomorrow, I’ll go home, I promise.” He held his hands up by way of an apology but she shook her head in response.
“Stop apologising.” she chuckled. “Do you want a beer?”
He nodded gratefully and looked so adorable that any annoyance she might have felt finally dissipated. “How about I give you a hug and then leave you to it? I need a shower and I can amuse myself in there for a little while. I don’t know why I just said that.”
Sarah laughed again and a little more relief moved through him. He wasn’t sure why he was feeling so nervous when he had been so confident of his decisions in the car all the way here. He’d rehearsed his lines and imagined her big smile when seeing behind the door. He had wanted to stop off and buy flowers but he was so eager to see her, he’d just kept driving. No daydream could live up to the reality of seeing her face up close.
He watched her from the bathroom doorway. She was cross-legged on the bed, studying the thickest textbook he’d ever seen with colour-coded notecards laid out across the duvet. He had earlier glimpsed a page over her shoulder but decided against pursuing medicine as a new career when he was faced with photographs of god knows what. He tried to remove the images from his mind by drinking another beer and thinking of Sarah in her scrubs. That tended to work well for him these days.
She looked so cute sat on the bed, her reading glasses perched on the end of her nose. He wanted to come up with a joke, calm the tension a little that had grown between them in the meantime, but she looked pretty hot. More hot than usual and it was distracting. Like a sexy Librarian and for the second time this month he discovered something else he was into.
One pen was stuck behind her ear but she’d forgotten she’d put it there and was now using a different one. Her hair was tied up at the top of her head in a messy bun that she hadn’t touched since she’d arrived, more and more strands falling loosely around her as the evening wore on, framing her perfect, round face. She seemed to engrossed in what she was doing.
He was still a little wet from his shower and pondered whether she would notice if he just whipped his towel off and offered himself to her. There really wasn’t anything he wanted more at this moment in time than to have her touch him, to have her run hands gently over his chest, to tease him a little bit. There’d be some time, he reasoned, and right not it was just was exhilarating to think of her being here alongside him knowing it would be just the two of them for a little while.
He perched on the end of the bed in front of her. She barely moved, barely seemed to notice him. He took one of her blank notecards and carefully placed it on the open page so as not to lose her place. She leaned back slightly, allowing him to gather up the papers and place them in a pile on the floor besides the bed before turning back to lean in towards her, one arm stretching out across her legs. She took off her glasses and rubbed her eyes again. She wanted peace and quiet and he decided to rock up just because he could. He sighed to himself. He was such a dick sometimes.
“Do you mind me being here?” he asked her, fully resigning himself to leaving if she now asked him to as hard as that might be. He’d got so caught up in his idea of surprising her that he hadn’t fully registered just how important these exams were or how well she wanted to do. Passing them wasn’t an option for Sarah; she wanted to knock it out of the park. She wanted to do better for herself and the more he got to know her like this, the more it became his favourite thing about her. And he related. He related perfectly. He knew exactly what that was like. “Cos I can go if you need me to.”
“Chris, I’ve said it’s fine. It’s nice that you’re here. I would just hate you feeling bored if all I’m doing is studying all the time.” She nervously twirled the pen between her fingers while taking in how amazing he looked following a shower, a little steam rising off his skin.
“I won’t get bored.” he assured her. “It’ll be nice hanging out with you. Just the two of us.”
He plucked the pen from behind her ears and she rolled her eyes realising the mistake she’d made. He tucked strands of hair back and leaned in placing a quick, soft kiss to her lips. He smelled like her coconut shampoo and she just now understood how truly spontaneous his trip had been.
“Listen, there’s another reason why I’m here. There’s something I need to talk to you about and I couldn’t wait until you got home.” he stroked her arm gently, looking down into her lap. “It’s been going around in my head and I’m not entirely sure what to say about it to be honest, but...it looks like Jenny’s done an interview with a magazine. A full thing with a photoshoot and stuff and it looks like I might be involved.” He closed his eyes for a second before correcting himself. “Not might actually, it’s pretty much definite that I’m in there for a large portion of it.”
“OK.” Sarah nodded. He for sure seemed weary of the whole thing and she felt for him.
“I just, I know she can be pretty unfiltered at the best of times, so-”
“-but she won’t have said anything negative, right?”
“No, no, not negative. I’m not worried about that exactly. It’s just that...” He was struggling to find the words. “I just didn’t want you to get the wrong idea about us, about me and her. I expect she’ll have this hyper-romanticised view of things and I guess I didn’t want you thinking it was some great love affair which is what I think she’ll spin it as.” He couldn’t quite meet her eye while he was talking. “I’m not proud of myself or of what I said or did at the time but I was low and she was there and it was...easy, I guess.”
He immediately regretted his choice of words. As much as he wanted Sarah to understand, he didn’t want Sarah to think he was dismissive of his relationships in this way. “Matt’s figuring out some damage control with them. Hopefully, it’ll go away as quickly as it comes.”
“You think he’ll be able to clear it up?”
Chris nodded. Matt was a formidable guy and he was assured things would look and read much better by the time it went to print. He placed his hand on her thigh and it was only now she registered just how close he was to surrounding her.  “I don’t wear my heart on my sleeve all too often but when I do, they know about it. I want to make them aware of exactly how I feel about them and I didn’t do that with her.” He dipped his head to catch her eye line. “So, when I do something for someone, it means something, y’know?”
“Yeh, of course. You’re a good guy, Chris. Everyone knows that.” She took his hand and lightly interlocked their fingers together.
“I guess I just didn’t want you worrying about her ‘cos there’s absolutely nothing there for me. Never had been.”
“You don’t need to explain this to me, I’m not going to hold anything against you.” she stroked his chin with her thumb and felt him relax into her hand. He glanced down at the mess he’d made on the floor and started picking a few things back up.
“How much left do you have to do tonight?” he whispered as his lips closed upon hers for a fleeting moment.
“I could do with finishing some notes but...half an hour, maybe?”
“I’ll hold you to that.” he kissed her again and got up from the bed, lifting her books back on top. “Just come get me when you’re done, yeh?”
Finishing up in the bathroom, Sarah switched off the light and moved towards the bed. She kneeled alongside Chris who was lying flat out, naked except for the duvet bunched across legs, reading what she assumed was the hotel magazine only to find upon closer inspection that it was in fact one of her medical journals. She giggled as she grabbed the moisturiser from the bedside table and began rubbing a small amount up and down her arms, regarding him as his nose creased up in apparent disgust at something he’d just read. 
“Did you know the body has ten times more microorganisms living in it than actual human cells?! That’s bacteria, Sarah. Living, gross bacteria. All over us.” he looked at her, shock and horror crossing his fine, perfect features. She wasn’t sure whether to pat him on the head or laugh.
“It’s mostly good bacteria, though. Only, like, 1% of it is bad for us.”
“And when exactly were you going to tell me about this?!”
She creased up laughing and flopped on to her side next to him. “It’s all information that’s out there for the world to see. Remind me not to tell you about eyelashes.”
“What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever removed from somebody’s ass?” he asked.
“What? Why is that always a question people want an answer to?”
“I don’t know. It’s just weird. Humans are weird.” he muttered, turning back to the pages in front of him. She was glad he had chosen one without pictures. That was the last thing she wanted to see before falling asleep.
“So, have you learned something new?” she asked, curling her legs under the duvet.
“I have. I think you should test me and if I get a question wrong, you can do whatever you like to me. Deal?” he asked, smirking. She shyly smiled and he tossed the book onto the floor. “Hi.”
“Hi.” She repeated. She watched as his eyes slowly travelled down her body. It was unreasonable how much he managed to disarm her with only a look.
His hand reached out to gently caress the side of her thigh, nudging the duvet slightly down before moving back up to her hip, a ticklish area he’d picked up on the last time they were together. He leaned in and kiss her on the side of her jaw, so feather-like and soft she barely felt it if not for his warm breath she could feel on her neck.
“You smell nice.” he whispered, looking at her from underneath his eyelashes. “We could have showered together, y’know? Save the planet?”
As much as she was getting used to the little things he would do when they were alone, rubbing her arm, tucking hair behind her ears, saying nice things about how pretty she looked, having him here in such close proximity with no else around to distract them or force them into the light...it was getting risky. Not that Chris ever pushed her, mind. He’d been nothing but understanding and respectful and she was grateful for that but also growing concerned he was perhaps a little...bored. Why else would he drive over state lines to see her. None of this was normal and the more time went by, the more she became fretful of what they were doing.
“What are you thinking about?” he kissed her shoulder. “Is it dirty? If it’s dirty, I wanna know about it.”
Sarah smiled and placed her hand on the side of his face, running her fingers gently over his beard. He’d thoroughly given up shaving but she liked how soft it still felt under her finger tips and judging by the breath he released as he closed his eyes, so did he, relaxing into her hand. He kissed her again. She was hoping he’d take charge so she could put off talking to him a little longer but instead, he refrained from pushing them any further and leaned back a little, looking into her eyes. “Talk to me.”
She could feel his hand move slowly and deliberately up her arm until he reached the back of her neck, his fingers playing with the loose strands of hair that had fallen from her messy bun. There was no getting away from this.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? It’s OK for you to tell me what you want.” She could feel his breath on her skin, his voice low and rough. His fingers moved again and she felt them touch her lips, one of them running back and forth over her lower lip until she parted them ever so slightly and his finger softly dipped inside her mouth. He seemed to like that and kissed her again, a little harder this time.
“Just keep kissing me.” she whispered, relieved that se finally got some words out.
He smiled at her, satisfied with her response, and kissed her again. Slow, wet, a kind of kiss that was full of promise of what he wanted to do and it made her whole body thrum with anticipation.
One hand now resting on the bed beside her and the other moved from her cheek back down to her thigh. She was frozen to the spot, this man focussed on her so intently, prepared to give her whatever she asked for, whatever she needed, expressing so much in a kiss that she didn’t register when her hand began moving slowly, grazing a finger ever so slightly over the waistline of her shorts.
“...and what else?”
A little more, he moved his hand until his fingers dipped inside her underwear until he felt her skin, hot to the touch. She broke the kiss momentarily to let out a breath, one hand resting on the back of his neck for leverage as he continued tenderly moving his fingers until he got to where he wanted to be. Feeling her wet for him seemed to spark something inside and she felt him push her carefully until she was lying back on the bed, head just off the pillow, and he leaned over her. He adjusted his hand ever so slightly until she could feel his fingers pressing at her entrance before moving in small circular motions, riling her up.
“Look at me, honey.” he whispered, his voice rough and turned on as he wanted her grabbing at the covers as he stroked her. She tried to but she couldn’t stop her eyes from closing again, zoned out with only his smooth and confident movements to focus on. It was almost getting too much with him hitting her at just the right spot for her to lose herself completely when, just like that, he pulled his hand away and grabbed both sides of her underwear to pull them down and off her legs. The next thing she remembered was the feel of him skilfully grabbing her from underneath her thighs, his tongue swiftly taking over.
It didn’t take long for her to feel like was she coming undone and him feeling proud of himself. She couldn’t fight it and with one arm draped across her lower tummy, he certainly had not intention of letting her get away. Any feelings of awkwardness were soon a thing of the past as she let the gentle, unbridled bliss he was giving her wash over her completely. She honestly couldn’t remember ever feeling anything like this before, she was so out of it. He was covering her completely, her wetness mixing with his own, his beard rubbing against her smooth skin adding another level of pleasure. 
She ran her fingers through his hair, messing it up. His tongue hit her clit again and again causing her to give him a short, sharp pull. His groan was so filthy and deep from within him, she felt it reverberate through her, raising goose bumps up and down her skin.
He wanted her on the edge as much as he felt he was. He wanted her to want him, to tell him exactly what she wanted him to do. He wanted her on fire. He wanted to hear her beg.
Just as she was on the edge for a second time, he stopped and blew softly across her wisps of hair. He chuckled when he heard what sounded like a quiet yet frustrated groan leave her lips, followed by a chuckle, something innocent and familiar. Her hands loosened from his hair as they stared into each other’s eyes, their mutual breathlessness the only sound they could hear.
“Does that feel good?” he whispered, the breath from his words scorching her skin. He moved his tongue just a little lower, not breaking eye contact, and she felt him dip ever so slightly inside of her, his arm wrapped around her thigh and the pad of his thumb taking care of the rest. He did this a second time, then a third, and when he returned to pressing his tongue over her clit, drawing her into his mouth, she was soon grabbing at him in any way she could in a futile attempt to take the edge off the orgasm that was coming at her like a freight train.
She was close. He knew she was so close now and he held his arms tightly around her to keep her close to him. One more swipe of his tongue right....there...and she was gone.
When her breathing even out, she slowly opened her eyes to see him move up and over her, placing soft, wet kisses on her hip, her tummy, her neck, and finally on her lips. He seemed cautious to kiss her, unsure of whether she wanted him to but she grabbed his face with both hands to pull him back down to her, kissing him as passionately as she could manage with what felt like no energy. She could taste herself and it was so much more erotic than she could ever have imagined. 
She felt him smile into the kiss as he carefully settled his body on top of hers, allowing her to wrap her legs around him. He moved the hair that was sticking to her forehead and stroked her face with one finger, gently mapping her eye and her nose and her cheek. She couldn’t reconcile this being the same man who had minutes earlier been so dominant. He had so clearly wanted to say something at that point if only his hardness hadn’t been so distracting. He mover one arm under her neck, using the other hand to move hair from where it had clung to the side of her face. Holding her as close to him as possible and feeling blissful when he felt her legs wrap around his own, he entered her and held still, enjoying the moment.
“We should’ve done this years ago.” he spoke and for a brief moment, without realising, she was pulled from their intimacy, a pang of guilt taking its place.
He was too busy pushing into her, needing whatever she had left to give him. He grabbed at the back of her neck to keep her in place, his face buried into her hair. She felt her skin heat up all over from his breath as he panted at her side. It was more frantic than he’d wanted it to be as he groaned and moaned and pushed his whole weight into her with force. It was really all she could do to just hang on to him as he fucked her deeper, as he surged towards his own orgasm, then letting go when she felt him shudder insider her minutes later. He sounded helpless and as much as he tried to hold himself up from collapsing on her, he soon gave up trying and laid his head on her shoulder.
His warm breath continued covering her skin as she ran her hand gently over the back of his head. She felt him chuckle a vibration into the top of her arm before a wet kiss landed just underneath her ear, a place he had deigned his own after he realised how sensitive she was on that particular spot.
Finally rolling off her to lie on his back, he kept his arm stretched across her lower tummy and rubbed his fingers across the apex of her thigh. She wasn’t sure how long they stayed in this position but at some point he leaned over her to turn the bedside light off plunging the room into complete darkness and they continued to lie there in silence not really sure if the other was asleep or not.
He eventually turned onto his side to face her, keeping a firm grip on her waist. He was across her pillow and she could practically feel the flutter of his eyelashes as he watched her in the dark, a soft outline gradually appearing as his eyes adjusted to the blackness of the room, making out her features. she felt his hand move up and down her ribcage and over the inside of her elbow, another sensitive spot that made her shudder and him chuckle again when he realised she was in fact still awake.
She turned onto her side to face him and his hand moved to her lower back where it finally rested over her hip. She pushed her leg in between his and he seemed content and comfortable in how they were existing in this space, both aware they didn’t have to worry about getting up any time soon. He was running his fingers up and down her spine in slow, circular motions and it felt wonderful. Too wonderful. And there was that guilt again.
“What will you do tomorrow?” she asked.
He took a deep breath in contemplation at her unexpected question. “Gym looks pretty good. I have a book and a couple of scripts, too. Don’t worry, I’ll be fine.”
“I know.” she murmured but he knew she was dwelling on something.
“I wanna be here for you if you need anything and if you don’t, you won’t even know I’m around. I promise.”
“I know that, too.”
She could sense him smile at her even in their dark. “Good.” he said. “It feels nice knowing I’ve made a good decision for a change.”
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blahblahwritings · 4 years
Lost and Found.
A/N: Sorry it took so long to get round to this request I’ve had a manic week with hand-ins and work but it’s finished, I hope your like it!
Words: 2390
Warnings: Mentions of dead family members. A curse word here and there.
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This was a stupid idea. Going to a flashy party in a flashy building hosted by a flashy company was one of the top activities you tried to avoid. You knew that your shitty minimum wage desk job and even shittier selection of dresses in your closet would make you not just feel but look out of place the moment you walked in. But, being a good friend, you caved when Emma had asked you for the tenth time to go with her, insisting that her friends and colleagues wouldn’t judge, but, coming from a group home, you knew better.
You weren’t a stranger to people thinking they’re better than you, or their fake sympathy when they found out your story, not that you were embarrassed by it. In fact, you had taken pride in it knowing that some of the shit you’d struggled through helped make you a better person. Not that they would care, they never needed a personality because they had the blessing of money and notoriety. Anyway, here you were, in your black dress and heels, a little bit of make-up you were sure had smudged on the car ride here and just enough alcohol in your system to make the night bearable.
Just looking at the exterior of the building made you want to throw-up, then again that could partially be the cheap wine you’d drank. The floodlights in the front shone beams of gold up the brilliant white bricks and the plants surrounding the door worth probably more than your apartment brought a pop of colour to the entrance. Emma finished paying the cab driver and stepped out beside you.
“Come on, it's not that bad. Let’s get inside.” She laughed, noticing your hesitation. Her hair sat in a perfect updo and her dress swayed elegantly as she waltzed forwards. Her whole look matched; the clips in her hair, the colour of her and her shoes, even the clutch she held presented her as a magnificently finished puzzle. You looked like a bag of trash next to her. Her hand gently tugged at your arm and with a deep breath, you made your way in.
The lobby was almost empty, save for a few well-dressed men and who you assumed were their dates chatting languidly by the front desk. Emma’s heels clacked loudly against the marble floors, your own in tow as she threw a friendly wave towards the receptionist before you reached the elevator. Your nerves picked up at the thought of being in a crowded room full of professionals talking business with fine champagnes and little finger sandwiches and stupidly fancy tables for it all to sit on. God, you needed to snap out of it. You’re complaining about the tables.
The doors opened and you stepped in, greeted by your reflection in the walls of the lift. At least your make-up hadn’t smudged. Emma turned to you and gave you a look.
“What?” You asked, eyes darting back at your reflection then back at her.
“Stop worrying so much, you look cute I promise.” She reassured, it kind of helped. Kind of.
A ding, the roll of the doors and suddenly the party was revealed. It didn’t seem the worst, you might even enjoy it. There were large round tables clothed in white fabrics with bottles of expensive champagne on ice standing in the center, large spreads of food were laid out towards the edges of the space as people picked and grazed. It was huge, far bigger than you were expecting and well furnished. The air was filled with laughter and polite conversation, a live jazz band performed on a stage with a sizable dancefloor. Thankfully, there was a well stocked bar for those who didn’t have the aquired taste of champagne and you’d have made a bee-line for it, had Emma not let out a squeal of excitement as a woman with long dark hair and a royal blue evening gown approached, gold jewellery shining in a beautiful contrast.
“Oh my god, hi! How are you? Isn’t this lovely?” She drawled, voice clear and sophisticated.
Emma let out a small chuckle, “I’m good and it’s gorgeous, where are you all sat?” she replied wtih a tilt of her head. The lady gestured vaguely to the left where a table of women gave over-enthusiastic smiles and waves as we peered over.
The three of us wandered through over and joined them. Your heart was in your throat as you tucked yourself in, eyes flitting between the champagne in the middle and the bar, debating fleeing in search of a better tranquiliser for the night.
“Emma, who’s your friend? I don’t believe we’ve met her before.” Another lady with a short blonde bob spoke. You moved to introduce yourself but Emma jumped in. “This is Y/N, she’s one of my closest friends and the nicest person I know, isn’t her dress cute?” The prompt led the girls to all ooh and aah at your outfit as you faked a tight smile and thanked them, shooting Emma a pointed glare which she returned with an apologetic wince. “So! Has Billy arrived yet?” She giggled taking the spotlight off you and you visibly relaxed, shoulders slumping forward, a chuckle escaped you as you shook your head recognising the name. She talked about him often enough, specifically his ‘perfectly styled hair’ and ‘eyes you could just drown in’.
“Unfortunately no, we do have a distinct lack of eye candy at this party.” The blue lady from earlier sighed exaggeratedly, sending them all into another round of giggles. Had you any self control you’d have hidden the grimace that crossed your face. You weren’t overly fond of talking about people in such a way. A waiter came to your table, asking if there was anything he could get, be it food or drink. They requested a second bottle of champagne and as he turned, you gently caught his arm.
“I’d like a whiskey, a double on ice if that's alright.” You tried and he nodded. “Of course, would you like a mixer with that, miss?” He questioned and you shook your head. He quirked an eyebrow at this and shot you an amused smile probably knowing you disliked this ordeal as much as he did. Turning back to the table you engaged in their chatter until you could quietly sip your drink.
Across the room, a tall man in a black tux entered, his hair slicked back and a freshly shaved stubble lining his jaw. He was greeted by a few other party-goers, laughing and complimenting the festivities. Typical, tedious small talk always appeased the businessmen and women. Billy took pride in his work, but that didn’t mean he had to like the sleazy old men in his clientele. He was partially listening to the dramatic but fake story one of the men always told at parties to impress the women as he sipped his drink until someone caught his eye. You. He recognised your face almost immediately but couldn’t be entirely sure for the crowd. Excusing himself from the conversation, he moved with the grace of a cat, eyes never leaving you, sat at the table with a glass of something dark in your hand.
Memories of the group home came flooding back to him, of your laugh and smile, that echoed only feet away from him. He remembered the nights spent talking for hours on the floor of your room about your ambitions and how you were both gonna ditch the place for good. Flashes of you crying, upset at one of the other kids because they said something that hit a little too close to home for you, cuddled into his side as he pressed soft kisses to the top of your head. His whole world fell apart the day you went your separate ways. He needed you just as much as you needed him if not more because you were there in the early hours of the morning when he couldn’t sleep, when he had lost all his cockiness and his wit, coming to you with nothing but glassy eyes and vulnerability.
He continued to stare, unsure of what to do as everything moved in slow motion. It was new to him, this experience of being stuck for a plan, but, he was interrupted as another man came over, a little more drunk than he should’ve been, cheering at Billy. He lost sight of you, just for a moment he took his eyes off you and he pushed past the drunken businessman and into the crowd to get to you. A few people made noises of complaint, quickly hushing as they recognised him.
He appeared by your table, leaving the crowd behind and just gaping at you. He couldn’t believe you were here, and looking like you did? Your eyes perfectly framed by your eyeliner, your dress hugging all the right places and your heels highlighting the shape of your legs? All that ran through his head were words of praise.
Emma stood suddenly from the table, approaching Billy and you watched curious as to where she was going until your eyes landed on him. “Y/N, this is Billy, my boss, he's the host of the party.” She explained. A cheshire grin painting itself on her features. You stood, taking a step towards him and offering your hand. He glanced down at it and his eyebrows furrowed for a split second. Didn’t you recognise him? He took your hand and shook it once, forgetting to take his back. You had to admit, he was incredibly handsome, but there was something about him that you couldn’t quite shake.
“A pleasure to meet you, sir.” You offered a genuine smile, looking into his almost black eyes. He gave a tight smile back, a pang of disappointment shooting through his chest. His hand still held yours and some of the girls giggled amongst themselves. “Uh..” You began awkwardly before an important looking man requested Billy to follow him. His eyes flickered down to your hands and he quickly recoiled, a light flush dusting his cheeks as he leant closer to you so only you could hear him. A whisper of a few words left you dumbfounded.
You sat back down, staring through the table. Those words. They triggered something in your brain, flipped a switch. Billy… Billy Russo from the group home. Your mind began racing with the memories of him.
You sobbed, body shaking and hot tears trailing down your cheeks. Billy’s hands moved to cup your jaw, thumbs wiping away the salty droplets. You pressed your head into his palm, the warmth soothing you. You’d just confided in him, told him everything about your past, your parent’s death, your uncle’s suicide all of it. He was the first person you’d opened up to who didn’t just leave. His eyes held a deep sadness but they were also full of love for you. He brought your head into his chest, letting you bury yourself in his hoodie, the sound of your sniffles and heavy breathing muffled by the soft material. Looking up at him, you wiped your face with the sleeve of your shirt and laughed at the wet patches you’d left on his own. He gently pulled your chin up to look him in the eye and said;
“And here you are living, despite it all.”
It hit you like a brick wall and you stood so swiftly that your chair fell backwards behind you. Not bothering to explain yourself you charged through the crowd in the same direction he disappeared in, shrugging off the obvious sounds of disgust at your rudeness. Your eyes raked through the ocean of people, the sounds of obnoxious laughing, energetic jazz and the exaggerated old men’s stories filled your ears becoming unbearable. You span, frantic to find him and explain yourself as you replayed the memory over and over in your head. Bodies bumped and clashed with your own pushing you around until you collided with a firm chest. Spinning on your heel you looked at who you’d hit.
Your eyes met and you couldn’t look away. It was him, standing tall and looking at you with that signature grin. You let out a laugh in sheer disbelief before wrapping your arms around his neck. He quickly returned the embrace, nuzzling into your hair and glad you’d remembered him even if it took those words to jog your memory. He couldn’t blame you for wanting to forget that place.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise, I tried looking everywhere for you after we were separated but I-” You rambled over his shoulder as he softly pushed you back just enough for you to look at him. “Maybe you didn’t look quite hard enough?” He suggested, cocking an eyebrow in jest. You scoffed and rolled your eyes, laughing as you slapped his chest lightly. You looked back up at him, turning serious. “I mean it, Billy, I tried everything and it led nowhe-” You were cut off by him shushing you quietly. “You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” He whispered, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. You instinctively leant into his hand, feeling at ease in his presence again. Tears threatened to spill but he pulled you into a tight hug again before they could.
The music faded into something a little softer, and he threaded his fingers into yours tugging you towards the dancefloor. You snorted, rather unladylike, but he just turned back and laughed. “Good to know that hasn’t changed.”
Pulling you closer, his hands moved to just above your hips, ever the gentleman, and started to sway you both to the music. He smirked noticing the blush on your cheeks and you shook your head looking down with a giggle. Who would’ve thought you’d find each other again all these years later? Leading two entirely different lives despite such a similar beginning. He pressed his lips to your forehead, leaving them there for a moment before you looked up at him again. You sighed, content and lay your head against his chest, closing your eyes and taking in the moment, relishing in the fact you had him back. Only this time, you didn’t plan on letting him go.
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should have
request: Request: 47. “I think you’re really pretty.” - “Thanks, I think I’m really pretty too.” with Artturi Lehkonen
prompt: “I think you’re really pretty.” - “Thanks, I think I’m really pretty too.” / number 47 off of this list with Artturi Lehkonen.
summary: two times Artturi should have asked you out and the one time he did.
warnings: mentions of alcohol
word count: 1.7k
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Moving to Montreal was probably one of the best decisions you made in your life. Not only did the move further your career, but you were introduced to some people that were quickly some of your best friends.
Not to mention, the guy who lived in the apartment across the hall from yours was extremely cute.
Except, you hadn't actually ever talked to the boy that you only occasionally passed in the lobby and or saw getting off the elevator. You were a pretty big hockey fan, so you knew who he was. The Habs’ very own, Artturi Lehkonen lived across the hall from you. Also, you had pieced it together when you saw his Montreal Canadiens hockey bag, the amount of hockey sticks that came in and out of his apartment, and the literal team of boys that he would hang out with. 
But luck was not always on your side, because that’s how life goes sometimes, and you ended up having a terribly long day at work. To top it off, your plans for the night were canceled. Honestly, you didn't mind staying in nine times out of ten, but you had been looking forward to grabbing dinner with your friend. 
So you were in a bad mood all around when there was a knock on your door. You weren’t expecting anyone, so the sound understandably startled you. As you reached the door, you looked through the peephole to spot an Uber Eats delivery man slinking back into the elevator. By the time you were in the hallway, you were alone, with a bag of food that you definitely did not order at your feet. 
Knowing that the only other people on your floor were a few elderly couples that didn't know how to use Uber Eats and a health freak that would never order takeout, you steeled your nerves and picked up the bag, crossing the hallway to Artturi’s door. 
“Coming!” You heard him call, and suddenly you felt a bubble of nerves grow inside you. Once you had gotten home from your hellish day at work, you had quickly thrown on a pair of sweats and an old college shirt, fully expecting to change into something nicer before going out. The whole cancellation threw you off, because now you were standing in front of the door belonging to your cute, professional athlete, neighbor in sweatpants. 
The door swung open and you were dragged out of your thoughts and lunch into a whole new set when Artturi revealed himself to you. You had seen him around, but it had always been in passing, you coming and him going to vice versa, so you had never really been able to get a good look at him. Blonde hair, grey eyes, and a charming smile—oh were you in for it. 
“Can I help you?” He asked, and you were brought back to reality by the sound of his voice. You could feel your cheeks heating up, certain that he noticed but was too polite to comment on it. 
“Uh, did you order food?” You started, kicking yourself for sounded so unsure. He seemed to notice the bag in your arms, eyes widening as he seemed to piece together why you were there. 
“Yeah, did they deliver it to you?” You nodded, handing off the bag as he reached for it. You knew the interaction was done then, but something kept you rooted in your spot. If pressed for a reason why, you would’ve cited the way Artturi looked liked he wanted to say something further. And if someone had said the reason was that you didn't want to leave, you would’ve called them a liar. 
And then blushed really, really, hard. 
“I’m Artturi, by the way.” He needlessly introduced himself, and before you could say something embarrassing like ‘I know’, you give him your name. And then neither of you really knew what to say, and you were starting to feel a little awkward standing outside his apartment. 
“I’ll see you around?” You suggested, pointing with your thumb over your shoulder towards your apartment just as it looked like Artturi was about to say something else. He closed his mouth, smiling tightly at you and nodding. You spun on your heel, acting like you didn't know he was watching you leave and as you shut the door behind you, you leaned against it and sighed. 
You had a cute neighbor and you were painfully awkward.
The second time you had seen Artturi, he was racing through the lobby to catch the elevator, one that you held open for him. 
“Thank you.” He said politely, dropping the undoubtedly heavy hockey bag at his feet once the door shut, leaving the two of you alone. You waved him off, thinking nothing of the simple act and focusing more on not embarrassing yourself. It was silent for a moment, you trying to think of something to say and Artturi shifting on his feet.
“Did you have practice?” You questioned, that being the first thing to come to mind as you gestured to his oversized bag that donned the Candiens logo. Artturi looked up at you, a smile on his face as he shoved his phone in his pocket while nodding.
“Do you watch hockey?” He asked, and this time it was your turn to nod. 
“Haven’t been able to make it to game here in Montreal yet, but I try to watch them as much as I can.” You explained, and the way that he was smiling at you had you wishing this elevator ride would never end. There was just something so natural about talking to him that you found yourself not even processing everything going on around you, until you were leaning against your door and Artturi against his as you discussed local restaurants you had yet to try since the move. 
“Do you drink coffee?” Artturi asked, perking up as he remembered this one cafe his teammates had taken him to that he really liked. You weren't sure why he kept recommending, and at first you thought that maybe he was going to ask you out to one of these locations, but he had already told you about four of his favorite restaurants and now this cafe. He was just being nice, and you had gotten your hopes up. 
“When I have time in the morning on my way to work, I usually end up running a bit late.” You explained, placing your hand on your doorknob, ready to head inside and nurse your ego that had taken a hit when you assumed that there was a chance he was going to ask you out. “See you around?” 
Just as that phrase had been the conclusion of the last conversation you had with him, you were ready to slip inside your apartment and calm your racing heart. And, just like that last conversation, he looked like he had something else to say, though you wouldn't know what, as he shut his mouth and nodded. 
One day, you thought as you shut your door and dropped your forehead on it, you were going to get him to say what he so clearly wanted.
After your conversation in the elevator, you hadn't spoken to Artturi any further than greeting him as you passed in the hallway, and you blamed that partially on the fact that the Canadiens had recently had a string of away games. 
Not that you had been trying to figure out when it would be possible to run into him again, of course. 
But the next time you had seen the guy who lives across the hall from you was twenty minutes from the shared building. It was at a local bar, one you had been to only a few times with coworkers, the very same people who had dragged you out tonight. 
You didn't see him when he came in, since the group of rowdy hockey players arrived while you had slipped away to the bathroom. When you had returned to your seat at the bar, he and his teammates were tucked across the crowded room just out of your sight. 
One thing that you hated about bars late at night was the fact that certain men were unable to take a hint. Your coworkers had split after everyone had their first drink, and you seemingly were the only one that found the accompany of overzealous men annoying. 
Which was how you found yourself in the following situation.
“I think you’re really pretty.” A male voice said from over your shoulder as you sipped your drink. You rolled your eyes, wanting the obnoxious brunette guy that was clearly too many years older than you that had tried buying you drinks twice now to leave you alone.
“Thanks, I think I’m really pretty too.” You shot back, only regretting your words once you turned to the side to see a partially startled, partially amused Artturi Lehkonen. You must have looked like a fish, with the way your mouth was steadily opening and closing as you tried to come up with the right way to explain yourself to him. He started laughing, and you let out your own breathy chuckle. “You’re really not who I expected to be there.” 
And then the lightness of the conversation fell, because it suddenly hit you just exactly what he had said. He must of realized that the impact of his sentiment, because he leaned against the bar next to you, nervously not meeting your eyes.
“I’ve been meaning to say that.” He confessed, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked anywhere but at you. Your eyes widened and the smile grew on your face, but your only physical reaction at first was to rub his bicep to get him to look at you. When he saw your smile, it seemed to encourage him to continue. “I wanted to ask you out when my takeout got delivered to you and again when we talked in the elevator.”
“You should have.” You teased, your heart racing a million miles a minute. 
For a moment, Artturi looked at you with a beaming look in his eyes. You wondered if he was going to leave it at that, or if he was just pausing to take you in. You knew you were studying his features. How he smiled, the way the dim lights of the bar made his eyes look darker. But as all thing do, the moment need and you were brought back to the bar as he spoke.
“What if I asked you now?”
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booksonablog · 5 years
A Fresh Start: Harry Styles Imagine Part 2
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You woke up that morning naturally. No sunlight beaming through your curtains, no alarms or other shenanigans, just a fresh, energized body ready for the day. Your body hasn't done so in so long without your eyes feeling puffy from crying yourself to sleep since the breakup. It was a new feeling and you missed it dearly.
After a brief shower, you sat beside the window and watched the locals pass through the buildings. You looked at all the windows across from you, each having a story behind it. Some were open, some were decorated with plants or curtains. A lady watered her plants from the window across from yours and waved at you with a sweet smile. You waved back at her cute gesture. You loved how friendly the people you've encountered were, not everyone was like that back at home, or at least they put on their facade. Though these people could very well be doing the same, you thought. Just then, your phone rang. You walked over to see a random number that made your heart skip. You quite honestly forgot Harry asked for your number, it just seemed too surreal to be true. You picked up, thinking it could very well just be a french scam.
"Hello?" You answered.
"Hi Y/N, it's me Harry." Sure enough, it was the man of your dreams reality.
You swallowed hard, trying not to clear your throat on the phone. You tried to heighten your pitch a bit, as to not sound like the man you were sure you sounded like on the phone.
"Hi Harry." You finally spoke, unsure of what else to say.
"Have you eaten breakfast yet?" He asked, throwing you off.
"Um, no actually, not yet." You said, looking up at the tall mirror across your room where you watched your uncomfortable figure as you tried to keep your composure on the phone.
"Good. I was wondering if you'd like to have brunch with me?" He asked.
The heat on your face rose as your heart sped up. This time you paused before answering him, trying not to sound so eager like last time.
"Sure, that sounds great." You smiled.
"Wonderful, I'll be by your hotel around - 12:30, is that okay?" He politely asked.
"Yeah sounds perfect." You said, rolling your eyes at your eagerness.
"Perfect." You could hear the grin in his voice that warmed your heart, imagining his dimples, better yet, the fact that you get to come face to face with those dimples - again.
Harry had taken you out to a lovely little restaurant that was a little bit of ways from your hotel, but soon you realized why. Upon arrival, you smiled at the cute little restaurant, it was elegantly enchanting, very vintage Paris, absolutely adorable. People were seated outside the restaurant, enjoying the view. You turned to Harry and smiled, to which he returned the smile but turned to the view the restaurant was facing. You traced his eyes to see the magnificent Notre Dome Cathedral. Your mouth dropped, astonished by such a gorgeous view.
"Wow," You whispered, taken back by the sweet surprise, "It's beautiful."
Harry grinned at your reaction, "I thought you'd appreciate a more enhanced view for breakfast. And afterwards we could tour the cathedral. You turned to face him, you so badly wanted to jump and hug him, but you couldn't possibly.
"Thank you so much, that's so sweet," you glanced back at the Cathedral, "it really is gorgeous."
He chuckled at how adorable you were.
Harry managed to get the two of you a popular seat outside the restaurant. And soon, there you were, enjoying breakfast crepes in Paris beside the Notre Dame Cathedral laughing with Harry Styles. It was an absolute dream, in every possible way. Harry was a delight, just how you imagined he'd be. Handsome, intelligent, well-rounded, charming and much more. You wanted to soak up every impossible thing that was happening with him and you did just that, enjoying your fairy tale as much as possible.
After breakfast, you walked with him to the Cathedral where everyone was taking photos. "I'm sorry," you apologized sheepishly, "But I have to." You said, pulling out your phone and taking a few pictures of the scenery.
Harry laughed, "By all means! No need for apologies, you're in Paris!" He teased, shaking your shoulders behind you. You nearly dropped your phone, not because of the shaking, but because of Harry getting comfortable with you - you liked it, a lot. You put your phone back in your pocket and smiled at him.
"Ready!" You beamed. He smirked at your expression, he truly enjoyed seeing that smile of yours.
In the Cathedral, you guys had quietly followed the tour guides, Harry whispering more interesting information in your ear making you giggle because of the occasional breath or strand of hair that would tickle your face. He was very knowledgeable about this place, you thought.
"Harry," you whispered. He turned towards you with a slight smile tugging at the corners of his lips. While he rarely heard it, he liked the way you said his name. He started to wonder if it was the way you said it or the fact that it was coming from you.
"Is this your favorite Cathedral?" You asked.
"I suppose," he thought. "I don't know, I never thought about it. But I've visited a couple times before, it's beautiful. Definitely a touristy place, I figured it had to be on your list." He smiled down at you. You smiled back and continued the rest of your tour. You thought about his comment, the thought that he was thinking about your "touristy" list, though it may be small to him, the gesture felt so meaningful to you. As well as what he said earlier, "WE could tour the Cathedral-" it just made you feel so warm & special. You really enjoyed how sweet he was being, you imagined him to be just so, however, the dark thought that was created since the breakup made its way into light. The thought that all men, even Harry Styles, could be putting on a facade, reeling you in by all these sweet gestures and saying things you want to hear, only to end up with a shattered heart and the imprint of them moving on without a care.
After the Cathedral, you and Harry walked the nearby streets, enjoying the conversation between each other.
"Um, I have to head back to a friend's house soon for a house party," he interrupted the laughter from you two. "Would you like to come?" He asked.
You were wildly surprised. Part of you was ready to immediately say yes, the sheer fact that he wanted to have your company amongst his friends was incredibly intriguing, this was the time to take risks, but to your surprise, you declined.
"Thank you - but - I'm actually gonna do a bit of shopping today." You spoke, creating awkward, rather depressing silence.
"Oh…" He responded, making you cringe.
"Rather disappointing." He said, the two of you laughed.
"Why's that?" You asked.
"I enjoy your company Y/N." He said bluntly, looking up with a smile. You felt the warmth in your heart, not knowing how to respond, unsure if this was still reality.
"But I won't pry." He smiled shyly, looking forward as the two of you kept walking.
You enjoyed the rest of your day alone, shopping at the lovely stores that Harry took you to before he had to make his way to his friend's house. You were mentally kicking yourself for creating such an awkward moment, and for saying no in general. You hated missing opportunities, but you reminded yourself that even though this was a dream come true, you came here for yourself, and you wanted to spend time enjoying your own company too.
Walking back to the hotel, bags in one hand, you watched as the sun started to dip behind buildings. You will never get over how gorgeous this city is. You had a perfect day, but all things must come to an end as your feet were starting to kill.
You were a block away from your hotel when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You whipped it out and saw a random number that said:
"I hope you don't mind my messaging you, but I am absolutely dying at this party."
Followed by another ding.
"It's Harry btw."
You smiled at the surprise message on your screen. You thought of what to reply with, butterflies now violently flying about in your tummy.
"It's a party in Paris! What could possibly have you dying 😄"
You cringed at your response before sending it.
You continued walking when you got another ding.
"Cringeworthy Karoke 💀"
You laughed before typing back,
"Show them how it's done - or would that be too cruel?🤔"
"Too cruel 😂"
You giggled at your screen as you made your way to your hotel lobby.
"How did your shopping go?"
"Very well, I got some little goodies from the shops you brought me to"
"Didn't I tell ya Y/N, fantastic shops, shoulda went with ya 🤦‍♂️"
Your heart skipped at how playful he was being.
"Next time 😋" you replied, a wave of nerves shot through you as if all the butterflies in your stomach were vomiting.
You waited for a reply as you opened the door to your room.
"I sure hope so 😊"
You nearly died. Before you could think of your next reply, he double texted.
"I really enjoy spending time with you, if that's not too forward"
"Not at all, I enjoy spending time with you too Harry 😊" You quickly replied with an impatient heart.
"Wish I could leave, but I have to save my friend from further embarrassment 🤦‍♂️ talk to you soon Y/N"
You sighed at your short conversation, but proceeded to replay your day with him and all the cute little things that took place.
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Hope you guys enjoyed Part 2, stay tuned for Part 3! ♡
@itsilvermorny @crowdedimagines
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themangoyogurt · 4 years
Between 29th & Astoria: A Bad Habit Develops
Chapter 3
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It was exactly 7:49 AM when you arrived at your desk. After your little outburst last night, you didn’t want to risk Mr. Ren having any excuse to have an aneurism over tardiness. You had just finished sorting and filing paperwork when the source of your troubles strolled into the office. The man hesitated for a moment at your desk before you looked up.
“Good morning, Mr. Ren.”
“Hello, PA...”
You instinctively cleared your throat, cutting the man off while timidly supplying your first and last name. Kylo tilted his head as an amused smile barely grazed his lips. You coughed once and quietly explained, “Please, sir. I would prefer if you called me by my name.”
Kylo nodded and slowly repeated the name, as if testing the way the letters tasted on his lips. He liked it. It suited you. He repeated it one more time before walking past you into his office.
Your morning continued with little fanfare as you made your way to personally drop off paperwork at various destinations. Seeing that whatever Kylo handled was confidential, he didn’t trust e-mailing anything. Walking over to Mitaka on the thirtieth floor, you held back a giggle at the memory of Rose slurring her own theories about Ren during a rare night out.
”You know, if he wasn’t rich and handsome, he’d probably be one of those weirdos who believes in space people spying on humans or whatever. Who doesn’t trust the internal communication system of their own company? Maybe if you made him a tinfoil hat, you’ll get on his good side.”
You had your own theory - the man just liked making you suffer. After all, what better way to plague your assistant than make her traverse multiple floors in stilettos? Giving the dark-haired assistant of Hux a polite nod, you dropped a folder off at his desk. Next, you marched over to Phasma with some personal paperwork regarding payroll. You were in the middle updating the woman on your progress when your phone aggressively buzzed.
Kylo Ren | 11:18 AM | Where are you?
Kylo Ren | 11:19 AM | I want you in my office NOW.
“Shit!” You spat. It wasn’t exactly professional to curse in front of your HR rep, but something about Phasma’s straightforward and tough demeanor hinted that she wasn’t bothered by it. She rolled her eyes and dismissed you with a wave of a hand.
Sprinting back to your desk, you noticed that Kylo’s doors were ajar. Darkness roved back and forth across the glazed window indicating that Mr. Ren was pacing back and forth. The sound of muffled shouting was interrupted once in a while with the smash of an object being broken.
Normally you’d wait outside for one of his episodes to clear, but he had indicated that you were to appear as quickly as possible. Gingerly leaning against the door, you pressed it open to step into the private office. Ren ignored your presence as he continued to shout into the phone.
“I don’t care if it’s a national holiday in France. If those projections are not in my inbox by the time I’m finished with lunch, I will personally see that your firm is dismantled piece by piece. I swear I’ll take the clothes off your fucking back!”
He angrily tapped his phone before flinging the device against the wall. You had never seen the man so upset. At least not this closely. His shoulders heaved with each labored breath as he stared into space without moving. Various office supplies laid scattered and destroyed around his feet, and you cringed thinking that you’d have to pick everything up once he was out of the room.
Suddenly, Kylo snapped back to the present. Snatching his blazer from the back of his leather chair, the man stalked towards the elevator. Stopping just as he passed through the door, he bellowed, “You. You’re coming with me.” A squeak escaped your lips as you scurried towards the angry man just as he entered the elevator.
With aggression rolling off of Kylo, you were surprised that the man didn’t just rip doors off their hinges as he stomped through the lobby and out onto the street. He paced for a moment, clearly attempting to level his mood now that he was in public.
“Take me somewhere pedestrian.”
“Excuse me?”
“Are you deaf?”
You frowned at his attitude, but bit back a retort of your own. Kylo sighed and explained, “I want to eat lunch somewhere I won’t run into a business associate. After the conversation I just had, I’m going to lose it if I have to put on airs with some infuriating Wall Street shmuck. And if I stay in the office I run the risk of having to deal with Hux’s superiority complex.”
You swallowed the desire to point out that it sounded like Kylo was describing himself. Instead, you nodded and motioned for him to follow. A few blocks later, and you were sliding into a booth at the back of a nondescript pizza parlor. Kylo silently paid for the meal, and then settled in across from you with two cups of Coke in his large palms.
Shit. Shit. Shit. You were about to spend the most time alone with your boss since starting the job.
It seemed as if a similar train of thought crossed Ren’s mind as he awkwardly looked anywhere but you. He had shucked off his blazer and was now idly rolling up his sleeves. For someone who never left the office, he had a surprisingly strong build. Tracing the veins up his forearms, your eyes rested at his broad chest.
“So, how does a little mouse such as yourself end up working for the First Order?”
Kylo smirked as you choked on nothing. Flattening your palms against your skirt, you replied, “I have bills to pay.”
The man snorted and placed an elbow on the table before resting his cheek against his palm. You had never seen him so relaxed.
“Normally Phasma sends me more capable assistants. Tough individuals who can stomach dealing with the business of war. I was surprised when she sent me someone so mild.”
Your palms closed into fists. Sure, you weren’t a wise-cracking career climbing type of gal. But in your eyes that didn’t make you weak. It just meant you operated under a specific decibel. As politely as one could seethe, you responded, “Sir, I may be ‘mild’, but that doesn’t make me incapable of performing my duties. I am still here after two months.”
His head tilted the other direction as he stared you down. A slight blush bloomed across your face and Kylo smiled.
“I guess I keep you around for the humanity.”
Before you could ask the man to elaborate, a teenaged boy interrupted by setting a large pizza down. The smell of pepperoni and cheese wafted into the air, and instantly everything seemed like it would be okay. Kylo motioned for you to serve yourself first, and watched in amusement as you rapidly dug into the meal before he began eating. The two of you ate in relative silence before Kylo ventured with another question.
“What was your major in college?”
You swallowed a mouthful of carbohydrates and reached for your drink to buy some time before replying, “Photography.”
“Then why aren’t you a photographer?”
Sheesh, for someone who manages a billion dollar company, he wasn’t exactly good at making small talk was he? You considered the man in front of you. Prior to the interview you had done your due diligence and researched as much as you could. It was an easy task - the man came from a high profile family and generations of wealth and success. You were pretty sure he changed his name to “Kylo Ren” just to be a dick to his parents.
“Photography doesn’t pay the bills when you have a mountain of debt.”
“No family to help?”
You scoffed. Of course Kylo Ren, heir to the Organa-Solo fortune, would assume that you could just ask your parents for help. You wiped a hand on a napkin and flatly answered, “I am no longer on speaking terms with my family.”
He looked to be deep in thought as he mulled over your words. How did things get so personal so quickly? Something about Kylo completely disarmed you. Any more time alone with the man and you were at risk of spilling embarrassing stories about puberty. His jaw clenched for moment before he softly replied, “I understand.”
His softened eyes took you by surprise. Catching himself in the moment, Kylo abruptly stood from his seat and barked for you to return to the office. He sharply mentioned being late for a meeting before flying into a cab and disappearing down the street. You stood in awe for a moment, unsure of what exactly transpired over lunch.
A playful thought danced through your mind as you walked back to the office. You’d show Mr. Ren that you were no little mouse, and that you certainly weren’t scared of the man.
Kylo was exhausted. He hated face-to-face meetings. All of the pomp and circumstance. The peacocking and the flattery. Regardless how how much money he raked in with each secured account, he still left every meeting with a hollow feeling. For a while, seeking the physical pleasures New York City offered was enough to numb the loneliness.
Like a drug though, each shiny new toy, expensive meal, or flighty model he bedded only left the ache growing worse and worse. Just as he was reaching the end of his rope, a new doe-eyed assistant stepped into his life.
From the get-go, your naiveté and subtleness caught him off guard. He was used to those around him scrambling to please and use Kylo Ren, CEO of First Order Enterprises. But there you were, stumbling along behind him every step of the way. It was your earnestness caught the man off guard.
His curiosity began with a single look. You happened to be by his desk during one of his famous outbursts. A deal went south, and along with it millions of dollars and hours of work wasted. As he threw a stapler across the room, he was taken aback by your expression - sadness. It wasn’t fear. He knew fear, and the way your lips turned downwards wasn’t it. You were genuinely sad for the man. Empathizing with his frustration and disappointment.
Ren continued to prod and harass you in an attempt to elicit more emotions from your soft features. He’d watch in amusement as each feeling was clearly displayed front and center. You weren’t very good at hiding your thoughts. At least not in the way your brows would furrow or the way your pretty red lips twitched.
He continued his relentless assault until finally, finally, you stood up for yourself. And that was the best reaction he had ever witnessed from your placid demeanor. The way you deliciously defended yourself was like a dessert on its own.
Kylo couldn’t explain it, but you were such an oddity in his life. A curiosity he itched to unravel piece by piece. He checked his Patek Philippe watch as he returned to First Order and rode the elevator back up to the forty-fifth floor. It was six now, and with his absence in the office you were probably jumping at the chance to escape on time for once.
Just as the doors slid open, he was met with your delicate laughter. Kylo froze momentarily as he took in the sight before him. You had switched into a pair of beaten in black Converse hightops, and your typical office attire had been changed for a breezy white off-shoulder dress speckled with lace. Was your hair always this long? Kylo only noticed the length as your locks curled around your shoulders, wavy from being in a bun all day.
“I know Rose! I can’t believe my luck either. I’ll finally get to see Finn perform and meet the cast afterwards! Do you think Poe is out of the...oh shit, mybossisheregimmeasecond!”
You squeaked out the ending of your sentence as Kylo stepped off the elevator and stopped directly in front of you. His calendar indicated that he had no more meetings, and you assumed that the man would just go home afterwards. What kind of lunatic would willingly return to the office if there was nothing else on the agenda?
Feeling totally underdressed with Kylo scrutinizing your appearance, you awkwardly tucked a stray curl behind your ear. You stuttered, “Hello, sir. Uhm, I thought that you wouldn’t be returning to the office. Uhm, I can...is there...”
Kylo cut you off with a wave of his hand. He murmured, “It’s alright. Go enjoy your night.”
A huge smile spread across your face as you profusely thanked your boss before jumping into the elevator. Your unbridled happiness tugged a rare smile out of Ren as he shuffled back towards his desk as something deep inside of him craved to see that smile more often. Slowly loosening his tie, he unbuttoned the top of his dress shirt as he surveyed the night view. A bright pink box suddenly caught his attention, and he picked up the offending object from his table. Picking at the tag, he read:
”Something sweet always puts a smile on my face. I hope you day gets better!”
He chuckled and opened the package to reveal a slice of chocolate cake. He never did eat much dessert, but perhaps it was time to develop a new habit. Kylo could do with something sweet in his life.
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ill-skillsgard · 5 years
So would Henry possibly lie and say they're getting a divorce to get in his mistresses pants and lie and string her along juggling both women until finally it becomes clear he's playing them both? Like he really is a womanizer that likes to have a girlfriend and his trusting oblivious wife?
I don’t even know what I’m doing. This is becoming a whole ass world that I’m invested in and I’m not sure if I should write it as a full length or continue releasing it bit by bit. Feel free to tell me what you’d prefer! Until then... Enjoy
More Henry x Mistress here
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Work became less of an inconvenient routine and more of a show. You found yourself distracted in the mornings by spending too much time fixing your hair and making sure that your uniform didn't have a wrinkle on it. When you worked behind the bar or went around cleaning tables, your guard was up. Henry could walk in any time and catch you slouching or slacking off and for some reason, you didn't want him to see that side of you. You remained on high alert until the inevitable happened.
Henry entered the café from the lobby with another suited man in tow. Indicative by the way they were chatting, they were friends or at least associates. The other man was a great deal heavier than Henry and you presumed about a decade older. Seeing them made you stop cold for a beat before you whipped on your practiced smile and nodded at Henry.
Henry's smile was pleasant but his eyes lingered as they took up a table in the center of the room. You always thought it strange that he always chose the center tables as opposed to the surrounding booths. That's where most guests sat when given the chance to seat themselves.
You approached the table after they had a minute to settle into their seats. The beating in your chest increased with each step you took toward him but you already knew how to handle that. What you didn't know how to handle was when his company started to make comments about you after you went over to give them a pitcher of water and to take their orders.
"Does the Caesar wrap come with a side of fries or can I substitute that out for a side of you?" The older man chuckled.
You glanced at Henry for a moment and did your best brush-off.
"Unfortunately not, sir. Fries, salad or soup."
"What kind of soup?"
"Today we have tomato basil and cream of broccoli."
The man flicked the laminated lunch menu and snorted. "She's definitely giving me cream of something, eh, Henry?"
Henry was gracious enough to look down at the table and not answer the man until he rattled the table leg with his knee, causing the water to slosh and nearly pitch over onto the tablecloth
"Come on, Frank. Just order your food already," Henry urged him.
"We're just playing, darlin'. How about you bring me that wrap and a side of fries with gravy. Oh, and whatever light beer you have on tap."
You managed to quell the urge to roll your eyes at Frank. You had hoped to see Henry but not accompanied by anyone else. The man's presence did more than make you uncomfortable. You cursed him for preventing you from speaking freely. He was completely unaware of his encroachment on the small window of time you had been looking forward to. Coupled with the wandering of his little bloodshot eyes over your outfit, you knew for certain that Henry could feel your trepidation.
"And for you, sir?" You turned to Henry and tried not to make your favour known by smiling for too long or staring at the way he crossed one long leg over the other.
"Coffee, please. And I'll have the soup if you don't mind," Henry was curt and polite, unlike his associate who prattled on with complete disregard as to whether you could hear over him or not.
You nodded and left them to their exchange, grimacing when you turned away. A text message showed up on your phone not but five minutes after.
Sorry about him.
You decided not to answer Henry and instead flashed him a sorrowful look when you were sure that nobody but he could see you. The corner of his mouth sagged as he returned your look.
It was difficult for you not to be annoyed and let your frustrations change the way you went about completing your tasks. It must have been a punishment for thinking about Henry so much. You knew in your heart that your lust for him should not have been allowed to see the light of day but when you stood behind the bar and watched how he sat, how he carried himself, the meticulous way he kept the area around him neat and the small smiles that teased at his lips, you couldn't picture anything but the two nights you had spent together. Consequently, whenever you got thinking about those times, you thought of his wife, too.
Henry was wearing his wedding band. As was Frank. You couldn't help but notice these things given the first-hand knowledge you had of Henry's secret. You wondered if his associate did the same kind of things behind his wife's back and felt a sickness in your gut thinking that perhaps Henry was no better of a man than the reprehensible lout he was dining with.
Your luck did not turn. Not after the two of them signed their bills and left or after that.
Frank returned the same evening as you were switching off with another employee and demanded to be served at the bar by you and you alone. After you politely told him that you were done for the night, he started to complain about the disservice. At first, you and your co-worker were unsure how to react, assuming that he must have just been drunk and wasn't being serious. But as you attempted to duck out, he slid off the barstool and followed you to the end of the bar, blocking you from getting by without coming very close to him. Your co-worker was newer than you and plainly afraid to leave you but there were other patrons in the café that needed tending to.
"Come on, precious. I saw how you were starin' earlier. You don't fancy a nice man with lots of money? Look at my watch. Guess how much it cost? Probably more than what your sweet little ass makes in an entire year!"
"Wow, that certainly is expensive," you commented.
"And I got four of 'em, sweetheart."
"Very cool," your tone dripped with impatience that was lost on him. "I'll be right back."
"You're comin' back to me, ain't ya?"
"Um... Well, like I said... My shift is over," you backed away, turned and made your way through the swinging doors into the kitchen where only employees were permitted to enter.
Finally out of his sight, you let out a long breath that had been growing stale in your over-inflated lungs. Digging around your bag, you found your phone and decided to answer Henry's text message from earlier.
Your disgusting friend is in the bar and won't let me go home. Please tell me you're still at the hotel?
Henry only made you wait a minute before he replied.
I am still here. I'll be right down.
The concern you had for your poor co-worker being stuck in the middle of a tense situation that had the potential to escalate made your heart rate stutter.
Can you do me a huge favour? Could you come around the back entrance of the hotel and walk me to my car instead? I really don't want a scene to be made. There's a grey door with a dumpster near it.
You couldn't go back out into the bar. Gazing through the small window from the kitchen, you saw Frank had perched himself back up on a barstool and was mumbling to himself as he sucked down another drink. That was where you wanted to leave him. You went through the kitchen mostly ignored and left out the back door, stepping into the crisp night air to wait for Henry to appear.
Footsteps could be heard from around the corner of the building and you didn't want to investigate. As they drew nearer, you hoped that it was Henry and smiled when he appeared, keys jingling in hand. Henry let out a sigh when he saw you.
"God... I'm so sorry about bringing that buffoon around you. Unfortunately, I have to make nice with him for work. Is he still in the bar?"
"I think so. I don't know. I just didn't want to go by him. He seems... I don't know. Aggressive."
"He's not but... I understand your worry. I'll talk to him."
"No. I don't want anyone drawing any strange conclusions about you and me. I'll just tell hotel security to look out for him."
"Strange conclusions?"
"He might wonder what our connection is."
"Yeah... I guess so. But I'm here to take you home and I won't allow him near you ever again."
You couldn't stop a smile from taking form on your face as Henry began to lead the way through the parking lot.
"My car is over there," you pointed in the opposite direction.
Henry didn't pause to look back at you. "I'd rather just drive you myself. That way I know you're safe all the way home."
"Henry... No."
"Yes. It would really set my mind at ease to watch you get home and lock the door behind you."
"But my car. I have to work tomorrow, as well."
"I'll pick you up."
He seemed unwilling to budge so you gave up quickly- not just because of his insistence but because you knew that you wanted him to drive you home. You wanted to be near him. Despite every voice inside that told you it was wrong, you got into his car after he opened the passenger side door for you.
"So why do you stay at the hotel so often if you're from here?" You asked him once the car was on the road.
"I'm not from here, really. We have a condo on the outskirts of town that rarely gets used. The hotel is a few blocks away from work so... It beats driving an hour through heavy traffic every day to get to the condo when we can stay at the hotel for free. Well, not free but. You know. Company pays for it."
"Where are you from then?"
"Oh... That's far."
'What's the point of having another place then?"
Henry went quiet as he flipped on his blinker and made a turn. He sighed and glanced in the rear-view mirror. You thought that he was going to let your question go unanswered until he breathed in deeply.
"I might need it."
"What do you mean?"
"Not that you probably want to hear but... I just might need the condo soon. Seeing as how I'm no longer welcome in my own home."
"You don't have to tell me about it if you don't want to," you stared down at your lap and picked away at your chipping nail polish.
"I took your advice and told her that things need to change or else and it went horribly," he skirted what you said and continued. "All I asked for was an open platform so I could tell her how I felt about everything. So I told her that I wanted to sleep in the same room."
"And she refused. She says I keep her up... Whatever that means. I don't know how the fuck I manage to keep her awake considering she's in an Ambien coma by ten every night."
"Henry... Something else is up. There has to be a reason why she doesn't want to be near you."
"She doesn't want to be with me but she wants the status of being with me. That's all. She has no interest in being a wife in anything but name."
"So now you're living separately?"
"I told her that I'll be staying in the condo until she decides she wants to be married again. I don't expect to hear from her for a while. Maybe this is what she wants."
"I don't know why you're still with her."
"Right now is just the worst time to start the divorce process," Henry was holding back a yawn. "I have a huge convention in Paris next week that I have to present at and there's a lot riding on it. And assuming it goes well, the weeks to come will be twice as busy. I can't have it riding on my conscience."
"Isn't it already riding on your conscience?"
"Like you wouldn't believe."
"I believe it," you sighed, looking out the window at the streaks of streetlights and the glimmer of the city on the horizon.
Henry pulled up in front of your apartment after you guided him through the streets and smiled weakly at you. You looked down at his hand on the gearshift and longed to touch him. You wanted to gather him up in your arms and take him inside with you. His eyes looked despondent and heavy. He was in no shape to be driving back as exhausted as he was but you knew you couldn't do anything about it.
"I know what you're thinking, but... I'm not going to kiss you. I'm not going to do that again."
"I understand," was all you could say.
"I want to kiss you. I do. And I hate myself for it but it's true. Earlier today when I saw you... God, my heart just stopped."
"Mine too," you admitted.
"But I want to stay as friends. Like this. I want to be able to talk to you. Is that bad?"
"I suppose just talking isn't inherently wrong," you contemplated out loud.
"Can I text you? Can we still talk like that?"
"And I want to still come to see you at work for coffee. Then I can pretend like we're having coffee together even though you'll be working."
You cracked another smile. It was so hard not to when you were around him.
"Sure. I'd like that."
"And I might keep talking to you about this stuff... If you don't mind."
"I don't mind, Henry."
"Because I can't talk to anyone else about it. Nobody understands. All the guys I work with... None of them have any valuable input. All they care about is golf and talking about women they'll never have. If you're married, you might as well be dickless in their eyes."
"I thought you said that people look up to you and your wife?"
"They do, which is another reason why I'd rather not discuss my issues with them. I hope you don't mind and you're not just saying that. I know I could hire a therapist but I'd really just rather talk to a real person."
"Therapists are real people," you giggled.
"You know what I mean. I'm not looking for a program, you know? I just want... I don't know."
"A friend?"
"Don't worry, Henry. I'm here. I don't mind you talking to me. You have my number and I owe you for tonight."
"You sure? If at any time you want me to shut up, you tell me and I'll-"
"-I'll never tell you to shut up. So don't worry."
"All right," he said. "I should let you get going. It's getting quite late."
"Okay. Well... Thank you. I appreciate your help."
"No worries. What time should I pick you up tomorrow?"
"I start at noon," you replied.
"I'll be right here at 11:30 with coffee."
"Okay," you chuckled. "Sounds good."
The next day he showed up at the exact time he said he would and took you to work. There were no conversations about personal qualms and inner struggles, only pleasant topics and him talking about his excitement about going to Paris. He dropped you off and not but an hour later, you received your first text from him that began a long string of back-and-forth messages.
The next day you woke up to a message from Henry.
Hope you slept well. Paris in a few days. Might not see you at the hotel for a while. But I'm going to inundate you with texts so it will almost be like I'm there.
That's fine. Work is always so boring. I'll be happy for the distraction.
This went on for days leading up to Henry's trip. He promised to keep in touch but a few days went by and there were no morning texts from him to wake up to. You tried to put it from your heart and head but you couldn't shake the feeling of neglect. You went to work with a sour feeling in your stomach and completed your shift like a robot might- programmed to do everything calmly, completing no more and no less than what you had to. When Henry finally texted you from Paris, it wasn't the chipper greeting he usually sent you.
It's done. We're done. I'm in my room in Paris right now and it's over.
What do you mean? What happened?
We got into it before I left and she finally admitted that she has lost all emotion for me which is even worse than what I imagined. She doesn't love me. She doesn't hate me. Apparently, she's just neutral about it. Can I call you?
Yes, but let me get home first.
You sped home, lucky enough to not get ticketed for going twenty over at any given time. Rushing up to your apartment, you fired off a quick message letting him know that you were safely at home and he could call whenever he was ready. What you didn't expect was for a video call to come in. Panic struck and your chest tightened as you answered the call.
His face appeared too close to the screen until he held his phone at an arm's length from his face. Henry's eyes were lined with pink and it was painfully obvious to you that he had just been crying.
"So... Yeah. I don't know where to begin. But it's over. I'm taking the condo for now until I come home and we can sort out the details."
"Really?" You felt bad for not having more to say back to him.
"Yep. I won't see her for another two weeks at least. So I just get to pretend like my life isn't falling apart while I execute one of the biggest projects that I've ever undertaken."
"How do you feel? Are you okay?"
Henry began to laugh and you frowned.
"Oh, god... How do I feel? I don't know... That's a good question. How should I feel?"
"I'm not too sure."
"I know I feel numb. And Angry... And relieved, even. Only because she finally had the balls to admit that something is wrong."
"I'm so sorry, Henry. You don't deserve to be treated like shit. But at least you have somewhat of an answer, right? I know it's been eating you alive not knowing what she was thinking."
"I still don't know what's really going through her mind. Our last conversation wasn't exactly conclusive. Just a lot of yelling and then I had to go. That's kind of why I haven't said anything to you in a few days. It’s been hectic."
"It's okay," you told him. "You have to deal with your own life. Don't worry about me."
Henry sighed as he walked through his hotel room and collapsed on the bed. He was quiet for a minute and you had no idea what to say to comfort him until he sighed and brought the phone a little closer to his face. He didn't know the concept of angles and you stared at his face, puffy with emotion, and could see up his nose.
"This hotel is nice," Henry murmured.
"Well, that's good. I'm kind of jealous."
"The window faces the Eiffel tower. I can see it right now. It's all lit up and... It just looks beautiful."
"What time is it there?" You asked him.
"Almost midnight."
He scurried off the white bed and padded through the room and onto a balcony where it was so dark you almost couldn't see his face. Turning the phone around, he showed you the view of Paris at night and you sighed wistfully at your phone screen.
"That looks so beautiful," you said.
"It's pretty. You're prettier, though," his voice sounded weak, defeated.
"Don't even," you said, nerves crackling to life.
"Fuck," he sighed out into the night air. "I wish you were here. I want to... God, I want to have you right here. On this balcony. I don't even care anymore. I want that."
"Henry... Don't you think it's a little-?"
"-Early? Yes. It's early. It's too early for me to be fantasizing about what I want to do to you. Like there's no mourning period. I just want you more than anything."
"I miss you," you quietly stated.
"Well, stop missing me and just come here."
You snickered. "Yeah right."
"I'm serious. Come."
"I can't. I'm broke and I have to work for the next thousand years of my life."
"I don't care. Come to Paris. Right now. Get in an Uber and get on a plane. Pack up a suitcase first."
"You're hilarious," you rolled your eyes.
Henry walked back into his hotel room and the light from a standing lamp illuminated the seriousness on his face as he stared at his phone.
"I'm not being funny. I'm dead serious."
"I already told you that I'm broke, man! I can't just hop on a plane!"
"Yes, you can. I'll pay for it. I'll wire you enough money right now for a roundtrip. I'll send an Uber to you right now."
"You're insane."
"I know, I know," he rubbed at his eyes.
You thought he looked terribly good-looking with the shadow of a beard growing on his chin and along his jaw and upper lip. His hair was a mess and the top three buttons on his shirt were hanging open. The man on the phone screen made your hands start to shake.
"Can't help but notice that you haven't gotten up to start packing yet," Henry continued.
"Henry! I can't!"
You watched him fiddle with his phone, ignoring your protest. You scoffed at him when he smiled.
"Uber will be there in ten minutes. Better pack quickly."
Your legs rattled and words stalled on your tongue. He stared at you with his eyebrows raised high in expectation.
"Well? Get moving! Nine minutes now."
"You're lying."
"I'm not. You're coming here. And when I get my hands on you, woman... The whole world is gonna know it."
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