#dear future larissa: i'm sorry
v3nusxsky · 8 months
114 and 34 🔥 with larissa? i don’t know how it works, i’m sorry it’s my first time here
Sweet girl 18+
*Authors note~ loving the use of the prompt list and a formal apology to anyone waiting for requests im still not in the swing of school yet*
Trigger warnings~ public sex edging mommy kink Praise kink degrading kink fingering oral teasing edging dom larissa sub r fem r punishment spanking
Prompt~ 114 and 34 🔥 with larissa? i don't know how it works, i'm sorry it's my first time here ✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿✿ "Come in my love and lock the door dear. You'll be here for a while" the principal murmured to you as you entered the room just after the lunch bell. "Rissa, my love, i have class" you whispered hoping to avoid what was ultimately coming your way in the near future. "Now i know my little witch knows that mommy already checked her schedule. Are we trying to escape your well earned punishment?" Judging by the blondes raised eyebrow, you knew you'd added fuel to the fire, "No mommy, i was a brat" you confirmed hanging your head low in shame. "And now you're going to see what mommy dose to sluts who cant follow my rules, kneel" she demanded pointing to the side of her desk chair.
While you repeated the safe word's for her she worked on stripping you of your skirt, tights, and emerald lace underwear. "Good job, now you are getting five, so be good and it will stay that way, misbehave or miscount and we start again with two extra for every mess up, am i clear?" You tapped your index finger against her thigh to show you understood before feeling a hand rest on the small of your back to steady your frame on her lap. "One thank you mommy" you squealed and made sure you took a deep breath before the next strike. You do not want to disappoint the older woman anymore than you did to get yourself in this position. "Five mommy thank you!" you sobbed slightly gasping for some air as the sting began to subside. "Good job darling girl, now tell mommy how to fuck her girl. Rough or gentle?" she purred rubbing your back in a soothing manner. "Rough please mommy" you whimpered as she brought her fingers down to tease your soaked hole. "Hmmm later sweet girl, God I'd fuck you right here if i could, however you haven't earnt the privilege of mommy touching you like that have you love?"
"Please mommy let me earn it. Please! Ill do anything" you pleaded with the principal. That is where she brought out your remote controlled vibrator and instructed you to sit still and not fight her. if you could make it through her meeting she'd fuck you the way you love. Naturally you were ready to do anything to cum for her so she knew you'd let her insert thee toy, fix your skirt and conjure yourself some tights. the joys of dating a powerful witch. You took your place under her desk with her final warning ringing in your ears, "don't make too much noise, you don't wanna get caught now, do you?" The voice of the Mayor filled the room and you internally groaned, this was going to be one hell of a meeting because he talks entirely too much for your liking. it could also be down to his jealousy of Larissa choosing you, an outcast, a witch over little ole boring him. Thankfully for you, your wife also tires of the Mayor quickly and focused on subtly playing with your aching core until you were driven to insanity of being edged to high hell. A constant vibration was currently assaulting you swollen clit when you noticed your wife spreading her legs to reveal her cunt to you. immediately knowing what she wanted you to do you got to work eating her out like your life depended on it. the thrill of getting caught only adding to the fun as you flicked your tongue against her hard puffy clit as you thrusted two fingers into her warm heat and began to curl them just how your mommy had trained you to.
It's a blur really, one minute your lapping up her orgasm and the next she tugging you up from under the table and praising you for what a sweet slut you are and how well you did for her. You'd truly earnt your reward and she was going to make damn sure she spent all night, touching, kissing, sucking, biting your smooth skin as she brought you over the edge and overstimulated your poor pussy until you were nothing more than her dumbed down sweet little girl who had been properly fucked like her slutty heart deserved. There would be no surprise to Larissa if your magic reacted during this, it only happened during heightened emotions like this and you knew she would always listen to your body. Who needs to walk on a Saturday morning anyway?
word count~ 986
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asimperingswannsong · 11 months
Rosemary's Mother
Rosemary Winters (RE8), Lady Alcina Dimitrescu (RE8)/Larissa Weems (Wednesday)
Notes/Warning/Summary: Part 3 grew legs and started walking around on me. I suppose this means there will have to be a part 4...there's a dash of smut but not nearly enough for a fic with two incredibly hot women in it...not sure what happened...I'll try to do better in future. @enchantressb I hope you enjoy this installment in spite of it being bogged down in plot. 😬
Larissa sat on a Victorian style loveseat sipping a glass of red and enjoying the dance of the fire light around the room. Her heels were kicked off and her feet were tucked on top of each other to the side with her toes digging into the plush rug beneath. Fragments of her tryst with Lady Dimitrescu were floating up in her mind's eye.
There was a gentle knock at her door. "Come in," she called. Rosemary Winters opened the door and stepped inside. Larissa sat her glass down beside her on the floor and rose approaching the girl. "Is everything alright dear?" "Uh, yes. I just wondered if I could talk to you for a minute, if you're not busy? Or I can come back?" "No, darling, come inside. I'm not busy," she gestured toward the sofa.
"I am free to talk but you know, if you're feeling lonely, I can think of a certain raven haired lady who might enjoy hearing from you." "Oh yes, I speak to mother everyday. It's just...this is different." They sat next to each other. Larissa suspected she might know what was on Rosemary's mind; after decades of teaching teenagers she'd gotten the hang of picking up on context clues.
"Is this maybe as sensitive subject you'd rather not talk about with mum?" Rosemary blushed slightly. "Yes, sort of." Larissa smiled at her. "Do you have a crush on someone sweetheart?" The blush intensified. "Yes," she said almost inaudibly.
Larissa scooted closer to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She smiled even wider at her. "Oh that's wonderful, darling, tell me about it." Rosemary was silent, not sure how to continue.
"Shy? Well, let's start at the start. Boy or girl? Or non-binary?" "Boy." Larissa squeezed her in against her side. "Alright, same age?" "Um, no." "Oh. Well, nothing wrong with a slight age difference. Have you spoken to him about your feelings?" More silence.
"Uh, actually, I think I maybe should go. I didn't realize how late it had gotten and I'm really sorry to interrupt. I didn't mean to just barge in on you. I have..." Larissa cut off her nervous ramblings by wrapping both arms around her and pulling her in for a full hug. "Calm down sweetheart."
Rosemary wrapped both arms around her and laid her head on Larissa's chest. Being enclosed in her arms and nestled against her made her think of her mother. At home, she used to spend hours a day cradled in Alcina's arms, resting on her chest. Rose would nap contentedly as Alcina moved about the house completing the basic tasks of her daily routine. Rose felt home sick suddenly.
Larissa stroked her back comfortingly. "Sweetheart, if you change your mind and want to talk, I'm always available. Okay?" Rose nodded her head, yes, against Larissa's chest. Larissa placed a kiss on top of her head. Rosemary pulled back, turning toward the fire. Larissa placed a hand on top of hers and squeezed it gently. Rose turned her palm up and interlaced their fingers.
"Are you getting on well otherwise?" "Yes, I love it here." Larissa smiled at her, "Good sweetheart, I'm so glad." They sat in silence for a minute watching the flames. "Rosemary? May I ask something?" Rose looked at her curiously and nodded. "Of course." "If this is not appropriate or you feel uncomfortable in any way just say so and I will never approach the subject again. Okay?" "Okay." "I promise."
Rose was even more curious. "If I were to consider going on a date with Lady Dimitrescu, would you feel uncomfortable or would it make your interactions here difficult in any way?" Rose laughed. "I figured you two were already together. Mother is never very subtle with her intentions. I knew she wanted you the moment you met each other." Larissa stared at her a little surprised.
"No, I wouldn't have any sort of issue with the two of you seeing each other. I want her to be happy. She's been through a lot." "I've heard rumors about her past and her losses in her family." "Yes, her mother was an evil woman and it took me years to convince her of that. Miranda never had her best interests in mind. She only used her, and her siblings made it worse. They brought out the worst in her, and I think they made her feel trapped. I think she's better off now, but it still hurt when she lost them, especially her daughters."
Larissa had a worried, sympathetic look on her face. She brought Rosemary back into a hug. "Are you certain you would be fine with us?" Rose looked up at her. "I'm sure," she said reaching up and placing a peck on her cheek. She stood and said, "I should probably get to bed." Larissa stood and walked her to the door. "I'm here if you ever want to talk." Rose hugged her again. "Good night darling." "Good night, Principal Weems."
The next morning as Larissa sat at her desk, she received a text. "Good morning, floare mica." She smiled down at her phone. "Good morning, Alcina. I was just thinking of you." "Oh? Perhaps we should get together and discuss that?" "Perhaps. Can you meet me at the Weathervane this evening?" "Of course. What time?" "8?" "See you then. Have a wonderful day, draga."
Larissa enjoyed her hot cocoa as Alcina sat across from her. Her date had opted for no food or beverage, "just company." Larissa thought perhaps the funnel cake had left a poor impression on her. "Has Rosemary continued to do well?" "Oh yes. I've been very pleased with her. She's one of our brightest students. I watched her moving boulders down by the lake the other day. Her control of her telekinesis seems to be improving well."
"Yes, I only worry about her control over her powers when she's using them while under stress." Larissa looked concerned. "Has she often encountered stress that required the use of her powers in the past?" "Unfortunately." Larissa started to ask a follow up question, but Alcina quickly redirected their focus.
"The restoration of our new home is nearly complete. Would you be interested in stopping by to see it?" "Oh, yes. That sounds lovely." "How about Wednesday evening? Are you busy?" "No, not that I recall." "Same time?" Larissa smiled. "Yes, I'll call you."
As Larissa was driving back from her coffee date, she pulled over when she saw Rose stepping out of the local arcade, next to Chad Grayson. Chad was a senior at the local normie school where he played football. He was eighteen, and he had a bit of a reputation, at least in Larissa's mind. "Oh no," she thought as she watched the pair.
Yoko stepped out with Chad's friend, Brandon Everett, another football player. It was a double date apparently. Larissa was concerned. She'd already counseled three of her girls in her office after they'd briefly dated Chad. He tended to dump them abruptly after reaching a certain goal post. Rose was only fifteen, and Larissa didn't think Alcina would be pleased with him as a potential romantic interest for her daughter.
Larissa continued to watch as Chad bent down to kiss Rose. She attempted to pull away after a brief time, but he stopped her, pulling her in and deepening the kiss. She saw Rose place her hands on his arms, cueing him to end the kiss, but he held her there a little longer. When he released her, he slapped her across the ass before turning to talk to Brandon. Rose smiled nervously at Yoko and Larissa gritted her teeth.
The next morning in the hallway, Larissa stopped Rose on her way to class. "Ms. Winters?" "Yes, Principal Weems?" "Do you think you could stop by my office after class today?" Rose looked concerned. Larissa squeezed her arm gently. "It's alright darling. You're not in trouble. I just thought we could have a little chat." Rose smiled at her, "Alright." Larissa returned her smile. "See you then dear. Have a good day."
At 5 pm, there was a knock on Larissa's office door. "Come in." Rose entered. Larissa stood and walked over to the sofa in front of the fire. "Join me?" Rose followed her over. "Sorry I'm late. I forgot I had a painting lesson after class." "That's quite alright darling. Did you enjoy your lessons?" They sat facing one another. Larissa gently brushed the bangs from Rose's eyes. "Yeah, it was a good day. I miss mother a lot though."
"Have you had any luck with the boy you like? I saw you in town yesterday with Chad Grayson. Is he the one you were referring to last time we talked?" Rose turned her gaze to the fire. "Yes. He asked me out and I was really excited. I didn't think he like me back."
She sounded as though she wanted to add something but she stopped. "I know him a little through bits and pieces some of my other girls have told me before. I'm sure he's a good kid but there is a little bit of an age gap there. Has he treated you well so far?
Rose was silent. "I only ask because I've spoken to girls before who've expressed a few concerns. He hasn't said or done anything that you didn't like has he?" "Sometimes he doesn't listen very good when I try to tell him something." "Sweetheart, it's important that you make him listen. Never allow anyone to disregard your wishes. Understand?" "Yes."
Larissa wrapped her arm around Rose and squeezed her in. Rose looked up in concern as something occurred to her. "You won't tell mother will you?" "You won't give me a reason to have to will you? We have a curfew and a policy against mixed genders in the dorms. You won't let him talk you into sneaking out will you?" "No, miss, if mom finds out she'll kill him."
"I don't want to tell you how to conduct your private affairs, but I do have some reservations about Mr. Grayson. I don't want you to get hurt. As long as you obey the rules I won't notify your mother. Okay?" Rose nodded. "Do you promise me you'll be adamant with him about your boundaries?"
"Yes miss." Larissa stood and went over to her desk. She jotted something on a notepad and brought the page over to Rose. "This is my mobile number. If you ever need to talk to me or need me to come and pick you up, call me. I don't care what time of day. I don't care if it's past when you should be here in bed. Call me if you need me. Okay?"
"Yes miss." "I'm very serious Ms. Winters. It's my job to protect my students. Always call me if you need me." Larissa pulled her back into a hug. This time Rose wrapped both arms around her tightly and laid her head on her chest. Larissa kissed her on top of her head.
Larissa allowed the girl to stay in her embrace for as long as she wanted. They stayed in each others arms in front of the fire for about half an hour. Just as Larissa had decided the girl must have fallen asleep, she pulled back and stood up. "I should probably go get dinner." "Of course, have a good night darling." Rose smiled at her and turned to leave. "Rose?" She turned back. "If you ever want to talk, my door is open." "Thank you Principal Weems."
The girl left and Larissa went back to returning emails at her desk. At 8 pm there was another knock at her door. "Come in." Alcina opened the door and ducked low to enter. She was holding two bottles of wine. "Good evening, floare mica. Care to join me for a drink?" Larissa smiled and walked over. Alcina kissed her and handed her a bottle. "That sounds fantastic dear."
Larissa pulled through the entry gates of the former Gates mansion and marveled at the completely different home in front of her. It was fully restored, grounds neatly kept, new landscaping, all the dingy, grimy decrepitude was gone.
Larissa had a brief flash back to Laurel; funny how someone who looked so harmless had turned out to be a mortal threat to both her and her students compared with the nine foot vampire lady with four foot claws how made her feel safe. Perhaps she was being too trusting.
She knocked gently and a young lady in a maid uniform opened the door. What a strange notion to have maids dressed in the traditional uniform. Larissa thought of it as just a costume people wore at Halloween, but here she was being ushered inside by one. The young lady bowed slightly to her and left.
Larissa looked up to see Alcina at the top of the stairs in a floor length black gown and enormous black hat. Larissa admired how stunningly beautiful as she made her way gracefully down to her. "What do you think draga?" Larissa had failed to notice the interior of the restored home as she'd been too focused on the curves of it's new owner.
She looked around her, taking in the ornate gilding, the refinished wood floors and walls, the crown moldings, the wall sconces and chandeliers. Everything was polished and gleaming. On opposite sides of the entryway were two enormous paintings. In the first, a trio of girls in old fashioned gowns, their hair pulled into elegant up dos. Across, was a painting of Alcina and Rosemary in beautiful black evening gowns.
"Your daughters," Larissa whispered. Alcina looked sadly at the trio. "Yes, these were my precious little girls," she gestured to the other side, smiling, "and my Rosemary." Larissa smiled. "They're all four beautiful, Alcina, as is your home." Alcina bent down and kissed her lightly. "Thank you, floare mica, care to see the rest?" "Of course." Alcina placed an arm around Larissa's hips. "This way sweetling."
The "tour" had quickly devolved when they reached the master bedroom. Larissa had curiously found herself being plopped down onto a chifferobe as she and Alcina explored each others mouths. Before she knew it there were three fingers inside of her.
Currently, she was entirely nude on her knees in the middle of the damask bedding of Alcina's four poster bed. She had one hand on the rail and one hand on a post. Alcina had one hand gently wrapped around her throat and was using it to hold Larissa's head back so she could easily kiss, lick, and suck along her shoulders, neck, ears, and jaw.
Alcina's other hand was kneading Larissa's breasts, belly, and hips while she fucked her from behind with a strap. Between kisses Alcina was whispering praises against Larissa's skin. "So beautiful draga." "You are perfect floare mica." "I can't wait to taste you sweetling." Larissa's eyes had rolled back in her head.
The strength in Alcina's arms, shoulders, and abs had Larissa locked firmly in position. She couldn't have moved if she wanted to but she very much did not. "Fuck, Cina, can I cum?" Alcina chuckled softly against her neck. "Are you close draga?"
Suddenly Larissa's phone rang. "Oh god, Cina." Alcina continued to fuck her. Larissa wrapped a hand around the wrist that was holding her neck. "I'm so sorry sweetheart. I need to check that."
Alcina released her hold. "Oh, sorry floare." "No, I'm sorry darling. It's just I worry about my students," she said as she crawled nude off the side of the bed. Alcina sat back on her haunches and enjoyed the view.
"Hello?" Larissa glanced over at Alcina as the person on the other end spoke. "Oh hello sweetheart. What's happening? Are you alright?" She'd reached down and retrieved her panties from the floor and was putting them back on, much to Alcina's disappointment.
"Do you want to leave darling? No, sweetheart I don't mind at all really." Larissa was busy trying to shimmy back into her dress while balancing the phone between her cheek and shoulder.
Alcina crawled off the bed and pulled the dress up over her shoulders. She reached down and zipped it for her. Larissa smiled up at her over her shoulder as she toed one of her shoes back on. "I'm on my way. I'll be there in ten minutes sweetheart."
She turned and kissed Alcina as she hung up. "I'm so sorry, darling, one of my girls needs a ride back to school." "It's alright sweetling. I'll call you." They kissed again and Larissa left.
Alcina thought for a moment and decided to follow after Larissa. She'd sounded concerned. Alcina wanted to make sure she and the girl would be alright.
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farfromdaylight · 6 years
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first and most important: what the everliving fuck, i wrote a million words in a year. if you told me this time last year that this was what i was going to aspire to, i would have assumed it was an april fool's joke. like. lmao you're kidding right.
end total was 1,000,111! i had wanted a million and one words but when i calcuated my numbers i had, uh, a million and thirty. :"| so i had to write some 80 words in the like 10 minutes i had left. way to go, me.
october is highlighted for a very important reason: it's the month i switched to colemak. the fact that my wph/wpm has only improved since that time is a pretty strong vote in its favor, i think. i do still experience hand pain, but i think that has more to do with the fact that i write for two hours a day than the keyboard layout. certainly it's nice to have a more ergonomic design. (most of my current pain is actually from my mouse location; working on fixing that issue next.)
more highlights & tl;dr under the cut bc heaven knows this is going to get obnoxiously long
firstly, a project breakdown -- what is that million words made of?
immortal au -- 813,127 words (unintentional but delightful)
everybody says this is your home -- 166,680 words
roughly 20k of cuts, snippets, drabbles, etc
so, not surprising; heaven knows i only worked on two real stories in the past year. this is something i want to change over this next year, though i'm not yet sure what those stories will be.
highs & lows
most words written in a single day: 11,181 (11/1)
most time spent writing in a single day: 8 hours, 20 minutes (11/1) (start of nano, also i was going on vacation that weekend and wanted a buffer)
least words written/day: 80 (9/24)
least time spent/day: 5 minutes (9/24) (i had had zero sleep)
best words per hour/minute: 2159/36 (2/26) (i wrote 203 words in 4 minutes and nearly lost it, because i am That Kind Of Person)
worst words per hour/minute: 599/10 (10/1) (first day of colemak; i didn't even write 600 words in the hour i spent writing)
most time spent writing/month: 107 hours, 16 minutes (november) (duh)
least time spent writing/month: 39 hours (may) (ah yes, back when i was aiming for a thousand words a day... that didn't last long...)
other stats
on average, i write for about 57 hours, 40 minutes per month. no wonder i haven't been able to play many video games lately -- writing took up that timeslot.
that said, i only spent 8% of the past year writing. 691 hours sounds like a ton of time, but it averages out to 2 hours a day. given that i spend 8 hours a day sleeping (...give or take), 2 hours is really not that much of a loss. though as i mentioned in the other post, 1 hour of writing often equates to two hours of real time. even then, 16% of a year/1400 hours is really not that much time in the grand scheme of things.
i have made roughly 500 posts about writing on here in the past year, for which i apologize. the number's rough because there are a few more posts than that on dw but i don't feel like sorting through it at the moment to figure out the exact number. either way: i am so, so sorry. how have you all not unfollowed me. i do not understand.
i calculated the quartiles for words/time/wph, and i find them pretty interesting:
first quartile (25%): 1,355
second quartile (50%): 2,239
third quartile (75%): 3,555
first quartile (25%): 1 hour, 3 minutes
second quartile (50%): 1 hour, 27 minutes
third quartile (75%): 2 hours, 30 minutes
words per hour (wpm)
first quartile (25%): 1,214 (20)
second quartile (50%): 1,407 (23)
third quartile (75%): 1,619 (27)
the reason i find them interesting is that they don't match up at all! you'd think that since the wph is calculated from words over time they'd even out, but apparently not. despite all evidence to the contrary i'm actually not great at statistics, so i'm not sure what conclusion to draw, but my guess is that it has to do with the fact that my wph did something of a bell curve over the past 12 months. but who knows.
(incidentally i do want to turn all these numbers into Pretty Charts, but i... have not figured out that part of google sheets yet, lmao. i'm sure i'll figure it out eventually. so far all i have managed are a bunch of squiggles. they are pretty squiggles but they are squiggles nonetheless.)
so one of my overall goals for 2018 was to write a million words in 2018 specifically (ie starting jan 1--ending dec 31), and i'm not sure if i still want to go for it. on the one hand, i'm about 50,000 words ahead of pace, and like, that's a terrible buffer to lose. i am also Very Bad at giving up goals.
on the other hand...... the reason i am ahead is because i noticed in january that i was really close to writing a million words in 365 days. i tried to tell myself that i wasn't going to aim for it because of how burnt out i was, but. 😐 we can see how well that worked out. 😐
the thing is, though, i am tired. i am unbelievably tired. that chart says that i averaged 2 hours of writing a day in march, and as far as math in concerned, that's true. in actual fact, though, i averaged 1h30m of writing from 3/1 through 3/24, and four hours a day for the past week. i'm fucking exhausted. and it's exactly what i did in february, and in january. i can't do a whole year of that.
so. i am going to aim for 50,000 words next month, because it's camp nano and because 50k is, at this point, a very achievable number. (i mean for god's sake, i just did it in a week. i can do it in a month. in fact i would love to do it in a month.) and i am going to use the rest of that time to work on the worldbuilding, planning, and plotting i have pushed aside for the past five months in pursuit of ever-growing wordcounts.
that's april. the rest i can figure out later.
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