#deadny theories
deadnymaster · 4 months
Why the Octonauts episodes release are taking so long to be released gobally (theory)
This is an idea that crossed my mind this morning. I don't known from where I took this information of China being so hard to convince to distribute a series on their country, maybe from Steven universe but nothing is comfirmed so take this whith a graint of salt.
The think is that China is a very reserved country whith a very unique culture. And the Octonauts, are very popular on there.
So that makes me think that someone or some group on preproduction or the category who decides the terms and conditions on distribution (idk if it the same group who put the money, I don´t fully known how an animation empress works), decided that the season five, along whith the rest of new content, have to be China exclusive for a while for some reason.
I found this reddit article written 2 years ago that talks more in deep about the season five situation https://www.reddit.com/r/Octonauts/comments/r4k515/where_is_octonauts_season_5_what_happened/
On another point, the evidence that the series has become very China centric decades on a special saga named "Journey to China". A spinoff that takes the "chinification" of the series to the extreme (and it's actually very probably to be a series that never leaves China legally, and that we never have an official dubbing into other languages of it for the rest of the world due to the circumstances. But remember, this is all speculaion and nothing is confirmed).
Another efect of the "chinafication" of the show, is the appearence of new characters bassed on chinesse animals. The most notorious would be Min the red panda and Paani, who is a species of monkey that despite coming from India, can also be found on China. He also replaces Kwazzi in most of the episodes of above an beyond (presumibly due to the chinafication)
This would be the end of my theory, remember that all is especulative and that nothing confirmed, put your thoughts on the comments
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deadnymaster · 5 months
I didn't thought it could be possible, but I'm getting interested on Digital Circus so I'm just gonna say some theories and speculations I saw on episode 2
First of all, Gummigoo (the crocodile) is dead, hes not going to come back (I considered him as dead because is impossible that Caine let him have his memory intact, so is going to be back an NPC not remembering Pomni)
-Is very common on some 3D shows/videogames to recicle the models on a very inteligent way, changing the texture of the object/character for turn it into a diferent thing. This is a series where the protagonist are self aware of those kind of details, so probably if we are going to "see" Gummigoo again, is going to have another texture for be on another world. Not gonna be him but Pomni for sure is going to notice that the character recicles the model of Gummigoo
-next point: the glitches and fails on the simulation trama of the digital candy kingdom. The NPC are too well coded... they are more complex than the other things, they are almost human. That can be very dangerous having in count that the simulation has very silly glitches like fails on the colissions of the objects that can cause of then getting out of the map. The simulations are not ready for having that very well developed characters. (And also, the history of the quest has no sense, they have to recover the mapple form the villains but the queen gave to them also a truck full of mapple and if you change it for the other you still complete the mission?? [It was that there was a THIRD truck taken from the backup place, thans for tell me on the rt/coments and srry xd] the thing ls, that the way they completed the quest was a completely impossible thing that Caine couldn't predict for sure. The thing whith having humans testing the games is that they can find unexpected glitches)
-also, is very obvious that Caine is an advanced iA. He for sure would not understood somenthing as a funeral
Now let's see if all of this affects the history somehow
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deadnymaster · 4 months
Now it´s time for me to talk about Jax from digital circus and all of this people whith the "I can change him" mind. Because well...
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This character is not going to change at all xd (Also, the "I can change it" concept that a lot of minors have... Please people, never NEVER have that mentality whith real people, you are not only being toxic and not acepting people the way they are, but it´s also dangerous for you to be around real cursed persons. People is not gonna change for you, in most of the cases, they corrupts your naive mind)
Returning to Jax personality, there´s people pointing that he was soft for a millysecond on episode 2 and that it was a signal of redemtion. Welp, characters can be soft and assholes at the same time xd Just think about Benson from Clarence, he has an episode where he was sincere about his ilusion for watching a dolphin, at the end of the episode, returned back to his asshole behaviour whithout any character development. Digital circus is still a young series, but Idk why I have the feeling that whith Jax is gonna be worse...
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