#day tweleve
menphinaswhitemage · 6 months
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Decembhyur | Day 29 | Sacred/Faith
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canararapstudios · 6 months
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todayisafridaynight · 7 months
The funniest thing that could be true about Jo as a headcanon/whatever is that he is ticklish (bc this tracks with his frankly ridiculous amount of layers and it's fun when stoic assholes have vulnerability they can't control).
Who would ever know? Certainly nobody. Even w Arasawa, Masumi wouldn't have a reason to know unless he stumbled into this information by accident, and Jo... I can't even imagine his reaction. Betrayal and fear.
I'm being goosey but it made me giggle to think about and thought I'd share.
Im so sorry to inflict this statement upon everyone but every time i think of tickling i think of that one dane cook bit. About being tickled.
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gender-haver · 2 years
This bed has been empty for some time now.
It has been left wanting.
It does not consume me, as I climb neath it’s covers.
It does not want my flesh to lay rotting and dead inside it.
It only wants to be warm.
And so do I.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
better man by Taylor swift for church girl x rhett
We all know she's gonna keep going back to him tho
I hope she's making bad decisions in a hayloft somewhere
dear anon and taylor you’re so right for this!!!!!
of course she is. she is me, i am her!!!!
thank you so much for this rec dear anon!! 💌
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casualwitch · 2 years
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stil-yr-sand · 2 years
trying flex disc so far i like it
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canobugs · 6 months
imagine like a true crime documentary on percy jackson like
"so this kid and his mom just disappeared one night, car crashed, blood on the scene no bodies"
"oh my god"
"his stepfather believed he was responsible for the whole thing. mind you this kid was TWELEVE"
"that sounds nuts honestly"
"right? so this kid and his mom go missing, step-dad blames him. kid turns up near New Jersey and a bus explodes."
"shut the fuck up? do they have photos of it?"
"yeah, so a tourist snapped his photo because he recognized him from the missing person's report. by the way, this kid's rap sheet is... it's insane. six schools six years. he was expelled the day of the disappearance."
"Yeah, I reached out to the school, but they had no further comment. so 5 shows up AGAIN, saint Louis Arch, another explosion. he FELL from the top of the arch."
"how the fuck did he survive that, what the hell?"
"I have no idea, but a family of three saw him jump from the top into the Mississippi."
"That’s insane."
"It gets more insane; so he shows up on a beach near Los Angeles, right after those major earthquakes? He and the two kids he was traveling with, I forgot to mention there are two other children in this story, but their identities have never been revealed."
"That is wild."
"Yeah! The Coast Guard drops them off because they were just... in the ocean."
"How on earth would three kids get there?"
"Some theories are they got swept out when the earthquake hit, they managed to cling to a buoy and wait for rescue."
"They were that far out?"
"Apperently!! So anyway, they get onto the beach. This dude in a trench coat starts blasting at them with a shotgun."
"Jesus Christ."
"And this kid somehow gets another gun, and they just have a shoot out on the beach."
"holy shit."
"Holy shit is right. The big guy manages to hit an exposed gas line from the earthquake, explodes like three cop cars, and by some miracle, no casualties."
"That is so lucky."
"YEAh! So it was determined that this dude orchestrated the whole thing! He was seen by waitresses in Denver outside of a diner, THREATENING all three kids."
"Really? fuck this guy that kid is a hero."
"He really is."
"So did they ever arrest him?"
"That’s what's so fucked up. They never found him."
"Are you effing kidding me?"
"Thatwhat I said when I read that like? Hello? big dude with a gun kidnapped 4 people. but that isn't the most confusing part of the story."
"So far, I haven't mentioned his mother and Step-father again. She turns up in their apartment."
"Just turns up?"
"She just turns up. but you know what? the step-father is reported missing."
"no fucking way dude"
"yes! and we still don't know what happened to him to this day."
【This podcast is sponsored by Monster Donut online delivery! watch to the end to get our discount code for 40% off of any monster donut purchase!】
honestly I would listen to it.
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demigods-posts · 11 months
percy at twelve years old, relaxing at the sound of his mom's voice. percy at twelve years old, looking forward to trips to montauk so he can spend quality time with his mom. percy at twelve years old, getting attacked by a minotaur and, despite everything in his body screaming at him to get to safety, standing his ground so he can fight alongside his mom. percy at tweleve years old, avenging his mom with no training after watching the minotuar murder her right in front of him. percy at tweleve years old, dragging an unconscious grover to the border while sobbing and calling out for his mom even though he thinks she's dead. percy at twelve years old, summoning a blue coke to honor his mom's memory. percy at twelve years old, going on a quest with the sole purpose of bringing his mom back if it's the last thing he does. percy at twelve years old, encountering various life-thretening events becsuse of his godly heritage but choosing to live in the real world instead of at a camp designed to train him and keep him alive anyway because he loves his mom.
percy at seventeen years old, arriving in manhattan and sprinting toward the apartment as soon as he can. percy at seventeen years old, zooming past people on the street while sobbing because he misses his mom more than anything. percy at seventeen years old, not even making it into the living room before engulfing his mom in a hug for the first time in months. percy at seventeen years old, cuddling up against his mom and napping in her arms on the couch like he's four. percy at seventeen years old, following his mom to the grocery store, helping her out at work, and straight up refusing to leave her side for days weeks if he can help it because he wants to make up for all of the time he's lost with her.
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starsandhughes · 7 months
Penalty Box Series— Quinn Hughes Edition (Eleven)
23-24 Season Masterlist
previous: ten
next: tweleve
i'm 11 days behind... i'm so sorry
NOVEMBER 9, 2023
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liked by matthew_tkachuk, jackhughes, and 17,943 others
yourusername welcome back to my postgame penalty box update show: the brady bunch edition!
the boys won 5-2 tonight! and by "the boys" i do not mean brady and josh, because those two are heckin LOSERS! (jk kinda) (i love you both!) (you did lose though to be fair) (mwah!)
with this win, the canucks now have 10 wins in 13 games, which is the fastest the canucks have ever reached 10 wins! we love making history around here, folks!
quinn is at three games since his last penalty and i’m so proud! he's growing (emotionally, not physically)! you know who DID get a penalty? somehow, not brady, who's in the top 5 in the league for most penalty minutes. the man that did crime tonight was your favorite and my "tolerable at best" acquaintance: argus filch's cat, mrs. norris! a.k.a josh!
the three besties were aggressive with each other this game, and i was honestly disappointed that quinn and brady didn't throw hands. he won't fight my rat, but i was hoping he'd tussle with his bf!
brady didn't let me down though! he shoved quinn down in front of the net for zero reason at all <3 and josh and quinny drove each other into the boards (quinn got smushed) and exchanged some shoves! i’ll take what i can get, and i loved it!
way to go, besties! great game! i love you, bradley! i love you way past infinity, quinny! i like you okay, mrs. norris!
xoxo, sissy🤍
tagged _quinnhughes, bradytkachuk, and joshnorris10
view all 176 comments
joshnorris10 you love everybody. you adopt every player under 21 you meet. i'm one of your brother's best friends. i deserve your love.
yourusername don't tell me what to do
joshnorris10 @_quinnhughes what did i do? i thought we worked through our issues years ago?
_quinnhughes @/joshnorris10 she loves you
joshnorris10 @_quinnhughes i'm not feeling the love
_quinnhughes @/joshnorris10 that is not on me, mrs. norris
yourusername @/joshnorris10 suffer
jackhughes @/joshnorris10 she didn't tell you to die! that means she likes you!
_quinnhughes i love you way past beyond, sissy! i'm not throwing hands!
yourusername your love has limits i see
_quinnhughes it has one bound
yourusername yeah and it's the lamest one! all of my brothers are lame!
jackhughes HEY
yourusername @/lhughes_06 oh good! you were supposed to!
bradytkachuk @/yourusername i thought pushing him down would do it
yourusername @/bradytkachuk you tried your best! it's not your fault quintin is lame!
joshnorris10 yeah! quinn's lame!
yourusername @/joshnorris10 nice try. not gonna work.
user12 quinn said 😬 and then he said 😀 and he did both beautifully
trevorzegras did you flip your hair? did you steal my brand?
yourusername first sticking his tongue out and now THIS?! he's turning into you
_quinnhughes @/yourusername that's a horrible thing to say to a person
trevorzegras y/n's comment section is MEAN today
yourusername @/trevorzegras that is not completely on me
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you started this and it caught on
yourusername @_quinnhughes i’m a terrible influence, so what?
trevorzegras @/yourusername we're having children!
yourusername @/trevorzegras and they shall rule the world under our guidance
jackhughes @/yourusername it's so cute that you have goals
yourusername @/jackhughes and i will achieve them! our little zegras-hughes's will be benevolent leaders
user51 sissy chose violence today
colecaufield @_quinnhughes i need you to fight because sissy (i'm using my pass) is starting to demand it from me
_quinnhughes you're tough, you got it
yourusername somebody needs to give me chaos or so help me i will take the ice myself
colecaufield @/yourusername and fight who?!
yourusername @/colecaufield i’d love to fight meyers for funzies
_quinnhughes @/yourusername you're less than half his size
yourusername @_quinnhughes that's my advantage
_eliaspettersson i support this
_quinnhughes @_eliaspettersson why? just why?
_eliaspettersson @_quinnhughes because i want to see who would win
trevorzegras i got my money on my girl
jackhughes i also got my money on sissy
_quinnhughes @/jackhughes you and sissy are not supposed to be betting!
jackhughes @_quinnhughes and we've chosen to ignore you!
matthew_tkachuk i got my money on little mouse!
_quinnhughes @/matthew_tkachuk stop encouraging this!
bradytkachuk team sissy!
yourusername i love my fans🤭
taryntkachuk @_quinnhughes let my girl go buck wild!
yourusername @/taryntkachuk hey remember when taylor caniff from magcon released buckwild? that was a wild time
jackhughes @/yourusername why would you willingly admit that you were a magcon girl?
yourusername @/jackhughes to give me an edge
jackhughes @/yourusername i promise you that it did not
trevorzegras @/jackhughes i need to know more
jackhughes @/trevorzegras she was obsessed with matt espinosa and cried when shawn mendes released his first ep because she "was so proud of him" and "felt like a proud mother" even though she's younger than him
lhughes_06 @/jackhughes @/trevorzegras and then she replaced one matt with another
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 why would you bring that up?
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras in a word? chaos.
user3 omfg new sissy lore😭
user48 okay but sissy vs the big cat? i’d pay to see that
lhughes_06 slay
yourusername don't... don't do that
_quinnhughes i'll try
_alexturcotte @_quinnhughes you succeed ;)
youursername i'm blocking all of you
lhughes_06 @/yourusername are you mad i didn't say you slay?
yourusername @/lhughes_06 STOP SAYING SLAY! IT'S GIVING 15 YEAR OLD GIRL
lhughes_06 @/yourusername that is not very slay of you
_alexturcotte @/yourusername very much unslay
yourusername @/lhughes_06 @_alexturcotte die.
joshnorris10 @_quinnhughes now i know she loves luke and alex and she told them to die!
_quinnhughes @/joshnorris10 you're fine she's just being silly
yourusername @/joshnorris10 i’m not being silly. you know what you did.
joshnorris10 @/bradytkachuk HELP
bradytkachuk @/joshnorris10 try matty because this is out of my skill set
joshnorris10 @/matthew_tkachuk HELP
matthew_tkachuk @/yourusername little mouse, josh doesn't know what he did and he'd like to mend things with you
yourusername @/matthew_tkachuk grrrrrrr
matthew_tkachuk @/joshnorris10 there! progress!
joshnorris10 @/matthew_tkachuk how is that progress?!
matthew_tkachuk @/joshnorris10 she doesn't argue with me so she'd have to be really mad to do that
jackhughes @/matthew_tkachuk teach me your ways
matthew_tkachuk @/jackhughes that's out of my skill set
user23 plot twist: sissy doesn't like josh because he stole her best friend
jackhughes i'd like everyone to know that sissy texted me a zoomed in video of brady pushing quinn and said "tag yourself i'm brady"
yourusername it's on sight next time i see you
jackhughes i also said i was brady?
_quinnhughes why are we pushing me? don't push me?
yourusername @_quinnhughes no i'm pushing jack
jackhughes @_quinnhughes i'm pushing you
lhughes_06 dibs on pushing sissy
trevorzegras @/lhughes_06 she's with child!
lhughes_06 @/trevorzegras i'll let her land on the couch
yourusername @/lhughes_06 you're so sweet to me! i love you, lukey moosey!
lhughes_06 @/yourusername i love you, too, sissy!
trevorzegras @/yourusername i love you, forever! don't forget that!
yourusername @/trevorzegras i could never❤️ i love you, always
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jackpot-sad-dude · 11 days
genderqueer greyaroace
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free to use!
WAAAAUGH I LOVE HARUKA SO MUVH 😭😭😭😭 call me minori the way i really love haruka 👍 i would love to rant about her one day but i can never properly articulate my thoughts into words without sounding like a caveman who got hit with a big boulder while making a fire. fun fact i talk about haruka4 so much that its in my autocorrect to have a 4 after her name whenever i type iy
sanrio transparent from @/prosekaipng, 2024(?) birthday is from @sekaitransparents , and pfp mask is from @serrnz :)
reblog with YOUR haruka kiritani headcanons
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canararapstudios · 6 months
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 10 months
Omg your headcanons are adorable 🥺🥺 do you have more Gallagher ones?
yes. yes i do.
also thank you!
so idk if you mean pre-canon or like post-canon or whatever so i’m just doing in general (mostly pre-canon though because it’s what i do best)
monica delivered debbie on the same table that debbie delivered franny on.
mickey got his iconic knuckle tattoos in his cousin’s basement when he was twelve and the tattoos got infected as fuck. he almost cried when he got them done but couldn’t because terry was watching him get it done. (ik you said gallagher and i was going to delete this one but mickey’s a gallagher at this point)
ian was very active as a child and has broken an almost concerning amount of bones. he broke his first bone at two while at daycare and from then on it wasn’t an uncommon thing for ian to get hurt.
ian’s the reason everyone calls lip ‘lip’. up until ian could talk, he was just phillip, but when ian began talking, he couldn’t pronounce phillip and insisted on lip. eventually there was a double meaning for it, that he would never shut his lips or some shit, but really it was just because of ian’s refusal to say lip’s name.
when monica got pregnant and gave birth to ian, she knew he was clayton’s kid (which is why she named him ian clayton gallagher), but once he was fourteen or fifteen and found out that frank wasn’t his father, she had done so many drugs and fried so many brain cells that she forgot.
debbie has watched barbie five times since it came out. she’s obsessed.
fiona comes back to chicago for a little while because of frank’s death, but once she leaves, she unfortunately doesn’t visit again for a while. she calls a lot, but she hates being back in chicago and begs her siblings to come and see her in miami. there comes a point where she refuses to return all together and just doesn’t for a few years (they still go see her in miami, though) but she eventually gets over it and returns to chicago.
one day (in 2023), sheila calls fiona, having realized that she still has her number, and asks about her the kids, when fiona informs her about what has happened in the past eight years, she’s shocked, and a bit upset. when fiona informs her of frank’s death, she’s astonished that fucking covid killed him.
lip is entirely responsible for ian breaking his collarbone at tweleve. he most likely forced ian to do something stupid like climb a tree or some shit and ian fell and got injured and ian still covered for lip when fiona asked what the fuck happened.
monica would always somehow find a way to get them a christmas tree, despite the cost (she seduced the guy who owned the christmas tree farm… shhhh) and was the type of person to start celebrating christmas on november 1st and keep the tree up until march
there is a photo album with baby pictures of the gallagher’s and a few home videos. this information is shocking to tami, sandy, and mickey, but the gallagher’s aren’t too shocked by it. yeah, the videos and photos were a bit of a luxury for them but still. they didn’t have the money to get the camera, but monica had got the camera from a garage sale and would randomly record unimportant things.
one year for halloween, lip dressed up as iron man and ian dressed up as captain america.
carl and debbie tried to convince fiona to get a puppy several times, but each time they failed. fiona didn’t trust carl with any animal other than a fish or a turtle because she was convinced he would hurt or kill it. he probably would, but he was insulted by the accusation.
every gallagher sibling has called fiona ‘mom’ accidentally at one point
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ofxthesea · 8 months
Jasmine had been waiting for days. Days of seeing through others eyes and feeling their pain. It was excruciating. She was ready though. It was time.
Here comes Natasha.
Jasmine stood up and rushed down the hill, meeting Natasha at the bottom. “Come with me,” She told her, seeing the boy, Percy, passed out on the ground. “Chiron is coming to get your brother, we need to get you to the infirmary.”
If it was possible for one to jump out their skin, then this tweleve year old would've. She just witnessed her mother disappear before her eyes, saw her brother defeat the giant minotaur before it could hurt anyone else, before he succumbed to exhaustion. Everything they thought was fiction turned out to be real. Grover was part goat for crying out loud!
"I'm not leaving Percy. I'm not leaving my brother!" Her dark hair was messy, just like the rest of her appearance, and her eyes.. her beautiful eyes the colour of seafoam were red. Dirt and sweat stained her white skin. The tears wouldn't stop flowing, and she clutched her unconscious brother tighter.
Grover gently tries to coax Percy from her arms. "When Percy wakes up he'll want to know you're okay." He would've. He done everything he could to look out for her. Despite Percy being only tweleve minutes older than her, he still treated her like a baby.
"Please go with Jasmine." He was worried. For Percy. For her. She looked ready to collapse at any second. He felt heartbreak and reeked of guilt for what happened to Sally Jackson.
Voices were heard across the barrier. Multiple. More people were coming.
She hesitated. Staring between Grover and the girl, she sniffed.
“Jasmine?” She echoed. The pretty blonde’s blue eyes held a sadness in them. They were the same age, yet she had a feeling this girl saw many horrors like this one. She clutched what looked to be a sketchbook tightly against chest.
Grover nods. “Yeah. She’s a good friend. You’ll be safe, I promise.”
She contemplates it for a moment, and against her will she allows Grover to take her place. Percy would be fine. He had to be.
“How.. how did you know we were here? And who is Chiron?”
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babygirlrex0504 · 1 year
Clan of Three (Mandalorian X F!Reader)
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Two Mandalorians have found each other in this galaxy, from different clans but the same beliefs. Both never had taken off their helmets to show anyone. Eventually it turned into the both of them to just do all bounties together. One day at a time it brought them closer together however, once a little green child came in. It brought both of them closer together.
Warnings: violence, blood, trauma, childhood trauma, anxiety, PTSD, slow burn, eventual smut, swearing, nudity, soft din, fluff, and angst
A/N: This idea was brought up to a post I saw by @nobeepnochill14. I thought it was a brilliant idea and thought to give it a shot! It will go chapter by chapter, so stay tuned and if you all have suggestions let me know. 🫶🏻 It will take place a couple or more months before finding Grogu then it will intertwine into the storyline of the series.
Chapter One: The Phantoms
Chapter Two: Doctor of the Zillo Beast
Chapter Three: Small Gangs and One Friend
Chapter Four: The Child
Chapter Five: The Sin
Chapter Six: Confessions
Chapter Seven: The Prisoner
Chapter Eight: The Reckoning
Chapter Nine: Redemption
Chapter Ten: Tensions*
Chapter Eleven: The Marshal
Chapter Tweleve: The Heiress
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