#debbie africa
notchainedtotrauma · 1 year
I think of Debbie Africa, who gave birth secretly in prison, how the other women prisoners used sounds to shield her birth process. They protected the two of them from guards so that she and the baby were able to share precious time together, undetected for days. I think of Assata Shakur too, impossibly conceiving and giving birth to her daughter while being a political prisoner, mostly in solitary confinement. And how she listened to her angry daughter, and the dreams of her grandmother when they told her she could be free. They could be together.
from Undrowned: Black Feminist Lessons from Marine Mammals by Alexis Pauline Gumbs
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queerafricans · 2 months
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LGBTQ and Nigerian
Ayo Edebiri
Morénike Giwa Onaiwu
Eloghosa Osunde
Debby Friday
Noni Salma
Kai Isaiah Jamal
Okechukwu Nzelu
Nneka Onuorah
Cynthia Erivo
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demi-shoggoth · 7 months
2023 Reading Log pt. 14
Where the hell did November go?
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66. New World Monkeys: The Evolutionary Odyssey by Alfred L. Rosenberger. In the introduction, the author laments that there aren’t any good books outlining the evolution and ecology of the New World Monkeys. If that's the case, there still aren’t. This book does alright by the ecology part—it has good summaries of the anatomy, behavior and feeding interactions of the covered monkeys. But the evolution is a mess. Rosenberger’s take on the evolutionary relationships between the animals covered here is iconoclastic, to say the least. He distrusts molecular phylogeny, uses synapomorphic characters that are basically just vibes, and has an entire chapter dedicated to lambasting the idea that any mammals could disperse across the Atlantic Ocean from Africa to South America (the consensus explanation) in favor of a hypothesized trek through Greenland and North America that has no evidence and still requires open ocean crossings. This was an incredibly frustrating experience to read, because there’s enough good content among the dross that I didn’t want to just abandon it.
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67. Seaweeds of the World by John H. Bothwell. The weakest of Princeton University Press’ “X of the World” series. For one thing, the subtitle is usually “A Guide to Every Family”, whereas here it’s “A Guide to Every Order”. The book’s general coverage of seaweeds is pretty good—it explains why “seaweed” is a polyphyletic category but still useful in common English, explains the anatomy and the complex life histories of seaweeds. But the actual coverage of groups is lacking. Again, it doesn’t cover every family. And it’s more interested in seaweeds of economic importance than it is in their actual ecologies. Plus the writing is just kinda boring. This is the first entry in this series I do not recommend.
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68. Lapidarium: The Secret Lives of Stones by Hettie Judah. Now this is more like it! This book is a series of short essays about stones and their cultural impact. I’m a sucker for cultural histories in general, and this is a very good one. I especially liked that it doesn’t just cover gemstones, as I originally expected, but also stones used in art and architecture, resources like coal, and the use of earthworks in religion. The focus is much more on the culture than the geology, but the book does discuss things like deposition of sediments and how metamorphic rocks yield gemstones in explaining why certain places have certain rocks. The book is also lovely to look at, with minimalist bands of color along the sides of the pages in the hues of the stones covered in that chapter.
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69. Monsters and Monarchs: Serial Killers in Classical Myth and History by Debbie Felton. I was excited for this one. I had read Felton’s chapter in Monster Anthropology, which suggested that Greek traveler’s tales about werewolves and the murderous robbers encountered by Theseus in myth were both expressions of cultural fears about serial killers. Unfortunately, that article already covered the bulk of Felton’s actual argument and evidence, and this book is those 20 pages fluffed to 200. The only other really good material is some coverage of the distinction between Greek and Roman attitudes towards law and order, and what “counted” as murder in each society. The rest of it is handwaving and extrapolation from very little data, with just about every instance of mass killing that we have records of, from political uprisings to court intrigue, being taken as the work of a possible serial killer. Plus, the author is a Freudian, so we have to hear about coded references to rape and sexual violence in stories where there really aren’t any. Sometimes a bed where you get your legs cut off is just a bed.
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70. Cult of the Dead: A Brief History of Christianity by Kyle Smith. They say you can’t judge a book by its cover, of course, but that title and that cover made an instant sale for me. I’m glad it did, too, because this is a good one. An explanation of the importance of martyrdom to Christianity, it does an excellent job of explaining why, exactly, so many people were willing and eager to die for their faith, and how this persisted in building a persecution complex among the dominant European religion for centuries. The book avers from discussing the present day for the most part, tapering off with the work of reformist Catholics poring over the many, many legends about saints and trying to determine which, if any of them, represent actual historical events rather than religious fictions. Other topics covered include the trade in relics, the role in martyrologies in shaping the modern calendar, and how women could most easily play a role in the Church through the mortification of the flesh. The book is eminently readable and very well illustrated.
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Stood In The Gap
“…Jesus said to the chief priests, temple officers, and elders who had come for Him, “Have you come out with swords and clubs as you would against an outlaw? Every day I was with you in the temple courts, and you did not lay a hand on Me. But this hour belongs to you and to the power of darkness.” Luke 22:52-53NIV
There are times that belong to satan. We can pray, trusting faith scriptures, quote God’s Word until we are blue in the face… that is the hour of satan. One such time was when they crucified our Lord Jesus, Yeshua Hamashiach. Another time is coming— the final hour of satan, the time of antichrist, and his tribulation.
Until that time we must be ‘the ones who restrains’… “For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work. Only he who now restrains it will do so until he is out of the way” 2Thessalonians 2:7ESV. I’m quite aware many preachers teach Holy Spirit is the one who restrains. My question to them has always been and continues to be, where is the scripture which predicts Holy Spirit is leaving? Each preacher has then pointed back to this scripture. Problem with their explanation returns to the actual language translations— a ‘masculine-feminine’ or ‘human gender nonspecific,’ male or female. Nothing like Holy Spirit Who is Spirit and part of the triune Godhead.
During the time of Nazi Germany, Hitler was considered to be the antichrist. The church thought we were at the end of the age, thus they wouldn’t pray away the events. Except for a few intercessors such as Bonhoeffer, or Reese Howell, a man from Wales UK, who led a group of intercessors, who literally stood between Hitler’s goals and the world. Yes, there were other nameless intercessors who stood in the gap… “I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before Me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it…” Ezekiel 22:30NIV. God will always look for His person who will pray and intercede on behalf of their nation.
Today, we have such people interceding for our land. Cindy Jacobs and Dutch Sheets being two leaders in this movement. Assuredly, there are thousands more praying as well. I know a little woman from South Africa, whom God has frequently provided the funds to come to the USA to pray. Jesse has been to every border crossing in this nation, both borders, anointing it with oil, while bathing it in prayer. She also goes bi-annually to Israel instructed to walk the streets and pray there.
Has anyone beside me ever wondered what the following scripture means? “I tell you the truth, anyone who believes in Me will do the same works I have done, and even greater works, because I am going to be with the Father” John 14:12NLT. What are the greater works than what Jesus could people do?
As I read our text, Holy Spirit dropped into my spirit— ‘Jesus couldn’t prevent the hour belonging to satan. We can. Reese Howell, Bonhoeffer and the other intercessors prevented Hitler from taking over the world, as the antichrist.
The cabal, elites, and globalists all believe this is their hour to rule our world. They’ve been busy putting their one world government into place, painstakingly so, over the last seventy plus years. News flash: God has His elect praying, interceding, repenting for this world because it’s not satan’s hour yet. Will you join the intercessors in praying away the darkness’s hour? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: LORD God we pray for Your kingdom alone to come, and Your will only to be done in our nations and our world. You alone God love us and are trustworthy. Help us to trust in You alone, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2024 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional as author. Thank you.
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johnica-weeks · 1 year
Roger and Sarina
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Roger Taylor (26 July 1949) 💕 Sarina Potgieter (18 December 1971)
Married on 3 October 2010
Children: none together, Roger has 5 children from his previous relationships with Dominique (2) and Debbie (3)
Last but not least, here are some info about Roger and Sarina! Sarina Rose Potgieter was born in South Africa and at the age of 12 moved to Johannesburg in order to attend the National School of the Arts where she was accepted into their ballet program. She moved into the Drama program for the final two years of her schooling. Upon leaving the arts school, Sarina turned her hand to studying Make Up Artistry and Theatre Crafts at The Tshwane University Of Technology in Pretoria. She specialized in Prosthetics and special effects, prop making and set design. She then went on to dance professionally for many years in a number of theatrical productions worldwide.
In 2013 Sarina successfully moved into the realm of film, both as an actress and producer, and she's now active promoter of her and Roger's clothing brand "Taylored of London".
Roger met her in 2004 and they married on October 3rd 2010 at their home in Surrey, after a six year long stable relationship: "The 36-year-old bride wore a purple wedding dress and the celebrations had a black and red theme as the pair staged an unusual ceremony at their home in Surrey last Saturday. Says a friend: 'The whole event was very low-key but incredible fun and light-hearted. All they wanted was a really big knees-up with their pals rather than a formal white wedding. 'The reception was in a huge black and red marquee in their garden and all the waiters wore black. The tables were black and they even had black patent leather sofas outside. The theme was almost bondage.' A guest said: 'The music didn't stop before sunrise.'"
Sarina is a young and smart lady, often sharing her life on social media and actively promoting Roger's brand and Queen's activities, definitely bringing a spark of youth into Roger. While Roger got his first tattoo with Debbie, Sarina is also a huge fan of tattoos and both had their collection of tats growing during the years, thanks to the artist Manuela Gray.
She says, "Roger and I have an amazing relationship. We both understand that in order to be happy together, we need to allow each other the space and environment to constantly grow as human beings and to remain true to our individual paths. "We have a lot of fun together. Roger is extremely supportive of everything I do, as I am of him, and we manage to spend a lot of quality time together in between work schedules." (Sarina at Pretoria News, 2017)
Prompts - Day 5: Roger and Sarina (16th April)
This would be a great tattoo!
It's not a matter of age
Touring with Q+AL
Incredible how you can see right through me
Brian & Roger's ships week 2023 rules and prompts
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still-single · 5 months
They're in the can, check 'em out.
For those still wondering, the Ryan Davis record is the best release of 2023.
Set 1: Reissues/Archival + 20 Tracks from 2023
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Arthur Russell – In the Light of a Miracle
Dorothy Carter – Autumn Song
Laurie Styvers – Imagine the Lights Have Gone Out
PG Six – Unteleported Man
Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 – Flames Up Yours
The Dark – Resurrection 
Fury – Circle of Lies
INU – Don’t Eat Food!
Las Mordidas – Surrounded
Spike in Vain – Opus I & II
Africa Corps (Savage Republic) – Real Men (live)
Sonic Youth – I Love Her All the Time (live)
Masayuki Takayanagi – Mass Hysterism Part II
Milford Graves with Hugh Glover – March 11, 1976 III
Les Rallizes Denudes – Eternally Now (live CITTA ’93) 
Maxx Traxx – Reachin’ For It
High Rise – Sadducces Faith
Wolf Eyes W/ Spykes – 4
Tolerance – Sacrifice
Shizuka – 6 Gram Star
Rubber Blanket – Gandy Dancer
Khanate – It Wants to Fly (excerpt)
S*GLASS – Sorry About the False Bounce
Föllakzoid – V-III 
Monocot – The Voice Came
Daniel Villarreal – Chicali Outpost
Equipment Pointed Ankh – Late Night A.I.
Witness K – How Do We Count Your Poses
Coffin Prick – Town Without Pity 2
Olimpia Splendid – Jacksonin Paita
Terry – Jane Roe
Nusidm – Arm Unemployed
Dippers – Encouragement in Brackets 
Guardian Singles – Com Trans
Civic – Born in the Heat 
Married FM – I’m Gonna Find It 
Connections – Bird Has Flown
Son of Dribble – Shed
The Serfs – Club Deuce
Corker – Edge of Teeth
Set 2: 39 Songs from 2023
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Stella Kola – November
Wheatie Mattiasch – Not the Angels
Maxine Funke – River Said
Suishou no Fune – A Rainbow Is Floating
Jana Horn – Love in Return
V.I.P.P. – Dancing
Famous Mammals – Like a Shadow
Non Plus Temps – Hide Away
Now – Rattray
Spiral Dub – High as Fuck
Violent Change – Whipping Boy 
Disintegration – Time Moves for Me
Home Front – Nation
Lifeguard – Alarm
The Toads – Nationalsville
Ulrika Spacek - Diskbänksrealism
Retirement – No Refund
Mother’s Milk – Xerox Cloak 
Glittering Insects – Remote Viewed Orgasm
FACS – Class Spectre
Skull Practitioners – Intruder
Los Mundos – Luz Perversa (en vivo)
Cheater Slicks – Fear
Emily Robb – Solo in A
The Sundae Painters – Thin Air
Animal Piss, It’s Everywhere – Pink Dolphin
Sparks – Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is
The Clientele – Garden Eye Mantra
Lewsberg – Debbie
Usurabi – Even If It’s a Lie
Luxor Rentals – A Hallway
Drop Nineteens – T
Melenas – K2
Exek – On the Ground Floor
Silicone Prairie – Mirror on the Wall
Feeling Figures – Movement
The Smashing Times – Tuesday, Coming into Time
Colleen – Les parenthèses enchantées (Movement III)
Jaimie Branch – Take Over the World
Set 3: The Last 41 Best of 2023
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Chi To Shizuku – Kawaki
The Lewers – O Karina
The Native Cats – Suplex
Cuticles – Know Not What
En Attendant Ana – Wonder
Tirzah – 2 D I C U V
Seekersinternational – Caught Up (Heart Breaks)
Ron Morelli – Gun Smoke
Leda – 2
Zuli – Bussra
Smirk – Polyrhythmic Ticks
The Dissidents – Patronized
Consensus Madness – Animosity
Stress Positions – Flaming Sword
Life Expectancy – Land Worm
Collate – Guilty Collector
Blue Dolphin – Docile Jannette
Flat Worms – Orion’s Belt
Los Llamarada – Waiting For Your Eyes
Dion Lunadon – Diamond Sea
Natural Information Society – Immemorial
Quade – Measure
The Split Bell Chime – You Can Tell Me Anything
Matmos – Why?
GUB – 4
DJ Manny – Ooh Baby
Tyvek – What It’s For
Gaadge – Candy Colored
Surveillance – Obvious
Miss Espana – Lirio Blanco
Axis: Sova – Join a Cult
Al Karpenter & CIA Debutante – Fuck You All to Fade No More
Beau Wanzer – Warm Waterboarding
Thee Retail Simps – Wrong Direction
Wireheads – Persistent Resistance
Adulkt Life – Blackout
Sharp Pins – Bye Bye Basil
The Tubs – Sniveler
Meg Baird – Star Hill Road
Ryan Davis & the Roadhouse Band – Flashes of Orange
Water Damage – FUCK THAT (Reel 13)
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natromanxoff · 1 year
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Daily Express - April 22, 1992
Credits to Roberto Macchi.
[Photo caption: CUDDLING: Paul Young and wife Stacy]
[ADMIRING: Brian May and Liza Minnelli]
Women who sparkle like Mercury
THE LADS may have been the stars of the show at the Freddie Mercury Wembley tribute. But it was the girls who glittered at the lavish party at Browns nightclub later. Flake advert girl Debbie Leng, long-standing girlfriend of Queen's Roger Taylor, topped the fashion stakes in clinging catsuit and elaborate necklace. And Paula Yates showed her husband Bob Geldof it's possible to be colourful without wearing the sofa covers. Model Stacy Smith, wife of Paul Young, was in sparkling form, and superstar Liza Minnelli found that Queen guitarist Brian May — accompanied by former EastEnders actress Anita Dobson — is one of her greatest fans.
[Photo caption: SPARKLING: Debbie Leng in catsuit and necklace]
[Photo caption: CLASHING: Chic Paula Yates and Bob Geldof]
[MRS LINDA JAMES A picture on Page 3 of yesterday's Daily Express was incorrectly captioned as Mary Austin. It was, in fact, of Mrs Linda James, who attended the Freddie Mercury tribute concert. We apologise for any embarrassment.]
First Lady of AIDS
Taylor takes on a new role
LIZ TAYLOR touched down at the airport looking slim and sensational at 60. The caption writers reached for the "age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety” quote from her most famous role — Cleopatra.
What is it that's brought the smile back to the Queen of the Nile? Putting it straight: AIDS. Her flagging reputation has been given the kiss of life by the virus.
There she was on Monday night in front of an audience of 72,000 for the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert at Wembley Stadium, giving the hammiest performance of a hammy career.
She all but went into a Bohemian Rhapsody about condoms and generally urged the youth of today to encase itself in rubber and not share needles.
"Protect yourselves," she pleaded with tremulous voice and quivering lip. "The world needs you to live.
Arguable, if the evidence of several hours of Def Leppard and all the other sound-alikes these 72,000 paid to hear were anything to go by.
“You are the best and brightest, the shining light that will illuminate a better world tomorrow…" Good grief, let's hope she didn't pay a scriptwriter for that.
Close at hand was Larry Fortensky, her seventh husband but her first from the construction industry, who now escorts her round the AIDS charity circuit on both sides of the Atlantic.
And what a party it has been for Liz ‘n’ Larry so far. Thank goodness she picked an exceptionally enlightened brickie, not one likely to share an anti-gay joke over the hod with his mates.
AIDS has given Liz a whole new starring role. After all, it has been a long time since Cleopatra.
Who said not long enough? Unlike the dewy eye, the parts dried up long ago.
Liz was forced to star in her own drama of drink, men and self-destruction. All very well, but costly in terms of drying-out fees.
And being pushed about various airports, bloated and wedged into a wheelchair, must have been losing its novelty as a photo-opportunity.
She had tried the last refuge of a Hollywood legend — bringing out your own scent and touting it round the promotional counters — when she was saved by the arrival of the incurable disease of the late 20th Century.
AND not just any old disease, but a high-profile one with a heavy presence on America's West Coast, handy for her Bel Air home. Thousands of victims in Africa but, more importantly from the PR point of view, a few glamorous names nearer to hand.
But in the case of Freddie Mercury, who died of AIDS last November, is glamour a big enough word? Should we be talking greatness here?
One of his few profundities not set to music was: "New York is Sin City. I just slut myself. My sex drive is enormous. I've got a big bed and it can sleep six."
Another shining light, eh?
Still, it has all been great PR for Liz, whose Tinseltown tiara was beginning to tarnish.
Now she's the First Lady of AIDS and she may soon be more famous for that than for getting married. And how well she looks on it.
Every cloud, as they say, has a silver lining for someone.
[Photo caption: EXIT: Liz leaving London last night with granddaughter Naomi and Larry / Picture: Dennis Stone]
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creaturefeaster · 2 years
Do any of your characters speak more then one language?
Putting under readmore because I ended up rambling for a while and getting weirdly technical woopsies
(I am assuming this question is Colorquest-centric. So I'll just be talking about that universe)
Now I wanna stress first, that this is a fantasy world, it is not earth. There is no Eurasia or Africa or the Americas etc... but our earthly languages still find themselves scattered throughout the world. There's no depth to it, I just really like learning about other languages and history thereof, and so like... so many of my characters end up being multilingual with real langauge because I can't help myself ABSJDBDB.
Anyway everyone in my story knows English because that's the language I write in ofc.
Hannah, Gary, Rachel, and Bonnie can all speak Spanish as well. Bonnie can also speak the langauge of Orcs, as well as a basic amount of Hungarian. Oh, and Gary & Rachel both know their respective Talpian.
Vilmr's first language is Swedish, but he speaks decently in English. Debbie's first langauge is English, but she knows basic Swedish. By extension of all being close friends, Michael and Samantha have learned small bits of Swedish as well.
April knows sign language, half of Leon's family is French and you wouldn't ever want to hear him speak it with his peculiar desert-hick accent, Tanner's first language is Tagalog, but has spoken english from a very young age as well. Lauren knows small bits of Hindi from her grandparents.
Gosh, really the only living characters that only know just one langauge are Tim, Brook, and Elliot.
And the mimes, they can communicate effortlessly with those of any langauge. It's not quite "they know every langauge ever," more like they'll understand no matter what language you talk to them in & vice versa. I ususally write them in English of course, but if they were to speak to someone alone who's first language is not English, I'd probably write a mime's speech in said first language. Uhhh if that makes sense o_o.
Holly speaks French specifically on default though, just because he's him. & what not. El Ganso also throws occasional spanish around, to relate to his namesake.
And then if you want to get into like, *host* specific stuff, Foxglove's host, AKA Maja, spoke Swedish with basic English. Twiddle & Jarna's hosts both spoke French as a first, and Jarna's knew the language of Orcs. Holly's knew French as well. Chickenstab's host spoke Talpian only. Rede's, a language of the deep, which involves echolocation, clicking, etc.
By being in these hosts and using their brains to an extent, these first languages can become instinctual in how they speak, some more prominently and some less so. They have to manually convert their speech in their head for others when normally, as explained before, such a switch would otherwise come naturally to them. ...That's a complicated way of saying their host makes them speak their native tongue.
With all of that explained, I guess it's simple to say a lot of my characters know more than one! 😵‍💫
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gerogerigaogaigar · 1 year
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Anita Baker - Rapture
Polish it until the mix sparkles. Polish out the imperfections. Polish out the personality. Polish out the funk. Polish it until every living thing inside it dies. This is how we do it in the 80s. This album is a fantastic sample pack for vaporwave artists.
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Ghostface Killah - Supreme Clientele
I love Wu-Tang solo albums. Like it's totally a ghostface solo album it just happens to feature RZA, GZA, Inspecta Deck, Method Man, Cappadona, and U-God. RZA crafts most of the beats here as usual and manages to give Ghost some of the widest variety of sounds on a Wu-Tang album ever. And Ghost steps to the challenge by really stepping up his game lyrically. Not only is his flow more complex than ever, but he also takes on the subject of crime and inner city life with more nuance and focus on community than his previous record.
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Fela Kuti & Africa 70 - Expensive Shit
To understand Fela Kuti you have to understand his relationship with the Nigerian government. Fela Kuti would write an album criticizing the government, then they would raid his home, destroy his music equipment, and attempt to arrest or kill whoever they could. Then Fela Kuti would set up somewhere else and record an album mocking the Nigerian government for failing to kill him. Expensive Shit commemorates the time that the Nigerian government tried to frame him for marijuana possession but he ate the joint they planted on him so they took him in to force him to shit the joint out so that they could arrest him for having marijuana poop. I'm not kidding, this happened. All this is to provide context so that when you hear the energetic upbeat rhythms of the title track of this album, that is the sound of a man mocking the government for spending time and money to inspect his shit.
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Blondie - s/t
This is one of the original punk rock bands. If you don't like that then fuck off back to your music history class while the big girls thirst for Debbie Harry. Blondie really had a way of hiding their punk rock underneath a facade of every other genre they felt like. Doo wop, 60s garage rock, surf, and some good old rock n roll. The other thing about this album is that Debbie Harry is horny, for men and women alike. The music may sound upbeat but she's gonna kick your teeth in and that's just the foreplay.
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mariacallous · 2 years
WASHINGTON (JTA) — The lawmakers thanked the representatives from the social networks giants for attending the Capitol Hill hearing on antisemitism — after all, it was not an official congressional hearing and no one was obliged to turn up.
But then, after some tense exchanges last Friday, things got acrimonious quickly: Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Jewish Florida Democrat who convened the hearing, said that the tech reps’ stonewalling on whether and how antisemitism would be treated will lead to congressional action.
“We’re all starting to see — anyone watching this — why we’re eventually going to have to regulate the way that this content is handled, as opposed to just leaving it to you, the companies, to comply, to make sure you’re complying with standards that really aren’t very transparent,” she said.
The panel, the Interparliamentary Anti-Semitism Task Force, is comprised of lawmakers from diverse countries, including the United States, Canada, South Africa, Israel, Sweden and New Zealand, and it has no real powers. But some of the individual lawmakers are members of governing parties and are able to take legislative action at home.
Wasserman Schultz, for instance, is a past chairwoman of the Democratic Party and is currently on two of the House of Representatives’ most powerful committees, Appropriations and Oversight. Likewise, Anthony Housefather, a Jewish member of parliament from Montreal, who is a member of Canada’s governing Liberal Party, has senior oversight roles.
Wasserman Schultz’s frustration came after Housefather was unable to elicit a commitment that the social media companies would label antisemitism as hate speech and take action to remove the phrase “Jews are all white nationalists who support Apartheid” from posts on their platforms.
Kevin Kane, the director of government affairs for YouTube said “that’s definitely something we’d want to look at,” but “it’s difficult to say in the abstract.” Representatives from TikTok, Twitter and Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, gave similarly noncommittal answers.
Housefather said the answers were “pretty disturbing.” Much of the first part of the panel had focused on the degree to which anti-Israel or Israel-critical comment is antisemitic, and the lawmakers and a group of experts enthusiastically promoted the definition of antisemitism advanced by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, which some liberal groups see as too broad. Housefather said he was substituting “Jews” for “Zionists” in his hypothetical as a means of addressing concerns about whether attacking “Zionism” is antisemitic.
Housefather’s hypothetical was also an allusion to the difficulties Canadian Jewish advocates had in getting Twitter to ban Laith Marouf, a Canadian pro-Palestinian advocate whose tweets included “You know all those loud mouthed bags of human feces, a.k.a. the Jewish White Supremacists; when we liberate Palestine and they have to go back to where they come from, they will return to being low voiced bitches of Christian/Secular White Supremacist Masters” and “I have a motto: Life’s too short for shoes with laces or entertaining Jewish white supremacists with anything but a bullet to the head.”
Michele Austin, Twitter’s director of public policy for the United States and Canada, was unable to explain why Marouf was allowed to return to Twitter with a different handle after having been banned from the platform in August. (Marouf was at the center of a controversy when it was revealed last month that an ostensibly antiracism organization he works for was receiving Canadian government money; the government eventually withdrew the funds.)
Another tense exchange between Austin and Michal Cotler-Wunsh, a former Israeli parliament member, had to do with the tweets of Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who routinely tweets antisemitic content and calls for Israel’s destruction. Cotler-Wunsh asked why Khamenei’s tweets remain up.
“What you are referring to is the world leaders policy, and I was very happy to hear a number of the comments from the envoys and the ambassadors with regard to this issue,” Austin said, without elaborating what Twitter’s “world leaders policy” was.
Wasserman Schultz was similarly frustrated when the social media representatives would not answer with specifics about what causes delays in the removal of hateful content.
The degree of frustration among the lawmakers was most evident at the end of the panel, when Wasserman Schultz scolded the companies for offering panaceas about promoting Holocaust remembrance. Eric Ebenstein, the director of public policy at TikTok, had listed a number of Holocaust commemorations the platform had promoted.
“Each of you in some way mentioned your pride in acknowledging Yom Hashoah and other specific Jewish holidays,” Wasserman Schultz said, referencing Israel’s Holocaust remembrance day. “Antisemitism is a viral toxic infection that drives real-world violence. And for you to only scratch the surface or to pander and use examples of, you know, like ‘some of your best friends are Jews’ is insulting and frustrating. So I would just suggest in the future when you’re testifying on this topic that perhaps you might not want to use those kinds of examples.”
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Cheeky Caracal Cat from Africa
Though this Caracal gives a silly tongue roll, his ancestors were revered by ancient Egyptians. The caracal appears to have been religiously significant in the ancient Egyptian culture, as it occurs in paintings and as bronze figurines; sculptures are thought to have guarded the tombs of pharaohs.
Photo by Debbie Beals
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kaedeakeshisworld · 2 years
Media Content I consumed/devour
Last update on Saturday October 22 2022
Anime I have already watched:
to be organised later kind of mind dumping !
/!\ Some of these do contain triggering topics please proceed with caution( bc I did not mention for every single one what it is about and the genre. In the near future I might or not I'll see...)
You will also find in-between parentheses my opinion about anime as well as me exposing myself, if it's mature bl(boys love) or not and some trigger warning too labelled like this /!\ + the content it deals with.
This list is under constant construction so do not expect it to ever be complete simply because it won't!!
91 days( All of it-spoiler: this anime is pain layered), 2.43: Seiin Koukou Danshi Volley-bu, 25-sai no Joshikousei(more of hentai I should say), 6 Lovers, Ikoku Irokoi Romantan, Houkago no Shoukuinshitsu, Actors: Songs Connection, Ahiru no sora(spoiler if you're a sore loser don't watch this at all), Ai no Monogatari, Ai no Kusabi(not suitable for everyone- spoiler rundown: people are in this sort of futuristic world and some are used as sex slaves again not for everyone bc here they literally own people), Aoi Bungaku Series, Akame ga Kill, All Out, Angel Densetsu, Antique Bakery, Africa no Salaryman,
Babylon(I still do not understand what happened in it- I'm reading the manga), Banana Fish, Baki the Grappler, Baki( all of it), Bartender, Be Boy Kidnapin' Idol, Bem, Bio Hunter(got me into monsterfucking oh yeah this one right here), Black Jack, Black Lagoon(Women had me like 🫡 yes ma'am anything you desire!! not me exposing myself like at all, Bleach(stopped at episode 300 sum bc seeing Ichigo in pain is not my thing at all, but read the whole manga. The Men in here: got me confused, lost, flabbergasted, triggered a third existential crisis and surprisingly I said I don't like men, I don't bat an eye in their presence but guess what honey out of all these one got me. That man is Kyoraku san plus he's a cancer like what this can't be a coincidence at all. Ahh, je m'emporte à nouveau. Like I said, he's so fine if I am trying to become a parent in this lifetime only he could provide me with them period I said what I said. Pleath!!! What you've read up until now was just a sliver of someone that is going to get their period. I wish you a lovely day, morning, afternoon, night wherever it is that you are currently at 😊), Blood, Blood-c(all), Blood +, Bronze Koji Nanjo Cathexis, Bronze: Zetsuai since 1989, Boku no Sexual Harassment(I feel like this anime right here needs another name than this one bc let me tell you it's way more than what the title entails...), Bungo Stray Dogs (All),
Captain Tubasa, Cardcaptor Sakura, Castlevania(Three main characters are sooo good looking and do I have to highlight the Adrian Tepes and his ethereal beauty like... sir you don't even need to do me like that 🥲 had me questioning my whole existence as someone that has never once in my life fancied men. Should I or shouldn't I? The question remains unanswered.), Close the Last Door, Crayon shin-chan(This kid is so vile Oh my goodness, if you are well acquainted with Japanese customs in terms of politeness you already know what I mean 🙃), Crows
Dakaretai Otoko Ichi ni Odosarete Imasu( anime+movie), Days, Death Note, Demon City Shinjuku, Demon Slayer, Devilman, Devilman Crybaby, Devil's Line, Doraemon, Doukyussei, Dragon Ball Z, Drifters(Men: their attitude, resolve, conviction and goals plus how they look!!!!??? Got me like 🫣 Honourable mention for Oda Nobunaga and his crazy obsession about powder long haired men own my soul 🫠🫡😩), Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru, Durarara,
Enen no Shouboutai(Daddy Leo what's up Debby Ryan hair tuck behind ear and run. But on a serious note why most men here are hot as hell, give me a damn break will you!!),
Fist of the North Star, Finder no Hyouteki (/!\ rape, drugs specifically aphrodisiacs, Chinese and Japanese Yakuza) Fudanshi Kokou Seikatsu, Fugou Keiji; Balance Unlimited, Fujimi Orchestra, Fuyu no Semi (Mature Bl- spoiler: I cried for this one too, such a beautiful love story with a tragic ending!), Free, Fullmetal Alchemist
Gakuen Babysitters, Gansta, Gibiate, Ghost Talker's Dream, Given(Bl), Gokushufudou, Great Pretender(1-2), Gunslinger girl
Haru wo Daiteita, Haikyuu, Hamatora, Re- Hamatora, Handa-kun, Hellsing(/!\ Necrophilia, Paedophilia by religious entity, the main character has suffered so much that it hurts my soul yet he's so badass) , Hey, Class President, Himouto! Umaru-chan, Hinamatsuri, Hinomaru Sumo, Hitorijime My Hero(Bl), Horimiya, Howl's Moving Castle, Hunter x Hunter, Hybrid Child(Mature Bl with censorship), Hyperventilation(Mature Bl with censorship),
Inuyashiki: Last Hero,
K-on, Kabukichou Sherlock, Kachou no Koi, Kengan Ashura( 1-2. The Fang is that black bodysuit, standing in the middle of that arena, with his hair down, Adonis physique had me drooling in front of my screen like no other man could, drenched sweat in blood unlocked a blood kink in me! I was 😯 and he was there all proud ✨ ), Keroro Gunsou(Soo funny I cannot stress this enough. My favourite one is Tama Tama, so adorable!!), Kirepapa, Kizuna, Kite, Koisuru Boukun, Kyojinzoku no Hanayome(Bl), Kuiba: Shu Tu, Kuroko no Basuke, Koneko no Chii: Ponponra Daibouken, Kumichou Musume to Sewagakari( Kirishima is my kind of man- Alexa play it's raining men 😉),
La Maison en Petit Cubes, Legend of Duo, Love Stage, Loveless,
Jieyao, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's( 1-6: Kakyoin Noriaki is one of the several perfect husbands I have like his style, manners, politeness and his life story: I just want to hug him so bad ), Juni Taisen: Zodiac War, Jujutsu Kaisen(the movie + the anime- Nanami-san and Chousou are hubby material no cap, I do not need to back this up), Junjou Romantica,
Maiden Rose(This Mature Bl is paired up with violence just so you know also I should say there is somewhat of a power dynamic in there-people that watched it know what I'm on), Maison Ikkoku, Mangirl, Meikyuu Black Company, Michiko to Hatchin, Minegishi-san wa Oostu-kin ni Tabesasetai Mini Anime, Mindiao Ju Yi Wen Lu( I forgot the name of the white long haired dude- me and my Amazing memory an immaculate duo- but he's so damn fine Daddy what's good, let me know when you're free? Horny hours got me captive💀 ), Midori(if you are not acquainted with the mangaka's influences in his works, I suggest you do not check this. It tends to disgust people), Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid, My Hero Academia (1-5), Monster, Mushi-shi, Music up- Reborn, Mugen no Junin,
Nanatsu no Taizai, Neon Genesis Evangelion(spoiler: this one is beautiful but the ending is going to make you depressed that is if you aren't already), Ninja Hattori-kun, Ninja Scroll, Noblesse(Men in this anime are ✨scrumptious✨ I have a soft spot for Frankenstein and M21 👀🫦),
Ojamajo Doremi, Okane ga nai(Mature Bl- it deals with let me see if remember this one though... I do well, it's about this main character : thé epitome of european beauty standard blonde hair blue eyed you get what I am saying. This is fairly rare in the setting of the anime keyword here rare so summed of this beautiful character whose name I no longer have in mind is sold at an action yes you read that right! The man that bought him is... a pervert and human trafficking not suitable for everyone so beware), Orange(about suicide so pleath proceed with caution. I was such an emotional mess (yes I cried watching each episode because I dealt with this topic myself) , Orenchi no Furo Jijou
Papa Datte Shitai(Bl), Papa to Kiss in the Dark, Persona 5, Pokemon
Queen's Blade( anyone that is fond of oppai this is is might be your Tengoku- I'm not going to lie it was for me 😏)
Sakamoto desu ga, Slam Dunk, Saiki Kusuo no Psi Nan, Shakunetsu Kabaddi, Shingeki no Kyojin, Sekaiichi Hatsukoi(Bl), Saezeru Tori wa Habatakanai(BL-all), Samurai Champloo, Sex Pistols(Bl), Super Lovers(Bl), Sword Art Online, Shigurui: Death Frenzy, Super Crooks, Sk8 the Infinity, Supernatural,
Tenkuu Shinpan, Thermae Romae, Thermae Romae Novae, Tight Rope (Bl), Tokyo Ghoul, Tokyo Revengers, Trigun, Twilight of the Dark Master,
Urotsukidōji: The legend of the Overfiend(this is better labelled as hentai by the way, again not suitable for everyone...)
Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Vassalord, Vanitas no Carte
Wicked City(Maki is such a beautiful woman Oh my goodness don't mind me simping), Wotaku ni Koi wa Muzukashi,
Yamishibai( 1-6), Yarichin Bitch-Bu(Hella graphic Bl), Yebisu Celebrities (Mature Bl), Yes ka No Ka Hanbun Ka, Young Black Jack, Yowamushi Pedal (all of it)
Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yuri on Ice, Yuukoku no Moriarty,
Zetsuai 1989( This is exactly what made me fall in love with anything that revolves around the Yansen world- it is a mature bl anime with tad censorship so watch at your own risk!!)
Cartoons I already watched
Power Puff Girls, Samurai Jack, Scooby Doo, Tom & Jerry, Dexter's Lab, Code Lyoko, Codename: Kids next door, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ed Edd and Eddy and Johnny Bravo.
Cartoons I occasionnaly watch
We Bare Bears, The Amazing World of Gumball, Oggy and the cockroaches.
Series I watched
Everybody hates Chris, True Blood,
Live Action
Tokyo Ghoul, Bleach, Mugen no Junin,
My fave genre of manga is horror so Warau Kyuuketsuki by Maruo Suehiro is a must imo
Book/Poetry authors
Mary Shelley, Henry James, Marquis de Sade, Edgar Allan Poe, Ernest Hemingway, Charlotte Brontë, Samuel Beckett, Maupassant, Christiane Rochefort, Honoré de Balzac, André Malraux, François Mauriac, Shakespeare, André Gide, Sophocles, Émile Zola, Jean Rhys, China Miéville, George Orwell, André Brink, Webster, Fitzgerald, Defoe, Tennessee Williams, Michael Ondaatje, Ngūgī wa Thiong'o, Kate Grenville, Osamu Dazai, Edogawa Ranpo, R.H. Sin, Rupi Kaur, Rumi,
List will come soon
Current taste
A lot of Classic music, Pearl Center, The Japanese House, Super Beaver, Green Tea Peng, Denai Moore, Macroblank, Pop Smoke, Bad Hop, St. Vincent, Majid Jordan, Hump Back, Giveon, Back Number, Ten's Unique, Hideyoshi, Jay Park, Beach House, Teru, Tony Fika, Mitsume, Beach Bunny, Mono no Aware, Lijemea, Sho Time, Plaza, Grapevine, Tricot, Ze Espanhol, No Buses, Histujibungaku, Soul Media, Kaneko Ayano, Mc Tranka Fulha, Ichiko Aoba, Ferro Gaita, Yzerr, Deb Never, Kana-Boon, Hiroshi Suzuki, Mega Shinnosuke, Morena Santana, Avu-chan, Mol-74, Cody Lee, Tony di Frank, Taeko Ohnuki, Peach Pit, Goldlink, Indigo La End, Tota Lopi, Never Young Beach, Toe, Lücy, Tempalay, Denzel Curry, Willy Semedo, Brockhampton, Miyachi(I got Kansai Life on repeat 😊), The 1975, Boy Pablo, Ryo Kawasaki, Hiromasa Suzuki, Kiyoshi Sugimoto, Indigo Jam Unit, Jiro Inagaki, Agatha, Hidehiko Matsumoto Quintet, Tadao Hayashi Harp Trio, Polkadotstingray, All That Jazz, Elisa, Hatena, Number Girl, Kotringo, Jin Dogg, Mamerico, Miyako Hasegawa, Does, Tiji Jojo, Casiopeia, Keytalk, Passepied, Spicysol, Temporex, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, Annabel, Goose House, Civilian, Theatre Brook, Rookiez is Punk'd, Howl be Quiet, Humbreaders, Vicke Blanka, Shirō Sagisu, Kenshi Yonezu, Meiko Nakahara, Galileo Galilei, Kenichi Kurosawa,
Showmore, Zeca di Nha Reinalda, Bulimundo, Tendre, Sirup, Djoje, Bôa, YeYe, Lucky Tapes, Mondo Grosso, Kinoko Teikoku, Official Higedandism, Fujii Kaze, Amazarashi, W.o.d., King Knu, Chilli Beans, Scarlxrd, The Pillows, Omoinotake, Kali Uchis, Shishamo, Asian Kung Fu Generation, Tomoko Aran, Haruka Nakamura, Helsinki Lambda Club, Fleetwood Mac- Witchy vibes, Macaroni Enpitsu, Yasuha, Miki Matsubara, Anri, Junko Yagami, 1986 Omega Tribe, Mariya Takeuchi, Tatsuro Yamashita, Junko Ohashi, Takako Mamiya, Jorge Neto, Mai Yamane, Eve, Radwimps, Jun Togawa,
Used to Listen to
Red Hot Chili Peppers, Linkin Park, Beadoobee, The Police, Tears for Years, Evanescence, Travis Scott, The Doors, Brent Faiyaz, Metallica, Sade, Dido, Bruce Springsteen, Playboy Carti, Harry Styles, Dua Lipa, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Aerosmith, Drake, Bees Gees, Eminem, The Ruling Stones, Tupac, The Beatles, Bad Bunny, Led Zeppelin, The Weeknd, Black Sabbath, Rihanna, Queen Eagles, Sza, AC/DC, Men I Trust , The Stooges, Adele, Journey, Current Joys, King Crimson, Ariana Grande, Ramones, Billie Eilish, Blondie, The Clash, Bon Jovi, Guns ‘N Roses, The Cure , U2, Depeche Mode, Motley Crüe, Def Leppard, R.E.M, Surf Curse, Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Soundgarden, Radiohead, Greenday, Weezer , Foo Fighters, Blink 182, Rage Against the Machine, Jane’s Addiction, Sonic Youth, The Cranberries , Blur, The Verve, Pixies, TLC, Spice Girls, Tom Odell, Lewis Capaldi, London Grammar, Tyler the Creator, Kanye West,
Anime I currently watch:
Ultraviolet, Argento Soma, Bayonetta, The Skull Man, Vatican Miracle Examiner, Kokkoku, Akiba Maid Bar, K, Kachou Ouji: The Legend of Black Heaven, Gintama and Wild Adapter.
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debra2007-blog · 18 days
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The Keys of Carey, McKay, and Livingston Monday, June 3, 2024 Plan B David Livingstone's heart was set on being a medical missionary to China, but the opium wars made it impossible. He went to Africa instead and opened up unchartered land to the Gospel. Alexander McKay prepared for Madagascar, but instead ended up in Uganda helping found one of the most amazing missions in the world. Robert Carey planned on going to the South Sea, but instead ended up in India and was responsible for opening up India to the Gospel. None of these people got what they initially prepared for or dreamed about, but they didn't let it stop them. In the end, what appeared as a broken dream was really the call of God to do something better. You will know broken dreams and frustrated plans, but be all the more determined to serve God no matter what. If it's not one way, He'll give you another and it'll be something better and greater than anything you could have ever planned yourself. In the end, disappointments are God's appointments if you let them be, and your detours will have been the call of God on your life.
Today's Mission Today when things don't go as you want make it your aim to praise and glorify God all the more.
Proverbs 16:3 3 Commit thy works unto the Lord, and thy thoughts shall be established. Put God in charge of your work, then what you’ve planned will take place.
Have a blessed day and week. May Yeshua Hamashiach bless you, Love, Debbie
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mega-bluespower · 4 months
Food news you can use: From Debbie Israel’s blog
RANKING Best Restaurant in Israel Awarded to OCD BYDEBBIE KANDELONFEBRUARY 17, 2024•( LEAVE A COMMENT ) Israel Restaurants in the Middle East and North Africa’s 50 Best Restaurants 2024 Awards. The 2024 ranking of the Middle East & North Africa’s 50 Best Restaurants was announced on 13th February 2024 including the announcement of the Best Restaurant in Israel. Due to the war in Gaza, the…
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fkyumerica · 5 months
they keep doing shit to raise the cerebral palsy chimpanzees
no you were suppossed to kill them
ring bearers at a wedding
they will just shit and go UHH
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YW9gkuWPWEE so she hits chewbacca
CRAZY Lady RUINS Kids Show At Disneyland ! #shorts #disney
they wernt to light up the colleseum
Masculinity Initiation Party | South Park | Comedy Central Africa
they would party like crayz to kill them everyday
and it didnt happen
I dont thin kso officer hit her officer
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HFDcDdFU0Vw wtf reverse and back
These Teachers Dressed Up As Their Students
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/kiBzUQhAeQE and they got a sloth
kind Man helps sloth cross the road 🦥 #costarica #sloth #shortsviral #animals #conservation
how old are you 85 how are you so active we stole the beach
wtf a beach a boat whoa ok look i smashed in the window
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Wx12eotl7sc you cannot control me
🤣when trolling a fan goes wrong #wwe #wwefunny
i will fuck all over you and rape you and your husband
what does it say miscarriage gear
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/KahlQAtENJE she wanted to meet up with her ex boyfriend and be every princess at disney world
Disney Mascot STUNS Girl With Rare SURPRISE! #shorts #disney
and if not working there then owning it i got the dream
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CBFjRqgsxTA you got a fucking kangaroo with no arms now
Man saves dog from kangaroo #animals #fact #viral
kevin is her ex's dad
andrew trevino
holy shit same kids as them
one school
do it
one pig
the thing
im gonna be sailor mars the police officer
twiggy the model is jessicas mom and does the microphone magnet noises
to rape
and shoot it in her roof tank
the houses were made to rape people
and hey gotta be me to hang out with me 230 scream laughing AHHH videos one after the next she is showing her kid all day
we fill the whole mason jar pouring water
then we cum
and every noise of the mouth is this
get off to it
i married george mcfly
had 18 kids
and mow
https://www.wheelsanddollbaby.com/ i married a baby and im still a baby
Wheels & Dollbaby - Official Store
85+ years old
debbie harry
when harry met sally
australia whoa no
and constant animal screams
pissed noises
and cak cak cak noises from mom
tounge smacking clicking
im licking my mouth slow, aand im fucking you
on the phone
sitting in front of her too
yea change the mic she got off
and brandon too turn it on ooh baby ooh
5 people shut up on the same phone call
uh who cares
and i jumped on your boyfriend right
shes not married want my kid
her dad siad it right
and i made up the makeup and hair and clothing
they were not it
get skinny to what i stay fat and fuck
27 guys to lose the weight in one day
then call my dad
that is their family in the club house
wtf made it a mansion
one room house party
and them going ah yea, ah right
old middle aged people now
they want anyone to fuck their kids
to say their kids hot so the parent jerks off to it after
got me hot got my hair up im blonde
and harry
left too ooh ooh oooh fingers herself
so the guy does to his dick too
and cumming is it
top of the dick jerking off then cumming
shooting out
gotta cum to fuck her too so he fucks her infant after
and all her boyfriends did
house party do it too marry 5
you didnt wanna marry my kids thats when i started to dress it
and went punk
they dont even know who is related to them
in their house they write down 5 names and numbers, then hand it out to someone fuck em in a week
see if oyu go
this is her
fake french
underground sheets of metal as the ground
on all the land
101 dalmations
drive through france mmall
electrocute it
and everyone in it
they made baby music and videos learn with us
for that building, nut house to learn they were not supposed to learn
midevil ttorture building
killing all of them is what it was built for
rapist retards
and chimps
and league before drown it make it small
finger in eye its whole life
didnt grow
burning pitutitary gland will make it smaller
behind nose
giant to stop growing
old mcdonald had a farm
that was regans son then too
there you go pluck off all her eyebrows
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thats her
ahhhhhhhhh i just wanna fuck
i gave birth as a kid
and infant
and toddler
now KNOW it
fuck you
so im singing it to you
b bar
d dog
f bitch
they made their own the whole time
full cup
notice mine
she is angela or a angela
double decker big house
giant hording downstairs
cant find me and meth and my kids again in the storage tubs
and her mom mother reagans
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and husbands
that nut house
is her in the movie
she is deformed, retarded, and a midget on stilts, and men flying up there think they can do anything, and women on the ground like a group of wild animals together they are don’t care fuck anyone
fake presidents and leave court room
doesnt need to be one
or law school
police say it
judge tries to talk to them
they wouldent not be there with him
last one fucked me up he's nice
and keep talking
says it 90 times
shortest one dark hair is the hairy arm woman at subway and dirt woman keep getting more put more dirt on it metal sheets
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make europe
they remake it everyday
wtf is wrong with you they will kill you
eeach time
i have never talked to people so stupid
aco hardware
all they are is this retarded bitch screaming hold the hammer electrocute them
and they interrupt
to say hey mom who do i fuck next
to say she is their mom to fuck infants
ask mom tell mom
james dean gay
it is their dad
to those 50s guys
i got 8 girls i dunno wtf
what colleges those were the buildings
touch her finger her fuck her too
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two in a tree never stopped up against a wall
leon said he is Ronald reagan
they met mem then wayne county community college with jo
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it is her with him
jo is a man
and i'll make her shove a kid up her ass some day
and wtf shes 5
where are you dragging this
no one is a judge shut up so they get killed
and die
now slow song to calm them down
sing it
it is his family obviously shut the fuck up
i know it
im retarded
im nandor
no we gotta be boys we gotta fuck like boys too
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i looked over all these photos as evidence before
and you think you can speak as a officer or as a judge
you are in it
john said he fucked leon to rob him
and grandma i had 8 kids to show who they are
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We put in the air, gas, and compress it in houses and bust your necks from down the street too with it
and we sent her in so we could go south and west and south and north and where you live and fuck you-nandor
and i still dont give a fuck about you
meet me
we killed our parents
well let me eat her out
her mom had to still fuck other men the whole time
so her parents could live away from her and it was a nicer life
and this was in the 90s its a movie
and her dad too
the same
fucked other people still
you watching this doesnt look like it
leon said it when the virgin came on tv
you requested music
get them to leave
and fuck your parents one last time
same hospital
and shoot them
if you dont
this is it
he had 8 kids with her then theyre fat
they knew it
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and say it
they always will
and show your grandma
with the line on her face
regans other wife
not his first 8th
and you married a guy
who didnt him
to leavve you for a whole truck of girls
what dinosaurs
penny, angela, angie, elizabeth, tangie, emily, andy, and grear
what club then church then what
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its ok i know it all im leon
no you dont
and mm
he just asked me to go and fuck them with him
and keep your butt open
shes talking to him
its happening hes gay
porn on tv who gives a shit
porn on tv that woulda been a 200$ fine
but she waited on it, talking to me again, i dont talk go two feet and we go short
it is about fucking
they cant even see it or hear it
brushing noises
walrus goes up and fucks you on own
they are blasting batteries
like tasers
taught her it
your fault you knew it right to hurt police officers
what a btich guiermo
let me do it to you
feel pain once
she didnt
i feel bad i dont got a job
but i dont care
give me a dog i dont want
and you
and no hair
who cares
face piercings
he dont give a fuck
leave me
left me before
and she said it too im her in the mask
whoa yea she is
i wanna have sex
here is mary sue fucking her family in a mcdonalds wont stop fucking her parents grandparens and to everyone come on everyone fuck them
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enters and does it and smells as it
old people smell
suck it out the hole (belly button) and drip it on the rest
here is angela had to hit her for robbing clayton to get her in a ambulance
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her boyfriend had to
she is retard NO NO NO NO throwing her head back and forth
80 minutes
why cant we do you, come back with all of us and do us
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its a party (church tunnels to casino and drive in them)
i start em
aand no you cant get any money for any of this
and i knoow at cabelas we told them instead
got the money and food
or wtf rob them
we fuck em to do it
to eat a butter crack cow
-anne marie
and here is guiermo i dont care listen to her parents i want you to steal from her
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they see anyone and fuck them from behind, and 3 together jump on him, lay her down, fuck
trailer park was nut house moved out
and her grandma she kept alive for oral
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do it do it do it
sex sex sex
give me oral in the mouth
god yeaa
and when she put on her glasses
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with anne maries grandma
i dont care marry marilyn monroe after
said you and her kids would marry
did they
gay dogs too hide it
and i dont care you will say all the shit about her too
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her grandma again
and her grandpa left one who said start the party
with her other grandpa on right
president after
she eats pinsol spray
guiermo does
they raise meth levels up to piss you off the whole time
and they hit them and leave them with them
cant remeber the other relationship
i didnt do it i didnt do her i didnt do her and precious spoiled child anne marie is his mother, bottom right "i know i can do it make me her the biggest bitch, judge, glen close judge judy" back left, im the right guard, on his right is the left guard
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and ther est had sex with her too jessica
they are blacks still
and its her
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i wanna fuck both of em left guard and right guard
they are all related and in dearborn
nooo reminds us of the hospital
perfect airr
big house
i wanna run
lets ruin everything us then too the judge
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should i have my kids killed or not
whoa new opportunity
and amish, left, go in anywhere
they are punching me with dope
hair dryer
as the gas heat
and careese doesnt care
she is it
and guiermo was krystina
dont care go with him too anthony hit her he is him
george mcfly
and is it him him and him
no that is a actual photo
i am not sarcastic
why dont i believe it
go back and ape fuck all the girls oyoou had a truck
and i dunno we took it i know how to build a room
and us a column
and careese mute her
so she does
less shit more free food
they believed them
it is their families too
i never met them either too
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they said i got down syndrome from fatima she made sandwhiches they handled all of those infants
and no one else stayed
food free shit i left thats not a marriage
is she that retarded
so he thinks shes gotta go with him
and she did
careese did so did you
and the columns to those men whoa im not that big
i gotta go here
leon-we were all the same family and friends i dont care
and tounge in her to freak her fuck her say to him how to come over and fuck her
waiting outside
for him
wtf hes back
just fucked lindita its jordan
church down the road
she lives there my girlfriend
anne marie put on white makeup and her whole face looks like a double chin
cerebral palsy
tan arms
and her parents drank the whole time too
and whats with all the clothes girls no we steal your colors off you adn your naked
reversse clothes with colors
omfg these people are pissing me off so much
naked colors
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hes a giant bitch again
hit on back of the head
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giant nose
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/BISYo3dllf0 no youre only gonna want a bird if its half dead
Happy Bird
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x1vtn4Dw-F8 and its us ok
We see our old cartman as his son - South Park
we dress up young
teach us
the judge makes the decision for all of them
thats it
to understand it too
it was sit one there
around them they surround and
open fire
hey cigarettes, lighters, and yea keep em retarded
they stay it
they all had their own house after mating with a older man too after wrestlnig or becoming a rabai
then downriver all of them grouping get in the river
all pregnant too sit down
and this too we only talk queer
i wanted fish and chips from applebees
i ate a whole thing of crackers
theres no food left again
they all lived all over hey send in sister bethany i left all need a whole house right
and constant food wtf
all you can eat
stole the truck load
every grocerie store
all the trucks come in everyday right with a whole new store each time
of food
go eat all you want
says it
they all did dating each other wtf
giant wedding
gordie howe geordie white
i fucked like 15 girls i dont care
as a old man
and now, 50,000
only thing he wanted to do
ate all day
colleseum roar was for food
hillary clinton/a headless horseman
cruella deville car can go up those mountain hills
and hide as a tree
no fucking way amanda im going in it
and killing them after
found em again
and killing her with one too to get it
smash in the side
hit the car back
old muscle cars are it
and drag race motor wont break
and that truck can smash ssemis off the cliffs
she said she took out a school credit card
anne marie
she was stealing my books and me in her trunk to die after
she got 500$
to be a pig to do it
then live in a house after she makes a restuarant to scream and be one of those ball table guys
break em guys
feed me the wild shit
what food is here now
that is their church
we live they die what
these skiing people are giant
marilyn manson wedding
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edcdKLqFGZI dog as big as a coffin
they leave their new borns and hey find it dog
breed all of them to do it
that was sadam his wife and osama
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0vmyUJSAAM bishops will die now
Bidding farewell to Benedict XVI: Translation to St. Peter's Basilica - Highlights
their priest is their wife
the cardinal is who she inbred with
in her own family
and the pope is their grandmother again
they say it to get sex again
Highlights - 8 - January 2024 Audience to the members of the Diplomatic Corps Pope Francis
hate each one of them
leon says it like him
is part of their church
no i am not
keep giving them kids at them
i never did
they make noises with their mouth after
their wives go ok
so do their gay sons
and the rest go yea what
and didnt fuck her enough in the room
hey. what?
dad coming over
says it
shoot them all
they are the ministry
and their families
they let us live
well you partied the fuck out of it then chris
she didnt take out a loan
fake college
alive now
she said alive now wtf we can live alive now
and :10 got the most girls ever
250,000 in one day
fingered, fucked, and fled
with 18,000 others
then 290,000,000 women
the next day
fucking all of their heads again
then they all did what they want
they knew a nod meant yes
say they are the womens group like i said
and you already messed it up again
mr i got a house from their fucking jobs
Disney's Craziest Mid-Ride Evacuations #shorts #disneyworld
this is it
evacuate, leave meant it
leave the moms here
points at the ground where
and the moms drug it
we get to leave
they stand there
the moms do
their pastors were boats of guys asking after robbing for the first time hey wanna go with us free food since
dont go to school
who cares attack them
anyone alive and not on dope
and alcohol
cause THEn they fuck them
Santino Marella vs. Honky Tonk Man - Intercontinental Championship Match: Cyber Sunday 2008
you cannot fuck with that honkey tonk
he did show up to school to touch me
the fake italian beaner guy
and showed up in church too
i preformed an exorcism
and saw all that shit
lay 45 down and fuck kids to live
and lie in the back of church and free food at soup kitchen
and free detroit
live in land
and fuck
wtf whoa honkey tonk get in a truck and drive and live anywhere
im the only one who had information
all they did was drive is someone there
what are they doing
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tchistorygal · 7 months
Story Chat Online Literary Conversations Continuing Blog Tour
The book tour started with Debbie Harris on November 15th in Australia. Both Robbie Cheadle in South Africa and Philip Cumberland shared Story Chat book tour posts on their blogs. The links to these posts are highlighted above. Robbie wrote, “I am delighted to introduce an interesting new literary anthology today, called Story Chat. It is edited and compiled by Marsha Ingrao from stories…
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