#dazai gender interests me greatly....
hesbianyaoi · 3 months
what do ya think of transmasc dazai :3
dazai is probably the character i can imagine as anything really but i am partial to transmasc dazai. if i ever made a comprehensive list of my gender hcs for bsd i'd probably list him as "anything" just because
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fairy-writes · 8 months
Hi is this where I send requests in? If it is then could I request hc of Dazai, Chuuya and Jouno (if you write for him) with a s/o who has an ability that allows them to change size at will. Like the s/o can go from 1 inch to 30 foot tall in a second and the s/o is very mischievous so they hide in places that shouldn’t be possible to try and surprise the boys. I can imagine sitting on top of chuuya’s hat when he searches for me. I hope I explained this well and don’t feel obligated to do this <3
Reblogs and Comments are greatly appreciated!!
Fandom(s): Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing(s): Dazai Osamu x Reader
Nakahara Chuuya x Reader
Saigiku Jouno x Reader
Genre(s)/Tag(s): Gender Neutral!Reader, not proof read
Notes: Hey hon! I hope you like your request! It was super fun!
Also I’ve never written for Jouno before so this was interesting!
Dazai Osamu:
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You have to get creative with Dazai.
Because one: he’s a literal genius and would instantly know where you’re hiding if you’re tiny.
And two: his ability would nullify yours which might make for some very awkward situations.
You already wear special clothes that grow and shrink with you at will so there’s no more embarrassing moments where you are in the nude.
Anyway! Back to Dazai!
Like I said you have to get creative and even when you do, you have a 95% chance of him finding you before you can surprise/scare him.
Probably the best way to scare him is by hiding in his coat pocket.
Just be careful because he puts his hands in his pockets a lot.
You’ve actually ripped his pockets more than once by scaring him.
Well… scaring is a bold word.
More like you surprise him and he acts scared.
“You scared me, my belladonna!”
Nakahara Chuuya:
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Probably the easiest to surprise out of the three.
Your idea of hiding on the brim of his hat when he’s wearing it has me CACKLING.
Like you’d think he’d be able to feel the slight difference in weight but I headcanon that when he’s really focused he kinda loses spacial awareness of his surroundings.
So you take advantage of this when you’re feeling particularly mischievous!
Another great place to hide is his wine cabinet.
He’s lowkey an alcoholic but in moderation?
If that makes sense?
Like he’ll enjoy a glass or two after work every other day or so but nothing overboard.
Chuuya likes to pretend that he has a high alcohol tolerance.
He doesn’t.
I’m getting distracted again.
But hiding in the wine cabinet is a sure fire way to break a few glasses so use this move sparingly.
He doesn’t get mad per say when you scare him.
Just annoyed and a bit embarrassed.
But a kiss to the cheek or lips is a sure fire way to get him to forgive you ;)
Saigiku Jouno:
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Kinda like Dazai, you have to get creative with Jouno.
Like he can hear your heartbeat pretty much at all times so hiding really doesn’t do much good despite him being blind.
He can also hear the rustling of your clothes, the smell of your perfume/cologne, etc.
So you have to resort to using the other Hunting Dogs in your scheme.
And they’re happy to help! (Mostly, it’s usually Tecchou)
Like they’ll hide you in their pockets or up their sleeves so your scent and heartbeat is mingling with theirs.
It takes some work, but ultimately is possible if you try hard enough!
And also like Dazai, he doesn’t get really scared.
Maybe he’ll subtly flinch.
But that’s about it.
He’s also the most likely to get upset with you.
Like he knows you’re joking.
But you’re most likely a fellow Hunting Dog and therefore should act accordingly.
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misslovasstuff · 5 months
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I LOVE WRITING - *cough* I mean, hello there! This is a writing blog that has been around for a while. If you know me - thank you. If you do not and are new - WELCOME!
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This list includes only some of my best works. The rest can be found on this link.
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☆*: .。.ONE PIECE .。.:*☆
Sanji - Sweet love - When Love Finds You - Afraid To Fall In Love - Goodbye - Something else - Sol lucet omnibus
- (NSFW) stylist!sanji x fem!reader
- (NSFW) …a good type of change
- Confession
Zoro - Reward pt.1 - Reward pt.2
Prompt: ''Wanna go on an adventure'' Prompt: Them talking about their lover
Prompt: “You know, no one would believe me if I told them how much of a tease you are.”
Monster Trio Imagines
When you tell them you’re in the mood (Sanji, Law, Sabo)
☆*: .。.Bungou Stray Dogs .。.:*☆
Dazai - Love Is Worrisome ⭐ - Prove it ⭐ - When You Feel You're Not Good Enough ⭐ - Can There Still Be Love? ⭐ - Dangerous ⭐ - Heart Burns From Lack Of Nostalgia ⭐ - Unrequited Love ⭐ - A Great Mystery ⭐ - 2 in the morning ⭐ - Silence ⭐ - Drunk In Love ⭐ - Can A Heart Still Break Once It Stopped Beating? ⭐ - Special ⭐ - Executive Game ⭐ - Troublesome Jealousy ⭐ - House Of Cards ⭐ - 5 Things I Thought Before I Met You⭐ - Kiss Me With The Lips Of Doubt ⭐ - Sometimes I Wonder Why You Stay ⭐ - Kind to the lovers ⭐ - Useless Words ⭐ - Falling In Love ⭐ - If You Hurt Me ⭐ - I Find Love ⭐ - Believer ⭐ - Burn ⭐ - Sway with me⭐ - Loving is hard - Then Came You⭐ - I need a Hero - Alone Together ⭐ - A walk in the park ⭐ - Fireplace ⭐ - If only ⭐ - To Him... ⭐ - But If It's Love ⭐ - End of me ⭐ - Since that day
Fyodor - Generously - Fire - Seek me whenever you're in trouble - He Loves Greatly - A lonely night
Chuuya - A Flower Left Behind - Serene Moonlight - You Already Did - Always there - Happiness
Sigma - It was worth it, as long as I got to see you. - Setting it free
Ranpo - Can I Hold Your Hand?
Akutagawa - Eye to eye
Gogol - At all
Headcanons - you as their ex- lover, applying for a position at their workplace - sharing apartment with Dazai - BSD characters with their fans ( shin soukoku edition) - nsfw Fyodor Headcanon - What the bsd characters would love about their fans (Soukoku edition) - Hc Dazai, Chuuya and Atsushi with a female rival they got a crush on! - Hc for Dazai, Ranpo and Akutagawa on a rainy night with their s/o - Hc for Dazai, Junichiro and Chuuya when receiving love letters - Hc for Dazai, Kunikida and Ranpo when they find out their lover is a wanted criminal - headcanon for Dazai and Odasaku with a gender-neutral s/o who has selective mutism - Affection with Fyodor - Why Dazai is a complex character - How does he act around children/ Dazai as a parent - Random HCS - Bsd hcs with a very romantic s/o - Sleeping Hcs - When reciting a love poem to them - sleepover hcs - Soukoku Ideal Types - Reactions when a guy can’t stop looking at you - Hc for Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi and Akutagawa when they see their s/o wearing a hot halloween costume: - Reactions when a guy can’t stop looking at you; - BSD boys’ reaction to “A bath, dinner or me?”
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resurjensi · 1 month
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A Piece of Jigsaw
If you stumbled upon my twitter account and decided to go here, know that I have become a piece of jigsaw in the puzzle that you call your life. I'm only one amongst hundreds of pieces, but to me, that alone is more than enough.
So, Hi. The name is Callisto Void. You can call me Cal, Calli, Void, or whatever nicknames you may come up with. Please note that I prefer not to be called with overly feminine and "babying" kinds of nicknames. I use he/him, it/its, and dia/nya pronouns feel free to use them interchangeably. I am an adult in my twenties even though sometimes I feel like I am forever seventeen. Also, if you recognize me by another name, please keep that secret inside your chest. You can text me privately if you want to ask about that. Oh, I tweet and write both in Indonesian and English.
I write sometimes. About anything that I feel it needed to be expressed. Yet there are several themes that may appear more often than others, such as: queer experience, mental health, and probably parental issues. I am a frequent user of suicidal, violent, and death-related descriptions. There's also a possibility I will post dead-dove: do not eat content and use nsfw language, so please follow my account responsibly. I already warn you, so you can expect untagged trigger warning post/writing on my twitter since those dark themes will appear frequently. Do not repost my writings to other platforms.
My interests are ever so changing. I mainly immerse myself in the wonderful world called literature. My comfort genre(s) is classics, litfic, and gender-studies nonfiction. I also read other genres as I always try to expand my reading choice. To be quiet honest, I'll read anything. Articles, journals, manga, plays, blog posts, anything. So don't hesitate to recommend me your favorite book even though it is not something I will usually read.
My favorite books contain but not limited to: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, No Longer Human by Osamu Dazai, White Nights by Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ayah by Andrea Hirata, In The Dream House by Carmen Maria Machado, The Things You May Only Find Behind My Ear by Mosab Abu Toha, Boys Run The Riot by Keito Gaku (manga), and many more!
I have not been dipping myself a lot in the cinema world, and I would greatly appreciate if you feel like recommending me your favorite movies. Yet, I have a few favorites: Princess Mononoke (1997), Maurice (1987) and my latest favorite, Some Like It Hot (1959).
However, I am a series watcher. The kind of watcher who has two or three favorites and will rewatch it many times instead of trying new shows. Hannibal, House MD, Merlin, and Naruto (as of now I'm rereading the manga) are my constant interest.
As for music, I consider myself a casual listener rather than fans. That is because 90% of the time, I listen to music for background noise and the 10% of the time, I find myself realizing one or two songs really got my ears itching to listen for more. What I frequently listen to: Hozier, Lauvey, Saint Motel, Cosmo Sheldrake, Florence + The Machine, and a lot more.
Well? See you.
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straymackerel · 4 years
Would it be alright to ask for Dazai headcanons with transmasculine s/o???
Hello, I thought long and hard about this and out of respect am breaking out of my usual lowercase aesthetic. 
I have come to the conclusion this request falls under things I won’t write, since Dazai having a transmasculine s/o seems out of character to me. He is portrayed as cis and straight; he is frequently seen hitting on girls, says his lifelong goal is to commit suicide with a beautiful woman, and explicitly states that he has “no such interest” in guys in an early interaction with Atsushi.
I do have an interest in making LGBT+ content. However, I am personally unable to get into a character’s headspace if I can’t wrap my head around a request. I would be more than happy to write a similar request for any other BSD character in the anime (as only Dazai’s sexuality is apparent to me). *I would also need some specifics on things like the transmasculine s/o’s gender expression and how the transmasculine s/o fits (or doesn’t fit) into traditional gender roles. (This would greatly help my writing process.)
Thank you for your patience, sorry I took a while to reply, and I hope that fanfics of your liking are in your near future!
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roidesrosette · 5 years
Blood donation? Blood donation.
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God bless @narekashi​ for coming up with this genius name and enabling me to do this, i dont blame you thou i have a lot of fun
Yes, it’s me with another of my (mayhaps) contentless OC, please enjoy while it last– Jkjk, I’ll try to throw more content of her on here instead of Discord next time :’)
BLOOD DONATION:  Salvie/Salva/Sal, short for Salvatore
Age: ??? Gender: Salvie doesn’t like to define herself as anything  Birthday: 6/24  Height: 160cm  Status: Got revived as a vampire 
PHYSICAL  Appearance: Black hair usually tied in a ponytail, red eyes, sharp teeth, a constant “you dare challenge your god?” mocking expression (but doesn’t have the intention) 
Accessories: Poker case set, saber and gun
SOCIAL  Affiliation: On her own Occupation: Salvie runs a casino and is involved in a mafia Relationships:
Count: First met him when she was “adopted” by the bunch of vampires. He was offering to give them residence, but they all turned him down. Met him again when she was touring the world alone and made him an acquaintance, they became really good friends after that.
Leonardo: Met him when she was touring in Italy with Count. He kept treating her like a small child (still do), and they would drag each other like how he and Count would. He likes messing up her hair, she likes stepping on him when he’s asleep. Also a pair of good friends.
Arthur: Arthur was interested in Salvie and find her dominating personality challenging, but he knew well enough not to lay a finger on her. You just don’t simply go against someone who could lop off your head and had associations with the mafia. On the other hand thou, they were drinking buddies, and sometimes Salvie would pick up girls with him. They gamble a lot together too.
Dazai: They have an odd relationship. It might be because they’re somehow similar in a way, they know what line not to cross. They just have this weird bond that no one can put a finger to determine what it is.
Isaac: They don’t really talk much, she only knows he really likes apple from what she heard from Dazai, but that’s probably a lie…
Theodorous: God how Salvie loves to tease and sass him. Much like Leo, they would banter every time they met, but Theo always ends up leaving, flustered. He was too young compared to her, maybe a couple more years and his bantering skills might improve. They weren’t really on good terms, especially with how Salvie was involved with Shakespeare and the goddamn mafia, plus how close she and Vincent is.
Vincent: Pure, innocent baby boy. “I’ve only met Vincent for 15 seconds and if anyone hurts him I’ll kill everyone in this room and then myself.” Absolutely adores him and prefers him over Theo. Salvie admires how innocent he was, and that nature of him would always make her worry about him. She will also give him everything he wants or needs, just to see him smile.
Sebastian: When Count first brought him to the world, she was intrigued by the human who managed to charm him. So she would frequently visit just to see how Sebas works… Until he starts digging her information. She knew his passion well and understood that, but she would prefer if Sebas exclude her from his mysterious notebook.  
Napoleon: Salvie was very interested in him, being a demi-vampire, but she does not question him about it. If he isn’t willing to say, then she had no reason to pry. Along with Jeanne, the three of them practiced sword fights from time to time. Salvie would always be fascinated by both of their skills. You could say that their relationship is quite well.
Mozart: Salvie does not talk much with Mozart, but lowkey likes his performance. She would always attend a ball or an activity if Mozart is the one playing the piano. Salvie also finds his prickly attitude fun to tease, but would rather see Arthur tease him. They would only exchange words when it comes to music and that’s it.
Jeanne: Aside from sparring with him, Salvie also supplies weapons to him. She doesn’t question why, as that was the nature of her business. She couldn’t refuse too, since business is business, and he was a resident of Count’s, which she promised the dad before that she would sponsor his residents too, because he was a friend of hers.
Shakespeare: Basically (kinda) love at first sight. Both of them were born with chaos in them, and so they attract each other. She did not meet him when he became the first resident of Count, but she did hear about it. She met him in a ball. It’s a long ass story how they get together but yeah, these two dumbasses are doing fine and dandy as a couple, have their banters and bickers sometimes but all is well. Unless….?
Paired with: William Shakespeare (Maybe…?)  
Likes: Gambling, attending balls (especially masquerade balls), hunting, going off adventures with her beloved horse, sword fight, overly sweet stuff  
Dislikes: Following a schedule/orders, getting treated like a feeble maiden/young child, proper meal, proper sleep  
Strength: She’s superb at gambling and swinging her sword, mediocre at drinking, she aced in “not giving a shit” 
Weakness: Hides her feelings a lot, tends to distance herself from people who know her to a certain degree, can’t sleep in peace ever
Personality: Let’s just start with: Salvie is chaotic. Very chaotic. Even the name “Salvatore” already tells you she spells trouble. She doesn’t like being bound by rules, schedules or anyone’s orders, she’s a free soul who decides every step. However, she isn’t reckless, each action she took is calculated and rationally think through, as she does not wish to take a step she regrets. That careful and meticulous approach made her seem wise–despite how young she looks–mature even. Well, but sometimes Salvie could be bratty too, since “her adorable looks is the biggest fraud” (quoted from Leo). She also has a bold personality, and that results in her sassing the great men fearlessly, yet that doesn’t mean she doesn’t respect them, in fact, it’s the opposite. She looked up to them greatly, as they were awesome enough to get their name engraved in history.  
Her biggest charm is definitely her carefree attitude. She’s just, y’know, damn chill. Salvie doesn’t have a care towards anything, therefore her pronouns and attire choices. Although her easy-going characteristics is an appeal, it’s sometimes a flaw as well. It made it difficult to get along with her as the specifics about her is unclear. Since she was so chill with everything, it’s certainly hard to pin down what are her favourites and stuff. Contradictorily, that light-hearted manner doesn’t apply to people. She unintentionally looks after people, even if she doesn’t want to care, she would still unknowingly do something for them, like leaving them a cup of tea on the table every morning. 
On the other hand though, kinda like Dazai, Salvie’s breezy and free demeanor makes it hard to grasp her true character, not mentioning the fact that she tends to sweep everything under the rug. She has a way with words that always, somehow, avoid the topic about herself, and that made her mysterious in a way. She was very quiet of her thoughts, especially things on her mind, rarely talking about her problems. She would tend to fend off questions about that with a gentle reassuring smile and a wispy attitude, as she disliked someone poking into her problems (and of course because she didn’t want to seem weak). 
Backstory: Salvie was not recorded at any point in history, yet she was revived. She did not know why and did not question so. When she was first revived, she did not remember anything except her name. Dozens of questions were in her mind, yet there was no one to answer her. For what feels like an eternity, she wandered on the streets aimlessly until she met her kind. They were strong, independent, and raised her as if she was a newborn. Well, she was, kinda. The days gradually passed, and she too, came to understand that she had been reborn into a person–no, an immortal with unrestrained freedom, with unlimited time (not really, but you get the idea). As soon as she came to that conclusion, she bid goodbye to her friends, (guardians maybe?) and took a flight to achieve her dreams–to live how she wanted in her previous life. 
Family: Salvie doesn’t remember (or rather, it was insignificant to her) her family in her previous life. She only recognized the group of vampires that took her in as her guardians. 
Other history: How Salvie was involved in the mafia is… Well, chaotic. She was supposed to be on the tour with Count to Italy, to visit his long lost friend Leonardo, but along the way she somehow stumbled into an illegal gambling den, challenged the don (with very extreme conditions), defeated the don and accidentally become the new don of the mafia. After going through all the messy procedures, the news about a new mafia boss named  “Lord Salvatore” quickly spread through Italy. His nature was depicted as cruel and ruthless as he gets anything he wants, and no one stands in his way. Yet what’s weird was that the “Salvatore Family” was rumored to be civilized and noble, as they were ordered that no blood should be drawn unless it was required to. You can imagine the horror on Leo and Count’s face when they heard about this, and the compliments from her guardians. 
Special abilities: None. (Her face as an instrument of deception)  Pet(s): A white horse named Vlad. Hobby: When she isn’t gambling or drinking, she will be out doing mafia business or just wandering somewhere else  Secret(s): Had a past lover who she later recalled and somehow disliked that shares the same name with her horse (which she then became devastated knowing that she named her horse after her past lover)  Habits: When she’s stressed or troubled, she will smoke from a pipe 
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