#ddadds spoiler warning
Your bringing up the DDADDS dads raises a good question. Should dad ratings be influenced by the ethicality of the media they exist in? Like DDADDS is nothing more than a game designed to make money off of people who don't know better, for straight cis YouTubers to laugh at and play because it's ~weird~, and for the Game Grumps to (falsely) claim that they aren't racist or homophobic because they took part in a game with a lot of representation. So should that affect the dads' ratings?
this question has multiple points i need to address:
1) please be careful about the tone you use when addressing media that others on this site watch/enjoy. while i agree with you that the game grumps are flawed people and have QUITE a list of problems they need to address, i don’t agree with wording it in such a way that those who watch the content feel guilty for doing so. (especially today of all days..........)
2) ddadds is a flawed game as well, but it was half made by a “queer gal” (self identified as such, those are her words) as queer representation. the discourse that was in the series- the “demon ending” with joseph, isn’t even.. in the game (yet). it’s in the coding, and i think it was in development to be Possibly a halloween ending- which would explain the whole “demon” thing in the first place.
anyway the actual content isnt important, what i meant to say there is that it wasn’t made by Just Cis Het Males, it was made by a member of the LGBTA community. flawed or not, don’t erase that she was like ~50% of the work in this- game grumps, as far as i know, contributed voice acting, pay rolls, and marketing, and not the actual writing. think what you want about the game, but don’t erase that the flaws included were due to more than just Cis Het White Men.
3 AND MOST IMPORTANTLY) i believe in separating the author from the work. i don’t personally know justin roiland (rick and morty), butch hartman (fairly odd parents), akira toriyama (dragon ball z), etc, and i don’t think it’s fair to judge the ddadds based on the creators behind them when i can’t do the same for every other character. i entirely skews the system, so i am judging based off the media itself and what knowledge is readily available within it to keep it even.
also... despite what the game was made for, the dads are still pretty good dads. it being a dating sim or Made For The Views doesn’t change that the dads involved still seem to be good parents for the most part.
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nek0m4ncer · 7 years
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kithuulu · 7 years
I found the cult ending thing in the game files but it was all jubled and in the wrong order so i did my best to transcribe it (also i accidentally deleted half of this post the first time I wrote this and i am  d y i n g)
Yaaaaaaaaaaaawn. What time is it? Must have been asleep for ages. I wonder what will happen now that Mary is gone? What about Josephs kids? And how will Amanda feel about all this? ...Well, we all have each other. That's what matters. I guess time will tell, right? Better get up and greet the day. Wait. I...am I tied up?! What the hell?! How did I get here? What's going on?! Joseph? Anybody? Don't panic. You're probably just dreaming. Why would there be a... ...a dungeon. An evil dungeon. Why would there be an evil dungeon here? This can't be real. Maybe I had too much Twilight Rouge. I'm...dreaming, or something.
‘’Oh I can guarantee this is real’’
I can see someone at the end of the hall. It's just a shape, I can barely make out any features. ‘’Who's there? Can you untie me?’’
It's a personal guarantee. A verbal handshake. Trust, if that's what you get off on. (no idea what this is referring to, sorry)
‘’Please, I-I don't know how I got here. I think there's been a mistake. You trust me right? I mean, why wouldn't you?’’ Joseph? Jesus, what is this? Are you into this kind of thing? I wish you would've warned me.’’ ‘’Into this kind of-? Hah! Ha ha! I always liked you, (first name). Goal oriented, anchored by family. The rock in a shallow sea. And down to pound, if you catch my meaning. I had a whale of a time last night. Get it? Whale? We talked extensively about whales last night? You don't really like them? ... You're not in a joking mood. I get that.’’ His voice is different. This whole situation is different. The way he's talking-it's- Dastardly? Sadistic? It can't be both. Throw another one in there. Wrathful. That one's good. Wait-How did he-? ‘’I'm very perceptive. A good listener. I heard all those impure thoughts, (first name), and about a married man, no less. I'm pretty sure that's a sin. ‘’Who are you?’’ ‘’I told you, I'm a cool youth minister. Have you seen my tattoos? Were you even watching me tear it up on the dance floor? You used to be a lot more fun. Well, hi. My name is Joseph. I have an alcoholic whore wife, whose life I destroyed.’’ Poor mary-And their kids- Joseph laughs. ‘’My kids? Those aren't my kids. Well they are my kids. In a way. Cosmically. I guess you could call them my vessels. And in that case I guess that technically makes me not a Dad. Woops. Sorry to kill that little fantasy for you.’’ ‘’Joseph, this is insane. So the whole minister thing...that's just a front for this weird sex dun-’’ Joseph starts laughing hysterically. He wipes a tear from his eye. ‘’Oh, that's so cute. You think this is a sex thing. I mean, it's kind of a sex thing. The safe word is Jimmy Buffet. (first name), there are powers at work so far beyond your understanding that the very idea that I would sink to some half-baked sex game is a little insulting. All that religion mumbo-jumbo wasn't entirely false. I am a man of the cloth, just not the cloth you're thinking of. I am the conduit for something beautiful (first name). Something pure. And you have the honor of being part of it. I know that sounds kinda hokey but stick with me, I promise I'll get back to being relatably cool in a second. Where you really are is under the house. Or I guess, under the houses.’’ ‘’The houses? Are we-under the cul-de-sac?’’ ‘’Hey, deductive reasoning! Points for (first name)!’’ ‘’How did nobody notice a dungeon underneath the town? Sombody would have had to.’’ ‘’All dead. Everyone who figured it out, that is. And it's not a dungeon. Dungeons are for old castles and twelve year olds. This place is-how would I describe it? Inhabiting many spaces. The betweens of the world. The gaps in mathematics. It's quite simply beyond you, I'm afraid. Just think of it as the real Margarita Zone.’’ This is too much-my head hurts. ‘’(first name), ever wonder where all the wives and husbands in town went? Why everyones an eligible single father?’’ ‘’...I thought it was a coincidence.’’ ‘’Nothings a coincidence, idiot. No town in America has such a concentration of eligible, willing Dads. And do you want to know why.’’ ‘’I don't know if I do, Joseph.’’ ‘’Because of me. Because of my work. Because of my loyalty.’’ ‘’Loyalty? You're insane.’’ ‘’Profoundly.’’ ‘’How many couples have I pushed to divorce? How many wives and husbands have I hunted in the dark?’’ ‘’Wait-Amandas mom/dad-Cora/Alex-it can't be!’’ ‘’I unfortunately can't take credit for that one. It seems entropy beat me to the punch.’’ I don't know if that's a relief or not. ‘’But man, what if I had? The look on your face would've been priceless. Maple Bay is a psychic beacon of unfathomable power, but it requires sacrifice. It needs to feed on those deep, unquenchable pangs of anguish. And all to get these very good friends of ours here, in my town, and my father's town, and his father before him. Hurting for human touch. Praying for the salvation of kindness.’’ ‘’I don't understand.’’ ‘’Of course you don't. You were out there gallivanting about, seducing all the hottest single Dads. Messling in something you have no understanding of. A greatness you could not concieve. Out there, in the dark of the sea, lies something that has been waiting to return for a hundred milion years. It showed the path to Jonah, my ancient ancestor, as it has shown the path to me. And I will fuck each Dad whose life I destroy until the shame and stink of their failures has returned our eternal king to life. The fuel of a hundred thousand rank darknesses of the soul.’’ Wow. ‘’Do you have anything you'd like to say?’’
‘’I'll kill you if it's the last thing I do.’’ ‘’What about Amanda?’’ (I think you can choose between those two?)
‘’Just kidding! You don't get to choose. I know you're used to being in control here. But now it's my turn. and don't worry yourself about Amanda.’’ ‘’If you touch her-’’ ‘’Please, (first name), give me some credit. Look at my pedigree. If I do my job, I won't even have to. Now you'll excuse me, there's some other buisness I need to attend to. Your dear friend Robert has been awfully worried about you. I think it's about time that miserable drunk gets one last visit from the Dover Ghost.’’ This is a nightmare. ‘’A beautiful nightmare, wouldn't you agree? All along you've been living a dream, Daddy. Now it's time to wake up.’’ Oh man. This is bad. This is very bad. How long was I out? When is he coming back? How do I get out of here? A hand slips over my mouth. ‘’Don't say anything. Hell, don't even think anything. It's okay, (first name). It's me. Mary I'm gonna get you out of here.’’ She kneels down and starts working on the ropes around my ankles. ‘’I gotta be honest, I didn't like you at first.’’ ‘’I guess I did try to break up your marr-’’ ‘’Shh! Shut up for once. Look, truth is I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for the both of us. I don't think you're a bad person, despite what you might think of me. I don't want it to end like this. Not again.’’ I raise my eyebrows at her. ‘’Come on. Who do you think lived in that house before you?’’ I- ‘’Don't think about it. Not right now. He's coming. Run kid.’’ Mary finishes untying me and disappears. I have to get out of here. I get out of the chair and run as fast as I can down the hallway outside of my holding cell. Eventually I run out of breath. I can't keep sprinting. Not with these Dad knees. I check myself. All I have are the clothes on my back and-this thing in my pocket. The pocket knife that Robert gave me. If I have to defend myself, this is all I have. Looking ahead of me, I can't see the end of the hallway. It bends further up there. I look back and can't even see where I started. I guess the only thing I can do is keep going and hope there's a way out on the other end. If there is an other end. The hallway bends and twists. Sometimes it gets smaller, to the point where I have to crawl on my hands and knees to get through. sometimes it expands into a great cavern where I can't even see the ceiling. I see no way out other that to keep moving forward. I don't know how long I've been walking, but my body aches with soreness. I'm long past dehydration. My head is pounding. My vision is blurred. I lean up against the walls of the hallway for support. I'm not sure how I'm still going. And yet still here I am. I've been walking for what I think must be days. It could be weeks-months. The exhaustion has sunk into my bones. I drift in and out of consciousness. I think I've slept, if you can call it sleep. My dreams are plagues with nightmares of being chased down this hallway. I see Josephs kids. They hide in the shadows. They're coming to drag me back to Joseph. Oh god, Joseph. I can see his face so clearly in those dreams. I don't know why I keep moving, why I keep placing foot in front of the other. My clothes are tattered and my shoes have worn through. My hell is inescapable. Until... It's-a door. A door at the end of the hallway. I place my hand on the know, seeing for the first time my gnarled fingernails and stretched, papery skin. I open the door and walk through. ...I'm in my house?! How did that-? Amanda rushes into the room, wrapping her arms around me in a ferocious bear hug. ‘’Where have you been!? Are you okay? I tried calling you like thirty times!’’ ‘’A...Amanda?’’ ‘’What happened? Did the boat break down or something?’’ ‘’Oh-I-um-’’ ‘’You know what? I'm just glad you're home.’’ I look down at myself and my clothes. They're-there. My shoes are on. My fingernails aren't gnarled. I feel fine. I hug Amanda again. Nothing has ever felt as good in my entire life. I have to choke back tears of relief. ‘’Amanda-I'm-so glad to see you. You have no idea.’’ ‘’Wow, one night at sea.’’ ‘’You didn't see a whale, did you? You poor thing.’’ No whale could keep me from my daughter. ‘’You're damn right. ‘’You know what? You need breakfast. A very greasy breakfast.’’ ‘’That sounds amazing.’’ Amanda skips out of the room. This is all so confusing-was it a dream? ‘’By the way, is it okay if Emma P. comes over tonight?’’ ‘’Emma P.?’’ ‘’You know, my best friend?’’ ‘’Oh, sure. Wait-I thought-isn't Emma R. your best friend? She has red hair? You do art together? You pooped in her bed doring that sleepover one time?’’ ‘’Oh right, my mistake. Teenager brain, you know?’’ I sit down on the couch, suddenly very exhausted. All I want is to have a big plate of hashbrowns with my daughter by my side while I quietly work on my word jumbles. I reach over to the coffee table and grab my trusty book of jumbles. This is-this is a crossword puzzle. I stare at it for too long. ‘’Hey Amanda?’’ Amanda pops her head in from the kitchen. ‘’Working hard on these eggs, Dadtron. If you want the perfect over-medium I gotta be in the zone.’’ ‘’When's your birthday?’’ ‘’Why, did you get me something?’’ ‘’No, seriously. When's your birthday.’’ ‘’My birthday? Dad, really? Do I have to answer this?’’ ‘’I have seen a lot of weird stuff today, Amanda. Humor me.’’ ‘’My birthday is- It's- Nothing get's past you, huh? You know, I almost had you going there for a sec. Was it the crossword puzzle that gave it away? You know, I try so hard to nail the details. Like, cooking you breakfast? Over-medium eggs with hash browns? Come on. That's so you.’’ ‘’....’’ ‘’And my Amanda impression? I really think I stuck the landing on her irreverent yet wholesome tone. The whole ''manic pixie dream daughter'' thing? I should've been on Broadway with these chops. I feel like you're not appreciating how much work I've put in here.’’ Amanda turns ash black, her clothes, har and bracelets collapsing into concentric rings of pitch-dark smoke. Cracks begin to form along the walls around me. I look down and see the floor collapsing in tiles. As the walls crumble, I see where I truly am. ‘’Almost got away, huh?’’ ‘’Dunno how you got out of those ropes. You're a crafty one, aren't you?’’ ‘’Mary.’’ ‘’Oh right! Mary! She's rocking the tag team with you, isn't she? Funny, here I was thinking marriage was about trust. You know I thought I was gonna take care of Robert, and then here you were trying to make your escape and honestly (first name) you're just killing my whole timeline here.’’ Wait-Robert. As quickly as I can, I pull his folding knife out of my pocket, and lunge for Joseph, throwing all my force into him. Joseph knocks the knife out of my hand. It skitters across the room. Aw, man. ‘’(first name), I thought we were cool. I thought we had a thing here. What happened to Margarita Zone? Welp, sorry bud, but I guess I'm gonna have to do ya dirty. Doing dirty means I have to kill you.’’ Joseph wraps his hands around my neck, smiling as he tightens his grip. ‘’What's wrong? You were to into this last night.’’ I have no strength left to fight him. This is it. Isn't it? The world goes quiet around me. All I can think about is Amanda. I miss her so much. I'm sorry Amanda. I love you more than anything. Please be good.
Josephs eyes go wide. He releases his grip on me and I gasp in air. He turns around. It's over, Joseph. ‘’Honey, sweetie, you-you stabbed me.’’ ‘’You stole so much of my life from me.’’ Joseph backs away from Mary, clutching the wound on his shoulder. ‘’Sweetheart-we can work this out.’’ ‘’I'm done with you.’’ ‘’Father?’’ Chris peeks into the doorway behind Mary. He looks different. Behind him are Christian, Christie, and Crish, who all creep into the room. ‘’Father-we're so hungry. Won't you feed us father?’’ Mary turns to me and holds out a hand. ‘’Hey, sailor. It's time to go.’’ The children corner Joseph as I crawl to Mary, who pulls me into the hallway. I look back into the room at the horror I had escaped. I-it's- The more I look at it, the more it seems to break my mind. I turn away, my head pounding. ‘’This body is but a conduit, Mary! I'll see you in your nightmares!’’ What the hell? My eyes open and I shoot up in bed, gasping for air. ‘’Dad!’’ Amanda leaps off of the chair in my room and attacks me with a hug. ‘’Amanda!’’ This is the best hug of my life. ‘’I was so worried about you!’’ ‘’I'm so happy to see her again!’’ Wait. ‘’Amanda-whens your birthday?’’ ‘’Dad, did you forget again? It's March 22nd. You got me a record player and we ate ice cream cale at the beach? But then I dropped the ice cream cake and got sand all over it?Remember?’’
I-I remember that. ‘’Panda I missed you so much. What-what happened?’’ ‘’You don't remember? The yacht sank. The rescue crews had to pull you out of the water. That was a few days ago.’’ ‘’Where's Joseph?’’ ‘’They found something in the Yacht wreckage. Some documents that showed he was embezzling funds from the church. Nobody's seen him since. There's a detective here who's been waiting to talk to you. He's nice but he's drinking all of our coffee. Lemme go grab him.’’ ‘’Wait-’’ ‘’Yeah?’’ ‘’Amanda, I love you so much.’’ ‘’I love you too, Dad.’’ Amanda skips out of the room, and in a moment Mary enters with- ...the guy I saw in the hallway. ‘’Rise and shine, bucko.’’ ‘’Mary-are you okay?’’ ‘’You know it was a real shame what happened to Joseph. I had no idea he was doing what he was doing to the church. And I can't believe he ran once the feds showed up, leaving me to take care of our four beautiful children on my own. But don't worry, they're staying with my parents out in the midwest til this all blows over.’’ Mary stares at me, waiting for me to say something. ‘’Good answer.’’ ‘’Glad to see you've both got your story straight.’’ ‘’I'm happy you're okay. I was worried about you.’’ ‘’Thanks, Mary.’’ Mary cracks a smile before turning and leaving my room. ‘’Take it sleazy, fellas.’’ ‘’Once the door closes, the man pulls up a chair and sits next to my bed. You don't know me, but I know a lot about you, (first name). Been keeping tabs on you for a while.’’ ‘’Who are you?’’ ‘’Graves. Detective Saul Graves. There's strange and mysterious forces at work here in Maple Bay. What you saw down there-what we both saw down there-I don't know if I'll ever be able to forget it. And I get the feeling that you wont be able to, either. But it's my job to get to the bottom of this.’’ ‘’So what does that mean for me?’’ ‘’It means to live your life like none of this ever happened. Go be happy. Go raise your daughter. Go fall in love. Be well, (first name).’’ Saul walks to the door of my bedroom, but stops. He turns to me. ‘’And- I know it's hard to raise a kid as a single parent. Even I lost my wife under mysterious circumstances. Little Barry and I have been on our own for a while now, and if there's one thing I've learned through all of this, it's that us Dads have to help each other out. Get some rest. But if you're not doing anything later-maybe you give me a call.’’
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yuckycryptid · 7 years
Dream Daddy Cult ending.
So from looking up sources, refreshing twitter, tumblr, and reddit in search for what is going on, i have a pretty good understanding of what this secret ending with Joseph is about.
I believe how it started was someone trying to find out if there was a good ending with Joseph. As of now, (7/23/17) all i know is that there is a ending where Joseph has sex with you, and then goes back to his wife. I heard that there was a second ending where you stay his side hoe, but i haven’t gotten that ending nor seen anyone else get it. I guess while data mining someone had found and posted the dialog where you wake up after having sex with Joseph, you are in a underground ‘dungeon’. 
The dialog goes on to show that Joseph is not human at all, but some sort of demon. He calls his kids ‘vessels’ that are apart of him. Joseph tells your dad that you are underground below the cul-de-sac and anyone who has ever seen this place has died. Joseph then says: 
“…Just think of it as the real Margarita Zone.”
Then Joseph admits that the reason why all the dads in the area are single is because he hunted them down and was using their power to fuel this entity(?)  
It doesn’t stop there, Joseph goes on to say:
“Now you’ll excuse me, there’s some other business I need to attend to. Your dear friend Robert has been awfully worried about you. I think it’s about time that miserable drunk gets one last visit from the Dover Ghost.’’
After this Mary shows up and sets you free, you run and run and make it back home somehow. Once you get in Amanda greets you and things seem normal…until you ask her when he birthday is and you realize that Joseph made a fake Amanda. The “demon” Amanda turns to ash and this is followed by you trying to stab Joseph with the knife that Robert gave you. You drop the knife in the struggle, where Mary grabs the knife and stabs Joseph. His children attack him and possibly eat him(?). You end up waking up in bed and told by Amanda that the yacht you were on sank. Joseph was found to be taking money from the church and was no where to be found. 
Detective Saul Graves comes in and tells you he saw the underground dungeon himself and that his own wife died mysteriously. 
Looking deeper into the game, people started to find sprites that go along with this storyline.
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To Mary holding the bloody knife she stabbed Joseph with.
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Joseph being stabbed in the shoulder.
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Detective Saul Graves. (possibly voiced by Ross or Jacob Anderson: https://notsodreamydaddy.tumblr.com/post/163309240604/saulcalldanger04 )
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“demon” Amanda.
There’s even more, including Joseph’s vessel children, the background to the dungeon, different facial features for characters…ect
Then even more was found…Background music, voice clips for Mary, Saul, creepy footsteps, and very disturbing background music.
Now, for the speculation. Everything above was found IN THE GAME. 
People started to make some connections to Robert and Joseph. Robert has a odd looking tattoo that he doesn’t want to talk about. Joseph has the same tattoo, and that symbol keeps showing up in the game.
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On Joseph’s walls…
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This is the cult’s symbol. Its all through the game, and in the actual dungeon.
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The symbol is even on the build your dad clothing options…
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Not to mention the times robert warns you about joseph and how they had some twisted past together.
People having been saying that this ending was a Halloween DLC.
 I would like an answer as to: 1.) Who said it was a DLC and were the screenshot proof is. 2.) If it is a Halloween DLC, why is the cult symbol EVERYWHERE IN GAME. 3.) Why would they have a DLC for a game that just came out a few days ago..
I’ve seen people also say that it was something the game devs wanted to take out, thinking it was too much for a silly queer dating sim. This is more believable. I heard that one of the devs is into the horror genre, but this isn’t confirmed. Even so, why would they leave so much code in for data miners to find and cause people to get upset over. If they didn’t want to upset anyone why did they leave so much in for people to find?
As what I've seen and heard, at the moment there is no way of getting this ending. The code is apparently broken and wont start like the other endings.
These could all could be possible ideas….If there wasn’t a steam achievement out for “Escape from Margarita Zone” that no one has gotten. 
Along with that achievement, there’s “World’s okayest Dad” which no one out of the thousands of people playing can unlock. ( sidenote: someone on reddit said they got the achievement and wouldn’t say how, but looking deeper into it they seemed to have hacked the achievement and not gotten it ‘naturally’)
Ending notes:
I think that you can get the achievement and this chapter 18, cult ending. It might be a “true” ending, but that’s up to the person playing to decide.
HoodiePanda hosted a stream where he said himself that there is a possible Mary bug that the devs have confirmed which might be the reason we cant unlock this ending. This guy has played 24+ hours on this game and i think i can agree.
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maybe we’ll never know…
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sunniapplepie · 7 years
Gonna answer the ddadds asks I got,but WARNING I haven't played all the routes yet and I'm finding time to; no spoilers plz!
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celticteddybear · 7 years
Shit posting warning.
If you have no interest in having your dash filled with Dream Daddy shit or don't wish to see any spoilers blacklist the tags ddadds and/or Dream Daddy spoilers, cuz I'm in the process of buying it and I'm gonna be live blogging about it
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somekangarookid · 7 years
hey uh, tagging "spoilers" alone doesn't really do much with helping me out. do you think you could specify things like "dream daddy spoilers" or "DDADDS spoilers" and stuff like that? with just "spoilers" it could be blacklisted for anything or even posts warning someone about spoilers going around.
yeah i thought so.. oops my bad. it’s just because i don’t have a ddadds tag but i guess i should start one huh
my usual tag system is #[fandom] #spoilers so it’s kind of assuming you can see the fandom tag before opening the post so you know what kind of spoilers it is
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ashrooms · 7 years
that’s just it my guy… you cant. its secret as fucc and i only know about it bc my gay ass went thru the ddadds tag sans spoiler filter.ya gotta search the games files and even then, its in pieces. sprites, dialogue, backgrounds, people managed to make the dialogue readable (it was backwards before) so the best you can do is check tumble tags for them cursed ddadds posts. fair warning tho, once youve seen his ending, you can’t unsee it, theres hints sprinkled in the main game. good luck man, Jimmy buffet haunts my dreams.
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ao3feed-ddadds · 7 years
Come On Up To The House
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w00jDb
by WanderingTiff
On Robert's worst days, he feels the need to mentally torture himself by watching home videos from better times. And in this mental anguish, he faces cold truths head on.
Words: 5367, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Drunk On The Moon
Fandoms: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: F/M
Characters: Robert Small, Marilyn Small, Val Small
Relationships: Marilyn Small/Robert Small
Additional Tags: Warning JUST in Case!, Angst, Home Videos, 1980s, 1990s, DDADDS Spoilers, Spoilers, Flashbacks, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Alcohol, Smoking, Implied/Referenced Drug Use, Implied/Referenced Drug Addiction, Mild Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Masturbation, Implied/Referenced Masturbation, Depression, Repression, Emotional Baggage, Emotional Hurt, Pregnancy, Self-Hatred, Dissociation, Grief/Mourning, Reminiscing, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Addiction
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2w00jDb
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littlefaebird · 7 years
ddadds somewhat spoilers under the cut o: super minor tho, but just a warning in case you don’t wanna see any o:
joseph’s wife’s name is mary. his name is joseph. his kids are all named some variation of chris, which i’m pretty sure is a play on “christ.” joseph is the youth minister at the church in town. WHAT THE FUCK.
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ao3feed-ddadds · 7 years
The Lie
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uiLFql
by Daskleine
"Soooo. Black cats, huh?"Damien turned around, mouth slightly agape and Head tilts to the side." Pardon?" "AAAAAAND, foreign horror movies?" I dragged the words painfully long, shooting him a bratty grin. Damiens face paled, and he started worrying the hem of his vest between his dirt dusted fingers.
Words: 595, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Damien Bloodmarch, Dadsona (Dream Daddy)
Relationships: Damien Bloodmarch/Dadsona, Damien Bloodmarch/Reader, Damien Bloodmarch/Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: shorter Dadsona, Gardening date, Fluff, Fluff without Plot, DDADDS, dream daddy - Freeform, dadsona - Freeform, Dadbook, Bad Humor, Spoilers, Romantic Fluff, Damien being cute, game, Height Differences
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2uiLFql
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