#established deancas
liron-ao3 · 2 years
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General Audiences / 500 words
Dean calls Castiel, but only his voicemail answers.
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I got drunk yesterday and apparently I have started another fic without even remembering
Anyone wanna read a ficlet about Dean who cheats on Cas with Benny, Cas packs his bags and goes on a journey towards self-discovery?
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deancaspinefest · 4 months
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all that we intend
Author: dothraki_shieldmaiden | Artist: NeverSleepUntilFive
Posting on Tuesday March 26
When Dean Winchester met Castiel Novak in college they were both headed for amazing things: Dean was a rising star in the art world while Cas was a promising medical student. Now, thirteen years and one marriage later, none of those dreams have come true. Cas works twelve hour shifts as a nurse while Dean works as a mechanic, his art supplies wasting away in a dusty room. With his marriage to Cas on rocky ground, Dean starts to feel like he made a mistake all those years ago. A chance encounter and a hasty wish land Dean in another world -- one where his art career is skyrocketing him to fame and fortune... And one where he never married Cas. Now Dean has to make a decision -- whether to go back to Cas and his mundane life, or whether to stay... and lose Cas forever.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
Just to the side, off hospital property, a street vendor has set a table up. A very familiar street vendor.
“You,” Dean snarls, almost jogging in his haste to get to the man. The vendor looks up from his phone, a smirk spreading across his face when he sees Dean. Not even Dean’s hand shooting out and grabbing the front of his shirt can dim his superior expression.
Aware of the eyes on him, Dean avoids slamming that smug face into the table, but it’s a struggle. “You,” he repeats, giving the vendor a little shake. “You did this.”
“Afraid you’re going to have to be more specific bucko,” the vendor drawls. “If it was your wife or your sister I knocked up, then honestly, they should be grateful. And even though you are a stud, you’re not really my type, so…”
The last word is elongated into a monstrosity of syllables. Dean’s resolve to not punch the vendor is growing thinner and thinner by the second. His knuckles crack with the strain of holding himself back.
“This,” he finally spits, dragging out the pendant from underneath his shirt. “You gave me this and told me some bullshit story about how it could grant wishes.”
“Hm,” the vendor says, making a big show of pondering. He even taps his chin with the tip of his index finger, the absolute fuckwit. “Doesn’t seem so much like it was bullshit, now does it?”
For just one moment, Dean’s brain is wiped blissfully blank. He doesn’t even have the background noise of static to distract him. There’s just… nothing, but then reality intrudes in the form of someone laying on the horn when the person in front of them lingers for a split-second too long at a green light.
“You’re insane,” he finally says, bringing his brain back online. “There’s no such thing as… As…”
The vendor raises one supremely smug eyebrow. “No? Then explain why your husband just treated you like the annoying kid at a high school reunion.”
Furious, Dean clenches his jaw. He starts and immediately slaughters at least half a dozen sentences. The truth... The awful truth that he can't admit to himself is that there is no rational explanation. Not even his most far-fetched notions explain the phone call, Cas and Meg’s behavior, and the disappearance of his wedding ring.
Nothing except the impossible, that is.
(continue reading on Ao3 on Tuesday March 26)
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youchangedmedestiel · 5 months
Warm and soft skin
(You can also find this ficlet below on AO3)
Every once and a while, when Dean comes back from a bad hunt or when Cas is struggling with his brothers and sisters, they do it. Sometimes it’s just because they want to – need to – because they seek for warm, comforting and tender touches. Some other times it’s just about being, being together, being happy and being there for each other.
Today, Dean asks for it. Not for any particular reason, he just wanted to, because it’s been too long since last time in his opinion. So, he approaches Cas in the kitchen. The angel is drying the clean dishes when Dean presses himself against his back, his arms wrapped around him and his face buried into the crook of his neck.
“I need you, Cas.” Dean whispers, his lips brushing at Cas’s soft skin just below his ear. And Cas understands instantly what Dean means. This has been their way to ask for it since the first day it happened. And it occurred so naturally.
Cas puts the plate and the cloth he had in his hands down on the kitchen counter and turns around. Dean lets him, barely moving away and slightly opening his arms, he closes them back around Cas’s waist as soon as he faces him.
The angel kisses his lips softly as he reaches for Dean’s arms surrounding him. He disentangles them and takes Dean’s hand in his. He pulls him out of the kitchen towards Dean’s room. He opens the door and makes sure they both entered fully before closing it behind them.  
Cas lets Dean’s hand fall from his, he knows they’ll touch again soon. Plus they need it to fully undress. Dean is naked first since Cas has a lot more layers to get rid of. He slides in the bed under the covers, waiting for Cas. The angel takes off his boxer briefs and drops them on the floor with the rest of their clothes as he walks towards the bed.
He settles next to Dean under the covers. He doesn’t have the time to lie back properly that Dean is already shifting closer. Cas smiles and faces the man beside him. He gets closer too, taking Dean into his arms, feeling the warm of his soft skin against his own.
He also perceives his heartbeat against his chest. He slides one arm under Dean’s head and lets his fingers tangling with his soft little hairs at the back of his neck. He knows Dean love when his nails scrap his scalp so he starts doing it while his other arm goes for Dean’s back. He flexes it to press Dean’s body closer to his. Then his hand travels up and down the strong muscles of Dean’s back. It’s soothing, warm and soft and this is all Dean wanted. His left arm is folded between them with his hand resting flat against Cas’s bare chest, his face buried under his chin, and his right hand on Cas’s hip while his thumb is stroking the soft skin there.
From time to time, Cas kisses his forehead, his hand grabs Dean’s shoulder, and presses him closer tightly, or his other hand strokes Dean's butt cheeks. There is no sexual undertone to their naked cuddles. There never was. Because this is not about that. This is about touch, skin-to-skin contact.
For Dean, it’s especially about feeling Cas there with him after losing him so many times. And for Cas, it’s about being asked and being able to do this, to see Dean this vulnerable. He is even more vulnerable that way than when they have sex. This is pure intimacy, this is one of their ways to show their love to the other. And those tender touches happen whenever one of them needs it. It can last two minutes like it can two hours. The one asking for this is the one who chooses how long he needs to feel the other’s warm and soft skin against his own.
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acklesangel97 · 1 year
Guys… 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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annmariethrush · 9 months
Day 5: Portrait
Cas gets his phone stuck in portrait mode and asks Dean for help, leading Dean to see the photo he was trying to look at.
on AO3 or below the cut
“My phone won’t turn sideways.”
Dean raised his eyes from the book he had been staring at for almost an hour now.
“What?” Dean raised his eyebrows at the grumpy angel standing over him.
“Dean, my phone won’t turn sideways.” Cas repeated, glaring at Dean, clearly already frustrated since he had resorted to asking for help.
Dean, partly due to a lack of understanding still, partly in hopes of being a little shit, slowly took the phone from Cas’s hand, turning it to the side so that it now lay horizontal in Cas’s palm.
Cas squinted harder, glaring at Dean like he was considering lethal force. “No, Dean. The screen. The picture on the screen won’t spin so it can be bigger and fill up the screen.”
Dean began to laugh heartily, “Cas, is your phone stuck in portrait mode? Let me see it.”
Shoulders still shaking with laughter, he took the phone from Cas’s hand once more. Turning it on and typing in Cas’s passcode, Dean quickly opened up settings to search for orientation lock. Less than thirty seconds later, Dean had resolved the problem and was about to hand the phone back to Cas when he thought to ask, “Wait, what were you trying to look at?”
Cas reached for his phone without answering, only for it to be snatched away as Dean pulled his hand back. “Nuh uh mister, if you have a tech problem, you gotta show it to the tech solution.”
Dean wiggled his eyebrows and bit his lip in an obnoxious attempt at sexiness. Cas flushed, though clearly not in response to Dean’s stupid antics. “I was trying to look at a picture… it’s quite old, so it’s too grainy when I zoom in so I wanted to see it just a little bigger.”
Dean’s face slipped into curious confusion before he returned his eyes to the phone. Opening up the running apps, he swiped back to photos and found a picture he had not seen in a very long time. It was from the night he took Cas to the strip bar when he thought that his conversation with Raphael might mean certain depth. Dean had taken a quick photo of Cas from across the table while they were waiting for their drinks, partially out of fear that it would be the last time he saw him, and partially because the look on his face had just been so priceless. Dean couldn’t remember sending it to Cas, but angels had their ways.
When Dean thought to look back up at Cas again, wrenching himself from his memories, he found Cas looking sheepish with a blush still lingering on his cheeks. “Didn’t I take this photo?” Was all Dean could get out, though he didn’t think it was what he really wanted to ask.
“Yes,” Cas answered slowly, “it was my last night on earth.”
Dean waited for Cas to continue, but when he didn’t, “Why do you like it so much?” Dean didn’t want it to come out harshly, but he thought it did anyway so he kept going. “I mean, I like it cause I had a great time that night, but I don’t remember you particularly enjoying yourself…”
Cas smiled fondly, seemingly able to see the humor of the situation, even if only in hindsight. “I…” He paused, face contorted as he tried to phrase his thoughts appropriately. “I like seeing myself the way you see me. At the time, I had not yet developed a strong connection to this physical form. I have become more fond of it since then, and being human helped ground me in this shape, but still when I think of myself, it is something more akin to my true form. But I like the reminder that, even then, this is what I looked like to you and this is what you think of when you think of me.”
Cas finished his explanation with a resigned smile, having just laid bare his heart, and waited patiently for Dean’s thoughts to catch up.
After a moment, Dean began, “That’s… That’s not what I think of when I think of you.”
Cas’s face dropped and he quickly started to apologize, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to assume that you—“
“No no no, that’s not— you’re more than that.” Dean stopped for a moment and licked his lips hesitantly before resolving himself. “When I think about you that’s the face I see, yeah. And the trench coat and suit. But you’re… I can feel your energy, Cas. You’re bigger than that. I can’t see it, but I can feel you in the whole room. Sometimes I can almost swear I bump into your wings when I walk past you. It’s… your true form is there, I can sense it, even if I can’t see it. But mostly when I think about you, it’s not even what you look like at all. Like, yeah, your face is good and your hair and……. Yeah, but you’re just a cool guy to be around. I think a lot more about how funny you are and what a pain in my ass you are and how kind you are and how much I care about you….” Dean trailed off, blushing as he realized how much further he had gone than he meant to.
Cas smiled broadly, “I see… thank you, Dean.”
Dean chuckled awkwardly, “Yeah bud, don’t worry about it. I wish I could take a picture that had all of you in it to show you what I see.”
“It’s okay Dean, I often wish that I could show you exactly what I see when I look at you. Your soul is beautiful, even if you can’t see it.”
With that, Cas turned to leave, tucking his phone back into the pocket of his trench coat, guiding himself out of the room as Dean gripped the back of the chair next to him and tried not to let his eyes get misty. He wondered how he could be so lucky as to have someone who found him beautiful.
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zacharyleigh316 · 9 months
Pumpkin Eater
Suptober Prompt: Days 2 & 3 - Pumpkin Patch, Inspired | Pumpkin Eater | 1.4K | M | Read on Ao3 (or below cut)
It's no news that Sam Winchester hates Halloween, so when a hunt leaves them caked in wet, stringy squash guts, whilst standing in the remains of what used to be a glorious patch of pumpkins, he's reasonably upset. So what if Dean feels a little inspired to egg him on? Maybe he shouldn't make it so easy…
“I really hate Halloween…” Sam groaned, faced scrunched up in disgust as he painstakingly peeled pumpkin guts off of himself. 
He took a whiff of his flannel, soiled and freshly wet, and gagged, before sliding the garment off his shoulders.
“What,” Dean grinned, similarly covered, but not as moody as his little brother, “bathing in the insides of the great pumpkin king not your kind of party?”
Sam snorted and rolled his eyes. “Funny, Dean.”
“I dunno, I think we have enough left of this guy to make a couple of pies. What do you think, Cas?” 
Cas narrowed his eyes, glancing around the pumpkin patch they desecrated for their hunt, which had only concluded moments ago, and was, ultimately, the reason they all decided to .  
The monster they had been fighting, go figure, was ‘haunting’ the victim’s farm, and bringing the resident jack-o-lanterns to life–as if puppets weren’t already terrifying without being hordes of man eating  gourds–which in turn terrorized the locals, making this your run of the mill Halloween Town–yes, Dean made that joke, no, nobody thought it was funny (except him, of course). 
Just as Dean had the pleasure of putting the band Smashing Pumpkins to shame, by doing just that; except these were angry, possessed pumpkins, who, much to Dean’s chagrin, could care less about the music scene.
“Maybe take some of the seeds home, roast ‘em.” He suggested with an easy smile.
“I don’t think it’s wise to use these pumpkins for baking, Dean.” Cas replied, regarding Dean curiously.
Dean opened his mouth to retort, but Sam cut off the reply. 
“If I hear someone say the word pumpkin, or anything related to what just happened here, again, I swear to god I will end you.”
“You just said it though.”
Sam snapped a glare over at his brother, before storming off with a muttered, “I’ll go tell the owners the place is safe now,” leaving Dean and Cas standing in the field littered with the corpses of pumpkins.
“Well isn’t he just awfully cheery today,” Dean said sarcastically with a snort, watching his brother leave.
Once Sam was out of sight, he turned back to the carnage, and shook his head, letting out a disappointed sigh. “Damn, if only we didn’t smash all of them though. Could’ve taken a couple pumpkins home with us. Jack would’ve loved to carve them.”
Cas smiled and walked over to Dean, reaching up to pick some guts and seeds from his hair. “That would be nice, yes. How very thoughtful of you, Dean.”
Dean chuckled, brushing some chunks off the angel’s trench coat. “Naw, just thinking about what Sammy and I used to do, y’know, when it was just the two of us slumming it in motels, waiting for dad to come back.”
“Sam seems to have a very strong hatred for Halloween…”
Dean rolled his eyes, wiping off his machete with the bottom of his shirt. “He didn’t always. He used to love it. We even went trick-or-treating around the motel rooms. Dad woulda killed us, but it was worth the smile on that kid’s face. Guess I was inspired.”
“Well, I think you’re right, Dean. Jack would love to do all that, regardless of Sam’s opinion. And maybe not from this one, but I’m sure we can find another pumpkin patch, perhaps closer to the bunker, and take them there instead.” 
Cas looked around once more at the sad, smattered remains of this pumpkin patch, and let out a sigh himself. “Though hopefully we don’t have to destroy that one too.”
“I might not share the same reservations as Sam, Cas, but if we had to go through this again, I think I’d start hating Halloween too.” 
The two of them started walking back, side by side along the path, Dean grimacing at the squelching of pumpkin beneath their boots.
“It really is a friggin shame that all the pumpkins ended up being collateral damage.”
Castiel hummed, frowning down at the aftermath, at what had become of the poor man’s farm.
“But it’s monster free now, so.” Dean shrugged, and Cas turned his attention toward the hunter, the small smile returning to his face.
“And that he, and the townspeople, are now safe.”
 Dean beamed back at Castiel, green eyes twinkling with mirth. “Yeah, ‘course, Cas. That too.”
When they made their way back to the farmhouse, Sam was waiting for them out front, standing on the porch with his arms crossed, looking ever the soggy sourpuss, the bitchface still prominent on his face.
“Hope you didn’t talk to the guy lookin’ like that Sammy, like someone pissed in your wheaties.”
“Whatever, Dean. I just want to get home and take a shower. It’s going to take forever to get this stuff out, let alone the smell.”
“You mean to tell me you don’t want to smell like a yankee candle? Not a pumpkin spice bitch, Sammy?” Dean smirked, his cocky expression only growing at the umpteenth glare Sam sent him that afternoon, and the—albeit gentle—nudge to his shoulder Cas gave from beside him, which was meant to be chastising.
“I hate you.” His brother muttered, fleeing into the impala.
Dean laughed, turning to Cas with a wink. The angel only rolled his eyes.
“You shouldn’t tease him so much.”
“Aw, come on man, ‘m only having a little fun!”
“Yes, well, now he’s pissed off at you whilst in the car covered in pumpkin, getting it all over the upholstery.” Castiel said pointedly, looking smug now, especially as the color drained from Dean’s face and his laughter stopped. 
“Fuckin’ hell Sammy, I’ll kill you if you do anything to Baby!” Dean snapped, hurrying after his brother. 
Cas chuckled and followed closely after, at his own measly pace. When he got to the impala, the Winchester brothers were arguing, as they do. He slipped into the backseat, quietly amused by their antics, though, technically, this time he was at fault, having instigated it…but that was not of import.
“We’re all covered in it Dean! What do you want me to do, sit on the roof?”
Sam’s nostrils flared at his brother’s contemplative look, “Dean, I’m not doing that!”
“No, Dean-“
“You suggested-“
“I said no, Dean!”
“And I’m just saying-“
“I don’t want to hear it.”
Dean threw his hands up placatingly, and turned the impala on, grinning as she purred to life. 
“Just don’t rub it in. All the gunk.” He said as an afterthought, earning a huff from Sam. 
He wasn’t going to stop being in a pissy mood anytime soon, not that Dean was really helping matters either.
“We should probably shower too, Dean, after Sam does. It does get rather unpleasant after a while.”
Dean met Cas’ eyes in the rearview mirror and smirked. “Sure thing, sweetheart.” 
Cas looked back with a fond smile, only interrupted by Sam’s groan.
“At least wait until I’m gone, please.”
“What, are you homophobic now too, Sammy? Along with being allergic to anything Halloween?” Dean’s tone was teasing, and it got the desired reaction out of Sam. 
Was he purposely poking the bear as much as he could? Absolutely hell yes, he was, and loving every minute of it. Sam was his baby brother after all; he made it easy.
“Ugh, dude, our entire lives are Halloween. It’s Halloween everyday for us. Pardon me if I’m a little sick of it by now.” 
Sam shook his head. “And I can’t decide if the unresolved sexual tension was worse, or the resolved sexual tension is, seeing as I’ve had to witness, and experience, both firsthand!”
“Don’t hate the player, Samantha.” Dean joked, and Sam grimaced.
“We all know what ‘showering’ really means to you, Dean. Walking in on you is literally the worst. Talk about a jump scare.”
Dean laughed. “Just getting in the spirit, right Cas?”
“It appears we’re only aiding in Sam’s distaste of Halloween, though, Sam, I assure you, we don’t only have sex during the spooky season.”
“Yeah, hear that Sam? We ‘don’t only have sex during the spooky season’.” Dean parroted, shoulders shaking with laughter. 
Sam groaned again, and buried his red face in his hands. “I take it all back. I’d rather be back in the pumpkin patch fighting an army of squash than having this conversation.”
Dean grinned. “Happy Halloween.”
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sylvanfreckles · 8 months
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Title: The Crawling Dark
Story by: SylvanFreckles (@sylvanfreckles)
Art by: Suninjang (@cactus-79)
Rating: T
Word Count: 16k
Warnings: Suspense, gore, blood, violence, claustrophobia, nightmare fuel, body horror
Summary: Dean was hoping for a straightforward case, something that would let him and Castiel have a little private time together. But what they found in the caves beneath Delving, Colorado was a stinking labyrinth of a death and decay, with an ancient horror at its heart. At the mercy of the darkness around them, Dean and Castiel must face a creature of immeasurable strength and insatiable hunger, with light as their only salvation.
After all, it is better to light a candle than to curse the crawling dark.
@deancashorrorfest is finally here! Welcome to the scares!
Link to story || Link to art
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marcskywalker · 1 year
no hold up listen. so my crazy destiel (canonverse) au is this
Instead of shanking it up with Anna, Dean decided to do something about the raging hard crush he has on his lil personal angel and makes a move.
Why the hell not? Cas will turn me down and still be unbothered if he's not interested. And if he is interested......
Dean has never been a believer. Never had faith. Never thought there was a God watching over him. Never thought there was anything virtuous in the world they lived.
But then Castiel. Cas. Angel of the Lord, Castiel. Cradled his face and pressed their lips together; Dean was on his knees in prayer, in confession.
Forgive me for never believing.
For all that he found Cas to be absurd and strange and unfamiliar with human customs, Cas knew about love. About making love and making him feel loved.
Cas would moan his name as he pressed into Dean. Would be so gentle, Dean wondered if it was even real. Would be fast and rough enough to ground Dean into reality.
Cas would hold him and lay kisses on every expanse of skin he found. Every gentle touch Dean was ever denied, Cas would give it to him.
The dream comes crashing down.
It always fucking does.
"I would give anything to not to have you do this."
Sincere, his sweet Cas. But never his was he.
Cas belonged to heaven. Puny humans will never account to anything.
But even knowing that, when Alistair has his nails digging into his throat, he prays with blood filled mouth.
Forgive me. Please, Cas. Save me.
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liron-ao3 · 2 years
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Teen & up / 500 words
Castiel and Dean are building a bed.
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deancaspinefest · 4 months
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Something Happening Somewhen
Author: allthismusic | Artist: eggchef
Posting on Wednesday March 27
Dean is 24 years old, and a quiet night at a California dive bar turns into a near death experience turns into a trip through time thanks to the stranger he meets in the bar. When he lands in the bunker twenty years into his future, he finds out who the stranger is — and what his relationship is to Dean’s own older self. Dean’s not sure what he thinks about this at first, but when Cas takes him back to his own time (accompanied by the older Dean, who is determined to make sure that nothing they do in the past screws up their lives in the future), he gets to know the angel, and he gets a glimpse at a future he never would’ve dreamed that he might be able to have.
Keep reading for a sneak preview!
In the cool evening air, Dean looks around. He’d left the Impala back parked at the dingy motel where he’d rented a room, but he’s not quite ready to call it a night. He opens his remaining beer and looks down the street to see if there’s another bar nearby that might be worth checking out, but before he can make a decision he hears the door to the bar he has just left open behind him. And he knows, he just /knows/, that it isn’t some other random patron headed home.
“What the hell is this, huh?” Dean asks, “Something about ‘not interested’ you’re not getting?”
And then the guy says his name.
“Dean,” the man begins, and Dean gets it.
“Oh, lemme guess, my dad tell you to check up on me?” Dean asks. He doesn’t wait for an answer, just begins to walk, knowing the man will follow. He’s a hunter, obviously. Explains the build, and the suit that is only meant to pass muster at a brief glance, like the fake police badge or FBI creds the guy probably carries. Dean should’ve clocked him from the start.
And for some reason John had thought that Dean needed checking up on. That he couldn’t be trusted to go it alone, nevermind the fact that he had finished the hunt his dad had sent him on two whole days ago and had yet to receive any new case coordinates from John.
To Dean’s surprise, he hears a laugh behind him. He stops, and now he does turn to face the guy again.
“No,” the man says. “I’ve lost count of how often I’ve been told I’m bad at following orders, but even if that wasn’t the case, I wouldn’t follow your father’s.”
“Oh yeah? Then how do you know my name?” Dean demands.
“You left your wallet on the bar,” the man replies, holding it up. It’s definitely Dean’s: worn black leather, secondhand from his dad, containing a meager number of bills and at least three fake IDs tucked behind a real one— well, real first name, although it gives his surname as Campbell, just in case.
“Oh,” Dean says, wondering for the second time that night if he has misjudged this guy’s intentions. Maybe he’s just a normal businessman trying to do a good deed for the day and return a lost wallet, despite the wallet’s owner being an absolute weird freak toward him. “Thanks.”
The man offers the wallet out to him, almost gently, like he’s proffering a bit of food to a scared, stray dog, and Dean steps forward to take it. “It’s your birthday,” he says, and before Dean can ask, the man explains, “I saw it on your ID. On one of them, anyway.” Dean nods. “Happy birthday,” the guy says. “I should’ve bought you a beer.”
(continue reading on Ao3 on Wednesday March 27)
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youchangedmedestiel · 2 months
Chapters: 3/3
Fandom: Supernatural (TV 2005)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Words: 5,187
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Characters: Castiel (Supernatural), Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Post-Canon Fix-It, Everybody Lives, Jack Kline is Not God, Saileen Mentioned, Domesticity in the Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Castiel in the Men of Letters Bunker (Supernatural), Established Relationship, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Kissing, Boys Kissing, Neck Kissing, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Attempt at Humor, Deansturbation, Masturbation, Teasing, they are so gone for each other, They try to resist it though, because of that silly game they are playing, Smut, Two Endings, Don't be afraid to tell which one you prefer
Dean and Cas waited 12 years to finally be together. So, they think they can resist each other, but do they? (Please, read the notes at the beginning for better understanding)
I got this idea from this pic (coming from this post on x): 
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seratonintriggers · 1 year
🎥: via TikTok
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zuzajs14 · 1 year
There is salvation in the shadows - my new case fic with lot's of destiel feelings
Head's up - I am gonna be annoying.
You may be aware that for some time I wanted to write case fic with some destiel inspired by amazing @naughtystiel 's art (who let me use it as a cover, so huge thanks to Vin!):
So I just posted the first chapter.
I will post some snippet from it today, but for now have this:
"Can’t wait for this case to be over.”
Even the blanket Dean tightly covered himself with did not stop the frost, which broke into the room in the wake of a figure clad in a barely-thin coat. Snow drifted onto the doormat, not planning to turn into a dull puddle any time soon. However, the speckles settled on Castiel's shoulders and hair had different ideas. The unique snowflakes disappeared as if by the touch of a magic wand upon contact with a living creature. Dean was not surprised by that; there was a heat emanating from Cas that was difficult to explain and had nothing to do with temperature.
The thought of wrapping his arms around an invulnerable body warmed Dean from the inside. First with shame, and then immediately with anger. He knew perfectly well that in the current situation, he had no right (or desire if anyone asked him) to such trivial pleasures. And while Castiel would ideally fulfil the role of a living private heater, even an attempt to enjoy physical proximity without first talking for hours would end up worse for Dean than stubbornly freezing in place. He had his dignity.
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Name of Work: Reminisce
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Tags: Destiel, Castiel, Dean Winchester, Fluff, Driving, First Dates, Reminiscing, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Husbands
Username(s): @ididitallofitforyou
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liron-ao3 · 2 years
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Teen & up / 359 words
Sam is severely wounded. Dean is fighting for his life.
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