#dave east fan fiction
wontonsoupho · 1 year
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© Artist the Author
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WORD COUNT : 1 , 777 words
TRAUMA WARNING : This episode includes the following triggers; death , mild gore , heavy profanity , suicidal attempt/ideation & PTSD. With FULL DISCLOSURE , PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK.
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WE NEVER TRULY SEE IT COMING , yet it sings our names so profoundly as the bells ring their piercingly dreadful sound that echos amongst the tunnels of our hearing—Death. Much like the flowers at the peak of a wintertime filled with an ambiance of pure rigidity , swathed in an atmosphere so thick and coarse the oxygen feels like poisonous needles forcing themselves within the confines of your realm of respiration. It can also be resemblant to the quietus ivory specs of sorrow that blanket the face of the earth and kills her ever so softly with their freezing embrace , we too shall pass on and wither away in open air. In life , it is ultimately every beating heart's destiny to die. Being that as it may , when alas that moment arises from the ashes bathing in the essence of the phoenix it tastes as bitter as the element of a nasty surprise. Gently placed , when the Angel of Death himself Mr. Grim Reaper appears before us at the hour of our rapture , we in fact are unable to bear witness to his presence. We are however capable of partaking in learning what it truly means ceasing to exist in the physicality of it all. Shackled in trauma on a stormy October night , two unfortunate souls fell under this curse of carnal demise — and only God alone owned the anecdote to save this tandem's lives.
The sole commodity tangible to his murky oceans of vision with cavernous skies had been total and utter darkness. A cold , wet , and lingering tenebrosity that shared flavors with the iron profusely decorating his buccal cavity — tart and royally uncomfortable. Gripping the steering wheel with one blood gushing hand , the other shakily unlocked his cellular getting a slew of the crimson DNA all over its screen and by miracle or maybe even muscle memory dialed a very important phone number. Aside from the minimal luminescence provided by the headlights of his customized obsidian Lamborghini Aventador , the heavy downpour and winds produced a beatdown only a world champion could give further aided in the reason for his panic whilst his heavy foot applied pressure to the gas pedal that resided above the nearly flooded backroad.
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He'd been scared shitless , even with veins bursting full of adrenaline he could still feel the stronghold of absolute fear's crippling touch. That , and an entire planet of detrimental cogitations crashed into the interstice of his most sacred cerebration whilst each painstaking moment set adrift a new memory everlasting — there lied no time to contemplate anything. His actual life and vitality depended on this feat. With the amount of chasmic wounds his ethereally created anatomy had been littered in , it was an utter phenomenon how he even managed to escape altogether analogously in one piece let alone drive.
“Hello?”A woman's raspy tone called out quite groggily from being awoken into the surround sound of the butterfly doored sports vehicle he possessed. “Nova it is three in the morning , shouldn't you be-”
“No time to explain Chitty listen to me , I'm losing a lot of blood! Please. Could you go by Mama So's 'n make sure Nani is safe and sound at her grandma's for me? Matter fact just go get her , I don't wanna chance it. Yamileth went ballistic on me and I need to be assured she doesn't try to harm another soul tonight. I dead can't believe this shit-”
“Wait , wait , wait , WHAT?! Why are you blee-how did this-none of this shit is adding up Nova , what the fuck are you talking about?! What do you mean Yami went loca , and what does my niece have to do with it-what about the storm-”
“Leoni! I might fuckin' die tonight , please! I know Yamileth is your sister. Right now the only thing that is important is Yaniis , so I'm gonna need you to pull your shit together and go get my fucking daughter like yesterday!”
“Nova. You’re not-”
The annoying loud triplet chirp of Nova's phone dying cut Leoni off short in her stride , she who just so happened to be the sister of his daughter's mother in which he'd been making great efforts to save whilst medias res his own rescue mission.
That was the only cogitation singing like a blackbird during its fecund season off the chambers of his comprehension. Because what a fucking tragedy to become of it at the end of the song. Even for the other deplorable anima who's existence figure eighted on the skinniest layers of ice that very moment , tortuously unaware when and if she'd awake to lay sight upon another sun. As she too partook in a hot pursuit of her divinely favored place in this world that dreadful night , her cerebrum was plagued with a stampede of overwhelming rumination and her feet bled gravel mixed with fine shards of glass. Naming her weak would be a sadly mistaken understatement , she'd grown far into the thick of enervation with promises of a complete burn out. Every minuscule iota she blinked in hopes that the all consuming black onyx surrounding her wouldn't crystallize and swallow her whole , every mere second the rain dove from the heavens to kiss the physiognomy of her mother earth giving life to the grounds we tread upon , the not so lucky damsel of the night ran as far as her legs would stretch out and carry her.
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As the high speed winds picked up their haste , her developed yet petite frame shifted slightly on the concrete asphalt underneath her bare feet. She wanted to look behind her , in fact she yearned for it but knew that in the end it was most prudent to keep focus ahead the best that she could to have a better chance of survival. Everything felt as if a blur and it grew difficult to properly navigate to her destination at her own volition , her limbs appeared to be on autopilot as they sprinted towards a place unknown to her psyche. Fight or flight instinct fading slowly from each of the exhausted membranes of her encephalon , the strong sprint she began with was starting to ware off — as well for her grip on sanity and reality. She'd been running for so long that she lost track of her place within space and time. Running for her life , this particular familiar face is a far fetch from the imagination of her departure within her mind.
     With the storm surging like an overloaded electrical system it was a mystery how she'd reached it but there she was , just a few feet shy from The Bridge of Macabre. By then , the waters that swayed under the spine of the overpass sloshed and smacked the viaduct head on , and slowly the woman's soaked anatomy found itself standing at the edge teetering between land and water. There were only two options she had presented to her — kill or be killed or otherwise risk an existence of forever looking over her shoulder just to prolong the inevitable. Four years junior her fourth decade under the sun , how much longer could she keep this up before she got sloppy from weariness or tired from having to live such a risky lifestyle? It all seemed very clear to her what course of action to take , and as the waves crashed up and downstream Macabre River only one thought sailed her Seas of Cogitation.
Death will always come before dishonor.
     Blinding headlights inched in from her peripheral eventually stinging her retinas full on , proving it difficult for her to decipher whether they were real or not due to her growing further and further into delirium. On approach , the very familiar foreign coupe rolled its passenger five percent tinted window down where a face just the same came into view. Gaging the stick shift into park , the driver of the car began to speak up to her.
“Xolani  , what are you doin' out hea' it's a storm!”
     Looking up to the sky , Xolani felt the heavy precipitation and zephyr sweep over her , a sudden calm chilling every pore until she broke out in goosebumps. Pivoting at one eighty , she glared at he who'd spoken to her with hazy vision not really knowing exactly what to say. Because , what was there to say? The trauma between these two ran deeper than bleeding ink traveling throughout threads of cotton fabric.
“Why do you care Xodus? You never cared-”
“I always fuckin' cared fuck you talkin' 'bout?”
“No you didn't! You drove me away and then they took me , only God can save me now.”
“What's that's supposed to mean Goapel-the fuck you got goin' on right now?” Xodus questioned whilst coughing up blood.  “Fuck-”
“C'mon Lani , get in. I'm on the way to the hospital 'n as you can see we don't have time to spare.”
     She hadn't noticed it then but , Xodus had been painted with deep stab wounds , and profusely leaking his life essence all over his fresh white tee and gray sweatpants. That was just the reassurance she needed to know this experience was actually happening and was not just some influenced hallucination from the high of her brush with death. Swiftly as remotely possible , Goapele joined Xodus in his Lamborghini Aventador slamming the butterfly door shut. She took a few moments to examine the situation and come to an understanding on the condition he was in.
“Xodus Elijah , what have you gotten yourself into now boy? We need to switch seats , you're losing entirely too much blood.” Xolani chastised him before deciding to help. She did her best to pull his near three hundred pound stature from driver to passenger , but he'd been of no assistance as his breathing began to mirror the tempo of the percussionist beating his heart. “How did you get yourself into this predicament?”
That was the last question Xolani ever got to ask in her life. A second later , the levees holding the overflow of Macabre River — which allotted for a third of the city's land — broke just east up the bank. A tsunami like mass flood hit the streams and surrounding lands sinking them under. One moment both souls were in route to salvation upon Death's Bridge , the next the two were swallowed by the currents of the rapture. Their lungs filled with the very resource needed to sustain their lives , and true euphoria was bestowed upon all six of their senses engulfing them in utopia. Below the waves of Macabre Bridge sank the bodies of Goapele Scott and Xodus Casanova , then God made them BLUE.
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Hello my favorite little heauxs , I hope you’re all well today! I wrote this episode a month or so ago and released it on Wattpad on 02/01/2023 , so I’m premiering it here on the fifteenth and I want keep a similar odd week pattern in mind for the schedule. I know there isn’t much intel and it may be a bit vague and or cryptic but trust me when I say that every event will fold together like an envelope as my baby girl develops. Feel free to comment your thoughts , concerns , and opinions below , and remember that if you like her to repost her cause she’s a bad bitch 😉. P. S. IF YOU WANT TO BE ADDED TO THE TAGLIST CLICK THE HYPERLINK ABOVE HERE. Thank you so much for joining me and my friends in the Artiverse , we hope to see you again.
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Prologue:The Day Love Died.But Something Else Grew
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Chapter inspiration Deborah Cox It's Over Now
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Zeela Armond
I stood frozen in my spot, as i tried to comprehend what my boyfriend of five years told me. I looked intently at him, eyes stinging from the tears forming, bottom lip quivering, because i'm trying to keep those tears at bay. "I don't understand." I whispered out, as a single tear fell from my eye. "I just think right now, it's best we break up, the last thing i want to do is hurt you, but this is my sophomore season, and i'm trying to declare for the draft. I just can't have the distraction of a girlfriend." My head reared back as he spoke his words. 
If I could laugh, or chuckle i would. He'd reduced me to a distraction. I wasn't a distraction when i was making sure he got to practice on time, i wasn't a distraction when i took notes and broke things down for him, i wasn't a distraction when i was helping him pass his classes so he could continue to start, and i damn sure wasn't a distraction when i was making all his games, home and away. But now I am all of a sudden a distraction. Pulling my bottom lip into my mouth, i clutched the paper i had in my hand. 
As I stared at a man who I'd given my all too, I passed up my own basketball scholar ship so that we could attend the same college, and he stands here and tell me that I'm a distraction. I wiped my tears, but they silently kept falling, and he showed no emotion. "I'm pregnant." I blurted out, "that's not gonna make me stay, and please don't become that girl." He stated harshly, and instinctively i clutched the paper harder, shaking my head in the process. 
I no longer cared about the tears falling, all i wanted was to get my things and get the hell away from him. This wasn't the man i grew to know and to love. The man i knew wouldn't have been so harsh, or crass in his approach. Instead he decided to cut me deep with his words. I went from being a distraction, to a woman who is desperate enough to lie about being pregnant. 
"I'll get my things, and be out of your hair, and life." I mumbled, "no need, here." He pushed the black duffel bag he had in his hands, into my chest, and this time i did chuckle. He'd already had this planned, i was disposable to him. "Goodbye David, i wish you nothing but joy, success, and love." I whispered out, then turned and headed for the door. 
I had no idea where i was gonna go, i was miles and states away from any family, and i didn't really have any friends around campus. Between my work, Dave's work, and me being a full time basketball girlfriend, i didn't really have much time to be social, and it sucks, because i have no one to turn to right now. 
Pulling my car door open, i threw my bag inside, then followed behind. Once i was safely in my car, i banged my hands on the steering wheel, and proceeded to have a full breakdown. If this is what love feels like i don't want it. After my thirty minuet breakdown, i placed my keys into the ignition, and started my car. Since i had no family here, i was gonna have to settle on sleeping in a hotel. I made my way to the nearest hotel which happened to be a Holiday Inn Express.
I was gonna regret using some of the money my parents put into my account, but for now i was assed out. And i refused to ask him for anything. I didn't know how, or if i was going to make it, but i damn sure was gonna try. I had another life growing inside of me, and he/she was gonna be dependent on me. I was not going to fail, i couldn't. The love of a significant other may have died today, but love of another kind was taking place. And from here on out it was gonna be the only love i needed. 
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chocave · 7 years
If y'all on WATTPAD, go check out my story! 'The Harlem Way'. Four chapters in, double update coming next week.
User name ChocCity28! Vote, comment & share! 😊
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“Shhh don’t cry mama...don’t cry. Mommy is here.” I sang to n’t cry. Mommy is here.” I sang to Bella as I rocked her on my shoulder trying to calm her down. I glanced at the clock it was 8:30pm and Quis still wasn’t home. I thought by him working only in the shop and as a janitor, he’d be home more often but I was wrong.8:30pm and Quis still wasn’t home.
He worked as a janitor during the day and at night spent time in the shop. I think that he tended to get caught up in spending time with Keem and Marcus and would forget about baby Bella and I waiting for him at home.
I grabbed the phone and dialed his number once more but still got no answer. I sighed unsure of what to do, I had tried Keem and Marcus’ phones as well but got no response. I groaned thinking about the last person I could call and decided why the hell not. I dialed his number and waited several seconds before hearing the line connect.’
“Hello?” He said into the phone gruffly.
“Hi Caiden sorry to bother you...I was just wondering if you knew where Quis was. It’s not urgent or anything I just need some diapers and-” I was cut off by Bella beginning to cry once again and I sighed exasperated.Hi Caiden sorry to bother you...I was just wondering if you knew where Quis was. It’s not urgent or anything I just need some diapers and-” I was cut off by Bella beginning to cry once again and I sighed exasperated.
“He’s still at the shop doing stock and his phone is off. Don’t trip I’ll swing by with some diapers.” Before I could tell him it was okay he had already hung up and I stared at the phone unsure of what had just happened.
I knew how much Quis hated Caiden and I was almost positive Quis would be more than angry to know that Caiden had been to our house and had bought anything for our daughter. But I really needed the diapers
* * *
“No way! He used to have a gap when he was a kid?” I asked laughing as Caiden showed me more pictures of Quis as a kid. Quis had opened up to me about his childhood and shared some pictures with me, but none this embarrassing.
“Yeah well I should get going shorty. It’s late and I doubt Quis is gonna want to walk in and find me posted up here with you and lil mama.” He said with a dark chuckle. I nodded my head almost sad to see him go.
“Alright well thank you so much for coming by with the diapers and providing good company as well. It was much needed.” I said with a soft sigh. I felt like I hadn’t laughed this hard in forever. “I’ll let you out.”
“I’ll see you soon shorty and if you ever need anything don’t hesitate to reach out to me aigh?” He said, I nodded my head before opening the door and escorting him out. I went over to the rocker Bella was sleeping softly in and smiled to myself at how beautiful she was. She was the perfect mix of Quis and I, his complexion with my hair.
I picked her up careful not to wake her, and cuddled her up in my arms. I crawled onto the couch and laid her down on my chest. She stirred in her sleep ever so gently before curling up against my neck and I could feel her sweet breath against my skin as she snored softly in her sleep.
I woke up to the feeling of a blanket being laid across my body. I opened my eyes to see Quis standing over the both of us smiling like a fool. I reached up and cupped his face pulling his head down to mine before gently pressing my lips to his.
“Papi where you been at?” I asked him frowning as I sat up, careful once again not to wake Bella.
“I been at work mi amor.” He replied sitting on the other end of the couch. I crawled in between his legs and rested my head on his chest, keeping Bella on mine.
“I never see you anymore pa.” I said sadly turning my head so that I could look at him.
“I know but I have the weekend off so I can stay home with you and my little princess.” He replied playing gently in Bella’s curls. The way he was with her was genuinely amazing, he was so gentle and in awe of her. It melted my heart to see the two of them interact with each other.
“Good I can have you all to myself…” I murmured sleepily. The feeling I felt when the three of us were together was one that I couldn’t explain. It was the best feeling I’ve ever had and as I lay there listening to Quis’ heartbeat and feeling Bella’s on mine I couldn’t help but smile to myself.
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“Me?” I asked in disbelief.
“Him?” Caiden asked with the same amount of disbelief causing him to receive a dirty look from me to which he responded with a laugh.
“Yeah you nigga. I told you with Quis gone things were going to be different, he was my right hand man in regards to that good cop bad cop shit. Now you gotta step up and be the bad cop.” Marcus explained to me.
I licked over my lips and raised my eyebrows a bit surprised at his words. I honestly didn’t think I had what it took to be the new Quis. People saw Quis and knew that he didn’t play just like Marcus, the two of them had that look to them. I didn’t.
“You sure about that Marcus? Why not me?” Caiden asked like the thirsty nigga he was. I fought the urge to tell him to shut the fuck up. Since I got jumped almost six months ago I had a strong feeling Caiden was behind that shit. I remember seeing the car those niggas all got into and it looked suspiciously just like his. I kept that shit to myself though, not wanting to stir the pot.
“You already got too much shit going on, we’re almost close to gaining that territory and I told you once that happens you’re in charge of that. You just need to sit tight.” Marcus said waving Caiden off and shaking his head no.
“Ion know Marcus I appreciate you having faith in me and shit but ion know if I can live up to your expectations. That shit ain’t me, I’m a goofy street nigga not a thug.” I said with a hopeless shrug.
“Nah Keem I have more than faith, I know you can do it. You just gotta tap into that place inside of you.” Marcus said. The way he spoke made it seem like he had made his mind up, there was no going back I was going to be the new Quis and that was that.
“Aigh well I gotta get going, I promised Sinai I’d pick her up from work.” I said standing up and dapping up both Caiden and Marcus. Once outside I made a left down 125th and saw a group of teenage boys posted up.
“Aye nigga I like your shoes. Run them shits.” The ring leader yelled out to me. I chuckled darkly and kept it pushing, I wasn’t about to entertain these little fools.
“Yo nigga I’m serious.” He said walking up behind me and pushing me in the middle of my back. I clenched my jaw and turned around eyeing him over my shoulder.
“Aye ion want no beef man, don’t fuck with me.” I said keeping my voice low. This little nigga laughed and shook his head.
“Ion want beef either folk, I just want them shoes.” He said eyeing my sneakers. If this nigga thought he was getting my sneakers he was crazy. I licked over my licks before chuckling.
“You ain’t getting them fam.” I said tilting my head up slightly and staring him down. It felt like everything Marcus had just said to me was playing over and over in my head. “You know who I am nigga?”
“You hear this nigga?” The boy laughed to his friends before growing serious and looking at me. “Nah nigga should I?”
“Yeah you should.” I replied before reaching back and clocking him right in his jaw. Almost immediately he felt down to the ground, I drew my foot back and kicked him dead in the center of his face hearing a loud crackkkk as what I assumed was his nose broke from the impact.
“Next time you fucking see me lil nigga you better ask if you can clean my shoes.” I growled at him before dusting my shoe off. “Fucking got blood on my air forces.” I then turned and continued walking down the block towards where I parked my car.
I looked calm and collected on the outside but on the inside I was shaking. I was starting to wonder if that was a set-up to test if I could be the new Quis or if that was just a coincidence. Whatever it was it left me feeling both shaky but also like I had just taken a shot of adrenaline. I wasn’t sure if this was a good or bad thing, but I kind of liked it.
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selfish-ff · 7 years
03: One More Shot
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“Girl, my brother said this shit supposed to be jumpin’.” Dylan hyped, bouncing in the driver’s seat.
My new roommate and I were about to head out to some house party. The last time I went out was with Olivia and that was some white fraternity party. It was chill but it wasn’t really my scene. Dylan’s brother had told her that this party was over there near Ms. Keisha’s house so I knew this was about to be live. I looked up in Dylan’s rear view mirror. I checked my baby hairs and made sure nothing was in between my teeth.
“Oh shit, I almost forgot. I brought a little something. Dig in my purse and pull out the Amsterdam.” Dylan pointed down in between my legs. I did as she said and pulled out a big ass bottle of peach Amsterdam.
“You shouldn’t be riding around here with this shit, Dylan.” I frowned.
She kissed her teeth, grabbing the bottle out of my hand and taking the bottle to the head. Her face scrunched up after removing the bottle from her lips. I laughed, cause this bitch thought she was raw.
“Here, take this shit because when I get to this party I’m tryna be fucking lit.” She passed the bottle back.
I sighed, before taking the bottle to the head as well. The shit was light weight so I removed it from my lips and shrugged. I placed the bottle in between my legs, and Dylan backed out of the dorm’s parking lot.
“Them fine ass Brook brothers are about to be in this joint, and I’m tryna fuck with Jah.” Dylan admitted.
“Who are the Brook brothers?” I questioned, she looked over at me like I was crazy.
“Jahari, Dontae, and June…Girl them niggas own the hood, and are about they business. You better get hip boo.”
I rolled my eyes at her mentioning June. I didn’t know why, but I was kind of hurt that he hadn’t text me after he had insisted that I gave him my number. I sort of felt like I was some type of side chick, when I wasn’t even messing with the nigga.
“What’s that sour face for?” She lightly shoved me, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“I had a couple run ins with June, he ain’t all that.” I replied nonchalantly because I didn’t want her to know that I was interested in him. I was known to be lowkey about my personal life and I wanted to keep it that way.
She chuckled, and twisted her lips to the side.
“You a damn lie. They are definitely all of that and more.  June gotta little piece anyways.”
I was sure that the disappointment was shown on my face. I wouldn’t have thought he was messing with someone when he was all up in my face every time he sees me. But, at the same time, I should have known. Every hood nigga has a boat load of hos that they gotta keep on their team.
“Good for him…” I spoke lowly, drinking some more of the Amsterdam.
“Yeah, I want to introduce you to my brother though. I could see ya’ll vibing.”
I didn’t know how I felt about that. I had moved down here to focus on me and my future career. I didn’t want to get caught up with some nigga. That had happened to me before and I promised myself I wouldn’t let it happen again.
So, I didn’t respond to Dylan. I think she knew she wasn’t get much out of me for the rest of the ride because she turned the music back up. I took another swig out of the bottle and placed it back down in her purse. I was hoping that this night would be one for the books.
“Oh shit shorty, excuse me…” I huffed, holding on tightly to Dylan’s hand.
That was the third nigga to step on my white polished toes. The house was filled with people from the bottom level all the way to the top. People were even chest to chest crowded on the stairwell. Dylan’s brother was right, this party was the place to be.
I had walked into the house nervously. I wasn’t nervous because I had never been to a house party like this. I was nervous because I didn’t know people out here like I knew people out in Atlanta.
“We needa get some drinks from out of the kitchen…” Dylan shouted over the blaring music, tugging me forward.  
Once we made it to the kitchen, Dylan grabbed two red solo cups, and handed me one. I looked down in the cup and turned my face up. Before I could even put the cup up to my lips Dylan had already downed hers. She did a shivering dance, and watched me, waiting for me to finish mine. I hesitantly took back my cup as well. I frowned down at the cup, because I knew from the taste that it was Henny. I hated Henny.
“Don’t ever make me drink that shit again…” I spat, and she laughed.
“Girl, whatever. That’s all these niggas be having. You need to get loose, you a little uptight” I rolled my eyes, and searched around the party to see if I could find June. I needed to find someone that I was familiar with.
“Damn Dyl, who is this little fine shorty right here?” I turned back around to Dylan, to see some basketball player built dude standing beside her, cheesing down at me. He licked his lips, and swiped a hand over his fade.
“That’s my new roommate, Mali! Mali this is my brother Jordan.” Dylan tossed her cup in the trash, and went off to dance with the rest.
Jordan peered down at me with a seductive look, I rubbed my arm and chuckled. He pulled me close, trapping me in between him and the island in the middle of the kitchen. He bent his head down and sniffed around me like he was a little puppy. I couldn’t help it, I busted out laughing causing him to smile. He rested his forehead on my shoulder, and battled with laughter as well.
When he stood back up, he stared down into my eyes making me weak in the knees.
“You smell good, what’s that?” He spoke loud enough that I could hear him over the music.
“Some coconut fragrance my sister bought me, I forgot the name of it.” He nodded, and looked back at the party.
“I’m feeling your vibe shorty, and I want to get to know you. But, that’s a problem cause of all this noise. You wanna kick it in my truck?”
I wasn’t going to lie and say I wasn’t interested in getting to know him. Something about Jordan was pulling me in, so much that I decided to agree.
“Yeah, that would be cool…” We both smiled at each other before he pulled me through the party and back outside.
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“Last thing I want to do is turn out with some fucking babies!” Dontae growled, angry like always.
We had someone on our team following Jordan around. We found out that this nigga decided instead of paying what he owes us he would be out here partying. Little does he know the party is gonna end a little early tonight.
“Nigga, you were one of the first to agree that this nigga needs to disappear.”
“That didn’t mean I wanted to be helping with the disappearing act! I got other shit that I need to be dealing with.” I chuckled because I knew exactly what this nigga was talking about.
“Get out of your feelings bro. Pick one shorty and keep it pushin.” Dontae looked back at me with a mug. Here we go again.
“I’m gonna keep fucking with both. They either gonna be okay with it or they gonna be okay with it.”
“That’s some abusive shit to say, Tae.” I shook my head, and he just huffed turning back around.
“I’m feeling both though, so I couldn’t see myself choosing.”
I decided to leave the conversation at that. I knew I would have to get Dontae to understand that he couldn’t have his cake and eat it too.  But, I knew my brother.  He could only take so much criticism at a time before the nigga was bound to blow his top.
“Well, worry about all that shit after we handle this.” Jahari pulled up on the curb outside of the house party.
The party was live as fuck. We could hear the music from inside Jah’s truck. There was some good looking shorties chilling out on the lawn with some niggas I’ve seen around the way. Red solo cups all over the lawn and broken glass in the driveway from alcohol bottles.
As soon as I opened my door the smell was so loud. I smiled widely, leading the way up to the house. Everyone’s mouths were wide open, surprised to even see us show up to a function like this.  My brothers and I were real lowkey since our business was starting to expand. I couldn’t be caught dead in these little street parties when there’s money to be made.
All the bitches started flocking to us, treating us like the street royalty that we were. The niggas stepped back not saying a damn thing cause they already knew what it was.
“June, what’s up baby!” I smirked over at shorty, because I was nice when I wanted to be.
My brothers and I didn’t even have to push through the party like everybody else. They all made a path for us, parting this bitch like the red sea. I searched around to see if I could find this nigga so I could keep it pushing.
“Jahari, come here!” We looked back at shorty. Jahari walked over to her, whispering something in her ear. He was spitting his usual mack-daddy shit to her. I knew from the satisfied look on her face.  
She followed behind him as he made it back over to us.
The music stopped, and one of the little niggas that was out there selling for us stood up on the couch. I could tell the nigga was gone, the way he was rocking back and forth. I shook my head, and waited to hear what the nigga had to say.
“Ay ya’ll we got the fucking Brook brothers in this bitch! Everybody show them love!” I threw my twos up for me and my brothers while everyone made some noise for us.
We didn’t come here to party with these niggas, so we walked off while they were still going crazy.
“So, show us where your brother’s at and I’ll give you somethin in return, shorty.”
The girl chuckled stupidly.
“He’s chilling in his truck with my roommate, what ya’ll need him for?”  
“Bitch, where the fuck is the nigga!” Dontae’s inpatient ass barked at shorty, freaking her out.
She didn’t say anything else, she just walked off. I thought she was trying to run off but she had led us straight to a blue ford truck. I could see Jordan in the driver seat with a blunt to the face but because of all the cloudy smoke I couldn’t see who shorty was.
“Ya’ll better not be on some bullshit…” She spat, looking directly at Dontae. He shrugged.
I felt bad for shorty because that’s exactly what we were on, bullshit. She was about to lose someone that was close to her. At the end of the day that nigga shouldn’t be playing with his life like this. Without further conversation Dontae swung the door open. I frowned after seeing that Mali was the chick he was with in here.
“What the fuck ya’ll on?” Jordan shouted angrily, looking at all of us with a glare.
“Nah, we tryna figure out what you on bitch!” Dontae slapped the blunt out of Jordan’s mouth. It dropped down in Jordan’s lap, burning his white pants.
I couldn’t even focus on what was going on with Jordan, all my attention was on Mali.
“Aye shorty, let me holla at you…” I spoke over the commotion, and she hesitated to get out the truck but eventually did.
“What the fuck, June? That’s not a priority.” Jahari spoke up, but I ignored him and walked across the street with shorty. Them niggas could handle it without me.
“That nigga isn’t a good look…” I stood inches away from her, towering over her little frame. She looked up at me, and rolled them pretty ass eyes.
“And you are? I heard you have a whole ass girlfriend so why are you over here worried about me?” She crossed her arms to her chest, with her lips pouting out. Little mama was so fucking fine, I couldn’t help but smile. “There’s nothing to smile about, June!”
“Just looking at your cute ass makes me smile.” She blushed, and looked back at what was going on behind us. My brothers were still in Jordan’s face questioning him while his little sister was trying to be the meditator and shit. I gently pushed her attention back to me by a tap on the chin.
“Even if I did have a girl what’s that got to do with our friendship?”
“A lot actually, I’m not tryna step on anyone’s toes.” I nodded, stroking my chin hair.
“I hear you, but let me worry about my girl. I’m just tryna be a friend. I know you new out here and I wanna help with anything I can help you with.”  She shrugged, and bit down on her bottom lip. She smiled making her bottom lip pop out.
“You have my number…” She simply said before walking off to Dylan.
“I didn’t take shit from ya’ll! I put that on my fucking life!” Jordan shouted, while Dontae had a tight grip on the nigga’s collar.
“I don’t like liars, nigga!” Jahari spat, punching Jordan in the jaw making blood gush out his mouth. Dylan screamed, causing every nosy body to come out of the house.  
“Okay, niggas. This getting out of hand. Let’s go…” I said, pulling Dontae and Jahari away from Jordan.
Today was supposed to be the day Jordan met his maker. But, Dontae and Jahari were showing out which was causing a scene. We would have to catch him some other time.
“You ready? I’m outside…”
“Yeah, here I come…” Arielle replied.
There was a lot of rustling going on so I knew she was rushing to get all her shit together. I licked my lips and looked around shorty’s apartment complex. It was a nice little place away from the streets.
Since she was just now getting off her feet with this tattooing gig I would help her out with rent every once and a while.
She wanted us to get a place together but I wasn’t in the mindset to have a shorty up under me all the time, clocking all my moves. I was a very busy man that needed to be focus all the time. I knew having her around my living space would throw my game off. I was sure of it.
“Hey baby…” She greeted my lips with a kiss after sliding into my whip.
After she buckled up, I zoomed out of the parking lot. I had one hand on the wheel while the other stroked my goatee. The shit we were about to get into had me in deep thought. I mean it’s not like it was the first time, I’d taken her out here before. But, shit popped off during every visit made to this nigga.
“You sure you want to do this baby girl? We can get some breakfast then I can drop you off at work.” I peered over at her. She sighed, locking and dropping her phone into her lap.
“He’s my brother June…”  
“I don’t think you should keep visiting this nigga. Every time we go out here his ass is two seconds away from getting his shit peeled back. I don’t like the way he be talking to you.” I told her truthfully, clenching my jaw.
“I should be there for him since no one else in the family will. You love your brothers even when they talk shit to you. I love my brother even when he doesn’t treat me right because he hasn’t always been this way. Something happened to him down the line, and I want him to eventually feel comfortable enough to share that with me.”
I understood where she was coming from so I didn’t push it any further. But, that didn’t mean I was okay with him dogging my girl out. I knew I would end up checking this nigga down the line but not with his sister around.
I pulled up into the visitor parking lot of the penitentiary. I turned the car off, got out, and locked the doors after Ari got out as well. We walked up hand in and hand. I knew shorty needed all the support that she could get. Her palm was sweating but I wasn’t even tripping because I knew she was nervous. She was every trip.
We signed in as Aiden’s visitors, and the officer ushered us to the visitation room. Every time I came into this joint I would run into someone I knew. I had some family, and some street soldiers in here. I was a well-known nigga so I was bound to run into someone I know everywhere I go.
“I know this ain’t my little nigga, June!” I looked over at where the voice was coming from, I smiled big.
It was my grandmother’s brother, the nigga that helped me and my brothers jump start in the streets. I brought Arielle with me over to him. She needed to be with me during the whole time we were here. I didn’t trust none of these niggas up in here.
“What’s up man, how you holding up?” I questioned, bringing my uncle into a brotherly hug.
“Man, I’m just tryna survive. I got two more years left. You got something for the old man to do when he get out?”
“Now Unc, you know that we got something for you. If It wasn’t for you, none of this shit would be the way it is.” He nodded, and then looked over at Arielle with a knowing smile.
“Who is this young lady?” I looked over at Arielle, as she looked around nervously. I tugged her hand a little and she looked between the two of us.
“This my girl Arielle. Babe, this the uncle I was talking to you about.” She smiled wide as hell.
“It is so nice to meet you, sir. June and his brothers talk about you all the time.”
“These little niggas are my everything. Please keep this youngin’ out of trouble, honey.” She nodded, and hooked her arm around my waist. I kissed her temple.
“Arielle, I thought you were visiting my ass what the fuck you talking to that old ass bag of dust for?” I growled at the sound of that bitch nigga’s voice. I felt my temper building from the fact that this nigga was referring to my blood.
I turned around quick, about to haul off towards that nigga but Arielle pulled my arm with all her strength.
“You need to watch who the fuck you talking about, nigga! I don’t play with mine at all!” I barked to him. The guards around were walking over to us.
“Baby, calm down…” Arielle said softly, stroking my arm.
“Listen to your lady, June. I’m good, that young man gets enough shit up in here anyways.” Arielle looked at my Uncle confused. I snatched out of Arielle’s grip, and covered my face with my hands. I was trying my best not to get in this nigga’s ass.
“Arielle, I don’t think I can go over there with you today, shorty.” I looked down at her apologetically, and she pouted.
“You promised June…Please just ignore him, I can’t do this without you.” I huffed, and said okay. I said my goodbyes to my Uncle and walked over to Aiden with Arielle.
As soon as we sat down in front of him he had a smirk on his face. I wanted to shoot the shit off his face.
“How are you, Aiden?” Arielle started.
“How the fuck you think I’m doing? Don’t come in here with them stupid ass questions you be having.”
“What the fuck did I just say to your bitch ass?” I gritted through my teeth and jumped towards this nigga. He flinched, and cleared his throat,
“I’m aight, Arielle. Why you always bringing him in here when he obviously hates my ass?”
“Cause I’m her nigga, and I’m gonna always make sure she’s good. Next conversation.”
“Baby, it’s okay I can speak for myself. Thank you though…” Arielle gently rested her hand on my face. I nodded and looked around the room before giving Aiden my attention again.
Aiden rolled his eyes, and sat back in his chair.
“Mama said she’s gonna come visit you soon with Kelsey. Your baby girl is getting so big, Aiden.” Arielle cooed.
“Nah, don’t let Kelsey come in here seeing me like this. And fuck mama tell her ass that she’s dead to me. She’s the reason I’m in this bitch.” Arielle huffed, looked down at her folded hands. I tapped my foot getting even more irritated with this visit as the time went by.
“Aiden, you shot and raped your girlfriend. That’s really fucked up, and what mama did needed to be done. You need this because the shit you’ve been doing isn’t okay. I want to be on your side but you just keep fucking up. Don’t you want to do better for your daughter?” Arielle questioned with irritation in her tone.
“Man fuck this…” He spat, before pushing himself out the chair and walking back to the guard in the back. They cuffed him again, and walked him back to his cell.
Arielle was next to me bawling. I helped her stand up, and held her while we walked out the visitation room. I felt bad because shorty really put her family in the middle of her heart and nobody gave her the same love. That’s why I gave her so much love, because shorty needed that from somebody.
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I had just got out of my psychology class and was about to meet up with Dylan for lunch when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I took my phone out and smiled down at the message.
Jordan: I’m sorry about what happened the other night, them niggas always on my back. Let’s meet up for lunch tomorrow?
I typed a quick message to let him know I was down for that idea.
Jordan was a cool dude to hang with. I don’t think I could see myself dating him. He was fine and very charismatic. But, I could tell that he was one of them niggas that be fucking around. I saw that a lot of women were blowing his line up when we were in his truck . I didn’t want any parts of that.
I walked into our student union in search for Dylan.
When I saw her sitting down at one of the tables on Facetime. I walked up to the table, and sat in the chair. She moved the phone from her face.
“I think I’m about to get Chik-Fil-A…But, I’m wrapping up my conversation with Jah.” She smiled wide.
My eyes bulged out at the fact that she was chatting it up with the guy that had punched the shit out of her brother. This girl was really something else. I knew Jordan wouldn’t be happy if he knew she was chatting it up with him.
“Okay, come over later… Yeah, you can bring June.” She spoked into her earphones.
I gasped, and motioned for her to cut that idea out. She chuckled, and shook her head before saying goodbye to him.
“Why did you invite them over, Dylan?” I spoke angrily.
“He’s probably not even gonna come. Calm down. Jah was just messing around because he knew you were at the table.” I let out a breath of relief
We both got up and headed towards Chik-Fil-A. We talked a little about the classes we had today, and about some poetry event that was coming up in a couple days. Dylan swore she was going to perform, and I was excited. She had some good quality work that could be shared.
“So, you and Jah are a thing now?” I asked, while we waited for out orders. She shrugged, and smirked.
“I don’t know…I told you my goal is to fuck with him. I think I’m just gonna fuck him and boot him. Whenever I say I’m tryna do something, I’m determined to do it.”
I thought that was a silly way to think of things, because he had literally threatened her brother’s life. But, I guess not everyone thought the same about things.
“What did June say when he pulled you to the side? If his girl knew he did that she would blow up the entire city. She love’s that nigga’s dirty drawers.”
We both got our food, and headed back to the table we were sitting at before.
“He just said he wanted to show me around because he knows I’m new to the city.” Dylan busted out laughing, and started coughing from how hard she was laughing.
“That’s some head ass shit to say!” I chuckled, thinking the same thing.
“I’m not a homewrecker, so I don’t plan on starting anything with him.”
“Yeah, you don’t plan on it but things can definitely change.” I shook my head, I couldn’t see myself being a side-chick. I was aware of my self-worth and being someone’s second thought was not it.
“I doubt it…” I said lowly while I looked down at the message my sister text me asking me to watch my niece tonight. She was meeting up with some guy about opening another tattoo shop in Westlake.
I agreed, since I wasn’t doing anything else for the day.
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kvetchlandia · 4 years
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Uncredited Photographer     The Writing Staff of “Creem” Magazine (l to r... Ric Siegel, Lester Bangs, Dave Marsh, Jaan Uhelszki and .Charles Auringer)     1973
“O.K., I'm a rock critic. I also write and record music. I write poetry, fiction, straight journalism, unstraight journalism, beatnik drivel, mortifying love letters, death threats to white jazz critics signed ‘The Mau Maus of East Harlem,’ and once a year my own obituary (latest entry: ‘He was promising...’).” Lester Bangs, "An Instant Fan's Inspired Notes: You Gotta Listen" 1980
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auntynationalsblog · 5 years
5 Netflix Films for the Week, set before the 21st c.
How’s quarantine going? Yeah, same here. But it’s Monday after all, and you still have over 150 hours to kill if you’re dealing with this quarantine via a week-by-week approach. I can help you kill around 8%, 12 of those hours. Here are five must-watch films set before the twenty-first century. Don’t watch them all at once, that’s lame. 
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No spoilers. 
5.  The Revenant (1823)
Main Cast:  Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy 
“Revenge is in the Creator's hands.”
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Many of you will know of this film as the one which finally gave LDC his first Oscar, for Best Actor, at the 88th Academy Awards. Unfortunately, you would have stopped at that information and not bothered to watch the film. Released in 2015, the film is based on a novel of the same name. The definition of ‘Revenant’  is “a person who has returned, especially supposedly from the dead.” The story-line does not deviate from the title, as an American frontiersman named Hugh Glass is engulfed in a bear attack and is left for dead by his hunting crew. But he survives. And he’s fucking pissed. The novel is called The Revenant: A Novel of Revenge, and yeah, the film is pretty vengeful too. Interestingly, even though Hugh Glass was indeed a real person, and it is mostly believed that the film and novel are based on a story, there exist no writings from the man himself to verify the description of his story. His story was first published in a Philadelphia literary journal known as The Port Folio. Some say that it is no more than a legendary tale. Nevertheless, a brilliant film, don’t miss out. 
4. Before Sunrise (1994)
Only Cast (LOL): Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy
“If there's any kind of magic in this world…it must be in the attempt of understanding someone.”
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If you’re a fan of love stories/romantic films, and if you haven’t come across the Before Trilogy, I don’t know what kind of love stories you watch. Why is this film unique? In technical terms, it’s minimalist. In simple words, there’s no real plot. There’s no action or drama or horror. These two just walk and talk. Then they talk some more while walking, and when they’ve nothing to talk about, they just walk quietly. So why watch the film? For starters, it’s very peaceful and relaxing, unlike The Revenant, which is fucking intense. Secondly, the conversations in the film constitute some of the best dialogue-exchanges in the history of cinema. Their characters are very carefully crafted, as their varying perspectives on living and loving bring out some deep AF points throughout the film. It is a slow film no doubt, but I promise you that the blandness is worth it, and the ending is too nice. Don’t get bored, give the film some time and thank me later. 
3. Django Unchained (1858)
Main Cast: Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz, and Leonardo DiCaprio
“Sold! To the man with the exceptional beard and his unexceptional nigga!”
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Django Unchained is Tarantino’s highest-grossing film ever, for good reason. Although it has been criticized for historical inaccuracies, violence, and unprecedented high use of the N-word, Tarantino delivered one of the most dramatic and entertaining films from the era of plantation slavery. While the image above portrays Foxx, a slave, and LDC, a rich plantation owner, the highlight of the film was the German dentist-turned-bounty hunter, Dr. King Schultz, played by Christoph Waltz. Waltz’s performance is impeccable, only matched by his portrayal of Standartenführer Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds (also directed by Tarantino). While the film starts off with Dr. Schultz hunting for his bounties, it eventually goes on to become a rescue mission, where Django and Schultz look for the former’s estranged wife, Broomhilda von Shaft. TW; extreme cursing and racism. But the film is a work of art. In fact, Jamie Foxx has revealed that LDC was pretty uncomfortable on the set, as his character had to use extremely racial slurs. But boy, he pulled off that role brilliantly.
2. Zodiac (1969 - 1980s)
Main Cast: Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, and Robert Downey Jr.
“I wanna report a double murder. If you go one mile east on Columbus Parkway, to a public park, you'll find kids in a brown car. They were shot with a 9mm Luger. I also killed those kids last year. Goodbye.” 
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What happens when Iron Man, Hulk and Mysterio gang-up against one of America’s most notorious serial-killers? For now, I can only tell you that it was a pretty uneven contest. Based on a true story, this film depicts the useless San Francisco Police Department’s hunt for the Zodiac Killer, led by Dave Toschi (Ruffalo), and aided by political cartoonist Robert Graysmith (Gyllenhaal) and crime reporter Paul Avery (Downey). In case you’re wondering if they’re fictional characters, they’re not. They became pretty famous while the Zodiac Killer was running havoc, and have multiple articles and Wikipedia pages dedicated to all three of them. The Zodiac Killer remains unidentified by the way, and the cases are still officially open. Why watch the film then? Because the mysteriousness of it will blow your mind. Note that the film is directed by David Fincher, the same guy who directed Seven, Fight Club, Gone Girl and Mindhunter, among many other murder mysteries and thrillers. Don’t be surprised if you spend the rest of the day investigating the case yourself, happens to the best of us. 
Consolation Prize: The Irishman (1950s - 1970s)
Main (legendary) Cast: Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, and Joe Pesci
“I work hard for them when I ain't stealing from them.”
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I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking how can a film with a cast of three actors who redefined cinema in the late twentieth century earn only a consolation prize on this list? The truth is, that such crime/mafia/gangster films, no matter how legendary the cast is, only appeal to a particular audience. A lot of film buffs who truly appreciate cinema and actors are simply not enticed by this genre, which is okay. Nevertheless, this film, which spans over 200 minutes, is one of Martin Scorsese’s best works, along with other mob movies like Goodfellas and The Departed. Based on a true story, it follows the adventures of ordinary truck driver-turned-assassin Frank ‘Irishman’ Sheeran (De Niro), who gets mixed up in some extraordinary business with mobster Russell Bufalino (Pesci), his Pennsylvania crime family and American labor union leader Jimmy Hoffa (Pacino). The punchline of the film is “I heard you paint houses” - a mob code implying: I heard you murder people for money, the paint being the symbol of the blood that splatters when bullets are riddled into the target. Typical Scorsese, mesmerizing direction. The punchline is also the name of the novel the film is based on, in case you love reading about organized crime. 
1. Dallas Buyers Club (1985)
Main Cast: Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner and Jared Leto
“Sometimes, I feel I'm fighting for a life that I just ain't got the time to live. I want it all to mean something.”
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On the day of the 86th Academy Awards, Facebook and Twitter erupted in outrage. LDC had not been awarded the Oscar for Best Actor for his portrayal of  Jordan Belfort in The Wolf of Wall Street, also known as The Film You Must Never Watch With Your Family. I merely asked every hot-tempered schmucks who posted that LDC had been snubbed, “Have you watched Dallas Buyers Club?” Either the answer was no, or the answer never came. The point being, Dallas Buyers Club is one of the best films ever made. Based on the true story of Ron Woodroof, a once homophobic, junkie cowboy diagnosed with AIDS, co-starring Jared Leto (who won best supporting actor) as Rayon, a fictional trans-woman with HIV, this film tells us an extraordinary tale of friendship, hope and empathy. When Ron discovers that the Federal Drug Administration has been systematically banning cheap drugs that can improve the condition of existing HIV-AIDS patients, he opens a ‘buyers club’, that enabled sick people to make drug purchases at lower prices. Things get more interesting with the role of  Dr. Eve Saks, an AIDS doctor, who recognizes the villainous role of the state, but wants to remain within the ambit of the law. Ron’s character development might be the highlight of the film, as he transforms from a selfish, homophobic asshole to a dying man waging war against the American government, fighting for the healthcare of the underprivileged. Very few equally magnificent films have come out post Dallas Buyers Club. Don’t miss out. 
So that’s it folks. Make good use of your quarantine by immersing yourself in good quality cinema. I’ll come up with some more suggestions on films and TV shows soon enough. Till then, Netflix and Don’t Chill. 
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Sunday Edition: Books with Photos
How do you take a break? With finals around the corner and stress mounting, it is important to take care of yourself. This week’s Sunday Edition brings you books from Oberlin College Library’s collection featuring photos. In these gripping books, photographs are central to narratives of history and culture. From science fiction movies to a small town in Upstate New York, photos provide a respite from text heavy readings. Check out these books and others on the New Books Shelf in Azariah’s Cafe!
Typeset in the Future: Typography and Design in Science Fiction Movies by Dave Addey
“In Typeset in the Future, blogger and designer Dave Addey invites sci-fi movie fans on a journey through seven genre-defining classics, discovering how they create compelling visions of the future through typography and design. The book delves deep into 2001: A Space Odyssey, Star Trek: The Motion Picture, Alien, Blade Runner, Total Recall, WALL·E, and Moon, studying the design tricks and inspirations that make each film transcend mere celluloid and become a believable reality. These studies are illustrated by film stills, concept art, type specimens, and ephemera, plus original interviews with Mike Okuda (Star Trek), Paul Verhoeven (Total Recall), and Ralph Eggleston and Craig Foster (Pixar). Typeset in the Future is an obsessively geeky study of how classic sci-fi movies draw us in to their imagined worlds—and how they have come to represent “THE FUTURE” in popular culture.” -Provided by Publisher
The World Atlas of Street Fashion by Caroline Cox   
    “Since the early 20th century, city sidewalks have become runways where idiosyncratic modes of dressing are presented, consumed, and exported. Their messages include resistance, solidarity, subversion, social transformation, or musical affiliation, and a group of like-minded individuals can create a powerful sartorial force. Organized by continent and with 600 color images, The World Atlas of Street Fashion examines street style in all its global diversity. The book shows how Punk’s generic language of anarchy is redeployed in London, Berlin, Tokyo, or Jakarta and takes on the unique flavor of each. It also reveals how street style can be overtly political: the Sapeurs of Kinshasa use elegance to reframe themselves as gentlemen, and the cholo gangs of East Los Angeles took strength from the Chicano movement of the 1960s. Street style can also be obsessive, as seen here through the K-Pop enthusiasts of Seoul, who inhabit the lives of their music idols by re-creating publicity stills through elaborate cosplay. The author discusses how such scenes can develop cachet by being underground, fostering a look’s distinctiveness and integrity. Through its extensive research, striking photography, and handsome design, World Atlas of Street Fashion is the essential resource on world street style.” -Provided by Publisher
Upstate Girls: Unraveling Collar City by Brenda Kenneally
“Welcome to Troy, New York. The land where mastodon roamed, the Mohicans lived, and the Dutch settled in the seventeenth century. Troy grew from a small trading post into a jewel of the Industrial Revolution. Horseshoes, rail ties, and detachable shirt collars were made there and the middle class boomed, making Troy the fourth wealthiest city per capita in the country. Then, the factories closed, the middle class disappeared, and the downtown fell into disrepair. Troy is the home of Uncle Sam, the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the Rensselaer County Jail, the photographer Brenda Ann Kenneally, and the small group of young women, their children, lovers, and families who Kenneally has been photographing for over a decade.
Before Kenneally left Troy, her life looked a lot like the lives of these girls. With passion and profound empathy she has chronicled three generations—their love and heartbreak; their births and deaths; their struggles with poverty, with education, and with each other; and their joy.
Brenda Ann Kenneally is the Dorothea Lange of our time—her work a bridge between the people she photographs, history, and us. What began as a brief assignment for The New York Times Magazine became an eye-opening portrait of the rise and fall of the American working class, and a shockingly intimate visual history of Troy that arcs over five hundred years. Kenneally beautifully layers archival images with her own photographs and collages to depict the transformations of this quintessentially American city. The result is a profound, powerful, and intimate look at America, at poverty, at the shrinking middle class, and of people as they grow, survive, and love.” -Provided by Publisher
Unseen: Unpublished Black History from The New York Times Photo Archives by Darcy Eveleigh, Dana Canedy, Damien Cave, and Rachel L. Swarns
“It all started with Times photo editor Darcy Eveleigh discovering dozens of these photographs. She and three colleagues, Dana Canedy, Damien Cave and Rachel L. Swarns, began exploring the history behind them, and subsequently chronicling them in a series entitled Unpublished Black History, that ran in print and online editions of The Times in February 2016. It garnered 1.7 million views on The Times website and thousands of comments from readers. This book includes those photographs and many more, among them: a 27-year-old Jesse Jackson leading an anti-discrimination rally of in Chicago, Rosa Parks arriving at a Montgomery Courthouse in Alabama a candid behind-the-scenes shot of Aretha Franklin backstage at the Apollo Theater, Ralph Ellison on the streets of his Manhattan neighborhood, the firebombed home of Malcolm X, Myrlie Evans and her children at the funeral of her slain husband , Medgar, a wheelchair-bound Roy Campanella at the razing of Ebbets Field.
Were the photos--or the people in them--not deemed newsworthy enough? Did the images not arrive in time for publication? Were they pushed aside by words at an institution long known as the Gray Lady? Eveleigh, Canedy, Cave, and Swarms explore all these questions and more in this one-of-a-kind book.
UNSEEN dives deep into The Times photo archives--known as the Morgue--to showcase this extraordinary collection of photographs and the stories behind them.” -Provided by Publisher
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doomedandstoned · 6 years
British Columbian Doomers HOOPSNAKE Awaken the Snowmanmoth!
~By Billy Goate~
Concert Photos by Christian Granum
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The drum beats. The riffs engage. The Snowmanmoth is coming. Today, Squamish, British Columbia doomers HOOPSNAKE make a roaring return with perhaps their most ferocious album to date. It's been a good four years and then some since 'Curse of the White Widow' (2014) and their first big album, 'Hoopsnake (aka Knucklehead)' (2012). The scene in and around Vancouver is absolutely unstoppable right now and these dudes right here, they really know their doom.
You can feel pure animal energy radiating through every track on the new record 'Snowmanmoth' (2018). That's right; they said “MANmoth” not “mammoth.” The beast you see on the cover art (the doing of guitarist Dave Hardy, who’s done covers for all of Hoopsnake’s records to date) takes front and center with opening number, "Snowmanmoth The Abominable." We feel the tremor of earth, pause, and wonder. Something is coming.
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Just ahead of the rampaging beast is vocalist Shane Carmichael, who herald's the Manmoth as he passes through the mountains and glaciers. Shane's vocals echo through canyons and valleys with a fearsome roar. The rhythm has a tribal feel, though I confess I'm not a student of Native American music (the Squamish people are indigenous to southwestern BC, so perhaps this factors in). Drummer Oli Gagnon does a hearty job of maintaining the heartbeat of this half-man, half-mammoth monstrosity. What are his origins? We may never know, but he will henceforth and forevermore be lodged in our collective consciousness.
"We usually write about fiction," Hoopsnake tells Doomed & Stoned. "We are huge fans of science fiction and mythology, so often our songs are kind of like a sci-fi story playing out through heavy metal. The title track, 'Snowmanmoth the Abominable’ is a about a hybrid yeti-mammoth that terrorizes a village. It starts out slow and ominous but as the fear of the beast increases so does the song until the avalanche is unleashed and death is submitted."
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The beat finds a frenzied pace for the next track, "Skate And Die," and those vocals are running hot here. Loving the trills in Dave's riffslaying, too, and the overall rhythm (Shane also plays bass) is approaching High on Fire velocity. "We always write every Hoopsnake number as a full band," Shane tells me. "One member will bring a riff to the group and we rework it until we are all stoked with it. Then eventually someone will come up with where the song should go next and slowly, but surely, the next riff will come to us. We always write everything together." This would explain why everything flows so harmoniously from the word go on the new record. Shane says this approach to songwriting "makes everyone feel fully involved, but also creates an environment that is slower at producing new music, probably why we have a few years between releases."
The crowd gets loud when the band gets right Steel guitar cryin' through the night Yeah, try'n to cover up the corner fight But everything cool 'cause they's just tight
"Beer Drinkers And Hell Slayers" is pure rock 'n' roll sex, just with a hellishly heavier stomp than we've experienced elsewhere. According to Shane, this is a long overdue tribute to "that lil' ol band from Texas." You know which one: ZZ Top. The spirit of Lemmy and Malcolm Young are haunting this cover, as Shane, Dave, and Oli play like a band possessed. This is an anthem to the roughnecks, teasing us with brief toe dip into groovy stoner-doom waters midway through. Toast up a couple bottles of Pilsner Urquell (the band's drink of choice) and let's get rowdy!
"Scorpion," the album's single, kicks off the record's B-side with the start of an engine and voices (presumably the band) climb aboard their rig and set a course to cities across the Great White North. "It is about our tour van," Shane tells me. "We have had the same van since our first tour in 2010, an '87 Dodge Ram van with scorpion decals on the side. The song is a metaphor for our van, but also a jam about a scorpion hitting the road at high speeds travelling where the road takes it." A Pale Divine-style groove warms up the pistons, cylinders, drive shaft, and flywheel. We're off, fellas! Hoopsnake is a well-oiled machine. Climbing over windy mountain paths and venturing through sweeping valley floors, this is a jam for the journey, so light one up and enjoy the slow burn!
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"(H)eavy Metal" dishes up some good ol' fashioned Sabbath worship (as the name might imply), though arguably the vigorous tempo of the song would also give a nod to the New Wave of British Heavy Metal. Time for another Pilsner? Time for another Pilsner! A toast to the godfathers of metal! "Black Sabbath influenced riffs have always been a mainstay in our songs," the band tells me, "and it will once again come through on this album."
At last, we make arrive at our destination, a sludgy, stoner-doom romp called "Weedcraftian (Beat By The Odds)." It makes a fine companion to "Weedfiender General" from Hoopsnake's debut, though by contrast "Weedcraftian" seems a little more on the introspective side of a high. The band tells me the song's "about an alien race whose planet was in total disrepair, but after discovering weed the few remaining aliens realized the plant's potential for helping with intergalactic peace, so they hit the starways in search of the best weed to potentially share it with the universe and save everything from eternal doom."
Snowmanmoth was recorded by the band last November at Rain City Recorders in East Vancouver by Jesse Gander, who has produced albums by Baptists, Bison BC, and quite a few others. Jesse also did the mixing and the mastering was done by Rain City's Stu McKillop. They did a great job of capturing the action (including those gargantuan vocals), giving us a window into the seasoned musicianship and chemistry of three guys who are in it for the long haul, making Snowmanmoth a distinguished 35-minute spin.
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Doomed & Stoned is proud to bring you the full album premiere today, ahead of the Snowmanmoth release on July 30th. You can pre-order it right here. And, yes, a vinyl release is imminent, a black wax offering with a 32-page 12x12 photo book consisting of memories from the trio's first decade, as well as lyrics to all the tracks and a comic strip drawn to the lyrics of "Weedcraftian." Hoopsnake hits the road this weekend on tour across Canada with Japan's GUEVNNA (featuring former members of the band Coffins).
As Hoopsnake get revving for the next 10 years, Hoopsnake is a band whose time has come and they're more determined than ever to cast their electric spell upon the world.
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Snowmanmoth by Hoopsnake
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tidalwave-fiction · 6 years
Chapter One:Painfully Reality/Scared Determination
Chapter Inspiration: Isyss Single For The Rest Of My Life
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Zeela Armond
I'd just gotten off from working my shift at the hotel, and all i wanted was food, a hot bath, and the bed. But I'd promised my sister that we would talk, and i owe her that. Our relationship has suffered tremendously, and it was all my fault. I'd drop the ball when it came to us, and our relationship, and going through everything that I've been through with Dave, has me taking steps back, and taking the blame for my actions in the relationships that matter the most.
After all its just my parents, my sister, and myself. We are literally all we have, and I know i haven't shown them the love and respect they deserve. I knew I had enough time to change clothes, and cook, since my sister had almost a four hour drive from St. John's up here to Richmond. As i moved about the spacious hotel room, i mad a mental note to get a card to thank the hotel's manager Mr. Jerry for not only giving me a job, but up grading my room, he didn't have to do any of that.
And I was starting a new chapter in my life, so i wanted people to know that I'd appreciate the little things. As I moved about the little kitchen, I grabbed all the seasoning I would need, and began to season the ground meat I'd taken out earlier. Once I was done with that, I grabbed a small pot, and placed it on the stove. Cutting the burner on medium, I then slid over to the refrigerator, and pulled out the Velveeta cheese, closing the frig I placed the cheese on the counter, then put the seasoned meat into the pot so that I could start browning it.
Before I could move on to the next step, there was some hard rapping placed on the door. Wiping my hands on the hand towel, I shuffled over to the door, and snatched it opened. The small smile I was wearing on my face, immediately fell, as I stared at not only my sister but also my parents. Instinctively I stepped back, placing a protective hand over my stomach. "Hi," I said unsure, as they stepped inside. "My baby." Mother cooed, all ready on the verge of tears, as she pulled me into a hug. My arms wrapped around her, and I swear I didn't realize how much I missed, and needed my mother.
"Tell me whats going on, no matter what it is, it won't change how much I love you, nor will it stop me for being there for you." She told me as she broke our embrace, and with those few words, she'd managed to open the flood gates. I pulled her back into me, all I wanted right now was to cry on her shoulder, and be rocked in her arms. "Baby girl dry those eyes, and come and talk to us." My father spoke. I nodded my head at the whispered words of love, an encouragement my mother was speaking to me.
I stepped out of her embrace, and wiped my eyes, as we all shuffled over to the little living room. I took a deep sigh, before telling them the lame way that David had broken up with me. "And I'm pregnant." I stated. "Well what are your plans?" My dad asked, I took another deep breath before I spoke, "I'm gonna finish out this semester, then transfer to St. Johns." "What are you doing about money, besides what we put in your account every month?" My mother asked. "I work here at the hotel, and Mr. Jerry already said that he'll let me do a hardship transfer." "You know you are the reason why i'm not dating." My sister blurted out.
"What do you mean Zeena?" I asked her perplexed, i wasn't even mad that she'd just blurted that out. It's a habit that we picked up from our father. Zavier was a lot of things, however he didn't handle stress nor stressful situations well, and would blurt out the first thing that came to his mind, and unfortunately my sister and I inherited that trait.
"There's this boy that likes me, but I can't bring myself to date him, he plays ball and I watched how you lost yourself in Dave and I just can't take that chance." I sighed, I never intended to have my actions, have a negative effect on my sister. "Zee I don't handle change well, and when Katrina happened I lost so many friends, was placed in a new environment, first i used you, mommy, and daddy, as my crutch. Then when Dave came along he was just someone else that I used as a crutch. He understood me the same way you all did, he played ball just like I did. Instead of talking about how going through Katrina made me feel, I just clung to the people I had around me."
"And now I'm paying for it, I'm scared as hell that not only am I going to be someones mother, but that I'm also about to be a single parent, in college. Yeah I was down, and sad. Hell I still find myself crying from time to time, but a month in a half has gone by, and I've had plenty of time to think and reflect, I'm determined to make it. I have no choice but to make it, in six months I'm going to be holding my little bundle of joy. Never be afraid to live your life because of things you see other people go through, besides we are alike but we are so different. You wouldn't allow your self to get lost in a relationship." I spoke as honestly as I could.
"Baby girl hearing you speak, and the tone you used, I know you're going to be ok. It'll be hard, it won't be easy at all. But with our love and support you'll make it. I know you will I have faith in you." My father told me then smiled. "You damn right you're going to make it, hell if we have to move up here we will, we have your back all the way." My mother added as she squeezed my leg. "Don't even look towards me you know no matter what i have your back, your my only sister, carrying my only niece or nephew." Zeena said after a short pregnant pause.
I smiled as I stood to my feet to check on my meat. Picking my cooking spoon up, I stirred the meat around making sure it didn't stick to the pot. Pulling out two cans of Rotel, I opened them up, then poured them into the pot, then moved over to cutting the cheese up. "What you cooking?" My dad asked. "Rotel something quick." I stated. Before casting my eyes upon Zeena once she joined me. "You know we aren't done talking right." "I know." "Good you have us all weekend long, so I'ma let you spend some time with the parentals, but we are most definitely going to have our sister time." Zeena spoke with finality as if she was the older sibling. I smirked as i hummed as my response, letting her know I'd heard her.
My father cut on the late game ESPN was showing, while my mother sat curled up on the sofa with a book, Zeena fumbled with my phone, before Toni Braxton's Love Shoulda Brought You Home, flowed lowly through the speakers of my phone. "So are you really scared?" Zeena asked in between mumbling the words, and swaying her hips. I chortled lowly. "More like petrified but I know I'ma make it. I have to make it, I'm about to have a little person counting on me. Failure isn't an option." "This is the Zeela I know." Zee stated as she bumped my hip with hers. I simply smiled at her.
I never noticed how much I missed the little time, and things we did as a family. Us all together, put me in the mind frame of life before Katrina. Zeena and myself would give our mother a night off from cooking every week, and while we were in the kitchen cooking, my dad would be watching a game, or ESPN, while my mother sat next to him curled into his side reading, while Zee and myself, transformed into whatever singer we was listening to.
It's amazing how life's little curve balls could bring about change, and how heartbreak can bring about a will, a drive, determination that you never knew exited inside of you. As long as i had breath in my body I was going to make sure i succeed, and that I become the best mother in the whole entire world.
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helloamhere · 6 years
8, 21, 27 and 33 for the fic writer asks pls and thank youuuuuu!!! xox
Thank YOU love!! 8) Where do you take your inspiration from?
oh man allllll over. This is one of my favorite things about writing. When I’m blocked on a story I just look for other stories, usually in other media like movies (I’m a huge movie fan) or books (in different genres from the one I’m writing) or history or science or just out in the world. I think I mostly get inspiration from appreciating other people’s work especially in very different genres from my own (because I don’t have to compare myself with it, hah). Last night I was watching Mulan and dissecting all the amazing scene transitions and one liners in that movie (it’s such a tightly written Disney film…like the entire intro is amazing?! That “how many men does it take to deliver a message?” line in the middle is SO FLIPPING GOOD). Yesterday I was on this east coast beach people-watching with my girlfriend and just noticing interactions and had a scene idea. I read a machine learning paper the other day and stuck some of that shit into some of my original fiction. Stories are everywhere! 21) Tell me about another writer(s) who you admire? What is it about them that you admire?Ok how random is this going to be, but. I love Dave Barry, the humor columnist? He’s such a brilliant satirist and he was also able to sustain such a high pitch of absurdity for so long, and so vividly. My favorite thing about warmhearted satire is the way it makes you feel seen as a human, like all the small details of your life matter?? He gives me that feeling always. I still remember this bit he wrote about going to Disneyworld and how the stamps they give you at the entrance turn you into like, some kind of cow and you move forward through the line with all the other cows–it’s insanity but it also was such a great reflection on the feeling of corporate large-scale urban spaces, which is something that I think about as a social scientist, too. These individual sentences of his stuck in my mind even though I probably read them fifteen years ago. I remember this absurd bit he wrote about fitness trends, and about throwing a harp in your living room for elegance when you realize you’re going to have guests over and your place is a mess….also, like everyone who writes a solid column for years, his pacing is on point. I highly encourage reading famous newspaper columnists to learn about tight pacing. 27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?I’ve gotten more outline-y as I’ve been working a little harder on my writing. I’ve said this a few times before, I always write the end of a story before I write the middle. I need to know where they get to, what the theme is about, even if it’s not the ‘full’ end. Beyond that lately I’ve been making outlines but then not sticking to them…it’s some kind of balancing act for me between discovering what I want to write versus planning it. For much more atmospheric shorter stories I kinda just write, but for long stuff, definitely outline. E.g. for my next longfic I have the entire end scene written already as well as the really big emotional narrative climax, and I also have a few pivotal emotional turning points. I’m actually having trouble writing the beginning! 33) What’s the biggest compliment you’ve gotten?YOU have given me some that I treasure immensely!!
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I heard the door unlock and I quickly gathered my books and homework up ready to move into my room. Just as I turned to go down the hallway and into Richè’s guest room I heard my name being called.
  “Nyelle wait…” I turned around and saw Richè standing there with Marcus. I pressed my lips together forcing a smile.
  “I’ll see yall later. Hey Ny.” Marcus said, calling out to me. I waved hello to him and set my things down on the dining room table. He left just as quickly as he came leaving me and Richè alone.
  “We need to talk.” She said sighing and closing/locking the door behind her.
  “About?” I asked softly. Since our fight I hadn’t spoken to or really seen her for almost two weeks. We just moved around each other. I’d come home and find dinner cooked and in the fridge or on the stove for me. Every other morning there was money left out for me and my clothes were always washed and folded on my bed at the end of every day but that was it. There was no direct contact between us.
  “Everything. First let me say that I’m sorry for hitting you and I never should have done that. I completely overstepped my boundary.” She said to which I nodded.
  “I accept your apology Rich...I was wrong too. I shouldn’t have said what I said or taken advantage of the fact that you let me do whatever I want.” I admitted looking away guiltily. It was true, Richè was so chill that I kind of got carried away with not going to school or doing my work.
  “If you’re not happy here Nyelle just say so okay? I’d rather you live with mom and dad and be miserable there but still like me. Then to have you live with me and hate me.” She said tearing up at the mention of me hating her. I sighed and shook my head Richè was always the more sensitive one of the two of us.
  “I don’t hate you Rich. I just didn’t like that you tried to check me, but I needed to be checked. We were both wrong in some ways but I think we can move past that. Forgive me?” I asked opening my arms up for a hug. She sniffled and nodded moving forwards and giving me a super tight hug.
  “I love you sister.” She mumbled against my curls.
  “I love you too sister.” I replied with a soft giggle. “Now get off of me before the neighbors think I actually like you or something.”
  “Brat.” She laughed before letting me go. “Now let’s go get something to eat, my treat. I feel like I’ve missed out on so much.” I nodded my head and ran to my room to get my purse, happier than ever to have my sister back.
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“Aye Quis we gotta talk man.” Marcus said to me just as we had finished yet another drop. It seems like we’ve been making more and more over the last couple of weeks.
  “I gotta talk to you to my mans.” I replied reclining the passenger seat of his car and looking over at him waiting for him to speak.
  “Let me go first and then once you hear me out, tell me what you gotta say. Aigh? It’s important.” He said licking over his lips and glancing around outside before sighing. “Caiden is a snake.”
  “I could’ve told you that shit dawg.” I replied with a laugh as I shook my head to myself. I had been saying this shit since day one, and niggas was just now becoming hip to the fact? Nah.
  “Well I always knew I just had to play dumb so I wouldn’t make shit hot. This whole expanding territory shit is just a cover up plot. I’m really gunning to get this nigga eliminated and let him get his ownself caught up.” Marcus continued on speaking, I reached up and scratched my beard as I listened.
  “So you knew from jump he was a fraud, but you played it off like you ain’t know so that you could get him comfortable enough before you off his shit?” I asked trying to make sure I was comprehending properly. I laughed as he nodded. “Marcus YOU a snake!” I joked.
  “You know I ain’t no snake nigga. I’m more of an exterminator, getting rid of the snakes you feel me?”  He joked back causing us both to chuckle.
  “Wait so he was behind Keem’s jumping then?” I asked
  “Yup someone on the inside told me he was the one who organized it. He figured getting to Keem would get to us and have us paranoid and shit.” Marcus explained.
  “Punk ass motherfucker.” I muttered shaking my head before sighing. “Well I’m glad you aint really a fool. You had me worried for a minute fam, I thought I was the only one seeing this nigga.” I said shaking my head. “You know he’s been trying Richè right?”
  “What?” Marcus said frowning deeply and looking over at me. I nodded my head as if to answer his question.
  “Yeah fam, he been pushing up on her and she been shutting him down but I just thought you should know.” I responded licking over my lips and glancing out the window as the car grew silent.
  “That’s crazy imma have to talk to her. But anyways what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” He asked me. I twisted my lips to the side as I thought about how I was gonna tell him. I then figured I might as well just spit it out.
  “I’m thinking about quitting Marcus.” I said before turning to him and watching his reaction trying to get a sense of what exactly he was feeling.
  “Qutting?” Was all he said.
  “Yeah quitting. I’m thinking about taking a step back and getting a legitimate job to support Dej and my son. This shit is getting to risky, especially with niggas like Caiden in the game.” I explained sighing as I spoke. “I have a family to look out for my nigga, this street shit lasts but it’s not guaranteed I will. Supposed I had been the one that got jumped? What would you tell Dej? My son? This shit isn’t a game Marcus.”
  “I hear you Quis but you don’t have to quit. There’s other shit you could do, we could find other shit for you to do. You’re my brother man and this is a family business, we could work with you. You don’t have to quit though.” He said but I wasn’t sure how I felt. I wasn’t sure if I wanted this shit anymore.
  “Ion know Marcus, I could stay at the shop and work there. But the drops and stuff? Ion want no parts in that anymore. No illegal shit for me. I’m about to be somebody’s father, that’s not the kind of world I want to bring my seed in. A world where I’m a drug-dealer and a thug. That shit will ruin my family, you saw what happened to Dej. She would never admit it but when I leave at night she cries, because she doesn’t know if I’m going to come back. Ion wanna put my family through that anymore man.”
  “Nah I respect it Quis. You don’t have to drops anymore or anything that puts your family at risk, you can stay at the shop. Just know that you’ll always be associated with that lifestyle though, it doesn’t go away just because you want it to. Niggas are gonna test you, especially once they find out you’re out the game. You’re a legend fam.” Marcus said shaking his head.
  “Well when it comes to that we’ll deal with it.” I replied coolly. He wasn’t saying anything I didn’t already know or think about. All he was doing was making me realize how important it was for me to get out of this shit.
  “Well it’s looking like this was our last drop together.” He said sadly holding his fist out to me. I dapped him up and chuckled darkly.
  “It’s been a pleasure doing business with you my brother.” I replied.
  “Aigh well let’s get you home to your family, don’t want Dej up worried about you.” He joked.
  “Yeah she’ll be happy I’m home early.” I said as he pulled off. The car ride back to my place was a silent one. Not silent in a bad way, but it was definitely a significant silence.
  “Quis man?” Marcus said as parked outside my house.
  “I’m proud of you man. Do the right thing for all of us that can’t.” He said. I nodded in response staring straight ahead at the moon above us.
“I got you.” I said before dapping him up once more and climbing out of the car, heading upstairs to my family.
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literarygoon · 5 years
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Charlie Demers started off telling jokes. 
The Quebecois stand-up comedian, who is known for his fierce political activism, could easily make his living performing all over North America, appearing on radio broadcasts and providing voices for animated series. But over the course of the last decade he’s also made a name for himself as a writer, producing both creative non-fiction and fiction. His latest offering is something of a departure, as he kicks off a Vancouver-based mystery series.
Literary Goon reached out to Charlie to chat about what it’s like to conjure Vancouver on the page, how his love of The Sopranos informed the work, and the peculiarities of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).
LG: Your new book Primary Obsessions centers around issues of mental health, which is something I know you’ve been passionate about over the years. Having suffered through a few mental health crises of my own, I’ve been able to see firsthand some of the ways the system fails to adequately treat people or reach them where they’re at. In the write-up for your book it says you’re a long-term cognitive behavioural therapy patient, so I wonder how your real-life experiences informed the narrative. Is there a political element to your prose? Are you trying to make a point?
CD: Dr. Annick Boudreau, the hero of the new series — I’ve very happy to have signed with Douglas & McIntyre for at least two books starring the character — is a fictionalized version of the cognitive behavioural therapist whom I’ve been seeing for more than fifteen years, sometimes regularly, sometimes for the psychological equivalent of touch-up work. 
I mean, she’s very heavily fictionalized; symbolically I separated them from each other, in my own mind, by giving Annick a crewcut on the very first page, whereas in real life my doctor has never cut her hair. That was my signal to myself that, whatever I borrowed from my doctor for my detective, just like Chesterton used his real priest for Father Brown, Annick was a fictional character for whom I had to be free to imagine into backstories and misadventures and mistakes that my own therapist would never have anything to do with. But it is, to a certain extent, a tribute to her and a thank you — I remember listening to a poet talk once about what a unique relationship a long-term patient-therapist relationship is, and it’s so true; it’s this in some ways tremendously intimate and absolutely trusting relationship with someone you know for years, who you feel like you sort of owe your happiness and maybe even your life to, but you don’t know when their birthday is or their partner’s name or whatever. 
When I first started seeing my doctor, it was as an outgrowth of treatment that began as part of free clinical trials at a university, and that treatment, which saved my life (either kept me from taking it, or made it something other than just sheer torture) was free, and it was at a time when I didn’t have a cent to my name, I mean absolutely nothing, and knowing how many versions of me are out there right now, at this crucial point in their psychological development in their early 20s, and they can’t access the kind of treatment that saved my life, it just murders me. Psychiatry is fine for certain things and for certain people, absolutely — and I have had good experiences, and bad ones, with meds. But for OCD, it’s cognitive-behavioural therapy. I mean, in my experience, for sure. 
And that should be part of universal health care. I don’t know how saliently that point comes through, though, in the novel, at least this first instalment. If there’s a politics at play here, I think it’s probably less to do with bread and butter stuff like that, and more to do with the flattening effect of the Internet. In this story, Annick Boudreau is drawn into an investigation to save her patient because she knows things that other people don’t know, even though they think they do.
LG: I’ve never met anyone who is as passionate about The Sopranos as you are. I read your moving tribute to James Gandolfini when he died, and couldn’t agree more that David Chase’s depiction of the realities of talk therapy was ground-breaking in a covert way. People thought they were watching a show about gangsters, but they were really watching a show about mental health. With this book steeped in a crime milieu in the same way, would you say that your goals align with his?
CD: If David Chase is Stevie Wonder, I’m a ringtone of dogs barking “Jingle Bells”. Even thinking of comparing my book to The Sopranos feels like comparing Brueghel’s “Landscape With the Fall of Icarus” to a calendar from the mechanic’s because they both hang on walls. I’m perfectly happy to have written what I think is a fun, smart, and from a certain angle even possibly a little enlightening detective story in the fish-out-of-water tradition. There’s a whiff of gangster underworld in this book, and there’ll be a lot more of it in the second one. 
LG: One of your main characters has been diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, which is often mis-portrayed in popular media. (I’m thinking about the Academy Award-winning Jack Nicholson flick As Good As It Gets.) As it happens, your hero Dr. Annick Boudreau sets out to help him but quickly realizes that doctor-patient confidentiality creates a roadblock where she can’t speak to the authorities. Most people think of doctor-patient confidentiality as a positive thing, but it sounds like you’re exploring it’s unexpected down-sides. Did you have an experience that clued you into this conundrum?
CD: There were bits of As Good As It Gets that showed some of the real agony of certain strains of OCD, but it definitely slotted into the broader cultural misunderstanding of OCD as meaning “super finicky” or “very particular.” The initialism itself, OCD, has been almost completely stripped of its descriptive power, since in common speech it’s almost always used to mean someone keeps a clean house or likes things a certain way — though usually if you say ‘obsessive-compulsive disorder,’ people know you mean an actual, clinical diagnosis. 
The patient in the novel has the kind of OCD that I have (though I should say, thanks to the real life “Dr. Boudreau,” have mostly put behind me), which is called primary obsessions OCD, and involves repeated, unwanted, intrusive and disturbing thoughts. Heavy on the ‘O,’ a bit lighter on the ‘C,’ although the thoughts can cause so much emotional pain, anxiety, and even trauma that very complex, time-consuming, and exhausting compulsions and rituals develop to “deal with” or neutralize them. It’s not so much that there’s a down-side to doctor-patient confidentiality, which is a sacred and absolutely essential norm — but there are particular legal strategies to bringing in a defendant’s psychologist, and trying to include their insights. And in this case, Dr. Boudreau’s patient’s shame — which I can say, from experience, is debilitating to the point of paralysis until you’re pretty well into your treatment — becomes an obstacle to his own well-being. 
LG: I grew up just outside of Vancouver, but rarely got the chance to see it portrayed in fiction. Though it’s used by countless film crews, it’s always disguised as some other American metropolis. Recently I read The Plague by Kevin Chong, and I was fascinated to see how his portrayal overlapped with my own experiences, and also how it diverged from them. When you set out to conjure Vancouver on the page, what were your priorities for setting the scene? Which aspects of Vancouver were crucial to capture?
CD: One of the things I love about the detective genre is the way it’s so, so often and unapologetically about the worst and best things about the cities in which the stories are set. I’m a huge fan of the late Andrea Camilleri, and his Detective Montalbano books, and as you read about his “Vigàta,” in Siciliy, you really can’t tell if this place is Heaven or Hell. So I was very unsubtle about splashing as much Vancouver on everything as I could. 
One of the nice things about having a psychologist for a protagonist is that she’s rich, so I could realistically give her access to every part of Vancouver, without any particular anxiety about it. But unlike Dave Wakeland, my pal Sam Wiebe’s private eye, she didn’t grow up here — Annick is an Acadian from Halifax, so Vancouver’s not in her bones like it’s in mine, or Dave’s, or Sam’s. Sam’s incredible books are already doing the work of capturing the city’s loss of soul, and it felt stupid for me to try to ape that, and so I kind of mostly went with a lights-and-make-up Vancouver. Any East Sider will recognize many barely-disguised eateries and for sure there’s some inevitable urban grit, but I also went with the Pan Pacific lounge and Coal Harbour condos because hey, fuck it, it’s fiction. 
The Literary Goon
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selfish-ff · 7 years
02: FEAR
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I looked at my ass in my body length mirror. I smiled and placed my hands on my knees before popping the cheeks. I laughed at myself and twirled in the mirror to take in the romper I was wearing. It was my favorite thing to wear during the fall, spring, and summer. Not only did it have my ass jumping, but the titties were popping too.
You could consider me slim thick, a coke bottle figure to die for. I had ass and titties, but my tummy was tight thanks to my daily morning workouts.  I had an addiction to tattoos after getting my first, so I was covered in them. Many may say I was full of myself, but I just knew I was a dime. No one could tell me differently.
“…and all my bitches with the shits!” blared through-out my bedroom. I looked back at my phone to see that my best friend was calling.
“What’s up, Kay?” I answered, combing my fingers through my hair.
“You ready girl? I’m heading over there now.”
“Yeah, just honk when you’re outside.”
She agreed before we both hung up. I made my way into my walk-in closet. I slipped into my Michael Kors sandals, and grabbed the matching purse, both gifts from June. I bit down on my bottom lip just from the thought of him. He had a lock on my heart with his initials on it.
Sometimes I swore I had more love for June than I had for myself. It wasn’t just an attraction when it came to June, it was so much more. He had been with me through so much, and we have built a bond that would make it hard for me to ever let go.
June was almost perfect in my eyes, the only problem I had with him was his commitment issues. I could tell that he had love for me and may even be in love with me. But, he still has had the urge to fuck around on me through the years we’ve been together. I was fully aware of the lifestyle that he lived by but that shouldn’t excuse him from being faithful to me. He wouldn’t even agree that we should live together, and I know it’s cause he’s fucking around on me still. He claims he hasn’t but I find it hard to believe because of the past. One thing I was sure I knew about June was that he wasn’t a liar so I should trust in him.
Kayla honking outside snapped me out of my thoughts. I grabbed my keys off my night stand before rushing out my front door. I locked it behind me and headed over to my girl’s Lexus that Dontae had bought her. Dontae was more like Kayla’s sponsor than a boyfriend. They didn’t really do relationship type shit, like dates and staying the night at each other’s places. Dontae would just drop some cash on my girl and they would fuck. I knew it killed Kayla inside because she really wanted to be with Dontae exclusively.
“I’m gonna kill this nigga, Ari.” Kayla greeted soon after I got comfortable in the passenger seat.
“What did he do now?” I chuckled, and she sent a glare my way.
“I think he’s fucking with Kenya!” She whined, and my eyes bulged.
“Our boss?!” She nodded. I let out a harsh breath while pinching the bridge of my nose. “What happened for you to think this is going on?”
“Trixie sent me a picture of her leaving his place.”
I wanted to laugh at how neighbors could never mind their damn business. But, I was in utter shock that my best friend and boss were sharing the same nigga.
“Maybe, it’s not that…Maybe she hooked him up with an in-home tattoo or something. Have you talked to him since you found out?” She shook her head, and I noticed her eyes began to water.
“I don’t understand why this nigga keeps treating me this way. I haven’t done anything but ride for this nigga and love him. I wish Dontae was like June. Ya’ll are relationship goals.” She cried.
I kissed my teeth and rolled my eyes at her seeing my relationship as an example.
“June is not a saint, he used to and maybe still is messing around on me…” Kayla looked over at me with a ‘you know damn well he’s not fucking around’ look. I wish I was confident enough to say that I didn’t think he was.
“Well if you don’t appreciate him, pass him over this way.” Kayla joked. I shoved her making the car swerve a little.
“Only in your dreams, that’s my baby.” I cheesed. We pulled up to tattoo shop and I knew Kayla’s mood had gone back downhill by the look on her face. “Are you gonna be okay, Kay?”
She nodded, we both stepped out of her car. After walking around the car, I brought her to my side hugging her close. She wiped her eyes and smiled. My best friend was strong and I knew it would only take some time for her to realize her self-worth.
Just as we were about to step up to the tattoo shop the door swung open, and out came Dontae. He smiled at me showing off his gold bottoms. Then looked over at red faced crying Kayla, he frowned and walked up to her.
“What’s wrong with you?” She shook her head side to side instead of speaking up on how she felt.
“You need to talk to him Kayla…” I whispered to her, and she huffed out of annoyance.
“Can you tell Kenya and Libya I’ll be in there in 15?” I nodded, and went into the shop giving them their privacy.
“Good Morning, Ari.” Mali, the new receptionist greeted me. I smiled and walked up to the reception desk. She was a cute little something, and looked just like the both of her sisters. I had only known her for about a week and she was already my favorite out of the sisters. She was a sweetheart, and I found myself easily conversing with her every morning.
“I saw that photo you posted. I was weak as hell. You need to get a new roommate!” she nodded in agreement.
“Ten steps ahead of you girl, I already applied to switch rooms. I have never lived in such a pigsty before in my life. Feeling like I need to be walking around here oinking.” We both laughed.
“What are you doing for lunch?” I grabbed a mint out of the candy bowl.
“I’m actually meeting with someone for lunch, but we can do lunch tomorrow?” I stuck my thumb up and winked at her.
“Sounds like a date. Has my client arrived yet?”
“Yes boo. Come up here and talk to me whenever you’re free it’s get boring just sitting here.” She pouted like an infant, it didn’t help that the girl already had a baby face.
“Girl, you know I got you…” We shared our signature handshake before I headed back to get to work.
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I promised my sister that I would pick up my niece and bring her back to the shop. So, here I was parked outside of my niece’s baby sitter’s house. I grabbed my phone out the cup holder, and hopped out of my fixed car.
“Damn baby, how you doin’ today?” I glanced back at the group of boys hanging out on the porch across the street. I waved and smiled.
I knocked on Ms. Keisha’s door, and looked around at the neighborhood to see everyone on the block outside enjoying the nice weather.  
“You always coming around here with them little booty shorts on, come on in baby.” Ms. Keisha opened her door wide enough so I could walk in.
“Good afternoon to you too, Ms. Keisha.” I chuckled, she shooed me off.
We walked further into her house, pass the living room and into the kitchen. I showed off a toothy grin when I saw my niece, and she did the same when she saw me. She hopped out her chair with crumbs falling off her dress. She ran right into my open arms. I picked her up, kissing all over her smooth caramel face.
“Auntie missed her baby so much…” I squealed, hugging her tight to my body.
“Missed you!” She kissed me on the cheek, and hooked her arms around my neck. “Where’s mommy?” She frowned, with a pout.
“You’re gonna have lunch with auntie, then we’re gonna see mommy, okay?” She nodded excitedly. “Thank you, Ms. Keisha. Libya said next time she drops Lei off she’ll pass you the check.”
Ms. Keisha nodded, and rushed us out before the other kids started crying for their family. I hiked Leilani on my side as I scurried to my car. I opened the back door and buckled Leilani into her booster seat.
“Ayo, Mali!”
I stood up alarmed. I didn’t know that many people out here, and not many people knew me out here. I also knew not many people out here had the same name as me.  
The person that the deep-toned voice belonged to jogged across the street over to me. Butterflies began to flutter in my tummy. I quickly patted down my hair and smoothed out my clothes, making sure nothing looked out of place.
June smiled seductively as he took in every inch of me. He bit down on his bottom lip and shook his head.
“You out here tryna get these niggas attention, shorty?” He teased.
I shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. Once again, I was nervous and shy around this man, he probably was thinking I was a fucking mute. I chuckled at my thoughts, causing him to show off his dimpled smile.  
“That was cute. Why you never talking to a nigga? I scare you or some shit?”
Not only did this man scare me, but he also made me leak like a faucet. He was so fine and so damn assertive that it turned me on.
“No, I’m just tired.” I lied. He laughed, knowing damn well I wasn’t telling the truth.
“What you out here doing?” He furrowed his eyebrows. He looked around at all the niggas on the block while stroking his beard before looking back down at me.
I stepped to the side so he could see my baby niece in the backseat playing with the iPod Touch my sister bought her young ass.  I shut the back door, and opened the driver’s door.
“Ms. Keisha…” he said to himself. “So, shorty gotta little shorty. Where’s baby girl’s daddy?”
“Her dad’s dead, and this isn’t my daughter. This is my niece.”
He stuffed his hands in his denim jean pockets.
“What you out here doing?” I mocked. He threw his head back and laughed.
“I’m just out here handling business, always. But check this, let me get your number just in case you have problems with your car again.” He licked his juicy ass lips, and smirked. This was one sneaky mutherfucker.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea. I’m just trying to focus on school. I’m not trying to date, fuck, or chill.” June nodded, and poked his whole ass head in the car.
“Hey, sweetheart.” He spoke to Leilani. Leilani gleamed, and waved. “You think your auntie should give me a chance?”
Leilani switched up to the other team and started nodding. I rolled my eyes, and looked back up at June. He had this knowing smirk on his face.
“TiTi, he so cute!” Leilani chuckled. I was through with her trading ass.
“Okay, I’ll give you my number but don’t think that means I’m interested in whatever it is your trying to pursue. I just like making my niece happy.” I shut my door, and rolled down my window. I read my number out to him, and rolled my window back up without waiting for a response. He tapped the hood of my car, and blew me a kiss. I shot him a head nod, then drove off to meet up with Mama Betsy for lunch.
Leilani and I walked into Red Lobster hand in hand. She was cheesing hard because this was her favorite restaurant.
“Good Afternoon, how many do we have today?” The hostess greeted.
“Actually, we’re here with Ms. Betsy.” She nodded, and then led the way to where Mama Betsy was sitting.
When mama Betsy watched me and Leilani walk up to the table her face brightened. She hugged me and then picked up Leilani, holding her tight.
“I didn’t know you were bringing a little treat with you, Mali.” Mama Betsy smiled, referring to Leilani.
“Yeah, I’m heading back to my sisters’ tattoo shop after we leave here to take her to her mom.” I responded, slipping into the booth across from Mama. She sat back in her booth with Leilani in her lap like she was a baby.
I bet my niece was loving all this attention. She knew damn well she wasn’t getting babied like this from her mom nor her aunties.
The waitress came to the table, giving mama her drink and jotting down my drink then Leilani’s. When she walked off Leilani grabbed her crayons and began coloring on the coloring page they gave her.
“So, this precious thang is one of your sisters?” Mama Betsy questioned, and I nodded.
“Yeah, my sister had her back when we lived in Atlanta.”
“How old is she if you don’t mind me asking?”
“She’s about to turn four in a month. Our little baby turning into a big baby.” I pouted, remembering when Leilani was born.
“Time flies, speaking of time how is school?” Leilani squirmed out of Mama Betsy’s lap, and sat beside her. She sucked her bottom lip in and focused on her coloring.
“Everything’s good but my roommate situation.” Mama Betsy laughed.
“I knew that wouldn’t last long honey. I know someone you could room with. The roommate she had already dropped out.” I arched my brow, encouraging her to give more information. “Her name is Dylan, this is her first year too.”
“How do you know her?”
“Her grandmother is my bestie, girl! Back in the day me and her grandma used to pop it on these very streets.” I chuckled, and shook my head at how silly Mama Betsy was.
“I’m actually very interested, I need to move out as soon as possible.” She nodded in agreement.
The waitress came back, dropping off our drinks. She wrote down our orders and asked if we needed anything else. I made sure to remind her to bring out another basket of their hot cheddar biscuits. They were my favorite thing about this restaurant.
“I’ll call her grandmother up tonight to see if her room is still available.”
“How long have you lived in Cleveland?” I asked, while pulling apart a biscuit.
“Oh child, for years. I stopped counting the years a long time ago.”
“You have three grandsons only?” I stuffed the half of the biscuit into my mouth, then took a sip of my water. Mama Betsy tilted her head and smirked.
“No, I actually have four. I have three grandsons from my son, and one grandson from my daughter. You’ve met June…Then there’s Dontae, Jahari, and Chris. They all are knuckleheaded little boys.” She laughed, and shook her head. “I’d do anything for them boys though.” I smiled.
“I actually saw June today…” I felt the need to say.
“Now I love my grandsons, but I want you to be careful baby. They all aren’t the best when it comes to dealing with women. I could tell the first time I met you that you would have a kind and caring soul. By you reaching out to me for lunch and the conversation that we are having I can tell that I was right. This being said, I wouldn’t want anyone to tarnish the glow that you have baby.”
I nibbled on my bottom lip, not knowing what to say in return. I mean I thought June was fine as hell, but I knew he wouldn’t be good for me. I don’t even think I ever had the thought to pursue anything with him. I just saw it as a crush that I wanted to keep to myself.
“I understand, Mama Betsy…”
“Just call me Mama, honey.” She grabbed a hold of my hand, and squeezed it tight. The warmth of her skin made it seem like everything would be alright. “Now, let’s talk about these sisters you have and their shop you said?”
“Yeah, both of my sisters run a tattoo shop downtown. You should come in one day and check it out. I’m the receptionist there until I can find a job in connection to the field I’m studying.” I spoke excitedly. Mama Betsy chuckled, making me frown.
“What’s funny?”
“Nothing baby, you’re just so passionate about everything. I adore that about you. I never asked, but what are you studying?” The frown fell, and a smile lifted back on my face.
“Early childhood education, I want to be a kindergarten teacher.” I cheesed just from the thought of having my own classroom and the impact that I’ll place on so many children. I couldn’t wait.
“That’s fitting. You’ll be a great teacher…” Mama gently replied.
Our waitress came over with our meals. We all ate like we hadn’t ate for days. The food was so good. Leilani ended up dropping a lot of alfredo sauce on her jean dress. I went to the bathroom and changed her in a t-shirt and her sweat shorts. After we finished eating Mama promised to get in contact with me about Dylan. We talked little about meeting up again before we went our separate ways. I played Leilani’s favorite Beyoncé album, B’ Day, and headed back to the tattoo shop.
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“Told yo ass you were about to get caught up in some shit…” I laughed. Dontae glared over at me, before walking off towards the warehouse.
“Stop messing with that nigga before he throws the iron hammer to yo dome.” Jahari goofed. I laughed with that nigga and we both followed behind Dontae.
The lights were off in the warehouse. I frowned, and looked around confusingly. This nigga Chris was supposed to already be here for our meeting. I wanted to get this shit over with, I was tryna hit Ari up on some late-night shit after this.
“Fuck all that shit you niggas are talking about, where the fuck is this nigga Chris?” Dontae barked with his grumpy ass.
“I’ll call that nigga, last time I heard from him he was leaving some class.” Jahari reminded us.
I had completely forgot that our cousin was enrolled into CSU. We had all got our business degrees except for this nigga so we pushed him into getting the shit done. He wanted to build up his own little lounge downtown but with that he needed to learn about the ins and outs of having a business.
“Yo, tell Arielle to stop getting into my shorty’s head, aight?” Dontae spoke, while we waited for Jahari to come back with news about Chris’s whereabouts.
I looked at this nigga Dontae like he had lost his damn mind. He knew damn well I didn’t get involved with all his messy shit, including the advice my girl gives her best friend about them. I didn’t give two fucks about no grown man’s dealings with some females.
“Man, Dontae get the fuck away from me with that stupid shit.” I gritted threw my teeth.
Dontae’s ass decided to step to me, cracking his knuckles and shit like he was about to do some shit. I arched my eyebrows, and clenched my jaw.
“Nigga, you better back the fuck up. I ain’t scared of yo jolly giant ass.”
With that being said, this nigga actually decided to throw one, I dodged that bitch and hit him with a two piece. Dontae groaned, then growled and tackled my ass on the dirty ass ground. We were tussling on the ground until our younger brother and cousin came in, pulling us apart.
“What is wrong with you niggas? Get in the fucking office!” Jahari spoke angrily. Jahari was the funny one out of all of us but when he got mad, he was the worse to deal with.
I huffed while stomping to the office. Even though Dontae was my brother he really had me fucked up. He was really letting these girls get in his head. He needed to chill the fuck out before I got our father involved in this shit.
“Why ya’ll going at it?” Chris coolly questioned. He was the calmest out of all of us.
“This punk nigga mad because both his bitches know about each other. No more pussy for this nigga.” I laughed, and Dontae lunged for me.
“Dontae sit your hotheaded ass down. We don’t have time for them female games tonight. Tonight, is about business, calm the fuck down!” Jahari shoved Dontae back down in his seat. Dontae sent me the meanest glare he could muster before he smoothed out his clothes and cleared his throat.
“So, I checked all the numbers last night, every single business is running smoothly except for our streets.” Chris informed. “Chelsea, the trap over closer to Mama’s was running low this week and I have a feeling it’s that nigga Jordan.”
I sighed deeply, sinking further down in my chair. I knew damn well it was that nigga Jordan, he thought since he sold the most out all our soldiers he should get some kind of raise. This nigga has been caught slipping into our cash more than once. In my opinion it was time to off this nigga. Jahari and Chris swore that if we killed that nigga we would be losing a lot of money. But, we were already losing a lot of money with this nigga dipping his hand into our shit.
“I know this nigga ya’ll favorite, but I’m about to piss in this nigga’s cereal.” I flat out admitted, and they all knew what I meant. I was gonna ruin this nigga life, by ending it.
“I’m with June, ya’ll niggas be letting this nigga slide with every fucking thing.” Dontae agreed.
That was one thing about us. Even though we may argue and fight at the end of the day we were brothers. So, we would always have each other’s backs.
“I actually agree with ya’ll…fool me once, shame on you…fool me twice, shame on me…POW!” Jahari made the gun motion with his hand. I smiled approvingly, this nigga finally agreed with us instead of Chris.
Chris sighed and shrugged.
“I’m with ya’ll on this, surprisingly.”
We talked some more about a plan to off Jordan. We knew the nigga had a sister that was enrolled into CSU. We had no idea where this nigga lived. We never knew when the nigga showed up at the trap to work or nothing. Our best bet was to get our information on his sister and make a little visit. Shorty would easily give us information about her brother cause I guess her grandmother used to run deep with Mama Betsy.
Niggas stay getting way too comfortable.  It was time for us to snap these niggas back into their places.
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kelmcdonald · 7 years
A Year in Review 2017
New Post has been published on http://sorcery101.net/news/a-year-in-review-2017/
A Year in Review 2017
Hi everyone,
So it’s the end of the year. I have been looking back over the year to make my goals for next year. Last year I posted my goals on Patreon for the highest backer level. It’s a level that no one ever backed at. I don’t know if the price was too high or just general lack of interest. But I liked writing those posts so as long as I have time, I think I’ll start posted some edited versions of them free on my site each month. Before I started doing that I thought I’d post a public behind the scenes wrap up.
2017 was rough and exhausting. That’s true for a lot of people.
I tried to stick to my professional and personal goals anyway. I also tried a few experiments to see how things would work out.
Last year, I had a few business/income related goals. I wanted to focus on building my Patreon, my newsletter, and my store. I wanted to get rid of ads and do less cons. Ads are ugly and hard to track down bad ones. Cons I want to do less of because they are exhausting to me. I don’t think I’ve ever got creative burn out but I definitely get hussle/promo burn out. It’s been taking me longer and longer to recover from cons. So anywhere that I can get money which isn’t from cons if great.
A lot of my site redesign was to push those things.
My newletter is I think the most successful of those goals. I got a good few hundred folks signing up from my website and a bunch of folks signing up after my kickstarter. Next year I’m gonna try to focus on making it better. I few people asked for highlights from the blog here as well as promo. But I’m still taking suggestions if anyone wants to leave them in the comic. Right now it’s just promo but if I don’t have promo that month I end up not knowing what to write.
The shop getting pushed more, I think it did better than last year but I haven’t crunched the numbers yet.
Patreon didn’t go very well this year. I wanted to get more patrons there to mostly get rid of ads. I ended up making less money on patreon than before. I used to charge weekly and thought switching to monthly would help get more people on board, but I never ended up attracting enough people to make up for the difference. I tired a few different things like business posts like this one, sketch requests, and streams. At first I was posting my early comics in a big PDF but then was told more frequent posts get peoples attention more. I also tried to post more art on there. None of those really enticed people to jump on. I don’t know if people just don’t like my stuff. If I’m just not cut out for promoting a long term thing rather just doing a focused push for one big project. Either way I’m feeling pretty discouraged and after last weeks debacle with the fee change is leaving me kinda sour on Patreon. In 2018 I’m gonna try to focus on other stuff that might pay off more.
I was looking for more work from publishers and companies in 2017 too. Or more working smarter not harder with companies. That didn’t pay off in 2017 but it get me some cool stuff lined up for 2018.
But for now it looks like I’m gonna still be hitting up 10 or more cons a year.
On the somewhat creative goal and somewhat personal, I spent a lot of of this year making sure I kept up with my comic reading. It can be easy to not keep up with reading new comics and know what is out there when you are busy trying to make comics. I buy most of my comics at conventions but I got an ipad pro to be a portable digital drawing tool so I’ve been reading a lot of manga on that. But here’s some high stuff I really enjoyed and will probably write about on my blog over the coarse of next year. I read them this year but they didn’t all come out this year. The webcomics I’m just gonna link cause they are free to read but I usually just read the print collections when it comes to webcomics. So when I say I read them this year I mean the print collection.
Wilde Life by Pascalle Lepas 
Agents of the Realm by Mildred Louis
The Meek by Der-shing Helmer
Feywinds by Nicole Chartrand
Check Please by Ngozi Ukazu
O Human Star by Blue Delliquanti
A Silent Voice by Yoshitoki Ōima which is about a guy trying to get forgiveness from the deaf girl he bullied in elementary school. It’s very intense and grips with complicated questions about who gets forgiven and who decides who gets that forgiveness.
Monstress by Marijorie liu and  Sana Takeda. It’s a fantasy epic that is set in a matriarchal setting where magical humanoid creatures and sorceresses are at war. The main character is trying to learn more about an elder god type thing that has taken over her arm. It’s gorgeous and complicated and female focused. This might be my favorite comic right now.
Fun Family by Ben Frisch. I picked this up because I went to college which Ben. Fun Family is a fictional behind the scenes of Family Circus. It kinda odd but I liked it because it explores how a simple wholesome comic like Family Circus can be comforting when your home life is falling apart.
Dragon Ball by Akira Toriyama. I don’t got to tell you all what Dragon Ball is about. But I read it for the first time and really liked it. I had only seen the anime before this. It was interesting to see the source material. I thought it was a lot of fun.
Parasyte by Hitoshi Iwaki. Most anime fans know about this one too but again I read it this year. For you none anime fans alien parasites take over human hosts and replace their heads. The main character gets his hand taken over instead and he has to work with the parasite to hide from both humans and parasites. It’s an interesting mix of body horror and exploring morality.
My Hero Academia by Kohei Horikoshi. It’s about a superhero school in world where more people have superpowers and being a superhero is partly being a celebrity and partly a government job.
Space Battle Lunch Time by Natalie Riess. It’s about a cooking reality tv show in space. I was a lot of fun and very cute. It does a good job of having multiple rounds of cooking contests without getting repetitive. The main character is super charming.
Moonlighters by Katie Schenkel and Cal Moray. An all ages comic about werewolves doing magical odd jobs on their college campus.
Soupy Leave Home by Cecil Castellucci and Jose Pimenta. I picked this up because I introduced Cecil and Jose to each other. Their book is really good. It’s about a girl who disguises herself as a boy so she can run away to ride the rails as a hobo during the great depression. It’s bitter sweet and does an excellent job showing the relationship build between Soupy and her mentor on the rails.
I also liked Castoffs by MK Reed, Brain Smith, and Molly Ostertag and Letters for Lucardo by Noora Heikkilä but those both are only at volume 1 and I feel like the stuff that I’ll really want to talk about will probably happen in volume 2. My reading list is organized shortest to longest and so some have been on there for awhile. For 2018 far it’s:
As the Crow Flies by Melanie Gilman
Not Drunk Enough by Tess Stone
The Fifth Beatle by Vivek Tiwary, Kyle Baker, and Andrew C. Robinson
Vattu vol 2 by Evan Dahm
The Last Halloween by Abby Howard
East of West year 2 by Jonathan Hichman and Nick Dragotta
Drive by Dave Kellet
The Less than Epic Adventures of TJ and Amal by EK Weaver
I Am Hero by Shinsuke Sato
If you all got recommendations I’m open to em. I think it’s important to read comic if you want to improve. So while I am gearing up for my next big project I wanted to make sure knew what was out there. I have been writing about them on Patreon but I’m gonna start posting them publicly. Writing about the stuff I like is just to help me articulate what I’m looking for in stories and be more deliberate in the future. I’m intentionally not reading Marvel and DC though. So if you suggest stuff from them I’ll probably pass.
And then here are more general personal goals and experiments.
I got really unhealthy while working on Misfits of Avalon because juggling two comics isn’t super smart when when has a hard deadline. There were a few months while working on it where I basically drank ALL THE REDBULL to finish on time. I also gained 20 lbs while working on it. So a lot of 2017 was me trying to undo the damage caused by overworking.
I don’t pay a lot of attention to my weight and mostly noticed because I got faced with the choice of lose weight or buy new clothes. Excising takes more work but is cheaper. So I started biking 3 times a week and used the biking version of couch to 5k to improve. I mostly stuck with it because MK Reed was my biking buddy. We fell off a few times when con season got hectic. Then because of con season I tried to think of something that is easier to do while away. So in October after all my cons were done I gave jogging a try. I wanted to die and my throat was closing up. I couldn’t finish even half of what couch to 5k tells you to do the first day. I thought maybe I’d improve. But after no improvement for a month I went to the doctor. Turns out my lungs are all fucked up and I just didn’t know it because that was how I always breathed. Doctor gave me an inhaler which helped with running so now I can completely the first day of the program, but my none running breathing is still not as good as it should be. So I just got a different inhaler that is supposed to help with that. Otherwise I might have some expensive medical tests coming up. So fingers crossed that everything is fine.
I also tried to do some push ups at the beginning of the year. I started by doing them off my counter and then moved lower to the arm rest of my couch. But I was apparently doing them wrong so I never successfully got to doing push ups off the floor. Building muscle strength might be something I need more help with than cardio.
And while running sucks honestly the hardest thing to do was fix how bad my caffeine addiction got. I mentioned above that I drank a lot of Redbull when Misfit of Avalon deadlines got tight. Well, when I went to C2E2 last year, the time it took me to wake up, go to the airport, fly to Chicago, and get to where I was staying gave me a withdrawal headache. So less than 24 hours. I still had 2-3 months of work to do on Misfits but I made a self note that this is a problem I needed to deal with once finished. So I turned in my pages that June. Then I quit caffeine cold turkey because I’m very bad at cutting back on things. It was a miserable two weeks. But by the time SDCC rolled around I could get through a con day with only one cup (as opposed to like 6 cups).
So for health stuff in 2018, I’m gonna try to keep up the jogging and biking. Figure out what is up with my lungs. And try to get help on the upper body strength that I am lacking.
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aion-rsa · 7 years
Dark Horse Comics’ July 2017 Solicitations
Dark Horse has provided CBR with covers and solicit information for products shipping in July 2017. When you’re through checking out these solicitations, be sure to visit CBR’s Indie Comics Forum and discuss these Dark Horse releases with fellow readers.
Dark Horse Solicitations – Last Six Months
Product shipping June 2017
Product shipping May 2017
Product shipping April 2017
Product shipping March 2017
Product shipping February 2017
Product shipping January 2017
Aliens: Dead Orbit #4 (of 4)
James Stokoe (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
With one last gambit aboard the space station, Wascylewski finds himself ambushed by two more deadly xenomorphs that will stop at nothing until he’s dead.
The conclusion to Orc Stain creator James Stokoe’s thrilling and claustrophobic Aliens story!
Aliens: Defiance Volume 2 TP
Brian Wood (W), Stephen Thompson (A), Tony Brescini (A), Eduardo Francisco (A), Dan Jackson (C), and Massimo Carnevale (Cover)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 152 pages • $19.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Colonial Marine Private First Class Zula Hendricks is AWOL and on a mission to prove her mettle by eradicating the Alien species. She must battle with xenomorphs, fend off space pirates, and elude the insidious Weyland-Yutani corporation that wants their freighter back, all while facing rehabilitation from an old war injury.
Collects Aliens: Defiance #7–#12.
American Gods: Shadows #5
Neil Gaiman (W), P. Craig Russell (W/A), Scott Hampton (A/C), Glenn Fabry (Cover), and David Mack (Variant cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Strange things continue to plague Shadow and Wednesday as their mad American road trip takes them all the way to a surreal roadside attraction, the House on the Rock, where they encounter Mr. Nancy and the world’s largest carousel!
The Hugo, Bram Stoker, Locus, World Fantasy, and Nebula award–winning novel and upcoming Starz television series by Neil Gaiman is adapted as a comic series for the first time!
A Starz TV show!
“Russell’s lyrical layouts bring Gaiman’s visual, vivid prose to life like no other artist.”—Comic Book Resources
Angel Season 11 #7
Featuring Angelus and Darla!
Corinna Bechko (W), Zé Carlos (A), Michelle Madsen (C), Scott Fischer (Cover), and Stephanie Hans (Variant cover)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
On a ship filled with zombies, pirates, and a plague of zombie-creating beetles, Angel is torn between saving his past evil self—to save his own future—and making sure that the ship he is on never reaches land.
“If the past is haunting Angel, there’s no telling where this story can go, but I’m eager to see where. The story is intriguing and the art top notch.”—SciFiPulse
Art of Over the Garden Wall HC & Ltd. Ed. HC
Sean Edgar (W) and Patrick McHale (W)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 184 pages • $39.99 • HC, 10” x 11”
FC, 184 pages • $49.99 • Ltd. Ed. HC, 10” x 11”
Venture into the Unknown! A complete tour through the development and production of the hit animated miniseries Over the Garden Wall, this volume contains hundreds of pieces of concept art and sketches, and a comprehensive look at the show’s breathtaking production art. Also includes commentary from creators Patrick McHale and Nick Cross, interviews with the cast and crew, and more!
Never-before-seen sketches and a comprehensive look at the production art behind the multiple-award-winning show!
Limited to 1, 000 copies Worldwide.
The Art of Rick and Morty HC
James Siciliano (W), Justin Roiland (P), James McDermott (P), Jason Boesch (P), Carlos Ortega (P), and Andrew DeLange (P)
On sale Sept 12
FC, 224 pages • $39.99 • HC, 9” x 12”
The animated science-fiction adventures seen in Rick and Morty are irreverent, shocking, and hilarious—from the cynical and rapid-fire one-liners to the grotesque and endearing character designs. Now, take a deep transdimensional dive into the creation of these many insane universes with The Art of Rick and Morty!
Exclusive never-before-seen concept and production art from the making of the hit animated series!
Bankshot #2 (of 5)
Alex de Campi (W), ChrisCross (A/Cover), and Snakebite Cortez (C)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Marcus King was shot in the back, paralyzed, and left for dead. But fate, a beautiful woman, and science intervened. Now King has returned, better than ever, on a mission to take down the most dangerous adversary from his past: the Dutchman. Spies! Intrigue! Betrayal!
Written by Eisner nominee Alex de Campi (Archie vs. Predator).
Art by ChrisCross (Convergence: Justice League of America).
The Black Beetle: Kara Bocek HC
Francesco Francavilla (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 6
FC, 56 pages • $14.99 • HC, 7” x 10”
The masked American hero ventures to the Middle East incognito (as Tom Sawyer) to fight Nazis in pursuit of a mysterious object of terrible power—a weapon of unknown origin, older than the pyramids, which could fuel the Thousand-Year Reich of Hitler’s dreams.
This story originally appeared in Dark Horse Presents #28-#32.
Afterlife with Archie cocreator returns to his acclaimed original series!
Black Hammer #11
Jeff Lemire (W/Variant cover), Dean Ormston (A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
He was born into the Red Tribes of Mars. He walked the streets of Spiral City as a police officer by day, vigilante hero by night. And now he’s trapped in the sleepy-but-sinister Rockwood. In each of these places, Barbalien has been an outsider. He’s never felt at home. Maybe, in the end, home is not a location . . . it’s something to find in other people.
B.P.R.D.: The Devil You Know #1
Mike Mignola (W/Variant cover), Scott Allie (W), Laurence Campbell (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Duncan Fegredo (Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Before they were vanquished by the BPRD, Lovecraftian monsters created a Hell on Earth. Now Liz Sherman leads a crew through monster-infested ruins on the most important rescue mission of her life. As society tries to rebuild, strange cults vie for influence, and a demon emerges to lead the way . . .
Briggs Land: Lone Wolves #2 (of 6)
Brian Wood (W), Mack Chater (A), Lee Loughridge (C), Matthew Woodson (Cover), and Fiona Staples (Variant cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
When Isaac Briggs went overseas to war, he shed his quiet, reserved personality for something fiercer and far more nationalist than the rest of his family are prepared to deal with.
Brian Wood’s critically acclaimed series returns for its next chapter in an even more relevant postelection America.
Briggs Land is currently in development for a television series at AMC TV!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 11 #9
Christos Gage (W), Georges Jeanty (P/Variant cover), Dexter Vines (I/Variant cover), Dan Jackson (C), and Steve Morris (Cover)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
The great escape is underway as Buffy, Faith, and Willow infiltrate headquarters at the Safe Zone. Everything and everyone they expected to stop their mission is in the way. The question is, can two powerless girls and one Slayer succeed with these ridiculous odds? Elsewhere: unexpected vampire complications . . .
Featuring everyone’s favorite “bad” Slayer, Faith Lehane!
“Any Buffy fan is going to be stoked about this new series, Season 11, and a new story arc of awesomeness!”—ComicWow!TV
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus: Season 8 Volume 1 TP
Joss Whedon (W), Brian K. Vaughan (W), Drew Goddard (W), Jeph Loeb (W), Georges Jeanty (P), Karl Moline (P), Paul Lee (P), Cliff Richards (P), Andy Owens (I), Dave Stewart (C), Michelle Madsen (C), and Jo Chen (Cover)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 592 pages • $24.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Series creator Joss Whedon brought Buffy the Vampire Slayer back to life with this comics-only follow-up to Season 7 of the television show. Aptly named Season 8, these comics are the official sequel to Buffy and continue where the live-action series left off with the Slayer, her friends, and their ongoing challenge to fight the forces of darkness.
This oversized omnibus edition is one of two volumes that will contain the entirety of Season 8. Contains Buffy Season 8 Library Edition Volumes 1–2 (excluding sketchbook materials), all series covers (Buffy Season 8 #1–#20), the Willow one-shot Goddesses and Monsters, and the “Always Darkest” short from MySpace Dark Horse Presents #24.
A New York Times bestseller!
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Big Bads & Monsters Adult Coloring Book TP
Karl Moline (A/Cover), Georges Jeanty (A), Pablo Churin (A), Yishan Li (A), Newsha Ghasemi (A), Stephen Byrne (A), and others
On sale Sept 6
b&w, 96 pages • $14.99 • TP, 10” x 10”
Demons, horror, and fantasy fill these original illustrations based on Joss Whedon’s cult-classic television series. Inside this volume focused on their greatest foes, you’ll find heroes Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Giles fighting to save the world from the likes of the Master, Angelus, Spike, Drusilla, and other supernatural beasts and beings. Features forty-five original black-and-white illustrations.
Celebrating the twentieth anniversary of Joss Whedon’s cult-classic television series!
Colder Omnibus TP
Paul Tobin (W) and Juan Ferreyra (A/Cover)
On sale Sept 27
FC, 424 pages • $24.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Declan Thomas, the former patient of an insane asylum that was destroyed in a fire, has the strange ability to step inside a person’s madness—and sometimes cure it. He hopes to one day cure his own, but time is running out, as a demonic predator pursues him.
Collects the entire Colder series.
Written by Eisner Award winner Paul Tobin (Bandette)!
Art by Green Arrow’s Juan Ferreyra!
“A fantastically twisted comic that uses horror elements brilliantly to create a suspenseful tale absolutely worth reading.”—Graphic Policy
Dark Horse Comics/DC Comics: Mask TP
Various (W/A)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 256 pages • $24.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
Grifter and the Mask team up and face off against smugglers at a Las Vegas weapons show. After destroying a planet, the Mask has a bounty on his head and Lobo hot on his tail in a mind-bending, time-twisting showdown between madmen. And last but not least, the Joker stumbles upon the mask, which inspires a new superpowered reign for the Clown Prince of Crime!
This volume collects Grifter/The Mask #1–#2, Lobo vs. the Mask #1–#2, and Joker/Mask #1–#4.
Collects never-before-reprinted material.
The Dark North HC
Martin Dunelind (W), Peter Bergting (A), Henrik Pettersson (A), Joakim Ericsson (A), Magnus Olsson (A), and Lukas Thelin (A/Cover)
On sale Sept 27
FC, 232 pages • $34.99 • HC, 9” x 11”
Originally crowdfunded in 2015, this illustrated prose/art book fusion features five unique tales ranging from Norse mythology to science fiction. The Dark North showcases artwork by Scandinavia’s leading illustrators and concept artists Peter Bergting, Henrik Pettersson, Joakim Ericsson, Magnus Olsson, and Lukas Thelin, prose by Martin Dunelind, and a foreword by author and filmmaker Clive Barker!
Foreword by Clive Barker!
Featuring artwork by Baltimore artist Peter Bergting, as well as popular game artists Henrik Pettersson, Magnus Olsson, Joakim Ericsson, and Lukas Thelin!
Dept. H #16
Matt Kindt (W/A/Cover) and Sharlene Kindt (C)
On sale July 19
FC, 28 pages • $3.99 • Ongoing
Looking into Hari Hardy’s past, it’s clear that Mia’s father’s long history has made him the author of his own destruction, and perhaps Mia’s as well. Meanwhile, some of the Dept. H crew appear to be going insane, for they feel compelled to aid a sea turtle older than time . . . and it demands to be worshiped?
Dragon Age: Knight Errant #3 (of 5)
Nunzio DeFilippis (W), Christina Weir (W), Fernando Heinz Furukawa (A), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Sachin Teng (Cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
With Varric’s help, Vaea sets out on a rescue mission for the Inquisition. After dodging societal niceties with the stuffy prince Sebastian and the even stuffier Seneschal Granger, Vaea catches up to her quarry . . . only to discover the mission will be far from that simple!
Empowered Deluxe Edition Volume 3 HC
Adam Warren (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 13
b&w, 704 pages • $59.99 • HC, 6 1/2″ x 9”
Prepare your puny intellect for wonders awe-inspiring, comedy gut-busting, and images steamy within Adam Warren’s Empowered Deluxe Edition Volume 3. Collected within its vast confines are Empowered Volumes 7, 8, and 9 plus a priceless hoard of unpublished artwork, author’s notes, and arcane wisdom both illuminating and terrifying to behold!
Hardcover edition, 704 pages, limited to initial printing only!
2017 marks the tenth anniversary of Empowered!
The End League Library Edition HC
Rick Remender (W), Mat Broome (A), Eric Canete (A/Cover), Sean Parsons (A), Ashley MacDonald (A), Wendy Broome (C), Matthew Wilson (C), and Naomi Baker (C)
On sale Sept 20
FC, 248 pages • $39.99 • HC, 8″ x 12”
The genre-bending New York Times bestseller is now available in a deluxe oversized format! A thematic merging of The Lord of the Rings and Watchmen, The End League follows the last remaining superheroes on Earth as they embark on a desperate quest to find the one artifact that can save humanity—the Hammer of Thor. Superstar writer Rick Remender (Fear Agent, Tokyo Ghost) is joined by comics legends Mat Broome (X-Men, Batman) and Eric Canete (Iron Man, Martian Manhunter) on a perilous journey to save the world!
Collects all nine issues of the series.
Oversize library format matches the best-selling Fear Agent library editions!
Game of Thrones Jon Snow “Battle of the Bastards” Limited Edition Bust
On sale Aug 23 • Measures 6” from base to the top of his head, plus sword extension • $89.99
The pulse-pounding climax of the most recent HBO season of Game of Thrones was the “Battle of the Bastards,” where Jon Snow faces off in a life-or-death struggle with evil Ramsay Bolton—considered one of the most ambitious and elaborately choreographed battles ever staged for filmed entertainment. A key moment is when Jon prepares for his last stand by drawing his sword Longclaw and facing the Bolton army seemingly alone. This is the moment sculptor Dave Cortes and his studio capture.
This prepainted bust measures 6” from the base to the top of his head, plus sword extension. Edition size TBD at press time. Full-color deluxe packaging with a certificate of authenticity.
Groo: Play of the Gods #1 (of 4)
The return of Groo!
Sergio Aragonés (W/A/Cover), Mark Evanier (W), John Ercek (C), and Tom Luth (C)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Shakespeare wrote, “The play’s the thing.” Or was that Nathan Lane? Either way, the play matters, whether you be man or god . . . or even Groo.
In this, the first installment in the newest Groo miniseries (which is continued from the last Groo miniseries), the stupidest hero in the comic book shop finds himself in a new village . . . a village where you pray to the proper god or you pray for your life. And even the other gods know that they are all players. It’s from the award-winning team of Sergio Aragonés and Mark Evanier, with lettering by Stan Sakai, coloring by Tom Luth, and a running commentary by the gods above.
The all-star team returns: Sergio Aragonés, Mark Evanier, Tom Luth, and Stan Sakai.
Eisner and Harvey Award–winning creators and an Eisner Award–winning title!
Halo: UNSC Vulture Limited Edition Ship Replica
On sale Aug 9
6” limited edition • $49.99
The UNSC Vulture, also known as the AC-220 Gunship, is a heavy gunship used by the United Nations Space Command during the early years of the Human-Covenant War. The premier aerial combat vehicle for extended air-to-ground battles, the Vulture was originally produced to combat the rebel threat during the early years of the Insurrection.
The Vulture is heavily featured in the hit game Halo Wars 2, and now you can own this beautifully detailed polyresin, limited edition 6” replica. Includes display base. Limited edition of 2,000.
Hard Boiled HC (Second Edition)
Eisner Award Winner!
Frank Miller (W), Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), and Dave Stewart (C)
On sale Sept 13
FC, 136 pages • $19.99 • HC, 8” x 12”
Carl Seltz is a suburban insurance investigator, a loving husband, and a devoted father. Nixon is a berserk, homicidal tax collector racking up mind-boggling body counts in a diseased urban slaughterhouse. Unit Four is the ultimate robot killing machine—and the last hope of the future’s enslaved mechanical servants. And they’re all the same psychotic entity.
From comic masters Geof Darrow and Frank Miller!
Recolored by Dave Stewart!
Collected in hardcover for the first time ever!
Joe Golem: Occult Detective—The Outer Dark #3 (of 3)
Mike Mignola (W), Christopher Golden (W), Patric Reynolds (A), Dave Stewart (C), and Dave Palumbo (Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Joe discovers that the supernatural voices driving men insane may have roots in another dimension, and Church takes matters into his own hands when Lori starts to ask too many questions.
“Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden are a heck of a team, and Patric Reynolds continues to complement them perfectly by bringing unique worlds to life stunningly with his art.”—Big Comic Page
Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact TP
The fight for Earth’s future!
Matt Mair Lowery (W) and Cassie Anderson (A/Cover)
On sale Sept 6
FC, 192 pages • $12.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
In the wake of an alien invasion—and her father’s death—a young girl must fight for the future of Earth. Aided by a shape-shifting rebel alien posing as her father, the unlikely pair bond, fight back, and ponder what it means to be human. The powers of choice, courage, and unity are examined in Lifeformed: Cleo Makes Contact, an unforgettable debut work from creators Matt Mair Lowery and Cassie Anderson.
The first work by up-and-coming creators Matt Mair Lowery and Cassie Anderson!
Young adult sci-fi adventure starring a relatable, endearing young heroine.
Mass Effect: Andromeda—Tempest Silver Finish Limited-Edition Ship Replica
On sale July 19
8”, limited edition silver ship • $49.99
Mass Effect: Andromeda is a hit, and the new Tempest ship is key to the intergalactic exploring experience. Long and sleek, the new design is an instant classic.
Our 8” replica is also a hit, so we are offering collectors a special silver-colored, metal-plated limited edition. Approximately 8” long, this collector piece captures all the detail of the regular edition. Only 1,000 will be produced for worldwide distribution.
Mass Effect: Discovery #3 (of 4)
John Dombrow (W), Jeremy Barlow (W), Gabriel Guzmán (A/Cover), Michael Atiyeh (C), and Kate Niemczyk (Variant cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Following a lead to the lawless space station Omega, Tiran Kandros is closer than ever to uncovering the Andromeda Initiative’s biggest secret. Unfortunately, so is the deadly Agent Zeta! In a story that ties in to the highly anticipated Mass Effect: Andromeda game, writers John Dombrow and Jeremy Barlow and artist Gabriel Guzmán team up to create the next exciting chapter of the Mass Effect comics series!
From Eisner Award–nominated writer Jeremy Barlow!
Direct tie-in with Mass Effect: Andromeda for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!
Misfits of Avalon Volume 3: The Future in the Wind TP
Kel McDonald (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 27
b&w, 216 pages • $14.99 • TP, 6” x 9”
Smart-mouthed teens Elsie, Kimber, Morgan, and Rae have enough to handle with magical rings, talking dogs, and faeries, but when they discover that the knight they’ve been battling for Excalibur is a familiar face with a mission of his own, they must get to the bottom of the real intentions behind the quest they were given.
Mister X: The Modern Age TP
Dean Motter (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 20
FC, 368 pages • $29.99 • TP, 7” x 10”
In the retrofuturistic metropolis of Radiant City, its mysterious creator, Mister X, must protect the city and its residents from the architecture of the city itself, which poses a danger to all those within it! Collecting every Mister X comic published by Dark Horse Comics, this trade includes Condemned, Excavations, and Razed, along with never-before-seen behind-the-scenes material!
All of Dark Horse’s Mister X material collected in an affordable paperback!
A great jumping-on point to the classic series!
Moebius Library: The Art of Edena HC
Moebius (W/A/Cover)
On sale Sept 20
FC, 176 pages • $34.99 • HC, 8” x 10”
A companion volume to the critically acclaimed and New York Times best-selling World of Edena graphic novel, Moebius Library: The Art of Edena collects four fantastic Edena-related short stories and a mother lode of Moebius illustrations. A celebration of the imagery of Edena and the creative enthusiasm Moebius held for his Edena universe, this volume collects the short stories “Seeing Naples,” “Another Planet,” “The Repairmen,” and “Dying to See Naples,” as Moebius explores his imagination with Stel and Atan, two of his favorite characters.
Out-of-print stories and hard-to-find images—collected in an affordable hardcover!
The second volume in Dark Horse’s Moebius Library series!
“Glowingly illustrated in the elegant clear-line art and rich colors for which Moebius is justly revered, the book careens spectacularly through science fiction, fantasy, allegory, pop psychology, and psychedelia.”—Publishers Weekly
The Once and Future Queen #5 (of 5)
Adam P. Knave (W), D.J. Kirkbride (W), and Nickolas Brokenshire (A/Cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Enemies are revealed and plans are set in motion as the Fae go to war! Can Rani, Gwen, Lance, and Merlin save humanity? And even if they do . . . at what cost?
“Fun, upbeat, and Wonderfully diverse.” —Big Comic Page
Predator: Hunters #3 (of 5)
Chris Warner (W), Francisco Ruiz Velasco (A/Variant cover), and Doug Wheatley (Cover)
On sale July 5
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Contact! The assault team encounters the Predator at night on the tropical island! First blood goes to the alien hunter, but ten-to-one odds and machine guns favor the humans . . . unless there’s something about their quarry they don’t know!
Rebels: These Free and Independent States #5 (of 8)
Brian Wood (W), Andrea Mutti (A), Lauren Affe (C), and Matthew Taylor (Cover)
On sale July 26
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
As a veteran of the War of Independence, Seth Abbott retired to his Vermont cabin and lived a quiet life. When his son John returns from the War of 1812 to a bustling, vibrant America that’s finally found its place in the world, what awaits him?
“Gutsy, well-written and with solid artwork, it is the first part of a grounded historical tale that will elevate the literary value of anyone’s pull list.”—Word of the Nerd
Shadows on the Grave #6 (of 8)
Richard Corben (W/A/Cover)
On sale July 12
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
A hunter becomes the hunted when he ventures into restricted woods, but the nature of his adversary is truly terrifying. Recurring dreams haunt a man every year around his birthday. And Denaeus surprises his enemy, the king, when he reappears with an offer to help.
“There’s also something about Corben’s distinctive artwork that’s inherently unnerving, from the grotesquely exaggerated facial features to his tense, claustrophobic panels and layouts.”—Big Comic Page
The Shaolin Cowboy: Who’ll Stop the Reign? #4 (of 4)
Geof Darrow (W/A/Cover), Dave Stewart (C), and Genndy Tartakovsky (Variant cover)
On sale July 19
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
Bullets, claws, and fists fly when the evil congress of King Crab and the Revengers play their final trump card and attempt to pass a ban on the Shaolin Cowboy, who filibusters heads in the most dogged way possible. Who has the stronger constitution? Find out in issue #4!!!!!!
Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book Volume 2—Where No Man Has Gone Before TP
Juann Cabal (A), Will Conrad (A), Gabriel Guzmán (A/Cover), and Derlis Santacruz (A)
On sale Sept 13
b&w, 96 pages • $14.99 • TP, 10” x 10”
The coloring voyage continues with Star Trek: The Original Series Adult Coloring Book—Where No Man Has Gone Before. This beautifully illustrated volume features all-new, stunningly detailed black-and-white images from seasons 2 and 3 of the iconic sixties television show. Printed on high-quality stock, each illustration offers an array of diverse details to color as faithfully or as wildly as you choose and is single sided to avoid unsightly bleed-though. This is a must-have collectible for Star Trek fans throughout the galaxy!
Forty-five brand-new black-and-white images from the second and third seasons of the classic science-fiction series!
Zodiac Starforce: Cries of the Fire Prince #1 (of 4)
Zodiac Starforce returns!
Kevin Panetta (W), Paulina Ganucheau (A/Cover), and Jen Bartel (Variant cover)
On sale July 5
FC, 32 pages • $3.99 • Miniseries
An elite group of teenage girls with magical powers have sworn to protect our planet against dark creatures . . . as long as they can get out of class! Known as the Zodiac Starforce, these high-school girls aren’t just combating math tests—they’re also battling monsters!
After defeating a former ZS member and her mean-girl minions, the girls thought they’d get a little break! But a new big bad’s come out to play, and demons are starting to overrun the downtown!
The post Dark Horse Comics’ July 2017 Solicitations appeared first on CBR.
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