#the amazing digital circus theories
ultraweirdgirl13 · 5 months
Jax is another NPC or AI who sticks around because Cain can't control him due to faulty code or Jax's straight willpower
That'd explain his character design.
For some reason, (at least imo) Jax's character design is much more, timid, compared to the rest of the crew. He's just a humanoid bunny, whereas Ragatha is a literal rag doll, Kinger has floating hands, Zooble can be taken apart and put back together, Gangle has a mask for a head and ribbons for a body, and Caine is.... Caine. Whlie Pomni looks more humanoid than the rest of them, Episode 2 showed is that she can stretch her arms (and maybe in turn, her legs) really far. Jax is just a purple dude with long bunny ears. Weird, but not on the same level as everyone else. (Im also assuming that Kaufmo has a different body type compared to everyone else. How else would he have been able to write all across the walls.)
This theory would also explain why we haven't seen his room.
ICYMI, the Glitch store is selling pins of all of the characters. The backgrounds of which, show the character's rooms in the circus. You can see the insides of everyone's rooms except for
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and Jax. For some reason, we only see the door to Jax's room, as well as rips leading to the Void. ALSO, Jax's name isn't in a textbox like everyone else's. The reasoning being that he doesn't belong in the circus, and therefore isn't confined to just his room!
Let me know if i missed anything else
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deadnymaster · 5 months
I didn't thought it could be possible, but I'm getting interested on Digital Circus so I'm just gonna say some theories and speculations I saw on episode 2
First of all, Gummigoo (the crocodile) is dead, hes not going to come back (I considered him as dead because is impossible that Caine let him have his memory intact, so is going to be back an NPC not remembering Pomni)
-Is very common on some 3D shows/videogames to recicle the models on a very inteligent way, changing the texture of the object/character for turn it into a diferent thing. This is a series where the protagonist are self aware of those kind of details, so probably if we are going to "see" Gummigoo again, is going to have another texture for be on another world. Not gonna be him but Pomni for sure is going to notice that the character recicles the model of Gummigoo
-next point: the glitches and fails on the simulation trama of the digital candy kingdom. The NPC are too well coded... they are more complex than the other things, they are almost human. That can be very dangerous having in count that the simulation has very silly glitches like fails on the colissions of the objects that can cause of then getting out of the map. The simulations are not ready for having that very well developed characters. (And also, the history of the quest has no sense, they have to recover the mapple form the villains but the queen gave to them also a truck full of mapple and if you change it for the other you still complete the mission?? [It was that there was a THIRD truck taken from the backup place, thans for tell me on the rt/coments and srry xd] the thing ls, that the way they completed the quest was a completely impossible thing that Caine couldn't predict for sure. The thing whith having humans testing the games is that they can find unexpected glitches)
-also, is very obvious that Caine is an advanced iA. He for sure would not understood somenthing as a funeral
Now let's see if all of this affects the history somehow
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funkylilworm · 2 months
The amazing Digital circus theory
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So what if other than a performer /characters/clown (or whatever Caine calls his players) other than losing your sanity and what's left of your patience, what if there was another reason one would abstract and become exactly what Kaufmo turned into , and that being a little thing I would like to call OPF "Organic phantom feelings" ,
That being that sense every single human that has entered the digital circus (via headset) ,hasn't felt any human and/or organic functions the body does . Other than puking bleeding and/or as seen with Gangle or with Ragatha when she was at Kaufmo's funeral , crying.
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So this is how I think OPF would work, Organic phantom feelings (or Opf) is this strange weird feeling you feel in your body when one would start to have this feeling where a human would start to feel hungry or would start to feel as if they need to pee or ect. but is incapable of doing so for a few reasons
1. They're incapable of doing so sense they're digital now
2. They no longer have any genitals
3. Just like Gooseworx said, they no longer really have to eat (eating it more like trying to keep your autonomy and/or just for comfort )
And lastly 4. Their bodies no longer work like a normal humans now sense they're stuck in the Digital circus forever
And what if one of those symptoms of that were:
▪︎Nonstop hunger (even after having eaten)
▪︎A sinking strange feeling in the pit of stomach and pelvis , with a hint of pain most of the time (a for the female characters like Pomni ,Ragatha, and Gangle)
▪︎Chemical imbalance
Because when it comes to being hungry let's remember how in S1 Ep1 where after Jax talked about being hungry , Gangle said in response "But you didn't even do anything." ,Jax responds with "Yeah, but I can still be hungry" .
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So in retrospect, what if as these feelings continued and would often be such an on and off this that the digital body would often can't compute and handle the organic and complex human feelings so bad that it'll overheat and combust , resulting in abstraction
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frogwithastrawberry · 11 months
Alright, but Generation Loss is actually pretty similar to TADC, and it's giving me Theories
(Generation Loss Spoilers by the way! Kinda TADC spoilers too? Not really though on that one)
Generation Loss is about being trapped inside a show set, and then becoming suddenly aware
What if TADC is similar? Pomni mentioned that she wanted to get her headset off, and that with some other factors imply that they're in a show, and what we're seeing is the show itself, but also some of the "off time"
So what if getting out will be something similar?
This could take a dark turn and it could be like Generation Loss,
where the only COMPLETE escape is death (aka Abstraction), and otherwise the shows just keep repeating, and you're stuck in one, but this time they're aware and have control
It would be really cool if the viewers get mentioned, because it's already kind of implied with the fact that the characters know they have a theme song, which is probably scripted, and they may not be able to change. So if they know there's a theme, they may know they're being watched
(Reference: in the pilot Jax says "... Is this one of your NPC's or is this a new sucker? Because if it's a new character, we're going to have to redo this whole theme song.")
Also the repeating "day after day after day after day" in the theme song could be a hint to that again, if I somehow end up being right, or somewhat close
Kaufmo could have gone crazy from trying too hard to break out of the pattern, or cycle
And there could be a script still, but what if it's a more freeform one? Like, each character has a certain obvious gimmick or personality trait they'll stick to. They won't be allowed to deviate, or they could "Abstract"
Idk. They're just both things I really like and I want a crossover I guess.
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tadc-oc-galore · 10 months
I might be wrong with this
But have you looked at location of Pomni's room in the tent? Have you noticed whoes room is a across from her's?
Jax's room is across from Pomni's room.
Would that mean Jax is looking out for her (not my theory), maybe she will be his friend, or is she his new target for his constant bullying?
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pouletpourri · 11 months
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what-if concept where kaufmo didn't got abstracted and he and pomni got to co-exist
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almadash · 5 months
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she knows
(continuation to the NPC Jax comic)
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nickpeppermint · 5 months
After episode 2 people start complaining that Jax is way too unlikable, and not the sexyman they imagined him to be
It's been a long time since the pilot, everyone went through crazy flanderization by content farms, making us believe that Jax is a quirky silly prankster, when in actuality, from the day one, he was meant to be a real asshole, and honestly it's great
What i like about Jax's character is that he (and probably Zooble) the only one who truly understand that there's quite literally NO consequences to any of their actions
I really want to see him push it to the limit, because
What would they do? Kick him out?
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gobbogoo · 11 months
For me, the fact that the Amazing Digital Circus opted to give Kinger and "Queener" matching avatars implies A LOT, especially if we follow the belief that the avatars act as psychological reflections. Here's my own take:
Studies have found that long-married couples will effectively share a single mind between them. Their brains outsource specific mental and emotional tasks to one another, such as memory, communication, or certain types of problem-solving. This causes the death of a long-married spouse to effectively rob the living partner of half their mental faculties. And due to how our brains decrease in neuroplasticity as we grow older, a long-married mind isn't really capable of re-learning its lost functions.
Kinger's current mental state very much resembles someone trying to function without their other half. There's memory problems, multiple occasions where he has to rely on Gangle or Zooble to point something obvious out to him, and a clear emotional instability.
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bunni-art · 5 months
nobody cares about the utah teapots in TADC episode 2 like i care about the utah teapots in TADC episode 2
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if you don’t know the historical significance, it was one of the earliest 3D models, made in 1975.
now it’s essentially the Windhelm Scream for computer graphics folks, hidden as easter eggs in shows like Toy Story and the Simpsons.
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the meta of The Digital Circus is all about old computer graphics and programs. and Pomni and Gummigoo soaring through a field of Utah Teapots paired with the ethereal synth music gives me this sense of wonder and nostalgia that early computer games also invoked.
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a-stone-slab · 11 months
Hey all, MatPat made a video on TADC, so I think it’s time to give a quick refresher on what a terrible person he is, so it doesn’t turn into his second FNaF-Cashcow for theories.
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We all know how scummy of a person he is, with doxxing, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, and more.
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Not to mention his recent video where he talks about the hate towards his FNaF theories, where he spends the majority of the video explaining how him and his staff are smarter than the majority of the population due to a personality test that his staff has all taken.
He then ends the video by taking around 10 minutes to promote their new merch, and ties the merch plug-in into the main point of the video, trying to guilt the audience into giving him more money.
He’s not some “funny theorist man”, he’s a horrible, bigoted scumbag who doesn’t seem to care that his words have an impact on the world and actual, real life people.
So yeah. This was a post detailing the horrible actions of this man, and I hope it serves as a reminder of what a horrible type of person he is. Do not support his content, especially not now when he’s jumping ship from one fandom that hates him, and going to a new fandom thats getting more mainstream.
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guwix · 5 months
Jax crosses his arms only when he is not happy with something.
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I didn't just decide to bring up this topic, or there is a moment where his expression is like he's thinking about something. I don't know how to rephrase my thought. When the Queen "mentioned Caine as a God."
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To me, his emotions do not express discontent or boredom, but rather... sadness, adversity?
I'm putting forward my theory that Jax is related to C&A, so I suggest that Jax has a connection with Caine. I have heard theories, and I myself assume that Caine is a human being (perhaps the very memories of this have been erased). If he is a "God" for this world, then he must be the administrator of the world. I don't think humans have allowed AI to run amok.
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teashteinn · 9 months
The theory that Kinger was a beta tester for Digital Circus. And I drew this
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queen0fm0nsterz · 11 months
Ok so I have only watched TADC once and the first thing I'm drawn to right off the bat is Kinger.
He's quite the guy and I think moving forward he will be one of the more interesting character to delve into. One of the things about his personality that immediately comes off is that, in spite of his mind being a bit all over the place, he is actually fairly knowledgeable on the world they find themselves in.
Jax does express confusion when Kinger begins explaining to him how the food in the DC works, which could indicate that either he didn't take enough interest in Kinger to hear what he was actually saying most of the time (this could be the case as he seems to be super dismissive of just about everyone), or that Kinger doesn't express his knowledge often. I think it could be a mix of both.
Honestly, his mental state doesn't seem to be an act. I believe that, due to being in the Circus for so long, his mentality is verging more towards that of the npc characters like Caine -- wacky and nonsensical at times -- while also still retaining the capability of deeper though like the playable (player?) characters. I wonder if he kept the knowledge he has acquired overtime mostly to himself and just recently started to express it randomly because of the previously mentioned change in his mind.
When talking about Kaufmo, he is the first of all of them to realize that something was "wrong" with him and reaches the conclusion that he was going insane (which was later revealed to be correct as Kaufmo turned into an Abstraction). During that instance, he expresses his concern for Pomni's own mental state.
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He's been here a long time. He's probably seen many others become Abstractions, just like Kaufmo: he knows what the warning signs are. The fact he also outright refuses to go check on Kaufmo indicates to him having an ounce on what might have happened to him, as well as the possibility of him knowing what the effects of being caught by an Abstraction are. Ragatha said she was in a lot of pain while glitching; it might be possible for Kinger have touched by an Abstraction in the past, or he watched it happen to someone else.
((Either way, Ragatha and Jax don't really seem to consider Kaufmo's Abstractification (?) at all when going up to check on him, meaning he might have been the first actual companion they had who turned into one.))
Another thing that shines through in his personality is that, in his own way, Kinger is a caring guy. When doing rock-paper-scissors with Gangle to decide who would have to save Zooble, he celebrates his victory before sprinting into action.
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Gangle is visibly confused by this, as she was expecting to be the one who would have to help, but Kinger interpreted it differently and was more than happy to get Zooble help.
He's such a strange guy. I love him.
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hiddenturtlecity · 4 months
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So yes, the gang does rememeber their old lives. It’s JUST the names they forgot. Which makes a lot more since with not only Pomni verbally panicking about forgetting her name when if she did forget who she was, she one A. Would not know about the “weird” head set she put on. And B. Wouldn’t even care about what her name is or was. Not to mention Jax referencing Augustus Gloop which that alone proves he remembers watching Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.
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thecommunalfoolboy · 5 months
I think tadc is gonna explore the different ways a person would cope with the situation of being trapped in a fake world and take them all to their logical extremes.
Like the whole thing with Jax is that he’s viewing this in a code breaker way. None of its real, the fake people aren’t real, so it doesn’t matter if I kill them and break things. Hell, what if that’s how we get out? What if you can break enough things that the whole code falls apart and the game shuts down? I find this idea the most interesting because i honestly think that’s how I’d react to the whole situation. Like if none of this shit has consequences then why not see just how far you can actually push it? Act insane and see how the game reacts. It’s like that option in a dialogue tree where the player sees it and is like ok no one would actually ever say that, but it’s insane enough that I wanna see what would happen if I did.
Kinger is the most realistic reaction in that he kinda literally just went crazy. Like he got locked in fairy land and lost it. He seems to at this point almost believe it’s all real too, he calls himself an actual king and not just a human who randomly got put in a chess piece body. He’s at the point that he’s just manic and accepted that this is reality now
Ragatha seems more like one of the early mindsets, like she arrived kinda recently. Her idea is to just play the game as it was supposed to be played. Go on the adventure, save the kingdom, oh no, the bad guys are here! She’s still trying to rationalize it all and act like it’s real. But after a while she’s probably gonna find it harder and harder to pretend that she cares about the next NPC’s problems. She’s gonna face the eternity trapped here one way or another, and when playing the game stops working she’s gonna have to find something that does.
Pomni’s so new to this all, she’s still going through the stages of grief. She’s so preoccupied with all this new stuff she hasn’t had to actually sit down and figure out how to respond yet. And most importantly, she still thinks there’s a way out- when she’s forced to realize that she’s stuck here for forever, she’s gonna have to figure out what’s next.
For Gangle and Zooble I’m honestly not sure. Maybe it’s just that they haven’t gotten as much screen time yet, but I can’t get quite the read on them comparatively. So idk if anyone has ideas lmk I guess
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