#david mccord
shkatzchen · 7 months
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"Mr. Macklin takes his knife And carves the yellow pumpkin face: Three holes bring eyes and nose to life, The mouth has thirteen teeth in place. Then Mr. Macklin just for fun Transfers the corn-cob pipe from his Wry mouth to Jack’s, and everyone Dies laughing! O what fun it is Till Mr. Macklin draws the shade And lights the candle in Jack’s skull. Then all the inside dark is made As spooky and as horrorful As Halloween, and creepy crawl The shadows on the tool-house floor, With Jack’s face dancing on the wall. O Mr. Macklin! where's the door?" ~David McCord
Happy Halloween!
May your day be full of wonderful tricks and treats; starting with this lovely jack o'lantern trio, ready to light up the night! I couldn't help but go back to naming things for poems for this one. There's simply too many wonderful Halloween poems to resist.
Mr. Macklin's Jack O'Lanterns come in twelve swatches and are base game compatible. They also work off the grid, since they're supposed to be lit by candles.
Download from SimFileShare here.
Made with S4S.
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araekniarchive · 2 years
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Nick Gordon
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Arthur Cleveland Coxe, Halloween; a Romaunt, with Lays, Meditative and Devotional (full text) 
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The Nightmare Before Christmas (1993) dir. Harry Selick
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Carolyn McCullough, Once a Witch
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William Shakespeare, Macbeth
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David McCord, Mr Macklin’s Jack O’Lantern
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Ava Dellaira, Love Letters to the Dead
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Eleanor Estes, The Witch Family
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whats-in-a-sentence · 5 months
David McCord
I like to walk
And hear the black crows talk.
I like to lie
And watch crows sail the sky.
I like the crow
That wants the wind to blow:
I like the one
That thinks the wind is fun.
I like to see
Crows spilling from a tree,
And try to find
The top crow left behind.
I like to hear
Crows caw that spring is near.
I like the great
Wild clamor of crow hate
Three farms away
When owls are out by day.
I like the slow
Tired homeward-flying crow;
I like the sight
Of crows for my good night.
"Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pickle... And Other Modern Verse" - compiled by Stephen Dunning, Edward Lueders, and Hugh Smith
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ultraozzie3000 · 1 year
And Now We Are Nine
Above: It took a few issues for the editors to sort out regular features and their order of appearance. The opening section of Issue No. 1 featured the famous Rea Irvin masthead that would introduce “The Talk of Town” for many issues to come. In Issue No. 1, however, “Of All Things” appeared first under the masthead, followed by “The Talk of the Town." Let us hope the magazine restores the…
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likeafantasy · 1 year
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FROM (2022-) — 2.08 Forest for the Trees
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alvariearmy · 1 year
Not something I expected to appreciate so much, but…
I really like that From does not rely on killing off major characters for shock value or to fill in for a weak plot. Yes, characters die, and yes, major characters have died. But despite it being a horror show, shockingly few major characters have ended up dead. And I love that about this show. The fear that your favorite character might die next episode is always present, but it uses the tension of that possibility to build up the plot, rather than just taking the easy route and killing off half the cast each season until you only recognize three people.
I guess I’ve gotten so used to shows that are so eager to kill off their characters for shock value that seeing a show rely on actual writing and horror techniques is… amazing to me. But it is something that I really enjoy, and it makes it so much more impactful when major characters do end up dying.
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pierreism · 8 months
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The Damned Don't Cry, 1950. dir. Vincent Sherman
Cinematography by Ted McCord.
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thisnoisemademe · 4 months
Shamelessly be who we are and let all the broken pieces shine.
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FROM - Recensione della prima stagione
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From, nuova serie del palinsesto MGM e creata da John Griffin, è uno dei prodotti più interessanti del momento, che offre al pubblico un oscuro ed intrigante mistero... 
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justinchatwinonline · 2 months
Showbiz Direct va lansa ‘Reagan’ în Statele Unite
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Veşti bune despre următorul film în a cărui distribuţie apare şi Justin. Reagan, filmul biografic cu Dennis Quaid în rolul celui de-al 40-lea preşedinte al Statelor Unite ale Americii tocmai ce a fost preluat pentru distribuţie în America de Nord de ShowBiz Direct.
Reagan este lansarea cu care debutează studioul recent lansat, pelicula urmând să intre în cinematografe pe 30 august 2024. Nu se ştie dacă filmul va ajunge şi în România.
Pelicula urmărește traiectoria unui băiat de pe drumurile prăfuite din Dixon, Illinois, cariera de actor la Hollywood, președinția Statelor Unite și scena mondială.
Povestea lui Ronald Reagan ne este descrisă de agentul KGB Viktor Petrovich (personaj fictiv bazat pe indivizi reali) care l-a urmărit îndeaproape pe Reagan încă de pe vremea zilelor lui la Hollywood. Filmul începe cu un Petrovich acum în vârstă de 90 de ani, care este vizitat de un lider rus, acesta dorind să înțeleagă cum s-a destrămat Uniunea Sovietică. Petrovich, spionul care știe tot ce trebuie știut despre Reagan, începe să reia istoria adversarului său - omul pe care l-a poreclit ‘’Cruciatul’’ - începând din 1922, atunci când Ronald Reagan, în vârstă de 11 ani, trece prin prima sa criză existențială.
Justin îi dă viaţă lui Jack Reagan, tatăl alcoolic al protagonistului, în secvenţele flashback. E şi pentru prima dată când JC interpretează pe cineva care a existat în realitate. Soţia lui Jack, Nelle Wilson Reagan, este portretizată de Amanda Righetti.
În distribuție găsim doar nume mari: Jon Voight a fost distribuit ca Petrovich, Penelope Ann Miller este Prima Doamnă a Americii Nancy Reagan, Kevin Dillon apare în rolul Jack Warner, fondatorul studioului de film Warner Bros., în timp ce Mena Suvari o interpretează pe Jane Wyman, prima soție a președintelui.
Sean McNamara a regizat lungmetrajul indie, scenariul scris de Howard Klausner și Jonas McCord fiind adaptat după două cărți ale autorului Paul Kengor, ‘’The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism’’ și ‘’God and Ronald Reagan: A Spiritual Life’’.
Rawhide Pictures a finanțat pelicula, în vreme ce Mark Joseph servește ca producător.
Reagan s-a turnat în Guthrie, Oklahoma în toamna anului 2020, cu scurte filmări adiţionale în 2021 şi 2022.
Iniţial s-a dorit lansarea filmului în 2023, însă COVID şi greva scenariştilor / actorilor au pus beţe în roate producătorilor.
ShowBiz Direct este un distribuitor american de film lansat în luna noiembrie a anului 2023. Este condus de Kevin Mitchell, fostul preşedinte de distribuţie al Lionsgate Richie Fay şi fostul co-preşedinte al Open Road Films Scott Kennedy.
În comunicatul oficial de presă Mitchell declară: “Am pus ochii pe acest film de ceva vreme. Dennis Quaid face o treabă incredibilă interpretându-l pe Reagan”. Scopul ShowBiz Direct, spune acesta, “este de a ajuta la acoperirea golului dintre comunitatea creativă şi exhibitori, îmbrăţişând lansarea în cinematografe a filmelor într-un mod foarte transparent. Reagan a stârnit interesul multor distribuitori, şi ne bucurăm că am putut ajunge la o înţelegere cu Mark Joseph şi echipa lui”.
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transmutationisms · 11 months
hi can you recommend any books on the histories of medical practices?
ok this is scattershot & disorganised geographically and temporally but, some starting points for medical practice & practitioners:
indian doctors in kenya, 1895–1940: the forgotten history, by anna greenwood & harshad topiwala
migrant architects of the nhs: south asian doctors and the reinvention of british general practice, by julian m simpson
herbs and roots: a history of chinese doctors in the american medical marketplace, by tamara venit shelton
the people's hospital: a history of mccords, durban, 1890s–1970s, by julie parle, vanessa noble, & christopher merrett
nationalizing the body: the medical market, print, and daktari medicine, by projit mukharji
doctors beyond borders: the transnational migration of physicians in the twentieth century, ed. laurence monnais & david wright
physicians, colonial racism, and diaspora in west africa, by adell patton
doctors of empire: medical and cultural encounters between imperial germany and meiji japan, by hoi-eun kim
the emergence of tropical medicine in france, by michael a osborne
the professionalisation of african medicine, ed. murray last & g.l. chavunduka
aaron mcduffie moore: an african american physician, educator, and founder of durham's black wall street, by blake hill-saya
atomic doctors: conscience and complicity at the dawn of the nuclear age, by nolan l james
beyond the state: the colonial medical service in british africa, ed. anna greenwood
before bioethics: a history of american medical ethics from the colonial period to the bioethics revolution, by robert baker
medicine and memory in tibet: amchi physicians in an age of reform, by theresia hofer
domingos álvares, african healing, and the intellectual history of the atlantic world, by james h sweet
pushing silence: modernizing puerto rico and the medicalization of childbirth, by isabel m cordova
the business of private medical practice: doctors, specialization, and urban change in philadelphia, 1900–1940, by james a schafer, jr
the lomidine files: the untold story of a medical disaster in colonial africa, by guillaume lachenal
fit to practice: empire, race, gender, and the making of british medicine, 1850–1980, by douglas haynes
the racial divide in american medicine: black physicians and the struggle for justice in health care, by richard d deshazo
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inemi · 3 months
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“Books Fall Open”
Books fall open, you fall in,
delighted where, you've never been.
Hear voices not once heard before,
reach world through world,
through door on door.
Find unexpected keys to things,
locked up beyond imaginings….
True books will venture, dare you out,
whisper secrets, maybe shout,
across the gloom, to you in need
who hanker for a book to read.
~David T.W. McCord (1897-1997) Poet
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A History of Jack O' Lanterns/Goblin Market
A Hermitcraft Season 8 PearlescentMoon Halloween themed Web Weave for @vacillantvoid for @mcyt-halloween !
Happy Halloween!
Brassica Turnip by Peter Presslein at Wikimedia Engaging Ireland Podcast Wikipedia - Jack O Lantern Wikipedia - Jack O Lantern Pumpkin Stack Closeup by Jefferey Martin on Wikimedia Clarke Trail by Mario Haines on Wikimedia M. Macklin's Jack O Lantern by David McCord Jack O Lantern by Ruth Edna Kelley at Wikimedia Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti Fall Wine by thecottagemarket.com Hallowmas by Madison Julius Cawein Full Moon Rising by George Spandoudakis on Wikimedia Pumpkin Projection by Matthew Gordon on Wikimedia Jack O Lantern by Halloweenalley.ca
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beardedmrbean · 1 year
Four teenagers have been charged in the fatal shooting of a Chicago police officer who was slain last weekend as she was heading home from work, authorities said Wednesday.
Nineteen-year-olds Joseph Brooks and Trevell Breeland, Jakwon Buchanan, 18, and a 16-year-old boy face charges of first-degree murder and armed robbery in Saturday's killing of Officer Aréanah Preston, 24. The 16-year-old suspect will be tried as an adult, CBS Chicago reported.
The Chicago Police Department said Preston was fatally shot about 1:40 a.m. Saturday during a robbery spree.
All four were also charged with armed robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft and other offenses in connection with incidents that occurred on Friday and Saturday, police said.
The youngest suspect allegedly bragged to a friend about the shooting, CBS Chicago reported. That friend went straight to police and called the suspect again, the station reported. This time, detectives were listening.
"During this phone call defendant, [the suspect] made additional admissions to the robbery and the shooting - including details that had not been released," Assistant State's Attorney Anne Rodgers McCord said.
The four were ordered held without bail Wednesday by Judge David Kelly, who said prosecutors had provided "a mountain of evidence" that the suspects had "engaged in a very violent crime spree."
After the bond hearing, Preston's mother, Dionne Mhoon, said she was "heartbroken" and "full of anger, rage, questions why."
It wasn't immediately known if they had lawyers who could comment for them.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot issued a statement commending police for swiftly apprehending the suspects responsible for Preston's "heinous murder."
"Their diligent efforts have removed violent, repeat offenders from our streets," Lightfoot said.
Cook County prosecutors said Preston was off duty and on her way home after her shift early Saturday on the city's South Side when the suspects passed her in a sedan, circled back and approached her as she stood in front of her house.
Residential surveillance video shows three people getting out of the sedan and running toward Preston, who was still in uniform, before several muzzle flashes are visible on video and she falls to the ground, according to court documents. The attackers ran back to the sedan before one person returned to grab Preston's gun, court documents allege.
The initial call of the shooting came around 1:42 a.m. on Saturday, but a backlog issue in the district led to a delay where officers didn't immediately respond, CBS Chicago reported. Around 2:02 a.m., a 911 alert was received from Preston's Apple Watch. 
Interim Police Superintendent Eric Carter said Preston's death was a tragedy for the city.
Tyrone Pendarvis, the commander of the 5th District where Preston served, said the officer was a rising star whose death affected all who know her.
"She will truly be missed," he said.
Preston worked for the department for just three years before her killing, according to department officials. Hers is considered a line-of-duty death, which entitles her family to financial assistance from the state, the Chicago Tribune reported.
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my-chaos-radio · 8 months
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Release: January 27, 1987
I have to say a thing
Your silence is so loud
I know that I did you wrong
I'm lying it on the line
As we listen to the rain
And feel the mood change
And feel the mood change
Yet the morning has to come
I've been trying to make you smile
But you're looking at the door
I can see it in your eyes
I'd hate to see you go away
Got so many things to say
Don't go, I need you so
Oh baby don't you give up on my love
Say you're willing to give it a try
We'll get it right this time
I have to say a thing
Your silence is so loud
All the things I have done
Was not to put you down
Many times my mind has changed
But my loving is the same
At this moment I can see
All the things you mean to me
Don't go, I need you so
Oh baby don't you give up on my love
Say you're willing to give it a try
We'll get it right this time
Don't go, I need you so
Oh baby don't you give up on my love
Say you're willing to give it a try
We'll get it right this time
Oh oh oh oh Don't go, I need you so
Oh baby don't you give up on my love
Say you're willing to give it a try
We'll get it right this time
Oh oh oh oh oh oh
Oh baby don't you give up on my love
Oh oh oh oh
We'll get it right this time
Craig David / Kevin Mccord / Scott Wild / Tre-jean Marie
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airmanisr · 2 years
C-17 Globemaster III by David G. Schultz Via Flickr: McCord Air Force Base
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