#daymn brother
djzbasement · 5 months
He goin through it yall
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(Bros been manipulated into believing he’s a DOLL🙏)
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sinsandsweetness · 1 year
aaaaahhhhh pookie im literally crying rn!
so my brothers a cop (at his big age) and i went to drop off something at his work and after like 4567890 years i finally met his coworkers (were aren't close, story for another day✌️😋) AND OH MY LORD WHEN I TELL YOU THEY ARE FINE THAT IS AN UNDERSTATMENT!!!
like daymn officer okayyyy
anyways- how are you <3 hope you doing great!!!
Omygosh lucky girl. I’m so jealous. I love making fuck me eyes at every police officer I see. That uniform just does something to me 😭
I’m alright! I’m writing my short story for school and it’s going pretty well! Then I gotta get doing some more studying unfortunately:( school just doesn’t want to take a break from kicking my ass I guess.
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minusgangtime · 1 year
(daymn, I'm learning about siblings I didn't initially know existed yet, blue has ALOT of siblings in particular~ and hell, I had no idea mean HAD any siblings until now)
(Blue does indeed have a big family- Basically since it was based on the fandom giving the actual Boyfriend a lot of siblings (including Ritz who is canonically his adopted brother) lol- And yep! MB has siblings! ^^)
(I haven't thought what the names of MB's brothers should be yet, so for now they're just random unnamed OCs)
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ceyrann · 3 years
so my brother sent me a job ad hiring japanese speakers but it’s in singapore and i-
idk man why would he think that i’m capable of speaking japanese on a proficient level lmao
but daymn the pay is nice
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canyouhearthevoices · 3 years
‘Precious’ Lyric Analysis
Originally released as a short piece with Treasure EP FIN: All to Action, then later released as a full song with Treasure Epilogue: Action to Answer, as a ‘sequel’ to ‘Treasure’.
Daymn, this is an interesting one. And, probably one of my favourite songs.
Together, ‘Treasure’ and ‘Precious’ tell a story, where each belongs to one of the two ATEEZs, and where ‘Treasure’ is the beginning of a hopeful journey, while the other is the end of a failed journey to find the Treasure. 
The opening of ‘Treasure’ and the ending of ‘Precious’ mirror each other - from the music to the lyrics to the choreography. Hongjoong writing ‘ATEZ’ in both is also cleverly used - while in ‘Treasure’ he sits upright and is surrounded by his members, in ‘Precious’, he falls to the ground, having made it to the Treasure, but gravely injured and having lost his 7 brothers. He marks their name in the sand, but the Treasure was not worth the cost. 
So, place in the storyline?
I think it is clear, that, considering the lyrics, the stage performances, choreography, and other factors, ‘Treasure’ is at the beginning of Treasureteez’s journey, while ‘Precious’ is at the end of Halateez’s journey, as they have lost everything (and is the reason for their transition from heroes to villains).
Lyrics and things.
This is definitely one of those songs where it is important who sings which lines. I’ll mention any important things as they come up. And, although I try to keep the lyric analysis to just the lyrics, this one might have a little bit of the stage performances leaking in.
Translations will be mentioned when they come up. 
‘Precious’ has so many connection that are both hilarious and scary.
When I was first reading the beginning of the song to analyse it, I had to double-check that they were the lyrics for Precious and not Deja Vu - they have almost identical first verses.
Obviously, it connects to ‘Treasure’, the debate is on how. I am somewhat tempted to put it right at the beginning of the playlist, even before ‘Dear Diary’, where it would be the end of the ‘original’ ATEEZ, after which Hongjoong uses the Cromer to search for the Treasure over and over again, failing each time. But for now, it stays at the end of the Halateez storyline.
For this one, since there are strong connections to the Treasureteez storyline, I will be including the blue highlights + annotations to reflect elements which mirror the Treasureteez storyline, while (as always), red represents Halateez and purple is everything else/things that apply to both groups.
Find the full lyric analysis below the line.
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Here, the first line can translate to ‘I know you’re already into it’, the second line can translate; ‘My soul is blinded by the enclosing thirst,’ and the third line can translate to ‘my soul is craving for another place’. I’m not sure what the first difference is supposed to mean, but the second two just make the song more ‘dramatic’ and make it feel more menacing - basically, they’re just a better choice of words for that particular meaning.
The fourth line, however. That can translate to ‘you keep whispering, that low voice of yours.’ This is definitely more sinister than saying ‘it’ keeps whispering, and is wonderfully Gothic. This connects to the idea of Treasureteez having Halateez’s voices in their heads, as well as the general ideas of possession + Jekyll and Hyde situations in the storyline.
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Mingi’s line ‘walked endlessly’ is also translated as ‘countless times’, which just better communicates the cyclical structure of the ATEEZ storyline. The last line can translate to ‘gather your feet for the journey that’s in front of us, hands up!’ I think the second translation suits Mingi’s character better, especially in relation to the lyrics from ‘Wonderland’, which mirror this, but it isn’t a big deal either way.
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The line’ this feeling attracts me’ is also translated as ‘get attracted to this mood’, which is only key because ‘mood’ is a key Halateez idea. 
Also, all of the members (I think all of them) talk about being crazy in the song, but notice that Hongjoong does it the most, and that he is the one who leads a lot of the choreography (especially at the end). He also leads the chorus.
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Here, Jongho’s line ‘but feel it feel it an’ you feel it’ has also been translated as ‘don’t feel it feel it can you feel it’, which I think just really shows the disparities in the storyline and the chaos that comes from Halateez most of the time.
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Alrighty. Hongjoong’s final verse can be translated to; ‘finally here to see you, Treasure. My hands are full of this Treasure. A pleasure that everyone enjoys, have to find it again, crazy.’
This is arguably the most important part of the song. I think that both translations should be studied together - they both have important meaning - why does HJ say ‘that everyone got to enjoy’ in one and ‘that everyone enjoys’ in the other? Is this just a translation error? Also, the first translation suggests that the group has to find the Treasure. I assume this means all 8 members of ATEEZ + ATINY. However, the second suggests that those who have to find the Treasure could be either the group, or just Hongjoong. Either way, it’s clear that he’s gone insane by the end of the song, which points to this being the start of the time loop. The question is just whether the Hongjoong who started the time loop was the leader of Halateez, or if he was the leader of some earlier version of ATEEZ. 
Is this why Hongjoong pointed out at the FEVER Pt 3 showcase that he is the leader of both Halateez and ATEEZ? Is it because Halateez Joong was the one that began the time loop, and that he took the place of Treasureteez Joong to fulfill his dreams? 
Food for thought. Joong for thought.
A very cool and interesting song, possibly one of the most important to the storyline, along with ‘Say My Name’ and ‘HALA HALA’. Very fun. Even more fun if it’s right next to ‘Treasure’ (See the performance stages etc - definitely want more of those).
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eglantinian · 4 years
so i’ve finished reading - well, more of caught up with the latest available - chapter of arakawa’s version of arslan senki. at first i was sceptical reading it because it wasn’t her script since it was written by yoshiki tanaka, the one who wrote the legend of galactic heroes - something that was recommended to me by my brother. so i checked it out and daymn. i see why arakawa would mesh well with yoshiki. soo. i read it and DAMN. at first i wasn’t sure about arslan, but then he was so well-developed, plus his retainers are so well-balanced, AND GLORD, the world-building and plot ARE JUST A++++++++. like sweet lord. i cried like shit just like i did when i read and watched fma/b. huhuhu. 
my biggest question, though, is this: ARE NARSUS AND DARYUN INVOLVED????? 
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If Michael kills Orion I wouldn't be surprised if Jeffrey goes back in time to run over his brother's ass himself 😳
Who knows WHAT happens to Orion! Is anyone interested to find out? Would anyone want a part two where we find out just what Michael did and how Jeffrey reacted? 👀
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divagonzo · 6 years
May I know why you give eternal stink-eyes to Steve Kloves?
Oh Nonnie! You’re so sweet. I’ll be more than glad to answer your question.
Why do I give Steve Kloves the eternal stinkeye?
Under the cut since it’s a bit long-winded.
His “vision” of how the movies should go was a caricature of the books - and not in a good way. He changed up the dialogue that made no sense for the particular characters to utter them (usually where Hermione gets things said by Ron - or Dumbledore - or Hagrid, etc.)
He looked at the story and decided that Harry’s best mate - the one who rescued him multiple times from his abusive upbringing - was nothing more than an uncouth walking eating machine, content to let people laugh at him rather than laughing along with him.
He changed information to make it where things just didn’t make any sense, like having Sirius utter that Hermione was the brightest witch of her age - when, if anyone was going to say such, would have been Remus.
His complete butchering of the plot of GoF (I mean, really? You’d only be able to really keep up if you read the books in the first place. Winky? The entire backstory of Barty Crouch, Jr, How it wasn’t necessarily Neville who handed Harry the gillyweed so he could cope in the Black Lake during the second task. (And the movies made it seem like dear adorable Neville could just step outside the front door to procure the necessary item - and not how the Villain of Book 4 made Dobby steal it from the Potion Master’s Stores. (And Daymn, thirty seconds with a Sphynx wouldn’t have been too damn difficult, would it? But Nah, we can’t have all the cool magical stuff that happened and hindered Harry in his task.  We couldn’t have what happened to Barty Crouch, Jr (or how he managed to escape Azkaban in the first place)...
HBP? Don’t even get me started - but let me point out one bit:
1/2 Dose of Felix Felicis and what was really going on while Harry was watching Dumbles be executed on top of the Astronomy tower (and why so few did perish with a gaggle of Death Eaters and a full grown Werewolf with them!)
F*, even the whole SPEW side-story got removed which took away so much more agency and heart-rending storylines of Kreacher and Dobby and even Winky.
But the fact that Uncle Steve maligned Ron - Ginny - Um, Charlie!, um... where’s my Prattish Prodigal Son?,um... Fred and George being right gits and tossers to their younger brother - oh and how did they get the funds to start up the Wheezes? Did they just magic their way into it?
Merlin, by the time of the last movies, it’s a butcher’s bill in the mess of it.  But let me point out something.
Mundane Finality
When the hell does Mundane Finality mean “blown away to confetti?”
In short... Uncle Steve decided that having a subversive story, with soft boys and an imperfect bookworm wasn’t incredible enough - so by the time he was done cocking up the series, it was baiting one particular ship - destroying 2 rather important characters (namely the last names of Weasley), leaving out so much important details (cough marauders cough) and....
Like daymn. No wonder why there’s been years of fandom war going on.
And why the hell was the scene with McG cut? Daymn. I wanted her to be able to get back up after 4 stunners at the same time.
In short, Nonnie, I doubt I won’t be completely content with the movies until it’s 7 seasons in Anime form with Uncle Steve nowhere near the production of it - so the characters (and plot) that I love is done right. (I Wonder if Kenneth Branaugh would deign to do the entire series and have Emma Thompson write it out this time.)
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bigtransmoods · 6 years
DAymN im here crying in my work place's bathroom due to ur story abt ur brother...
Why cry when you can smile. Currently he's only out to me as our Mum is kinda hit and miss about it all. She always thinks that Jack is just doing things for the trend which pisses me off. For now I'll keep him safe by making sure he has a binder, someone to talk to, and all the other things he might need battle his dysphoria. To me it's not an emotional story but I guess it is to some people as I've had that response from a couple of people and don't worry once we both start T you'll finally see our faces on a photo together :)
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tuonelansorsa · 6 years
I just saw the Solo movie
I have to say that it wasn't as bad as I expected but it was still a bit like meh.
Han Solo was probably my first fictional crush and to date he's one of my all time favorite characters. But my mind is so fixated on him being potrayed by Harrison that I just can't see anyone else doing it. Alden Ehrenreich wasn't bad but I just can't see him as Han. He could be his lost brother maybe? A cousin? But I do give him credit for creating a new version of Han and not just trying to copy Ford. That being said I do understand why people would and do like him, but he's just not my Han.
I wasn't that keen on the story eighter. It wasn't bad but I didn't find it that exciting. There's bunch of amazing characters but I just couldn't really fall in love with any of them. They were all given great back stories and the story does focus on the characters rather than action but I feel that it still wasn't enough. I was left wanting to know more of them, specially about Qi'ra and Beckett. Chewbacca on the other hand really shined and the movie really deepened his character.
Donald Glover as Lando was my favorite thing in this movie. He killed it. He was meant to play young Lando. Heart eyes.
There was also that one character that made a cameo in the end. I was shook. I almost scremed in the theater. Not gonna tell who they are but daymn. Be still my beating heart.
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Loki-tormenting anon again. The irony here is, Loki wouldn't deserve such fate in the least. It would seem that he's forever destined to get the short end of the stick, no matter what choice he makes, and what's his motivation. He'd also have far too much time to ponder over this, suspended in void, not quite alive, yet still not dead. Would this turn him bitter again, or would he cling to the hope of getting rescued? Or maybe, not rescued at all - but found, by the one who seeks the Tesseract?
DAYMN anon, back at it again with them FEELS //
(link to the previous post here, if anyone is curious)
Why? Why do you do this to me??Okay, but it’s true!!
(placing this under the cut because… i rant a lot about my smol, misunderstood son)
Boiling down to the core of everything; yes Loki has done some morally and ethically questionable things, but all he wants/wanted to be was Thor’s equal in both the Allfather’s eyes and the rest of Asgard’s eyes. And he thought that the way to do that was to be a strong King. Both Thor and Loki have always been competing against each other for Odin’s affection and approval, you could see that from the small snippet we have of them as kids in the first Thor. 
In the first Thor, his sole motivation for doing everything that he did was to prove to Odin that he was just as worthy of being King as Thor. He could see that Thor wasn’t ready to be King before Odin did, and he knew the coronation was a mistake. He had meant no true ill-will.However, when everything transpired and Thor was banished he thought that this was the perfect time to prove to his father that he was just as worthy as his brother. The fact that he had figured out his true heritage was just the icing on the cake. It just made him more eager, made him need that recognition. Think about it, he killed his own blood-father, he essentially denounced any ties with Jotunheim to prove to Odin that he was entirely dedicated to Asgard, to the people, something that a King has to be. He had grown up with tails of the war(s) between the Jotuns and the Aesirs, and how the Jotuns still remained a threat. And, how do you prove yourself? What does a King have to do? Illuminate threats and keep the peace.Bare in mind that Loki is still quite young here (both Loki and Thor seem to be like… late teens/early adults? In the first film? Like, their mindset is very much… “I know everything” when they really know nothing. Which is atypical of people this age). So, in his mind, he was doing the right thing, and he had expected Odin to be proud of him. And what did he get? The complete opposite. A pained and disappointed look/tone/whatever. Have you ever had your parents sound or look at you like that? It’s fucking horrible.That just made him give up. You could see it in his eyes as he let go and fell from the Bifrost. 
(I hc that he regretted it the moment he let go, but that’s a story for another time)
In terms of Avengers. You could see there, that this was not the same Loki. Not only did he physically look awful, but he seemed far more violent and intent on destruction, more wild. His invasion seemed rushed, and you could tell that he didn’t plan it. The Chitauri probably used all manner of torture on Loki to get him to comply with what they wanted. He probably went along with it because it was that or death. He had the mind stone in his sceptre, right, so that definitely had some play in everything. I have this theory that, although he wasn’t under full Chitauri control, the mind gem in the sceptre still manipulated his thoughts and emotions. I said that he was more ‘wild’, and that was probably an effect that the gem had, pulling his more negative and aggressive emotions forward. 
So, lets backtrack slightly. This little trickster has grown up feeling like he has to constantly battle for his father’s affections, he’s tried to prove that he was just as worthy as his older brother and he’s been shot down without being told why what he did was wrong. (the whole… trying to destroy Jotunheim thing). And on top of that, he’s been tortured by the Chitauri and had his mind fucked with by the infinity stone. Okay, yes, some may argue that he deserved some sort of punishment for what he did to Jotunheim. But torture? No one deserves that. 
And moving on! Thor 2. Here’s an example of Odin’s A+ parenting. He has a ‘problem child’ (Loki), and what does he do? HE DECIDES TO FUCKING LOCK HIM AWAY IN WHAT IS, ESSENTIALLY, GLORIFIED SOLITARY CONFINEMENT FOR THE REST OF HIS LIFE! Does that sound like something familiar? (*cough* Hela! *cough* - again that’s a story for another time). But, seriously! Yes, okay, he has fancy furniture and book to read, but he’s still trapped in a box with no social interaction. That freaking does shit to you.Like, how desperate did he have to be to make up an illusion of his mother just so that he had someone to talk to! Like, seriously, the only time we see him interacting with legit beings when in the cell is when he’s informed of Frigga’s death and when Thor comes to talk to him.Again, I believe that he should have had some sort of punishment for what he did in Thor 1 (Avengers I’m iffy about since he wasn’t technically in his own mind there), but nothing like this. 
Point is - looking at things from Loki’s POV, he does always seem to get the bad shit. It’s like a combination of people misunderstanding his situation, bad luck or just bad timing. It’s no wonder this guy is so messed up. His punishments never seem to fit his crimes. 
And to think, after going through all that, having things FINALLY starting to turn around for him in Thor 3, and just as he has hope that maybe things aren’t all lost and MAYBE he’ll be able to redeem himself as a worthy Prince of Asgard, and he’s gotten over all the shit he’s been through. Then THIS HAPPENS! AND HE’S RIGHT BACK AT THE FUCKING START AGAIN! Of fucking course it would turn him bitter!
First of all, falling through the void again, he’d be terrified! He’d be replaying the first time it happened, and meeting the Chitauri and going through all that. He’d be having like… a fucking meltdown thinking that he’d have to go through something like that again. The feelings of isolation and being alone would come surging back, he’d lose all hope of being able to get his life back on track cause it would be like… “everytime I do something with good intentions, bad shit happens so whats the FUCKING POINT”He’d curse himself for taking it, for being greedy and snatching the Tesseract instead of escaping with the rest of the Asgardian’s. That would probably start a whole new wave of negative, self-hating thoughts.
And, okay, we know who’s seeking the Infinity Stones? Thanos. Who was in control of the Chitauri? THANOS!If Loki is found by the person seeking the Tesseract, which would be Thanos, this big purple fucking grape man is gonna flip his SHIT! Cause Loki was the one who lead the invasion on Earth, so in his mind it would be Loki’s fault that it failed. And Loki’s fault that he lost the Mind Stone and the Tesseract. 
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urgentinformation · 7 years
LOL WHY Y'ALL STILL HERE THESE ARE GETTING WORSE BY THE WEEK :))) -NAH HOLBY DON’T PLAY ME WITH THIS CREEPY ASS MUSIC -FUK OFF HOLBY I’M sCaRed help pls don’t let my babe bambi die pls i love her -BITCH #LOVELY NINA ARE LOOKIN FLY 2DAY LOOK @ THEM I MEAN DAYMN B0I -NUMBNUTS BEING A PORTABLE STARBUCKS IS 👌👌 -HOW IS FRAN THIS GOOD A LIAR I DON’T LIKE IT I DON’T LIkE iT -CURLY FRIES IS JUST SO PURE && I CANNOT DEAL -i S2G BAMBI STOP WITH THAT SONG IT MAKES ME NERVOUS -BAMBI IS ALSO SO PURE AND I JUST WANT HER AND CHERKBONES AND THEIR GIRLFRIENDS DOGBY AND GOSSIP GURL TO LIVE IN HAPPINESS SOMEWHERE AWAY FROM HARM iS thaT t00 mUCh t0 AsK -FRAN'S👋BEEN👋CAUGHT👋OUT👋 -DOM SMILING AT CURLY FRIES IS 😍 SHIPPING #DOM FRIES HARD RN -IT WAS HER BROTHER😲 BISH N0 WHAT POOR KELLY ILY B00 DON’T WORRY -CHEEKBONES SAYING “DON’T BE RIDICULOUS NO” WHILST SMILING IS ME -OMG DOGBY HOLDIN BAMBI’S HAND I’M CRYING THIS IS ALL I’VE EVER WANTED -FUK OFF WITH THIS CREEPY MUSIC AND STRANGE FLASHBACKS I’M SCaRed -N0 N0 please i don’t want bambi to die just do this one thing for me holby writers i never ask for anything im just tryna live a fruitful life you don’t need to do this to me -“YOU GOT THE CHEEKBONES BUT SHE GOT THE SMILE” -no -no -no -i feel physical pain and im crying -dont say it hanssen -no -pls let cheekbones be okay // pls let morven be okay OVERALL THOUGHTS: why. im just tryna be happy in life and you do this. why. but a huge congratulations to all the actors and actresses in this ep, you were g8, especially rosie & lucy ♡♡
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nerdyaliengirl · 7 years
Everybody from the Shadowhunters fandom and Malec shipper family had talked about how painful it was for Magnus for all that he had been through and some complained about how Alec was a dense for not figuring out that the Magnus he met after the encounter with Azazel (sorry if I misspelled his name) and for not noticing that it was practically only Magnus who called him with his full name “Alexander” and when he told him about the charm and one of the intimate moments but no one talked about who caused this whole misshape. Isabel Lightwood!!! After Sebastian had temporarily defeated Azazel and saved her ass (yea, cause I’m mad at her), she didn’t bother calling her brother and her friends to tell them about that encounter. Even when Sebastian told her to before Magnus with the help of Alec, Clary and Jace summoned the demon. If she had called to assure them she’s alright (cause a demon powerful as Azazel attacking like that and when he killed those people in the bar; all of that aren’t going to go unnoticed by the institute and the other shadowhunters) that could have stopped all if this shit from happening. But no, Izzy was kind of selfish telling off Sebastian that she needs some time off before she could contact her brother (who was dead worried about his sis that he dragged his warlock boyfriend into summoning such a powerful demon to trade Valentine for his sister). She could have saved Magnus all the pain that he faced as well as Alec’s not knowing what to do fix what happened to Magnus. If it wasn’t for her need to join Clary to meet the Iron Sisters that she took a medicine she knows nothing about its side effects or what it is made from that stupid director or whatever his title was, she wouldn’t end up being addicted to Vampire Venom! That’s my thought guys. No hate. I have lots of respect to Izzy but her behavior made me angry from the moment she ended up carving out the venom till the moment that she had talked to her brother to be nice to Sebastian since he saved her live.. I was like daymn woman, you trusted that stranger director and look where it had gotten you in!! Don’t trust Sebastian yet till we know about his history.
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lovebugcody · 6 years
My opinions on Season 7
Please do not come at me. I just want to let people know my opinions of the season (because I actually really liked it) and I don’t want any discourse.
You are more than welcome to shoot me an ask or comment to have a civil conversation, but any discourse/hate/attacking directed towards me will result in you being blocked. I don’t have the time nor patience for this aggressive and scary fandom
~~ Spoilers below cut ~~
I just want to start with the big one; people saying that we were Queer-baited. I was not one of those people that were pissed of by this. It was clear that Adam said he would leave Shiro if he went on the Kerberos mission, and he did. I am happy with how it was dealt with; Shiro came back to find Adam dead because he defended Earth. While I wish that they could have gotten closure / seen each other again. But still, I am not upset with how it all went down.
Lance’s sister is a straight up badass. And I am so glad we got to see Lance with his family again (I was crying so much).
Hunk got a great character arc, albeit short. Hunk got to be a strong character and we got to learn more about him and his family, which I loved.
The Holt’s together as a smart, badass family (plus Matt at the end with his long hair) was amazing. I love how we got to properly meet Pidge’s mum. And it is kinda clear how Pidge and Matt absorbed their mum into their personalities.
I adored learning more about Keith and Shiro’s relationship. It was beautiful and will hopefully finally shut up Sh**ce shippers.
I’m not really going to voice opinions on ships other than the face that i love A||urance (spelt with lines to avoid unnecessary discourse) and that even Veronica ships it. I don’t want S8 to shove it down out throats but i will be more than happy for it to happen.
Allura, Romelle and Coran on earth and being confused about earth things is my favourite thing. and Romelle is the voice of reason and literally me.
Sub-point to that; James Griffin. He may have been a meanie to the LOML Keith but daymn did he glow up. Watch me s w e r v e.
Another sub-point; Lance, Veronica and their brother, all attractive. The McClain’s have good good genes.
I also have other opinions but i can’t remember what they are because i had school and stress and also i need to watch it a good couple of times to fully absorb things.
If you guys want to have a civil discussion with me about this season, feel free!! I love talking to people about fandoms and such but oh my god is this fandom scary and aggressive. (You may have even noticed i did not mention or tag the fandom specifically just because I want to avoid as much discourse as possible.)
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mohamedzidane-blog · 7 years
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Rl nas ely momkn tsn3lk d7ka f aql mn d2e2a dowl mo4 daymn bnla2ehom w fe kter bidowr 3lihom bs ana 3ndy wa7d mn as3d ayamy f el donya ely kont m2dyha m3ah f sfr 👌🏻 7a2e2y rabna ma y7rmny mnk 😘 #brother #instagood #photoshoot (at Aurora Bay Resort Marsa Alam)
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