#deadbeat dad worf
nx01whore · 4 months
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obstinatecondolement · 11 months
People can and should tag whatever annoying bullshit they want on whatever they want tbh, but it is very fucking... trying that someone has tagged my post about Alexander being on DS9 with a headcanon about him and Ziyal bonding over having "difficult" fathers. Okay.
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feed-me-sunlight · 8 months
I have some very angry opinions about the end of TNG S7E11 Parallels and I'm just gonna keep them bottled up. Apparently this situation just escalates and I am so not fucking here for it literally who asked for this why would you do this etc etc etc
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dykebeckett · 2 years
the thing about worf startrek. is that he sucks shit totally and completely. and he is awful and bad. but I love him very much
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"I don't really want to start some big discourse to drive people mad in the notes but here goes-
The Rozhenkos (Worf's adoptive parents), as much as I love them, are kinda super problematic for adopting a child from a foreign culture and raising away from real contact with his native culture. Credit where credit's due, the Rozhenkos did try to adapt many parts of their lifestyle to fit Worf's heritage, but there's only so much that can be done to fit Belorussian and Klingon cultures together.
Worf had access to Klingon culture through subspace internet or whatever and had a few Klingon rolemodels that he met as a child after being adopted, but, because he was so far away from what he still considered to be his culture, because he was now learning from a very outside perspective, he learned of it in a superficial and exaggerated manner that estranged him even more from his would-be Klingon peers and made him somewhat of a conservative/traditionalist (see: expecting Keylehr to marry him after sex, accepting dishonor for the sake of hiding an inconvenient truth of the empire, being a deadbeat dad, the whole Risa incident, etc).
Also he couldn't have killed that child by headbutt when playing football if the kid were a klingon too."
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konigs-left-pec · 3 months
Watching ST: TNG and can we just talk about how Worf is a deadbeat dad? 😂 Worf is supposed to be all about honor and he literally abandoned his son for his own career and is shocked that this kid is crazy maladjusted from being dumped on his grandparents.
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Whenever Alexander acts up, Worf be like "how do I court-martial my own kid?"
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thegeminisage · 4 months
TNG UPDATE TIME. it's been ages. monday we did "a matter of time" (boo) and wednesday we did "new ground" (holy shit).
a matter of time: did you guys know the little guy here played pestilence on spn? his vibes were horrific. he was awful. i don't say that about the actor himself, who was obviously very good if he could get us to lean back from our screens like that, but i did NOT like that. not one bit. now every time i see him in spn gifs i get scared
anyway it's been awhile since we had such a huge dud and i did not miss it. everybody was extra stupid this episode to make the bad guy seem smart, My Least Favorite. he was also there ALL THE TIME instead of giving us a break from him which was also super awful
also he tried to kidnap data, though i love that he failed hilariously and also they made a new jersey joke
i predicted the twist of this episode - that he was from the past, not the future - about halfway through. so at least i get to feel accomplished about something.
i do like that deanna told him to fuck off. she's never mean to anybody but he REALLY deserved it
new ground: I LOVE WORF................
i'm soooo mad at people in the star trek calling worf a deadbeat dad. idk if he does something shitty later but i totally understood the ethical dilemma in this ep maybe even perhaps better than the writers wanted me to bc the thing is like. sorry
sorry to families with children. sorry to single mothers and actually to women everywhere. sorry even to wesley crusher, my perfect precious baby boy, who i will defend with my life. they SHOULD NOT BE ON STARSHIPS.
like, ok. let's get into it. i did think it was wack that worf initially sent alexander to his human parents...but that's because he wanted his son to have access to klingon society, which was something he himself DID NOT HAVE and COULD NOT GIVE ALEXANDER had anyone known alexander was worf's son. it was TOTALLY REASONABLE for worf to be thrown headfirst into parenthood and be smart enough to say, not only am i incapable of raising a child at this juncture in my life, i am incapable of connecting him to his culture, WHICH
alexander's mother was a half-klingon woman who HATED KLINGONS. she at MULTIPLE POINTS made racist remarks about them and self-disparaging remarks about her own klingon heritage. she even gave alexander, despite being "more" klingon than human dna-wise, a HUMAN NAME. obviously the tng writing room wasnt going yeah ofc worf wants him to have access to klingon culture after all that but OFC HE DOES
which makes it wack to me that he sent alexander off to live with his parents and not his brother. NO ONE KNOWS kurn is worf's brother. he could have raised alexander on the klingon homeworld as his own, or even as his nephew, and no one would ever have known he was connected to worf. whereas sending alexander to live with the humans who raised worf is a huge indicator that he is worf's child
one might say, well he thinks klingon schools would be too harsh for this kid who was essentially raised as a human. this is a legitimate and valid concern he has in the episode as well. worf would not be as harsh as the klingon schools but he WOULD give alexander access to his klingon heritage. so that's the happy medium! as a side bonus we also don't give alexander EVEN MORE abandonment issues. the problem is,
CHILDREN SHOULDN'T BE ON A STARSHIP. we see in this very episode why they shouldn't be on a starship. "oh the saucer can separate whenever to protect the kiddos" SPACE IS DANGEROUS. they never have the budget or the time to separate the saucer. they just take all those little guys into horrible experiments whenever. i could almost understand if it was like, a spaceship that just delivered freight or something but it's an EXPLORATORY SHIP its SOLE PURPOSE is to head into unknown dangers. DON'T TAKE CHILDREN.
meanwhile worf is late to work meetings and gets commed twice about his kid while he's trying to explain himself to picard like...now you've got to consider the fact that people on the enterprise live at their workplace. they are basically on call 24/7. like if a space disaster strikes it is not gonna wait until you are through with your weekend relaxation or are finished putting your kid to bed. you CAN'T be on a starship and raise your child at the same time because as a parent you have to put your child first always and as a starship officer where EVERYONE COULD DIE AT ANY TIME you have to put the ship first always and TWO THINGS can't BOTH be first priority
like, worf is literally doing the best he can. maybe he should have sent alexander to live with his brother when he was still a little squirt but it may be too late for that now. there are quite literally no good options here to this moral dilemma of "where does my baby belong" which is actually so good because worf ALSO doesn't have a place he totally belongs. they both have a foot in each world. i bet it would be really good if it wasn't on tng
ANYWAY. sorry. there's a post in the george kirk tag about star trek fathers that disses worf and it makes me see red every time. wow! TONIGHT: "hero worship" (forboding title i hate tng episodes with kids) and "violations" (equally forboding title but here's hoping it just means we'll be playing riker roulette).
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Comics this week?
Steelworks #1 - Solid first issue. Dorn makes some rookie mistakes as expected from a first time comic writer. Lot of talking, not much action, the scenes with Irons and Nat debating the impact of superheroics would have been better served if it had been the two of them verbally sparring with each other while physically beating up some bad guys. Good handle on the voices for Steel, Natasha, and Lana nonetheless, happy to see Pak's establishment of the Steel/Lana romance is finally acknowledged again. Ghost of Amertek coming back to haunt Irons is a good idea, as is Dorn establishing that Irons has his own ideas on what's best for Metropolis that aren't the same as Clark's. Didn't expect Dorn to be the first DC writer to use data pages post-Hickman, but I loved to see them! I can't find much info on if Dorn was a sci-fi fan before he was cast as Worf in Star Trek, but if so his use of data pages would make a lot of sense.
Batman #136 - Least the Multiverse bullshit is over, but now we've gone from rehashing Morrison to rehashing Snyder's Death of the Family. If that scene between Bruce and Selina is any indication, this Gotham War event will be the final nail in the coffin for the romance, at least for a good while. Bummed but unsurprised by that. At this point I'm only reading for the Zur plotline, the Batfamily and Catwoman plots aren't interesting me.
Shazam #2 - Didn't think that when Waid said we'd see the extended family relatively soon that he meant the second issue, but it was nice to see them all the same.
Flash #800 - Picked this up and overall I enjoyed it. Adams and Waid were the best, fun stories that celebrated Wally and Bart. Williamson was pretty good too, Barry finally gets to best the deadbeat dad accusations when it comes to the Tornado Twins. Johns' story was pretty basic, mostly just a recap of who Hunter is, but I liked how he took Williamson's retcon and used it to get Zoom back to being a villain in a way that makes sense. With Zoom back in play I wonder if there are plans to use him in Spurrier's run. Speaking of which, Spurrier's story was the weakest. I don't mind the drama with Linda - Adams made everything drama free and the sales were soft, so by all means introduce some tension there - and I liked the premise of Wally fighting Lovecraftian monsters. But this feels like it would be a better fit for Barry. I'll check out the first issue all the same.
Joker #9 - Hilarious that this book finally starts moving on the Jokers plot, just in time for a two month break for Knight Terrors. I don't know if I'll bother to pick it up again in two months, Rosenberg's decompression has become too much for me. Genuinely funny back-ups and one or two good jokes in the main book can't justify the price tag, or the snail's pace storytelling.
Immortal X-Men #12 - More is done with Colossus' mole status in one issue here than the entire X-Force run.
X-Men #23 - I regret giving Duggan a stay of execution. Why does Stasis keep coming across as a loser? Gets taken out with ease in Sins of Sinister, gets humiliated by Righteous here. Since Hickman left, Orchis has come across as a joke that the X-Men inexplicably can't crush instead of a legit threat. Not a great approach as we're right on the cusp of Orchis making their big move.
Loki #1 - Picked this up solely because Watters was writing, and he did not disappoint. Great story, reminiscent of Gillen and Ewing Loki of course, but also of Watters own Lucifer series.
Fantastic Four #8 - Continues to be great, glad the first two parter stars Sue and Alice.
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namimikan · 2 months
i do wish k'ehlyr had survived, mostly bc 2 eps wasn't enough, but also, honestly, i think she could have been the one to make worf less rigid in his klingon idealization tbh.
i mean, listen, one of the reasons i like worf with troi is bc he doesn't go on and on about the klingon way, and this has... awful consequences with ezri thanks to jadzia, and just ugh. he is unbearable in ds9. inheriting riker's curse in s7 ig!!!!!! but also: him and jadzia are terrible together, at least on first viewing.
so i'd have been curious to see k'ehlyr and worf be coparents -- tho i presume had k'ehlyr lived, they'd have gotten married. but k'ehlyr was much more easy going a parent to alexander, and wanted to let him find his own way, rather than worf getting upset for not knowing the klingon way. which i do think, to a degree, is a valid concern and he's right to voice them. it is something that needs to be discussed between them. but it only seemed that the klingon way was that mattered, rather than that 1/4 human heritage.
anyway, as it happens, worf is a deadbeat dad and i absolutely hate what happens to alexander, he deserved so much better, and i really really hate that star trek both tng and ds9 weren't consistent with how he grows up, bc he should have been like 2 or so in reunion and instead he looks 6ish, to say nothing of him becoming an adult in ds9, when he should have been... maybe 8? 10?
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normal-hands · 9 months
worf is finally making the transition from deadbeat dad to working mom
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astoriachef · 1 year
And while I’m on the subject of Worf as a deadbeat dad, how about a remake of Three Men and a Baby where Worf, Nikolai and Kurn try to parent baby Alexander?
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defendglobe · 2 years
worf is literally the funniest character in star trek. like.
he's a klingon. he's belorussian. he's a warrior. he gets his ass beat every other episode. he's allergic to cats. he was dishonored and exiled from klingon space. he loves prune juice. he tells a god to die. he was an emergency midwife one time. he's a hopeless romantic. he likes women who will kick his ass. he's a deadbeat dad. he loves his mom. he accidentally killed someone while playing soccer. he probably has two dicks.
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48 reasons to like rwby
Let’s talk about why we like rwby
1.       Female protagonists
2.       None of that defeat=friendship
3.       No power of friendship plot armor
4.       No interrupted fight scenes with internal dialogue
5.       No super-dense protagonist
6.       NOT a harem anime
7.       Females equal to males in strength, intelligence, and skill
8.       Women do not exist as servants or love interests
9.       Old women who can fight
10.   Allies cooler than protag who DO NOT DIE
11.   People who are on either side both attractive and smart
12.   Men and women with muscle
13.   Characters sound their age, unlike anime and funimation
14.   No power levels or screaming power up
15.   Gays not treated as creepy stalkers, neither are lesbians
16.   Unlike marvel/dc/Naruto/dragonball/fairytail/bleach…no repeated retcons and plotholes.
17.   Lgbt relationships allowed
18.   Abusive men acknowledged as creeps
19.   Deadbeat mom aspect acknowledged over deadbeat dad
20.   Women are NOT man-hungry or super-greedy or gold-diggers in RWBY…anime, however
21.   Pervertedness dropped
22.   Women are actually fully-clothed and have pockets
23.   Female antagonist resulting out of gods being dicks
24.   Positive half-sibling relationship
25.   Positive politician (Robyn Hill)
26.   Multiple people of color, especially men. (anime only has several POC women used as ship bait or fanservice)
27.   Protagonist is not a goku or natsu (Superstrong dumbass causing Anakin level drama)
28.   Honorary Uncle Qrow (like Black Widow in MCU, although she’s given NO relevance or importance given it’s Disney we’re talking about, they don’t treat women wel)
29.   They don’t try to kill off women or POC for shock value as quickly as Anime, Marvel, DC, and Hollywood (X-men First Class)
30.   People of color are not treated as poor citizens but put into places of power and position which most anime and especially Hollywood does not.
31.   NO INCEST tropes which Anime seems to like.
32.   Netflix and Hollywood do “passion of christ” “Avatar Live-Action” “Death Note Netflix” “cutie” “dragonball evolution” “sucker punch” and somehow THOSE are considered good writing compared to RWBY?
33.   Pokemon being plot hole epitome and plot armor epitome
34.   Naruto being the master of treating women lesser than men to the point the writers explicitly state that sarada, the one single female Uchiha, has the title of weakest Uchiha.
35.   Fairy tale references WITHOUT genderbending people into harem ships like the Fateverse
36.   Much more realistic  behavior than anime, and no karma Houdini
37.   No Hacks, no Worf Effect (spiderman vs silver surfer) (deathstroke vs justice league)
38.   No throwing fights (Lobo vs Wolverine, Wonder woman vs storm)
39.   None of that stupidity of mindset code (batman no killing) (let evil live) (forgive those that fuck you over “frieza and tienshinhan”)
40.   Dozens of fancomics, fancomic dubs, fan animations, and fanmade video games means an invested fandom.
41.   Does not require dozens of filler arc or character flashbacks
42.   Fights do not have to take 5-10 episodes
43.   People other than the protag have “healing/recovery” powers
44.   Sexual harassment is not glorified, downplayed, or joked about like in anime, manga, or tv/movies
45.   CWRBY is invited to conventions
46.   RT puts their shows on their youtube, while Toei Animation sues Team Four Star to the point of shutting down the abridged.
47.   Unlike Shield Hero and Fateverse, no pedophelia.
48.   No calling out attacks
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jonathanarcher · 4 years
My bitchy take is that I don't think I can forgive how little ds9 used Alexander. The show put so much value in family, especially in father-son relationships, and it would have been an amazing oppoturnity to a) flesh out Alexander b) give Worf character growth c) strenghten the dynamic between Sisko and Worf (maybe also Miles and Rom?) as Sisko learns how terrible father Worf is and they could've had and resolved conflict around that. Also Alexander and Ziyal couldve had an interesting dynamic
I don’t mind Alexander not showing up because to be frank with you, the way he looks bothers me and I hate his voice, but I do feel like it was a big missed opportunity especially because Worf being a shitty father isn’t something that’s addressed in canon like at all. Also I never even thought about Alexander and Ziyal having a relationship but that is a galaxy brain idea they can be the dead mom deadbeat dad squad
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nashforhire · 4 years
How I feel about this character: Overall, I am a fan. The first few seasons of TNG it’s a bit frustrating watching him be there just to show a bad guy is strong by knocking him on his ass. But he really came in to his own on DS9.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Jadzia. 
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His friendship with Miles and Julian gives me life.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I don’t think I hate anything quite as much as I hate Worf/Deanna 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I either wish they’d never added Alexander or hadn’t just abandoned him entirely for so long. It made Worf look like such a deadbeat dad and it seemed really OOC for someone who was all about his people and his family and his honour.
Favorite friendship for this character: Like I said, Miles and Julian. But Geordi and Data are also up there.
My crossover ship: N/A
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