#david tome
eezordalf-the-ardent · 9 months
We should also consider if the inhabitants of the mega-sites consciously managed their ecosystem to avoid large-scale deforestation... Archaeological studies of their economy suggest a pattern of small-scale gardening, often taking place within the bounds of the settlement, combined with the keeping of livestock, cultivation of orchards, and a wide spectrum of hunting and foraging activities. The diversity is actually remarkable, as is its sustainability. As well as wheat, barley, and pulses, the citizens' plant diet included apples, pears, cherries, sloes, acorns, hazelnuts and apricots. Mega-site dwellers were hunters of red deer, roe deer, and wild boar as well as farmers and foresters. It was 'play farming' on a grand scale: an urban populous supporting itself through small-scale cultivation and herding, combined with an extraordinary array of wild foods. This way of life was by no means 'simple'. As well as managing orchards, gardens, livestock and woodlands, the inhabitants of these cities imported salt in bulk from springs in the eastern Carpathians and the Black Sea littoral. Flint extraction by the ton took place in the Dniestr valley, furnishing material for tools. A household potting industry flourished, its products considered among the finest ceramics of the prehistoric world; and regular supplies of copper flowed in from the Balkans. There is no firm consensus from archaeologists about what sort of social arrangements all this required, but most would agree the logistical challenges were daunting. A surplus was definitely produced, and with it ample potential for some to seize control of the stocks and supplies, to lord it over others or battle for the spoils; but over the eight centuries we find little evidence for warfare or the rise of social elites.
a description of talianki (located in modern day ukraine), a neolithic site from 5,700 years ago (inhabited from roughly 4100 to 3300 bc) from the dawn of everything by davids: graeber and wengrow
once again this book is fantastic - and one of its main theses is that "the agricultural revolution" and some of the conclusions we draw from it are, largely, not true.
the development of farming in human societies is a much much longer and more "playful" process than popular narratives would have us believe. 'agricultural revolution' suggests an on/off switch almost. and the way it's usually taught sees agriculture being "invented" and then spreading like wildfire to take over the globe - only then allowing for true cities and the "necessary evils" they entail. this simply isn't true. an urban, farming society is not automatically doomed to bureaucracy, inequality, and exploitation.
all across the world the archaeological evidence points to the domestication of plants taking literal thousands of years longer than it "ought to." and then, even when the domestication of a wild plant was complete there isn't an immediate rise of huge fields and class stratification (as the popular narrative goes). again - in the magnitude of multiple thousands of years. we have generations upon generations of humans with farming know-how who don't immediately begin a march of politics and inequality precipitated by farming.
agriculture isn't humanity's curse no matter what the memes and capitalists say. we are not doomed to our current ways - we can imagine, we can build, we can create new ways of being. the past is the present is the past. and fuck you capitalism and doomed "human nature" debates. and read the dawn of everything <3
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cringecomfort · 6 months
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pigeonwit · 7 months
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david frances is going to do to me what scott pilgrim did to a generation of cis men
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pinguinmitbrille · 1 year
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BHVR didn't expand on Tristan from David’s lore as much as I would have liked, so I yoinked him and made him a survivor <3
[ Image Texts ]  Tristan Huisman - A romantic virtuoso, Tristan is able to hear more than other survivors and encode the soundscape of the Fog. He can use this intel to support his teammates, but it will force him into comprimising situations.
Perks - VIRTUOSO: The fog sings a song only you can hear. After every Great Skill Check on a generator, all remaining ones light up for 3 / 5 / 8 seconds. If only one generator remains to be finished, the closed exits light up instead. ONE HIGH G-NOTE: One note and you know it all. You gain additonal audio and visual cues, if you are within a 36 / 24 / 12 meter radius of the Hatch. MUSIC OF THE NIGHT: Close your eyes and let music set you free. After standing in a locker for 12 / 9 / 5 seconds, your ears pick up the Killer’s Terror Radius, lighting them up for 3 / 5 / 8 seconds.
Additional Information -
Childhood friend (and former boyfriend) of David King
Works as a contract musician in New York
Practically homeless, lives out of his car
Snarky, petty, romantic, melancholic
Visually based off of David Garrett
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awakefor48hours · 18 days
We outnumber this man btw.
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endfght · 7 months
yall ever get incredibly attached to a character from a random obscure like 10 min prequel to a 10-film horror franchise
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owlstar97 · 1 year
- The Archives/Tome 10 -
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astralynx · 11 months
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Realest tweet ever
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
if i had been a hopper fan i never would've forgiven the duffers for season 3
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ten-of-imps · 1 year
As a daughter I cannot stand David Copperfield'mother. Naive, full of vanity, immature and emotionally manipulative. She becomes the catalysis of his life going down hill. She marries a man who is really obviously ill intended, just because he shows her attention and adores her beauty.
Dear Peggotty is a bringer of wisdom here, but it is too late, no one is listening to the one who can see things from outside perspective. But then this woman accuses her of levying her pllittle peace of mind and happiness.
Dickens knew, even back then. Dickens knew that it is first and foremost our parents who fails us that hurts us the most.
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voughthq · 2 years
Lost and repetitive: The Umbrella Academy season 3 review
#TheUmbrellaAcademy season 3 #review is here and it is VERY honest!
The Umbrella Academy. (L to R) Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison Hargreeves, Elliot Page, Tom Hopper as Luther Hargreeves, Aidan Gallagher as Number Five, David Castañeda as Diego Hargreeves, Robert Sheehan as Klaus Hargreeves in episode 301 of The Umbrella Academy. Cr. Courtesy of Netflix © 2022 The Umbrella Academy is an established world that Netflix brought to life from the comic book series of…
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talltalestogo · 7 months
“At home with a good book”
“At home with a good book” I wanna go home where the buffalo roam all about the loam, and the troll and the gnome eat crumpets from a comb and the strumpets of Rome read erotica from a tome and wait for you at home where the fun’s allowed to roam wild as strumpets on a comb and crumpets on the loam and buffalo with a tome thundering about the streets of Rome. I wanna go home. . . #poetry #erotica…
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heroesfromthesky · 1 year
Character Tag List
El Jefe | Leader Ash
Hero From The Sky | AoD Ash
Deadite Hunter | Kelly
Bitch Ass Leader | Arthur
Tome Translator | Annie Knowby
Art of Healing | Cheryl Williams
Big Man In A Small Town | Brock Williams
Wayward Brother | David Allen
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fogsnatched · 2 years
thinking about adding david and jeff to the muselist... hmm...........
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pinguinmitbrille · 1 year
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Hello yes, I made Tristan, David’s first crush and the boy from his tome video, to a survivor, he’s my son now, please enjoy-
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somewhere-in-wales · 4 months
What if, in this moment, Aziraphale & Crowley found themselves unexpectedly transported to our world?
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And then met these two idiots?
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And they all had to work together to get Aziraphale & Crowley back?
I wrote a fic about it (When Worlds Collide). Here are some nice things people wrote underneath its chapters:
"I can't tell you how much I'm in love with this fic. Like I want to marry it, right now! The amounts of times I literally shrieked with laughter reading this. I had to stop to wipe my eyes, I am dying"
"In love w this actually. the SHENANIGANS!!!! this was a joy to read"
"this fic is eating me alive. an immediate cult classic. if i had your permission and any ability to execute this at all, i would bind this fic in leather and carry it with me all my days like a spiritual nomad with their dearest tome. You Are Taking Me There."
"Oh, Chapter 4 is my favorite so far. And that's saying a lot, because every time I read a new one I think 'there's no way this can be topped...it's too good, too funny, too fresh a take on these characters"
You can find it on AO3 here When World's Collide, there's an exert below, and if you're feeling generous enough to do a little signal boost re-blog, I will love you forever.
"Terribly sorry, but I wonder if I might help settle this business about whether we are who we say we are?"
Michael and David exchange glances.
"I doubt it" says Michael, reaching around the door frame for his water bottle whilst stepping out of the bathroom to take a swig. Aziraphale sweeps his hand in an arc as Michael puts the bottle to his lips, glugging. He immediately coughs and spits red wine forcefully across the room.
“Holy shit!” Exclaims David, jumping backwards to avoid being splashed.
"What the Hell was that for?" Michael splutters angrily, wiping his mouth, eyes moving between Aziraphale and Crowley
"Did you swap that out when I was filming?" he asks, irritably, looking around at the mess. "You've completely ruined the costume."
"I do hate to see it ruined," Aziraphale worries, glancing at Crowley who mock pouts. "No harm done to the furnishings at least" he says, as the stains miraculously disappear. He turns to Crowley again, appealing.
"Yes, fine" responds the Demon, getting up dramatically. He eyes Michael, who's still agitated, and feels like someone is looking into his soul. The gaze of an actual Demon, not just his acting partner, is enough to stifle any remaining irritation. With his eyes fixed on Michael, Crowley lifts his hand to click his fingers, and removes the stains from the actor's costume completely. Michael looks wordlessly at where the stain was, and raises his gaze appealingly to David.
"It's not... they can't... this is ...." he tails off, walking over to the table and sitting down.
Crowley sweeps his eyes over David's features "he's Aziraphale?" he asks, a depth of skepticism to his tone, "this guy?"
"Yes", says David "he's lovely really" Aziraphale side-eyes David before flitting his gaze to Crowley.
"And you're me?" Crowley asks slowly, with equal depth.
"Y...yes" says David with rather less confidence. Even underneath the dark glasses, he can tell the Demon is searching his eyes. "I might just take the contacts out" he says, to no one in particular, and ducks back into the bathroom.
"They'll need our costumes back. Where are you two going to sleep tonight?" Michael asks.
"Oh I don't sleep" Aziraphale shakes his head as though he's been offered an unappealing appetiser.
"I do"
"We'll get you a hotel room" says Michael. Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances and Michael resists the urge to settle their discomfort by saying they'll get two. This situation is ridiculous, but he'll be damned if he isn't going to have a little fun with it.
"Thank you" Aziraphale offers, politely.
The door to the bathroom opens and David comes out, eyes back to normal. Crowley looks him over, flicking his eyes to Aziraphale, gauging the Angel's reaction. Aziraphale stares at David's face, breathing slowly, mind retracing memories long gone, but never forgotten.
"We better go then" Crowley huffs.
"Not dressed like that" David gestures to Aziraphale, who looks down at his clothes fondly, smoothing down his jacket.
"I have standards, you know?" He says.
"He's not wrong" Crowley agrees.
Michael, who had been watching Aziraphale's reactions thoughtfully, taking mental notes, speaks up "if we go in pairs and break up leaving, it's possible that no one will notice two David and Michael's leaving."
David looks uncertain.
"Unless you have a better idea?" Michael asks, "One, single, better idea?" Crowley and Aziraphale both flick their heads to look at Michael in recognition.
"No, let's do that" David relents. "I'm going to change." He steps back into the bathroom.
"Me too" says Michael, heading for the door "I'll be back in 5 minutes."
A few minutes later, Michael returns in the outfit he arrived in that day, to the general disdain of Aziraphale.
"Do you still think we should come to an arrangement?" Asks Crowley, smiling at this turn of events.
"I can't wear that" Aziraphale gestures to Michael's clothes, completely failing to hide his disgust at the suggestion he should wear such an outfit.
"What's wrong with this?" Michael asks. He's wearing jeans and a shirt, nothing worthy of such disdain. His question is ignored.
"You have to, Angel" Crowley teases, just as the bathroom door opens and David enters in a bright purple jumper. Crowley looks at him, then back at Aziraphale, a panicked expression briefly flicks across his features. The Angel raises his eyebrows and puts his hands on his hips in a look that communicates 'your move'.
"Oh Hell no, that's not happening" the Demon states. Clicking his fingers, he changes Michael and Aziraphale into sharp suits, David and himself into slightly-less-tight-than-usual black jeans and a slim black shirt. "Take it or leave it" he says, glancing briefly at Aziraphale, who's eyes soften, and lips form a slight smile in thanks whilst he smooths down the well-fitting suit.
"Yes, much better" The Angel sighs.
"For you, maybe, I'd never turn up to work in this" Michael fiddles uncomfortably with the collar.
"You should dear, you look ...nice" Aziraphale says, moving over to Michael to smooth his collar. Michael frowns at the Angel, noting the back-handed compliment.
"The hotel's not far," says David. "I'll call for a car. I'll take Aziraphale." Aziraphale and Crowley exchange glances in silent resignation. "We should wait at least 10 minutes before you call for yours" he raises his eyebrows, a quick glance at Crowley. He reckons he has the easier job.
"So, I'll be pretending to be..." Aziraphale gestures to Michael.
"Michael" Michael looks unconvinced by this.
"Yes, I know, I just wondered if there's anything I should know about you?"
"Probably best if you just don't talk" Michael glances between Aziraphale and Crowley. But Aziraphale looks very uncomfortable at this suggestion.
"He's an actor" David tries to offer something that will help.
"Yes" Aziraphale responds in a tone that shows his patience is wearing thin.
"He lives in Wales" David tries again.
"Oh," Aziraphale smiles, a look of relief forming on his features "Oh lovely, I do love the Welsh Coast" he beams, looking at each of the other trailer occupants. "Yes, yes I think I can handle this" he nods, confidently, adjusting his cuffs.
David smiles back, broadly.
Michael and Crowley are less confident, their eyes meet with a knowing expression of concern.
Continued here
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