#death valley artist palette
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Captivating Views: Experience the Hollywood Sign at Sunset Ranch in California
Immerse yourself in the allure of Sunset Ranch, the ultimate destination to experience captivating views of the iconic Hollywood Sign in California. Embark on a scenic horseback ride through the picturesque trails, accompanied by knowledgeable guides who provide fascinating insights into the history and significance of the sign. Capture breathtaking moments and create lasting memories as you witness the Hollywood sign from Sunset Ranch California.
Visit: https://www.hikeforfunandfitness.com/hollywood-sign-hike-from-sunset-ran
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the-storyist · 1 month
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artists palette & sundown, after
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williammarksommer · 2 years
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Death Valley
All The Time In The World
Hasselblad 500c/m
Kodak Ektar 100iso
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adventuresoncehad · 6 months
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Death Valley has numerous really great drives. There's Artist Palette (top photo), Twenty-mule Team Canyon (middle image), and the ride up to Dante's View (third photo).
- Sandy Noto
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bettergeology · 6 months
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"The Gargoyle", near Artists Palette, Death Valley National Park, California.
In a steep, rugged canyon carved into the heart of the Black Mountains, a massive hunk of stone juts weightlessly into the air. It's one of the most dramatic features in this canyon, and the many car-size boulders on the canyon floor indicate that it's probably not the first of it's kind. Those same boulders remind us that, though stone has an air of permanence about it, this too shall crash to the gravel wash below.
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stumbleimg · 1 year
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Gorgeous colors of Artist’s Palette at Death Valley National Park, CA [5120x3413][OC]
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thorsenmark · 1 year
So Many Colors in the Mountains (Death Valley National Park)
So Many Colors in the Mountains (Death Valley National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: While at a roadside pullout along Badwater Road with a view looking to the north. This location is in Death Valley National Park. The setting is the mountain desert landscape present along the basin area around Badwater. I wanted to capture a view looking across that to some of the peaks and ridges coming off Mount Perry and going north to Artist Palette Peak.
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thinkragelive · 2 years
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2022 : Blue is Your Base
Outside Artists Palette, Death Valley, CA. Smokeout weekend.
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georgebuckettwo · 3 days
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Death Valley, California
Known as the hottest place on earth, Death Valley reached a record temperature of 53°C in 2019. It’s a vast area of extremes: with snowy peaks, scorching sands and wildflower meadows, the National Park encompasses a wide range of different landscapes. One of the most popular locations is the multi-hued Artists Palette, a series of eroded hills whose colouring is due to the oxidation of natural metal deposits in the mountains. ‘Star Wars’ fans will be keen to see the site that inspired the planet Tatooine.
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afjgdeathvalley · 22 days
Death Valley Points of Interest: Captured by AFJG Photography
Death Valley, a land of extremes and stark beauty offers a range of breathtaking Death Valley points of interest, each captured with stunning clarity by AFJG Photography. From the mesmerizing dunes of Mesquite Flat, where shifting sands create dynamic patterns, to the surreal salt flats of Badwater Basin, the lowest point in North America, every shot highlights the raw, untamed landscape. AFJG Photography’s lens also captures the rugged allure of Zabriskie Point, renowned for its striking geological formations and vibrant sunrise views. The unique geological features of Artists Palette, with its colorful, mineral-rich rock formations, are showcased in vivid detail, revealing nature’s artistic touch. Through these captivating images, AFJG Photography brings to life the desolate yet enchanting character of Death Valley, inviting viewers to explore its diverse landscapes and natural wonders.
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Immerse Yourself in Nature's Grandeur: Discover Sequoia National Park, California
Immerse yourself in the grandeur of nature at Sequoia National Park California. Be captivated by the majestic sequoia trees, some of the largest living organisms on Earth. Explore stunning landscapes, hike scenic trails, and witness the beauty of waterfalls and wildlife. Discover a world of wonder and create unforgettable memories in this natural paradise.
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loric2020 · 1 year
19 et 20 mai , Death Valley, la vallée de la mort 🌵☀️🏜️
Même pas peur 😱 👀
Nous quittons Las Vegas les poches débordantes de billets. Personne n'y croit bien sûr. Pas de jackpot, pas de pactole, que du bonheur. Il fait déjà chaud de bon matin. Dans le désert, c'est chose courante. Nous partons pour la vallée de la mort en empruntant la route de badwater par le sud. C'est pas tout de suite mais c'est pour donner des indications au chauffeur. Nous mettons au moins 30 à 40 minutes à sortir de la zone urbanisée autour de Las Vegas. En chemin, nous nous arrêtons à Shoshone. Nous sommes revenus en Californie. Shoshone est le nom d'un peuple autochtone améridien. Wikipedia nous dit qu'ils s'appellent également snakes ou gens du serpent. C'est aussi un village de 18 habitants. C'est également un point de départ pour rayonner dans la vallée de la mort. Nous n'avons pas prévu de dormir ici alors nous poursuivons notre route par la Jubilee pass road puis par la Badwater road. Nous voyons progressivement apparaître les étendues de sel qui reflètent le soleil comme autant de mirages. En s'arrêtant au visitor center de Furnace creek, nous pouvons voir affichée au thermomètre la température de 45°. Et puis vient le moment de bifurquer vers la route panoramique "Artists drive". Comme on peut le lire dans les guides, la nature offre ici toute une palette de couleurs. Nous profitons des œuvres polychromatiques de cette galerie à ciel ouvert 🌈 pendant près de 15 km. Il commence à se faire tard et nous prenons la route de Beatty, où nous faisons étape pour la nuit. En arrivant à Beatty, nous découvrons étonnés que la pension Bed and Breakfast "Shady Lady" se trouve à 50 km de là en direction de Goldfield. Nous gardons notre sang froid pour arriver tranquillement à destination. C'est un petite oasis que nous voyons depuis la route, au milieu de nulle part. La maison, jaune aux volets verts apporte une touche de couleurs parfaitement en harmonie avec les arbres qui l'entourent. Elle est cernée par une colonie de paons, tous aussi flamboyants les uns que les autres. Certains font la roue. C'est peut-être un signe de bienvenue. La propriétaire vient à notre rencontre toute souriante. Elle s'appelle Jennifer. Elle nous présente son époux Nigel. Jennifer nous annonce qu'elle nous surclasse dans la chambre victorienne avec salle de bains ! Après un petit tour du propriétaire, Jennifer et Nigel nous propose un rafraîchissement avec deux grands verres de vin blanc bien frais. Nous réchauffons le reste des morceaux de pizzas achetées la veille à Las Vegas. La soirée commence dans la convivialité. Jeff, un pilote d'avion privé se joint à nous. Ses patrons sont à Las Vegas pour plusieurs jours et il s'offre un peu de détente en attendant de les récupérer. Nous restons à discuter là. Les étoiles s'invitent elles aussi dans le ciel. La soirée se termine comme elle a commencé, à discuter. Nous avons échappé au pire car un voisin rencontré plus tôt nous dira qu'il ne faut pas s'aventurer dans le noir car les coyotes rodent et peuvent à tout moment nous sauter dessus.
Un petit déjeuner royal nous attend le lendemain matin. Tous les hôtes sont déjà attablés. Il y a les deux jeunes allemandes, originaires de Francfort et de Hambourg, venues 3 semaines faire un circuit depuis San Francisco jusqu'à Los Angeles. Il y a Jeff, le pilote d'avion. Il y a également un couple d'américains de l'Indiana, arrivé tard la veille. Elle dit être physicienne et gymnaste. Les sujets de discussion sont un peu décalés, voire mal à propos quand il est question de la seconde guerre mondiale. Très vite le doute s'installe.
Après un au-revoir chaleureux et l'échange d'adresses, nous prenons la route pour notre prochaine étape en traversant de nouveau la vallée de la mort par les dunes de Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes. Le mot de la fin revient à Jennifer et Nigel qui nous avoueront que même s'ils nous détestent car nos 4 mois de vacances les rendent jaloux, ils nous aiment.
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drgmoveson · 1 year
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Monday, April 24, 2023: more from Death Valley National Park- Artist Palette, Devil’s Golf Course
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travelling-world · 1 year
Exploring Death Valley on a Budget – Uncover Incredible Natural Wonders at an Affordable Price
What is Death Valley and What Makes it Unique?
Death Valley is a national park located in eastern California, USA, and is known for its unique and otherworldly landscape. It is the largest national park in the contiguous United States, covering over 3 million acres.
What makes Death Valley unique is its extreme and harsh environment, which is one of the hottest, driest, and lowest places on earth. It is home to the hottest temperature ever recorded on the planet, which was 134°F (56.7°C). The park also features a diverse array of geological formations, including salt flats, sand dunes, canyons, and colorful rock formations.
In addition to its striking geology, Death Valley is also home to unique and rare plant and animal species that have adapted to the harsh environment, including the rare desert bighorn sheep, pupfish, and several species of cacti.
Visitors to Death Valley can experience a wide range of activities, from hiking and camping to stargazing and scenic drives. The park offers an opportunity to explore and appreciate the beauty of a unique and fragile ecosystem.
Reasons to Choose a Death Valley Day Tour for an Affordable Price
There are several reasons why choosing a Death Valley day tour can be a great option for an affordable price:
Cost-effective: Day tours are often more cost-effective than planning and executing a trip on your own, as they typically include transportation, admission fees, and often a guide, all for one price.
Convenience: Day tours offer a convenient way to visit Death Valley, especially if you are staying in Las Vegas or other nearby cities, as transportation is included and you don't have to worry about driving or navigating unfamiliar terrain.
Expert guides: Many day tours are led by knowledgeable and experienced guides who can provide insights into the geology, history, and ecology of the park. They can also show you the best spots to explore and help you make the most out of your visit.
Social interaction: Joining a day tour is also a great way to meet like-minded travelers and share your experiences with others. It can be a fun and social way to explore the park and make new friends.
Time-saving: Day tours can be a time-saving option for those with limited time or who want to maximize their time in the park. With a pre-planned itinerary, you can see and do more in a shorter amount of time than if you were exploring on your own.
Overall, a Death Valley day tour can be an affordable and convenient way to explore this unique and otherworldly national park.
Discover the Magnificent Landscapes and Spectacular Sights of Death Valley
Death Valley is a place of awe-inspiring natural beauty, with its striking landscapes and unique geological formations. Here are some of the must-see sights and activities to experience in Death Valley:
Badwater Basin: This is the lowest point in North America, and the basin is covered with a layer of salt that stretches for miles.
Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes: The sand dunes are a popular spot for photographers and hikers, and offer stunning views at sunrise and sunset.
Artist's Palette: This is a scenic viewpoint that offers views of a colorful, mineral-streaked hillside.
Zabriskie Point: This viewpoint offers panoramic views of the colorful badlands and the surrounding mountains.
Scotty's Castle: This historic mansion offers guided tours that showcase its unique architecture and the colorful stories of its inhabitants.
Ubehebe Crater: This massive crater was formed by a volcanic explosion and is surrounded by stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
Dante's View: This viewpoint offers an incredible panoramic view of the entire valley and is particularly stunning at sunrise or sunset.
Stargazing: Death Valley is known for its incredibly dark skies and is one of the best places in the world for stargazing. The park offers several designated stargazing areas and guided tours for those interested in exploring the night sky.
Overall, Death Valley offers a wide range of incredible sights and activities to explore, and visitors are sure to be captivated by the park's otherworldly beauty and unique geology.
What to Expect When You Take the Death Valley Day Tour for $256.5
The Death Valley Day Tour for $256.5 typically includes the following:
Hotel pickup: The tour begins with a convenient hotel pickup in Las Vegas, usually in the early morning.
Transportation: The tour includes round-trip transportation to and from Death Valley in a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle.
Guide: An experienced and knowledgeable guide will accompany you on the tour and provide commentary and insights into the history, geology, and ecology of the park.
Sightseeing: The tour will take you to some of the most iconic and breathtaking sights in Death Valley, such as Badwater Basin, Zabriskie Point, Artist's Palette, and Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes.
Activities: Depending on the tour operator, the day tour may also include optional activities, such as a visit to Scotty's Castle or a hike in the park.
Lunch: The tour usually includes a picnic-style lunch, with sandwiches, snacks, and beverages provided.
Drop-off: At the end of the tour, you will be dropped off back at your hotel in Las Vegas in the evening.
Overall, the Death Valley Day Tour for $256.5 offers a convenient and comprehensive way to experience the park's most spectacular sights and activities with the guidance of an experienced guide.
Tips to Make the Most Out of Your Trip to Death
Here are some tips to make the most out of your trip to Death Valley:
Plan ahead: Before you go, do some research and plan out which sights and activities you want to see and do. This will help you make the most of your time in the park and ensure that you don't miss anything important.
Dress appropriately: Death Valley can be extremely hot during the day and cold at night, so make sure to dress in layers and bring sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. Wear comfortable walking shoes, as many of the park's attractions require walking or hiking.
Bring plenty of water and snacks: It's important to stay hydrated in the desert, so bring plenty of water with you on your trip. It's also a good idea to bring some snacks or a picnic lunch, as there aren't many options for food within the park.
Start early: To avoid the hottest part of the day and maximize your time in the park, consider starting your day early in the morning. This will also give you the opportunity to see some of the park's stunning sunrises.
Be respectful of the environment: Death Valley is a fragile ecosystem, so it's important to stay on designated trails and not disturb any of the wildlife or natural features of the park.
Take your time: While it's tempting to try to see everything in one day, it's better to take your time and really savor the experience. Stop and appreciate the breathtaking landscapes and unique geology of the park, and don't rush through any of the sights or activities.
Overall, a trip to Death Valley can be a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and by following these tips, you can ensure that you make the most of your time in the park.
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dlr1967 · 2 years
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at Artists Palette, Death Valley https://www.instagram.com/p/CmNIoR5vt4l/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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stumbleimg · 1 year
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Artist's Palette, Artist's Drive, Death Valley National Park, CA, USA [4080 × 3072] [OC]
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