#day 3: historical au
txintedsorrow · 7 years
Leave The Soul Alone.
Soukoku Week.
Day 3 : Historical AU.
Summary:  Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu AU He was fit to become a performer. To be on a stage all alone, becoming multiple people at once. Changing his intentions in the flicker of an eye, reciting stories that people loved for centuries. He was born to become a storyteller, hiding himself behind carefully planned lines and reactions to everything around him. Through the 1930's until the World War 2, they keep on telling their stories, waiting for the Shinigami.
Hello everybody! A few notes so the story will be understood with more ease.
This is an AU based on Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu. Rakugo is a form of storytelling in Japan, where a storyteller has to act several characters on stage, sitting on a mat on his knee, with only a small fan by his side, sometimes a candle as well to set the atmosphere. The stories they tell are usually funny but some very dark ones exist as well. The zenza is the lowest position you can have as a performer, later on you become a futatsume and lastly a shin’uchi which basically is like a Master of the art.
At some part of the story, I have a link to an actual performance, please watch it if possible so you will get how amazing it is!
Well I hope you will enjoy this!!
Year: 1929
When they first met, it was autumn. The brown leaves danced across his feet, as cold brown eyes took in the sight in front of them. The House of a Rakugo Master. His family had a connection with the arts for generations, so they decided to sent their youngest son to learn under a Master. Everyone had realized that Shuuji’s words had something magical in them, that made you pause and listen.  The ones around him had no idea what a dark place his mind was. He was far too observant, picking up little reactions, knowing just the right words to say. He made people laugh, because laughter allowed people to relax and let their guard down.
He was fit to become a performer. To be on a stage all alone, becoming multiple people at once. Changing his intentions in the flicker of an eye, reciting stories that people loved for centuries. He was born to become a storyteller, hiding himself behind carefully planned lines and reactions to everything around him.
Shuuji felt the hand of his father resting on his shoulder before he entered his new home. It was the start of another life. He inhaled sharply, before he opened the door to the garden. It was quite large just not as the one they had in his previous home. Chocolate eyes widen as he sees a single figure sitting underneath the red maple leaves dressed in a red kimono. His breath caught in his throat, as the other’s fiery orange hair was caressed by the wind. Etheral. That was what this sight seemed to his eyes. He had never seen such a striking colour. Without realizing it, he was moving forward hoping to reach out and see if it was real or just a fragment of his imagination. He stepped on the fallen leaves and that was when their gazes met. Light blue bore into brown, as he finally could see the one that had mesmorized him.
“You must be the new student.” It takes a bit until the words get registered into his mind and that is when he realies that the sight before him is indeed real.
“Beautiful.” he murmurs under his breath.
“Huh? Did you say something, newcomer?” Shuuji shakes his head in response and suddenly the other one is standing in front of him. He is petite with blue eyes staring at him curiously, but his every move is filled with grace.
“No, it’s nothing. My name is Shuuji...who are you?” the other smiles at him widely.
“I am Chuuya and the Master’s oldest student. So in short your senpai.” Shuuji blinks once. Ah. A guy. This feeling he had before should have disappeared but it didn’t. He whistled.
“Well, what is short here is you though.” he can’t help but respoind with a small grin.
“HUH?! What did you say?!” Chuuya’s voice turned into a shrill and the boy couldn’t help but laugh. Ah. This would be interesting.
In the end, they had to share a room. Shuuji stared into the thin celeling , lost in his thoughts. The sound from his left made him turn his attention to the boy sleeping next to him. Chuuya. Chuuya who moved with grace, Chuuya whose reactions were always so genuine, he had something captivating about him. He hummed as he reached out to run his fingers across that long red hair thinking about what he had learned.
Chuuya was apparently going to be a dancer, but his family lost their fortune in an incident, being unable to continue their career any lnger, they begged the Master to take him in, so the theater’s lights could still shine on him. He was glad, they had. Otherwise, they would hadn;t met in their lifetimes.
Rakugo was hard, but having someone to practice with  was fun, having someone to listen to him as he acted out was fun. He loved making Chuuya laugh, but in reality, he enjoyed the darker stories much more. They would challenge each other and perform in front of Master to see who was better. Whoever would win would get the dessert on that day or force the other to buy him something. Once, when Chuuya had won, he had used Dazai’s money to buy a hat, like the ones the adults wore. Dazai prefered their usual outfits, those foreign ones didn’t catch his interest, but Chuuya was in love with it, he would wear it even at night, it actually got annoying. He almost burned it once. Sadly Chuuya chose to return at that moment so his plan was ruined.
Year: 1937
Chuuya got to act in a theater first. Shuuji observed him carefully. Not many people were there to see a simple zenza. However his friend was performing even better than how he did at home. His eyes were shining much more. Ah, Chuuya loved to perform in front of an audience, the sound of their laughter would make his hands behind his sleeves turn into fists of satisfaction. Truly. The stage was where he belonged.
Shuuji’s turn didn’t come much later, his piece was a story of a trickster who took advantage of people around him. Blue eyes watched mezmorized as the teen changed his expression into a smug one holding the fan open with his left hand.
“It is I! The one you were after all along, but now it’;s too late!” his voice echoed clearly in the small theater. A few weeks later they were upgraded to futatsume’s. They received new names as well. It was huge honour. On the following weekend, after they had finished with all the ceremones and pratices, the brunet had a plan.
“Hey, Chuuya, let's go out to celebrate!” Shuuji had said smilling widely as he tagged the other teen through the busy streets of Kyoto, beautiful ladies dressed in kimono were chatting to theirselves as they ran through the crowd. The red laterns lit up their path, cherry blossom petals followed their every step.
“Hey, Shuuji! Where are we going?!” the red haired managed to ask as they reached yet another street.
“My name is Dazai now, remember, Chuuya?~” he drawled out his name dragging out the vowels in a teasing tone as his eyes shone with mischief. Chuuya rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, idiot Dazai! Answer to my question!” he demanded, getting free of the other’s hold and punching his shooulder.
“Ow!  Chuuya your name should had been changed into mean!” Dazai whined as he rubbed his arms “Truly, you are so impatient! We are really close!”
“This better be worth it, idiot.”
“Don’t you trust me?” Dazai faked a gasp looking at his best friend with shock in his eyes which made the poor guy shake his head.
“Of course not, now let’s just finish this game of tag already.” and with that he started walking forward. Dazai smirked.
“Chuuya, it’s on the other side!~” he pointed out cheerfully, loving how the tips of his ears turned red. Heh, cute~ Chuuya ran back to where Dazai was standing with a frustated expression on his face and that beautiful crimson across his cheeks, as the brunet gave him a smug look.
“I knew that!” he exclaimed glaring at the other futatsume, who hummed rather pleased.
“Sure you did~” soon they reached their destination. Chuuya raised an eyebrow. A bar? They were still 16 , could they even drink? Dazai grinned at him, motioning to him to come closer.
“It’s fine, as long you pay and they have food too, Chuuya, no need to order anything like that anyway~ We can have food and some tea if you prefer that~” his companion frowned slightly “Or maybe you are scared?” the brunet added using his last restort, his hands sneaking to throw an arm across his head, so his breath would settle just on his ear.
“What would I be scared of?” Chuuya tried to seem unfazed for now, but Dazai knew his habits like the back of his hand having growing up with him for so long, when Chuuya was nervous, he would grab onto his right sleeve and roll it betwteen his fingers. Something, he was doing just now. Dazai leaned clsoer making it sure, that his friend could feel the smirk on his voice.
“That you will lose to me. Are you up for a challenge, Chuuya? Or will you run away, hm?” Dazai asked in a darker tone and that was when he was grabbed by the hair and moved forward so Chuuya’s lips were just above his ear.
“Bring it on.” the growl just right to his ear made a shiver run down his spine and something darker shine in his eyes.
“Just what I wanted to hear!” and with that pulled back “Now, let’s do this!” they entered the shop. They ordered food first, as Dazai insisted that they shouldn't do this with an empty stomach, they needed to be able to walk back after all. When the drinks first came, Dazai didn’t hesitate at all and took a few sips. However that was not the case for his friend.Chuuya looked at his own cup with an expression of incredible focus and ferocity that  made his partner laugh.
“Chuuya, it won’t kill you or anything~ Really, you must be so scared~” Dazai coaxed him as he tapped his fingers against the wooden table. Dark blue eyes turned to stare at him with a flame so strong that his breath almost hitched in his throat. Chuuya lifted his cup.
“Watch me.”  and downed it in making Dazai stare in shock before he laughed at the other’s idiocy.
“Sure you can handle that, Chuuya?~”
“SHUT UP!” he exclaimed loudly “This is nothing!” and with that he filled his cup again “This burn is nothing! Huh, like I would lose!” and with that he gulped it all down,tasting the sake on his tongue. Dazai shook his head and drank a bit from his own cup.
“If you say so~” it wasn’t much later that Chuuya was slurring against his ear and shouting loudly in the shop that the pair had to excuse theirselves. Chuuya leaned on Dazai so he would be able to walk.
“See, Chuuya, you were so easy. Makes sense, nobody drinks like that on the first time.” the storyteller muttered under his breath as they crossed the bridge. It was late now, so less people were around.
“Shuuuut upp.” was the only response he got. Thankfully, their home wasn’t too far from there. Dazai opened the door and dragged Chuuya into their shared room.
“There we go.” he basically threw him across the futon, before letting  a sound of relief. He hoped the red haired would just fall asleep now, but as he was ready to leave to grab something, he was pulled down harshly by his right hand, so he landed on the futon next to Chuuya with a groan of pain.
“What was that for?” he questioned turning to stare at Chuuya who was taking off his outer kimono, slowly. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system, but the sight of him  undressing slowly under the moonlight made his heart twist.
“I won.” Chuuya said simply as he leaned forward “It’s hot so I am taking this off. I want to get my prize.” he added with his eyes clouded as his gaze buried into the other’s form.
“Well, you didn't really win but whatever, what is it that you want?” Chuuya paused llooking to the side flustered making Dazai raise an eyebrow “So?” Chuuya murmured something under his breath but  he couldn’t hear it.
“Huh?” Say it louder.”
Chuuya just growled and pulled him forward clashing his lips against Dazai’s. Brown eyes became open wide as hands reached to tug his hair applying force. He felt unable to breathe, his hands stayed motionless on his side as Chuuya sucked out the oxygen out of his body. When he pulled away, a trace of saliva connected their lips. Their breaths came out in loud pants.
“Shuuji.” his true name being whispered hotly right after what just happened, really wasn’t good for his health. But when did Dazai care about his health anyway? He wanted to hear it again. Chuuya looked so beautiful right now.
“Yes?” his voice came out slightly hoarse. He felt heat suffoating him. The alcohol. Yeah. Totally the alcohol. The other licked his lips before he spoke.
“Kiss me again.” he moaned softly leaning forward.
Dazai no longer cared, if it was the alcohol or if the attraction he always had towards Chuuya,  all he wanted to do was kiss him until he left him breathless. He pushed him against the futon caging his smaller body with his arms, loving the surprised gasp that left his target. His gaze darkened.
“As you wish, Chuuya.” instead of kissing him on the lips, he aimed for somethimg more risky. He had no experience whatsoever but, he knew that Chuuya’s neck was sensitive and that he hated other’s touching it. He let his breath ghost all over it before kissing it. The sound that Chuuya made to his actions was heaven to his ears, as he sucked on it more.
“Fuck.” this time it was Chuuya who let out a curse in the midst of pleasure.That was when Dazai realized that this would be his demise. But well, it was a good way to go. Burning this sight into his memory. Of Chuuya’s pale neck being decorated by marks he made, of how wide his eyes were, of how much fucking wrecked he looked. Dazai didn’t care, if he would go to hell at the moment, as long as he had this.
Since that night, their relationship changed. They kept it hidden from everyone else, only when they were alone, their true feelings would show. They said their first words of love a few days later, Chuuya in an embarassed murmur as he slept on Dazai’s side and Dazai while playing with his hair as he fell asleep. They continued to practice hard every day and apppear at local theaters, now as futatsumes they had more costumers waiting to see them act. It was rather satisfying. The seats would be almost full in both cases. It sure was a satisfying sight.
Year: 1939.
Dazai had been wanting to find more works to cover, as he chatted with other fellow storytellers, the name Shinigami caught his attention. It was a story about how a doctor who always seeked money, one day a shinigami appeared in front of him. It sounded more like his type of story, the chilling ones were always his favourites. He decided to try it out.
As he crossed the busy streets of Kyoto, he could feel the uneasiness in the air. His own gaze turned colder as he read one of the newspapers that were handed to him. The wheels were turning. War was starting. The alliance that had been done with Germany since a few years ago was finally set into motion. Japan would plunder and take more territories. Expanding its power, so everyone would bow their heads to them.
Dazai threw the newspaper away as he noticed a familiar hat standing nearby  a shop. Chuuya had taken the job of a waiter so they could get a slightly bigger apartment, Dazai had teased him about how he looked on the unifrom countless of times, but Chuuya enjoyed the dress up. Of course, Dazai had invited himself to the restaurant more than once just to annoy his lover. This time however he knew that his shift was over.
“Hey.” he called out as he let a gentle smile appear across his face. Chuuya smiled at him but his was much more forced. They walked back together.
“Hey.” Chuuya hummed back wanting to do nothing but rest in his lover’s arms “I heard some stuff on the shop...will we be alright?” the worry was crystal clear and it made sense. The sense of doom was slowly approaching.
“We will just do what we do best.” Dazai assured him “Perform.” Blue eyes rested on his form, hesitantly interwining their fingers as they reached their papartment.
“You are right.” he agreed in a soft voice before grinning “Let’s see who will become a shuuinichi first.”
“Oh Chuuya, of course it will be me. I have an ace up my sleeve.” that caught his interest and shortly he raised his eyebrow.
“Oh?”  Dazai smirked.
“Its a secret.”
“You know you love me~” and with that he wrapped his arms around Chuuya’s form, inhaling his scent of cigarette and rose. A muffled idiot was heard but it only made him grin wider.
“I am your idiot though~”
“Oh, shut up you sap.”
Chuuya soon couldn’t take it anymore, after a day of hard work, he fell asleep in Dazai’s arms. Fingers run through his hair in soothing motions as the night came.
Year: 1940
War finally broke out. Orders were sent out. Even the performers were affected. Some would be sent to entertain the soldiers. Chuuya was chosen as well. Dazai had insited to go with him, but his own post was on Tokyo to ease the civilians. Chuuya was needed to make soldiers laugh so they can hold ou t a bit more. He would be sent to Manchuria. That night, they had a fight but soon they found themselves returning to each other.
“Hey, Chuuya.’ Dazai said as the night sky was covered with clouds hiding the moon from their eyes.
“Promise me that you will come back.”  its a uiet murmur and Dazai doesn’t look at him in the eye.
“We still haven’t become shuunichis, haven’t we? You need to be here to celebrate with me when I win, so...promise me you will do that.” Chuuya le out a sigh, hiding his eyes with the outer side of his palm, trying to hold back the tears,.
“You are an idiot...” the usual insult was said in a slightly choked tone, because he knew like Dazai did, that war was cruel and would take away lives without any mercy “I...promise..”
A few days later Chuuya left. It left an emptiness in Dazai’s chest, unable to hold back the terrible unease he had, he kept performing and memorii zing scripts. Letters would arrive from Chuuya every few months.  
Year: 1943
It was a snowy winter night in Tokyo. The war was cruel, he needed to do his best and entertain costumers as much as he could. He walked into the stage his footsteps being followed by the sound of Koto playing and people clapping. It was mostly elders as well as women and children. Men were sent to fight after all. Dazai smiled at the audience before sitting down on the small mat. Next to him was a candle and a small fan. The candle’s flame was dim but he didn’t notice yet.
“Ah, hello there. Thank you for coming on such a cold winter night.” he said before standing up. His eyes stared into the audience as he started reciting.
“Overtime things fall in and out of fashion, yet the world of the gods never changes.” he took off his coat, making his voice sound hostile as everything began. It was the story of a Shinigami. (Perforamance)
The story unfolded slowly and a darkness was surrounding Dazai slowly. All he could see was the light of the candle. It represented the human life, the shinigami laughed in his mind as he tried to make the flame stay alive. It was futile.
“It’s going out, your life will disappear.”
The light trembled and a wide grin spread across his face as it died out. He was left alone in the abyss.
“See....it went out...” he drawled out slowly his voice turning daker and hoarse. The crowd errupted in cheers amazed by the perfomance. Dazai wore his smile again, his first mask before bowing his head again. He went home feeling empty and dead inside, he needed to remain alive for Chuuya’s sake if anything. He wished the Shinigami would just leave him alone. That night, his dreams showed the crashing waves taking his body away, until it had all faded away.
A letter arrived on his doorstep that very morning.He rushed out and teared the letter open, agonizing unable to hold back any longer. It had been months since he had received a letter from Chuuya. He was so relieved, he could almost start crying now.
The file fell from his hands and his knees were too weak to hold him with a thud he found himself lying on the floor, still clutching onto the paper so hard it almost started getting teared up apart.
“Nakahara Chuuya was killed in the last bombing of December.”
“That can’t be true.” denial washed over him as the smilling face of his lover appeared o n his mind, replaced by a lifeless corpse with a hole across his chest.
“Shinigami.” he uttered out in shock  he tried to stop the twars from falling, he couldn’t breathe.  “Shinigami, why did you take him?! Why didn’t you take me instead?!”
Dazai laughed as he hid his face with his hands.
“Ah....that’s right....Chuuya...we promised woe would be always together, didn’t we?” with each step he took he was getting closer to the balcony, the house he was staying had a view over to the river. Brown eyes stared down without any emotion in them.
“Let me be with him, Shinigami. Let me rest in his arms.” He stood on top of the balcony, before letting the water swallow him whole.
Chuuya....I will find you...even in death.
The end.
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