showtimcs · 3 years
"So......what're you supposed to be? An extra on a reshoot of Michael Jackson's Thriller?"
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oh, curious one this one is. he shifted a bit as he shifts scratching at his chest, pausing as he watched a bug scamper from his pocket which he snatches.
' naw, old god demon. sup. '
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archangel-dimmock · 7 years
Tuxedo Time | closed
@deanthemonsterhunter | continued from HERE
“Like you just walked outta one of my dreams. Tell me you didn’t just put on a fancy as hell tux just to welcome me home.”
Ry laughed softly as he went up to the taller male and pulled him down for a gentle kiss. “I wish, but Mum and Da want us to go to a formal function downtown,” the archangel answered. “Patty had a new tuxedo made for you. It’s in the bedroom.”
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rennybee · 8 years
   Dark nights were a recipe for disaster and even more so for a young person by themselves. Predators lurked around every corner, ready to snatch any unsuspecting victim and drag them down to hellish depths. Rain beat down on the buildings, thunder rumbling and echoing off brick, metal and glass. The sounds masked the scurrying footsteps of people trying to get out of the rain and the steps of those weathering the storm for more devious reasons.    
   One young man weathered the storm to get groceries from a corner store, tugging his hood up to shield himself from the rain which was steadily getting heavier as the night passed. He felt as if there were eyes on him and constantly looked over his shoulder as if he would find someone behind him. His heart thudded heavily in his chest, picking up his pace on the way to his small apartment. His fear was well-founded as a man slowly made his way through the shadows, following the young man to his apartment and a pair of man flanked the shadow covered alleys that flanked the brick building. The young man kept his head down while he fumbled with his key in the lock. His followers seemed to close in on him which made him panic. The bag of groceries hit the ground and the air around him seemed to shift. Gravity itself moved around the young man, the one man following behind him getting lifted into the air and just floating as if he were in zero gravity. The two men went after the young boy in an effort to subdue him. He struggled, one of the other men going flying and floated in the air same as the other. The third assailant managed to knock the young man out to free his two friends from their zero gravity prisons. 
“Wakey, wakey.” The young man stirred, his head pounding from the crack to the back of his skull.
“You fellas need to work on your people skills. Don’t they have classes for thugs like you on how to deal with people?” He blinked at the fluorescent lights in his eyes while the three men stood in the interrogation room, two flanking the door and one standing in front of the table. “No? Nothing? Boy, you guys really are no fun.”
“You got a smart mouth on you.” The young man’s hands were handcuffed to the table, clinking while the boy shrugged. 
“Smart isn’t the only thing my mouth is.” He just glared at the man in front of him, watching him turn the chair around to sit down and go through a file. “Is this the part where you tell me what I’ve done wrong and find out that my daddy doesn’t love me?” The man just snorted at the boy’s attitude. “Well, I already know that. I’ll save you the trouble.” 
“I don’t give a damn about your daddy issues, kid. You’re here because you’re a danger to the city.” The grin on the man’s face was sinister beyond reproach. “We’re gonna lock you up in some freak show asylum where you don’t get to see the light of day unless you’re muzzled and on a leash.” Color left the young man’s face for a moment. “No smart comment? Didn’t think so.”
“I’m not a damn danger. I’ve been this way longer than you’ve been getting off on sitting pretty boys like me down in this chair and no incidents or whatever you pricks want to call them have happened.” His fists clenched which made the man chuckle.
“Don’t try anything slick, kid. We negated that freak gene of yours while you were out.” He stood up to loom over the dark haired young man. “Now you’re gonna get locked away.” There was a knock on the door and before anyone could protest, the door opened to reveal a man in a suit and flanked by two men in all black army gear.
“Sorry to interrupt but we’re going to be taking Mr. Reed with us.” The man narrowed his eyes at the suit.
“Says goddamn who.” A card was quickly produced to show the thug while one of the other man unlocked the cuffs the boy had been forced into. “Who the hell is SHIELD?”
“It’s spelled out on the back. All you need to know is that Mr. Reed is coming with us and any other questions are far out of your pay grade.” A hand rested on the small of the young man’s back to lead him out of the room. 
“You can’t just take him. He’s a freak show that needs to be locked up.”
“Well, I guess it’s a good thing you aren’t in charge.” The young man bit back a laugh. “Have a nice day.” The four of them left the building, getting into a sleek black Dodge Charger. The boy shifted in the seat to the man in the suit, stealing a glance.
“So...thanks for that.”
“It’s the least we could do, Mr. Reed.” He offered the young man a smile.
“Tyler. Tyler...works.”
“Then you can call me Phil.” He smiled again, the car ride continuing in relative silence.
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govthookercoulson · 8 years
".....Can I get another hug?" he asked, trying not to look like the tired puppy he is.
Phil reached out and rocked up on his toes, gathering the taller man in as well as he can. “Of course you can.”
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Would you ship our muses?
Send ♥  if you would ship our muses romantically.
Yes! I would totally be interested!
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Hi, uh, hello. Uhm. your blog is amazing. Just saying. So, if I've made this awkward enough yet, I'd just like to say hey and even if you dont watch supernatural or dont like my blog or whatever (which is totally fine) ♡, because you wanted an ask, and quite frankly I do ship it hardcore.
I know like...bare requirements of what Supernatural is about. I’ve watched like the first season, it was a show that my ex-boyfriend was more into than I was. So I’d never really thought about Dean & Steve as a thing, but I’m sure it’d be interesting if nothing else-- I mean, the guy hunts demons & shit. His life ain’t dull. (Also omg thank you for liking my blog, you’re very kind for saying so.)
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archangel-dimmock · 7 years
"Hey handsome~"
Ry blushed slightly and gave Dean a soft smile. “Hey there yourself, love.”
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“Stop it! I’m ticklish!”
Fluffy Sentence Starters
Gabriel grinned deviously and lunged at Dean, poking and wiggling his fingers against the taller man’s sides. “Oh, really? I had no idea,” He said sarcastically as he continued his assault. 
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govthookercoulson · 8 years
"I really wanted to come back but more shit just kept popping up, one thing after another. Sometimes I wish it could just stop, you know?"
Phil nodded once. “Sometimes once you pick up a burden it’s hard to put it down. I understand entirely.”
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archangel-dimmock · 7 years
"I'm sorry I've been away so long."
Ry gave Dean a fierce hug, kissed him as well, and then smacked the man upside the head. “Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be gone for so long?” the archangel asked, eyes narrowed. “I was worried about you and was about to ask Da to use his contacts to look for you.”
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“I care for you more than anything else.”
Fluffy Sentence Starters
Gabriel smiled softly at the comment and tilted his head slightly. “What brought this on, babe?” He asked quietly, reaching to take Dean’s hand in his. “Everything okay?” 
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govthookercoulson · 8 years
He held the hug for a long moment. "I missed the crap outta you...I'm sorry I didn't come back sooner."
“No. You have some important shit you do. I’m just glad you’re okay.” He squeezed him a bit then let go. 
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