#dbh ralph scenario
mediocre-quill-ink · 9 months
Could you possibly write some angst headcanons for a relationship with Ralph from dbh? It's difficult for me to find content of imagining a relationship with him that isn't him being a sad cinnamon roll, which honestly is partly true but what about his outbursts and moments of coping? He's often babied in the fandom despite many of his interactions in game are based on his not so great emotional state and how his past treatment made him skittish and highly defensive of others!
He's a traumatized dude at his core and I just really wanna how that would affect a relationship-- especially ome with physical touch as I feels like some days would be better than others..though the reader would be there with patience because to get to that point would already take alot of it since it obviously isn't easy to get in a relationship with Ralph with what he's been through due to humans in the past
(Sorry if I'm blowing things out of proportion, people can write what they want! I'm just a bit sad that the angst potential he has is never really taken advantage of :> also apologies for rambling, love your writing!)
No, it's alright. I've been meaning to write a ralph relationship headcanons post for a while. Thank you for reminding me lol. This is going to be a general ralph relationship headcanons post, but I assure you there will be angst hurt/comfort stuff.
To be honest, I can't think of a particular scenario where you two would meet, but it'd be tense.
For whatever reason it may be for a meeting, he is terrified. He's extreamly skittish and it dosnt need to be stated how fearful he is of humans.
And for good reason.
He was hurt. Very badly by humans and he dosnt want to take that risk again.
Honestly, when you first met, he probably attacked.
Well, not at first. He'd see you and hide. But you're just to curious or captivated by him and decide to persist.
Eventually, he'd feel trapped in some way, and that's when he'd attack.
It was not a fun first meeting. And honestly, take some force to get him off of you.
It que the awkward silence where you're both trying to process what just happened.
When you finally start to talk, he's farther back from you and clearly terrified. You try to explain the situation and how you meant no harm.
It takes a LOT of convincing. Lots of convincing to just get it through to him to let him know you didn't want to hurt him that day.
After an awkward conversation and even some stiff small talk by the end of the encounter he was... intrested. He still didn't think he could trust you, God no. But he felt... curious.
A human didn't want to attack him on sight? Fascinating.
It was a very long process for him to trust you enough to call you a friend.
Keeping distance and moving slowly was something you took note of.
It was a very long process for him to trust you.
I think eventually, you were the first to ask him out.
He'd want to, dear God, he'd want to, but he just couldn't get himself to.
Kind of.
You'd pick up on it quickly when he started feeling things for you. He's not good at hiding his emotions in the slightest.
Aside from body language with the growing amount of blushing he'd do, you'd eventually pick up on what he'd mutter to himself every now and then.
Most of what you'd pick up on would him be "just do it." Or "no I couldn't." Or "kiss me." Little statements under his breath that only confirmed what you thought.
You tried to give him time. Waiting it out and giving him time to build courage to ask you out himself. Even throwing increasingly obvious hints that you liked him back.
He never got the courage.
So you asked him out.
When you did it took him a moment to process what just happened.
"You want Ralph?" And "you are talking to ralph, right?"
He does not believe it. Him? Of all people? Him?
It takes a little convincing you aren't screwing with him.
When he finally lets it set in dude, get ready. He's not going to let you go for a while.
For the next few days, he refuses to let go of you.
Eventually, you're able to pry him off of you and get it though that, "Hey, I need space."
He understands and honestly feels a little bad that he was overwhelming you.
He's still very clingy, though. He's almost always touching you if he can. Holding your hand, hip, waist, knee. On your back, in your hair, looped around a loose part of clothing...
He just needs assurance you aren't leaving.
That being said though, I imagine he's a little jumpy when you try to touch him.
At least at first.
He craves contact and didn't know he needed it until he had it.
But even though he trusts you enough to touch you, being touched is a different experience. It's scary. The last time it happened, it didn't end well.
When you tried to wrap your arm around him, he was startled at first. He tried to welcome it, but instead, a growing dread quickly started to climb until he panicked and pulled away.
It caught you off guard but you were used to this kind of stuff.
Patience is a very key part of this relationship. He's not used to kindness and it shows.
His panic attacks often feel like they come at random. Small things can dig memories back up. This was a big problem at the start of your relationship, but the longer it lasts, the more it fades.
Loud sounds, a touch without warning, quick movements.
When this happens, just keep distance for his sake and move slowly and calmly.
When he's comfortable with being held, it really helps.
I feel like most of the time, he's just needs distance when the panic attacks start but but every now and then, when he needs to be held, he needs to he held.
Blankets help, too. I feel like even if he doesn't want to be held, offering him a blanket helps a lot. A sense of security goes a long way.
He's incredibly insecure about his appearance. That much is obvious.
Try not to let your eyes linger on his scars, he'll feel tense .
He's one of the prettiest guys in the game (in my humble opinion), but if you tell him he's pretty, he's not going to believe it.
"No. Ralph is ugly. Ralph is broken." Is something along the lines he'd say.
It took a very long time for him to even accept this as a possibility.
But when he did start to accept it, it felt... nice. Perhaps even makes him blush.
Lots of kisses help, to be honest.
Most of Ralph's favorite parts of a relationship is just talking, to be honest. He loves to talk to you.
Talking and gift giving are some of his major love languages.
He feels safe talking to you, and he can just talk for hours about whatever he's interested in. And he'll listen to you as much as you'd like. Your voice is very calming to him. Just expect some interruptions. He's going to ask questions.
He'd gift you all sorts of things. Little flowers and trinkets he finds. I imagine if you off handedly mention your favorite flower, he'll start to grow it.
Mention any interest of yours off handedly, and he'll keep it in mind. You'll be surprised with all sorts of gifts related to that.
He really likes physical touch and words of affirmation from you. It means a lot.
I feel like in the start of your relationship you'd have to give him little warnings before you touch him.
"I'm going to hold your hand." Or "is it okay if I touch your back?" Or just pausing before touching him to give him time to notice before you do so.
On the times you didn't know or forgotten, depending on how far in the relationship you are, he gets very tense, maybe even a little outburst but he quickly gathers himself, immediately apologizing.
But when you're farther into the relationship, you don't really have to do that anymore, he actually welcomes it.
Like I said, when he's comfortable with touch it's hard for him to reject it.
Dates to botanical gardens. Hikes and bird watching. All that good naturey shit.
But if you'd prefer to stay inside, I feel like he'd like to cook for you, and you two could watch movies.
I don't know why but I feel like he'd like trivia?
Idk I'm trying to come up with other hobbies and intrest for him that isn't gardening.
Cooking. It takes him a moment to realize what humans actually eat and he's a bit stubborn about it in the beginning but when you finally get it through to him what actually food is he gets very passionate about it and wants to learn all about it.
He becomes a very good chef, though he gets strange and experimental at times with flavors.
I feel like he'd also just like music a lot. I imagine he likes to explore different genres, and when you two are listening to his playlist, it's incredibly jarring to hop from comfy synth to Phillip glass to oldies to funk. It's all over the place.
For some reason, I'm also imagining he likes to build little stuff. Whether it's cardboard houses or Legos or sculpting, I imagine he likes to craft somehow.
Maybe bug pinning or vulture culture?
Ralph loves cuddling.
Little spoon is his favorite of corse. It makes him feel safe and loved.
But he also enjoys being big spoon from time to time, it feels nice for him to have some sense of "having." I guess. Like "wow they are mine. This is so nice."
I feel like he'd want to be a dad.
Whether you want that or not is a different topic, but if you bring it up to ralph that you do, he'd be extatic.
He's talk about this little girl he met when he lived in that abandoned house, how he wanted to he like a father to her but it was better for her to go.
Ralph is just very dedicated and caring.
And protective.
People often write him as a giant coward which, I mean fair.
Are we forgetting when ralph threw himself on Connor to give kara and Alice an escape?
He will protect those he loves in a heartbeat. Without second thought, he will he there.
If someone uninvited tries some shit he will not hesitate to kick the shit out of them.
When you need comfort he'll be there.
There was a big patch where you knew each other and he didn't know how to comfort you.
He's never really had to do that before and he panicked a little but when you had your first break down moment in front of him.
He tried to help but it was clear he was awkward and didn't know what to do.
But after you have a conversion where ralph asks you how he can help you when you get like that things get much better.
Very good at listening to you and what you need and will deliver on that.
Need to be held? He will do it without hesitation.
Just need him to ge near you? He'll do that too.
He'll talk if you want or stay silent or leave. He won't argue. He just hates to see you feel that way and will do anything to make you feel better.
I feel like he'd call you would be "Ralph's sweet rose"
Body worship.
As previously stated, he is heavily insecure about his appearance, and something that makes him feel better is body worship.
Just having him lay down and kissing him from head to toe makes him a flustered mess.
And praising. Need I say more?
Praising gets him all flustered and calling him a "good boy" will make him go crazy.
Hate to break it to ya'll, but I don't know how comfortable he is with a lot of kinky stuff. Impact play and bondage are big nonos. Weapons are off the table of corse.
He might like some light edging, though?
I don't know, I don't imagine ralph as the kinkiest sort.
But he still has a generous sex drive.
I also said he's very touchy-feely when he's used to you.
His hands wonder when he's needy. He hates to outright ask, so he lets his hands tell you what mood he's in.
He probably has a thing for breeding. Even if it's not possible for him to get you pregnant, the idea is enough to make his head spin.
I'm also imagining him as a hair tugger.
His moans are pathetic (affectionate)
Whimpers and whines and small groans.
Tell him now good he sounds he'll turn to putty.
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infin1ty-garden · 6 months
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Hello everyone! After some consideration I've decided to open requests.
ೃ⁀➷ I will NOT write smut, inappropriate relationships (e.i. teacher/student, father/daughter...), pregnancy fics, dark fics, underage character, political content, please do not request things containing major spoilers, character x OC
ೃ⁀➷ I WILL write character(s) (from the fandom list) x reader as well as alternate universe fic. Sometimes I will write character x character
ೃ⁀➷ use the prompts list if you wanna
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max verstappen, charles leclerc, lando norris, carlos sainz, oscar piastri, lance stroll, esteban ocon, pierre gasly, logan sargeant, liam lawson & nyck de vries
nikolai lantsov, zoya nazyalensky, genya safin, alina starkov, tamar yul-bataar & tolya kir-bataar
billy loomis, stu macher, mickey altieri, roman bridger, jill roberts & ethan landry
jake 'hangman' seresin, robert 'bob' floyd & natasha 'phoenix' trace
✧. ┊DBH
connor, nines (rk900), rk800-60, north, simon, ralph & chloe
ryan erzahler, dylan lenivy, kaitlyn ka, max brinly & laura kearney
david & walter
mattheo riddle, theodore nott, draco malfoy, lorenzo berkshire, blaise zabini & pansy parkinson
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ೃ⁀➷ if you want to request a prompt, please use the prompt list (you don't have to)
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ೃ⁀➷ if i can tell that you haven't read any of these guidelines and have disregarded all the rules. your request will be deleted
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Thanks for reading or requesting!
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Detroit: Become human requests open!
With a break on the very near horizons I decided to broaden my own by adding dbh to my fandom list~! I’m still getting a grasp on all of the endings but I’m confident enough to open up requests.
I can do imagines, headcanons, match-ups, scenarios the whole shebang so requests are all open~!
Until then I hope you all have an an amazing week~!
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yanderedbh-moved · 4 years
The Yanderes + Smut Scenarios
Fun with the DBH character + fun tropes! Requests are open, though, if you want me to expand on, or write more from any of these ideas. Obviously NSFW below the cut so read at your own digression.
Surprisingly gentle when he is In the Mood. No more aggressive, just a bit more physically close is all. Rubbing his body up against yours, loving touches, a kiss on the cheek. The sort of things most people would brush off, but from Connor, you know he must want something here.
The more an more headed he becomes, the more possessive, like more than either of you would’ve expected. It’s hard for him not to get extra handsy here and feel an exquisite sense of power holding you in his bed.
But when he isn’t buried in the mood, Connor can’t help but feel a little nervous here. Sex isn’t exactly part of his programmed directions, so he worries he might mess up here. Just urge him forward and say he’s doing so well, and this is an issue easily forgotten.
Sensory deprivation, all the way. He wants to leave you as overstimulated and under his control as possible. Usually, he’ll just use a blindfold on you, and it’ll work just fine for him.
Even though he loves to punish you for being naughty, or for distracting him from his work, physical pain isn’t really a line he crosses all that often. Usually, his preferred method to get you to feel sorry is orgasm denial, or as mentioned before, pain overstimulation. He doesn’t necessarily want to see you in pain, you’re begging is more than enough for him. 
Oh no, someone saw/heard the two of you fucking? What a shame... Seriously though, he’s absolutely the one to get extra loud if he thinks others are close by.
Not really something she likes to admit to, but Kara loves to push you down during sex. Like not really as far as stepping on you, but forcing you into the mattress or the pillows is probably about the furthest amount of pain she’s willing to give during sex.
Kara seems like the kind of girl who would really surprise her partner with how much stamina she had during sex. You already knew how strong she was outside the bedroom, but here, you never imagined Kara had such vigor.
Another place Kara likes to get lewd would definitely be the tub. Usually, here she would take an innocent activity like washing your hair or cleaning you up and turn it into something much more intimate and risque.
Lowkey might have one of the dirtiest minds out of everyone. It’s probably because he’s been around the longest, and is easily the most experienced, but seriously don’t think he won’t get incredibly graphic just because he’s older.
While personally, Hank would only ever want to get really dirty if it were just the two of you, that just makes the moments of intimacy all the raunchier. If he knows he can trust you, Hank will growl the most shameless, depraved things you’ve ever heard as he slips a leg between your thighs.
Hank may like to be the controlled dom in the bedroom, he’s also the type of partner to get extra sloppy the closer he gets to his orgasm. He really loves to curl his first in your hair as he finds himself overwhelmed by his own pleasure.
Even though he’s pretty quiet during sex, all things considered, he’s definitely the kind of guy who would get extra loud the closer he gets to come. Usually in the form of low grunts and growls.
Literally, Luther is such a teddybear! He is very understanding of anything you would feel outright uncomfortable with, and if there was anything you wanted to try with him, but didn’t understand, Luther would very carefully and without judgment guide you through the motions.
When he is really in the mood to be the more dominant partner, Luther actually likes to keep the atmosphere between the two of you somewhat playful. He’s far more into teasing than he is into pain.
If you keep trying to tease her and play with her in public, she will absolutely respond by shoving you up against the wall and making out with you in that very spot. If anyone sees this and thinks she’s acting desperate? That sounds like their problem...
Needs a lot of reassurance that you love her, that she’s doing well, and all that jazz. But make no mistake, she will absolutely return the favor and deliver you the same kindness.
Once she does find her stride though, she might actually warm-up and be pretty team Harsh Dom TM. (Ma’am? Please raw me?)
Unpredictable to a fault. You may think you know him well, but it’s not exactly his style to just deliver what’s expected of him. More likely, he likes to leave you as flustered and confused as possible until you’re basically weeping for him to give you release.
He would absolutely wreck you if you allowed him to. As in, Simon would love to just tease you and wind you up for hours without giving you a break, and until your unable to do anything but follow his command.
While you might expect someone like him to lean more on the side of subbing or something like that, you might actually be surprised at how naturally he takes to the role of a dom. Something about the stress of the leaders of Jericho breathing down his neck all the time leaves the man with a need to feel in control every now and then.
Josh always does his best to be gentle around you, and to keep your safety and comfort of utmost importance, the longer this guy goes without a good lay, he harder it gets for him to hold back. And he can’t help but get a little feral if he’s really been missing out on his “quality time” with you.
As a pretty quiet guy during sex, he has a major soft spot for partners who make him ask for what he wants during sex. He’s certainly not above begging every now and then.
Might lowkey brag to the other members of Jericho about this when he’s done. It’s not because he wants you to be embarrassed here or anything, it’s just that he really enjoyed himself, and he wants others to know how great you are!
He’s been known to leave bruises on your hips from grabbing them too harshly as he forces you to grind up against his leg.
An absolute bastard. One of Elijah's biggest turn-ons includes controlled orgasms and denial. It’s hard to say whether he enjoys the control or the begging more, but the bottom line is, if you aren’t begging him shamelessly by the end of the night, you won’t be getting any kind of gratification from him.
He’s always been very talented with his hands/his fingers, and this absolutely extends to sex as well. It’s something both you and him are well aware of, so much so that just the mere sight of you in a dress or a skirt is enough to get him feeling more than a little tempted.
To your surprise, Chloe is actually rather shy during sex for someone so usually extraverted and social. And to be honest, during your first couple of times, she might come off as a bit of a pillow princess...
Chloe is far from loud when it comes to sex, however, if you’re on top, Chloe loves to praise, and if you can really get her going, it’s hard for her to keep calm or lower her volume.
Likely the type of partner who’s like, “This is so dirty, what would others think if they saw us like this... Keep going!”
If he has dirty dreams about you in his sleep, Gavin will likely unconsciously start grinding up against you in the middle of the night, muttering suggestive nothings to himself in his own little dreamland.
 Loves to give you some additional suggestive dirty talk when the two of you are in public, or even better, out with other people. He won’t be loud enough for other people to hear, but just enough to get you a little tensed up.
What really gets him excited, though is whenever you let him break out the gun during sex. He’s pretty into power play and holding the gun to your chin, or naked chest gives everything an effective dose of thrill and excitement.
The man loves to spend so much time covering your neck and shoulders in love bites. It might hurt, but it’s kind of a compliment from him, it’s his way of providing you with a more fitting, more permanent collar.
His personal favorite way to torment you when he can tell you’re really close to reaching your end is with painfully slow thrusts. There’s very little in life which he finds more pleasurable than the way he feels your body writhing below his own.
The other biggest turn on for him would likely be fear. The reasons here being a mix of both the feelings of adrenaline and control it gives him. Whether you’re just a little afraid or completely fucking terrified, it’s all the same to him, really.
Mr. No experience. He’s also far from an intuitive lover, and unfortunately, it’s not unheard of for him to accidentally hurt you during sex. Because of this, it’s vital for both of you to very clearly guide him through things.
Just hearing the way your own pleasure causes your voice to tremble and crack is enough to seriously turn him on. But to listen to this between his legs is undoubtedly a very lovely plus...
Being as physically close to you as possible during sex is a must for him. Ralph wants to hold you if he can, and if he can’t, then he will struggle to do so. Usually, it’s better to just lean into his touch here, so he’s not too distracted and doesn’t get too desperate.
(Additionally, this guy probably makes the weirdest noises during sex. Like boy might straight up start hissing or some shit, and you just gotta roll with it.)
Genuinely thinks it’s a compliment to show you how hard he is, or how much you’re turning him on, even during the most indecent of times.
Daniel is far more comfortable as a sub than any other position. Even during sex Daniel is gravely worried over the idea of disappointing you, and in this position, it’s the easiest for him not to worry about that.
Somehow the best at dirty talk? Like he will growl the nastiest shit you’ve ever heard during sex, and it’s the best.
Love to catch you off guard. Not necessarily with anything too startling, but with some gentle caresses and contact which leaves you flustered and taken by the advance. Furthermore, Nines isn’t the type to just jump right into sex without any kind of foreplay. He’s really more of a “slow burn” kind of guy.
One of the quietest during sex. You really won’t hear much out of his mouth, especially if it’s occupied.
Essential to know Nines possesses an excellent memory. He’s the one to remember all the positions which leave you the most desperate and needy, and he absolutely will use that against you.
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carnistcervine · 5 years
Anima Machine Pets AU
Here's an idea, an AU of my Anima Machina AU where CyberLife manages to actually achieve what they set out to accomplish with the Anima project. Basically if CyberLife could competently program something for fucking once. Of course one could probably appropriate the idea into a normal DBH AU, but I branched it off my Anima Machina AU because it already comes with an explanation of how CyberLife controls deviants. :D
With the deviancy problem effectively solved, they set out to capture and recall all of their previous models.
Once rounded up, rather than destroyed, they are (forcefully) given the Vinclum program used to control anima.
CyberLife issues a public statement, blaming a virus and mistreatment for deviancy. Kamski also takes control of the company.
Kamski is not handing over any of his Cloes though.
Just forget about that.
While a new generation of androids is drafted up, all of the captured androids are fixed up after being given the program and are put into containment facilities.
CyberLife also pilfers landfills for android parts and fixable androids.
The previous generations of androids are effectively all demoted to companion models and containment facilities are fashioned into shelters. Like pet shelters.
Anyone that wishes to purchase/adopt any of these androids must go through a thorough vetting process first. While CyberLife is sure that they've taken care of deviancy, they are very careful to avoid giving androids to anyone that might trigger it to happen again. Anyone who has committed a violent offense or if CyberLife has good reason to believe may mistreat/misuse/reinstate deviancy in the androids are blacklisted and banned from adopting/purchasing from shelters.
When adopting an android, they make you sign all sorts of waivers and legal documents, absolving CyberLife of any wrongdoing should your android go haywire.
Of course there are different levels associated with adoptable androids, green=completely safe/has not harmed a human, yellow=safe/may have given a non-critical injury to a human, red=warning/critically wounded and or killed a human, black=dangerous. Only people with a spotless record and absolutely no history of violence towards androids can adopt red or higher.
Examples- the Jerrys would be green, Kara would probably register as yellow, Echo would be red, Connor would be black.
Also, considering that at least a few of the adoptable androids would be anima, a buyer could potentially end up being technically haunted. :'D
Also-also, yes, I could totally see CyberLife doing this. Their only concern is making money, hell they'd probably just continue android sales with an android/human civil war raging if they could get away with it.
Now with an imaginary scenario/thing under the cut-
Imagine going into one of these facilities-
You walk into CyberLife's shelter, and see the place is a little similar to an animal shelter. Only the cages are more like the holding cells in a jail.
A clerk greets you as you walk in. He's a human too! Though, you suppose you shouldn't be surprised given recent events.
You slowly walk through the store. There are various androids contained in different cells. Some are looking at you, others seem distracted/preoccupied with the objects in their cells. The vast majority are given a green color code, however a few are yellow.
There is a cell labeled Rupert Travis, it's color coded green. The android inside seems preoccupied with caring for two pigeons he's contained with.
"Ah, that one seems to have a strange affinity for birds. A great choice if you happen to own any birds!"
You move on to a yellow cell labeled Ralph. He's taking care of a few succulents.
The salesman appears uncomfortable. "We aren't sure about this one... The state it was in when we found it, it may have killed someone... but there was not enough evidence to support the theory."
A cell with three androids in it catches your eye. None of them look at you, they're all busy playing together. They almost look like a small family. Two green labels and one yellow. Luther, Alice, and Kara.
"Cute family aren't they? Deviants are strange machines, the virus seemed to create a very accurate simulation of life."
You notice another cell with multiple androids in it. It's a green cell labeled Jerry. They're all smiling at you.
"Oh yes, Jerry! It is programmed to behave in a very friendly manor. It's good if you want to see a smiling face every day."
You look the sales clerk in the eye and ask him if you can go downstairs. He reluctantly agrees. "Since your record is completely spotless, fine."
Downstairs a pair of androids catches your eye. A red labeled Echo, and a yellow labeled Ripple. You recognize that the pair are Traci models.
The salesman rubs the back of his neck. "While I am sure that you and I are both very well aware of their original purpose, it is advised that you do not attempt to engage in... sexual conduct with any Tracis. Or any models in general. Just leave them alone."
You keep walking, seeing more red cells. Simon, Josh, North. Simon and Josh are quietly minding their own business, and North is playing with a bouncing ball. She casually glances at you for a few seconds before going back to bouncing the ball against the wall of her cell.
Finally, you reach the black section. The first thing you notice is that all the models, except for one are looking at you.
The only one not looking at you is labeled Markus, and he's reading a book.
The androids looking at you are mostly identical. You can see cell after cell of androids pressed against the transparent cell window and soft brown eyes giving you a slight puppy-dog face.
"Why are they doing that?"
"Oh, the RK800s? They're very clever models, they're designed with software to adjust to and manipulate human psychology. They've probably figured out that you're their ticket out of this place and are attempting to garner sympathy."
"Well it's working."
The puppy faces intensify.
"You shouldn't have said that."
Beyond the RK800s are more models, similar, and vaguely familiar.
"RK900s? I thought those were going to be used for the war?"
"There were some... problems... activating these particular units. While they haven't harmed anyone, the company has decided to re-purpose them anyway. Most RK900s however, will be allocated for military use."
The RK900s tracked your movements, their heads swiveling like security cameras. It was really creepy.
You return your attention to the RK800s, pointing to the nearest one.
"This one, I want this one."
"Look, I know it's not my job or really my place to say this but, I would really suggest against adopting any of these units. They're all potentially very dangerous."
"But he's so cute!"
"It's only manipulating you."
"It's my money and I've been green-lit!"
"Customer, no."
"Customer, yes."
After paying the adoption fee, along with many other fees, and signing an ungodly amount of paperwork, you came home with ex-terminator android.
That's how you ended up with a killer-robot turned android pet.
Honestly, this is all just proof that I'm having way to much fun with this concept. :')
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zayashmaya · 6 years
13, 14, 25, 46. IT WAS SO HARD TO CHOOSE.
here we gooooo:
13. hardest character to write.
Ralph, hands down. He’s just so erratic, it’s hard to get into his mindset and understand what moments will make him emotional or not, and with what emotion he will respond. And his speech pattern is a little difficult to emulate.
14. easiest character to write.
Connor! He’s so versatile and easygoing, and he’s shown a whole range of emotions during the game so it’s easy to see how he will react to scenarios. It’s also a whole lot easier to write emotionally-stable characters.
25. favorite line you’ve ever written.
nsfw: “You found each other in an embrace you could only describe as tender, hands running along feverish skin and bodies entwined as close as possible, each thrust of his hips like a brushstroke, painting the blood between you in a grotesque portrait of passion.”  - Yours, rick and morty fanfic 
46. share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet
technically not from its own story, but it’s from a scene in the upcoming chapter of Speedway (DBH):
Connor came to the office today.
He’s right across from you, updating Captain Fowler on his latest progress.
Your stomach is doing flips, and your hands can’t stop shaking. You try to focus on your computer screen, but your eyes keep trailing back to him.
For a moment he might have smiled at something Fowler had said, a hint of an upturned motion at the corner of his mouth.
You miss him so much. You want him to look at you, to acknowledge you, to do something.
And he does — those deep brown eyes lock onto you, as though he hadn’t intended on this connection to occur, as though you were merely a byproduct of his wandering mind.
But you take advantage in an instant, tentatively smiling at him, your heart races and your pulse is doing somersaults —
He looks away.
Your blood runs cold. You shoot out of your seat and head for the exit, unaware of the gaze trailing after you.
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swanimagines · 2 years
G10. Detroit become human: ralph is having a nightmare and one needs to comfort him. (In the world where androits sleep or do something similar) love your ff btw<3
Hey anon, could you send this again without the scenario/plot, thanks! c: Or then just the scenario as a gif imagine request!!
I don't take scenarios or plots with my prompts, prompts should only contain the character, fandom and prompt :) (For example: "G10 + Ralph from Detroit Become Human please, thank you!") This reads in my prompt list rules! (I added the most important rules on the top just now)
But if you want an imagine like this, then send the scenario as a gif imagine request without the prompt! ("Could I have a DBH gif imagine? Ralph sees a nightmare and reader comforts him, thank you!")
And thank you 🥰
// Got it, thank you 😊❤️
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crownandwriter · 6 years
For the ask the writer thingy, can you answer 13, 14, 20, and 21?? Thanks!! Love your writing :)
13. Gavin, easily. I haven’t played the game myself yet (soon..) but I’m not generally a fan of him. I tend to put myself in other character’s shoes, and I don’t usually like to do that for especially rude or cruel characters. If I do write him, he’s likely going to end up being a changed man. Markus and Connor are kinda close behind, just because I sometimes grapple with accurately portraying player-defined characters.
14. Anyone I consider to experience especially strong emotions. Because I think I spend way too much energy on description and not enough on dialogue. Dbh is ripe for the pickings too, with all the Androids newly exposed to emotions and free-will. Rupert, Simon, Daniel, Jerry, Mike, and Ralph all kind of fall under this. (Although I’m not sure everyone will like my version of Ralph when he makes his debut.)
20. Already answered, Simon or Rupert :)
21. Hmm. I think Hank. Which is sad? I don’t mind him as a character, but I’ve been harassed and bothered by too many men older than my father to be comfortable writing for a considerable age gap. Which, you know, feels like it will be difficult to avoid on a blog that deals mostly with x reader scenarios.
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bunnywithablog · 4 years
DBH Masterlist
requests | rules | main masterlist
s/o that likes giving gifts drabble
flower-wound soulmate au scenario + drabble [part 2]
backyard date imagines
simon with a praise kink sfw drabble
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