shrimpssss · 7 years
Canada has 6 letters so multiples of 6!
Choose Three: 6. Things you can’t live withouthmmm I’m not really sure! right now, maybe my ps4 and my super cozy sweater12. Of your favourite songsHitch a Ride by Boston also Mr Roboto and Come Sail Away by Styx
This or That18. Texting or talkingI’d say talking, although I don’t necessary talk on the phone with my friends a lot, but if I can talk to them in person, I’d choose that!
What’s your favourite24. Country I’d say canada tbh, it’s not perfect, but it’s definitely home30. Singerhmmmm maybe Frank Sinatra?
36. NewspaperI do not read any newspapers lol, I get all my news from various online sourcesRandom Questions42. What languages do you know, what languages do you want to knowI can read both french and spanish pretty well, and speak spanish decently, I also know a good amount of korean although I’ve forgotten a lot, and know a littttle bit of german, and I’d like to know some more german and practice more korean48. Do you like to type or write moreI honestly like both! 54. What’s your biggest pet peevePeople being rude for no reason60. Have you ever flown a kiteI’m sure I have, but it’s been a suuuper long time66. Do you believe in second chancesI’d say yes, I’m a pretty forgiving person
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archivist-apnea · 7 years
What is Acilli's favorite part about Christmas? Trees? Presents? Eggnog?
ahh - defo the gift giving, she likes to get shit but seeing people’s reactions to presents! 
also egg-nog because gottdamn
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pachathegreat · 7 years
9, 11, 28, 29, 30
9: A song that makes you happy?
Flagpole Sitta by Harvey Danger. I heard it when I was a kid and I dunno, it just puts me in a kinda bouncy mood.
11: A song that you never get tired of
Y Control by Yeah Yeah Yeahs. The bass like rhythm, the way Karen O sings here, and the way it just drives forward and some of the lyrics are some of the reasons I can’t get tired of this song.
28: A song by an artist with a voice that you love
Oh My God by Ida Maria. I don’t know enough about musical theory (i.e. nothing at all), but her voice is very powerful and soulful to me.
29: A song that you remember from your childhood
Tom’s Diner (DNA Remix) by Suzanne Vega. I don’t remember my early life very vividly. It’s a blur and what I do remember are moments, flashes of emotions and the like. I don’t know how I heard this, but I did and it stuck with me ever since. I actually couldn’t find it for years after that! I only remembered the famous “da da da da” bit and the music video. I didn’t find it again till high school.
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
That’s tough! I’ve made a playlist of sorts that I connect with, and each one has something in which I see a bit of myself in, so you’ve forced me to walk into a bit of a mental minefield. Which one these could be the most me? Damn, that’s a toughie. 
So far, it’s between Tell It How Is by The Growlers and El Principito (Little Prince) by AJJ. I think those can sum up some of who I am to myself. Not everything, but some of it. 
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m-03 · 7 years
Reverie, my G.
reverie: think of somewhere otherworldly u wish to be within, what is it like there?
I want to be in a forest. Trees with bark of orange, purple, or green, covered with sand-colored moss, leaves of soft crystal refracting what light makes it through. I want it to drizzle blue and pink- rain that sings, each drop a different note- as it splashes against the branches and soaks into the soft, indigo grass. I want animals that softly glow, asymmetrical in shape and oddly sized, with operatic voices that range from the shrillest highs to the deepest lows. Flowers consciously bloom to greet the world and share their love of it with their own volition. The wind strokes your cheek, gives you a hug, and waves goodbye before departing to carry the scent of everything away. Just like that, the wind dies and the air is still, leaving you alone in the pearlescent fog. 
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erosrageclaw · 7 years
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kamuigr · 7 years
Top 10 bloggers that you want to meet in real life, but havent
Oh.. well here goes.
@timblywimbly @nosleepinmysystem @sweetgumballs @doctor-anfelo @ead04 @contrapositivity @dast303 @thebeardyme @slick-ritty @kapa44
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wizardcum300 · 7 years
@dast303 ...spotted
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kaitlikescereal · 7 years
A-Z Tagged by my friend @majinneda
Rules: Answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
A- Age: 24 B- Birthplace: Florida C- Current time: 4:49 pm D- Drink you had last: Water E- Easiest person to talk to: @starkurt F- Favorite Song: Hopeless Wanderer by Mumford and Sons G- Grossest memory: pass H- Hogwarts House: Gryffindor I- In love: Yes J- Jealous of people: Sometimes K- Kids: No. L- Love at first sight or should I walk by again: I have no idea what this question means M - Middle name: Michele N- Number of siblings: 2 brothers O- One wish: To be well P - Person I last called/texted: @majinneda R- Reason to smile: Watching glee with Maddie and @depechemope S- Song you sang last: U and I by lady Gaga T- Time you woke up: 10:30 U- Underwear color: black V- Vacation destination: Iceland W- Worst habit: Overthinking X- X-rays: So many Y- Your favorite food: Chicken nuggets Z- Zodiac sign: Gemini Tagging: @asongofwitchesandwilds @dast303
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weirwoodforest · 7 years
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@roosebaldton I love the mystic's dream, I have it on playlists when I draw :) Actually, my teacher for my 6-7 hour life drawing class on Friday frequently plays loreena mckennit, he played Prologue which is another favorite of mine. Have you heard of the band Daemnoia Nymphe? They have a sound that reminds me of the Mystic's Dream, kind of overworldy chanting. Caravanserai is also great! And I bet she was amazing,I hope I can see her live sometime too! @dast303 the leech Lord has excellent taste in music!
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shrimpssss · 8 years
dast303 replied to your post “I have a date tomorrow, and like, what do people wear on dates???”
YOUR PRIME AESTHETIC. Are you a Goth? Bring out your BEST black clothes. Boss at Make Up, PUT ON YOUR BEST WORK. Dig metal and they do too? BAND TEES. THE POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS
hell yeah my dude, imma mix a bit of vintage style with video game shirts, my true aesthetic 
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archivist-apnea · 7 years
dast303 replied to your photoset: my current emotional state
she rests when i rest!!!
so like
in 3 weeks
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pachathegreat · 7 years
Two can play that game, my man! Morpheus, Aphrodite, Apollo, Bragi, Horus and Arawan!
Morpheus: Do you daydream often? Of what?
I daydream often actually. I usually drift off when I’m flustered or doing something at work where I don’t have to communicate to others. I daydream of scenes actually. Action scenes, scenes from dramas, I don’t daydream of more realistic things like what I’d do with X amount of money, It’s rarely having anything to do with me in them. I dream of scenes and their  emotional impacts. I think that’s how a lot of good stories start, as a funny little thing you’ve thought up for a moment that you managed to put down.
Aphrodite: What do you think of yourself?
26 years and I haven’t figured this out yet. I like to think I’m a good rational person. I can’t say for sure though. I’m just a guy trying to do his best with the life laid out before me.
Apollo & Dianna: Do you prefer to be up during the day or at night?
The day. But there’s beauty in the night that I can’t ignore. But the day is when I’m at my best. 
Bragi: What kind of music do you listen to?
I grew up as a metal head, I didn’t get into punk music till my early 20′s. The result of a stubborn and tribal mentality that’s left a bitter taste towards the metal scene of L.A. and by proxy the music. But there are select bands that I still keep sacred in my heart. Punk as a style ad genre also calls to me, which leads into the some of the Indie scene and the like. I also like some rap, kinda picky on the artists though. Depends on their flow and rhythm. I also like lo-fi hip-hop cause it took what I loved about those Adult Swim bumpers I watched as a wee lad. I can talk about a lot of music, my friend. I dabble in a little bit of everything. Except country, that genre can go fuck itself. 
Horus: What is one thing you’ve had to fight for in your life?
A lot of what I can remember being a theme in my life is fighting to exist within a group or community. I think for a long time I was the only straight edge metal head in my city. But my friends all liked to drink and get fucked up, and I had no problem with that to a point, but the people at these kickbacks or gigs would constantly challenge my right to be there. I just wanted to hang out and have a laugh and not have to avoid fights cause I think beer taste like piss water. 
I was bullied relentlessly when I was younger cause I just didn’t fit in. I didn’t look Mexican, I didn’t talk like a Mexican, but I am and they couldn’t accept that. 
 The second any white person found out I was a Mexican-Iranian, their view of me would shift. A white girl in English class was having a great laugh with me until I told her my ethnicity, her jaw dropped and she asked if I was Muslim, I could see the fear in her eyes. I think if I ever got in touch with my father’s side of the family, there would be an obvious divide due to what I am.  
I have no control over what people think, but I am what I am and that reality can change unless I want it to.
Arawn: What is the most terrifying thing you’ve ever done?
I hope you meant this one. Tell someone I love them. I don’t do it often, and there are reasons for that. Love is a cherished thing to me, and it’s so many things and love has so many different meanings and levels. I don’t say it often, so when I do I’m usually very terrified that those feelings won’t be reciprocated. Not just romantically either. Admitting platonic love can be just as difficult. So that would be one of them.
The other was the tower of terror which I got on cause of you. Nearly shit myself. 
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thefanspov · 7 years
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#Regram from @photogdonovanconway featuring @lonstermash, @esjcosplay, @esj_props, & @dast303 at Wondercon in Anaheim, California, USA ・・・ I don’t recommend getting in their bad side. @wondercon Cosplayers: @lonstermash @esjcosplay @esj_props @dast303 #wolverine #x23 #logan #xmen #cosplay #wca #wondercon2017 #donovanconwayphotography www.donovanconway.com (at Wondercon)
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kaitlikescereal · 7 years
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The Ember island fam is back together at wondercon, two years after we all got together for our first masquerade. @majinneda @dast303 y'all are the best
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shrimpssss · 7 years
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I was playing around with snapchat and face swapped with @dast303 I look very majestic
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