#debt trap diplomacy
kramlabs · 11 months
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*Militarized Index Funds descended from Anglo-American Whig Mercantilism may own the banks now. But the controllers of the index funds, the algorithms, the AI’s, the Market, the Banks—-are unified and manage it all
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*more on the Whigs
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saxafimedianetwork · 2 months
Experts Criticize China's Governance Model in Africa, Praise Taiwan's Approach
Experts criticize #China's #Governance model in #Africa, citing unpayable debts & lack of benefits for locals. In contrast, #Taiwan's model in #Somaliland is praised for its people-centric approach & focus on knowledge transfers.
Continue reading Experts Criticize China’s Governance Model in Africa, Praise Taiwan’s Approach
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 9 months
The Old Gods and The New - Chapter 12
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Black White and Midnight Blue | Loki x Reader
You and Loki repay your debt to the Avengers by attending Baron Zemo's exclusive Hampton's dinner. But when an unexpected guest arrives, you find yourself the centre of attention.
Warnings: Baron Zemo chat (I hate that guy), mention of PTSD and anxiety for reader, angst, whump/hurt (the comfort comes next chapter!)
A/N: I'm so sorry this has taken ages and it's not the extra long chapter I promised because, in the end, the extra bit just made sense further along in the story telling. We're really moving the plot along at pace in this chapter and revealing a bit more about our antagonists so I hope you enjoy it. Thanks for sticking with this!
Divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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There was a time in your life when you had only ever dreamt of sitting beside the Avengers in their luxurious top floor office, discussing plans to save the world. Like everyone else, you’d seen the news, watched the footage of them battling in New York and been awed by their bravery and prowess. But now, seeing them argue and having felt their fear and wrath, you only felt cold. 
Their icy demeanors hadn’t thawed since you returned, the truce between the heroes and Loki was dangerously thin, held together only by Thor’s surprisingly adept diplomacy and their need for you. 
Below the table you felt the only warmth in the room, Loki’s hand on your thigh, pressing his fingertips just a little harder than normal, to help you feel grounded. Below the surface you could feel his magic thrumming, restrained in its frustrations, straining against its bonds in an attempt to be freed. It was a feeling you could empathise with, your magic called back to him, coiled inside of you ready to strike. 
The poor weather of mid autumn had kept you trapped inside and unable to practise the depths of your magic as you wanted to. But when you were alone together, your sedir tangled with his and had allowed you to make and support illusions both beautiful and romantic. 
You sighed, bathing in the memory of Loki twirling you around his bedroom, transformed for the evening into a miniature Asgardian ballroom.
Hands clasped, one steadying palm at the small of your back as the waltz rose around you. His intricate steps leading you into dizzying turns. 
Your memories blurred together, dances from aeons past melting into this perfect evening. 
“Are you two listening to me?” Steve barked, hands on his hips as he commanded the room, a large leather binder spread open on the table in front of him. 
“Of course we are, Captain.” Loki drawled, a note of disdain lingering in the otherwise quiet room. 
“Yes, Captain Rogers.” You answered, earning a tickle of long fingers along the inside of your knee from Loki. 
Such a good girl 
A teasing warmth spread over your skin, starting in the dimple of soft flesh that Loki had pinched and up your spine. 
I just want to get this done with
“As I was saying,” he coughed, flipping a page in his folder, “Loki and Estrid -” 
“Oh, you don't have to start using that name-” you interjected. 
Since returning from Tønsberg you’d shared your new name with the group for clarity. But it still felt odd to have an entirely different identity. Though there were things you could become accustomed to, your new name was proving to be a sticking point. 
“Loki and Estrid -” Steve continued. 
“Lady Estrid,” Loki interrupted, leaning forwards across the table and flourishing a gold pen from the thin air around his hand, “if you're going to ignore her wishes, you could at least be correct, Captain, allow me to update your little record for you. It’s Lady Estrid, Princess of -” 
“If you want to use it, then just Estrid is fine.” You took the pen from his hand and placed it carefully on the table where it melted into the surface leaving a faint trace of gold.  
“Darling you should -” 
“It’s fine, Loki, let’s just-” you tipped your head towards the waiting team and raised your eyebrows. 
Please, let it go
Never, you deserve to be treated with respect, especially from these cretins
I know, I know, but the sooner we’re done here the sooner we can just leave
Loki scowled, but turned back to Steve, “continue.” 
Steve returned the scowl and went back to his book, “Loki and Estrid will use their powers to infiltrate the party and separate at the bar, your new identities will be in your briefing packs and outfits will be provided. Although I suppose, should the need arise, you will both be able to create disguises. Should you be compromised this will be key to your escape. 
“Loki, you’ll head to the office room so that you can break into the safe. There should be a laptop in there with - well, possibly best if you don’t know. But it’s important. Estrid you’ll be keeping people away, providing cover as this is your first op. Loki, you should hand the laptop over to Natasha who’ll be waiting here -” a map flashed up above the desk in the same, obnoxiously bright blue and orange that all of Stark’s designs seemed to favour.
You and Loki leant back in your chairs to get a better look. “Natasha will be waiting in the first of the get-away vehicles. It’s important that you both stay at the party for at least a short while so as to not raise suspicions. When it’s time for you to leave we’ll let you know through your comms. Understood?” 
“Understood,” you nodded at Steve. 
“Loki?” The Captain stared pointedly at the Prince sitting next to you who had become so bored he’d produced a nail file from somewhere and was carefully tidying up the edge of his middle finger.  
“You understand that I’m a God? This is not the first time I’ve been in a raiding party.” Loki raised one eyebrow, “I think between us we’re perfectly capable. Now, my darling, can we leave?” Loki had a way of speaking to you as if there was no one else in the room, clear and direct, his eyes focussed on you entirely and it made you tingle all over. 
“Yes, we can go.” You allowed yourself a small smile at his impatience and took his outstretched hand, allowing your gaze to rise up his lean, muscular body. 
The two of you had barely left Loki’s rooms since your date, snuggled together in blissful solitude morning and night. Just being in the conference room felt painful and you longed to return to the comfort of Loki’s bedroom. 
“But we still have -” Steve started. 
“My Ásynja has said that it’s time for us to go,” Loki cut off Steve’s protests and turned his back on the Avengers, tucking your hand into his elbow and leading you back to his quarters. 
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The light glimmered off your dress as you stepped from the dark interior of the limo and out onto into the softly lit courtyard of Baron Zemo’s Hampton’s residence. Behind the tall gates and stone walls, New York’s most wanted were being wined and dined while the Avengers set up their checkpoints in the inky darkness of the beach and grassland that surrounded the vast estate. 
Loki kept hold of your hand once the door closed behind you, tucking your fingers into the crook of his elbow, the soft wool material of his suit warmed your palm while you looked up at the towering mansion. Behind the stone walls the home itself looked almost cosy, warm lights detailing the traditional white wood and blue accents. Who could have known that behind the white linen curtains lurked so many criminals, the blood on their hands enough to fill the tinkling fountain in the centre of the courtyard. 
You squeezed Loki’s arm to get his attention. 
“Yes, darling.” His voice was a low purr against the backdrop of muffled string music and laughter. 
“I don’t know if I can do this.” You whispered, stepping closer to him, “what if I can’t hold this shape?” 
The entire operation was dependent on you and Loki pretending to be a minor couple from one of the European crime families trying to break new ground in America. When you’d questioned where the real couple would be, Steve had told you not to worry about it. But Tony gleefully explained that he had arranged for Natasha to pay the mysterious pair a visit just before their limo was due to arrive. You hadn’t dared to think about where she’d put them for the duration of the evening. 
“You can and you will,” he assured, tugging you closer, “and then we can be free of this nonsense, Ásynja, and we can return to Tønsberg together.” Behind the illusion, you saw the flash of Loki’s blue eyes, a shimmer of gold, of promise, and you straightened yourself. “It doesn’t hurt that you look absolutely radiant, my darling.” He grinned, appraising the black cocktail dress that had been chosen for you. It was a very beautiful dress, and although you’d become rather accustomed to wearing green and blue, you had accepted that it was your job to blend in tonight and not stand out. 
“Loki,” you gave an embarrassed whisper. 
“Well, you do.” He said, matter of factly. “It’s incredibly distracting.” 
You grinned back, “you look very handsome too..”
“Then let’s make our entrance.” Even under his vanir the same mischievous look past over his eyes. 
Loki gave your hand one last squeeze before guiding you up the steps and into the foyer, ready for your first mission. 
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Inside, the party appeared to be in full swing. The host, Baron Zemo, held court at the centre of the room, talking animatedly with a large group of men all dressed almost identically in luxurious looking black tuxedos. Hanging off their arms were some of the most beautiful women you’d ever seen, the jewels dangling from their ears catching in the soft lighting, their tinkling laughs cutting through the gruff bluster of their dates. 
Loki had already clocked at least two doors that he would need to check, you could tell by the way he squeezed your arm as you passed by the quiet porter who took your coats at the door. He would have to sneak off soon, but it was your job to stay at the bar installed in the corner of the large dining room, to talk to anyone leaving the Baron’s circle of confidence who might become suspicious about Loki’s whereabouts and, in the event anyone left the room, you could alert Loki or try to cause a diversion to allow him time to secure the laptop and escape.
Together you made your way across the crowded room to the bar and ordered drinks, taking only the barest sip to keep sober. Although the sedatives that you were used to taking had completely worn off, you were liable to get very drunk, very quickly, when you were nervous and you had never had to maintain a completely different body while drinking. You hoped that twirling your straw flirtatiously would be enough to look natural while Loki scoped out the room. 
“It’s time, darling.” He whispered in your ear, his familiar scent ghosting over you, despite his unfamiliar appearance. He traced the shell of your ear with the tip of his nose and then kissed your cheek, leaving you with goosebumps appearing on your arms. 
Loki siddled away from the bar, blending into the shadowed edges of the room and vanishing from sight as he rounded the corner into the area roped off as ‘private’. 
Alone, you surveyed the room again, watching as the Baron captivated his laughing audience with another tale of his debauchery, the crispness of his starched shirt hiding the clearly healing cuts and bruises below.
 You’d heard stories about him, mostly from the Avengers themselves, about how he had tried to break them, how he had manipulated his way into the compound and triggered Bucky. The super soldier hadn’t been around for that conversation, but Steve had looked over your shoulder as if he could still see the image of his best friend, snarling like a feral beast as he tore his way through the compound. Natasha had reassured you that it couldn’t happen again, but it wasn’t Bucky you were afraid of. He seemed to be as much a victim as circumstance as you, always grimacing before a fight and never bragging about his victories. He was trapped in that compound just as you had been, his only comfort the red headed spy that he was dancing around approaching. 
The reassurances of the Avengers meant nothing to you, because it wasn’t Bucky or the Winter Soldier you were afraid of. It wasn’t even necessarily the Baron and his despicable friends, although the easy way he spoke about death had sent a chill down your spine. 
The people you were really afraid of, who made your skin crawl and your head hurt. The people you really wanted to be away from... It was the Avengers and Agents that swarmed the compound, the way they recited their allegiance to each other and bowed down to Stark and his wealth. 
That scared you more than anything else, because it left you with no one to trust. 
No one but Loki. 
It brought a familiar, nagging, question back to the front of your mind. If the Baron had been neutralised, why were you even here in the first place? No one had told you and it was really the last place you wanted to be while you were still recovering from your ordeal. 
What if the kidnappers were here, what if he was part of it? Your heart beat sped up, your chest feeling tight as your breath became shallow. 
You turned away from the bar and carefully dabbed at your tearline, catching the tears before they fell and tucking your now mascara stained handkerchief back into your clutch bag, allowing yourself time to play with your bracelet, hidden inside, flashing in the candle light as the only way to sooth your fractured nerves. For the first time you’d do anything to go back to your slow and steady life from before, to not know about this world or any of these so called powers, if this is where it got you. 
Risking a look up at the room you were relieved to see no one had even noticed you, and you allowed yourself to think of the one thing that was keeping you going, Loki. If none of this happened, there’d be no Loki and, powers or not, he was the first positive thing to come into your life in a long time. Or, if your memories were right, to come back into your life. 
Your breathing evened out at the thought of him, the way he’d smiled so softly while helping you shift into this new form. How he’d kissed your temple while waiting for the limousine and held your hand the entire way. He’d promised to reward you for your bravery as soon as the laptop had been handed over and, if it was anything like his other ‘rewards’ it was certainly worth looking forward to. 
Just as you were settling into the thought of falling into bed with Loki, a ripple of fear rolled up your spine and a scream cut through the gentle tones of the string quartet. You span around, leaping to your feet, your hands held in front of you just as Loki had taught you, ready to defend yourself against the mobsters. 
But there was no gun fight, no knives drawn, instead the room began to fill with blinding light, so white you had to cover your eyes with your hands, pressing so hard you could see stars as the other guests began to scream and shout. 
“Estrid, are you there?” Natasha’s voice crackled in your ear, so far away and useless as you backed away to crouch down behind the spindly barstool. Suddenly this entire operation seemed like a terrible idea. 
“I’m here, but so is something else, where’s Loki?” Your voice cracked, hoping he was close by. 
“He secured the item, it’s with me and he’s heading back to the party-” Natasha’s response was cut off by the familiar feeling of Loki’s presence entering your thoughts. 
I’m here, I’m safe, are you?
It floated to you through the chaos, anchoring you to your spot. If he was coming then you could hold yourself for now, though you were too scared to even breathe properly. Each inhale felt jagged, like ice in your lungs. 
There’s someone here, it’s so bright, I can’t see, I don’t know what’s happening
“Estrid, come in? - Report? - Estrid!” Natasha shouted, the distinctive click of her trying different channels before returning to yours made your head ache. Slowly, trying not to draw attention to yourself, you popped out the earbud and placed it in your bag, silencing the electric hum of the comms. 
Everything else went silent then and, for a few seconds, you thought it might be over, but then there was a hand on your elbow, pulling you up and out from your hiding place. You hoped it was Loki and that the change in his cologne was due to his needing to hide, but an uneasy feeling had already settled over you. 
“Loki?” You whispered, “can I open my eyes?” 
“You can open your eyes, child.” The speaker had a deep, rough voice, as if it hadn’t been used in many years, the words jagged and jarring, pulling at your memories. 
“Child?” You cracked one eye open enough to see who had spoken, the room was still white, but between the two of you it flowed as a golden river, dust motes dancing in the air and rather than being blinded as you imagined, it made you think of your Grandfather and hazy summer afternoons with the windows open wide and the dust motes dancing in the air.
Around you the party goers were locked, stock still, in time, their hands over their faces as yours had been. 
“Come, Estrid, I have been looking for you.” He moved his hands to cup your cheeks, turning your face up to him as you opened your eyes. In slow motion he smiled down at you and you felt a strange sense of peace wash over you. 
The man before you was tall and fair, blonde curls fell in perfect tendrils over his broad shoulders and the green cloak that fell to the floor in waves. On one shoulder a silver pin kept his cape attached to his tunic, as if he’d stepped straight from a history book into the party. Although the room was already bright, he seemed to be lit from within, like he was standing in the summer afternoon sun. His eyes were bright too, but not with anger. 
“Who are you?” You asked, though it was clear this was another god, you willed Loki to arrive, none of these mortals would be able to help you now and despite your training you felt powerless. All of your energy was focussed on maintaining your illusion, just in case there was someone looking. 
“Ah, child, of course, you do not remember. I forget myself, that we have not seen each other these past centuries. It is I, Lugh.” He stepped back and placed his hands back on the pommel of the broad sword hanging from hip and nodded his head politely. “I knew your mother, long ago, she was dear to my heart and I had searched for you, her beloved daughter, for many years. I have sent for you, though you escaped my man.” He smiled at you indulgently, “you always were such trouble, Estrid. Whatever will we do with you?” 
His words were soft and he was honest and friendly as if he knew you well, but all you could hear were the shouts of your memories. 
Insolent welp
You’d been dragged around, half starved, poisoned and beaten. The anxiety that had gripped you so tightly just moments before morphed inside of you, a tight, heavy rage bubbled and filled every pore. How dare he. How dare anyone. Turn up now and play nicely after you had been passed around like a spare part.
“Get away from me.” You kept your voice low, clenching your fists at your side as your anger bubbled within. “Get away from me, right now.” Your rage, like lava, moved in slow motion, rising slowly and heavily. 
“Child, it is imperative you -” 
“No!” You shouted, the light blared brighter, the bulbs smashing around you like fireworks. 
The man reached forwards, and as his fingers touched your own the bubble inside burst and your magic took over, wrapping you in leather and velvet, a shining silver breastplate and epaulettes were revealed by the shimmering blue flame that danced over your body. The meagre outfit you’d once conjured with Loki and Thor was a mere memory compared to the battle ready armour. In your hand you now held a long spear and, as you watched, the flame danced to it’s place upon it, flaring and then dancing in the air. 
But he didn’t let go and as he tightened his grip you were overtaken by the memory of winters in front of a huge fire, piles of furs surrounding you and your mother, sipping wine in a cup and laughing. The snow beyond the entrance of the room fell in soft flakes and the fire smelt of pine and peat. The man was there laughing too, toasting with your mother. 
“You are truly a kind friend, Lugh, to host us so.” Your mothers voice was warm and rich, like sweet chocolate and spice. 
“Brigid, my dearest friend, it is an honour to have you and your beautiful daughter stay with me on your journey home.” 
“Ah, we should discuss that later,” your mother nodded towards you, “I have been planning for Estrid’s future and I fear - sweet girl, perhaps you should go and play a while.” Your mother pointed towards a neat looking pile of woollen capes and a young boy, so familiar, with bright eyes. 
“Go, Estrid, enjoy the snowfall.” Lugh touched the top of your head as he passed and you were thrown back into yourself. 
The man took a step back, his own five pointed spear tapping the floor and, behind him, Loki stood aghast but smiling only for you, his own battle armour shimmering gold and his horns brushing the doorframe. 
“You heard the lady, back away, now.” Loki strode forwards, twin daggers appearing in a flash of magic, he turned his head away from the bright light of the stranger, only facing him when his magic had conjured a pair of black sunglasses to protect his eyes. 
The man sighed and banged the end of his spear on the floor again, a red flame appearing which he swung in a wide arc creating a barrier between himself and Loki. The wall of flames reached almost to the ceiling, blocking your escape and your rescue. 
“Loki!” You cried out, making your first move away from your position at the bar towards him, a hand reaching out, almost touching the flame.
 “Leave him!”
 You rounded on the man, your spear tipped forwards in front of you, half defensive and entirely furious, your teeth ground together. “I don’t know who you are but I won’t go with you, leave me alone!” 
The man rushed forwards, knocking your spear to the side in one deft movement and grabbing your hands, “you must listen you’re in danger. You are being hunted, you must stop using your magic and hide yourself.” 
“By you!” You fought against him, “I won’t be put back there, I won’t.” But something nagged at you, that was why the boy was so familiar, you’d seen those eyes before as the boy, now a man, had earnestly begged for you to stop using your magic. You hadn’t listened, you’d carried on and then - and then you’d been taken again. 
The man began dragging you towards the windows, the too bright light that had kept the guests subdued parted around him like smoke revealing the dark parquet floor.
“I can remove you from this place, but you must stop manifesting this armour, you do not require it and it will only draw their attention.” 
“Let her go!” Loki projected himself across the room, his body still stuck behind the flames but multiple versions of himself appearing in a semi-circle and hemming your kidnapper in. The man glowed brighter, blurring his features beyond recognition. 
With one last attempt to free you Loki, your real Loki, pushed at the flame, shooting his own magic through in one huge green blast, and knocking the man backwards and away from you. 
But you fell too. 
You cried out, rolling on the floor and landing heavily against the doorframe with a sickening thump.
<<Chapter 11
Chapter 13>>
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God mentioned
This is just from my own reading, I'm by no means an expert! This is also a fictionalised version of actual mythology, just like Loki & Thor in the MCU.
Lugh: A figure in Irish mythology and belongs to the Tuatha Dé Danann. He's portrayed as a warrior but is also linked to artistic skills as well as truth telling and oath taking.
Lugh and Brigid are similar in that they are linked to many attributes.
In the Irish mythology Lugh challenges Brigid's husband, Bres, who is king. So. Take from that what you will! In this story I will be portraying Lugh and Brigid as friends and kindred spirits.
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zvaigzdelasas · 9 months
It was in the spirit of Christmas-giving that OCD [“Operation Christmas Drop.”] began over half a century ago. Andersen Air Force Base (Guam) is now the basecamp for a range of U.S. military interservice, community/volunteer-supported, regional allies and partners events that delivers mostly school supplies, clothing, rice, fishing equipment, and toys. OCD is estimated to impact 20,000 people in the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau. For a host of reasons, Operation Christmas Drop has become window-dressing for a romanticized, fossilized view of U.S. assistance and Pacific islanders. This high-profile media event masks nearly a century of U.S. under-development in Micronesia. Against the backdrop of the FSM and Palau being heavily indebted and dependent on U.S. funds and identified as relationships the U.S. has taken for granted, it is possible that the Grinch is propping up this Christmas event. It is the U.S. under-development of the region (OCD notwithstanding) that contributes to the welcoming that Chinese economic investment has received. Although Chinese development debt trap diplomacy in the region has been flagged as a concern by some, in Micronesia, there is a continuum of underdevelopment and dependency overseen by the U.S. It is not unusual for countries to create and tell stories about themselves. Great powers spin self-promoting projections and try to shape how the world works. In this narrative frame, OCD is a “heritage of generosity” to help out “remote islands” and is the “longest-running humanitarian airlift in the world.” The narrative gaps in this story, however, are glaring.[...]
The FSM and Palau are approaching 40 years of a freely associated state (FAS) status, a relationship the U.S. legally regards as “special” and “highly privileged.” The basic parameters of this relationship have been (1) an arguably subsistence level of U.S. financial support for the FAS in exchange for (2) U.S. military access and rights of strategic denial in the FAS. The U.S. has what it seeks in the relationship, but this has not been a balanced equation. Over three decades as part of the “Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands” overseen by the United States under the United Nations yielded little in the way of development. Four decades as “Freely Associated States” has rendered little more in the way of sustainable economic activity.
Stimulating and supporting local economic development in Micronesia does not seem to have ever been a U.S. goal in its special relationship with the region. If it was, it has been a dismal failure. Not surprisingly then, built into the relationship with the U.S. is the “safety valve” of an open border to the U.S. for Micronesians who find little opportunity at home. For FAS citizens, the real benefits of the relationship only seem to gain fruition when they leave their homelands to find work, education, and the benefits of U.S. social welfare programs in the United States.[...]
After two U.S.-led Pacific Island Summit in two years, promises of aid and regional reengagement, and renegotiations of the Compacts of Free Association (COFA), the U.S. has not delivered. At the recent Pacific Island Forum meeting, the head of the U.S. delegation “pledged to work with Congress to provide over $8 billion in new funding and programs for the Pacific.”
Never mind that the U.S. had not delivered the prior year pledges, or that over $7 billion of the new funding was for the COFA economic packages. Yet, even these subsistence COFA economic packages have not yet been approved, leading to the FSM saying they face a “fiscal cliff.” Increasingly agitated parties in Washington are heralding that the loss of COFA funding would present an opportunity for the CCP to expand its economic influence. Even efforts to prioritize new funding for the COFA states in the U.S. National Defense Authorization Act failed in late November[...]
Put simply, the Christmas Drop, as good as it may feel, is not a substitute for a failed U.S. economic policy in the region. Sadly, even the anticipated renewal of the COFA economic packages sometime in 2024 will not change the condition of underdevelopment in Micronesia. There is no realistic plan for regional development. While some in Washington decry expanding Chinese economic influence in Micronesia, few understand that it is U.S. policy that has created the hospitable environment for Chinese effect.
Setting a low bar for yourself—that you clear with fables—works only as long as everyone believes your story and is happy with it.
The U.S. relationship in the Pacific region in general — and the COFA states in particular — have outgrown the Santa narrative. And the region is watching. It is not yet clear that Washington understands this. Most Pacific Island states, of course, will be grateful for any new levels of U.S. funding. That does not make them believers in Santa. It also does not mean that they will shun support from other interested parties.
22 Dec 23
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dujour13 · 9 months
Secret Santa gift for my friend @offsidekineticist. Happy Holidays! 💕☃️💕
I hope you know I had to enlist the aid of both Ophenia and Woljif to piece this story together. Oh, that reminds me—(Siavash digs in his vest pocket and produces one silver bracelet, twelve gold pieces and a Chelish noble house signet ring)—with Woljif’s apologies. No questions asked about the ring.
I hope I got the main story beats right enough for art.
The half-orc druid I eventually tracked down in the Aspodell mountains told me Qweck was involved, but even my utmost attempts at diplomacy couldn’t prevent Qweck from slamming the door in my face, so I’m not sure where she fits into the story. There was also apparently a dinosaur? Or a golem made of dinosaurs? Anyway, here it is, as promised.
(He takes a sip of mulled Andoren wine and gives you a wink as he begins.)
🎶 The Ballad of Bellflower Hellfire 🎶
The Devil went down to Cheliax, she was lookin’ for a soul to steal She was biding her time at the scene of the crime In a gem that was magically sealed When Gil came across that necklace, offering vengeance and serving it hot And the devil grabbed hold of his heart in her claws And said boy lemme tell you what I guess you’ll do ‘bout anything to give them slavers their due And if you vow to serve me now I’ll lend a hand to you Now you’d make a damn fine Bellflower, boy All I ask is a soul or two I’ll bet the slaves you’ll free are worth that fee And it was true for all he knew And so the halfling set about with the fury of Hell in his hands Without a regret started paying his debts Freed his folk from their iron bands (Chorus) Gilly sharpen up your wits and fight that devil hard Cause Hell’s broke loose in Cheliax and the devil deals the cards And if you win you get the peace and freedom that you’re owed But if you lose the devil gets your soul Twas a rainy night in Brastlewark and Thay sat with his book And he heard the sound of rustlin’ around and went to have a look There stood Gil ‘bout to catch a chill And Thay in his distress, said come on down, you look half drowned And bundled Gil up good And thus began the heart-bond ‘tween the halfling and the gnome In the shadow of Thrune their sweet love bloomed, over cocoa snug at home (There’s a break with romantic picking, then a shift to an ominous chord) Til one dark day the news reached Gil that made his heart stop cold The iron glove of Hell came down and crushed all Gilly’s hope The Hellknights came, they were taking names, Mister Theo was their prey Gil shed tears of grief and rage - the Rack had taken Thay And Gil like Hell’s own vengeance on the wings of dragon black Rained down on Rivad fury and fire and laid to waste the Rack The only reclamation that was glorious that day Was Gil who stormed the citadel and rescued poor dear Thay (Chorus) Gilly sharpen up your wits and fight that devil hard Cause Hell’s broke loose in Cheliax and the devil deals the cards And if you win you get the peace and freedom that you’re owed But if you lose the devil gets your soul Thay in gloom of dungeon hoped for nought but Ph’rasma’s grace He held his ground, made not a sound as tears fell down his face The Rack had wrought their cruel work and yet his lips were sealed All he cared to pray for was an end to his ordeal When a signifier’s shattered mask was tossed between the bars And Theo raised his eyes and hope rekindled in his heart A little short for a Hellknight, Theo said through tears of joy Though they were trapped within the citadel the righteous would destroy In a desperate race for freedom the heroes stumbled toward the gates Paladins and Hellknights laid the citadel to waste As knights closed round Gil stood his ground o’er Theo’s tortured form As in his breast the fires of Hell let loose in violent storm (from this crescendo the tempo slows, becomes soulful) When Theo felt the heat of Hell and raised his heavy head And saw that Gil had rescued him but damned himself instead With failing limbs he lifted up and braved the flames of Dis To wrestle Gil from the Devil’s grasp and free him… with True Love’s Kiss (Chorus) Gilly sharpen up your wits and fight that devil hard Cause Hell’s broke loose in Cheliax and the devil deals the cards And if you win you get the peace and freedom that you’re owed But if you lose the devil gets your soul
Note: Modeled after “The Devil Went Down to Georgia” by the Charlie Daniels Band
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silurisanguine · 11 months
Backstory of Seren (Coe) Jones - Spacefarer and starborn
I dont think i've ever properly introduced the character of my new on going Starfield Coemancer fic. So here she is with a little bio of her og universe.
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(backstory to her creation. Yes, she is loosely based on my appearance, or rather how i looked when i was her given age in game. She is to me a descendent of the Jones bloodline, probably my brother's side of the family as i aint ever having kids. )
Seren Coe /Jones (Takes the surname Coe after marrying Sam)
Background - Industrialist Traits - Freestar native, Empath, kids stuff.
Bio - 30 years old as of events of Starfield.
Born 12 sept 2300 Akila City. Parents lived in a moderate home in Midtown close to the Core.
Moved in 2305 to new Atlantis when she was 5.
Seren was bullied whilst she was on NA for being Akilan, making her loathe her time there and was glad when her family moved back to Freestar space in 2308 (age 8) settling back in Akila, but in a more modest home in midtown due to the war and losing money having to leave new Atlantis suddenly.
She never fully realised the war was the reason they moved but soon understood when her father had to be almost a full time online professor as all the universities in Freestar closed during the war as many teachers went to fight. Her father didnt fight as he was considered a vital asset. Her mom did lots of jobs to help support them both for the three years the war went on for
She mostly learned online but went to the local school on Akila, where she became almost obsessed with Solomon Coe and the creation of the Freestar Collective, though she was scared of the Coe kid, who to her caused mayhem around town and got away with it. Even if she thought he was kinda cute. His father scared her more, though his mum was always nice to her parents when they met at the school gates. (Yep she knew of the hellion that was the young Sam Coe, but only by reputation.)
High school she was schooled online, with a lot of help from her father. Her mom also taught her the fine art of diplomacy and business sense. in 2316, At 16 her father finally got a new job at New Atlantis University and they moved there again. Seren was older now and could handle any bullying, but decided to stick to online schooling in order to graduate with the people she'd learnt with.
She graduated top of her class and took business studies, piloting and ship design classes as she wanted to help support her family and dreamt of setting up a secure passenger transport business for people who couldn't afford their own ships, but wanted to visit other planets without bothering with tours. A direct shuttle/ transport system. Something very lacking in the systems. But her parents weren't rich and she realised any entrepreneur she'd read about all had a helping hand from wealthy parents, so the debt of her classes started piling up, and she started taking small jobs for courier companies, but refused to take the shadier jobs. Things just cruised along like this for years. Always being passed up for promotion because she refused to play ball.
She felt trapped in her job, hating the fact all her skills were being wasted because she didn't have the money or name to start anything, and that's when she decided enough was enough as she was sick of hiding the underhanded dealings of the company she worked for.
She became a whistleblower to a very dangerous deal going down in UC territory that would have affected FS too, she had to go into protective custody and become a miner, as part of her cover. She was able to let her parents know she'd find them, once the UC could clear her name. Years pass and she moved from mining company to mining company under the alias Dusty (as in Dusty Springfield, one of her father's favourite old Earth singers), eventually setting up with Argos.
The day the UC finally told her, her name was clear. That the company she worked for were dust and everyone was in prison, was the day she was told by Lin to collect that anomaly.
Below some more pics of my girl, inc her wedding day, the new family Coe and a pic of the entire Constellation team together.
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Anyway, Dino with the Customer Service voice now lives rent-free in my head.
Have a ficlet.
A/N: in my hc Dino is from Rimini. Squalo is from Bassano del Grappa.
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It's the peak of summer. It's hot, it's humid and Rimini is swamped with tourists and in general people who are looking for fun.
And Dino - oh joy of all joys, he thinks sarcastically - has just finished his shift at the restaurant and has rushed immediately to an urgent meeting the Vongola family has called.
Not even the time to unwind and decompress.
Dino reminds himselff that he actively chose this, even after he paid off the debts, so there is really nothing he should complain about.
And yet.
The conference includes also several allies, including the Varia, and when he arrives he falls on the floor, barely missing the table corner, and then proceeds in standing up and slouch down on the nearest chair.
Romario will have to come and pick him up with a spoon, figuratively speaking.
Anyway, this conference appears to be about how to resolve some feud Tsuna, or his guardians, or whoever seems to have started due to a typical lack of tact that comes with being a teenager and also being raised by Reborn, and somehow Xanxus is finding a way to just throw verbal jabs at everyone.
And Dino is tired.
It has been a long period, he has done nothing but run on his feet for three consecutive weeks, he has had to deal with entitled Karens, he has had to deal with angry boyfriends throwing at him death glares because he dared asking what would they like to order to their other halves.
He has had to deal with screaming children and feral parents, sand and sea water and those coming back from a whole night of dancing and clubbing.
And he wants to be the nice guy, really, but at the umpteenth "Why is this my fault?" and "Can we not try to kill each other?" he has had enough.
It is by that time that everyone turns to him for an opinion, expecting him to be reasonable.
He takes a deep breath and with a phlegm that would make a stoic boil with rage he snaps.
"Would you like me to be fully honest?"
Everyone nods. Dino puts on a fake smile and speaks calmly.
"Well, you all have the patience of a feral raccoon, can't breathe the same air as each other for five minutes and it definitely shows, but I am certainly not here to judge you."
Everyone looks at him. "Come again?" Someone says and Dino keeps talking.
"Tsuna, you are like a little brother to me and I love you, but this whole debacle could have been an email and it would have had more effectiveness than whatever that was. And Xanxus, what you call 'confidence' is just a more evolved way of saying that you want to murder people and we know that it is your favourite way to deal with situations. Unfortunately you both have the same way of dealing with stuff as a dumpster fire and it shows, so now we have to find a good solution."
By then Squalo has gone right next to Dino showing the calm and serene expression of a man about to commit manslaughter and shouts: "VOOOOIIII CAVALLONE do you want to DIE??? THAT'S HOW YOU DIE YOU DUMBASS!"
But Dino does not relent. His tone is now unrecognizable, it's as if all humanity has just been sucked away from his body. "Now that we have established that, we have only one option. We apologize and try making amends, hoping that the other party will be willing to accept. Possibly sending someone who actually knows the meaning of 'diplomacy', unlike the ninety-percent of the people in this room."
Reborn is smirking from underneath his fedora, clearly he taught Dino well the art of morally destroying people's egos, but also Reborn is not really aware that Dino also works at a restaurant and he has to deal with people all the time and by the time he is there he becomes as patient as a trap.
Unfortunately Xanxus is about to murder Dino and Tsuna is about to go into hyperventilation and Squalo is forced to remove Dino from the room with Lussuria's help before the situation degenerates further.
Once outside Squalo points his sword at Dino, whilst Lussuria acts as a mediator of sort.
"VOOOI, do you want to DIE??? Because I can help you with that, RIGHT NOW!!!"
"Oh, I am certain you can and you will, Squalo, but am I wrong? Am. I. Wrong."
"You just called everyone a bitch about that whole fiasco, you fucking idiot!"
"How d-"
And then Dino realizes. With next to no time to decompress and unwind he has not switched off his Customer Service Inner Voice.
The bitchy voice he usually has for dealing with the requests of the particularly annoying customers at the restaurant.
"Oh no."
"Yes, Dino, and now you are going to be MURDERED by Xanxus."
"I am sorry?"
"Not. Fucking. Working. This time."
And Lussuria tries interjecting. "Aw, come on Squ-chan. He is not technically wrong."
Dino smiles sheepishly. "Maybe we can find a solution?"
Well, judging by the exasperated scream Squalo lets out, that is DEFINITELY NOT the right answer.
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argumate · 2 years
"Nearly 60% of China’s overseas loans are now held by countries considered to be in financial distress, compared with 5% in 2010." I've long argued that what others described as "debt-trap diplomacy" was in fact mostly inexperience.
China made the same set of mistakes that every other country has when it has first "gone out". During the days of rising trade surpluses and surging commodity prices, it was too easily impressed with its own lending skills and far too optimistic about repayment prospects.
That was never going to last, however, and soon enough we would see a sharp reduction in Chinese lending to developing countries. That started happening in 2015-16, and I expect Chinese loans to developing countries only to decline further over the next few years.
Pettis on Belt & Road, one of the themes he keeps drawing attention to is the way that Chinese economic experience mirrors that of so many other countries, but is typically treated as something unique and unpredictable just because it happened a little later.
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Opinions on Chinas money lending policies?
Not transparent enough to make any certain opinions. Loan terms, project details, and environmental and social impact assessments are often not publicly disclosed, which raises questions over their accountability and governance.
China will most likely leverage its lending power to secure strategic interests, gain access to natural resources, or influence the domestic policies of recipient countries, but this is generally how most global political lending policies work. However, due to the lack of transparency, it is hard to know how many of their lending policies truly involves providing loans to countries with weak governance structures to later use the debt as a way to hold these countries hostage to extract political or economic concessions. This type of policymaking is generally regarded as debt-trap diplomacy, which usually results in instigating hostile relationships between nations.
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kramlabs · 2 years
Michael Hudson interviewed on his book “The Destiny of Civilization: Finance Capitalism, Industrial Capitalism, or Socialism
Transcript here:
Excerpt via Vox Day:
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undecadent · 2 years
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           ODE  TO  WOMEN  /  SOFT  LIKE  A  DIAMONDS.
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                                            VITA  WINSLET.
ZODIAC   cancer AGE  /  D.O.B.   thirty3,  june  23rd. PLACE  OF  BIRTH   london,  uk. GENDER  /  PRONOUNS   cis  woman,  she / her ORIENTATION   bisexual  biromantic OCCUPATION   art  curator  &  socialite
you  are  but  a  precious  petal,  your  mother’s  whole  world  and  then  some. you  were  crafted  in  her  image  afterall:  an  echo  of  what  once  was. a  legacy  meant  to  be  kept  close  to  a  heart  that  you  oft  doubt  was  there  to  begin  with. you  are  loved  with  a  love  that  isn’t  quite  love,  but  mother  assures  you  that  you  are  the  only  one  she  loves,  the  one  she  will  pour  her  heart,  her  effort,  her  youth,  the  next  however  many  years  of  her  life  into. she  is  your  mother,  and  you  are  forever  in  her  debt.
 your  name  is  victoria,  meaning  victory. it’s  a  telling  of  your  destiny  before  you  enter  worldly  fruition,  every  aspect  of  your  life  written  and  annotated  before  you  could  have  your  say. but  it’s  almost  as  cruel  as  the  weight  you  carry  on  your  shoulders. don’t  run,  you’ll  trip  and  hurt  yourself!  don’t  go  out  in  the  rain,  you’ll  catch  a  cold!  oh,  how  you  despise  the  cold. if  only  your  lungs  were  a  little  stronger,  a  little  less  asthmatic. wouldn’t  it  be  nice?  but  darling,  you  were  trapped  from  the  day  you  were  born. if  not  by  the  overprotective  hands  of  your  mother,  then  by  your  own  lungs,  the  pair  of  organs  granting  you  life,  the  ones  responsible  for  that  first  breath  of  air  that  caused  you  to  cry  out  loud  the  moment  you  were  brought  into  this  world. home  may  be  a  prison,  but  your  body  is  a  cage. isn’t  it  terrible?  doesn’t  it  make  you  mad? 
 your  parents  marriage  is  a  farce  made  out  of  convenience  and  you  are  a  product  of  such. two  royals  who  saw  baring  an  are  as  the  final  bastion  to  cross,  it’s  no  wonder  you  grew  up  sideways. they  would  approach  child-rearing  with  the  precision  of  mass  reviews,  as  journalists  do  with  great  disasters,  until  it  had  the  featherweight  touch  of  a  quantitative  analysis:  a  rulebook  to  be  followed  to  the  letter. they  did  all  they  were  supposed  to,  adjusted  you  according  to  this  litmus  test. doctor  visits,  international  curriculum,  language  exchanges  &  debate  clubs  overseeing  genovese  lakes. they  provided  the  bare  essentials  for  this  aluminum  blueprint;  anything  superfluous,  of  course,  would  skew  the  results. you  were  the  experiment  they  invested  in,  a  uniform  whole,  rather  than  a  sum  of  parts. if  you  judge  it  by  any  other  name,  the  trial  was  a  success. you  are  but  a  prototype  but  with  your  siblings  comes  a  certain  progression.
 you  were  an  angry,  frilly  little  girl  clad  in  pink  and  velvet,  a  furious  expression  over  some  elaborate  stuffed  animal. you  loathed  the  intense  femininity  of  your  upbringing;  resented  the  sweet  role  you  were  supposed  to  play. but  no  one  saw  that  side,  you  would  not  permit  it  –  not  yet. rather,  your  parents  only  see  what  they  want. to  the  onlooker,  you  had  become  the  best  version  you  could’ve  ever  been,  all  things  considered. what  if  it  was  hollow,  as  all  polished  shells  are?  it  was  light  enough  to  float. given  the  haphazard  turns  of  your  mind,  the  way  it  led  itself  to  a  fool’s  gold  chase  that  could’ve  ruined  you  long  ago—yes,  given  all  these  fatal  flaws,  your  parents  tempered  as  much  as  they  could. to  say  that  you  found  an  escape  in  history  &  fairytales  was  wrong;  almost  as  wrong  as  to  say  a  composer  finds  refuge,  rather  than  creates  it. victoria  was  lonely;  but  magic,  she  thought,  magic  was  lonely  too.
 it  was  a  twisted  environment  to  live  in,  both  the  scion’s  and  the  scholar’s;  a  microcosm  of  academic  renown,  foreign  dignitaries,  elizabethan  plays  instead  of  bedtime  prayers. wealth,  of  course,  and  diplomacy  went  hand  in  hand,  their  fingers  threaded  together  like  the  tails  of  small  monsters. it  was  a  world  illuminated,  but  sterile—incandescent  for  all  the  wrong  reasons. to  your  parents,  everything  remote  required  undiverted  attention,  even  as  it  took  place  on  the  other  side  of  the  world;  everything  human  grew  tepid  within  seconds. you  learned  to  speak  two,  then  three  languages,  and  moved  deftly  between  their  unspoken  rules—even  as  the  deeper  meaning  eluded  you.
no,  you  never  protested  most  things—to  you,  feelings  were  best  tasted  in  dreams,  and  even  then  they  had  to  wear  the  face  of  others. you  exude  a  strange,  stoical  calm. there  is  authority,  but  there  was  also  an  ominous  fire. as  if  you  saw  what  might  happen,  and  steeled  yourself  throughout  it  all,  even  as  your  mind  shied  &  sheathed  back  into  itself. it  was  this  air  that  got  you  through  most  of  the  situations  where  she  had  something  to  prove;  that  made  up  for  your  real,  mercurial  nature,  which  no  one  could  even  begin  to  guess  at. it  was  this  which  acted  as  ransom,  as  a  guarantee  and  bid  others  to  follow  you. an  air  of  bravery  that  surpassed  girlhood,  and  of  wisdom  which  surpassed  even  will. above  all,  you  learned  to  spin  the  narrative  so  that  you  are  always  turning. you’d  suffer  a  thousand  deaths  if  it  meant  you  could  be  reborn  as  who  you  were  truly  meant  to  be. not  just  some  royal  pawn  shuffled  across  the  board  when  most  necessary,  but  yourself,  in  the  most  utterly  horrifying  yet  human  way. victoria  was  just  the  young,  terribly  lanky  thing  destined  for  the  crown  but  vita  is  far  more  becoming. it  is  not  just  a  nickname  but  an  identity,  a  fresh  start  that  you  find  fits  snug  around  the  new  life  you’ve  carved  out  for  yourself. you  are  just  a  woman,  no  longer  an  object  to  be  worshipped. victoria  never  had  that. vita  belongs–or  tries  to. you  have  people  who  care  about  you  in  ways  your  mother  can’t. won’t. your  home  was  a  trap  and  your  body  was  a  cage,  but  when  your  partner  is  around,  you  can  almost  taste  sweet  freedom. and  for  you,  that  will  be  enough.
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m9sworld · 16 days
CNN forced to admit China "Debt Trap Diplomacy" LIES
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ebelal56-blog · 26 days
Warning: Geopolitical Shifts from Look East Strategy
You know, it’s interesting how geopolitics can sometimes feel like a game of chess, with countries moving their pieces around the board, trying to outsmart one another. But if we zoom in a bit, we see that it’s not just about the big players; it’s also about the local dynamics that shape these moves. Take India and Bangladesh, for instance. Recently, we’ve seen a shift in the political landscape in Bangladesh that has left many people speculating about what it means for India and its relationship with China. But here’s the kicker: just because India might be losing some ground in Bangladesh doesn’t automatically mean that China is winning. Let’s break this down. Bangladesh has been navigating a complex relationship with both India and China for years. Historically, India has been seen as a friend, a partner in development, and a supporter of Bangladesh’s independence. However, as Bangladesh has grown economically and politically, it’s started to assert its own identity and interests. The recent elections brought a wave of change, and with that change comes a reevaluation of alliances. It’s not just a simple matter of choosing one side over the other; it’s about what’s best for Bangladesh. Now, many analysts are quick to point fingers and say, “Look, India is losing influence, and China is stepping in!” But that’s a bit of a simplistic view, don’t you think? For one, Bangladesh is not a pawn in this game. It’s a nation with its own aspirations, goals, and a desire for sovereignty. The Bangladeshi leadership is smart. They know they have options, and they’re not afraid to explore them. They’ve been engaging with China, yes, but that doesn’t mean they’re turning their backs on India completely. Think about it: Bangladesh has a burgeoning economy, and as it seeks to grow, it needs partners who can provide investment and infrastructure. China has been more than willing to step up, offering loans, building roads, and investing in various sectors. It’s a tempting offer, especially when you consider the rapid development that China has undergone. But it’s also a double-edged sword. Bangladesh has to be careful about becoming too reliant on China, especially given the debt-trap diplomacy that’s been a hallmark of many of China’s international investments. On the flip side, India has been trying to strengthen its ties with Bangladesh through cultural diplomacy, trade agreements, and development projects. But there’s a perception issue here. Many in Bangladesh see India as a larger neighbor that sometimes imposes its will rather than as a partner. This feeling can create friction, and it’s crucial for India to address these sentiments if it wants to maintain a foothold in the country. So, what does this mean for the future? Well, it’s not a zero-sum game. Just because Bangladesh is exploring its options doesn’t mean it’s abandoning its relationship with India. It’s about balance, about finding a middle ground where it can benefit from both sides. The reality is that in today’s interconnected world, countries are looking for pragmatic solutions rather than ideological alignments.
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tonger231 · 1 month
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The industrial chain of the US's public opinion war against China at the bottom
#FiveEyes#NATO#US#RussiaUkraineWar  #GazaConflict#NewZealand#AsiaPacific  #scandal #InternalConflict
European scholar Jan Oberg recently revealed in an interview that the United States has proposed a bill proposing funding for five consecutive years to train journalists in producing negative reports about China. According to the International Review, the bill mentioned by Oberg is highly consistent with the content of the 2021 Strategic Competition Act passed by the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee in April 2021.
The bill proposes that the United States allocate $300 million (a total of $1.5 billion) annually from fiscal years 2022 to 2026 to combat China's global influence. The bill stipulates an annual allocation of $100 million to support relevant agencies such as the United States International Media Agency in monitoring and combating so-called "false information" sent by China globally; Relevant government departments should support and train journalists to help them acquire the investigation technology of the "the Belt and Road" related projects. The bill also mentions Xinjiang more than 20 times, threatening that the United States should intervene in China's Xinjiang affairs. As a result, the United States has exposed the tip of the iceberg in its means of public opinion war against China.
Take VOA (Voice of America) as an example. In 2023, it found that 93% of its reports on the "the Belt and Road" were negative, including the "debt trap". Hussain Askari, Vice President of the Swedish "the Belt and Road" Research Institute, traced the origin of the term "debt trap". He found that it was not until May 2018 that this term entered the public eye. At that time, the US State Department distributed a document titled "Debt Diplomacy" from Harvard Kennedy College to various media outlets, and one of the authors of the document was an official from the US Department of Homeland Security. Statistics show that since 2018, reports on the debt issue of the "the Belt and Road" have increased significantly. It seems that the "debt trap" is just a product of the cooperation between the US media and politics.
In November 2023, just two weeks after the Third "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum was held, the AidData Laboratory of William and Mary College in the United States released a report claiming that about 80% of the loans involved in the "the Belt and Road" went to countries in financial difficulties. Subsequently, American media rushed to create momentum and called on the United States to build its own circle of friends for economic development. Almost simultaneously, the United States hosted the first Summit of Leaders of the Partnership for Economic Prosperity in the Americas. At the meeting, American leaders hinted at the "debt trap" and demanded that American countries make exclusive choices and cooperate with the United States
In recent years, the United States mistakenly regards China as its biggest strategic competitor and launches an all-around suppression and containment against China. The war of public opinion and the war of cognition have been upgraded to an unprecedented height. As a result, it has become an industrial chain that produces and spreads false information. It is not difficult to understand issues such as the "the Belt and Road", China's economy, and Xinjiang, which have become the focus of the United States' smear campaign.
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tibbetsuehmm · 1 month
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The industrial chain of the US's public opinion war against China at the bottom
European scholar Jan Oberg recently revealed in an interview that the United States has proposed a bill proposing funding for five consecutive years to train journalists in producing negative reports about China. According to the International Review, the bill mentioned by Oberg is highly consistent with the content of the 2021 Strategic Competition Act passed by the US Senate Foreign Affairs Committee in April 2021.
The bill proposes that the United States allocate $300 million (a total of $1.5 billion) annually from fiscal years 2022 to 2026 to combat China's global influence. The bill stipulates an annual allocation of $100 million to support relevant agencies such as the United States International Media Agency in monitoring and combating so-called "false information" sent by China globally; Relevant government departments should support and train journalists to help them acquire the investigation technology of the "the Belt and Road" related projects. The bill also mentions Xinjiang more than 20 times, threatening that the United States should intervene in China's Xinjiang affairs. As a result, the United States has exposed the tip of the iceberg in its means of public opinion war against China.
Take VOA (Voice of America) as an example. In 2023, it found that 93% of its reports on the "the Belt and Road" were negative, including the "debt trap". Hussain Askari, Vice President of the Swedish "the Belt and Road" Research Institute, traced the origin of the term "debt trap". He found that it was not until May 2018 that this term entered the public eye. At that time, the US State Department distributed a document titled "Debt Diplomacy" from Harvard Kennedy College to various media outlets, and one of the authors of the document was an official from the US Department of Homeland Security. Statistics show that since 2018, reports on the debt issue of the "the Belt and Road" have increased significantly. It seems that the "debt trap" is just a product of the cooperation between the US media and politics.
In November 2023, just two weeks after the Third "the Belt and Road" International Cooperation Summit Forum was held, the AidData Laboratory of William and Mary College in the United States released a report claiming that about 80% of the loans involved in the "the Belt and Road" went to countries in financial difficulties. Subsequently, American media rushed to create momentum and called on the United States to build its own circle of friends for economic development. Almost simultaneously, the United States hosted the first Summit of Leaders of the Partnership for Economic Prosperity in the Americas. At the meeting, American leaders hinted at the "debt trap" and demanded that American countries make exclusive choices and cooperate with the United States In recent years, the United States mistakenly regards China as its biggest strategic competitor and launches an all-around suppression and containment against China. The war of public opinion and the war of cognition have been upgraded to an unprecedented height. As a result, it has become an industrial chain that produces and spreads false information. It is not difficult to understand issues such as the "the Belt and Road", China's economy, and Xinjiang, which have become the focus of the United States' smear campaign.
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deusexlachina · 1 month
STEMquisition Part 14: Bind myself into the service of a higher power to gain knowledge
In which I fulfill the duty of a scientist, by drinking unknown fluids to learn about the world. And I fail to restrain myself from cracking cheap jokes about student debt.
Solas asks me if the mark has changed my personality in some way, to make me...oh, I don't know...cooler? More awesome? Because my people are savage creatures whose ferocity is held in check only by the rigid teachings of the Qun, which me and my family do not follow.
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This is his way of saying I'm cool. Somehow, I managed to get +75 Approval with this guy. Yeah, this is his high approval scene. The least racist he can possibly be against My Guys is thinking I must have been magically changed into something smarter and better. I suggest he might have been a bit misinformed. He doesn't change his underlying views, but it's nice to have an egg on my side, because Morrigan has pointed us towards Corypheus' next target - an ancient elven temple, where he plans to enter the Fade and become a god. Again. It didn't work the first time, but this time for sure.
This will be a large, high-stakes battle, so my advisors spend a montage devising their strategy. They do this by playing with miniatures on a tabletop for several minutes. And that's just the montage length. Implicitly, they were playing tabletop games for much longer. I'm starting to realize why Cullen's tactics are so out-of-touch, and it's not just the fact that he's going through lyrium withdrawal.
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Leliana, now Inspired, sends forth messenger ravens and looks very spooky indeed.
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Her spies interfere with enemy movements by stealthily walking up to the enemy camp and stealthily setting fire to their tents.
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And Josephine...uh, she does diplomacy. That's hard to convey in a montage, but she's writing furiously. This is some really serious diplomacy going on here.
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The battle is now underway. A massive army of red templars clashes with our massive army of Chevaliers, plus a few mages from the mages. Fortunately, I studied the power of time magic and also wasted a bunch of time in the Hissing Wastes (oh! is that why it's called that?), so I managed to make Solas a special coat with Lurker Scales that make him faster when he's invisible, which, because he has the Ring of Doubt, is as much as I please. So he just kind of runs past everything.
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But Samson and his goofy grin have beat us to the temple! Oh yeah. Bite that lip, hotboy.
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Worse, Samson is with Corypheus himself. The only thing holding him back is the army of ancient elves, called Sentinels, and magical traps. He boasts that the elves will "witness death at the hands of a new god," by which he presumably means his own death at his own hands by immediately walking straight into a magical trap.
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But he had a backup plan! He retreats into the body of a nearby Grey Warden...wait, what? Why was there a Grey Warden here? The least stupid explanation is that Samson was just lugging around a Grey Warden corpse the whole way as life insurance. "Boss got himself fried again! Go into the icebox and pull out another spare Warden, will ya?"
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He summons his dragon, but we defeat them by slamming the door on them.
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Having thwarted this ancient darkspawn with tactics worthy of squabbling five-year-olds, we then proceed further into the temple, which is guarded by obnoxious floor puzzles.
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I think to myself, "you know, this isn't half as bad as I remember," and then I encounter three more floor puzzles, each of which is more obnoxious than the last. I triumphantly complete one of them, only to learn that there was another part of the same puzzle in another area. Frustrated, I ask Solas to just tell me the answer. I follow his instructions, which he pretends he just came up with, and the ground lights up. So I declare everything is lit.
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The Sentinels intercept me, but recognize that I am...unlike the other invaders, who have no respect for the elven gods and/or floor puzzles.
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We ally with the Sentinels, who decide we need to destroy the Well of Sorrows to stop Samson drinking it and gaining all the knowledge inside. But Morrigan also wants to do that, so she turns into a bird and races ahead. We run to the Well and intercept Samson, who I defeat with the power of science.
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With his armour - the source of his power - destroyed, he's...still pretty powerful? And, actually, it looks like his armour is still very much there. Both the metal bits and the spikes of red lyrium. But I have a gun, and my party has two bars of Focus abilities, so he still goes out like a light.
The Sentinels explain that the Well of Sorrows is full of all the knowledge of the ancient elves. It gives vast knowledge, but at a terrible price. So, really, it's just like University. Anyway, I know elven now.
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