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Happy Day 4️⃣ of Navratri 💛✨ #navratri2022 #instylewithishwari #explorepage #explore #viralpost #viral #happynavratri2022 #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #trending #trend #navratri #day4 #yellow #outfit #ootd #fashion #style #styleinspiration #fashionblogger #fashionista #outfitoftheday #mermaid #ishwarikale #proceedinstyle #stylefashion #fashiongram #instagram #instafashion (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CjGP7qbvCLr/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lanafofana · 8 hours
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Day #7! I spent the majority of the weekend writhing in unimaginable pain so it doesn't count as late. Those are the rules I've just made up! Pairing: Halsin/Tav(f) Summary: He's just so...big Rating: Explicit. Minors DNI Warnings/Tags: Porn, Smut, Cunnilingus, Size kink, Hand job, blow job, foreskin play, inappropriate use of colossus elixir, shotgunning No beta we die like Yonas (RIP Yonas) And the AO3 link, with love Special note: Hysterically this is colossal compared to the others I've posted for HalsinTav week. Additional note: I'll eventually post the one i started writing for Day4 (?). I took the prompt "wildshape misuse" in a completely different direction and it's taking me longer to write because it's more angst than romance. Probably no romance at all but we'll see. Enjoy!
Halsin was a big guy. Like a really big guy. 
Until she met Halsin, Tav had not been aware that people even came in sizes that large. It did not help that he was as thickly muscled as he was tall. No part of him was too skinny or unproportionate which always sent her dirty mind tumbling straight into the gutter wondering just how proportionate he was where she couldn't see. 
All of this was just harmless thinking on her part, she knew how to mind her manners and keep her hands to herself after all. He was a great ally and becoming an even greater friend so, despite the turn of her lustful thought from time to time, she’d never overtly act in any way to make him uncomfortable.
That didn’t stop her from laying in her tent late at night, calloused fingers strumming her sex, brain full of how’d she’d whimper and shake trying to take his thick cock. What if he was too big? The thought drove her wild, picturing him tensed up beneath her while she used her hands, her tongue, to bring him to release. Pussy drenched, skin flushed, breathing thready; the thought of how he’d stretch her near to breaking always pushed her over the precipice of her climax, choking back her moans while she writhed with her desperation. 
All of this was fine, probably a healthy outlet all things considered, and a welcome distraction from the horrors of their day to day adventuring. She was completely content with keeping her own company and it seemed unlikely her fortune in that regard would change any time soon. 
So if his larger than average hands brushing hers when she handed him a plate of dinner set her stomach fluttering. Or when he towered over her just slightly too close and she felt dizzy with fantasies about that large frame fucking her to the feywild and back, well, nobody needed to know it but her and her hands late at night in her bedroll. 
Things might have continued in this fashion till the conclusion of their little adventure but for one critical incident. 
The fight with Ketheric had been awful in more ways than one but when the avatar of Myrkul threatened to completely devastate them Tav had pulled out all the stops. Her focus had narrowed down to each fighter, her desperation providing her with all manner of tricks up her sleeve to, if not turn the tide of the fight, at least tread water till Aylin could finish smiting him to death. Or undeath. 
When she had spun on her heel and thrown the elixir to Halsin she hadn’t really been thinking too much beyond the immediate threat and how to keep her companions alive. Hadn’t been thinking about what the “after” of their fight would leave her with. So when the fight was over and that line of thinking evaporated she was chagrined and thrilled to realize what she was left with was a druid of colossal size and embarrassingly damp panties. 
Halsin had been huge before but now the sight of him was enough to break her brain a little bit. 
His hand could completely engulf her head and the thought alone was enough to have her lashes fluttering, her breath whooshing out of her in a pained sigh. And when she imagined his enormous cock, well, it was best she didn’t think too hard about that till she was safely ensconced in her tent that was for certain. 
Her companions may have joked from time to time about climbing Mount Halsin but actually seeing him so…engorged, had even the wittiest among them speechless, tongues dry behind their teeth. He was very good natured about it of course, the man didn’t seem to let anything phase him. He excused himself after they decided to camp for the night, the tenor of his voice deeper than usual and each step as he left camp was like a gentle tremor that climbed up her legs and tapped insistently at her clit. 
When her companions scattered to their own bedrolls for some much needed rest and he still hadn’t returned, Tav's mind began to worry. It wasn’t like anything out in the wilderness would be a challenge for him to deal with in his current state but still the worry gnawed at her. Isolation could be just as dangerous to one’s mental wellbeing as an enemy was to the physical form after all.
With this thought in mind she shoved her lust to the side and went to find him. It didn’t take her long. Halsin was down by the water’s edge, sitting on the sand and gazing out at where Tav was surprised to see stars twinkling down from a nearly cloudless sky.  
When he turns to see her a kind smile breaks across his face and Tav’s worry dissipates in its warmth. 
“It’s late,” she says chidingly when she’s close. She climbs a large rock to put them on more even ground, sitting on the edge of the damp stone closest to him and letting her legs dangle over the water. 
Halsin hums in agreement. “I find myself overwhelmed,” he says softly. “Overwhelmed and grateful for this chance to see these lands begin to heal. For once I think my rest will not be found in my meditations but here, watching the fruits our labors unfold.” 
Gods, even the way he spoke had a sexy appeal that left her heart hammering in her chest. “Right,” she says skeptically, “I guess. You could just say you’re too excited to sleep. Or trance or whatever.” 
Halsin laughs and shrugs. “I suppose I could.” When she meets his eyes there’s something in them she doesn’t recognize immediately but it warms her clear down to her toes. “You have a gift for seeing to the heart of things. A trait you share with Karlach I feel. One could learn a lot from seeing the world as you do.” 
Tav feels herself blush though she’s not sure why. She coughs. “Ah, right, well. Thanks. Myself, I quite like to smoke a little flower to help me relax if I can’t sleep. Something I’m sure you’re acquainted with.” 
“Indeed,” he agrees. “The stresses of leadership can take their toll and as Archdruid I became well acquainted with medicinal herbs to soothe the mind when rest was beyond my reach.” He gives a thoughtful hum. “Pity I left my pipe behind.” 
“Oh I don’t know,” says Tav slyly pulling out a familiar pipe from the small pouch at her hip. 
Halsin laughs, a booming thing that vibrates low in Tav’s belly. “How did you–?”
She fans a hand out and wiggles her fingers with a grin. “Sticky fingers I’m afraid.” She digs in her pouch a little more until she pulls out a little snuff box the size of her thumb and a match. “I snagged it after talking with Lettie, I honestly didn’t have a whole lot of faith you were still alive.” 
With the skill of someone who is well acquainted with the action she packs and lights the pipe, sucking at the stem till she feels the familiar curl of smoke burn in her throat. She turns to offer it to him but realizes his predicament in the same breath he declines with a rueful smile.  
“Too small for these fingers,” he tells her. If he notices how her dark eyes seem to zero in on his hands for a beat too long he is gracious enough not to shame her for it. 
Tav, as is her nature, puts zero thought into the consequences before she offers the easiest solution that pops in her tadpole’d brain. “Come here then. Let me show you how it’s done in the Gate.” 
Halsin stares at her but she beckons him closer impatiently until he complies. 
“Come on, scaredy cat.” She sucks at the pipe for a long moment before she pulls his face close and puts her lips close to his, tapping at his bottom lip till he opens his mouth and she breathes the smoke between his lips. When he sucks it in her lips graze his, only lightly, like the brush of a feather. 
She lingers then, checking his expression and the moment seems to slow down and draw out as if they’re locked in a slowing spell. This close she gets her first real look at the peculiar shade of his eyes and what was once a harmless way to share a little smoke between friends turns into something heavier, charged. 
Leaning back she sucks at the pipe again, a shorter puff to give herself something to do before she opens her fat mouth and says something insane. Halsin breathes out the smoke slowly, turning his gaze from watching her to instead watch the curl of smoke twist and dissipate in the evening air. 
“Inventive,” he says, voice a tad rougher than he normally speaks. 
Humming in assent she smiles, enjoying the pleasant buzz that hums along her frayed nerves, soothing the disjointed clamor of her thoughts. “I wasn’t sure about you,” she confesses after a beat. He looks at her with interest. “The other druids in the grove were so…” she trails off, weighing her words. She settles on frankness. “Rude. Possessive of their time, their grove. Willing to follow Khaga rather than risk speaking up against each other. Even after you came back I tried talking to them but besides the few that were relieved most were more than glad to see the back of me and ballsy enough to say it to my face.” 
Halsin frowns but lets her continue. 
“I was worried you were going to turn out to be the same. Sure, you accepted the tieflings and all but, still, I wondered when your patience was going to snap. We’re not exactly the most cohesive group on our best days. You surprised me though. You take everything as it comes and never lose sight of what you want while sticking to your scruples. It’s admirable.” 
Maybe it’s the way the moonlight shines in his eyes or maybe it’s the flower working its magic, untangling her tongue but she pushes on, a light flush suffusing her cheeks. 
“You’ve become something of a hero to me. Someone I can aspire to be like, especially now. With the bloody cult and all. Gods and curses and monsters. You’re someone I can look at and be reminded that, even against these absurd, impossible odds, I don’t have to lose sight of myself. You look at me and it’s like you really see me. See the me that I want to see in myself. I, uh, I’ve never had that before.” She breaks off with a rueful chuckle. “Sorry, I just had to say it. It’s just…I’m really glad you’re here is all.” She rubs the back of her neck and looks away from his stare. 
A finger as large as her wrist brushes her chin and her gaze snaps back to his in surprise. 
“I feel the same.” He swallows and Tav tracks the movement before meeting his eyes again, feeling something like anticipation welling up within her. “About you. Before you came to the grove I had all but lost sight of who I was. Being Archdruid consumed me so entirely I had…cast off who I was. It didn’t seem to matter, not when so many things needed doing, people needed the skills and diplomacy of the First Druid, not me. It’s been a long time, longer than I like to think about, since I had a…friend. Someone I could just enjoy the company of without the distance of my station playing some role.”
“Sounds lonely.” 
“Yes. It was. You pay me a high compliment, calling me a pillar to look to but it is you, my friend, who has been my guiding light. You showed me that ‘Halsin’ still has value, beyond the title and everything else. It means a great deal to me, what you’ve given me. You mean a great deal to me.” 
Tav shrugs a shoulder, lopsided smile bashful in the face of such open praise. “Flattery will get you everywhere.” It’s a crude attempt at brushing off the heavy feeling that has settled over the moment but Halsin’s eyes crinkle at the corners, charmed. Producing another match she gestured with the now-cold pipe, “Another hit?” 
Halsin’s chest expands as he takes in a slow breath, as if conflicted and thinking too hard about it. Tav, who has perhaps never thought too hard about anything in her entire life, ‘tsk’s’ with a teasing smile and lights the pipe, sucking on the lip of the stem. Holding the smoke in she gives him a challenging look, smirking when he draws closer. 
Emboldened by the lingering intimacy from their conversation and her own burgeoning tangle of feelings and lust, Tav grasps his chin with both hands and plants her lips against the seam of his firmly, releasing the air and smoke from her lungs into his mouth when he sucks in a surprised gasp. She lingers there, eyes shut and consumed with the warmth of his lips against hers before reluctantly pulling away. 
His eyes are shut tight and she feels a twinge of guilt for the way he holds himself so still and tense. “Was that alright?” She asks quietly, wondering which would destroy her first, the rejection or the disappointment. 
But the druid surprises her. “Yes,” he utters, eyes opening at last. “I am only disappointed my current form is not well suited for returning the gesture.” 
Tav has a sudden vision of being suffocated by those lips. A warm wet tongue the size of her face gliding over her body and she shivers with want. Her tongue darts out to wet her lips and his eyes flick to her mouth to watch it closely. “I wouldn’t say that.” 
A muscle in Halsin’s jaw twitches as he clenches his teeth together, the pupils of his eyes swelling and she breathes out slowly, suddenly acutely aware of their proximity. 
“You’re not shy about what you want,” he breathes with a smile. “I like that.” 
Tav’s expression turns wry. “You say that now,” she mutters. 
Before Halsin can think of how to respond to a loaded statement like that she leaps off the boulder she’d been sitting on and approaches him. She doesn’t hide the way she stares at his body. The way her eyes trail along his massive legs while she steps between them. The way they linger on his hands, the expanse of his chest, and trail scorchingly up his neck to his face. 
“The pipe is nice but I know of even better ways to relax.” 
Halsin’s chuckle rumbles in the night air. “An intriguing if unwise notion.” 
Tav’s expression turns coy, her smile sly. “Is it so unwise to embrace the unexpected opportunities we’re afforded? I’m just ‘seizing the moment’.” The look he cuts her at parroting words he once spoke to her sizzles along her skin. 
“I had hoped to take the time to broach the subject of my affections for you before we–”
“Oh, we’re past broached, Halsin.” 
“I could crush you.”
“You won’t,” she says dismissively and then, “I’d very much like to touch you. If you’ll allow me.” 
His stomach clenches with equal parts anticipation and uneasiness. He nods. 
She trails a hand along his thigh. It’s so small but burns through the leather of his trousers and he shifts, releasing a sigh. It takes her less time than he’s expecting to reach the apex of his thighs and when she runs her palms down the straining seam of his pants where his cock lies trapped and swollen he breathes in sharply. 
She checks his expression and must see the reservation in them because she stops, removing her hands. “Do you want me to stop?” 
“I don’t think y–”
“Yes or no, druid. I won’t be offended.” She cants her head to the side in thought. “Disappointed maybe.” 
The muscle in his jaw jumps again and when he swallows the bob of his throat sends a thrill up her spine. She’s definitely playing with fire but she’s never been particularly good at denying herself when she has her mind set on something. And burying her face in the slit of cock is very much on the forefront of her brain. 
“No,” he says finally. 
Tav grins. “We can stop anytime you wish.” Tugging on the laces of his breeches she pulls the leather away and she comes face to eye with the largest dick she could have ever imagined. To call him proportionate would be doing him a disservice, he was clearly very well endowed, colossus elixir notwithstanding.  
Using her hands to ease him from his breeches completely she feels her cunt give a needy throb at the weight of it. Holding it with both hands the girth is wider than the fattest part of her thigh and she runs her hands from the base to the tip experimentally. His foreskin is impossibly soft and loose enough she adds more pressure to her grip and salivates as it glides down easily revealing the flushed head of his glans. 
He shifts, his breathing turning heavy when she lowers her face and licks at the slit. She probes and suckles, moving across the smooth skin eagerly while she caresses and strokes the shaft. When precum beads at the tip she licks it away and hums appreciatively at the salty taste. His musk is overwhelming, intoxicating. 
Sucking his loose foreskin into her mouth, twisting her tongue against it, running her hands over every exposed inch of him she smiles against his erection when he groans, gasping and needy. It resonates in the air and she flexes her thighs together to ease the wet need that beats between her legs. 
He allows her to indulge herself for only so long before, trembling with immense effort, he asks her to stop. Immediately removing herself she backs up a step but gives him a searching look.“Are you certain?” 
Running a hand down his face Halsin works at controlling his erratic breathing. “I am. My control is…not what it should be. In my current state, I cannot promise to be able to contain myself. I will not risk your safety, no matter how your touch ignites me.” 
Wiping a slick streak of precum from her chin and licking it from her finger she almost misses the way his eyes flash gold while he tracks the movement. “Another time then,” she says with an easy smile. “Whenever you’re ready.” She turns, as if to leave, but Halsin can smell her arousal. The scent of it makes his mouth water. 
“Wait. Do not suppose I am an inconsiderate lover. I would taste you tonight, beneath the light of the waning moon.” 
Tav cannot help the gasp this pulls from her, nor the throb of desire that starts at her cunt and spreads like branching roots through her body, lighting every nerve on fire. “I would like that.” Her voice thrums with want. “Very much.” 
“Then come here to me,” he beckons. 
She steps closer and nearly swoons as the palm of his hand scoops her up. He is gentle as he brings her close and with his other hand he gently thumbs open the clasp of her robe. Underneath she is bare and the cool night air prickles at her skin, pebbling the dusky mauve of her nipples into stiff peaks. 
“Perfect,” he murmurs and the intensity of his gaze sends the blood rushing to the surface of her skin in a hot wave. 
He holds her to his face, running his nose from the thatch of dark hair between her legs to her chest. When he slots his mouth over her bosom, the warm wet mass of his tongue flicking and curling against each breast she moans, letting her head fall back. She holds his face and presses further against his exploring touch with wanton abandon. 
When his tongue retreats she whines, her legs falling open desperately. He smiles through the blazing hunger and takes his time mouthing her soft flesh with careful attentiveness. Halsin’s tongue swipes down one leg to her feet and she feels her mind go brittle at the edges when he sucks the entire foot into his mouth. Engulfing her foot he continues to sup and the suction of it has her writhing and eager in his hand. Treating her other leg to the same treatment is too much and her hand dives between her legs to sooth the apex of her desire. 
Halsin’s eyes, black as the night sky behind him flash gold and for a second his teeth look sharper, his expression wild. He plucks her hands away and this time when she widens her legs her cunt is met with probing wet warmth of his tongue and she cries out, shrill and breathy. 
Possessing an infinite amount of patience he laps at the damp lips between her legs at a slow, rhythmic pace driving her feral. The heels of her feet find purchase on his forearm and at the next swipe of his tongue she thrusts her hips to meet it, groaning when it presses against her clit with an insane amount of pressure. 
Her breathing comes in gasps and pants, her eyes half lidded with need. “Please,” she babbles, nearly sobbing. “Please, H-Halsin, m-more, please!” 
Holding her against his mouth firmly he swirls his tongue between the lips of pussy and she keens, roughly palming her own breasts and arching her back. It’s too much, it’s not enough. Her orgasm flickers in and out of her reach. With the rough flat of his tongue he licks and gently suckles and her body shakes. 
Pressing the tip of his tongue to her cunt he rolls the muscle there in a continuous undulation that has her gripping at her own hair, her back bowed. 
The taste of her arousal, the scent of her musk, the salt of her body pulls an appreciative groan from his throat. The vibration shivers across her clit and she reaches her climax with a lust drunk wail that cracks through the night air. 
Removing his mouth from her body she lies limp, flushed dark and muscles trembling.
“Fuck,” she whimpers, voice rasping. “That was,” she struggles to return her breathing to something approaching normal. “That was incredible.” The look she gives him is awed, sated. “You are incredible.” 
Halsin grins. She thought he might set her down but instead he brings her to his chest and she leans into the heat of his body gratefully. Exhaustion tugs at her but she’d rather bask in the bliss, snuggled into him. She nuzzles at his neck, reaching up a hand to run the flat of her palm against the edge of his tattoo that curls around his throat.     
“Sleep,” he murmurs, the sound of his voice as lulling as the steady beat of his heart against her ear.
“I don’t want to miss this,” she complains, turning her face into his bare skin and pressing a kiss there. 
He chuckles, warm and rich. “We have plenty of time. Rest.” 
So she does.
That's All Folks!
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confusedspaceotter · 1 year
Daily avatrice analysis (day 4)
day1 day2 day3 day4 day5 day6 day7 day8 day9
apologies if this is bit of a mess, had a bit of trouble trying to put my thoughts into words, which is why there's so many gifs/pics today
now without further ado
Ep 6
now you might be wondering
cause there isn’t a avatrice interaction in ep 6
or is there?
may i present the last 5 mins of ep 6
when Bea show up and pick up Mary
(I would like to headcanon Bea volunteered to come all the way to pick up Mary not only because Mary is her friend but because she suspects Mary already found Ava and she wanted to see her)
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And I would like to think that I’m right(Bea your gay is showing people don’t just stared at your left mirror standing like that)
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Look the Mary’s face when Bea asks is Ava coming 
She knows.
Mary, probably:
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Anyway now back to ep 7
before i talk about the “Beatrice is a badass” scene 
Two things i wanna talk about 
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How do I know Mary knows something is up with Beatrice and Ava?
One episode later she basically compared what Shannon is to her 
To what Ava is to Bea 
“Letting Duretti get away with murder”
That’s 100% about Shannon
Now we all know who Shannon is to Mary ;)
The fact that she used their relationship and tried to convinced Bea hey you gotta do something you girl friend might die if you don’t 
Yeah she knows definitely 
And Two, this conversation between Bea and Camila
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fun fact, Camila is this first one to call Beatrice Bea 
I would like to headcanon that whenever Bea were tasked to train new recruits, in order to make them feel more comfortable, at some point Beatrice would let them call her Bea as is sign of closeness(Kinda like a “ My name is Yasmin Khan but my friends call me yaz situation)
Or is just Camila being Camila 
either way is cute asf 
and I love that Ava after being trained by Bea for two months calls her Bea most of the time too
just look them IM-
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Remember when I said that she is not good at initiating physical contact yet her love language is physical touch?
This is what I meant 
There’s still a slight hesitation but she definitely are more comfortable here
make sense cause she did know Camila longer compare to Ava
plus Bea is her mentor/mum 
Beatrice and Camila is THE softest duo istg
on to the famous “beatrice is a badass” scene 
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Got nothing to say except yes Ava I agree she IS a badass
Look at how Ava admires Beatrice awwww
Tbh same girl seeing Bea kick ass like that does things to me too
Bea calling out(? sister Crimson’s next move 
Coolest shit I seen(at least one of them there are plenty of cool scenes in the show
Also that outfit?????
They never missed with Bea’s casual outfit 
Whether is in S1 or S2
Not a single one look bad 
I swear imo every outfit deserves to be show off in a fashion show or something 
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And that side kick(? Damnnnnnn girl 
She really likes to side kick people 
(Anyone who know what this move is called I know nothing about martial arts)
And she looks cool doing it 
We can also see the kid Ava showing 
Look at her smile I’m-
girl must think that Beatrice is really cool and reminds her of those action heros she used to saw on TV
Just pure admiration from Ava
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Now some people think that the halo is sentient 
Some think that it only acts as a tool and the one whos in change is the halo bearer 
Personally I’m leaning towards the halo is just a tool the one who’s in control is the user
And how powerful it can be is up to the bearer
Because in ep 3 when she is tied to the table 
I’m guessing all she’s thinking is how to free herself
And the halo reacted to her thoughts by phasing her though the bed, freeing her
I think the same happened here 
All she is thinking is how to save Beatrice and Mary
From the trajectory of the bullets(the slow mo at the end of the gif )
Is going the opposite side from where Mary and Bea is
Here’s a chart(? I draw to demonstrate this
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(Handwriting reveal?)
Anyway my point is
Ava and Mary’s sibling dynamic is real 
And Ava might be a cocky little shit (affectionate) towards Mary sometimes but she cares about Mary
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Next we see that Ava got shot by an arrow
And Bea rushing to her side immediately 
No thoughts just 
All hail protective Beatrice 
Oh also has this been done before
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Now something that I noticed from the walk to the van I want to talk about
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Bea putting her hand on Ava’s waist to support her
How she practically jumped on the van to check on Ava
And it doesn’t end
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Baby girl checked not once but twice on Ava’s wound
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I can hear Camila going 
Bea? Did you just check her wound twice???
Now this could just be a simple error 
They accidentally included an extra shot
But being the overthinker that I am
I would like to believe Bea was so worried about Ava that she had to check twice
This scene is giving Clarke Griffin from the 100 coming to Lexa’s room and change her perfectly fine bandages to a random cloth just so she could talk to Lexa
Bea chill out she’s not gonna die she can heal herself 
Anddd that’s it for today 
Tmr is gonna be a long one
And it might get personal too but who knows 
Stay tuned to find out :)
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@annadellorusso @parisfashionweek
Recap Day4 📆
(Sorry if I’m posting lots of contents but there are so many interesting and creative Fashion Moments to share with you this week⭐️)
@off____white SS23 by creative director @ibkamara & team💙💙💙 @chloe by @gabrielahearst SS23 collection 💓💓💓 @isabelmarant SS23 show 💖💖💖
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any-old-iron · 1 year
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London Fashion Week with @miss_any courtesy of @blackprgroup Posted by• @miss_any DAY4 ❤️‍🔥 @anyoldiron 🖤 📷 @yinz_soo #Anyoldiron #LFW23 #nashvillefashion (at Any Old Iron) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co73IsqOr0R/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tales-of-asteria · 2 years
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Black Outfits! Fashion Show Login Bonus Duration: 9/12 (Mon) 5:00 ~ 10/3 (Mon) 4:59
Login during said period in order to receive the following rewards:
Day1: Asteria Stone x1
Day2: Apple Compote x1
Day3: Illustration Preview Stamp x2
Day4: Awakening Festival Ticket x1
Day5: Grape Compote x1
Day6: Asteria Stone x2
Day7: Fruit Parfait x1
Day8: Asteria Stone x3
Day9: Apple Compote x1
Day10: Grape Compote x1
Day11: Awakening Festival Ticket x1
Day12: Fruit Parfait x1
Day13: Blue Summon Tear x1
Day14: Salmon Meuniere x1
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petri808 · 7 years
Picture Perfect
In the world of Japanese fashion, Cana Alberona is an up and coming designer mixing different elements in the Visual and Oshare Kei genre’s along with an old meets new way of thinking.  Her clothing line, FairyTail, gravitates towards punk yet with a lighter flare to reach a larger demographic.  March’s Fashion Week in Tokyo has arrived and it will be the first time she will debut her men’s line to the world.  
With the help of her assistant Levy McGarden, she walks into the large arena on the second day of the week.  It’s early but already bustling with activity.  Women and Men moving about between different stations, hair, make up, clothes, fittings, alterations; it’s a mad house to say the least.  Cana checks on her best friend and lead model, Lucy Heartfillia.
“How’s it going Lu?”
“I don’t know how you come up with some of this stuff Cana.” She winces as the dresser pulls the corset as tight as it will go.
“But you look gorgeous as ever my dear.”
“No pain, no gain in this industry, breathing optional!” the blonde laughs.  “At least now we’ve got some eye candy at your shows.” She nods her head towards the men’s section.  
“See something you like?”
“I recognize a few of them from magazines or other shows.”
A red headed and blue haired model walk up already in their outfits.  “Erza Scarlet, you fit so well into my line with that crimson hair of yours, same with you Juvia.  That’s why I love using you guys as models, those colors against the black motif just pops!”  
“Cana, I swear couldn’t this season’s stuff be a little more on the girly side, sometimes it’s not a bad thing you know.”
“Juvia agrees with Erza, Juvia wishes to show off cuter outfits.”
“Leave the designing to me, girls, and you worry about making it look good.  This is what’s on trend right now with the younger gens.”
“And we look damn hot in these!” adds Lucy.  “Anyways girl, so what’s the line up?”
“Ooh, you’re gonna love it.  See those guys over there?”  Cana points in the male’s direction.  “You’ll be paired up with one of ‘um.”
“Seriously!” the three girls all squeal.  
“Yup!” she grins.  “Just you three since you’re my top girls.  The rest of the models will be singles.  So… you guys wanna meet them?”
“Duh!  We should get to know them…” Lucy blushes, “I mean so we’re comfortable walking with them.”
Cana smirks, “Sure Lu.  Levy could you make the introductions?  I gotta go check on the other models.”
“Yeah, no problem.  This way you guys.”
Lucy- “So who are we gonna be paired with?”
“I’ll tell you when we get there.”  Levy leads them to the other side of the dressing area where they see three already dressed and goofing around.  “Ahem!” Levy clears her throat gaining their attention.  “Boy’s it’s time to meet your partners.”  As she turns to look back at the girls she can immediately see pink blushes on each of their cheeks, especially on the blonde whose cheeks were the deepest rouge.  She smirks knowing Lucy recognizes him, “Natsu,” she drags the blonde over to the pink haired young man grinning at her, “you are being paired with Lucy.”  Levy turns to the next guy, “Gray, you are with Juvia,” pulling the blushing girl over to his side.  “And Jellal, you’re with Erza.”  Levy is not surprised when the red head walks right over to him.  “We’ve still got about an hour before the show starts so I suggest you take this time to figure out your partner walks and poses.  I’ll be back in time to get you.”
“Oi?”  As Levy turns to walk away, Gray pipes up.  “Where are we in the line up?”
“Oh, um,” she flips a page on her clipboard.  “Jellal and Erza will open the show.  You and Juvia will be in the middle.  And Lucy,” she looks back up, “you and Natsu will close since you’re wearing the finale pieces.”  Each of the pairs nod as she states their positions then walk back to the guys individual stations.
At Natsu’s station, he plops down in one of the provided chairs and looks back up to the nervous girl in front of him.  With his eyes flashing and a big ear to ear smile, “So Luce, have you ever done a partner walk before?”
“Excuse me, but my name is Lucy.” She blushes.  “I’ve done partner poses for a couple of magazines before but never on a runway.”
He puts his hands behind his head, interlacing his fingers, “Yeah me neither.  Actually, I’ve never done a runway show before.”
“Wait what?” Lucy’s jaw drops.  “If you’re a newbie, how’d you end up as a closer?  That’s usually for the more seasoned models.”
He shrugs his shoulders, “Cana saw me at a mall and said I’d be perfect for her designs and the model she had planned to close the show.  I didn’t know what she meant but thought this could be fun.  I’ve seen Gray do this a few times and thought well if pervy popsicle can do it why can’t I.”
“Pervy popsicle?”
“It’s one of the names I call Gray cause he often strips.  Come to think of it, this is the first runway he’s done that wasn’t showing off underwear.”  Natsu smirks.  “Anyways, he calls me stuff too.”
“Like what?”  
“His favorite seems to be flame brain.”
“So, Cana thought you’d be a good match for me… I mean for the run way that is.” Her face flushes at her wrong choice of words.  “To walk with on the runway that is.”
He shrugs, “That’s what she said.”  Grinning, “But I can see why…”
“W-what that supposed to me?”
“Come closer…” he motions with his finger.  “And I’ll tell you…”
She takes a step forward, “is it a secret?”
Motioning again, “A little closer…”  Lucy steps within his reach.  
“Hey!” she squeaks out as Natsu pulls her down on his lap facing away from him.  Keeping his arms around her waist to keep her from getting up he leans his head against hers.
“Look forward.”
“Just look forward girlie.”
“And I’m looking at…” she sees their reflection in a mirror, and her breath hitches a moment, ‘that damn grin…’ she melts just a little.  It had been several years but her memory of that grin pops back in her mind.  The first day she walked into that classroom…  She was the new girl, shy, and this was before she wore contacts.  Searching for an empty seat, she sees one and asks the person behind it if anyone was sitting there.  The pink haired young man grinned and told her it was open before going back to the conversation he was having with Cana.  She later became best friends with Cana and Levy and the two girls knew about the crush she developed on that young man.  They had tried talking her into approaching him…  He was single and handsome, but back then she was just too, damn, shy…  
“We make a perfect looking couple… that’s why…” Startled out of her daydream, she notices that he’s staring so intently back at her making her heart skip.
But she keeps her composure.  “Oh geez,” Lucy rolls her eyes and pushes herself off his lap.  “Look Natsu, we need to practice so we don’t mess up on the runway and since you said you’ve never done this before I wanna see how you walk.”
“You’re such a worrier Luce,” he gets off his chair.  “I got this.”  He saunters a few steps, stops, poses, turns and saunters back to her, where he stops again and poses all the while holding a confident smile on his face.
Lucy chuckles, “Could be worse I guess.”
Natsu’s jaw drops, “Are you serious, that was awesome.”
She cocks her hip and shakes her head, “No, this is what awesome looks like.”  Caressing his cheek, “Watch and learn little boy...”  Lucy struts forward, step, after step swinging her hips in slightly exaggerated movements to make the skirt bounce from side to side.  When she stops to pose, she shifts her hip to one side, and then cocks it to the other with her hands resting on her waist.  One final slight arch of her back and she turns around walking back in the same manner.  When she reaches Natsu she stops and keeping her feet planted about a foot and a half apart, twists her body at the waist to give the audience a side glance, winks, then walks away as if she were leaving the stage.  
About half way down her walk, Natsu’s mouth had dropped open, ‘Damn!’  By the time she had finished her walk he was almost drooling.  ‘This fucking girl is so hot!’  He sits back down.  “You win, hands down.”
Lucy giggles, “Don’t sound so defeated, you need to keep up with me for it to look good out there.  Come on…” she pulls him off the chair.  “The way Cana’s got this show set up is the catwalk will the run the length of the audience.  The males are coming out from one end and the girls the other so the regular models are just walking without stopping but the three pairs are supposed to meet in the middle and pose together before continuing on their way.”  She taps her chin.  “As the closers of the show our pose need to be show stopping.”
He shrugs, “Got any ideas?  You’re the veteran here.”
“Hmm…  Close your eyes…”
“Just close your eyes.”
He does, “Okay, now what?”
“Picture you’re taking a stroll along a path somewhere, like in a park or something and all of a sudden, the most beautiful girl you’ve ever seen is walking towards you…”
“Uh-huh…”  ‘That’s easy’ as his imagination takes hold and in his mind, he pictures Lucy…  He grins…
“You slow down, taking in the way her body is moving, how hair hair is flowing behind her, and as she gets close enough to touch…  Er, that’s the point where, I’m not sure what we should do.  Should we stop and create a sexual tension for just a moment before moving on, keep moving but just watch the other walk by, reach out and just let our fingers trail against the others…”
He blushes, “I-I’m leaning towards the, um first option.”  
“Yeah, that would probably be more interesting to see.”
‘Damn she agreed?!’  “So, should we practice that move?”
“Nah, it might be better to be spontaneous.”
“Oh.” He pouts internally.  “Okay, yeah, why not…”
“You know, I better go check in with Cana and let her know our idea.”  
“and I’ll go see what Gray’s up to…” he turns to walk off
“Hey um Natsu?”
“Yeah?” Stopping to look back at her.
“You don’t, remember me… do you?”
He stares at her surprised, “Why, have we met before…  I think I’d remember you.”  
‘I guess he really doesn’t…’  she sighs, “Never mind…  it’s not important.”  She walks away with her shoulders slumped a little.
‘What I say?!’  He watches her walk away.  ‘Have I met her before?!’  Heading over to find Gray. ‘How could I forget someone as beautiful as her?’
Natsu finds Gray and Juvia talking at her station while the hairdresser finishes her up, “Hey popsicle!”
“What do you want flame head?  Why aren’t you with Lucy?”
“She wanted to talk to Cana… Hey she asked me if I remember her.  I don’t, but do you?”
Gray shakes his head, “Only seen her photo in magazines and stuff.”
At that moment, Levy walks by and Natsu stops her, “Hey Levy can I ask you something?”
She looks at her watch, “Yeah but make it quick.”
“Lucy asked me if I remember her, but I don’t.  Any idea why she thinks I might have?”
‘So, he doesn’t remember her…’  “Why didn’t you ask her that yourself, Natsu?”
His shoulders slump, “I did ask but she told me never mind and sounded sad when she said it.  What am I missing here?”
“Maybe you’ve got a bad memory cause you don’t remember me either.” Sigh, “But I’ll give you a hint.  Magnolia High, your senior year, English class.”
“Think about who was in that class with you.” She chuckles and walks away.
Natsu sits down on a chair and runs his hand over his face, “Argh!  English class?  Half the time I wasn’t even paying attention cause I hated that subject.”  He turns to his friend, “Do you remember seeing her in that class?”
“Idiot, I had English a different period than you.”
“Juvia thinks you can narrow it down, how many in your class could have been blonde females.”
“Well…” Natsu closes his eyes and tries to remember.  “There was um, Yukino, well she was more a platinum blonde…  Jenny…  Wait…” he opens his eyes.  “There was quiet blonde who sat, I think, two seats in front of me, but she wore glasses and rarely talked in class.”
“Oh, I remember her,” Gray pipes in, “she transferred in our senior year.  Loke hit on her a few times.  I think she was like a year younger than us but had skipped a grade or something.  I had her in my art class.  Yeah… she was kind of the nerdy type.  How could it be her?  That girl was like so different than Lucy.”
“I think I remember her, if it’s the same person.  One of the few times she spoke was to read a poem that I guess she really liked.  I can’t remember the name of it...”  Natsu stands up, “I um, I gotta check on something.” He looks at his watch, “Damn we gotta line up in a few minutes.  Hey, I’ll see you guys out there!” and rushes off.
“I think he’s taken a liking to Lucy.”  Gray chuckles.
“Juvia thinks Cana matched all of us up perfectly.” She blushes
“Cana!?”  Natsu waves down the designer.  “Can I ask you something?”
“Make it quick, you need to go line up already!”
“I know, I know.  You’ve know Lucy since high school, right?”
“Yeah… and I was in your English class too.”
“You I remember.  Anyways, she read a poem in class, it was kinda short, maybe about love, I think it was a favorite of hers…”
“Do you know how it goes?”
“Hell no, poetry was her thing not mine but she published it on um, Wattpad.  Look her up, StarQueen17.  Now get going and line up!”
“Okay thanks!” he hurries to his place.  Along the way he pulls out his phone and starts searching.
As he waits his turn in the lineup, Natsu commits the short poem to memory.  ‘I’ll give her a show stopper.’  He grins to himself.
The moment has arrived as Natsu steps onto the catwalk.  At the other end, he sees her take her first pose, he counters and begins the journey towards her.  ‘Walk in the park…’ he chants in his head, ‘Just be smooth… confident…’  midway he slows his steps, as his heartrate increases.  ‘Fuck she is beautiful!’  He can’t help but stare at Lucy as she sashays forward, slowing her own gait to meet him.
He reaches out and slowly pulls her body against his as she runs her hands up his chest.  With one arm around her waist, Natsu tilts her chin up… and lowers his face as they gaze into each other’s eyes; lips just a couple inches apart...  A buzz of murmurs and whispers resound around them but the pair seem lost to it all… when he whispers, “A glance, a smile and my heart skips a beat.  But then you look away, and I become invisible once more.  Just another face in the crowd; the popular guy to the shy little girl.  I wish you’d see me…”
Lucy gasps, “H-how’d you?”
“I remember…” he leans in, closing the final gap and softly kisses her lips.  No longer just whispers but out right gasps, clapping, and shouts ring out as he tightens his embrace and she grips to his neck.  When he pulls back, he runs the back of his hand lightly along her cheek.  “You wrote that for me, didn’t you?”
“No, I…”  he raises an eyebrow.  “Okay, yes…” she stammers and looks around at the hushed room.  “But this is not the time and place to…”
“You said show stopper…” he grins, “…just go with it…” before picking her up bridal style.  After a sigh, she weaves her arms around his neck smiling up at him to play the part of love at first sight and he walks off the catwalk to more cheers.
As soon as they are back stage, he puts Lucy down but doesn’t relinquish the hold he has around her waist.  “Natsu!  What were you thinking?  This is a runway show, not the dating game!”
“The crowd seemed to love it, and you said you wanted something big…”
“Yeah, I did but…”
Cana walks up.  “Wrap it up later you two, we need to finish the show first!  Come on,” she grabs their hands and puts them together.  “Just walk out like a normal couple in front of me.”  And pushes them forward to line up behind the rest of the models.  “By the way.  That was a creative closing pose to say the least.” She grins.  
As everyone starts moving forward, “Sorry Cana, I hope…”  Lucy starts to apologize before being cut off.
“Lu, the audience loved it and that’s all that matters.” she winks at her friend.  “You can thank me later, now…” Pushing them onto the walk amid the hundreds of flashes going off, “…smile for the cameras!”
When the trio reach the end of the cat walk, Cana instigates and escalates the situation.  Clapping and chanting, “Kiss!” followed and egged on by their friends, the other models, and the crowd.  “Kiss!”  “Kiss!”  “Kiss!”
“Well Luce…” Natsu grins and squeezes her hand.  She pauses for a second as a rush of old emotions come flooding back to her.  But before he can do anything, this time it’s Lucy who makes the first move.  She leaps into his arms, wrapping them around his neck.  He embraces her, holding her up as they kiss for the second time on that stage.  
The crowd stands up screaming and clapping, the roar of excitement around them becomes deafening.  When the kiss ends he lets her slide down so her feet are back on the floor.  With tears trickling down her face, he wipes them away with his thumb, caressing her cheek in the process.  Natsu smiles sweetly at this beautiful blonde just melting in his arms.  “I’m sorry you had to wait so long Luce…”
“It’s okay…” she stifles a sniffle and smile back.  Cana is smirking at them.  As their friend’s crowd around them, she places her hands one on each of their shoulders.  “Did you plan this?  Lucy asks her best friend.  
Feigning innocence, “Uh!  I don’t know what you’re talking about…”
“Spill it girl!  You knew about my crush…”
“Okay fine, so after I ran into him and Gray one day I figured this show would be a perfect opportunity…”
Lucy lets go of Natsu and hugs her friend, “Thank you.”
Cana hugs her back, “You are very welcome.”  After letting her go and Natsu grabs Lucy again around the waist kissing her.  “You two just gave me a new closing idea for the next show…” Cana smirks at the end of the kiss.  “How about a runway wedding?”
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lumin0usfox · 6 years
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(Top image) One of the very first sketches I did of kozmotis, to this day it frustrates me I can never get his armor right > : V
Also a couple of quick sketches I made while re watching the movie ( ^ u ^ )
If you ask me, Pitch is fashionable no matter what he’s wearing~
Rotg month day 4 fashion
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behemotharts · 3 years
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Once again I feel that fashion design was my calling.
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chat-noir-chocolat · 6 years
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Work in progress for @vityaweek Day 4 - Fashion
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themusenc · 3 years
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KEEP FIGHTING FOR WHAT BRINGS YOU JOY. It takes a determination. Looking forward to seeing and what the future holds. Fox Fur Coat/ Vest (size medium) $275 Mock neck size 12 retro black dress $26 Necklace by @boneheadart $40 Earrings by Janet Ecklebarger Starting at $42. Support local makers and businesses that build the community you desire to be apart of. #buyselltrade #fashion #style #2021 #day4 #themusenc #themuse #vintage #vintagefashion #grahamnc #destination #smallbusiness #raleighnc #elon #burlingtonnc #hillsboroughnc #durhamnc #saxapahawnc #buyselltrade #sustainablefashion (at The Muse NC) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJpJGc_HiUl/?igshid=hgq5oyd27dp0
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Day 4 of Dandiya 🧡 Happy Navratri to all of you! 💁🏻‍♀️ Keep Dancing!💃🏻 Mua - @proceedinstyle @instagram #navratri #navratrispecial #day4 #ishwarikale #proceedinstyle #instylewithishwari #dancewithishwari #garba #dandiya #dancer #youtuber #ootd #orange #happynavratri #garbadance #viralpost #jewellery #fashion #style #styleblogger #fashioninfluencer #outfitoftheday #goodvibes #choreographer #viralposts #instadaily #instafashion #fashionblogger #fyp #explore (at India) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU26STyIWTA/?utm_medium=tumblr
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klayr-de-gall · 2 years
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“A Kiss to Talk About”
Fifth day of the DBH Seven Kisses Challenge by @connor-sent-by-cyberlife 💙
Not sure if they need to talk about Nines making out with his Android at work, or about Connors fashion sense.
[Day1] - [Day2] - [Day3] - [Day4] - [Day5] - [Day6] - [Day7]
[Patreon and Social Media] - Available as a Print on etsy
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vitoriaemi · 4 years
Esse #look eu testei uma vez mas achei que ficou estranho em mim, meio ousado demais (Fiz photo bashing msm, to nem aí, queria mostrar a estampa real do roupa) #fashioninktober #day4 #dia4 #croquis #fashion #moda #desenho #sketch #speedpaint https://www.instagram.com/p/CF8XLL8gLPY/?igshid=1fhp6wn6aezfo
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nicsplace · 4 years
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October Photo Challenge. Day 4. Boots. My favorite boots. Comfortable. Stylish. Bright red! @hunterboots are, hands down, the best boots around. I've worn them hauling hiney 70 gates between 2 terminals, I've worn them in the snow, I've worn them in mud up to my ankles after a downpour, I've worn them in a downpour, I've worn them on perfectly crisp, sun filled, autumn days. They've never failed me. I hard core love them! Expensive, but well worth it! Especially for the use I've gotten out of them. #OctoberPhotoChallenge #PhotoChallenge #October #Day4 #Boots #31DaysOfOctober #31Photos #ItsFallYall #TheBerMonths #Red #Hunter #HunterBoots #Wellies #HunterWellies #RainBoots #SingleMom #SingleMomLife #Fashion #Influencer https://www.instagram.com/p/CF77VvoAZFW/?igshid=1v1gv85i5fp8v
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kiberasstuff · 4 years
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#SkinCareWeek #day4 🔷 Introducing Bright Sublime 🔷 A new, completely safe brightening solution to help correct skin pigment imperfections and reveal the bright, even, flawless complexion you desire. The NovAge Bright Sublime Set is our advanced-performing routine for skin discolourations and dark spots. Powered by patented Multi-Bright Technology and Gardenia Plant Stem Cell extract, NovAge Bright Sublime helps to suppress melanin production to reveal a brighter, more luminous and even complexion with diminished dark spots. DIMINISHES DARK SPOTS BY UP TO 50%∆1 - CLINICALLY PROVEN LIGHTENS SKIN BY UP TO 40%∆1 - CLINICALLY PROVEN 🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹🔹 The NovAge Bright Sublime Set of five products is designed to follow the NovAge Skin Care Routine. The products are designed to work in harmony to deliver the very best results. ‼️BEST RESULTS WHEN YOU FOLLOW THE NOVAGE ROUTINE - CLINICALLY PROVEN∆2‼️ Set contains: NovAge Supreme Cleansing Gel NovAge Bright Sublime Advanced Brightening Eye Cream NovAge Bright Sublime Advanced Brightening Multi-Action Essence NovAge Bright Sublime Advanced Brightening Day Cream SPF 20 NovAge Bright Sublime Advanced Brightening Night Cream Call/WhatsApp 📞 0727665766 #oriflameshopkenya #nairobi #kenya #beauty #oriflame #nature #mombasa #lovenature #natural #fashion #tanzania #igkenya #africa #kampala #mwanza #igerskenya #madeinkenya #HuddahGlam #tembeakenya #kigali #kenyan #zanzibar #ignairobi #iamnairobian #millardayoupdates #kenyanmemes #daressalaam #ugandanknuckles https://www.instagram.com/p/CCaHcUXFbI9/?igshid=1bdittrtxesmd
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