mattysvic · 5 years
Here’s a wild thought
IF David ever was to get his season what if instead of matteo having the mi plot (I still think they would explore matteos mi but it won’t be the main main thing) Laura was actually the one with bipolar. Let’s say she’s been diagnosed for awhile has an episode like Even in og and David has to call his parents (guessing his parents are her parents?) then he’s would be in contact with them again and it will show us the deal with his parents because that’s all very strange. Maybe this will bring them closer together? Maybe this ties in with why David had to stay and look after laura a few weeks ago. Maybe this might be a way to help matteo because he knows a lot about mental health because of Laura. Yes I’m clowning like crazy but it’s just a thought I had and I couldn’t help myself...🤡🤡🤡
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whocaresaboutmyurl · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
I was tagged by @davidfors5 like 5 years ago sorry, i am late
1. fave character from each remake and why?
I haven't watched them all yet
Druck: Matteo! I see so many things of me on him.When i was a teen on school i suffered from social anxiety a lot. The scene of the party when he had a mental breakdown hit me so hard, it was like looking at my old self on a normal friday of 2011-2014. (I actually got emotional just thinking about it) And if you want to get deep on this (warning of oversharing, but who cares this is tumblr, is oversharing culture) all the comments about his mental health made me realize that i was depressed. And i feel connected to him in an emotional level now.
Skam España: she is not my favorite character but Viri is a very interesting Vilde. I love that they have been building her story since the beginning, can't wait for her season (i wouldn’t be mad if we see Nora/Alejandro story from her pov)
Skam France....i don’t have one but i think that Imane?
Skam Italia...don’t have one, maybe Eleonora?
Skam OG: SANASOOOL! 🌻💗🌞 you didn’t ask for this but she is my favorite, i love her so much. I learned from her a lot and not only in her season. When i see Sana my faces is literally heart eyes.
2. fave musical moment?
i had a mini mental breakdown doing this, there a lot of iconic musical moments!
i think that the music of Samstag 20:55 (davenzi first time) is genius, I love how it describes David. I love that is calm, it feeled so intimate. I love how it confirmed that they are soulmates forever. 
3. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen? 
i wrote this so many times, i had an idea and then it evolve. Is very messy, sorry
I really want a season which doesn’t involve a romantic interest. Because a lots of teens don’t experienced romance during their school years.
And i would like to see a character dealing with their insecure about the future, about their talents, about what they want to do in life. This could work with Noora because she looks like she does very good at school, but that doesn't mean that she knows what she wants to do. Also, she is know as someone who is very “idealistic” and peaceful person, so the struggle of wanting to change the world but don’t knowing how being just a teen is interesting for me. Or maybe Crisss because we didn’t knew much about her :( 
I would like topics about social anxiety, for personal reasons, and because adolescence shows a peak on this.
4. rank the sanas ( I’m evil I know )
jaajajajajajajajjajajaj dgkhsagfhdh 
5. you Sana Italia
4. can't
3. rank Imane (she deserves better)
2. them Amira Mahmood / Amira Naybet
1. Sanasol
5. fave season from each remake and why?
Druck: Matteo!! For a lot of reasons! I relate to him in a superior level, the cinematographic, the acting, the music is *chef kiss* and they said Trans rights! But s4 is coming with Amira (and Mohammed) so this answer could change. I love Yousana story and i feel that Druck is going to fix all those things that we didn’t like about og s4.
Skam France....do i need to answear this? i guess that s3? but not really...(s1 and s2 are the same as the og, and s4 is a mistake in the universe...) but i didn’t feel comfortable watching s3 neither
Skam italia...the only one i was actually involve was s2
Skam España: WLW RIGHTS!!! (i haven’t watched s1 yet...sorry not sorry)
I tag @davidfors5 @bbibbicoolee @2ndbest @moony2121 @hufflevpuff @florenzied @floraflorenzi 
(sorry for tagging you again, you don’t have to do it if don’t want to)
1. if you could audition for any character which would it be?
2. Which character is underrated in skam universe?
3. Favorite visual symbolism?
4. Favorite soundtrack season? for any remake
5. if you could travel to any of the remakes location which would you choose and why?
6. What country would you like to have a remake?
7. What do you prefer ... S5-S8 of OG or the remakes?
8. Did you watched the og live?
9. Which girl/boys squad would you join?
10. Rank the Eskilds 😈
11. i really don’t know what to ask, so...how is your day going? 
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rainingincale · 5 years
when you get this you have to answer with 5 things you like about yourself, publicly. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool!!) And you are positive queen💜💙💚
If you hadn't got this already I'd be sending this right back to you! 💕💕💕
-I like that I love myself
-I like how empathetic and caring and kind I am and how much love I have in my heart
-I like how I get obsessed with things and never stop
-I like my hair and my sense of style
-I like how funny I think I am
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oatmilkovich · 5 years
04, 07, 08, 69?
04: Are you insecure?
yup, always have been. about a lot of things. it big time sucks.
07: What did you last eat?
pasta with mediterranean vegetables. I then dumped a shit load of nutritional yeast on top cause I’m a chaotic vegan.
08: Played any sports?
never anything properly. Though I’ve been doing ballet for the last 18 years and swim regularly (but just hobbies!!). I don’t really like doing things competitively.
69: Do you believe in soulmates?
Not in the legitimate sense but I do believe you can find people in your life who you click with so much so you might as well be soulmates. However, I don’t believe there is one person out there for you and one person alone.
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nebulanebula · 5 years
My child: mum, how did you choose my name?
Me: well, Rysiu, you are named after your great grandfather who is a very kind and wise person and whom I love very much
My second* child: mum, how did you choose MY name?
Me: well, DavidForS5, you are named after--
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flodaya · 5 years
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I was tagged by @davidfors5 to do “nine photos in my camera roll that describe me”
I was tagged once before but it was fun and I have a lot of pictures on my phone, so I just did it again
I tagged all my people last time, so I don’t know who to tag 🤷‍♀️ just feel free to say I tagged you when you see this
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doomedzagreus · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
i was tagged by @davenziv ty!!❤️
1. favourite crack ship
it has to be abdi and carlos. carlos has canonically seen his ass. i rest my case
2. least favourite character from each remake excluding williams and his brothers (or equivalent)
druck: oh god idk for a laugh id say stefan but....i don't dislike anyone,,,, hmmm it doesn't have to mean dislike.....so id have to say other sam (where did he go?) yes this is 100% a cop out
españa: hugo,,,, sorry man you're great but i love everyone else a bit more
nl: he's pretty but it has to be kes, sorry
baguette: daphné and basile i can't pick just one wow i don't like this remake as a whole but those two whew
ita: wana.
haven't seen the other two remakes!!!
3. rank the remakes in order of best to worst boy squad
nl (tbf theirs is p bad but i can't bare to rate ita any higher)
4. rank the remakes in order of best to worst girl squad
fr (can u tell i just hate this remake)
like i said i haven't seen the other two but i feel like they definitely rank higher than ita + fr
5. your favourite headcanon that is not at all supported by canon
BALLET. DANCER. MATTEO. like michi can do ballet and just imagine david walking into the wg to see matteo dancing and he's fucking flawed cause he didn't know his clumsy gremlin had this in him, he's so beautiful too whew
6. one thing og did better than the remakes
well shit i ....this is super difficult since as u all know im up drucks arse, but i think the relationship between isak and jonas was amazing, and only druck has come to rest on that level to me. i also think their general feel, it feels so "everyday"? like you're actually watching day to day life, and not something overly dramatised for the sake of it ??? like obviously it's dramatic it's a show, but it's not *three car crashes and someone drowns* u know?
7. one thing each remake did better than the og
druck: boy squad. trans moc (even holds a special place in my heart but.....david u know). integration of the squads. teens feeling like they're real teens, being dumb. arguably bearable william (only due to the new content which lbr it's just chris) IK THIS ISNT ONE THING BUT IM DRUCKS BITCH OK
nl: G I R L. S Q U A D. diversity!!!!!!!! arguably better william even tho that went right to shit in the second half of s2.
españa: the pacing and the girl squad. like the conflict in s2 only ever lasted a few clips max, as cris and joana would fix it just after it started. i loved that so much.
ita: well shit uh. uhhhhhhhhhhhh.
fr: nope
8. a popular opinion that (almost) everyone shares but you don't
(nobody i follow thinks this but let me open up anon hate for myself a sec) that fr is a good remake in general. like even without the big obvious issues they have, the remake in general just isn't well done. don't come for my throat, i used to love it when it was the only one airing S3, but then i took a look at it and realised i was settling, cause it just ISN'T good, without the fucking blatant sexualisation of teenagers played by 30 year old men, and the sheer levels of fucking racism. it's overly dramatic, it's badly written, everything is stated too obviously and nobody actually feels like a real teenager which has a lot to do with casting people in their mid to late 20s
9. your headcanon for lucas vdh's love interest
definitely not white, not model-hot, maybe with a disability. idk, probably cause i was hard of hearing as a child, but id like to see a hard of hearing even
10. your headcanon for shays love interest
well i haven't seen austin, but once again her love interest will hopefully be a woman of colour, maybe plus size, since the skams lack a lot of body diversity (idk the right wording but im plus size myself so)
11. character you look up to the most
it was between david and matteo, and it says only one so to try to stick to the question, im gonna say david. he was so afraid, and he didn't wanna get close to anyone for fear he would lose everything again, but he let matteo in and he came out and he once again went through hell and he fell in love and found a support system and now he has an amazing set of friends and a wonderful, supportive, caring boyfriend. yeah im emotional about david. for the first time in my life i don't actually hate myself, so yeah, i look up to david for inspiring that. and now im crying lmao
RIGHT you will most likely all have been tagged already, but either way you DON'T have to do this (im tagging some people i usually wouldn't hence me saying this) @akefalosthea @8102-druck @killyourdarlingsx @darkdodielove @distastefullyqueer @driftovertheedge @schreibnersfriday @softamira @davidfors5 @waterbottle79 (ik u can't but idk 11 people asjfjjdkskl) @manthastop (ik u have only seen nl but see the comment before this)
1. which remake would you most like to be a part of?
2. if you could be best friends with someone from each remake, who would it be?
3. what changes would you make to each remake?
4. what was your favourite scene from each remake?
5. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen?
6. is there a country you think would make a brilliant remake? if so, which and why?
7. what is your favourite quote from each remake
8. what is your favourite headcanon?
9. what is your opinion of the nl boy squad?
10. rank most bearable to most despicable william
11. what thing from og do you wish a remake would change, and if one already has, what was it and do you prefer the change?
(these questions are shite and by each remake i mean the ones you've seen lmao. also ik some of the people i tagged i don't actually talk to i hope u don't mind asfjgjdk)
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joelcoen · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
I was tagged by @davidfors5 thank u dani <3
1. fave character from each remake and why? nl - isa: shes so raw and an unapologetically gross young woman and i love her for it  druck - matteo: who knew so much love could be stored in a little rat.  i love well written depression representation even if it was unintentional on drucks part (im not attached to austin enough to have a favourite character lmao)
2. fave musical moment? the woman’s day clip from s2 when jonas walks through the school to blue monday. its hilarious. i also love how druck incorporated mountains through the last three clips of s3 ep 6 
3. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen? i think a kiki season would be really interesting. it would look at her struggles with her mother at home but also her relationship with carlos and what happens when you move in with someone when youre maybe a bit too young 
4. rank the sanas sana/amira/imane/imaan/zoya (ive not seen the other 2 and whats skam italia
5. fave season from each remake and why? nl - s1: it was a teen indie movie whats better. druck - s3: it was truly the most incredible ten weeks. ive never felt more in a character’s shoes with matteo  austin - s1: there was something very still about season 1 which i enjoyed
6. whats your opinion on s2? what do you like and dislike the most? which remake made the best s2? okay. objectively, season 2 is very important as it shows the highs and lows of a passionate, whirlwind romance. the way they portrayed sexual assault and an eating disorder was very real and very heavy. however. william as a character is so awful and badly written that it prevents me from rewatching the season. its like when i couldnt finish breaking bad bc i cant stand walter white. druck s2 however, incredible. imagine if william was as likeable as alex!
7. what representation would you like to see in skam? more religion! its unrealistic for there to be only member of the squad to be religious and the rest be atheist (or maybe thats me going to a catholic high school speaking). for example the day after the manchester arena bombing i attended a mutli-faith service on greys monument and it was beautiful. im not sure about the rest of the uk but that’s always been common in newcastle. (i also truly think that skam italia wasted their chance in having martino come to terms with his sexualtiy and his catholicism but hey low key lighting, a blue colour palette and saying the n word are much more important right??)
8. what country would you like to see a remake and why? as shit as it would be i honestly think that a skam uk would be hilarious. but i think it would be very good for the generation who were just too young to vote in the brexit referendum and are pretty angry with having our future decided for us by old posh twats 
9. fave head canon?  even goes to film school and eva and jonas dont break up
10. sort characters into hogwarts houses eva, even, magnus - gryffindor/ isak, sana - slytherin/ noora, jonas - ravenclaw/ vilde, chris, mahdi - hufflepuff
11. tell me your best crossover idea even and david need to become friends. maybe isak and even relocate to berlin so even can study art and media at universität der künste berlin and who’s in his class? david
11 questions: 1. what moment resonates with you the most? 2. if you could watch one clip for the first time again, which one would it be and why? 3. where is the best use of cinematography? 4. if you could change one thing about skam, what would it be? 5. what is the best monologue in the show? 6. what clip with very little to no dialogue sticks out to you most? 7. you’ve woken up in your favourite character’s shoes. what do you do for the day? 8. you’re directing a clip! who’s in it, what happens, what music do you use? what do you do to create tension and make us hate you? 9. describe skam to a new viewer in 30 words or less 10. ignore julie. what are the characters up to today? 11. what’s the most unnecessary clip?
i tag: @jonasaugustn @isakvdhflorenzi @florenzim @isaknewtons @isakvdh @lauraschreibners @als-vuur @gyenia @notskam @autisticmatteo @lesbiankeijser
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heytherefandoms · 5 years
Rules: answer 20Qs and tag 20 people you want to get to know better
1. Nicknames: jess, Pommes, Regenwurm
2. Zodiac Sign: Leo, everytime I read “you’re extroverted” and shit I want to laugh in their faces, those are LIES
3. Height: 1,65
4. Hogwarts House: jesus idk, hufflepuff I guess
5. Last thing I googled: the classifications of poverty in Austria 
6. Favourite Musician: it’s against the law to make people pick one; Hayley Kiyoko, Green Day, Rise Against
7. Song Stuck In My Head: ‘Ghörig’ by Penetrante Sorte (he sings in my dialect, go and suffer if you’re a German learner) and 
8. Followers: 178
9. Following: 154
10. Do You Get Asks: rarely but I really appreciated that exchange with the apparently Innsbrucker anon about the rainbow crosswalks
11. Amount Of Sleep: depends? it’s pretty inconsistent
12. Lucky Number: none
13. What Are You Wearing: my black “I’m doing laundry so I have nothing else to wear” dress without pockets because who needs pockets anyway right
14. Dream Job: I’m leaving @davidfors5 ‘s answer because same: “i’m studying to be a translator so my dream job is to be a successful freelance translator”, or an interpreter for the EU or the police here or something
15. Dream Trip: any place my friends from the Kosegruppa gc live
16. Instruments: can’t play any
17. Languages: German and English, studying Eussian, learning Norwegian; I want to learn Italian, Spanish and Romanian so I’ll have to pick I guess but I’m supremely bad at that
18. Favourite Song: again, it’s against the law to make people pick one; currently “Fading” by Alle Farben because Druck right, “Berlin City Girl” by Culcha Candela, “Kiwi” by Harry Styles (hello @tequiladimples) 
19. Random Fact: since guys were first allowed to move into our dorm as well this year, I have seen an influx of passive-aggressive notes telling people to behave and clean after themselves as well as e-mails by the administration reminding people to keep the noise down after 10, and I have never been happier to live on the top floor where still only girls live
20. Aesthetic: vibrant colours and whatever @tequiladimples and every other woman alive is wearing at any given time
uuuh, tagging? @tequiladimples @languages-and-else @curly-eh @rainbow crosswalk anon @dykejanna @tulaqis  @everyone else who wants to do it
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bbibbico · 5 years
always repost the rules
answer the questions given to you by the one who tagged you!
give 11 questions
tag 11 people
I was tagged by @davidfors5 💖💗💙💚💝💞💟😙
I finally came back to post this lol
1. fave character from each remake and why?
Druck._ Amira and David because i think they see the good side of people
Spain._ Amira, she's the cutest sana and the best friend in spain
France._ I don't know if i have a fav character in here, sorry
Italian._ Gio because he's just the best honestly, i love him!!!
Skam nl._ Isa is a sweetheart
2. fave musical moment?
right now is will you surrender!!!!! and i have  asoft spot for the almost kiss scene with the good side ♡
3. if you could make your own season, who would it be about and what would happen?
I want a David season, i want him to go to college, make films, do projects and live happily ever after with Matteo
4. rank the sanas ( I’m evil I know )
Sana from og
Amira from españa
Amira from Druck
5. fave season from each remake and why?
Druck._ I want to say that s3 is my fav because of David, but i love th other two seasons too!
Spain._ s2 obvs, they capture the romance between woman really well
France._ s3, I actually like a lot of scenes and changes they made
Italian._ s1, I't was beautiful and made me fall in love with italianeva
Skam nl._ between s1 and s2 i pick 1
6. What’s your opinion on s2? what do you like and dislike the most? which remake made the best s2? (españa doesn’t count)
Well, I didn't really enjoy the og s2, I'm one of those few people that love og s1 and seeing s2 was honestly disappointing and cliche for me. I personally enjoy druck s2 remake and love skam nl sw remake
7. what representation would you like to see in Skam (other than more wlw)?
Well ofc i want a well made bisexual character
8 what country would you like to see a remake and why?
Well i don't have an specific country, but i want to see skam in latin america.
9. fave head canon?
jonas finds out that isak had a crush on him , i just want to see what happens...
10. sort characters into Hogwarts houses.
I don't know enough about this i think lol, but i read some stuff and i can say this about the og mains:
Eva: Hufflepuff
Noora: Ravenclaw
Isak: Ravenclaw
Sana: Slytherin
11. tell me your best crossover idea
I read in tumblr about all the williams metting each other in London, they probably will hate each other tbh
1. Fav remake and why?
2. how did you discover skam?
3. fav character from all the remakes and og, why?
4. Rank the williams lol
5. Best season 3 remake and why?
6. fav musical moment
7. fav couple from all the remakes and og
8. Beat season 1 remake and why?
9. What do you think about a Vilde season?
10. Best ship that didn't happen
11. What is something that you would like to see in the show or the remakes?
I tag: @loveforpiccolinoandbambi @nessauepa @wanderlust-in-my-soul @2ndbest @whocaresaboutmyurl @galacticbi
Feel free to ignore :)
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illiterateopossum · 5 years
@davidfors5 tagged me to do a name playlist thing?? asdhgfjdkl thank you!!!❤️
a- antique by the ghost club
l- live like we want to by palaye royale
e- energy by sakima
x- xanny by billie eilish
i don't even like xanny but there are like. no songs starting with x holy fuck
im not tagging anyone cause i don't wanna annoy the same people as always, so just say i tagged you if you wanna do this!
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whocaresaboutmyurl · 5 years
6 24 y 74?? 💜 Nunca antes vi asks en español.
Los ask en español son como los cometas, aparecen cada 75 años
6. Edad con la que te confunden
Fisicamente no lo se, pero cada vez que contesto el teléfono piensan que soy mi hermano de 14 años (mi papá, mi abuela, mis amigos, etc)
24. ¿Tienes mascotas?
Siii! es una perrita que se llama Nala (inserto foto por la amo jajaja)
Tumblr media
74. ¿Libro favorito?
mmm no se si son mis favoritos pero La música del azar de Paul Auster y Ensayo sobre la ceguera de Saramago son dos libros que me encanto leer :)
Gracias Dani!  💝
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rainingincale · 5 years
29, 32 & 74??
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
I definitely definitely do. Like although the ghosts thing scares the absolute shit out of me I do think they're real. And Aliens? I feel like it makes no sense not to. The universe is literally so big, it goes on forever. It'd be almost sad to think we're alone.
32: what's the worst place you have ever been to?
England HA ✌️😛😛😛 I want to say this is a joke but it's just the truth I really hate it there, I'll tolerate the northerners but still... Thin fucking ice xD
74: what's a song that always makes you happy whenever you hear it?
This was so hard! I feel like no matter the song I can listen to it and even if it's the happiest song in the universe it will change according to my mood if that makes sense. I'm going to say hotter than hell by Dua Lipa though, I think that maybe is a song I can't listen to and be upset dhhdhf
*send me a nomber*
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oatmilkovich · 5 years
I was tagged by @skamyeets (thanks babe)
ONE / name / alias willa!!
TWO / birthday february
THREE / zodiac sign this is the dawning of the age of aquarius
FOUR / height i think 157cm the last time I checked which i like .... 5‘2 I think??????
FIVE / hobbies acting, running and cooking are probs my favourite things to do. I also love to swim and my ballet classes.
SIX / favorite colours purple! an emerald greenish, teal, burnt orangey
SEVEN / favorite books the prisoner of azkaban, true west (which I am cheating cause it’s a play), station eleven by emily st.john mandel
EIGHT / last song I listened to i think it was tell them by james blake ft moses sumney and metro boomin
NINE / last film I watched I THINK romeo + juliet
TEN / inspiration for muse definitely viewing and consuming other art, history/historical events are a big one for me, politics and the current political climate, seeing films/plays, taking a moment when I’m running, nature and being with my family.
ELEVEN / dream job actor
TWELVE / meaning behind your url I made it when I was like 13, it’s elder price from the musical the book of mormon. I have been thinking about changing it but I’m also a creature for habit.
THIRTEEN / top three ships the doctor x rose, kurt x blaine, david x matteo (haley x nathan, isak x even)
FOURTEEN / lipstick or chapstick definitely chapstick, I haven’t put lipstick on in years.
FIFTEEN / currently reading the goldfinch by donna tart which I am ADORING. It’s very very good.
tagging @wunder-schoen, @davidfors5, @liisateige, @thesoftboyfriends + anyone else :)
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flodaya · 5 years
Rules: Tag 9 people you’d like to get to know better.
I was tagged by @davenziv  thank you ❤️(I love that you always tag me, I also always tag the same people ajdslad) 
Top 10 songs/pieces I can’t stop listening to:
currently it’s
Where’s my Love SYML
Body - Loud Luxury
When I was Older - Gamma
Hold On, We’re going Home - Drake
Thunderclouds - Sia
my strange addiction - billie eilish (micheal scott, in the beginning, cracks me up every time)
My Bad - Khalid 
Motion - Khalid (since it came out over year ago.. lol)
Gamma - RIN 
You’re somebody Else - flora cash
(as you can see my music taste is 90% Druck right now) 
Favourite colours: pink and midnight blue
Favourite Ships: changes a lot but I don’t think I’ll be over Davenzi any time soon 
Lipstick or Chapstick: chapstick
Last Movie: Booksmart 
Currently Reading: rereading Percy Jackson, and reading Radio Silence (loving it so far!!)
Tagging: @dreamy-slytherin @isakvdhflorenzi @feingeister @venzis @thisfeebleheart @8102-druck @davidfors5 @davidluigiflorenzi @whatadaze
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doomedzagreus · 5 years
i was tagged by @davidfors5 !!! ty ❤️
ONE / name/alias elijah/eli
TWO / birthday 24th november
THREE / zodiac sign sagittarius ♐
FOUR / height about 5'4-5'5
FIVE / hobbies well i write shit sometimes 👀
SIX / favourite colours i like live in black but!!!! red is my favourite colour
SEVEN / favourite books fuck bro i have so many. the song of achilles, more happy than not, they both die at the end, carry on, the half bad trilogy, ari and dante, etc there's sooooo many
EIGHT / last song i listened to ohmygod my spotify is playing rn but i have no idea what jut played cause i use the free one so I'll say the current one which is jesus in la by alec benjamin
NINE / last film i watched i think it was rocketman cause i never remember what movies i watch on tv
TEN / inspiration for muse ???does this mean what makes you wanna be creative or what??? that usually poetry. im such a bitch for poetry whew
ELEVEN / dream job something where i can help people. i want to be deep in activism and volunteering, and work with helping people make their lives better. i want to travel the world but it's less important to me than knowing people can live safely and comfortably
TWELVE / meaning behind your url well. i made this blog a few weeks into s3 and at the time everyone was "datteo vs davenzi" and i was sat in a corner with like three other people and a ball of lint with my "schreibenzi" sign
THIRTEEN / top 3 ships i don't do top ships i do current hyperfixations. going on that: davenzi, mazzouk, ballum. my go to's to fall back on have always been drarry and stucky. sue me. also to varying degrees: byeler (or preferably: will byers/happiness and support), reddie (rip), pynch, nabriel (ouch), snowbaz, and myself with someone desperate enough to date me!!!
FOURTEEN / lipstick or chapstick chapstick
FIFTEEN / currently reading dirk gentlys holistic detective agency, the song of achilles (again) and it. but im not actually making much progress with any of them.
im not tagging anyone cause you all know who you are!!!! i feel like i bug you all lmao if any mutuals wanna do this just say i tagged you!!
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