wherever-i-look-blog · 2 months
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swarmm-cod · 2 years
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Loved this move as a kid….. Prophecy(1979) . Director: John Frankenheimer. A government health inspector is dispatched to assess the damage a logging company is causing to a patch of forest claimed by Native Americans, and comes face to face with true terror wrecking havoc in the woods. #asementedodiabo #prophecy #1979 #horror #scifi #thriller #johnfrankenheimer #davidseltzer #taliashire #robertfoxworth #armandassante #richarddysart #victoriaracimo #bear #classic #scariest https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPfmnbu7y9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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franciscomaldo · 8 months
#31PelículasDeHorror #Halloween2023 #TheOmen √
Para el 12 de febrero he seleccionado una película que generó bastantes pasiones debido a lo que implicó como horror y su trama bíblica. Se trata de #TheOmen (La Profesía), dirigida por #RichardDonner y producida por #HarveyBernhard, quien además tuvo la idea que plasmó en su guión #DavidSeltzer. Tiene un destacado elenco liderado por #GregoryPeck #LeeRemick #DavidWarner #BillieWhitelaw y de…
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
The Omen (1976)
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The Omen contains many eerie and unsettling moments. You’ve seen the film parodied, you likely know the big revelations already, but this engaging, deliberately paced, ominous story has got some tricks up its sleeve you won’t see coming.
American diplomat Robert Thorn (Gregory Peck) learns his wife Katherine (Lee Remick) has given birth to a stillborn son. To spare her the pain, Robert is convinced by the hospital chaplain (Martin Benson) to secretly adopt an orphan whose mother has just died. When mysterious events start plaguing the Thorn home, Robert begins to wonder if the wild accusations he has been hearing from Father Brennan (Patrick Troughton) and the strange observations by photographer Keith Jennings (David Warner) might not indicate that something supernatural about Damien (Harvey Spencer Stephens).
Director Richard Donner keeps his cards close to the chest and keeps you guessing. There are no shots of Damien smiling as a pet suddenly attacks its master or any behavior that makes him look like anything but a little boy who acts out once in a while, as little boys tend to. I knew the answer to whether the boy is evil or not but if you don’t, I think you’d have a hard time guessing. It could very well be the story of a man who’s stressed out after a shocking tragedy (the best scene in the film, one that made chills go up my spine) and becomes prone to believing the worst of those around him.
Even if you know where things are going, it's as tense as hanging on a ledge by your fingertips and made doubly engaging by strong performances. Gregory Peck is terrific in the role of the torn father. You understand the need for him to find some rational explanations for what is happening, you feel his need for answers, and the fear he holds deep inside that his suspicions may be true. A less talented actor than Peck would've made you lean one way or another. Here, you have no idea. Speaking of which, young Harvey Spencer Stephens is quite good as well. The role is not one that calls for a whole lot of dialogue (he barely has a handful of lines) but that makes the looks he gives and body language that much more critical. A smile in the wrong scene and you’d say “definitely evil”!
In a way, time has not been kind to The Omen. I still highly recommend it, but can't help yearning for a time machine to experience it like those from 1976 would have. The ending is so good people haven’t stopped talking about it since and while waiting for it to come, you’re prone to grow slightly restless. Or you might not. Even now, some of the more chilling scenes still haunt me. It’s a great example of horror done right. You don’t worry about the trivial things, you go for what really frightens people: the unknown, uncertainty, the worst-case scenarios. The Omen is a horror film that has endured for a reason. (On Blu-ray, July 19, 2016)
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adafine · 5 years
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Horror Movie Marathon (2019) October 27th 65. The Omen (1976) Directed by Richard Donner #theomen #gregorypeck #leeremick #davidwarner #billiewhitelaw #davidseltzer #gilberttaylor #jerrygoldsmith #damienthorn #screamfactory #bluray (at El Apartamento De Sweeney) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4SuBSmg_YB/?igshid=1rzpto837hvdn
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slimkhezri · 5 years
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📺🎞#LateNightCinema 🎃 #CountdownToHalloween #Classic Watching “The Omen”, a 1976 supernatural horror film directed by Richard Donner, and written by David Seltzer. The film stars Gregory Peck, Lee Remick, David Warner, Harvey Spencer Stephens, Billie Whitelaw, Patrick Troughton, Martin Benson, and Leo McKern. The first installment of The Omen franchise, The Omen concerns a young child replaced at birth by American Ambassador Robert Thorn (Peck) unbeknownst to his wife (Remick), after their own son was murdered at the hospital, enabling the son of Satan to grow up with wealth and power. They are surrounded by mysterious and ominous deaths, unaware that the child, Damien, is the Antichrist. Released theatrically by 20th Century Fox in June 1976, The Omen received acclaim from critics and was a commercial success, grossing over $60 million at the box office and becoming one of the highest-grossing films of 1976. The film earned two Oscar nominations, and won for Best Original Score for Jerry Goldsmith, his only Oscar win. Plot: American diplomat Robert (Gregory Peck) adopts Damien (Harvey Stephens) when his wife, Katherine (Lee Remick), delivers a stillborn child. After Damien's first nanny hangs herself, Father Brennan (Patrick Troughton) warns Robert that Damien will kill Katherine's unborn child. Shortly thereafter, Brennan dies and Katherine miscarries when Damien pushes her off a balcony. As more people around Damien die, Robert investigates Damien's background and realizes his adopted son may be the Antichrist. #horrormovies #film #scarymovie #theomen #gregorypeck #richarddonner #davidseltzer #leeremick #halloween #creepy #666 #damien https://www.instagram.com/p/B33w6gdpPZ5/?igshid=12sruvpiaujqq
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abrainyquote · 5 years
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Words of Sympathy by David Seltzer https://abrainyquote.com/words-of-sympathy-by-david-seltzer/ #davidseltzer #sympathy #sympathyflowers #sympathycard #quotes #quotestoliveby https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gF7Isn6lb/?igshid=h6s3k2bg4f1n
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furfirefodder · 2 years
David Seltz
Species: Half fox, half cat, also known as a Caxy
Age: 24
Height: 5′4″
Weight: 106lbs
Birthday: February 16th
Blessing: Bonds. David is blessed by the goddess Fina with powerful emotional bonds, with people naturally gravitating to him and finding connections with him that are often stronger than the average.
Fur/Scale/Skin color/pattern: Primary fur is a grey color, with his secondary fur being a nearly-white light grey. He has black mascara-like dark rings around his eyes as well as “bags” under his eyes the same color as his secondary color. He also has “fingerless” markings, with his fingers being black, as well as “toeless”, with his toes being black. His hands and paws have smooth black pads, soft thanks to a daily care routine.
Eye color: Bright teal, which glows in the dark.
Venomous: No.
Poisonous: No.
Personality: David is caring and considerate, as well as extremely playful. He is flirty, lewd, loves to live and lives to love. He is always out to make people happy and to feel good, living for pleasure in all its forms, be it his own, someone elses, or even just making someone smile for a second. He is easily brought down, but recovers rapidly and has intense resilience. While he has been described as “too much” by some, everything he does is in the hopes he can keep people happy and keep the good times coming for both himself and others, a desperate attempt to keep himself from focusing on the darker and sadder aspects of his life.
Backstory: Born to the fox Bryce and tabby cat Nina Seltz, David was always a bit odd for a predator. He didn’t display any of the social norms typical of predator species such as those he descended from. Regardless of who he was interacting with, be they predator or prey, he never let out his claws, and often avoided baring his teeth even when angry or interacting with other predators. This led to his parents worrying he may have something wrong with him, such as a mental disorder or social disorders. When he was very young, they would often find he also had a disdain for most meat, and could not get him to eat red meats at all, and most white meats wound up being pushed away. As an attempt to bring out his predatory side, his parents would often show him how to act through example, with his father often baring his teeth and his mother extending her claws when interacting with him. This had the opposite impact however, as he began to associate these things with aggression and avoided doing them even more. However, this revealed a new trait in him: a need to please. Despite his associations with the actions, he began to present the desired traits to his parents. Thinking they’d succeeded, his parents relaxed their attentions. David took this to mean he wasn’t doing things right, and so he stopped, believing he had upset them. His parents didn’t notice, however. His parents were both born in February as well, and their gifts were a truly toxic match: His father was gifted with potent devotion, his attention and love for his partner overshadowing all else, while his mother was gifted with romantic obsession, her innate romantic qualities leaving her focused almost entirely on her partner as well. While they had been able to focus on David for his social growth, once they believed their job was done they had simply begun focusing on each other. No matter his efforts, David could not get his parents attention. It was during this period of time, around his third year of life, that he met his best friend, Ryder Trayson. His parents had gone out and hired a babysitter, Ryder’s mother Maria, who had brought her five year old son with her as well, to play with David. The two hit it off immediately, with Ryder being naturally gentle. Despite Ryder displaying all of the traits typical of predators, being a healthy example of a great grey wolf, David’s anxieties and social differences quickly presented themselves, and Ryder adjusted behaviors to match. Over time, and as David’s parents took more and more time together, he found himself being left with Maria more often, until eventually he was simply staying nights at Ryder’s home every few days. When he was old enough for school, he was a natural at making friends. His prey-like habits left him easy to get along with in the eyes of prey, and his predatory peers saw him as someone with no expectations, which they took as a chance to be themselves around him.  He made many friends, but some of the rowdy children would bully him for not being a proper predator, which left him remembering his parents own disappointment in him over the same things. By this time he was ten, his parents were on dates nearly every other day, leaving him going home with Ryder most days. Maria and her husband Gale would often play games with David and Ryder, and David felt truly home with them, getting a taste of what parents should be. Over the years, he developed into a much healthier example of his kind, with the interactions of Ryder, Maria, and Gale improving his mental and social health exponentially. He no longer feared bared teeth or claws, and could blend and mesh well with both predator and prey. However, when he was home with his parents, they still only ever saw their son as what he used to be, and would comment on how he would never have what they had due to his inability to express himself. Despite his acquired taste for meat during his middle school years, and his social growth, his parents refused to see his change, and would often neglect him both due to their obsession with each other, as well as finding him to be a lost cause. On his sixteenth birthday, he filed for emancipation, only for his parents to reveal they had intended to do the very same thing and had already prepared the process. While it was what he had wanted, the fact his parents had prepped for it hurt him deeply, and in his first ever instance of true anger, he drove them from the house, a feat Ryder, Maria, and Gale never understood given his small size and timid nature. His parents however had intended to leave anyways, a fact David always left out in retellings. They had already put the house in his name, as well as the car. They packed their clothes and necessities, and left for the airport. Their gift to him on his sixteenth birthday was total freedom from them: They had left him entirely independent, and gone to travel the world together. David however couldn’t stand the thought of living in the home he had never truly felt a part of, and sold everything as soon as he was able. His home was far from cheap, and with the profits from selling it, the car, and everything in the house, he was able to pay three years rent in advance on a cheap apartment, taking up over half of what he had. After buying a bed, TV, and a couch, he split the rest between a savings account and his checking account. Despite having his own apartment now, he still found himself staying with Ryder most nights, even sharing a bed with the great grey wolf half the time. While most would draw certain conclusions, their sharing a bed was entirely platonic, with Ryder simply seeing it as David needing to feel cared for, and David simply enjoying the comfort of not being alone. While the remaining funds from his sales and his savings account were enough to keep him afloat a while, especially with his rent paid so far in advance, he still wanted to build up more funds, and after a year or so of looking, found work at a cafe a few blocks from his home. It was also around this time he realized something about himself, which had always seemed apparent but never quite been at the front of his mind. He realized he was gay, as the few girlfriends he’d had never seemed to really satisfy him in any way, or even hold his interest, while he found himself often more interested in the males at his school. This realization and the near-immediate coming-out after it led to a lot of bullying, with Ryder often protecting the caxy from attackers and harassment. One particular boy was especially hateful, until Ryder nearly killed him for it, an act of protection that ultimately led to David falling in love with Ryder, though he never said as much. Despite this, most of his peers didn’t care about his coming out, a fact he was grateful for. In fact, many of his male peers enjoyed the opportunity. With his hormones on overdrive and with his love of pleasing others, he began to offer certain favors for nothing in return besides the knowledge he was making people feel good, and many of his male peers found this to be the perfect opportunity to enjoy themselves without risking pregnancy scares. This did, however, push away Ryder at times, with the great grey wolf worrying for David’s health and safety. Eventually, David did stop at Ryder’s request after the two shared a long and honest talk, with David admitting he only did it because it made him feel useful. After he stopped, he began dedicating his time and energy to Ryder, as well as his own hobbies and interests. As his eighteenth birthday arrived, one he had expected to simply be himself, Ryder, and a few friends, he was instead given something else entirely. Maria and Gale, who had moved to a small town a few miles from the city after giving Ryder a home of his own for his eighteenth birthday two years prior, had come to town to celebrate as well as deliver a very special gift, a decade long work in progress. When the pair had realized how neglectful David’s parents were, they had taken it upon themselves to ensure his future would be secure. They had already set up a savings account for Ryder, and had given him everything in it on his eighteenth birthday, nearly fifty thousand dollars, and had decided to do the same for David. While the start had been later and the amount had been lower, it was still a hefty amount at over thirty eight thousand. David hadn’t known what to say or do, and wound up deciding to put half of it into his savings account, and the other half into his checking. It was also during this time he decided to truly cut all connection to his parents, as they hadn’t even thought to send a card or letter from wherever they were. After a few more years, on his twenty first birthday, he did finally admit his feelings for Ryder, and while the wolf needed time to process, he did ultimately accept and reciprocate the feelings, leading to the two becoming a mated pair.
Present Life: These days he often can be found in one of three places. If he’s not at home with Ryder, and not at the cafe working, he can be found at any one of the various night clubs around the city. A typical day for David goes like this: Wake, up, quick shower, get his self-care routine done. Walk to work, get his shift done, walk home, quick shower, and then his day may go one of two ways. Either he’ll spend the rest of the night with Ryder at home or on a date, or he’ll go to one of the local clubs and dance the night away before coming home and capping off the night with Ryder.
Occupation: Barista/Waiter at The Pawfee Bean
Affiliates: The Pawfee Bean, Ryder Trayson
Residence: Trayson Family Home in the city of Tylvin, state of Delmar, country of Ferus.
Hobbies: Dancing at clubs, cooking, drawing, and playing visual novels.
Likes: Any music with a beat he can dance to, spicy foods, western movies and shows, visual novels, dance clubs
Dislikes: Any music with a bad beat or no beat, crunchy foods, horror movies, mystery books, his workplace, Kaleb Killian
Hidden talents: He is surprisingly skilled at singing baritone, capable of lowering his voice from its usual alto for long enough to finish a song, though doing this too often or for too long can hurt his voice.
Soul Song: Cheshire Kitten by S. J. Tucker
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O anticristo. #666 #omen #aprofecia #profecia #apocalipse #davidseltzer #pipocaenanquim #edsoncamara #livros #livros2021 (em Planeta Terra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP-69NlLXqx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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carolbradley · 7 years
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5th #book has arrived so I now have all of them!! Yay 😊 The Omen is my number one #horror #film so having this full set is awesome!! #reading #books #series #collection #theomen #damientheomen2 #thefinalconflict #omen4armageddon2000 #theabominationomen5 #davidseltzer #josephhoward #gordonmcgill
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josephfrady · 5 years
#shiningthrough #1992 #davidseltzer #joelyrichardson #melaniegriffith #war #thriller #quote #movie #vivienleigh #clarkgable DP #jandebont (à Berlin, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsa7ncuInnV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=xru5jptuqo4d
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valkyrialou · 8 years
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#davidseltzer #theomen
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med-it-loud-blog · 8 years
Rework of an excerpt of The Omen by David Seltzer. (Horror Fiction)
Exercice : “Relate the encounter between Thorn and Mrs Baylock using indirect speech and finish with a prediction of what is to follow” 
On a dreary night of November, Thorn woke up in the middle of the night. The house was pitch black, and no lampswitch worked. The only thing he could see was the ray of light Damian’s door. The only thing he could hear was a roaring sound, like a low rumble. He suddenly saw a threatening black dog. He froze, and Mrs Bayleck’s voice shrilled : “Quite down now”. And seeing Thorn’s expression, she added “gave you a fright, did he?” Thorn looked at the dog, not that scary after all. In the following weeks, which also were Thorn’s last, he witnessed event, not knowing if this was a dream or reality, not daring to admit any. He saw Damian, killing animals who were in the garden, he saw him conversing with the dog, always carefully his every moves. Then, he had an oblivious death, but the violence, the anger had never been that spread on a crime. His wife will never recover about this trauma.  
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Acabei de receber minha nova leitura, A Profecia de David Seltzer em edição primorosa da Pipoca&Nanquim #aprofecia #davidseltzer #666 #demian #pipoca&nanquim #edsoncamaraplaytowin #livros #livros2021 (em Planeta Terra) https://www.instagram.com/p/CP-3_nDrID3/?utm_medium=tumblr
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