#dead friend forever ep 1
xxhappy-chickenxx · 9 months
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"But friends don't do what we did."
PheeJin gifs that have me chewing drywall [part 1/2]
Copper Phuriwat Chotiratanasak as Jin and Ta Nannakun Pakapatpornpob as Phee in DFF: Dead Friend Forever
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mirabella96 · 9 months
DFF ep 1
So ended up watching even thought I do not watch slasher thingis or rather I do not watch horrors at all - but it's honestly mostly funny right know.
I feel it's slighly awkward right know trying to show the characters (and here is like nine of them), relationships, and at the right same time put the horrory plot going, while trying to find the right tone - and I feel like it may be a little bit too serious (and it makes it funnier that intended), maybe they will find balance in the next ep.
The biggest thing I got from watching ep 1 is that Copper looks like a k-pop idol he could easily fit in RIIZE.
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sherrymagic · 6 months
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Copper Phuriwat as JIN in Episode 12 DEAD FRIEND FOREVER (2023-2024)
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jesbiblesworld · 2 months
Love that BOC is simply incapable of giving us a series with an "and they all lived happily ever after" kind of ending like every character they make they look at and go "And fuck you in particular" and they do that for the whole cast of every show. Absolutely brilliant 10/10
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tortibomb · 1 month
Is this going to be 10-12 hours of a survive the night kinda game? Tell me it ain’t so.
We got someone (Non) missing from the friend group 👀, people getting drunk, a couple pairs having sexy times, and this dummy running into a tree branch
So now every one is separated.
In the first episode.
I feel like I’ve seen this movie yall.
Okay well now the first episode is over and people are not separated and it looks like the next day in the preview. But still 👀 “survive the weekend”? I could have sworn they talked about getting picked up the next day at 10pm but maybe I didn’t read the subtitle correctly. It’s also iqiyi so who knows.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 8
I had started a re-watch of eps 1-4 - I got half way through ep 1 over breakfast this morning - but I came home tonight to a message from @kayatoasted which implied that I should finish catching up with the eps before I do my re-watch. So, here goes!
Let's see how Non can fuck his life up even more!
I like Tee's shirt, it's not one I've seen before and I want to see it again.
I wonder why we haven't seen any of the repercussions for the tutor because of the leaked video...
Am I supposed to recognise that man who walked out of the Tee's Uncle's place when Khun Keng sat down?
He was not being subtle at all. No wonder they went after him...but running him down is a bit of an extreme reaction to someone just looking a bit shifty in their food stall.
Ok so Khun Keng is dead.
Wow this is really hard to watch. Poor Non. Not only is he second/youngest child but he has to live up to his older brother who's doing well, and Non just keeps fucking up. And both parents should take equal responsibility not just blame the other.
I'm wondering if we're going to be seeing Non without his medication...
'JRPP' posted the video (What if it was Non? What if Non has split personalities? But then how would he have gotten the video from Jin? 🤔)
So Tee kind of has a conscience...he's an ass to Non but doesn't want him killed.
Non has snapped, obviously, but I wonder how much of that is to do with him not taking his medication. I'm leaning more towards it being for a mental illness and this is all really exacerbating it. I love unhinged Non though.
It is funny how Jin and tee have reversed roles... And that framing was delicious - Jin trapped in the situation.
Another BANGER of a t-shirt for Non - 'We all get lost sometimes' - that's both metaphorical and physical isn't it? 😂
And oooo is that the knife he's putting his that bag?
I loved the contrast between the first episode - when they arrive at the house they sound pleasantly surprised it's not that far/long but now they're moaning about how long it took to get there. PERSPECTIVE.
Oh and that water is going to be spiked, isn't it?
🤣 I'm actually laughing at their very real fear of Non. I can't see how it's going to end but this is brilliant! Yes! they all get to hear how awful Tee is 👏🏽
Damn, Fluke, I want to shake him - 'I have no part in this', when his passiveness is actually a choice to allow the bad things to happen to Non, therefore he absolutely does have a hand in it.
I love that Non's dad, who has been accused by Non's mum of caring too much for Non, is in a dark blue shirt showing his support, and Non's mum, who has been accused by Non's dad of not caring enough, is in the cream top.
And Phee is also in a dark blue shirt! And he's still wearing the red bracelet! DELICIOUS! So he still cares about Non...and I think he will be avenging Non in the future.
Love the parallel of making Jin drink the beer and making him drink the alcohol in the first ep. I don't know why Jin sticks with them when he clearly doesn't like them or agree with what they do...and yet he's still there in the future. But also, maybe this is why he's going abroad. To get away from them.
I also love the ambiguity of whether Tee's uncle killed Non or not, and that Tee really wants to know.
Oh is that watch Khun Keng's that Tee's uncle is wearing?
Yay! Phee's still in blue!
Ohhhh what if everything in the future is more about Tee's uncle and Phee's father?! So Phee gets in with that group because of Tee and wanting to help his dad somehow to get Tee's uncle and in the process discovering what happened to Non and avenge him...? That's a long-ass ploy because the future events are at least 2 years after what we're seeing now...
Oh poor Phee. Yes! avenge your pookie!
WHAT. WAS. THAT?! Is that Tan maybe?!
In my ep 1 rewatch, I was wondering about how Phee and Tan got to know the group and wondered if they (Phee and Tan) knew each other before and both transferred together with a purpose in mind...and now after that trailer for ep 9 I'm leaning more towards exactly that. One thing I am a bit confused about though is that the way Non's mum talks implies that she doesn't work but the first time we saw her she had on what looked like a police uniform, no?
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jenyifer · 7 months
Dead Friend Forever ep 1 initial reaction
Upfront I don’t really like Blood it makes me panic. So I’m doing a hands over the screen watch only the subs approach. I do Love horror because it’s a hop skip and a jump away from sci-fi the ultimate genre for making something that will actually surprise me. So I’m gonna try watching it this way. However I have noticed a lot of shakey cam which kind of makes me ill. Hopefully having it on the tiny screen will help. But let’s get into it
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First don’t ride in the back of a truck like this for any reason. I grew up in the American south where trucks are plenty and so is the amount of Teens who fall off the back of a truck “only going 15 secs to the football field” and die from cracking their skull open. There’s no a little bit dead.
Secondly, in university I went to cabin in the woods party with my roommate. I told her I’d keep her from getting into any trouble and stay sober. The engineering frat rented out this cabin in the middle of nowhere. No cell signal. Had to go down a dirt road to get there. Top floor was bunk beds bottom floor was drinking and games. Now going to this thing was one of the worst things ever. I kept my roommate safe but that couldn’t be said for everyone we went with people lost their phones in the woods slept in the grass next to their on vomit etc. no one was killed but I’ll say this being in the woods when the bonfire has died looking for someone is horrific cause your in the woods you hear shit. It happens.
Anyways story over let’s go
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They made a film then left the camera and film at the house???? Seems believable
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Sooo only… orange shirt and baby face haven’t met Non? I was thinking the guy in the purple shirt and Tan also hadn’t met him. But is this a club of some sort? I think the timeline of events might me fucked by the translation
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Oh what an adorable protagonist I assume cause 1 I recognize him 2 he’s wearing orange like the baby face gay boy.
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Omph why would you let a pretty boy like Jin go? He’s such a cutie. Also main boy does seem like you are the one who is desperate. Seems like they were a thing in the past which raises questions of timeline ages of these kids but I’ll ignore it.
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Great meme format wish I could have seen the initial reaction from everyone else also house is kitted out with this high power CCTV cam but no phone that works? Very sus
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Okay main boy is good in crisis they did exactly what they needed to do. Don’t remove the impaled object everyone. Idk about keeping him alive for 2 days that way. He seems to be puking blood so… it’s not a good sign. He’ll need water and food. But it looks like that’s not going to go down well
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Might be inappropriate but I love these two massive men on the scooter. Reminds me of Niffler taking Leela in his space ship in Futurama. Also idk how human this thing is at the moment unless it’s both Trauma from whatever happened to Non
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Oh I hope so.
Now let me tell you what I’d do in this situation. We maybe have a killer who attacked Por. Or we might be blamed for his death. So hold up in a defendable space. Maybe pick one with a bathroom but they are boys so…. Smartest move would be the CCTV room or room next to it. Barricade doors windows and stay in there until morning. Find tire for bike. Send out some peeps to find help but do it in the morning.
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zhouxiangs · 9 months
four? whole days late but here i come
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benzatthanin · 8 months
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silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall ep 1 watch comments
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I'm so very ready for patriotic Republican era vampires
Communist vampires lets goooooooo
Big get together of all the important people in town, at an asshole's mansion. Very 1930s. or 1920s. Damn it, someone tell me what approximate year we're in
Everyone knows ML waters his flowers with blood, good job keeping a low profile 👌
Dad of the FL is a rich ass dude w 8 wives, squabbling w the main one loud enough that even chinese opera can't drown it out.
I'm having flashbacks to The Tudors as this guy announces to the crowd that after only having a disabled daughter, he finally has a son to celebrate! Hope he goes the way of Henry VIII with a stinking, puss filled wound that never heals.
Or perhaps he can water ML's garden.
Mr Li is an attractive, smouldering antagonist type guy who wants to win over or kill ML for....mundane reasons? The way our vamp gentleman just paid him zero positive or negative attention, the absolute indifference. Brutal.
ML just fucking hears some domestic violence bullshit and walks out to smoke and casually ruin the hand of abusive mom, then strolls away like a boss. He is THAT kind of cdrama protagonist
Haidong Army are run by some local warlord, I presume. Superintendent Chi? Now that he was so rude to Mr Li they want ML dead and try to kill him 4 different ways. Which the vampire finds v annoying.
Really love how everyone is running around in leather jackets and tailored suits and lighting matches for dramatic effect.
This poor henchman: I ran him over 3 times! Then shot him in the forehead! Then I double fisted machine guns and filled him with lead! Definitely definitely definitely dead!
Abused, blind FL takes a walk in the snow to find a nice place to die. Lucky for both of them, she finds our injured vampire and he very politely asks her to pause seeking death in order to help him out.
Honestly, just what that poor girl needs to give her back some fighting spirit: a project!
Just like in Forever Knight, he has 1 doctor friend. (But probably not an incredibly homoerotic, though censored for television, relationship w his maker. alas!)
Hot antagonist Li is apparently not a total scumbag, just a normal baddy, as he sees a blind teen wandering the streets and stops to help.
But maybe touching vamp blood allowed FL to see for a few seconds???
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absolutebl · 8 months
This Week in BL - Alan & Jeff Forever!
Organized, in each category, with ones I'm enjoying most at the top.
Jan 2024 Wk 4
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Ongoing Series - Thai
The Sign (Sat YT) ep 10 of 12 - I am a little concerned that this is getting too big for its britches, rather like Phaya’s recently recovered snake… shall we say? Adding in yet another character at this juncture isn’t the best idea. Still, I love how this show makes me cackle laugh with grandmas + Yai and then TENSION.
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It’s a wobbly kind of balance but a balancing act is happening nonetheless. It makes the pacing of this show good. It may be all over the place but I'm never bored.
Pit Babe (Fri iQIYI) ep 11 of 14 - No trash talk this week, I was charmed & delighted. Who knew I would actually enjoy this show? Certainly not me. (not much of a...) Trash watch happening here.
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Cooking Crush (Sun YT) ep 8 of 12 - I am pretty much skipping most of the 3 chef friends, and all of the side dish action (sorry Neo). And with OffGun apart for most of this ep, it didn’t hold together since they are the glue. Sigh.
Last Twilight (Fri YT) ep 12fin - Okay let’s talk about it.
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Mhok should have gone off with someone else. Day treated him like shit and never once apologized. To assume an apology isn’t necessary is to pity Day in the exact way he didn’t want. (On a complete aside, one of my favorite Thai restaurants back in my mispent youth was in Hilo, HI… ah memories) meanwhile the "passing escalators trope" activated in the land of malls (it’s been a while my old friend).
Anygay, I hold that Mohk was not a fault and Day was the one who needed to apologize.
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Although they did have one of BL's BEST ever face touch moments. 
In conclusion: 
The story of a blind man and his caregiver falling in love. Mark is great. JimmySea are spectacular. The support cast is GMMTV-good. And for the first 3/4 this BL was something rather special. But it was let down by its ending (for which I entirely blame the author). In order to like this show you must buy into the premise that Mhok was in the wrong and caused their breakup. If you don’t believe that, you won’t like this BL. Also "fixing a disability = true happiness" is gross messaging. For me, endings counts for a lot and this one was ultimately “happy” but felt like a failure. 7/10 and I was sorely tempted to go as low as a 6/10, so it should count itself lucky 
I dithered my darling BLabies... I dithered A LOT over this one. But JimmySea alone held this one up.
GMMTV we gotta talk. You're fielding some of the world's best pairs right now. It's time to get them equally good scripts.
For Him (Thurs iQIYI) ep 9 of 12 - This installment had too much of the side couple in it. Although it was nice to see First/Dream (Twins) again. He's still a cutie, even playing a straight. 
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My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 23 of 24 - I have to say I’m very glad we are on the last installment of the series. Narcissistic hairdresser starts seeing a spirit in a mirror. Turns out to be a friend from his youth who he thought was dead. This one is kinda sweet, and I find the premise interesting. Is the kid actually dead and a spirit? Or is there something else going on? I am intrigued. And I like the actor playing the kid in the mirror. I suspect this will be sad tho.
Time the series (Thai Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - I don’t exactly know what is going on. And frankly I don’t particularly care, either. So far nothing seems to be happening, and I really intensely dislike one half of the main couple. DNF welcome 2024 here we go 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Love For Love's Sake (Korea Weds iQIYI) 1-2 of 8 - based on the Manhwa Love Supremacy Zone by Hwacha (they should have kept the original title). I adore the premise. IRL person has been sent into fictional universe to save a side character from doom. Fantastic. Every fanfic author's dream. Also, I love that our POV was the bad boy in high school so there’s also a redemption arc going on. I adore this kind of isekai (if you wanna call it that). Puppy/cat pairing too! 
Although I Love You and You AKA Sukiyanen Kedo Do Yaro ka (Japan Thurs Gaga) ep 3 of 10 - Oh my goodness they too cute. Basically dating. Although only one of them realizes it, and he is such a drama queen. It’s GREAT. Also they are both so damn gay. I love the supportive bestie trying to cope with the girl who has a crush on his gay bff. 
Happy Ending (Korea Tues YT) 1 of 3 - Strongberry is back and it’s very them and very atmospheric and cute. I’m enjoying it. 
Sahara-sensei to Toki-kun (Japan Fri Gaga) ep 7 of 8 - Japan giveth and Japan taketh away again. Look, I just like the lost love teacher/teacher couple better. I'm assuming they'll have to do a time jump in the final episode to make this one work at all. 
I am SO GLAD we have KBLs back on our screens.
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It's done
What Did You Eat Yesterday Season 2 AKA Kinou Nani Tabeta? Season 2 (Japan Gaga) 10 eps - will binge when I have any spare time. 2024 is crazy busy for me so far.
The Servant and the Young Master - from Vietnam so I assume it's on YouTube. I never even noticed. Anyone?
Began Beginning (Myanmar YouTube) - Is TRUST Entertainment bringing us the first ever Burmese BL? I don't know if it's really the first, but @heretherebedork vouched for it, so I will give it a watch through.
Beside You (Thai ????) - a 3 ep short that's supposed to have aired but I can't find it.
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It's Airing But...
[NO INTERNATIONAL] Cherry Magic (Sat YouTube) ep 3 of 12 - yeah Japan put the smack down on our boys. Sadness. You can use a VPN if you like. Read all about it here.
Ossans Love Season 2 (Japan Gaga) - 5 years later, will anything have changed? This is Japan so… probubly not. I won't be watching this. I disliked Season one and actively hated the follow ups. No thank you.
Playboyy (Thurs Gaga) 14 eps - Dear Playboyy, it's not you, it’s me… I hate you. You’re about as deep (and as palatable) as a shot glass of cum. While I'm sure you’re someone’s kink, you're my weakest link. Goodbye. I DNFed this at ep 5. Frankly I'm impressed with myself for getting that far.
The Whisperer (Sun ????) 10 eps - Ends next week. Thai horror BL that ALSO involves cheating (what joy is mine). I don't think even the perfect single dimple can motivate me to watch. Word is... it's terrible.
7 Days Before Valentine (Weds WeTV) 10 eps - Giving me Luminous Solution vibes. I'm waiting to binge if safe.
Dead Friend Forever (Thai Sat iQIYI) - horror, meh, tell me if it's worth my time?
In Case You Missed it
All my year-end round ups:
TOP 10 BL Trends of 2023
Top 10 BL Secondary Pairs of 2023
2023 BLs Best Trope Execution Awards! TOP 10
All the BLs Announced for 2023 that didn't happen
BL 2023's Best:
Back Hugs Thailand & Elsewhere
Cute Bits of Domesticity
Boys Feeding Boys
Best Cuddles
Heads in Laps
Touching Head Touches
Thailand Put His Head on Your Shoulder
Put Your Head on My Shoulder (not Thailand)
BEST KISSES (not Thailand)
Next Week Looks Like This:
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2/2 City of Stars AKA Fueangnakorn (Fri YouTube?) 10 eps - An actor falls in love with a programmer and the narrative intends to “explore the ramifications of being public figure in the social network era who must endure critics, bullying, and defamation.” Looks like another Lovely Writer/Call It What You Want sort of thing. But helmed by Star Hunter? Chaos will ensue.
2/2 Anti Reset AKA Anti-Reset (Taiwan Fri Gaga?) 10 eps - from Vidol (who aren't doing us very proud right now) - Human and robot find love.
Upcoming BLs for 2024 are listed here. This list is not kept updated, so please leave a comment if you know something new or RP with additions.
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Say what you like about this show (and I have) they do some very gay cuddling. (Him the series)
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This show, damnit, so close to being genius. (Last Twilight)
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I don't that's a hardshi,p grandma ... although it may be a hard ship... get it.
I'll stop now.
(The Sign)
(Last week)
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visualtaehyun · 3 months
Hi, how you doing!?
I hope this isn't rude, but I wanted to ask are you watching or planning to watch My Love Mix Up Th?
I've noticed that the main characters address each other differently than what I've seen in the other shows so far.
I was curious to know what it is. Figured I'd check if you had any thoughts. 😅
Hi there :>
Not rude at all, no worries, I can never shut up about Thai pronouns anyway 😂 And yes, I am watching it!
Atom-Kongthap both call themselves เรา /rao/ and the other นาย /naai/ which are both used between age mates, pretty neutral and informal yet also polite, considering they're only just getting to know each another. It gets interesting once you compare that to how the other characters talk to each other!
Atom-Mudmee and Half-Mudmee (and I think Kongthap-Mudmee too?? though they've not directly spoken to each other much) also use เรา /rao/ to address themselves but call each other just by their names, which makes them sound a bit closer in comparison and doesn't sound like being too polite to a friend. In contrast, Mudmee and Half's first meeting in her flashback in ep. 2 has them still calling each other นาย /naai/ and เธอ /ter/:
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เหตุผลอะไรของนายเนี่ย /haeht phohn a rai khaawng naai niia/ แต่ก็ทำให้เธอยิ้มได้แล้วนี่ไง /dtaae gaaw tham hai ter yim dai laaeo nee ngai/ -> both are polite yet informal but นาย /naai/ is exclusively masculine and เธอ /ter/ is more feminine, though technically gender-neutral (for example, you can sometimes hear the teachers address students of all genders as เธอ /ter/)
Atom-Half and Kongthap-Khaopan use the rude, familiar pronouns we hear all the time between age mates in GMMTV's school and college series:
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รึมึงไม่สบาย /reu meung mai sabaai/ ไม่ใช่ กู /mai chai. guu/ -> these basically suggest they're best bros lol
Kongthap-Half mostly call each other นาย /naai/ and themselves เรา /rao/ but they kinda flip-flop:
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1) เดี๋ยวกูเก็บของก่อนน่ะ /diao guu gep khaawng gaawn na/ 2) ฮาล์ฟก็คิดว่าอะตอมน่ารักหรอ /Half gaaw khit waa Atom naa rak raaw/
As for some further contextualization, นาย /naai/ doesn't show up a lot in Thai BL and when it does, the characters may start out using it but then often switch to a different pronoun as they get closer, e.g. NuerSyn in Cutie Pie (or really all of Kuea's friends once Nuer comes in as the new guy), or it's used by a character who speaks politely to create distance, e.g. Tin in Love By Chance. Tongrak in the currently airing Love Sea also calls Mahasamut นาย /naai/, for example.
เรา /rao/ similarly is often used to highlight a difference in familiarity or politeness between different characters, e.g. in Be My Favorite or 23.5, or for a changing dynamic, e.g. in Dead Friend Forever, but in general is just a really versatile and neutral yet polite 1st pers. pronoun to use with someone of the same age or younger. Currently airing Wandee Goodday's Dee and Yak also both use it, by the way.
...this got long djsdjhshjs I hope that somewhat satisfied your curiosity but feel free to ask follow-up questions ✨
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alejunsu · 9 months
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Dead Friend Forever EP 1 (Tee x White)
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bengiyo · 9 months
Dead Friend Forever Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Be On Cloud is back, and they decided to go for horror. I don't think I've liked any of the BL Horror yet, but I'll continue to humor the attempts.
Wait, did Barcode just die??
There are so many boys in this truck. This is definitely a slasher. Who is the final girl of a BL slasher?
Oh, there's tension in this group about the one friend leaving for America.
There's only one phone to call out? Oh yeah most of them are dying.
And there's drama over the missing friend.
Now what did these two boys do that they don't want the others to find out?
Noting we have a character who needs an inhaler. He will certainly not have it during a critical moment later.
The sound mixing of this show is very good.
There's a lot of jealousy in this show. Is this what characters will be killed for?
Whoa, where did that other hand just come from??
Well, you knew BOC was gonna show ass. This is a messy pair! HE BIT THAT MAN!!
And this is why you don't go running through the woods at night.
I am glad we know the CCTV exists, because this will be useful later when we see the killer creeping up on someone who is actively watching the footage.
I like that the aspiring med student called out to not remove the branch and the aspiring director is the one who took charge and started giving orders.
It's cool that these characters don't know they're in a slasher. Top and Tee are trying to solve the vehicle problem in believable ways. Still, I hope no one is killed with the jumper cables later.
Ah yes, we have no means of communicating with the rest of the world, and now we're hoping someone eventually answers an old walkie talkie.
I worried the road crew would be the first ones to go.
Well, this looks bad for them.
It's going to be interesting experiencing a slasher as an ongoing weekly experience. I'm curious to see what the pacing feels like.
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miss0atae · 2 months
4Minutes a science-fiction story with near death experience and time travel (Ep 1):
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I recently watched the first episode of 4Minutes. I finally found how to do it. I was really anticipating this series. I thought I knew what the story would be. I read the synopsis, I read other posts about it, I saw the pictures and the gifs and I made my own story in my mind. I don't know for you, but I can never stop myself from imagining what the story can be. As long as I have few information about a story, my mind is already working and trying to convince me about how the story will be told. After watching the episode there is one thing that it's true: I knew nothing. Let me explain, what I imagine it would be, wasn't what I watched. Don't get me wrong, I really appreciate what BOC is trying to do with its BL stories. Kinnporsche was this revisited mafia story, Dead Friend Forever played with the tropes of teen horror movies and now 4Minutes is showing us a mix of noir fiction and science-fiction. I wasn't expecting it and I find it truly interesting to see what they can do. I appreciate how they never use the same formula story for their projects and how they try to give us something different. So I'm not going to review the episode because so many people did it better than me. I just want to talk about why I consider 4Minutes to be a noir science-fiction story at its core and how the link between near death experience and time travel make sense together .
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Let's start with saying what is a noir fiction and what is science-fiction and then we'll see why I think it works for 4Minutes. A noir fiction is a genre that really changed a lot. However there are some recurring characteristics: a corrupt system, corrosive effect of money, absurdity of the existence and psychological instability. I would also say that you can also find a mix of violence and sex too as it's often links to the Human condition. In 4Minutes, Great our main protagonist comes from a family who runs a company that serves as a cover for their illegal business. In this first episode, the patriarch of the family is entrusting his first son, Great's older brother Korn, into the “investment department” where most of their illegal business is occurring. We learn that the family has made their fortune through this means. Korn doesn't reject the idea. He is only fearing the difficulties to manager this new job. Is he accepting it because he believes it's right or because he doesn't have another choice… it remains to be seen. Korn and Great's family environment isn't really good. The two brothers, despite being half-brothers are close, but Great is avoiding his parents. As for Korn, he seems to hide them a part of his life such as his relationship with Tonkla (is it because it's a man or because they have this vibe of sugar baby/sugar daddy, we don't know yet). About Great, we know he is drinking and smoking, so mostly he doesn't have a healthy lifestyle and his parents usually have to save him when he mess up. At the beginning of the story, Great is experiencing his first 4minutes time travel that will remain the central plot of the story. This experience puts him in a psychological distress as he can't find a rational explanation to it.
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Which leads me to why I believe the story is also from the science-fiction genre. Great is experiencing precognition and time travel and those are topic of undiscovered scientific possibilities you can usually find in science-fiction. It allows the characters and the viewers to experience speculative events. The premise of time often involves changing history or the future. As for now, Great can go back in the past 4 minutes. He only experienced it few times in the episode so he and us, don't know yet how everything is working or why is he experiencing it. Usually, time travel is about altering the past and see how it changes the future to create an altered present or future. The first time, it happened to Great he didn't avoid the woman, but she wasn't as hurt as she was supposed to be. The second time, it changed his first meeting with Tyme. Will Great do more change when he'll accept his new power or will he tries to avoid it? How is it really working? We'll have more answers in the next episodes. I wonder if the story will focus on the paradoxes and alternate timelines or if it's going to be more about contemporary and social issues. The latter works well with the noir fiction, but it's still too early to draw any conclusion. The first episode just set the plot, but also showing us some characters and their links together. I feel we still haven't seen everything.
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Then we have another part that was developed in the story and it's near death experience (NDE). I believe it links together the number 4 (Great goes back 4 minutes in the past with his time travel power) and the idea of a time warp as an imaginary spatial distortion. Through this spatial distortion the character could possibly change the past and therefore change the present and the future. I will try to make it simple because it seems easy in my head, but I'm not sure I'll be able to write it properly. So firstly, the number four is considered unlucky in Thai culture, as it is in other cultures too. It is associated with death and bad luck. The Thai word for four, “si,” is also a homophone for the word “death.” Then, we have Dr. Den (a co-worker of Tyme) who is working on NDE by interviewing people who faced it. Their comments are common traits reported by NDErs: a bright light above, a sense of awareness, an out-of-body experience, being(s) dressed in white, receiving a life review… Most NDErs when “coming back” feel a change of attitudes and behaviors. It doesn't mean all of them are positive (I feel like it could be associated with Great's psychological answer after discovering his power). It's also important to notice that Great started to get his power of going back to the past 4 minutes ago, after he hit a woman who wanted to die. So his power of “time travel” is linked to death. I wonder if the series is questioning the paradox of Time: is death the end of time and does time has any end? If we can manipulate the time, can we manipulate death and consequently life too? Maybe I'm trying to find something too complicated in here, but I like that it made me do all these researches. I'm sure it's not a coincidence between all these plot sets, but we'll probably get more answers in the next episodes.
I think BOC is really putting a challenging story and I can’t wait to see how they will do it.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 9 months
The Thai Communal Wardrobe item #88
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+ bonus not in a series and not the item in question but...
Suar Kritsanaphong in Joke's shirt above courtesy of @blmpff
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for @airenyah 💙
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