#dear festividder letter
theofficialdramallama · 11 months
Dear Festividder... (Festivids 2023)
Letter under the cut!
First off - thank you so much for putting your time and effort into making a vid for me~! <3
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be so happy and grateful for whatever vid you create, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on! My suggestions are just that: suggestions - I love to be surprised! <3
I would love it that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like folk music, pop-punk, 90s/00s boybands/girlbands, pop-rock, rock, pop (80s, 90s, 00s and some modern pop), 80s power ballads, singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks, K-Pop and J-Pop… I’m pretty old-school with my music tastes, but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid - that’ll make me love the song anyway! A lot of my favourite songs have come from vids <3
I love my ships xD <3 However, general fandom vids are great too <3 Character studies, friendship vids, found-family trope vids, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, bad-ass vids… They all warm different parts of my heart <3 <3
On to the individual fandoms:
~ Dramaworld (TV)
If you know and have watched this show, I salute you! <3 Any vids related to Claire x Joon will be loved <3 <3 S1 vids are welcomed~ I know a lot of people might have simply seen s1 and not s2, and if this is you - go watch s2! It takes everything from s2 and turns it up to 11 with a bigger budget, more ambitious storylines and twists! <3 If we’re including s2 eps, [SPOILERS] angst-filled Claire x Joon break up vids, humour vids, dark vids based around the destruction of Dramaworld itself/Evan’s deception, Joon/Claire character studies... Anything goes!
~ Fools Rush In (1997) [SAFETY]
An underrated classic~! <3 I love the development in Alex and Isabel's relationship - from the one-night stand, to the surprise pregnancy, to the Vegas wedding, to falling in love, and all of the rest of it! <3 Matthew Perry and Salma Hayek both smash their roles! As for the video, I'd love to see an Alex x Isabel vid, maybe focused on the themes of the film, or the concept of signs in the universe, or just their relationship in general~!
~ If Only (2004) [SAFETY]
Time loops are one of my favourite story tropes, and I love the unique take of having just one loop in the film -  Paul Nicholls and Jennifer Love Hewitt were brilliant in their roles! For the vid, I'd love a Ian x Samantha vid - something focusing on the bittersweetness/angst of Samantha's death and Ian having to learn to let her go by sacrificing himself in her place </3
~ The In Between (2022) [SAFETY]
I love this film with a passion~ I’m a sucker for cheesy/overly-dramatic/romantic ghost stories, and this ticks all the boxes. Angsty Tessa x Skylar vids would suit me perfectly, but if you have any other ideas for vids, feel free to make it~! <3
~ Just Like Heaven (2005) [SAFETY]
A 00s classic~! <3 Elizabeth x David vids would be great - angstier or light-hearted takes on their relationship throughout the film~ <3
~ Leap Year (2010 USA/Ireland) [SAFETY]
Cheddar cheese, but I love this film so much (my Irishness strikes again xD) <3 Declan x Anna vids would be perfect - from the fluffy humour to the realisation that they both love each other, to Declan’s backstory... Anything would work! <3
~ The Upper Hand (TV)
Highly unlikely, but if you do know this 90s UK adaptation of Who's The Boss, congrats! As such, I feel I'm slightly repeating myself - I love the will-they, won't-they aspect of Charlie and Caroline, so I'd love the vid to be a showcase of their relationship development, and all the ups and downs that came with it <3
~ Who's the Boss? (1984 TV)
I love the will-they, won't-they aspect of Tony and Angela, so I'd love the vid to be a showcase of their relationship development, and all the ups and downs that came with it <3
~ 开端 | Reset (TV 2022)
Fun fact, I discovered this drama through the Festivids Google Sheet for this year~! Time loops are one of my favourite story tropes, so I was immediately hooked by the premise, and loved the show~! For the vid, I'd love a Li Shiqing x Xiao Heyun vid, or something focusing on the timey-wimey time loop aspect of it all~!
~ 神様、もう少しだけ | Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake | God Please Give Me More Time
Super niche, but I recently watched this show and loved it for how real it felt </3 Give me all the angst and heartbreak between Masaki x Keigo </3
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cupidsbower · 3 years
Hey, quick question? I would love to participate in the venom gift exchange, but I'm struggling to understand what I'm supposed to put in the "Dear Symbiote letter" field on the sign up form...
Hi! I'm so glad you asked.
The Dear Symbiote letter is entirely optional -- you don't have to have one. But if you'd like to give your recipient a bit more information about your likes and/or dislikes, or expand on a prompt you're particularly keen on, you can make a post somewhere and link it to your sign-up.
If it's helpful, I recently made a Dear Festividder letter on my Dreamwidth (I'm cupidsbow there), which is for a different fest, but gives an idea of the kind of thing you might write.
All of that said, you don't have to have one at all if you don't want to. Your sign-up will still work perfectly well without one.
I hope you sign up. It'll be fun.
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hartknyx · 4 years
Festivids 2020
(Dear Festividder letter below the cut!) (ETA: Also cross-posted to Dreamwidth since that seems to be the thing: https://hartknyx.dreamwidth.org/258.html)
Hi Festividder! I'm new to Festivids (and, tbh, to vidding) and excited to participate. I'll be thrilled with whatever you do! But guidelines are usually inspiring, so here are some:
I love vids about characters and/or relationships between characters, romantic or otherwise. I love vids with humor. I love vids that tell a story. I love creative or out-of-context reinterpretations of source material, if they're respectful. I love queer and feminist perspectives. I love people being badass, especially ladies. I love complicated feelings that don't fit into boxes. I don't usually enjoy things that are emotionally serious or sappy.
Re: music, I love almost anything that has both a melody and a beat. If it's pop or sounds like pop I'm probably into it, and bonus points for being upbeat. I do have a special fondness for just about anything from the 1960s, and if you manage to use a Dessa song I'm going to die for you. That said, this is just for inspiration - it's way more important that YOU like the song (or other audio) enough to vid!
I'm been into some popular, non-Festivids-eligible fandoms lately, so most of my Festivids fandom picks are nostalgia for me. I'll write a few words for what I love most about each of them. I hope you enjoy (re)visiting one of them!
Atlantis: The Lost Empire - Complex diverse found family feelings; adventure; linguistics! I love Kida's character design, just, so much. Helga isn't my personal favorite character but she has the most incredible moments in this movie and I think a vid focused on her and/or her journey could be amazing. I do hear there's a sequel but I never dared to sully my love of the original by watching it; I'm down should you use footage from it though - could be a nice surprise.
Ghostbusters (2016) - Ladies kicking ass and being funny doing it! Amazing. I adore Holtzmann's wild style in particular, but would also appreciate a tribute to the whole team and/or Kevin.
Magic School Bus (1994) - I have a deeply held love for every one of these kids (and Ms. Frizzle, and Liz, and the bus) and their adventures. They're all my favorite episodes, but the sound museum and the dinosaurs are my most favorite episodes. There are so many different settings it would be fun to play with in a themed vid (space! animals! weather!), or even a parody (set the dinosaur episode to the Jurassic Park theme! set the asteroid episode where the bus turns into the Enterprise to a Star Trek song! set the episode where the bus breaks down and they take refuge in a spooky house to Rocky Horror!). Or just take footage wildly out of context for a song that encourages that! This is one of the rare cases where I'd also be into a more serious tribute to the characters or show (the class! The Frizzle family! Arnold and Ms Frizzle specifically! SCIENCE!). I didn't vibe with the rebooted Netflix series, but if you have an idea for it (or a crossover) you can't ignore, go wild!
A Midsummer Night's Dream (2019) - My favorite Shakespeare play! (I've only seen the trailer for this production, enough to go "ooh, Gwendoline Christie" and "ooh, they flipped at least some of the Titania/Oberon roles".) Helena is my best girl; I've got a weakness for her unrequited feelings for Demetrius (and, arguably, Hermia), and that crazy knot of lovers. The course of true love never did run smooth and I'd love to see what that looks like in a vid.
My Next Life as a Villainess - This is a recent, one-season (so far) anime about a girl who gets transmigrated into a dating sim - as the villainess, who has an unhappy ending in the game. She starts plotting to avoid that fate, obliviously capturing the hearts of all the other characters along the way in a very bi harem. I'm not personally into any one pairing above the others, but would especially love to see a tribute specifically focusing on the bi-ness!
Stardust - Ah, Stardust, the epic humorous fantasy movie of my generation. I think of it as a spiritual successor to the Princess Bride (and would absoutely be into a crossover). I love Tristan's glow up, and his friendship/romance with Yvaine, and Captain Shakespeare, and the dysfunctional dead royal family; anything from this movie would make me happy.
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hexenmeisterer · 5 years
dear festividder letter
Hello, dear Festividder! Thank you so much for signing up to make me a vid! <3 Long story short, I will be absolutely delighted by a vid on any subject in any of these fandoms. If you already have an idea for one of them, please run with it! If you’re looking for more inspiration, read on. 
Historical Farm: If you'd rather focus on one of the series instead of the whole canon, please do. I would be overjoyed to see any of the individual series vidded, but I’m especially into Victorian Farm. Stoked on:
Peter Ginn/Alex Langlands…! *sobs into my obscure RPS beer*
Ruth Goodman-- As A Person, And As A Historian Of Women’s Work a) she is so smart and passionate and practical and KIND and adorable and no-nonsense?? b) “Flippin’ heck!!” c) Her work reconstructing the particulars of historic domestic life, and then communicating her experience to a popular audience in her books/shows/other work. I JUST THINK IT’S NEAT. 
The sense of wonder and excitement on the show; the passion the whole team has for Exactly This Thing They’re Doing (sensory research as lightweight time-travel!)
Hustlers: SUCH A FUN MOVIE. I am particularly excited about Destiny/Ramona, including flavors of:
They Are In Love
The Family They Build Together (that christmas scene!!!)
Stealing Money In A Found Family Way!
Destiny’s insecurity/abandonment issues
Ramona’s compulsion to save every lost young woman she meets (and how that’s emphatically not always a good thing for either party)
That wonderfully fucked-up Power Dynamic that Destiny/Ramona have got going on?? With the age gap and the mentor/mentee and the hero worship and the mothering vibes… don’t look at me. I love it.
Los Espookys: THIS SHOOOWW! The dry humor! The magical realism/whimsy of it all! It is so comforting and weird and gay and sweet. I love the way it’s dually-subtitled and makes jokes that work bilingually. I love:
The entire ensemble Doing Shenanigans and being best friends
Andres’ Whole Life Journey from childhood to water-demon to not getting married 
Renaldo’s sweet heart
Gregoria Santos #8
The Farewell: This movie made me cry in a big, life-affirming way. The familial relationships, the questions of duty + the ethics of care, the vulnerability of people to each other. Grief and mundanity and laughter all existing together. Nai Nai was totally charismatic, such a magnetic wonderful full person with an amazing screen presence. 
True Detective S3: I would be really into a vid that centers on Wayne Hays in any kinda way, including but not limited to: 
Time slippage with the past and the present bleeding into each other uncomfortably. Memory loss; Wayne holding on with a death grip to the last scraps of what he feels makes him himself, and ultimately being forced to let go of it. Wayne facing his own death; reckoning with everything he’s been and done. His traumas, his failures. His complex relationships to his wife, his kids, and Roland.
I am really enamored of the symbolism in the opening credits— the setting sun representing Wayne and the moon representing Amelia. Plus it’s just beautiful and nifty how all the landscape + people images are superimposed on each other.
Hamlet (2009): I love this Hamlet!! I’m very into the set design and the cinematography-- they were not afraid to use Every Single Tool at their disposal, which came from a cool mix of theater and film. I’m interested in any take you could possibly vid from this source. Some areas of interest:
“madness”— especially the places where it overlaps with criminality, resistance, and protest. 
Sexy Sexy Angsty David Tennant Hamlet
Hamlet Is A Sexist Jerkwad
due South: This is my main fandom right now. I’m very very invested. A few of many ideas:
An Elaine Besbriss vid would make my entire life!! I love her so much.
More generally, a Women of due South vid!!
My OTP is Fraser/Kowalski
But I also have massive amounts of fun shipping Fraser with everyone else conceivable, so.
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ffuturefoundation · 8 years
Eliza Dooley - Attention
This was made for @winterevanesce for festivids 2016
I actually really like how this video turned out, and it was so much fun to make.
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Dear Festividder Letter
Hi all, I’m participating in festivids this year and my letter is under the cut. Feel free to read it if you like reading dear creator letters. Haha.
Hello festividder/pinch hitter/treat giver. Thank you so much for making something for me. I’ve never done festivids before and I’m really excited about it. Obviously any prompts are optional, I just like to provide information and suggestions in case they’re helpful. I know I’ll love whatever you make for me.
General Likes:
I absolutely adore when songs match with the visuals. Clips that follow the lyrics, a story that is told through the video, or just a song that is chosen because it fits the characters.
Specific lyrics that relate to the fandom, character, or pairing > Generic love song.
Shippy videos
Friendship videos.
Videos about specific characters.
Videos about the whole group of characters.
Videos based on the work as whole.
Videos based on a specific aspect of the work.
Holding hands
Showing the progression of a friendship or romance.
Some likes I put in letters for fanfiction exchanges but might be relevant for videos as well:
Cozy scenes.
Casual touching.
Little soft/quiet moments between friends or significant others.
People being really good at what they do and their friends/partners being impressed.
Teaching each other.
Communities supporting each other.
Women who get stuff done.
Marriage proposals.
Female Friendship.
Found Families.
True companions.
General dislikes:
I don’t have any specific visual triggers, but I would prefer any strobe effects. lens flares, or stuttery cuts be kept to a minimum.
Rap or Hip Hop (Nothing wrong with them, the beats just tend to hurt my head.)
The screaming kind of music. Again, it hurts my head.
Videos where the song doesn’t seem to have anything to do with the characters, canon, or video.
Songs with lyrics are my preference, but if you have the absolute most perfect instrumental song, go for it.
I like a wide range of genres and I particularly love 20s-40s Big Band, Early Jazz, Doo-Wop, 50s-70s Classic Rock, Motown, Classic Musicals, Tom Chapin, and Postmodern Jukebox.
With fandoms set in the past I especially enjoy videos set to period accurate songs or Postmodern Jukebox in the style of songs from that period.
Specific Fandoms:
All Creatures Great And Small (TV 2020) (13 x 60 minute episodes + 1 unreleased at time of writing Christmas special.)
Fandom content notes: It’s a show about vets so there is some animal death. Backstories include mentions of character death, racism, and hinted at abuse. The season 2 finale includes a few news reports of the build up to WWII.
Fandom specific DNW: Any of the animal death.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: All Creatures Great And Small
Favorite ships and character dynamics: Anne/Bert, Dorothy/Mrs. Hall, Dorothy/Mrs. Hall/Siegfried, Helen/James, James/Tristan, Maggie/Tristan, Siegfried & Tristan, Helen & Tristan.
I’d love anything about any of my ships or favorite friendships. (Especially Helen/James, James/Tristan, Maggie/Tristan, a combination of those three ships, or Dorothy/Mrs. Hall.) A video about the Skeldale House family (including Helen!), the series in general, all the cute animals, or anything else you’d like to make.
The Court Jester (1955) [SAFETY] 
Fandom content notes: A few references to death and some mild violence is all.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: The Court Jester
I’m excited about basically anything for this fandom, the song and dance numbers, the fighting, the humor, the movie as a whole, anything. Jean/Hawkins is one of my favorite ships ever.
Madeline (1998) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: One medical scene where Madeline has appendicitis. A snake and some mice appear briefly. There’s also a kidnapping.
Fandom specific DNW: The appendicitis scene.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Madeline
This is a fandom where I am especially interested in found family. The school as a family and Miss Clavel’s promise that whatever happens she and Madeline will stay together give me great joy. I adore Genevieve. I ship Madeline/Pepito, but in a way that acknowledges that they are still children. A video focused on Miss Clavel would be lovely. I also have a lot of love for Lady Covington.
The Magic School Bus (1994 TV Cartoon) (52 x 30 minute episodes.)
Fandom content notes: There are multiple episodes where the characters turn into different animals. There are also many episodes going inside the human body.
Fandom specific DNW: The aforementioned animals episodes (people turning into other things is a new-ish squick of mine.) The spider episode. Human body episodes as a focus. Shipping videos focused on the kids, hinted at ships are okay. The reboot show.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Magic School Bus
Be creative! Science, Friendship, Learning. My top favorite episodes are Makes A Rainbow, Gets Ready Set Dough, In The Haunted House, Gets A Bright Idea, and Holiday Special. My very favorite character is Mr. Ruhle, but I love all of the main and recurring characters so much, even Janet. I also ship Ms. Frizzle/Mr. Seedplot. Feel free to include anything from the games or the books if they would fit into your vision. I’m down with basically anything outside of my DNWs.
Secondhand Lions (2003) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: There are some scenes of war and violence in flashback. There is a flashback where two characters are drugged and shanghaied. At least one horse is injured/possibly killed. There is discussion of hunting the lion. The lion eventually dies of heart failure. Fish and salesmen are shot at. There are a number of guns. There is a reference to a character having died in childbirth. One character has a heart attack and recovers. Two main characters die off-screen. There’s a brief scene with child abuse.
Fandom specific DNW: The brief funeral for the lion. The deleted scene funeral.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Secondhand Lions
I would love absolutely anything you want to make here. I especially love the relationship between Walter and his uncles, and the love story between Jasmine and Hub. I also kind of ship Walter/The Sheik’s grandson. Any appearances by the pig who thinks he’s a dog, the chicken standing on the pig’s back, or the deleted scene of shooting ears of corn like skeet would be loved. I absolutely adore the soundtrack to the stage musical if that inspires anything.
State Fair (1945) [SAFETY]
Fandom content notes: None
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: State Fair
Favorite Ships: Eleanor/Wayne, Emily/Wayne, Margey/Pat, Melissa/Able, Esmeralda/Blue Boy
I grew up with this movie and it is very much a comfort movie for me. I’d love something based on any or all of the pairings. I ship Wayne equally with both Eleanor and Emily. I don’t ship Margey with Harry at all. I’d also love a video about the Frake family as a whole or a video about any character other than Harry. I especially love McGee the song plugger. Or just a video about the fair and everything that happens at it.
Sesame Street (US TV Henson-era 1969 - 1990) (Mostly viewable in clips, loads of episodes, though many are unviewable.)
Fandom content notes: One episode deals with the aftermath of the death of a main character.
Fandom specific DNW: The aforementioned death of Mr. Hooper. Videos focused on Muppets other than maybe Big Bird or Oscar.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: Sesame Street
Ships: Linda/Bob, Maria/Linda, Maria/Luis, Maria/David, Susan/Gordon, Mr. Macintosh/Willy, Maria/Luis/David, Susan/Gordon/Bob, Bob/David/Linda/Luis/Maria/Olivia
I absolutely adore the human cast of the first twenty or so seasons for Sesame Street and would love any video based on any of them. Or anything based on any of my ships or on friendships or on the street as a family. I particularly love the characters being Big Bird’s many honorary parents. Linda is my number one favorite character. Favorite characters not mentioned in my ships include Mr. Hooper, Buffy, and Gina. I’m fine with clips all the way up to season 30, but that was too much for an exchange. I’d also love a tribute to the classic episodes.
To The Manor Born (TV) (21 x 30 minute episodes + 1 x 60 minute reunion special.)
Fandom content notes: None.
Tumblr Tag for Fandom: To The Manor Born
I’m pretty boring with this one. I’d love a nice video about the enemies to lovers/will-they-or-won’t-they relationship between Audrey and Richard. I’d also love something about the Audrey and Margery friendship, the Audrey and Brabinger friendship, or Audrey learning how to live not in the manor. I adore every single character.
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cosmic-llin · 7 years
Dear Festividder...
Letter under the cut!
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be thrilled with whatever you come up with, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on!
Really, the most important thing is that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like folk music, rock, pop, 80s power ballads, female singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks… artists I like include Dar Williams, Vienna Teng, Regina Spektor, Ingrid Michaelson, Janelle Monae, Kate Bush, Tori Amos, Bonnie Langford, Foxes, CHVRCHES, Dami Im, The Burns Unit, Clannad, Cyndi Lauper, Dolly Parton, Florence + the Machine, Lorde, Karine Polwart, Jim Moray, Toyah, Kate Rusby, Nancy Kerr, The Decemberists, Fleetwood Mac, Patrick Wolf, Tracy Chapman, Brandi Carlile,  Missy Higgins, Ella Fitzgerald - but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid that’ll make me love the song anyway!
This’ll probably become rapidly obvious with my individual requests, but I love vids about women! Character studies, friendship vids, vids about communities and teams, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, dancey vids, people kicking ass vids…
As to the individual fandoms:
Home Fires (UK TV)
I love this series! I love the stories it tells about women working together and supporting each other, I love the dramatic jam-making montages and the moments of unexpected connection. I love Steph, Pat, Joyce and Teresa, and I especially love Frances and her relationship with Sarah, but I’d honestly be thrilled with anything about any character or the community overall.
One Day at a Time (TV 2017)
This series is so fun and heartwarming and good, and I’d love absolutely anything about it! If you’re looking for ideas though, maybe something about how the three generations of women connect, a lighthearted/comedy vid about everybody, or a character study of Penelope.
Pollyanna (2003) [SAFETY]
With great predictability, my favourite character in this is Aunt Polly. I’d love to see a vid about her journey overall, or her relationship with Pollyanna in particular. I like her sad beautiful face. She’s SO REPRESSED I LOVE IT. Anywhere you like on the scale from angsty to syrupy, but if you go for angst I’d love if it could at least end on a hopeful note!
Project Mc2
This series is so cute and fun and full of girls being awesome, and I’d love any vid that reflects that. Maybe something actiony, something focusing on the science elements, something team-y with a lot of hugs/high fives/dancing?
Steerswoman Series - Rosemary Kirstein
I absolutely adore these books! I know it’s unlikely anyone will attempt this so if you do I’d honestly be thrilled with anything! But my favourite elements of the books are Rowan and Bel’s friendship, the community of steerswomen, the travel/quest elements and the worldbuilding.
The Worst Witch (2017)
I’m so enjoying this series and I’d love anything for it, but I absolutely adore Miss Hardbroom! She is so uptight and mean but with secret feelings! I also ship her SUPER A LOT with Miss Cackle. Something about her/them would be fun, but I also love the themes of teamwork and community in the show, so something about the kids and their coven would be awesome too.
Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego?
I recently fell in love with this all over again after watching it a lot as a kid. Carmen is my fave! I’d love a vid about her escaping from Ivy and Zack in improbable ways, or about the weird slightly mentory relationship she has with Ivy in particular, or just about what a badass genius thief she is!
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Dear Festividder... (Festivids 2022)
Letter under the cut!
First off - thank you so much for putting your time and effort into making a vid for me~! <3
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be so happy and grateful for whatever vid you create, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on! My suggestions are just that: suggestions - I love to be surprised! <3
I would love it that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like folk music, pop-punk, 90s/00s boybands/girlbands, pop-rock, rock, pop (80s, 90s, 00s and some modern pop), 80s power ballads, singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks, K-Pop and J-Pop… I’m pretty old-school with my music tastes, but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid - that’ll make me love the song anyway! A lot of my favourite songs have come from vids <3
I love my ships xD <3 However, general fandom vids are great too <3 Character studies, friendship vids, found-family trope vids, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, bad-ass vids… They all warm different parts of my heart <3 <3
On to the individual fandoms:
~ Anna and the Apocalypse (2017) [SAFETY]
An underrated classic~! <3 Character driven vids would be great - I love the relationships between Anna and her dad, and Anna and John </3  However, equally a fast-paced, action-filled, fun vid would suit too~ Even a humour vid, if that’s your thing!
~ Ballykissangel
This show has my heart and soul (see my Tumblr icon and header on mobile), so I’ll love absolutely anything that you’ll make~! <3 Peter and Assumpta are the obvious choice for vids - happy, sad, angst-filled, post-fuse box arc, AU vids... Anything goes <3 However, any humour/dramatic vids about the extended cast, their friendships with Peter and Assumpta, or even the Ballyk community as a whole would be greatly appreciated <3 <3
~ Before I Fall (2017) [SAFETY]
This film is *chef’s kiss* <3 I love the time-loop aspect, so anything based around would be great~ A Sam character study would be brilliant, or anything Sam x Kent-related - they are such an underrated ship <3 <3
~ Dramaworld (TV)
If you know and have watched this show, I salute you! <3 Any vids related to Claire x Joon will be loved <3 <3 S1 vids are welcomed~ I know a lot of people might have simply seen s1 and not s2, and if this is you - go watch s2! It takes everything from s2 and turns it up to 11 with a bigger budget, more ambitious storylines and twists! <3 If we’re including s2 eps, [SPOILERS] angst-filled Claire x Joon break up vids, humour vids, dark vids based around the destruction of Dramaworld itself/Evan’s deception, Joon/Claire character studies... Anything goes!
~ Foreign Exchange (TV) (Australia/Ireland) (2004)
Highly unlikely, but if you do know this Australian/Irish show, congrats! This is such a nostalgic show for me, so anything relating to the shenanigans that Brett and Hannah (and the extended cast) get up to would be brilliant <3 Also, Brett x Hannah are my guilty pleasure ship that never were, so any vids on them specifically would be much appreciated xD <3
~ The In Between (2022) [SAFETY]
I love this film with a passion~ I’m a sucker for cheesy/overly-dramatic/romantic ghost stories, and this ticks all the boxes. Angsty Tessa x Skylar vids would suit me perfectly, but if you have any other ideas for vids, feel free to make it~! <3
~ Just Like Heaven (2005) [SAFETY]
A 00s classic~! <3 Elizabeth x David vids would be great - angstier or light-hearted takes on their relationship throughout the film~ <3
~ The Prince & Me (2004) [SAFETY]
The first film only, please xD Paige x Eddie vids please~ These two are just so adorable and angsty and totally underrated, and we need more vids of the two of them <3 <3
~ Sliding Doors (1998) [SAFETY]
Helen x James all the way <3 </3 Helen’s development throughout the film, and her relationship with James are top-notch, and Helen’s inevitable death and its effect on James are some of my favs themes of the film <3
~ 神様、もう少しだけ | Kamisama Mou Sukoshi Dake | God Please Give Me More Time
Super niche, but I recently watched this show and loved it for how real it felt </3 Give me all the angst and heartbreak between Masaki x Keigo </3
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Dear Festividder... (Festivids 2021)
Letter under the cut!
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be so happy and grateful for whatever vid you create, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on! My suggestions are just that: suggestions - I love to be surprised! <3
I would love it that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like indie and folk music, pop-punk, 90s/00s boybands/girlbands, pop-rock, rock, pop (80s, 90s, 00s and some modern pop), 80s power ballads, singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks, K-Pop and J-Pop… I’m pretty old-school with my music tastes, but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid - that’ll make me love the song anyway! A lot of my favourite songs have come from vids <3
I love my ships xD <3 However, general fandom vids are great too <3 Character studies, friendship vids, found-family trope vids, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, bad-ass vids… They all warm different parts of my heart <3 <3
On to the individual fandoms:
~ Peak Practice (TV)
Total long shot, but it would make my year if you made a Peak Practice vid - one of my all-time favourite underrated shows! My favourite character is Will Preston, and I would be so happy if you could make a character study vid for him - his arc over the course of the show is everything~! Would love something about the overall found-family aspect of the Beeches and the people in it over the years, or in terms of ships - Jack x Beth, Will x Kim, Andrew x Dawn, Will x Kate… This show is perfect for darker vids and character study vids too… Surprise me~! <3 To be honest, anything Peak Practice-related is a total bonus for me. <3
~ Ballykissangel
This series is so fun and heartwarming, and yet full of angst and heartbreak, and I’d love absolutely anything for it (I am Irish too, so it has a soft spot in my heart for how it nails the Irish sense of humour)~! <3 The obvious ship vid idea would be Peter x Assumpta, and I would die for a fluffy, heartwarming vid for them, or go all-in on the angst and heartbreak (S3E11 and S3E12 - if you know, you know xD) - either would be brilliant <3 General fandom vids, friendship between Peter/Assumpta and the supporting cast vids, character studies, humour vids... Anything is up for grabs! Like with Peak Practice, anything I get will be treasured~! <3
~ London’s Burning (TV 1988)
A long shot, but I might as well try xD I would love vids relating to the gang at Blackwall’s friendship and comradery through thick and thin, in the good times and bad times... Josie x Bayleaf are my ship for LB, and vids about their maybe romance would be brilliant <3 Vaseline and Hallam’s death and the impact on the rest of Blue Watch, a character study for Kevin (relationship with his dad and his brother, his failed relationships etc.), the ‘big’ shouts (like the two-parter at the end of season 4), Hallam’s PTSD, Sally (Gracie) and Hyper’s friendship... I would love any LB vid that I get! <3
~ Flight 29 Down
Jackson x Melissa is my ship (sorry Jaylor shippers!) Would love any vids focusing on the two of them, and would also love a Jackson character study vid. Humour vids and vids focusing on the friendship and overall arc of the whole cast’s journey in getting off the island would be great too~! Again, surprise me!
~ Ted Lasso (TV)
This show~! <3 Anything would work for me -  from humour vids, vids focusing on the Richmond players’ friendship, general fandom vids focusing on the themes of the show (slaps ’believe’ poster), Jamie’s character development, to the more serious and angstier storylines (Ted’s father, Rupert etc.) and character studies of Ted or Rebecca. I adore Ted x Rebecca, so ship vids on them would be loved (lighthearted or angst) <3 <3
~ Leap Year (2010 USA/Ireland) [SAFETY]
Cheddar cheese, but I love this film so much (my Irishness strikes again xD) <3 Declan x Anna vids would be perfect - from the fluffy humour to the realisation that they both love each other, to Declan’s backstory... Anything would work! <3
~ The Good Place (TV)
Finished bingeing TGP recently - what a forking amazing show! Chidi x Eleanor vids would be everything - from their banter and shenanigans to their sincere and heartbreaking moments (the wave!) - I’d take them all <3 Humour vids, vids focusing on the overall arc and friendship of the whole cast of characters, vids focusing on the serious philosophy side of things... Anything goes~! <3 
~ Not Going Out
Lee x Lucy vids would be perfect <3 From light-hearted vids focusing on the shenanigans that - let’s face it - Lee drags Lucy into most of the time, to sincere vids about when they both began to realise their feelings for one another, to their happy relationship and family together... I’ll take anything~! Or do something completely different and surprise me~! <3
0 notes
Dear Festividder... (Festivids 2020)
Letter under the cut!
I love pretty much all aspects of all the fandoms I’ve requested, so I’m sure I’ll be so happy and grateful for whatever vid you create, but here’s some stuff to help if you want a little bit more to go on! My suggestions are just that: suggestions - I love to be surprised! <3
I would love it that the song is the right one for the vid - I have pretty broad musical tastes and there’s not a lot I don’t like, although I’m less keen on the more electronic/dubstep-y side of dance music. I really like folk music, pop-punk, 90s/00s boybands/girlbands, pop-rock, rock, pop (80s, 90s, 00s and some modern pop), 80s power ballads, singer-songwriters with their own instruments, some country, musical theatre soundtracks, K-Pop and J-Pop… I’m pretty old-school with my music tastes, but honestly I’ll listen to almost anything and if it works for the vid - that’ll make me love the song anyway! A lot of my favourite songs have come from vids <3
I love my ships xD <3 However, general fandom vids are great too <3 Character studies, friendship vids, found-family trope vids, cute vids, sad vids, silly vids, bad-ass vids… They all warm different parts of my heart <3 <3
On to the individual fandoms:
~ Higher Ground (TV 2000)
I was amazed that this was on the fandom list! I’ve literally just begun watching it in the past month, am currently on episode 12 (at the time of writing), but will definitely have the show completed by January :P It’s so good! Would love something about the overall found-family aspect of Horizon and the people in it, or in terms of ships - Scott x Shelby, Auggie x Juliette, Ezra x Daisy, Peter x Sophie... This show is perfect for darker vids and character study vids too... Surprise me~! <3
~ Julie and The Phantoms (TV)
This series is so fun and heartwarming and great, and I’d love absolutely anything for it~! <3 I do have a soft spot for Luke (Unsaid Emily though! </3) and the Julie x Luke ship, but general fandom vids, friendship vids, bromance vids, character studies, comedy vids, dark vids, Willie x Alex vids... Anything is up for grabs!
~ Everwood
This show is *chef’s kiss* <3 I adore the small-town community aspect of it, and I do have a soft spot for medical dramas like this <3 <3 As for ships, I would love anything Amy x Ephram, Hannah x Bright, even something angsty for Andy x Julia <3 Character studies (Ephram does spout enough philosophical stuff xD) or even the medical angle are good choices too <3
~ Boy Meets World
Another show that I’m currently watching (and loving) <3 Would love anything in terms of character studies vids, bromance vids (Cory and Shawn though <3), light-hearted vids, angstier vids (maybe about the characters’ families etc.). As for ships, definitely Cory and Topanga - they’re legendary! <3 Again, surprise me!
~ Buzzfeed Unsolved (Web Series)
It’s the boys! Anything crack or light-hearted/fun would be perfect, but if you wanted to take it in a totally different surprising direction, feel free! <3 <3
~ 10 Things I Hate About You (1999) [SAFETY]
A 90s classic <3 Kat x Patrick or Cameron x Bianca vids would suit me perfectly, but if you have any other ideas for themed vids, general fandom vids or anything else at all, feel free to make it~! <3
~ A Cinderella Story (2004) [SAFETY]
A 00s classic~! <3 Sam x Austin would be great, but if you want to make a general fandom vid, or an angstier or light-hearted take on the film, that would be equally great~! <3 
~ Malory Towers (TV 2020)
I loved the books when I was a kid, so this adaptation was a lovely surprise for me~! <3 Friendship vids, light-hearted vids - it wasn’t really a serious show, so anything fun would suit perfectly <3 Character studies could work too <3 Do whatever you like with it~! <3
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