#dating gray fullbuster
sun-stricken · 6 months
‘The Exit’ by Conan Gray, and Galuna Island
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Feels like we had matching wounds // But mine's still black and bruised // And yours is perfectly fine now
Lyon and Gray lost the same person, were there when she sealed the demon away, when she was killed. they shared that trauma, reason for it be damned, they shared that experience.
From what Lyon saw on Galuna, Gray had ‘healed’ as to speak; He had friends, he was apart of the strongest guild in Fiore, one that pridefully spoke of being family. He had his happily ever after;
But what about Lyon? Where was his? He very clearly hasn’t healed, his wounds are still bleeding for all to see. He spent every waking moment since Ur’s death searching for for vengeance, for a way to prove himself.
He hasnt allowed himself the chance to heal, he wasnt saved, it still hurts. So why does Gray, the boy who killed his master get to be happy?
Feels like we buried alive // Something that never died // So, God, it hurt when I found out
Gray and Lyon never had closure, how could they? They never go to say a true goodbye to their master, to each other. They were both witnesses to the same atrocity.
Ur made a selfless sacrifice that costed her life, and they had front row seats for the whole thing. That memory, that trauma, will never die. They cant put that away, cant bury it, no matter how desperately they try.
When Gray saw Lyon on Galuna, saw what he was doing, it was a gut punch. He was trying to free that fucking demon, the one that devastated cities, killed thousands, tore his world apart, took away their master. He was trying to reverse the last thing Ur did, the last thing she did for them.
and God, was that a realization painful.
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sunbloomdew · 1 year
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redesigns of lucy, gray and erza from fairy tail! i've got a lot of headcanons for them (mostly lucy) that i'll post at some point.
lucy's got a pretty tan and lots of freckles from the Incident™ (dumbass fell asleep in a sunny field during summer and got sunburned really badly, and this is actually something that happened to a person i know lmao)
nothing much really changed about gray, well except piercings and his eyes being lighter. i really like him with blue eyes, and i think he'd like accessories, based on how he dresses in the series. he's just pretty c'mon
i really love erza's redesign. i've been making a pinterest board with ideas for fairy tail characters' redesigns, and i thought: "okay, erza but with a beauty of south asian women (was mostly thinking indian women)". and there she is!! i think i like her nose about her the most! long noses with a bump <33
the scar looks a bit weird, since i haven't thought it through, just added it on a whim. it's a scar from the tower of heaven, when she was taken for punishment after her and her friends tried to escape. i imagine it was from a magical explosion. i'll adjust it and the eye in future drawings.
i've also been inspired by some tumblr fanart of course, fairy tail art here is just incredible. primarily erza's redesign, since i've seen a lot of fanart of her with brown skin <3
anyway, this is my first time posting my art here so i'm pretty nervous. i'm not sure if i won't delete it sometime after for a peace of mind (thank you anxiety). let's hope not!
peace out (❁´◡`❁)
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dragongodryss · 2 months
Team up
Rogue panicked as he realized that Frosch's scent had grown stale. Trying to keep calm, he looked for Sting. He was probably still talking to Natsu's team, which had dropped by for a visit. Rogue bristled when he saw Gray was still there. He had had no reason to believe he wouldn't be, but it annoyed him nonetheless. Gray had a habit of trying to smuggle Frosch out of the guild, and though everyone insisted Gray had every intention of bringing her back, Rogue didn't have their confidence. It wasn't that he particularly distrusted Gray, more that he was concerned with Frosch's self preservation skills, or lack thereof.
"Have you guys seen Frosch? She was with Lector the last time I saw her, but she's gone." Rogue tried to keep any accusatory undertones out of his voice.
"Frosch is gone? Are you sure you checked everywhere?" Gray asked before Sting could answer.
"I'd be able to smell her if she was here!" Rogue hissed insistently. "I wanted to ask if you guys saw her before I panicked."
"Alright Rogue, calm down. We'll look for her. You guys don't mind helping out, do you?" Sting directed his question to Natsu's team.
"Sure man, I'll take Luce, Wendy can go with Erza, you go with Yukino. I guess that leaves Rogue and Gray." Natsu agreed quickly. Were Rogue not panicking, he would have questioned it.
Gray, however, did notice, but didn't comment on it. Clearly, if they were scheming to make him and Rogue, that meant Frosch was probably safe. He'd let Rogue know once they were out of earshot.
"Okay Rogue, let's go. Where's Frosch most likely to go?" Gray asked.
"The park. There's a pond with all these cool frogs." Rogue said after thinking for moment.
Unsurprisingly, Frosch was not at the park. Rogue seemed to be thinking up the next most likely location, but Gray stopped him.
"Hey, Rogue? Now that the others can't hear us, I've got to tell you something." Rogue looked up, apprehensive. "I'm pretty sure this is a set-up so we'll get along, so Frosch is probably safe, wherever she is."
"By who? Who would do that? Why?" Rogue uttered.
"Our teams, probably. Natsu was awfully quick to team us up, and Sting agreed on the spot. Isn't that suspicious?"
"Come to think of it, it was pretty strange. Those bastards! How could they do that to Frosch?" Rogue exclaimed.
"I understand that you're mad, it's a crappy thing to do to you. To both of you. But I think the only way to make sure it doesn't happen again is to play along." Gray suggested. He didn't dislike Rogue, but his protectiveness of Frosch, though understandable, was making him hard to get along with since he'd apparently decided Gray was a threat of some kind. If Gray could dispel that illusion, he thought the two of them would get along. "Now that we know Frosch is safe, we should kill some time so that they think we bought it. Then we meet up with the others at the guild and pretend to get along and they'll give Frosch back. Sound good?"
"Alright. Then what do we do? Do we pretend to look for Frosch?" Rogue asked.
"That's an option, if they're watching us. But you'd hear them if they were, so I don't think we need to. We can just sit back and find somewhere cool to relax for a couple of hours." Gray felt that even if the others had realized that they'd seen through them, they wouldn't interfere if it looked like he and Rogue were getting along.
"That makes sense but ...um, well ...your clothes." Gray realized that he was wearing his underwear and little else.
"When did that happen? Guess it's getting too hot here. Do you want to get some ice-cream? I'll pay." Gray deflected, rapidly picking up his clothes. Dragonslayers liked food. Rogue seemed to be no exception, as he agreed without hesitation. Gray felt a surge of worry for his wallet, but let it go. Rogue probably wasn't over the trick their teams had pulled on him, he deserved a treat.
Surprisingly enough Rogue hadn't gone overboard spending Gray's money, a concept even Wendy and Lucy struggled with. He had chosen a combination of mint-chocolate-chip, white chocolate and chocolate ice-cream in a portion that wouldn't cover the ice-cream man's entire retirement fund. Gray had chosen a mix of of mint-choc-chip and coffee.
"Don't worry. I'm freezing everyone's fridges solid for this." Gray said. Rogue chuckled, and Gray realized he had dimples. He took another bit of his ice-cream instead of thinking about it.
"Please tell me that includes Sting and Yukino. I'll let you into their apartment." Rogue offered mischievously. Gray decided not to remind him that he could duplicate their keys with his magic.
"Tonight?" He asked instead. Rogue nodded.
When they had finished their ice-cream, they went back to the park, as Rogue had offered to show Gray around town. At the pond Rogue pointed out the different species of frogs that lived there, looking far more open and excited than Gray had ever seen him. Gray had never known frogs could be so fascinating, not that he remembered most of what Rogue told him.
Awkwardly, Rogue tried to move on from the pond, a little embarrassed at how he had babbled on about the frogs. The only person that liked frogs as much as he did was Frosch. He had trouble remembering that other people weren't as interested in them. How had Gray managed to get him to let his guard down? Not an hour ago, he had rather disliked Gray, even though he had understood that that dislike was unfounded. To change his mind so quickly...
"Hey, Gray?" Rogue asked hesitantly.
"I'm sorry for being a jerk before. You're actually pretty cool."
"Don't worry about it. I'm not always the most trustworthy either." He didn't want to fully admit that Rogue's worries weren't completly unfounded. Natsu had told him what had happened in the timeline Future Rogue had come from.
Rogue showed Gray around the city. It wasn't really a typical tour. Gray wasn't sure Rogue even knew what a typical tour was supposed to be like, but this was more fun anyway. The tour mostly consisted of Rogue showing Gray the places he thought were cool, like the shaded spot under a bridge, safe from the sun's rays, or the place where the roof of the Gazania University auditorium overlapped with the shadow of a tree, granting them a beautiful view of half the city while staying cool. There was also a bakery that made excellent tiramisu, and an abandoned church in the woods just outside of town. The stained glass windows cast beautiful lights on the stone floors, and they shifted as the breeze outside moved the leaves of the trees outside.
It was probably time they returned to Sabertooth, and though Rogue couldn't wait to see Frosch again, he was sad that his afternoon with Gray was over. But after his past behavior towards Gray, it wasn't like Rogue could just ask...
"Hey Rogue, I had fun, despite the whole trick thing. Do you want to do this again, when our idiot teammates aren't interfering?" Gray asked. Rogue felt his face heat up instantly and mumbled in agreement.
They entered the guildhall together.
"Hey guys! We found Frosch. She was with Minerva!" Sting said, his eye twitching like it usually did when he was hiding something. If he believed his years-long friendship with Rogue or Minerva's involvement would keep him safe from retribution, he had another thing coming. For now, Rogue let him think he'd gotten away with it.
"Frosch! Thank goodness you're safe!" Rogue didn't mention being worried, not wanting Frosch to feel guilty. Gray walked over to his team and smiled at Rogue. As they left, Gray mouthed 'See you at midnight'. Rogue wondered what it would take to get Gray to add Minerva to the revenge list.
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trellionhellion · 2 years
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braveryhearted · 4 months
💕 (Sting… and Gray 🤔)
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Send 💕 and my muse will use The Love Calculator to see how compatible they are.
( accepting )
@ofsavior said: (Sting… and Gray 🤔)
Dr. Love thinks a relationship might work out between Gray and Sting, but the chance is very small. A successful relationship is possible, but you both have to work on it. Do not sit back and think that it will all work out fine, because it might not be working out the way you wanted it to. Spend as much time with each other as possible. Again, the chance of this relationship working out is very small, so even when you do work hard on it, it still might not work out.
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"You know, I'm surprised that we even got a percentage". Gray might like blondes but that only came to Lucy for the majority of his feelings and perference. Sting, well, he really wasn't the ice mage's type at all so this to Gray was a blessing in disguise. Still, he rather date anyone than Juvia so at least the dragon slayer is higher in ranking than her. Not like that is a high hurdle to jump across though.
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bones4thecats · 5 months
Hey there! is it okay to request Hades, Poseidon and Thor with a female reader who is from the anime Fairy Tail (if you've seen it), with a 'Meeting the Family' and somehow got roped into all the crazy that happens in the guild.
The three characters with a female reader who is human who doesn't care that they are gods and just loves them for them, not because they were gods and told them straight to their face. Bonus if the character gives reader affection because of that answer.
Type of Writing: Request Characters: Hades, Poseidon, and Thor Name: {Character} x Erza Scarlet! Reader Who Introduces Her Students Requester: @koushiro23
A/N: I kinda mixed the two scenarios together, and I chose the reader to be themed after Erza Scarlet, since having the 'meeting the family' troupe reminded me of them being like a small family. Also, this may have mentioning of blood, just warning y'all!
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💀 You had met Hades' family quite early in your marriage, since when you guys were dating and courting, you didn't speak to anyone of the relationship, not wanting to cause a clash
💀 Hades would listen to you speak about your three students, Lucy Heartfilia, Natsu Dragneel, and Gray Fullbuster with such pride when they defeated someone without your help, and hearing how prideful you were of them, he asked for you to meet them
💀 Your students were fairly nervous, but they showed it differently
💀 Lucy was trying to smile through it, Natsu was just being a turd and asking so many questions, making Hades sweat nervously, and Gray would hide behind a cold exterior, reminding him of his younger brother, Poseidon
💀 He smiled as your students sat down at the table and introduced themselves, giving a small portion of their life stories as you scolded Natsu and Gray for acting like idiots
💀 Your personality and his clash at certain points, as you were quite impatient while he was very patient, it comes with raising three boys that all clashed in personalities
💀 Natsu was very excited about meeting Hades, but after a while, he began to dig deeper into your time together before eventually asking why you picked him, not wishing to sound rude, of course!
💀 You just chuckled and looked at the three young kids and looked deeply into your husband's eyes before saying
" I swore to never marry someone without any purpose in life, but, he was far different. Many Gods are very arrogant, and as you'd expect, get on my nerve quite easily, not him. He's patient, caring, and very tender when need be. I value that in him, and while some will oppose our connection, I could care less. He's my one and only no matter what. "
💀 Natsu gagged while Gray just stared at his food while contemplating your words as Lucy awed at your words, Hades on the other hand, was blushing and hiding his face with his hands, you never had been so honest, it was quite endearing
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🔱 Poseidon and you often clashed, but you did fall back in line like a ball being dropped, it always did the same thing, it fell, bounced, and stopped
🔱 When you mentioned your students, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, and Natsu Dragneel, were coming over to visit you, since you had been away for so long, he just nodded, determined to stay away from the younglings
🔱 But, he failed that really quickly
🔱 He heard a young voice shriek and one sigh in annoyance, something he could relate in doing whenever Zeus was going through one of his moods
🔱 Gray stared at the God of the Seas with equally dead eyes as Natsu hid behind Lucy, who was patting his head in an attempt in calming him down from his small attack
🔱 You came up from behind your husband and looked at the young students, making them look at you and smile as they went in to hug you, but, they didn't come close
🔱 Grabbing Natsu's ear, you scolded him for being so ignorant as to not be looking where he was walking and how loud he was being, despite your yelling being equally as loud
🔱 Anybody could view you all as a small family, with Gray and Poseidon being the dead father-son duo, Lucy being the only daughter just watching, Natsu being the spunky and wildcard-child, and you being the strict mother-hen who wants some peace
" Is that your husband, Y/N? He's the God of the Seas! "
🔱 You looked at the young girl and let Natsu's ear go as he groaned and rubbed it, trying to relieve some of the resonating pain your hold left
" Of course, why? " " Well, he's a God, you're a mage. Did the others allow this? " " So what if they did or didn't. Being different sub-species doesn't make us any less in love with one another. He may be a God, and I may be a mage, but love is love, no matter the person or their ranking in society. "
🔱 Cue the small hearts inside this man's ocean-coated eyes, shining slightly as you wrapped your arm through his as your students began asking you questions as you walked away to the meeting room Poseidon had
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🌩️ All he heard was quarreling out in the back of the garden, and while he was cleaning off Mjölnir, he stood up and began walking towards the noise, unaware of the trouble he was going to walk in on
🌩️ You were not expecting your students to appear, nonetheless with so many injuries on them!
🌩️ Lucy tried explaining that they had fallen down and landed in a bunch a couple miles away, but, unsurprisingly, Natsu made it sound like they were in a near-death experience while Gray just stood there, trying to ignore the idiocy of his fellow mage
🌩️ Thor stopped behind you and stared down at the three kids, making them back away, though, you believed you were starting to scare them, and when you asked what was wrong, Natsu just pointed behind you
🌩️ You turned around and smiled at your husband, making him nod and wrap his arms around your waist, pressing his nose into the crook of your neck as you blushed and hid your face from the onlookers
🌩️ The three kids looked at you in shock, why was the Nordic God of Thunder hugging you and acting so lovey-dovey here?!
🌩️ While you tried explaining it to them, Natsu all of the sudden busted his cork and began to damn near scream questions at the top of his lungs, making your husband and you glare at him, and once he saw that, he backed off before coughing and allowing Gray to take over
" Y/N, why exactly are you guys together? I mean to offense, of course, but, you guys are different sub-species, with far different life-spans, what made you do this? "
🌩️ You chuckled as Thor took a deep breath and made you speak up
" Why, Fullbuster, the reason is quite simple: Love. " " Love? " " Yes. While we may have differing life-spans and he may end up outliving me, the love we feel for one another will last forever. He has pledged his pure heart and loyalty to one another, despite the cries of protest from other Gods, including Odin's birds, who, funnily enough, now fear me! Isn't that ironic, Thunder? "
🌩️ The kids stood in shock as Thor looked up from his spot in your neck and just agree with you as he kept you embraced in his arms, chuckling lowly as they shacked with a mixture of confusion and slight fear of who you were now
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whirlwindimagines · 1 year
Hi, I’d like to request headcanons for dating Gray. Thank you
Headcanons for Dating Gray Fullbuster
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At first, you're going to have to do most of the work in this relationship, it's not because Gray doesn't like you he just has no clue what he is doing.
But with your encouragement and some pointers, he'll figure it out!
Dating Gray is relaxing in a way, he's laid back and doesn't put any expectations on you or force you to do things you don't want to do.
Dating is way out of Gray's comfort zone so he is trying for you! Communication will be hard at first, but if you stick with Gray through all the ups and downs, he will be loyal for life!
Many chill dates, like walks late at night or watching a movie at home.
He will make things for you with Ice Make, and he's so embarrassed when he gives them to you like mans doesn't know how to act ever.
Doing his best all the time for you can become a very secure and safe relationship for the two of you!
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be-dazzled · 6 months
All Treats, No Tricks
Gray Fullbuster, Juvia Lockser October 31, 2023 Posted: Decemebr 26, 2023
Writer’s Corner: Months too late but I think the timing worked for me. The ending sounds and feels more wintery/christmas-y, isn't it? I don't feel like this one's good enough as compared to my Juvia Day entry so your honest feedback is very much welcomed. Help me improve!
All rights reserve to Hiro Mashima, original creator.
The cold season rolled in and seeped throughout the grounds of Magnolia. Its silent breeze knocked puny, tree branches against locked windows. It howled through the night, prowling the silent grounds of sleeping citizens. For those who made the mistake of forgetting to lock their windows, the October breeze pried into their room and wreaked havoc on all that it could carry. Easily targeted all that weighed close to none. Especially ripping off the pages on the wall calendar and revealing today’s date – October 31, Halloween.
After the fiasco that was the Fairy Tail Horror House of X791, that type of event was forever banned in the town of Magnolia. In its wake a new tradition was born where families were invited to decorate their homes to win lovely prizes, even encouraging them to hand out candies to children going around house to house, mage guilds included.
Rather than eerily quiet, Halloween in Fairy Tail was fun and lively.
The troublemakers – Natsu and Happy – had a good idea of wearing costumes to scare off the children who, in the words of Natsu the Demon King, “dared to enter my house of terror,” punctuating it with a high-pitched maniacal laugh that did not, at all, scare a living soul. But he was enjoying chasing after children who somehow believed Demon Kings existed and that they were ridiculously funny. Erza, wearing the shortest (skimpiest but no one dared to say it) witch costume, took up her sword and pretended to battle the Demon King. She was acting, she claimed but Lucy, the only writer in the room argued that it was an inaccurate depiction and didn’t make any sense plot-wise. Why would a witch have a sword when she had magic powers? But who would take a Leopard Girl seriously? Donned in a tight-fitting onesie that hugged her body like a second skin and accentuated all her dips and curves, Lucy the Sexy Leopard lost all credibility.
A certain ice-make mage, on the other hand, found it all juvenile. Yet, Gray was pursuing kids around the guild, the end of his tape costume riding the wind as he did. He wasn’t a scary mummy, he deduced, since instead of screams of terrors, the guild was filled with children’s ecstatic cheers and giggles. Well, half giggles and half scandalous because the end of Gray’s mummy tape got stuck on some pillar and pulled, making him a half-naked, pervert who happened to wear pants made of strip linen.
Erza smacked him on the back of the head.
So inappropriate.
But not as inappropriate as the thing that he was about to witness.
Juvia, Fairy Tail’s resident water-mage, wasn’t too comfortable with her assigned costume so she kept herself hidden backstage. She watched in the shadows as her comrades showed off their costumes, parading around the Fairy Tail building, welcoming their guests with booze (for the adults), colorful drinks (for the kids) and some imaginative snacks. She wondered how come the only thing that connected her decorated brassiere and the underwear that covered her nether region was just strings snaked around her torso. She asked Erza about it but the only answer she got was the mesh material on her head, some sort of see-through veil, its length reaching her waist but covered nothing. Plus, the heavy and expensive accessories around her neck, arms and wrists made the look less racy than it actually was. They lent her some air of distinct. She did a once-over in front of the mirror, twirling around to inspect herself and couldn’t help but think she might be missing a piece on her costume. Maybe a skirt to cover her lower body? Because she swore her bottom was hanging out.
Erza said the long veil on top of her head covered it enough and that she should stop worrying about it.
She really should worry about it.
Even if Mira and the already drunk Cana assured her that she would be the envy of the room and would surely get Gray the Half-Naked Mummy’s attention. The latter was enough encouragement though, which emboldened Juvia to come out of her hiding. That and finding her self-declared love rival enjoying her time with Mummy Gray, her beloved. She charged towards the two, about to bring hell to the Leopard Girl, when a soft breeze touched her exposed skin and Juvia had another think coming. But it was too late. She was out in the open now and everyone was hollering and whistling at her ensemble. As she watched her comrades strut around in their own Halloween costumes though – the moon princess Mira-chan; vampire Lisanna; Elfman and Evergreen in a couple’s costume ala Adam and Eve; the Thunder Legion Tribe in what appeared to be some sort of forest creatures (were they supposed to be Pokémon and was someone supposed to collect ‘em all?); and archery goddess Wendy – Juvia felt like she pulled the short end of the stick.
Because what the hell was she wearing?
It was a fucked-up gypsy dancer costume if you asked Gray. Beautiful, he’d go as far as saying it was nose-bleed-inducing, but definitely fucked-up. He wasn’t too happy about that.
Even Cana was modestly covered in her own fucked-up priestess costume.
People – ugly men, irritating old geezers, boys that weren’t Gray-sama – started coming up to Juvia with Macao and Wakaba in the lead. She made it obvious she wasn’t comfortable with their attention but the crowd had already gathered around her. She searched for the black spiky hair in it but found her precious Gray-sama still standing beside Leopard Girl. Summoning all her magic power, Juvia immediately fell into her fighting stance, about to tsunami all those perverts out of the way when her vision turned pitch-black.
She extended her arm to feel for anything, anything at all, that could explain why she was instantly blinded, only to feel strong fingers grab her wrist and whiz her away from the complaining crowd.
“I guess this is safe for now.”
She didn’t need her eyes to know who it was. Juvia could recognize that voice anywhere, even when it was broken by huffs.
“Oh, that’s right.”
He swiftly released his grip on her hand and Juvia pouted at the loss of contact. A sudden chill replaced the warmth that encircled her wrist. She didn’t like it.
“Sorry about that.”
“No!” Juvia cleared up, in case he might take it the wrong way, “Gray-sama shouldn’t apologize.”
The water mage wasn’t sure where they went or how far they had come from the guild. But wherever Gray was, she was always safe with him.
“You saved Juvia from the commotion.”
A commotion caused by her inappropriate appearance, Gray ought to say but decided not to. Instead, he said a terse ‘It was nothing’.
Her ears might have deceived her but Juvia could place a grin on his voice. She could imagine that small curve of his lips, wanting to see it with her own eyes but something was still blocking her view. Something soft and rather silky, heavy on her crown too. It covered her from head to toe. She clutched the unidentified veil in her fist and realized it was the same fabric as the covering of the long table back at the guild. Juvia tried to pull on the cloth, trying to get rid of the covering when Gray started speaking again.
“…something like that.”
The covering muffled Gray’s words. As she was trying desperately to uncover herself, Juvia only caught the tail end of what he was saying. She stopped for a moment, tipped her head to the side, deciding whether to ask him to repeat what he said, which would give Gray the impression that she wasn’t listening to him, or just pretend as if she heard him.
Sensing her confusion despite the wall of fabric between them, Gray repeated his words, this time a bit louder and very much clearer than earlier.
“Don’t wear something like that.”
It took her a moment to realize but Juvia caught on to what the ice-make mage meant. It was her scant costume. Remembering how some cloth and some strings strategically covered those areas, Juvia internally agreed with Gray. She shouldn’t be wearing something like that again, nodding her head furiously that she might just break her own neck.
“In public.”
He added before clearing his throat and inviting Juvia to walk around the neighborhood, not giving her an opening to say anything back about his last comment. Juvia had the tendency to twist his words, or rather, which was always the case, point out what exactly he wanted to say but couldn’t.
Don’t wear something like that in public.
He meant only to wear it for him in private, right?
Gray started toward the direction of the crowd, where most people were scattered in small groups. He was saying something Juvia was not able to hear through that thick white covering hanging over her. She followed where she assumed Gray was headed, straining her ears to listen to his footsteps whilst she blindly soldiered on through the veil-made darkness. The water mage was starting to get frustrated with the covering she’d been trying to get out of since earlier. Despite her efforts, she couldn’t find the beginning or end of that long, thick fabric weighing down on her with a smooth but consistent fall, much like her magic – a curtain of water.
And why was Gray not helping her at all? It wasn’t like he was busy keeping quiet since he had all the time in the world to run his mouth about god knows what. His talking was like a soft buzz in Juvia’s ears – a distant noise that didn’t make sense.
Despite the cold breeze and the fact that she was practically naked inside, her body was starting to feel hot. A sheen of perspiration started to form over her skin. The heavy covering not only successfully blocked her view but also any air in and out of her fabric jail.
“G-Gray-sama…” She called out but the thick veil separating them blacked the words out, “…help Juvia~”
Gray hadn’t paid her any attention (deliberately ignoring her or unintentionally forgetting, Juvia wasn’t sure) until the poor water mage kicked on an uneven terrain and tripped. She braced herself for impact, throwing her hands in front of her as she was about to fall on the pavement, face-first. But the impact never came. Instead, Juvia’s body was pressed against something hard. Not as hard as she remembered pavement should be though. Curiosity spurred Juvia to explore this not-a-pavement surface, flattening her palms on what turned out to be Gray’s firm pecs, the slightest bump giving her the idea that she might just be… touching on Gray’s...
She rubbed them just to make sure.
“Uhn… Ju-Juvia…”
And kneaded for better measure.
“T-that’s… he-hey…”
She was definitely right.
Gods do exist!
Juvia could hear the strain in his voice. And something else. Something she wasn’t familiar with. But worry bumped curiosity off first place. Gray sounded like he might be in pain and the idea horrified Juvia that she might be the reason for it. He did break her fall and she was comfortably using her as a human cushion. So, she slid her open palms lower, eliciting more low and strange noises from the man beneath her. She ignored the noise in favor of resting her hands over what she assumed was Gray’s abdomen, intent on pushing herself off him to free her poor savior from his distress. She was a little bit sorry that she had to use his body to do so. Which, unbeknownst to Juvia, was stirring something in Gray that should not be stirred. Not when they were in public like this.
Oh, if Juvia could see the ice-make mage’s reaction now – gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw.
She successfully leaned away, readying to pull her knees so she could prop herself up and fully get off of poor Gray when a cold breeze whizzed past them, magically finding the end of the frustrating veil and blew the hem of the fabric covering her body. Gray was a hero the second time when he slapped that cloth back to its rightful place. Saving the water mage from the embarrassment of public indecent exposure.
But bumping her to another level of embarrassment.
Gray only realized where his hands were touching when Juvia’s body wiggled and twisted above him. The force of his ‘heroic act’ slammed Juvia flatly on top of him again.
“G-Gray-sama felt Ju-Ju-Juvia’s bottom!”
She muttered, fidgeting at the heat that spread over both cheeks, either because Gray’s hands were still cupping her ass or the mere force of his slap, or both.
“So, G-Gray-sama was into this kind of… s-s-stuff?” She whispered to herself.
But that wasn’t a whisper. It was more of a loud musing because that one Gray heard through the fabric barrier between them.
“No!” He strongly denied it. “That’s… I’m not… hey!”
For a good minute, they were a tangled mess – him trying to, but very much cautiously, push her off of him, slipping on the fabric when he tried to stand up with Juvia still on top of him, and her trying to pull herself away from him, which proved to be a struggle since Gray just couldn’t stay still. It didn’t help that the thick cloth separating them from each other was too silky and slippery to the touch.
Gray could only cry how that freaking veil was the devil. The devil! And he quickly regretted whisking the long mantle off the table to cover Juvia with, until they finally detached themselves from each other. Both were breathless from the endeavor.
Passersby threw them ugly looks, which made Gray realize that covering Juvia with the table mantle was not one of his brightest ideas. He tried to rearrange the cloth, so that Juvia was still fully covered (her fucked-up costume hidden), but made it so that her head was popping out of the makeshift ghost costume so at least she could see where they were going and avoid another mishap. The water mage, thank goodness, stood still and quiet, as Gray secured the long textile around her neck with a knot made of his mummy tape. He smirked at his creation, proud of his quick thinking. Then broke into cackles he tried to suppress but couldn’t, scrutinizing her attire – a Juvia floating head. Now, that’s a true Halloween costume.
“Gray-sama shouldn’t be laughing at Juvia.” She bemoaned. “Not when he’s looking like that.”
Gray followed her eyes down his lower body to realize he was stripped down to his G x J boxers, using up what remained of his mummy tape costume on Juvia.
It was Juvia’s turn to laugh at him. But Gray took no offense to it and joined in, the both of them laughing together and at each other in their poor state. They were so stuck in their own world that Gray belatedly noticed the scandalized glare thrown at both of them – mostly on him – especially by children who were often told to wear something in public.
Gray scooped Juvia off the ground (which was totally unnecessary by everyone’s account) and whisked the water mage, a second time, away from the crime scene.
Young couples are too bold nowadays.
It’s probably because of the full moon.
Gray hid them at some back alley. He surreptitiously peeked through the corner, with an unusually quiet water mage still carried in both arms. Only after making sure no one was following after them, not the police or an angry mob, that Gray could finally puff a relief. He settled Juvia on the ground as gently as he could. And wondered why she was running out of breath when Gray did all the running.
“Are you alright, Juvia?”
She stuttered. Round blue eyes were spinning like wheels on the run.
“Erm… are you sure?”
She sure didn’t look okay.
Gray was so accustomed to Juvia that he could read her like a book. Every word and every sentence he could easily interpret. And this reaction from her was probably caused by him bolting her away. He should have thought of his actions thoroughly because who knows what Juvia’s creative imagination must have conjured of him holding her in a bridal carry.
Gray and Juvia’s wedding? Them on their honeymoon, crossing the threshold into their master bedroom? Probably, both.
He settled a hand on her shoulders. The thick eyebrows on his forehead were knitted – quite bothered by the possibility that she could still slip into her imaginary land when she had the real thing right in front of her now. Unlike before, Gray had become more receptive to her feelings. And unlike before, he made conscious actions to show that he returned those very feelings. Had he not made it clear to her?
His coaxing willed Juvia back to reality, to where she and Gray were in a back alley hiding.
“Juvia is okay, Gray-sama.”
Her blue eyes returned to normal and Gray could slip a sigh of relief. Without a need to worry now, Gray retrieved his hand and suggested they come back to the guild when Juvia’s made-shift cloak started to come undone. Her Halloween costume – the brassiere connected with some barely-there knots – peeked through the opening and threatened to reveal itself in its full glory. Which was bad for Gray for the following reasons: a) Juvia was still half-lying on the ground; b) they were in some dark, back-alley; and c) they were alone in that dark alley.
And d) he was still just wearing his boxers.
But it was Gray’s fingers that yanked the edges of the loosening drape and clasped them together against her chest. Another bad idea of Gray’s now that his fists were pressed down against her breasts. Soft and quite big. Not that it surprised him. He was very much familiar with how Juvia’s breasts felt to the touch. Not that he openly touched them either. Opportunities just happened to present themselves to him. Oh how tortured and conflicted he was. That stirring inside his stomach earlier was rapidly brewing into something that shouldn’t be brewing.
What a cute voice!
Damn, it was like the universe was trying to tell him something.
Gray yanked his evil hands and put them back to his side. Away from Juvia’s soft mounds.
But that lecherous costume was taunting him again, the deep valley of her breasts peering through the slightest opening. He ordered himself to look away but his sinful eyes did not stray even just a little. So, he chose to just fight the rising heat that burned his cheeks. If she asked, he could blame that one on the weather.
Gray cleared his throat. Thinking that by doing so, Juvia might not notice him ogling. He reached out his hands and started to tighten the mummy tape again around her neck. There was a crisp silence between them, which Gray appreciated. Juvia’s focused gaze at his hands was reason enough for him to struggle to steady his fingers as he looped the tape. But in the end, he was able to fix it.
“All done.”
She thanked him with a lovely smile – the kind that always followed him in his dreams. The warm smile that kept him company when he was alone. The low howl of the October breeze made him aware that they were in a dark alley where people scarcely passed through. It had a wicked way of conjuring today’s moments that the courteous Gray would rather tuck safely into the back of his memory – when Juvia stepped out of hiding in her inappropriate costume; when he unintentionally spanked and cupped her butt-cheeks; when Juvia rubbed her palms over his breasts; and when he fastened the ends of the cloth and accidentally pressed on her soft mounds. These memories he’d rather bury in the depths of his consciousness and only unearth them when he was alone.
Right now, he wasn’t alone. He was with Juvia, the star of those evoking memories, in a place where there was little to no chance of anyone walking in on them if Gray allowed some of his dreams to come alive. Clandestine. He stopped that thought and suggested they walk back to the guild. He needed the exercise.
Juvia pointed out to him his current state and Gray miraculously found some cloak flapping with the wind, hanging outside somebody’s window. It was black, a total contrast to Juvia’s white ones. He figured no one was going to miss that drabby old cloak.
As they took the route to the guild, Gray considered walking Juvia to Fairy Hills instead. But remembered he was barred from showing even just his shadow there. His ban has yet to run its course so the guild – the very place they left earlier – was the sensible place to go, especially since he and Juvia were just wearing make-shift coverings that could unravel anytime. They had to avoid crowds.
Gray was deep in thought when a flash of blue caught his eyes. He snapped his head in its direction, eyes widening in awe at what his vision revealed.
“Look Juvia!” He pointed the all-smiling, happily distracted Juvia to a decorated house where three or four children were walking up to its stoop. “It’s you.”
Juvia followed the direction of Gray’s pointing and scanned the surroundings for anything that resembled herself or whatever it was that reminded her beloved of the water-mage. Surely, it must not have been the waving tube decoration, flapping around something that, when you squint your eyes at the right angle, resembled arms. Or the scary-looking life-sized doll made of blue hay, wearing what appeared to be a blow-up replica of Juvia’s hat. That must not be how he saw Juvia, right?
Without receiving an answer to these questions, Juvia was suddenly yanked against Gray’s side. One arm hung over her shoulder; the weight pulled them both down to a crouch like they were hiding. Their cheeks were close, sharing a border, but not touching, not yet at least. They were just close enough for Juvia to feel his breath on her now-flushed cheek when he covertly spoke to her.
“That one. She looks exactly like you.”
Juvia caught herself gawking at him, at Gray’s face which was fully and resolutely turned to the direction where he was pointing her to. She felt slightly guilty about that because one, that wasn’t even the first physical touch they’d shared just counting the ones they had tonight (not the most daring one either); and two, Gray was heartily showing her something. So, Juvia summoned her focus and followed his direction – towards the girl who was giddily jumping at receiving tons of candies into her basket, the kid version of Phantom Lord Juvia. She was donned in Juvia’s blue winter coat, a teru-teru bozu hanging by the clasp of her collar, and a cute Juvia hat merchandise sitting neatly atop her little head.
Juvia felt a pang in her heart. It was her in the rolled hairstyle the water mage got rid of to forget about that version of her. As the little girl skipped down back to the main road, Juvia felt sorry for the little girl. No child should model after her. Back then, she wasn’t her best self. She was strong yet lonely. Isolated by her own rain. Physically attractive yet gloomy that warmth and fun were foreign concepts to her. A smile, a true warm smile, had never even touched her lips. Simply, ugly. If she could only keep that image to herself and tuck it away where no one else could find it, she would have done so.
The Juvia of the present, the Juvia after joining Fairy Tail, after finally being accepted and loved for who she was and who she was not, was unquestionably the best version of herself yet.
But that twinge was pushed away by the slight curve of Gray’s lips. Warm. Affectionate. Proud. He was still looking at that little girl, at kid Phantom Lord Juvia, with eyes full of interest. Never left her figure as she turned around and hollered at the other two girls on the walkway. Her other two friends looked like shrunken versions of other Fairy Tail members, slowed down by their argument about who collected more candies between them.
“There’s Erza and Mira-chan too.” Gray chuckled. “Brings me back.”
Juvia forgot all about her own thinking, dumbfounded by the look on Gray’s face. Even when the curve on his lips was subtle it was also telling. Because Gray could picture so clearly how the actual Erza and Mira-chan, when they were at the same age as those kids, would squabble over the smallest and silliest things. Much like the kids rounding up their group of three with Juvia-chan. His mind flew to that rare moment when all the kids in the guild were huddled up together in an unusually peaceful group waiting out the night. Simply remembering pulled the corners of his mouth into a small smile – not wistful, not longing, just… content.
Before he even thought of it, Gray was already starting on his feet, with Juvia following closely behind and then, naturally, fell beside him. Stepping into the same stride, the same pace as his. Juvia had caught up to him again, naturally. It had been like that between them for years now. Words have become so moot and inadequate. It was as if they were operating on feelings alone. Like it was the only way they could clearly and completely convey their inner thoughts. And so, with no invitation required, Gray and Juvia explored the neighborhood, feasting their eyes at the sight of scattered children in all sorts, shapes and colors of costumes.
The children walked up to houses. Their eyes shone at the treats dropped inside their baskets. Some ran out screaming in terror, receiving childish and mean scares instead of sweet treats. Others gleefully skipped along the side of the road while peeking inside each other’s loots. The two Fairy Tail mages, however, glowed in pride at the insinuation that the kids put Fairy Tail in such high regard to dress up like them, as members of the strongest guild in the whole of Fiore.
Wasn’t it that imitation was the highest form of flattery?
Out of nowhere, Gray and Juvia started a contest of whoever could spot and recognize Fairy Tail look-alikes more. They discreetly point the children to each other – finding a little Lucy with a mermaid Aquarius who can walk on foot in this version, or the entire Lightning God Tribe whose version of Laxus put on some balloons in place of the original’s muscles.
They spotted another Juvia, this one much younger than the first one they saw earlier, around five or six years old maybe, donning polka-dotted leggings. She had a long-haired older boy in her tail, who she addressed as onii-san, carrying her basket for her. It was quite a picture for Gray, the little girl scolding the older kid, who both Gray and Juvia agreed resembled an Iron Dragon Slayer. At least, even in make-belief, Gray got to see Gajeel being ordered around.
They strolled deeper into the neighborhood and found out that the wizard costumes were not limited to Fairy Tail mages. Gray even flinched at a spitting image of a young but much more handsome (in Gray’s biased opinion) Lyon Vastia. But Juvia noted his mood became even livelier when they met the Lyon impersonator, despite Gray-sama’s act and words of displeasure. At that, Juvia hid a chuckle behind her hand, which Gray noticed.
They hadn't walked that far from where they met and were greeted by a polite version of the fire dragon slayer, when Juvia noticed Gray’s mood turn sullen, even if he tried to hide it with a small but dry grin. She ha dan inkling why. They must have seen ten or twenty versions of Natsu but not a single one of the ice-make mage.
Even Juvia wasn’t happy about that.
“You want to go back?” He jumped in, not liking the way she looked and sounded worried.
Gray already knew what she was about to say. But it seemed he’d rather not talk about it. Respecting his feelings, the water-mage simply returned his smile, hers understanding and much more genuine than his forced one.
“If Gray-sama prefers.”
“Alright then.”
They turned around, about to take the path back to where they started when something round and hard hit Gray right at the stomach.
“Sorry, Oji-san!”
A small boy bumped into him with a force enough to sway Gray but not to make him lose his balance. He first checked that his basket of candies was intact before the little boy with messy black hair beamed up at him, his smile was pulled so wide that his eyes were almost shut. Cheeks all puffed and flushed and chubby and cute.
He probably got away with anything armed with that smile.
But like the other kids his age, the boy quickly abandoned the stranger he bumped into and caught up with his friends.
“Wait for me!”
Gray quickly spun around. A seed of hope sprouted within him, urging his feet to move. He wanted to follow the kid and confirm his suspicion but his own logic stopped him, rooting him in his spot. That would have been impossible. How would Greige cross over Earthland? That boy might have been wearing a zipped-up coat with fluffy collar, the same one Gray remembered Greige of Edolas was wearing, but how could he cross over to their world? Impossible.
Hope had sprouted into longing.
Juvia’s confusion and Gray’s sudden realization that Juvia was still completely unaware of their child’s existence in another world, pulled him out of his reverie.
“Um… I said ‘engage’.” He quickly lied, feeling warmth rise to his cheeks despite the cold October breeze blowing at them. “I thought he was an enemy or somethin’.” Yet even to him, he wasn’t that convincing.
But how was he supposed to tell Juvia he saw a kid who could pass as a doppelganger of the son they would have in the future but who was already existing as the child of Gray Surge and Juvia, a version of them who were already married and lived and breathed in Edolas?
If Juvia knew about their Edolas counterparts, she would sulk all week and demand that they too get married and make a baby. They weren’t at that point in their relationship yet. They haven’t even kissed! Through no fault of Juvia, of course. Even though she had given her consent to it in no limited terms, Gray just didn’t… he just wasn’t… confident enough.
“Let’s go back, Juvia.”
“Oh, okay.”
He wounded a firm arm around Juvia’s shoulder and secured her at his side to stop the water-mage from looking back at the boy who reminded Gray of his future son. He chanced a last glance at him though and decided his hair was too spiky and a shade lighter than the boy in his memory. He was too tall and too animated to be his prim and proper little Greige.
His mind was probably playing tricks on him.
“Greige.” Juvia tested the name on her tongue. She liked the sound of it, she told Gray, making the man sweat a little.
“H-h-hey Juvia, I told you that’s not what I said.”
“He looked a little bit like Gray-sama, didn’t he?”
Gray couldn’t seem to understand, or rather that he couldn’t believe how Juvia’s soft eyes, that loving gaze that seemed to be only directed at him, had always been a source of comfort. He couldn’t at all wrap his head around the phenomenon of her smile shining so bright to the point that it was blinding, yet he was incapable of looking away.
“You think so?”
She just made a sound, a cute little hmm, eyes now glistening with that gentle mix of pride and joy. Gray couldn’t even fathom how Juvia could grow even more beautiful each day.
Gray glanced back at the boy reuniting with his friends, looking for his own qualities in him. Maybe his dark, unruly hair could be attributed to the ice-mage but the little boy was wrapped in a winter coat, and Gray was known for unwrapping himself from any clothing.
No harm in imaging it though, that maybe the little stranger was copying Gray.
He wasn’t.
Gray wasn’t imagining it when the boy with unruly hair pulled his elbows back to form some sort of hand stance. He definitely did not need to humor himself when he heard the kid say “ice-make…” and pretended like magic power was coming out of his open palms and attacked his friends.
Maybe if Gray got over himself…
“Juvia… are you cold?”
And step out of that darkness that was holding him back.
“My place…”
Then maybe…
“… is nearby.”
He didn’t need to imagine anything anymore.
“Yes, Gray-sama.”
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newtthetranswriter · 11 months
Please may I have a Fairy tail headcanon of Gray Fullbuster with a female S/O who has Edward Elric's abilities from Fullmetal alchemist. S/O joined Fairy tail when she was a young child not long after Gray did..S/Os unlimited abilities meant that she can basically create anything that she can put her mind too..she isn't nicknamed the metal mage for nothing. She isn't proud of what she had done back then..she earned those abilities to be a metal alchemist at a consequence of trying to revive her late mother..she was damn lucky that she didn't lose her body parts..she is a independent young woman in Fairy tail and a member of Team Natsu.
So, I've never done headcanons before, but I'll give it a go, hope you enjoy these. I'm not sure if this is exactly what you're looking for, but I did my best, if you enjoy please feel free to let me now and don't be afraid to send ion more requests. Anyway Enjoy and have a good day/night. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Alchemy isn't an exact science, things can go wrong, and that's what happened when you tried to bring back your mom.
Unlike past Alchemists who had tried to bring people back from the dead you were lucky, you saw the truths of the world but managed to hang on to all of your limbs.
With the knowledge of the universe giving you a major boost in your magic at such a young age, you needed to join a guild to help control and grow this power.
At the age of 8 you wondered into the guild hall of non-other than Fairy Tail, a legendary guild full of powerful mages.
You were welcomed with open arms by nearly everyone there except one kid who couldn't keep his clothes on, when you first meet Gray, he was cold to you, not to say you were really any better having just lost your mother for a second time.
As time passed you grew stronger and more confident in your abilities to manipulate the chemical structure of items and shift them into new things. You primarily specialized in turning things to metal to create more useful weapons.
Master Makarov saw your potential and by the age of 17 you had become an S class wizard known as the Metal Mage.
Along with growing your power the tension between you and gray only got worse, almost like him and Natsu's fighting but with a little more flirting
like I see you guys sitting at the guild hall ignoring each other until he pops off with something stupid about being better a making things with his magic and you just use your magic to make something to hit him with using the table and yell at him about covering his abs because in typical gray fashion he's probably in his boxers.
At first no one notices the more flirty comments until one of you calls the other handsome/beautiful directly making the other blush
Being as stubborn as you are you try to deny it for the longest time and so does he
Now if we add on the being a part of team Natsu, it gets more hectic
I'm talking Happy teasing you, Natsu trying to tease you but ultimately ending up fighting Gray for something he says, Wendy is just confused, Lucy and Erza think its kind of cute that the two stubborn mages wont admit their feelings, and then there is Carla who just thinks everyone involved is dumb
And when you guys finally get together i don't think a lot would change
like yeah you guys don't fight as much or the comments aren't as pointed but there is still playful bickering between the two of you
I just feel that Gray is the type to show affection by being sarcastic
also spend a lot of time just hanging out show off your magic to each other and getting ideas from each other
When you get together Happy still makes stupid jokes, Natsu still tries to tease you guys but fails, Lucy, Erza and now Wendy are secretly planning your wedding as soon as it announced you're dating, and Carla is happy for you two.
Now on to some other aspects of the relationship,
If you are having a bad day because of something reminding you of your past Gray will 100% understand, and try to help you calm down
He knows how hard it is to have a difficult childhood and lose your family so he's going to try to make it better
he may not be able to bring your mom back but he can try not to fight Natsu as much and stay close to you for support.
and vice versa, if he's having a hard time with let's say Juvia being annoying, You would be there to try and be a buffer, or if she doesn't take the hint just telling her off.
Overall I see Gray and you being very close and comforting when its just the two of you, but if you're with the rest of the guild or on a mission you know how to be respectful of everyone around you.
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simp-thingz · 1 year
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Enemies to Lovers
Yeah y'all wanted to kill each other but now you also wanna kill for each other
(Bakugou Katsuki. Enji Todoroki. Tomura Shigaraki. Toru Oikawa. Kei Tsukishima. Lucifer. Thirteen. Belphegor. Laxus Dreyar. Ultear Milkovich. Levi Ackerman. Eren Yeager. Inuyasha. Megumi Fushiguro. Aoi Todo. Yuta Okkotsu)
Friends to Lovers
Said ‘I love you’ as a joke…..But I don’t think it’s a joke anymore
(Shoyo Hinata. Koshi Sugawara. Yu Nishinoya. Hitoka Yachi. Leviathan. Diavolo. Mammon. Armen Arlert. Connie Springer. Sasha Blouse. Cana Alberona. Lisanna Strauss. Max Alors. Warren Rocko. Mina Ashido. Denki Kaminari. Eijiro Kirishima. Sango. Yuji Itadori. Kento Nanami. Maki Zen’in)
Forbidden Romance
It shouldn’t feel as good as it does…
(Keishin Ukai. Hajime Iwaizumi. Satori Tendo. Saeko Tanaka. Simeon. Satan. Erwin Smith. Annie Leonhart. Historia Reiss. Ymir. Mavis Vermillion. Totomaru. Zeref Dragneel. Rufus Lore. Erik. Lucy Heartfilia. Kurogiri. Camie Utsushimi. Kai Chisaki. Kikyo. Ryomen Sukuna. Suguru Geto.)   
Second Chance Romance
One more chance couldn’t hurt………….right?
(Kenma Kozume. Tobio Kageyama. Ryunosuke Tanaka. Kenjiro Shirabu. Barbatos. Solomon. Jean Kirstein. Reiner Braun. Mikasa Ackerman. Hange Zoe. Gildarts Clive. Loke. Lyon Vastia. Hibiki Lates. Jenny Realight. Shota Aizawa. Izuku Midoriya. Touya Todoroki. Hojo. Sesshomaru. Toji Fushiguro. Nobara Kugisaki. Kiyotaka Ijichi.)
Fake Dating
Playing house didn’t used to be this serious….
(Yuji Terushima. Tetsuro Kuroo. Keiji Akaashi. Asmodeus. Petra. Jellal Fernandes. Eve Tearm. Karen Lilica. Sting Eucliffe. Kagura Mikazuchi. Rustyrose. Neito Monoma. Yuga Aoyama. Shoto Todoroki. Keigo Takami. Miroku. Takuma Ino)
Rivals to Lovers
They might become a distraction but…….. why not live a little?
(Daichi Sawamura. Yaku Morisuke. Wakatoshi Ushijima. Kiyoko Shimizu. Natsu Dragneel. Gray Fullbuster. Fried Justine. Jet. Tenya Iida. Hitoshi Shinso. Momo Yaoyorozu. Koga. Satoru Gojo. Masamichi Yaga. Mai Zen’in. Mei Mei)
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fairytail-whathesays · 7 months
How would Juvia react to the Gray Fullbuster x Lucy Heartfilla pairing and the fact that they were now dating and stuff. How would Gray tell Juvia that he loved someone else.
Presumably, he'd just, you know, tell her. Gray has always been straightforward about not wanting Juvia's advances. In a fair world Juvia would've become a different character past the GMG.
Lucy would likely catch her fair share of shit, but then again, Lucy endures for the people she loves. And if she doesn't, all the better. Juvia has yet to piss Lucy off, but if she actually bit back, I'm sure Juvia would get the memo and move on.
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mochidom · 2 months
Masterpost here!
No one was surprised when Levy announced a week after their first official date that Gajeel asked her hand in marriage. Everyone really just assumed they were already fiancés.
Gajeel insisted on performing a musical for his wedding entrance and even got Gray and Natsu to participate.
They had the twins a few years after their wedding and have been a happy little family since then.
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Kiera loves going on missions with her brother, simply because he always do the bulk of the job and still split the reward money with her;
Money hungry! Definitely the type to promote pyramid schemes.
Used to be the one taking care of all the money from the bets on intra-guild fights until she ran off with the 450th Dragneel-Fullbuster fight. (Natsu still hasn't forgiven her to this day.)
Kiera is very close to her dad, probably because they're both extremely extravagant individuals.
The guild had to cancel the annual talent show because the duo takes it way too seriously (Kiera because of the prize and Gajeel, just because he is himself).
Very superstitious! She will ask her auntie Lucy to summon Virgo so she can have her horoscope from the "source". Lucy thinks it's funny, Virgo does not.
She has no common sense, like at all.
Jet and Troy's favourite person.
Her and Makiva Dreyar are in an on and off relationship and whenever they're off, all the guild members are forced to listen to Kiera's rants and pick her side.
Definitely the oldest!
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Kaen Redfox is THE golden child. Smart, caring, mature, really the whole package or so his mother says.
His sister would agree on the caring, smart is like true 5 out of 10 times and mature is just not a quality she would attribute to him.
If his sister lacks common sense, he lacks self-awareness.
Scaring the girlies at all times but thinks he can give relationship advice to whoever will listen to him. "Listen I understand women, I'll fix your marriage in no time." He says with a record of exactly zero girls talked to.
When he was younger, his dad made him promise to look after his sister when he was leaving for a long mission and he took that promise very seriously. So while, he will physically fight his sister each time she annoy him, he has no problems fighting her battles for her.
His favourite thing ever is to annoy Iggy Dragneel;
Is the oldest.
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peanutpotpot · 1 year
A gruvia socmed au wherein Juvia Lockser, a famous pop singer-songwriter, just exposed her huge crush on Fiore's hottest movie star, Gray Fullbuster, on national television. Well, what can go wrong?
Juvia and Gray's circle of friends:
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Their private account that no one knows:
Juvia Gray
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Hello everyone! I am trying to make this story as short as possible, since I just want to feed my gruvia heart haha. So please don't be surprised if it's kinda fast-paced... I'll try to make this wholesome and relaxing. No drama (maybe). Might be cliche, but hey, why not?
Please don't mind the timestamps! They're not relevant to the story unless stated. English isn't also my first language so apologies in advance for the grammatical errors. Moreover, characters might sound a little bit ooc.
Lastly, I can tag you guys if you want to but I cannot promise that the taglist is always updated since all chapters are already queued.
Thank you for your support and I hope you guys will enjoy it!
Chapter 1 - Hand in Marriage
Chapter 2 - Embarrassed | Part One, Two
Chapter 3 - First Move
Chapter 4 - Endearing
Chapter 5 - Apology
Chapter 6 - Reply | Part One, Two, Three
Chapter 7 - Closeness and Confidence | Part One, Two
Chapter 8 - Hits Different | Part One, Two
Chapter 9 - Date | Bonus
Chapter 10 - Following | Part One, Two
Chapter 11 - First Kiss | Part One, Two | Bonus
Chapter 12 - Wish You Were Here | Part One, Two, Three | Insta
Chapter 13 - Interview | Part One, Two, Three, Four
Chapter 14 - Blocked | Part One, Two, Three
Chapter 15 - It's Time | Part One, Two, Three | Bonus
Chapter 16 - Birthday | Part One, Two
Chapter 17 - Dandelions
Chapter 18 - Chances
Chapter 19 - A Choice (End)
All of my work here: Main Masterlist
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Titanic AU
In 1996, Shiki Granbell and his team search the wreck of the RMS Titanic and they recover a safe that contains the drawing of a young nude woman The sketch is dated April 14, 1912, the same day the Titanic struck the iceberg that caused it to sink. The discovery is televised by the news and witnessed by Rebecca Bluegarden and her grandmother Lucy. Lucy recognizes the drawing and calls Shiki, revealing that she is the woman in the picture.
Now according to many rumors, countless treasures had vanished the night that the ship sank and Shiki and his team have searching the titanic remains for them. These treasures include a gold pocket watch that had belonged to the shipbuilder, a blue diamond necklace known as The Heart of the Ocean, and a 15-karat rose gold and silver bracelet with the name Wendy encrusted in diamonds.
Wanting to locate these treasures and sell them for profit, Shiki invites Rebecca and Lucy on board their vessel in hopes that the old woman knows where the missing valuables are. At first, Lucy isn’t too eager to share due to the trauma and tragedy of the event, but upon seeing Rebecca and Shiki fall in love at first sight, her happy memories of the event are rekindled and she recounts her experiences aboard the Titanic.
In 1912, young English heiress Lucy Heartfilia is boarding first class on the Titanic with her widower father Jude Heartfilia, her trusted Norwegian maid Levy, and her wealthy fiancé Dan Straight. Also boarding first class is American writer Gray Fullbuster, two newly weds, English shipbuilder Jellal Fernandes and his American bride, nouveau riche socialite Erza. And Scottish designer Mirajane Dreyar and her husband, the captain’s grandson, Laxus Dreyar.
Meanwhile Natsu Dragneel, a poor young, Italian artist wins a third class ticket in a poker game and excitedly boards it along with many other third class passengers eager for new opportunities in America. Among them are Irish siblings Juvia and Gajeel, Jewish widower Gildarts and his daughter Cana, and Wendy a French orphan girl who stowed away on board.
But despite being called the ship of dreams, many of the passengers have terrible misfortunes in their lives. Lucy’s engagement to Dan is one of connvience rather than love, arranged by her father who is in debt and is constantly pressuring her to go through with the marriage even though Dan is snobby, arrogant, and Lucy cannot stand him. Juvia is under the abusive care of her embittered and insanely jealous stepmother Selene, a former stage actress who was forced to retire because she had gotten older but blames it on her marriage to her now deceased husband and her stepchildren. Gajeel is in a secret relationship with Levy and the two both desire to elope, but he can’t bring himself to leave his sister with their stepmother. Jellal and Erza are madly in love and wish to start a family but Erza cannot get pregnant which deeply hurts her. 
On the first day, Natsu befriends Gray and Gajeel, and the three discuss their plans for when they arrive in New York. Natsu plans to become a famous artist, Gray hopes to become a self-made man through writing instead of relying on his late father’s inheritance, and Gajeel dreams of becoming a famous musician. As the three young men are goofing off around the front of the ship, Natsu spots Lucy on the first class level, looking over the horizon and it’s love at first sight. 
Later that night, Lucy goes to dinner with her father and Dan, and as the two men discuss their plans for her, she becomes distraught over nit having any control of her own life. She leaves the dining room, climbs over the stern railing, and intends to commit suicide by jumping overboard. Luckily though Natsu sees her and coaxes her back onto the deck. As he is pulling her back up, she slips, screams, and falls while pulling Natsu on top of her. Her screams alert the crew who assume that Natsu had assaulted her but she corrects them in that he saved her life and decides to reward him by inviting him to dinner in the first class dining room. He accepts and later as Lucy is getting ready for bed, Dan gives her a gaudy but expensive engagement ring to wear. 
That same night, Gray is exploring the ship, keeping a journal of everything he experiences. He is suddenly lured to the third class level by a lovely voice and observes Juvia singing an Irish folk song while her brother plays his flute. He is smitten by her beauty and song but is startled into fleeing when Gajeel spots him. However in his haste, he drops his journal which Juvia finds. She goes to the first class level to return it to him but is stopped by two crew members who harass her. Gray sees this and defends her, making her quite bashful with his chivalry. He thanks her for returning his journal and also invites her to dinner in the first class dining room to make amends for all the trouble he’s caused. 
Meanwhile Wendy who has been hiding in the boiler room becomes terribly hungry and sneaks into the first class dining hall for something to eat. She is caught stealing food and is about to be severely punished but Erza kindly pays for the stolen food and allows the child to dine with her and her husband. Both she and Jellal grow fond of Wendy and become sympathetic upon learning she is an orphan with no one to look after her. Unable to let her starve or spend the night cold, they decide to let her stay with them in their suite until they reach New York, then they’ll decide what should be done with her.
The next day both Natsu and Lucy, and Gray and Juvia stroll aboard the ship, getting to know each other. A tentative friendship develops between each couple. At the same time Erza and Jellal take Wendy on an outing, bonding almost like a real family. Jellal even gifts Wendy with a silver and golden, diamond bracelet that belonged to his late grandmother who happens to have the same name as the child. As the day ends, Natsu and Juvia are introduced to Erza who decides to loan Natsu one of Jellal’s suits and her friend Mirajane loans Juvia one of her designer gowns. 
Before the dinner, Jellal and Laxus discuss the voyage with Captain Makarov Dreyar and Owner of the White Star Line Precht Gaeblog. Precht insists that Makarov push the ship to go faster for better publicity but Jellal recommends not doing so, claiming that they still are not sure how much the ship can take. Makarov believes Jellal is right but Laxus convinces him to rule in Precht’s favor. The ship’s speed is doubled that evening.
At dinner, Natsu is dressed so handsome like and Juvia is dressed so beautifully that the first class guests are amazed while Lucy and Gray are left speechless. Gray then presents Juvia with a necklace to wear for the evening, a family heirloom, The Heart of the Ocean. They all dine together with Dan being very rude to Natsu and Juvia, much to Lucy’s disgust, but Erza eventually shuts him up by throwing a subtle insult back at him. After dinner, Gray escorts Juvia back to her cabin but she asks him to stay for the third class party which Natsu invites Lucy to as well. The night is spent laughing, dancing, singing, and drinking as Gajeel leads the band in a grand jig and later serenading Levy with an Irish love ballad. 
When the party ends, Gray and Juvia say goodbye, and having fallen in love with her, he allows her to keep the blue diamond necklace. She returns his love and accepts his gift. This is witnessed by Gajeel and Selene, but while Gajeel is pleased to see his sister truly happy for once, Selene is jealous of her stepdaughter gaining the attention of a wealthy young man. When Gray leaves, she drags Juvia into the cabin and locks Gajeel out so he can’t stop her from ruthlessly beating the girl. With each beating, she tells Juvia that she’s worthless and that she’ll never be anything but a poor wretch and that she doesn’t deserve to be loved by anyone, let alone a man like Gray. When the beating is over Gajeel furiously tries to kill Selene but she screams alerting the others and whispers a threat that she’ll tell a lie about Gajeel assaulting her which will end with him getting arrested. Juvia then pleads with her brother not do anything for his sake and he reluctantly agrees. Left alone, the siblings comfort each other.
Up above, Natsu escorts Lucy back to first class and he confesses that he loves her. She laughs and calls him crazy, he agrees with her but says he can’t help how his heart feels and calls her the most amazing girl in the world. At that moment, Lucy realizes that she has fallen in love with Natsu. This is witnessed by Dan who becomes jealous and in the morning he orders Lucy to never see Natsu again. When she argues that he has no right to say who she can and cannot associate with, he slaps her and viciously reminds her that they are to married which means (In his twisted mind) that he owns her and that she will do as he says without complaint. Adding to her fear and confusion is her father also forbidding her to have contact with Natsu and calling her selfish for not wanting to marry Dan which would pay all his debts. Scared, she tells Natsu that they can’t see each other anymore when he comes to visit her in secret.
On the other side of the ship, Gray looks for Juvia and finds her still crying over last night. He takes her to his room where he tends to her wounds (his late father was a surgeon) and gently asks what happened. She tells him the whole story of how she and her brother have been abused and mistreated by their stepmother since their father passed when they were children. She wants to leave but she has no where to go because she has no education and she doesn’t want to be a burden on her brother, whom she believes should just leave and live his own life. Unable to bear the thought of Juvia living such a life any longer, Gray asks her to come live with him and to let him take care of her. She declines his offer, saying that she appreciates his pity but cannot accept. He then tells her that it’s not out of pity and confesses his love for her. They kiss, she agrees to go with him, but insists that he ask Gajeel for his blessing first.
Meanwhile in her suite, Erza is teaching Wendy how to read and the girl stops her for a moment to thank the woman for her kindness, saying that if she had a family, she would want them to be just like Erza and Jellal. This touches Erza so much and she realizes that she and her husband have developed parental love for Wendy. She then proposes to Jellal that they adopt her. He hesitates at first but quickly agrees with the idea.
As for Lucy, she is so confused about her feelings for Natsu and is not sure what to do. She goes to Levy for advice and the maid assures her that if she follows her heart then she won’t regret it, telling her of her own love story with Gajeel. Inspired, Lucy runs to Natsu and tells him that she loves him too. She then invites him back to her room where he sketches her nude form, they have sex, and she declares that when the ship docks she’s getting off with him. They sneak off to the forward deck leaving behind her picture, the engagement ring, and an insulting note for Dan. When Dan finds these three things, he is furious and refuses to let Lucy go.
In third class, Gray and Juvia tell Gajeel their plan and he gives his blessing, glad that he’s found someone willing to love and look after her, giving her the happiness she deserves. And he can now elope with Levy without fear of leaving Juvia unloved and unprotected. They rush to tell Levy the good news but Gray is stopped by Selene who tries to seduce him. Repulsed, he rejects her. Enraged, she screams and falsely accuses Gray of raping her. Gray and Juvia flee from the crew members who pursue them and hide in the boiler room until the panic dies down. Gray pleads his innocence to Juvia but she assures him that she knows her stepmother is lying.
Suddenly the ship collides with an iceberg which Natsu and Lucy witness. They separate to warn the others but promise to meet back later. Unfortunately Natsu runs into Dan who frames him for theft by slipping the engagement ring into his coat pocket. His manservant Bloodman drags Natsu off and leaves him handcuffed in the lower decks. 
With the ship sinking, panic starts to ensue. The frightened crowds cause Wendy to be separated from Jellal and Erza as they hurry to the lifeboats. Jellal decides to go back and look for Wendy and forces Erza on to the lifeboat, giving her his beloved pocket watch as a promise that he’ll come back to her. Lucy flees Dan and her father, who has boarded a lifeboat and finds Natsu, freeing him but almost drowning in the process. In the third class level, the gates are closed off trapping everyone down there including Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Juvia, Gajeel, and Levy. Gajeel uses his strength to break down the gates so they all have a chance to live but one of the officers accidentally shoot him in his spinal cord, rendering him unable to walk. Juvia tries to pull him along but he knows he’s a goner and makes Gray promise to love and protect Juvia in his place. Gray makes the promise and has to carry a tearful Juvia away. Gajeel urges Levy to go with them but she chooses to die with him, biding a tearful farewell to Lucy. Hand in hand, the couple sings one last love song as they wait for the inevitable.
Makarov and Laxus are both wracked with guilt over what’s happened and have decided to go down with the ship while doing everything in their power to save the passengers. Mirajane begs Laxus to let her stay with him but he refuses to let her die for his mistake. Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Juvia barely make it back to the boat deck and they urge the women to board the lifeboat. Juvia doesn’t want to go having just lost her brother and she tearfully pleads with Gray not leave her too, but he assures her that he has no intention of dying and swears to find someway to survive. Selene is among the group of women boarding and the sight of their love drives her so mad with envy that she pushes Juvia right off the boat. Selene is shot and killed, Gray immediately jumps after Juvia, and they manage to hold each other above water long enough for Erza to pull them on to her lifeboat. 
Dan convinces Lucy to board a lifeboat by falsely claiming that he can get Natsu off the ship but has actually just arranged to save himself.  As her lifeboat is lowered, Lucy, unable to abandon Natsu, jumps back on board. Furious, Dan tries to shoot the lovers, chasing them into the flooding first-class dining saloon. They get away, and he has no choice but to accept defeat. 
Jellal finally finds Wendy and gets her safely on to the lifeboat but gives up his spot for Gildarts, so he can go with Cana. Believing he won’t survive and that the sinking is his fault for not building a stronger vessel, Jellal gets drunk and chooses to go down with the ship as well. 
The lifeboats have departed and the ship's stern is rising as the flooded bow sinks. As passengers fall to their deaths, Natsu and Lucy desperately cling to the stern rail. The upended ship breaks in half and the bow section dives downward. The remaining stern slams back onto the ocean, then upends again before it, too, sinks. In the freezing water, Natsu helps Lucy onto a wooden panel buoyant, she tries to get him on too but it only has enough for one person. Natsu makes her promise to survive before tragically dying of hypothermia much to Lucy’s heartbreak.
Erza and Cana quickly take control of the lifeboats and go back for survivors. They rescue Lucy, Jellal who survived the cold due to the extreme amount of alcohol in his blood, and any other survivors. They are then picked up by the RMS Carpathia where the Fernades couple are reunited with Wendy, and Lucy hides from Dan and Jude, changing her name to Lucy Dragneel, in order to finally be free.
The elderly Lucy ends her story by revealing what happened to the other survivors. Jellal and Erza adopted Wendy, Gray published a book about the Titanic then married Juvia who made her brother’s songs famous by singing them and they later had two children, Mirajane never remarried and lived out her days with her sister, Dan committed suicide after losing his fortune, and Lucy herself later discovered that she had become pregnant by Natsu (Making him Rebecca’s grandfather), and raised their daughter alone while living a life of freedom and adventure. She then unlocks a safe in her room which contains the watch, the necklace, the bracelet and many other treasures such as photographs, letters, notes, and keepsakes. As the last living member of that group, she had been trusted to keep these treasures safe so no one would forget the stories behind them.
Touched by her story, Shiki decides not to sell the valuable items but donate everything in the safe to a museum so the memory of all those people would live on forever. Later that night, as Shiki and Rebecca get to know each other, Lucy dies peacefully in her sleep and as a young woman again, she enters an afterlife where she’s reunited with the souls of everyone she knew from her story including those who died on the ship. She is met by Natsu who kisses her and they are applauded by everyone.
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moongirlcleo · 1 year
headcanons for sting eucliffe with a professional ice (figure) skating fem s/o or crush? how does the blondie behave in that scenario.. cause i’m picturing him calling it easy and then falling on his ass and embarrassing himself on the first date 😭. and also how her friends (fairytail) and his friends would react to the whole thing. by the way, friendly reminder that you are SPECTACULAR!!!
awww bby YOU are spectacular <3 I got you ! This blonde dumb dumb would totally do something like that lol !
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Sting x Fem Skater Crush:
"Hey, what do you say you and I go on a little date after the matches today?" The blonde dragon slayer smirked at you, leaning back and awaiting your answer.
Truth be told, you'd had your eye on him since you first saw him a few days ago. Determined to play coy, you smirked back and gave him a sly smile.
"If you can convince me, I may be willing to say yes."
The smirk on Sting's face faltered for a moment, before recovering.
“I don’t need to convince you, princess. By the end of the day, you’ll be wanting that date.”
You eyed the blonde up and down, tempted to give in. But the attitude Sting was displaying was more than displeasing. No, you decided. Two can play this game.
“Win against my guild mate later and I may even let you take me on a second.”
Sting’s eyes lit up at the taunt, knowing he’d be fighting against Natsu.
“You got it, babe. What’s your favorite food?”
Needless to say, the match between the two dragon slayers ended in a massive W for the Fairy Tail guild. You were sat at the bar with your friends the next day, when you remembered your exchange with Sting. Guilt flooded through your system. You’d only wanted to give back some attitude, not outright turn the blonde down.
Before long, you were walking down the roads in search of the Sabertooth guild residence. 
A downcast Sting sat outside the motel, covered in bandages. Quietly, you sat next to him and gave him a playful nudge.
“So, where are we going?” You asked, giggling as Sting jumped in fright. He gave you a scowl.
“Jesus, a ‘hey, it’s me’ would’ve been nice,” he grumbled. “Here to rub it in you all won?” 
You frowned. “No, I was coming to see if that date was still on the table.” 
A small rosy tint crossed Sting’s visage. 
“Thought you’d only go on a date with me if I won.”
“Hey now, I only said I’d consider a second date if you won.” You gave him a wink.
Sting’s face perked up. 
“Wait, you were joking? No way.” 
His outburst caused you to laugh. “Of course, I’d already planned on accepting, but you were acting a little too cocky so I figured I’d mess with you. Have you ever gone ice skating before?”
“No, why do you ask?” 
You blinked a moment before gesturing to your left.
“Well, on the way here, I passed an ice skating rink and I love ice skating, so let’s go!” You pulled Sting up and rushed toward the slab of ice, trying not to chuckle at the confused look on the dragon slayer’s face.
Once you arrived to the rink, you stole a glance at the blonde. His features were unreadable as he realized you two weren’t alone. It had seemed as if team Natsu were already here, making themselves quite at home, much to your disbelief.
“This can’t be that hard,” he muttered to himself. “It’s just ice. I got this in the bag.” Sting looked toward Natsu, the remnants of the match still fresh on his mind. You took that moment to grab his hand and pull him toward the ice. 
“It’s really not that hard, Sting. Watch me!” You requipped some ice skates on your feet and began pushing off, twirling around in circles. He watched you as you moved, nodding in amazement.
“Do you do this shit often?” He called out to you.
“Yeah, man, didn’t you know yn is a professional figure skater?” Gray Fullbuster replied for you. 
A blush bloomed across your cheeks. “It’s not that serious ice boy, shut up.” 
Motioning for Sting to follow, you pushed off the ice once again and made your way back toward the other end of the ice. 
He hesitated only slightly, stepping onto the ice. Sting gave you a small smile, concentrating on remaining upright. 
You nodded in encouragement. “Come on, push your right foot back and coast forward.” 
Sting did as you’d told, and he began coasting. He gave you a wide smile.
“Look, I totally got this!” He moved faster, and in an instant both of your smiles turned to fear as he steadily moved faster until a loud thud could be heard. 
Sting had crashed headfirst into the boards.
You covered your mouth in surprise, while your friends looked on and howled with laughter.
Sting’s face was beet red, a mix from the cold ice and humiliation. Skating over to him, you knelt down and gave him a small peck on the cheek.
“Hey,” you murmured. “Don’t worry about it. Everyone falls, sometimes. Wanna just grab something to eat?” 
The blonde gave you a smile and shook his head. “Are you kidding? Yn, that was so much fun. I may not be able to beat Natsu in a fight yet, but I’ll be damned if he can beat me at ice skating. Show me how to get better.” 
You stifled a groan and helped your crush up. With a smile, you taught him the ropes of skating, the promise of a second date in the air. 
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theguildawards · 1 year
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Hey everyone!
The Nomination Period is now closed! Below the cut you will find a complete list of all the nominations received for The Guild Awards this term! The mobile-friendly version can be found in a Google Doc here!
If you do not see your nomination, or you find issues with the links, please reach out to us as soon as possible!
We are going to give you 2 weeks time to enjoy all of the pieces nominated for this term! We strongly encourage that when you view a work of art or read a fanfiction, please reblog or leave a review to let the creators know how much their work and talent is appreciated!
The voting period will begin April 15th and end April 29th midnight PST!
In order to be able to vote, you will need to login. We will be posting the link to the voting form on the first day of the voting session.
Got a question? Check out our FAQ or send us an ask!
Message one of the mods directly: @sassybratt9791 @phoenix-before-the-flame @kiliinstinct​ @ratretro  @phoneboxfairy
Thank you to everyone who nominated for making this term absolutely wonderful and happy voting!
[please reblog to help spread the love of these amazing creators!]
First Term 2023 Nominations
Best Action/Adventure
“yuánfèn” by tiddiejoon (AO3) “The Curse of the Dragon Slayer” by FiveCentsFanFics (AO3) “Day of Parting” by Heartofroses112 (AO3)
Best AU/AR
“Satan Soul” by ButterflyDragon (AO3) “The Girl in Blue” by smilingskyy (AO3) “Deadly Decisions” by Auburry (AO3) “Keep Me Safe” by Rosicamarica (AO3)
Best Canon
“Schtum” by RougeCrimson (AO3) “Former Arrangements” by @genavere
Best Angst
“A Debt Paid for a Date Made” by @nalu-gifs / AubieSquire (AO3) “Losing What You Never Had” by @pencilofawesomeness “if you asked me i would lose it all” by ObsessiveExplosion (AO3) “The Ghost lingering in your eyes (they haunt me everyday)” by MarcoThePigeon (AO3) “Let’s Play the Quiet Game - Recovery” by Rook2020 (AO3) “Stained Blades” by @xhusu / Husu (AO3)
Best Dark
“Dead Stars” by @genavere “The Last of Us” by @classysassy9791 “The Nobodies” by RedDoorBlack (FFN)
Best Drama
“Monster” by MsKtK (AO3) “Bring Back What Once Was Mine” by Winged_Capybara (AO3) “Amber Sin” by Winterlogy (AO3)
Best Humor/Parody
“Family Dinner” by butterflyzilla (AO3) “A Weapon of Mass Love” by Eveegirly (AO3) “I’m Married” by Auburry (AO3) “The Jam Problem” by @acacia-may
Best Oneshot
“God, she loves him” by @bumblebeehug “Winter” by @bumblebeehug “Part of the Family” by Leo_Wolf (AO3) “Silly and intimate moments” by @jemmahazelnut “Headspace” by Amajjzy (AO3) “Prove It” by Grace Buckley (FFN)
Best Character Portrayal
“properly” (Gray Fullbuster) by Kikapea (AO3) “Monster” (Gajeel Redfox) by MsKtK (AO3) “Fairy Tail Twin Dragons” (Natsu Dragneel) by LokaMuse (AO3)
Best Romance
“Pizza Date” by @zal-eska “don’t touch what’s not yours” by @tokkias “taking the hint” by @tokkias “Beautiful” by TheLorax (AO3) “Letters from a Future Lover” by ReeseBee (AO3)
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
“no place i’d rather be” by @gray–dragneel / lastoneleft (AO3) “There is Love” by @sandwitchstories
Best Serial
“Let’s Play the Quiet Game” by Rook2020 (AO3) “The Beast of Fairy Tail” by @xfangheartx “Bull in a Crystal Shop” by buniibebe (FFN) “Tra'viin Tome'mir” by GemmaRose (AO3)
Best Ficlet
“ugly” by iiwaiizumii (AO3) “The Short-Lived Adventure of Fairy Man, Fairy Woman, and Fairy Boy” by Purplefern (AO3) “Just Try To Get Rid of Me” by tiny_writes_stuff (AO3)
Best Antagonist Portrayal
“Fairy Tales Grimm” (Jose Porla) by DarkUnderworld (AO3) “Rewrite” (Zeref Dragneel) by @thehylianidiot
Best Completed
“Sleeping Beauty” by moeruhoshi (AO3) “Fairy Tales Grimm” by DarkUnderworld (AO3) “Yer a Wizard, Gajeel” by LinaBean15 (FFN)
Best Action/Adventure
“Erza Scarlet” by @thearcanearts “Archer Rogue” by @celestialrayna
Best AU/AR
“Happy New Year” by @karmelyon “Happy Early Valentine’s Day” by @hollie-arts “She’s not pleased - Fighter AU 5/?” by @moxiepoxart “Band AU things and the what not” by @heartonxions “How Chapter 125 Should’ve Ended” by @lei-z-fan
Best Canon
“Fairy Tail” by @pencilequipped “Summertime Fun Series” by @pinchepeachyxo “Let’s Dance, Lucy!” by @tsushi-talks “job hunting woes” by @kaicean
Best Angst
“Untitled” by @juv-ans “Untitled” by @4stralfairy
Best Dark
“RAGE” by @crowind1 “It’s Freed Day” by @moxiepoxart “It’s Been a Long Time Since I’ve Been Me” by @phoenix-before-the-flame
Best Humor/Parody
“Wanna Make Out Now?” by @selfawarecobalt “The three genders are literally princess, slut, loser” by @annluvazzel “Wendy & Lucy” by TheGoldenSmurf (TW) “stupid blurbs” by @friedmeatbuns
Best Kiss
“Happy Natsu Day” by @frogrockband “Can They Hurry Up and Kiss?” by @nalunalu “LAXUS X MYSTOGAN“ by @bluessom1 “I’ll take some sneak shots of the little lovers in me” by skytooo726 (TW) “Kiss Part 2” by 1C_Cherry (TW) “kiss(es)” by @junryou
Best Romance
”The Last Dance“ by @u1tear ”Untitled“ by @dravendraws ”Nalu“ by @gymjunkie412 “Fiction” by @jmoart214 “taking the hint” by @kaicean​ “Gruvia Week 2021″ by @goodnightlover
Best LGBTQ+ Romance
”Dirty Dancing AU“ by @bluessom1 ”Forget Nalu vs Nali They’re Obviously Girlfriends“ by @sporkteeth ”Like I always am, and I’ll always be“ by @oryu404 ”October Commission #9“ by @annluvazzel “Protective gfs” by @ace-of-fairytail
Best Character
”Cana Alberona“ by @kat-ran ”Flex“ by @jmoart214 ”The melody of my heart“ by @jerzaworms “Juvia” by @jesmeraki
Best Duo/Pairing
”Graylu“ by @b00nyb00bles ”Untitled“ by @4stralfairy ”Family Guides One Another“ by @jerzaworms ”Untitled“ by @hollie-arts
Best Group Depiction
”Fairy Tail’s Strongest“ by @rosavatar ”The Drunk, the Flirt, and the Nudist“ by @lleecoji ”The future is uncertain, but that can be a good thing“ by @silken-sails ”This brotp“ by @acnologias-ass ”Team Thunderstorm Naptime“ by @pencilofawesomeness “Bio-child Happy revisit!” by @imnothereokuwu
Best Manga Coloring
”Eileen Belserion“ by @nohemyjackson ”You must get your fill of that fleeting freedom of yours“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky “Untitled” by @wesluvr “Bread” by @fairy-edits
Best Redraw
”Lucy and Aquarius“ by @acnologiaheart “Lucy and Juvia” by @windmaedchen-fairytail ”Juvia“ by @watcher-ofthe-sky “Battle of Dragon Slayers” by @celestialrayna “lil gajevy redraw” by @zai-doodles
Best Overall
”Flame’s Desire, amiright?“ by @phoenix-before-the-flame “Untitled” by @a-lyosha ”Acnologia“ by @crowind1 ”Erza Scarlet“ by @pencilequipped
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