#dean cheats on cas w benny
I got drunk yesterday and apparently I have started another fic without even remembering
Anyone wanna read a ficlet about Dean who cheats on Cas with Benny, Cas packs his bags and goes on a journey towards self-discovery?
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s8e10 torn and frayed (w. jenny klein)
*points at the 0 days since last torturing sign* also me muttering under my breath, what the ffffuck is sam still doing here. ALSO would like to point out that the whole abducting a 4 year old from the park thing from 2 episodes ago pretty much got completely dropped and was irrelevant. like, we see him briefly in the place with crowley but that was that.
SAM Seriously, Dean? That's the story you're going with? That the vampire was the real victim here? DEAN Hey, like it or not, that's the truth, okay? There was a time when that actually meant something. SAM Yeah, yeah. No kidding.
whew, sam is spittin mad. i didn't wanna put their whole conversation in here but....
SAM You think this is just about Benny? DEAN What the hell are you talking about? SAM What the hell do you think I'm talking about? DEAN Amelia? Oh, come on, man. I sent you that text 'cause I needed you to – to – SAM You needed me to what? To tear ass to Texas? To be afraid that what happened to Jessica, what happened to... everybody that we care about might have happened to her? DEAN You were gonna kill Benny. What was I supposed to do? SAM Is that what we are? You save a vampire by making me believe that the woman I love might be dead?
yeah, dean. the woman i love, all right.
DEAN What do you want to hear, Sam? That I was wrong? Fine. I was wrong. Okay? But if you'd have just heard me out, if you'd have trusted me, all of this could have been avoided. SAM You didn't want me to trust you. You wanted me to trust Benny, and I can't do that.
but no, he wanted you to trust him and his judgement about benny! it's like the fucking jewel staite situation but reverse. and dean has actively just had a year of a horribly traumatic survival situation to base the trust for benny on.
AND whatever happened to predictability s2e3 bloodlust sam sticking up for the vegetarian vampires??? can we say he's jealous that someone else is getting the secrets and is quote unquote more trustworthy. but also hurt/mad about it? isn't sam the one that's always fighting for them to give the monster-people a chance?
DEAN Right. Okay, well, then, what the hell do we do now? SAM That depends. It depends on you. On whether or not you're done with him. DEAN Well, honestly, I don't know. DEAN and SAM look at each other for a long moment. DEAN Glad I made the drive.
god they're a fucking mess. perpetually. "whether or not you're done with him" really leaning into the wording like he's cheating on sam with benny. sam looking immediately slightly regretful about standing firm. think i might need to revise my feelings on padalecki's acting. i mean, they're already revised somewhat. but i also wonder how i'd feel about the early seasons now that i know what to look for with his face lol
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castiel keepin it creepy i see
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DEAN Damn it, Cas! How many times I got to tell you – it's just creepy!
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i know it's A Thing but sigh. however what i wanted to point out
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okay i see you, 2 TB drive in a laptop in 2012! ok and also. wireless WAN! how they access the internet on the laptop is always in the back of my mind
CASTIEL Well, when you torture an angel, it screams and that kind of pain, it creates a ripple effect of strange incidents.
in a show of just making shit up as needed, this feels ESPECIALLY made up as needed lol
i did so well yesterday in not rambling. today feels like i'm gonna end up with a novel by the end of the episode.
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AMELIA I'm telling you that if you stay, against everything I believe in, I would be with you. But if you leave… don't come back. I can't have you with one foot in my life and one foot out there doing… whatever it is you do. That life of yours I have no idea about.
okay so he didn't tell her the truth either after a year? was that the long term plan? never telling her? because with all that's happened to him personally in the past 8 years, multiple tractor trailers full of trauma that has to stay strapped down tight?
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weird seeing so much skin but nice that's it's just casual. this conversation is a little clunky
so they're gonna think about it. and sam has to pick either dean and hunting, or amelia and civilian life
cas coming in handy as gopher for spell ingredients
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DEAN Your mom's hot. I'm serious, your mom is one sexy –
in the episode with the reference again to the asian women fetish? ugh, dean. ugh, writer.
BENNY (on phone) Yeah, just hitting a little rough patch, I guess. You know, doing this whole solo thing. DEAN (on phone) Benny... one day at a time, man.
the ways dean could have helped sam with his addiction..
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DEAN Yeah, but your mom's your mom. KEVIN I can't enjoy a world I need to save, Dean. I can enjoy it when this is all over with. For right now... there's nothing more important than this.
making dean do the thinky thoughts face. whatcha thinking there dean-o, because basically this means also you never get to enjoy anything ever which...
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DEAN I told you we didn't need him. CASTIEL We need everything, Dean. And I need both of you, as you say, to stow your crap. Can you do that?
there's a glimmer of the snarky cas we were missing. bitchy sibling bickering but dad's here to get them to stfu
laughing/not laughing how we've circled back to heaven politics
DEAN I told you something was off with him since he got back from Purgatory. SAM So, what, you think someone's messing with him or something?
glad they're being semi-observant woohoo
DEAN Don't you have a girl to get back to? SAM Yeah. I guess I do. Um... Since when are you on the Amelia bandwagon? DEAN I don't know. I'm just tired of all the fighting. And, you know, maybe I'm a little bit jealous. I could never separate myself from the job like you could. Hell, maybe it's time for at least one of us to be happy.
kind of a dig, kind of an admission. mmmk
SAM What, you being such a big hugger and all? She does make me happy, and she could be waiting for me if I went back. I'd be a very lucky man if she was. But now... with everything staring down at us, with all that's left to be done... I don't know. DEAN Huh. SAM Yeah. DEAN Well, I do know this – whatever you decide, decide. Both feet in or both feet out. Anything in between is what gets you dead. SAM Yeah, I keep hearing that. I'm gonna… take a walk. Clear my head.
glad they had a grownup conversation about it
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BENNY (on phone) Dean. Thank you mightily, bud. I'm in a hard way here. How close are you? DEAN (on phone) I'm sorry, man. I, um... I'm not gonna make it. BENNY (on phone) You mean now, or...? DEAN (on phone) Listen, Benny. Everything you've done for me, I will never forget, but, uh... This is it. BENNY (on phone) End of the line? DEAN (on phone) End of the line.
hey, got a few tears out of me. so much for the support on the addiction front. heart breaking little bit for benny. has no one. hope he can find some veggie vampires to hook up with
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breakups all around. miserable but together
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For the ask you stuff hour- which characters do you enjoy watching interact with Dean the most (for me it's Castiel at the top, but I also really enjoy him with- Benny, Charlie, Kevin, Claire, Jody, Donna, and sometimes Sam). Also, who are your top 10 favorite characters from the show and what are your favorite things about them? Also, even though I'm a Dean fan, I also like Castiel and I was wondering what your take of Cas was (since you've said you do like him).
Dean, aside from this season, actually has the best one-off interactions with characters. I won’t name them bc this’ll get novel length lol, but I had to point out how I enjoy them. It goes to show what a caring person he is that he forms bonds with these strangers so quickly & shows them empathy.
Charlie & Dean is adorable. I loved how sweet & protective he was with her. I’m also serious trash for sister Winchester. Dean’s an amazing big brother to Sam & we see his compassion with girls so I’ve always had a million head canons about how great he’d be with a little sister & I think Charlie was great for that.
Cas & Dean I loved bc when S4 rolled around & they started interacting Cas was just Dean’s. (S4 parallel being Ruby was just Sam’s) Up till S4 they’d done everything together & met the same people & even tho like I said above I like the one-off interactions Dean has & I even think he tends to form closer bonds w reoccurring characters than Sam does, Sam was still involved. Cas didn’t even like Sam at first. All the stuff he decided/changed was based on Dean’s impact on him. Dean changed an who knows how old programmed angel of Heaven just by being himself & passionate about what he believed. It was really interesting to watch them interact in S4/5 when they were figuring each other out. As for later seasons, I like watching them together bc Cas is the one Dean can be himself around. Sam, as strong as their bond may be, Dean still holds that parental responsibility card when it comes to Sam. He often holds things back bc he doesn’t feel like burdening Sam with that. With Cas he’s only a friend & as protective as Dean is for friends/loved ones, that parent/child dynamic isn’t there so Dean has more freedom. We’ve seen quite a few times where Dean will admit to Cas he’s worried abt smth more than he’s letting on to Sam. So I like that Cas is someone that Dean can unload to like that bc that boy always has the weight of the world on his shoulders & eventually it gets too damn heavy no matter who you are.
Dean & Crowley is def a great one. The last few seasons Crowley has done a lot of what I just talked abt with Cas & Dean. Again we have this old creature who isn’t supposed to have “human” emotions & Dean comes along & breaks down that barrier. And the banter between these two is always precious haha.
Dean & Benny: I liked Benny on his own too but my favorite thing abt him was his loyalty to Dean. Benny may have teamed up w Dean to get out of Purgatory but also he was lonely & all he wanted was a friend. When Dean became his friend he was loyal to the bitter end. Benny is the only character who’s ever done that for Dean. He never lied or kept secrets & he always told it like it is.(Granted he was only around for 1 season & I’m sure the writers would have made him lie to Dean eventually if he stuck around, drama & man-pain needed)
And as much as I don’t care for Sam bc of *insert all my blog rants abt him here* I do enjoy a lot of the brother moments. Dean’s love for Sam is a prime ex of what a loving person he is. He does everything for his little brother. He’s always there for him no matter what.
Hmm top 10 characters…
1. Dean (yes, the cheap obvious answer but 10 is a lot & ya didn’t say “besides Dean” so I’ma cheat a bit lol) *see entire blog for what I like about him haha.
Then 2-10 in no real order...
Cas: Ik I’m in the minority but I preferred BAMF S4/5 zero human skills Cas over him being human’d up in later years. Ik logically the character had to move on & the whole point was for him to move away from Heaven so it’s only natural he’d learn their ways but I still miss it. I thought the “take everything literally” angel was pretty damn hilarious. And despite it usually ending badly, I admire the fact that no matter how much he thinks he’s messed up Cas still tries to do what he feels is right. Whether it is or isn’t really doesn’t matter for this point, it’s just a decent quality to try to do right in this day & age. I still like Cas generally but like everything else lately, the writers are messing him up.
Crowley: He’s sassy & always in a nice suit. He always makes me laugh. I really enjoyed him when he was the bad guy & I still like him in this whole frenemy role. I have the same writer complaint for him but I can’t blame that on the character.
Chuck: I adored him in 4x18 & every ep after. I thought the nervous self-deprecating little writer was adorable haha. I was pissed he actually was God bc God sux on this show but while I didn’t agree with some of his crap in S11 (mostly what he laid on Dean) I still liked the character. God was a dick but he pretty much owned it lol. I quite enjoyed 11x20. 
Benny: He was loyal, snarky, bad ass, had a lovely accent & gave me feels. I felt bad for him. He didn’t feel like he belonged anywhere & that hurts. Dean was his only friend in the world & he couldn’t even see him. Benny deserved better.
Charlie: She was a spirited, positive, spit fire. They did the whole “dark Charlie” thing & had her sad past revealed but in general she was a peppy ray of sunshine & I liked that contrast on the show.
Meg 2.0: Bad ass & sarcastic. Nuff said.
Lucifer: I kinda cringe now saying it bc the show beat that dead horse into an annoying head ache, but S4/5 I loved the Apocalypse storyline & I liked Lucifer. He was a snarky mean asshole.
The trickster/Gabriel: Mostly bc his eps were always funny as shit. He’d come in & fuck everything up while eating candy haha. I thought he was a lot of fun.
Jo: I could relate to Jo. Big ‘ol crush on Dean, doesn’t feel like she fits in with all the ‘normal’ people at school, daddy’s girl. I’da loved more of Jo.
My take on Cas...what I said already & I’d like to add that even tho I’m not thrilled with the writers under utilizing him & making him imo ooc at times recently, I’ll always like Cas. I can’t see disliking him. Be it more nostalgia of what once was or the fact that Dean loves him so much...I won’t bail on Cas. I’m so bored w S12 that it even takes an effort to stay invested w Dean at times so I won’t write off anyone bc of S12′s crap. I’ll sit here & cross my fingers for a better last part of the season & improved S13. Hopefully, things get back on track
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