#debut or die liveblog
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Tell me I'm wrong /j /lh
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quieteclipse · 4 months
debut or die novel chapters 340–360 spoilers (not all the chapters, but i'm putting a vague range bc i dont feel like going back to check which chapters specifically cover the arc i'm talking about lmao)
now that the whole ahmoon angst arc is over, i do want to comment on what i love about their relationship dynamic (including keunse).
i love how moondae was always so suspicious of lee sejin and automatically assumed him to be a fake bitch, so to speak, and yet, lee sejin is the one who is always so infallibly on his side and in tune with pretty much everything moondae wanted to accomplish.
on the other hand, ahyeon is someone that is generally stuck to moondae like glue and would seemingly always been on his side, but moondae has surprisingly received significant pushback from ahyeon when it comes to certain tbings that always ends up shaking moondae up.
which is what i love about ahmoon's dynamic the most, i've come to realize. i just love the idea of ahyeon being someone that moondae feels so safe with and feels like he can rely on to back him up at any time, just for ahyeon to shake his world view and make moondae have to work to earn ahyeon's acceptance sometimes.
in a way, it also makes my heart sing that moondae—for all of his NIS agent accusations making him seem scary & dangeorus—is someone ahyeon feels comfortable enough to butt heads with despite his own insecurities.
i wish we got more from lee sejin & ahyeon, though. i feel like this revelation arc did gives us some insight that moondae isnt entirely the center of their trio, and that lee sejin definitely likes ahyeon just as much.
same age trio, i will always love you (but ahmoon, i will love you a little more 🫣)
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firefaerie81 · 1 year
(liveblog tag in chronological order)
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And this is what kills this episode for me. Every other time, Lion-O throws down his sword or changes tactics as soon as hostages are involved. Callously disregarding his brother's life, even if he's angry, feels forced.
Remember just last episode when Lion-O was all "how could you abandon your own brother" when they were watching that memory? That episode was a big turning point for Tygra, but Lion-O has backslid HARD into jackassery.
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And it's SO uncharacteristically cruel of him that Cheetara just stops everything. This is not the king she's sworn to protect, and if this is how he's going to be, she's not going to coddle him anymore. And if he's going to ACT like everything is a choice between him and Tygra, she's going to throw that right back at him.
This SHOULD be the moment where Lion-O realizes how much of a jackass he's being - about to let his brother DIE - but it's not.
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Luckily for all of them, Lion-O's failure of character in this moment is not the end, and the cavalry has arrived.
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And he makes his triumphant debut with a perfected Gum-Gum Rocket!
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Oh boy, that is NOT the conversation that needs to be had right now! And I do get that Panthro doesn't know what just went down and they're not in the mood to get into it, but narratively, "we'll get the bad guys back next time" is not a fitting coda.
Lion-O just almost let Tygra die over a petty squabble. And our last shot is the three of them just standing there in the aftermath of that messed up turn of events. Maybe it's supposed to hilight how the big issue hasn't been resolved, but it's kind of not going to be, so it's just a big what the hell.
There's a definite sense that Lion-O is the asshole here, because he IS, but with an ending like that it's unclear what we're supposed to do with that or what THEY'RE going to do with it. The episode just kind of stops, and we'll see he didn't internalize this screwup like he usually does.
At the risk of getting ahead of myself, the best way I can put it is that the emotions this episode puts forward will be resolved, but Lion-O's actual behavior is just kind of forgotten, and that's what bugs me. I can clearly see that it's supposed to be part of his arc, trying to learn better even as he screws up more, but he almost let his brother die and it's never addressed, let alone the nasty way he treated Cheetara.
This episode is such a weird experience because it contains one of my favorite character beats for Lion-O as well as some of the worst of Lion-O in the whole show. Reminding us that the lizards are people is really good! Throwing a tantrum about not getting the girl is really bad!
I like Lion-O. He's my idealistic diamond in the rough. He's got his flaws, but this episode goes really hard on the flaws, and I'm not sold on the way they're handled.
A lot of this episode was setting up things to be continued or resolved later. Thankfully, we don't have to wait long on this front, because the next two episodes are specifically dedicated to Lion-O getting his head out of his ass. See you then.
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cmgirlie · 1 year
alright putting my cmjf feud liveblogging (/recap?) all here in one post instead of flooding y'alls dashes
(mostly following along with this masterpost. also I haven't actually watched the whole thing before, only their final match and the compilation on youtube 😬)
Rampage — August 20, 2021
(wait punk debuted on rampage? wow they actually used to try with that show huh)
that crowd really was WILD for him on a rumour huh
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GOD. god. look at him. best there was, best there is.
the guy crying and saluting. punk throwing himself into the audience. dear god the foreshadowing.
he spends so much time just standing there soaking it all in. i think the old man deserves to have sold-out arenas cheering him forever actually
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boo-boo face
"I got the time and I ain't going anywhere" two years buddy. basically one really. god he deserved so much more
"I made a place that felt like home and I cried when I left because I knew the place I was going to wasn't gonna be easy for a guy like me." fuck. lovely to know since tk owns ROH they're gonna erase his legacy there as well.
"August 13th, 2005 I left professional wrestling." and still hasn't come back. fuck AEW man
"the passion that i had stamped out" god this speech is just non-stop Agonies and getting angry and hurt at his firing again huh.
punk baby. light of my life. what the FUCK do you see in darby
he was so excited to be back. im so sad now
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duhragonball · 4 years
Hellsing Liveblog Ch. 35-40
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This is the one-part “Xanado”, and the five-part “Final Fantasy”. 
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So last time, we saw a Millennium team led by Rip Van Winkle take control of a British aircraft carrier, which forced Hellsing to send Alucard to deal with the situation.   He accomplished his mission, but now he’s stuck on the boat by himself, because vampires can’t cross running water.   I suppose Hellsing would have arranged a second aircraft to pick him up, but they’ve got bigger problems on their hands.   Just as Alucard finishes off Winkle, reports come in of communication breakdowns all over Great Britain.  Military, intelligence, police, all out of reach.  Integra recognizes this as Millennium’s next move.    By taking out the communications networks, they ensure a clear shot for their invasion force to move in.   But how did they pull this off?
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Simple, they did it the same way they arranged all those vampire attacks during the summer, and the Valentine assault on Hellsing Manor, and the Brazillian Police raid on Alucard’s hotel suite, and Lt. Winkle’s takeover of the H.M.S Eagle.    They convinced a bunch of Brits to betray their country in exchange for being turned into vampires.   The only real surprise here is the sheer breadth of treachery this time around, as Millennium must have created dozens of sleeper agents throughout the country, each tasked with hijacking or sabotaging key defense systems.  And Vice-Admiral Penwood’s command is no exception.    Those a-holes who gave Integra a hard time earlier?   Turns out they were in the tank for Millennium all along, and now that the invasion force has arrived, they’ve revealed their true colors.   At first, they’re pretty thrilled to have captured Integra Hellsing herself, but she calmly informs them that they’re minor league vampires at best, and they’ve foolishly revealed themselves in the presence of expert vampire hunters.
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And Walter calmly slices them all up with his magic wire powers.  Cool.
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But that’s not going to stop the one thousand vampire soldiers currently heading into British airspace.   I think the most striking visual in this part of the story are the expressions of sheer excitement on these guys’ faces.  They’re just so thrilled for what’s about to happen, and when you consider how long they’ve waited, it only makes sense.   It’s almost infectious, until you recall just what it is they’ve come here to do.  
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Meanwhile, Alexander Anderson watches the Millennium blimps roll in.   Oh, right, I forgot about him.    Back in chapter 25 he was still in Brazil, trying to locate Millennium’s HQ, but all he found were human agents trying to stop him, which he found rather insulting.   Then Maxwell contacted him to explain what he learned from the summit with Hellsing, and he ordered Maxwell to come to London in preparation for a great crusade.   But unlike the Crusads of old, their enemy is not Allah, but Mars, since Millennium is so devoted to war.   Anyway, Anderson’s here and ready to rock.
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Meanwhile, the people of London finally spot these blimps rolling in, and it’s pretty horrifying stuff.   We’ve already seen the carnage that can be wrought by a few vampires, and now it’s a thousand vampires, and they’re all Nazi soldiers to boot.   The sense of dread here is just palpable.
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Aboard the flagship (flagblimp?) the Major starts giving his men their orders, and they even have a stupid invasion handbook for the occasion.   Warrant Officer Schrodinger lost his and has to share with the Captain.   I suppose this is intended to alleviate the tension, except, no, it really doesn’t.    These guys are all horrible monsters in every sense of the word, and they’re about to do awful, unspeakable things.    Schrodinger’s comic relief moments only make it worse.
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The Major gives an extra-long speech for the occasion, basically outlining all the buildings and people in London that he wants his men to destroy (tl;dr: “all of them”).  He then assigns Lt. Zorin Blitz to take one of the blimps with a contingent of men and head for the Hellsing mansion on the outskirts of town.   She figures that’ll be an easy gig, since Alucard is away, but the Major warns her not to underestimate Integra Hellsing or Seras Victoria.   He doesn’t exactly explain his concerns about Seras, but the mere fact that she’s Alucard’s servant is probably reason enough to be mindful, and Integra is Alucard’s master, and she comes from a long line of vampire hunters, so the Major considers them both to be archenemies on the same level as Al himself, despite their inexperience. 
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So the Major explicitly orders Zorin to go to the mansion but not to attack.   Her task is to observe an wait for the Major’s order.    This will be important later.
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Then the Major orders a bunch of V-1 and V-2 rockets launched at London.   I mean, geez, were the hundreds of vampire soldiers not enough?  Did he think he needed to soften the city up first?  
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Then the troops jump out of the blimp to begin their assault.  They look like they’re parachuting down, but I don’t think any of them are wearing parachutes, since they shouldn’t need them.  It’s almost pathetic the way they talk to each other with all of this professional military talk and congratulating each other on a successful landing.    London is virtually defenseless and this is a slaughter, not a battle, but they’ve been psyched up for this for 55 years.
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Back at Penwood’s base, Integra warns him to flee before the main invasion force arrives, but Penwood insists on remaining at his post.   He confesses that he’s completely incompetent, and he only has this position because of his inherited title, but he refuses to abandon his duty, since that’s the only honorable thing he can do.   Integra leaves him a gun with silver bullets and wishes him well as she heads for her own duty.    Penwood orders his men to evacuate, but they refuse, since Penwood can’t actually operate any of the equipment here.
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So now we get an extended sequence of Milennium marching through London, basically sacking the city and slaughtering anyone they meet.   This is accompanied by the lyrics to “Akuma Stocking” which I think was used in the anime adaptation as well.   There’s a lot of gory scenes here, but the three main visuals that stuck with me in the anime are these:
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First, this motherfucker eating a baby.   
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Second, all the Londinian civilians they bite end up rising up and transforming into ghouls, who then join in the slaughter.    It’s easy to forget about ghouls at this point, but Millennium never forgot.   Their artificial vampires can’t turn virgins into new vampires, and I think that may be by design.   They were counting on their victims rising up to compound the horror.    
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Third, just a lot of bayonet-usage going on here.   You’d think they’d be content to bite and shoot people, but these guys seem to enjoy hoisting up their prey to show them off.   It’s a horrific nightmare and there’s no end in sight.   
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Integra and Walter speed home as fast as they can, but they stop to take out a Millennium soldier in a shootout with London police.    She can’t save the cops, but she does avenge them.
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Back at the Naval base, Penwood sends out a final transmission as he expects the enemy to enter his post at any moment.    His men are all dead, with the last one shooting himself to avoid becoming a ghoul.  He tells anyone who can hear him to resist and do their duty.    Then he recalls his first meeting with the young Sir Integra.   Back then, he found it ridiculous that a 12 year old should be in charge of Hellsing, but she quickly puts him in his place, and established that she would be asking him for favors from then on.  
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But Penwood won’t be granting any favors to the Kraut bastards who storm his post.  Instead he sets off the explosives they set up earlier and I guess they all die together.   I wouldn’t have thought an explosion would kill these vampires, but they are a lot less formidable than Dandyman or the Valentines.   Luke couldn’t regenerate his foot, for example.
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When Integra shot that one vampire, she gave away her position, and now Millennium is on her trail.   Just when it seems they have a clear shot at escape, someone blocks their path, and Walter tells Integra to take the wheel and find another route.    He’s going to stay behind to fight this guy, but he doesn’t think he can hold him off for long.
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Integra does as he asks, but orders him to return alive “at all costs.”   Hmm.
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Walter uses his wire power, but it turns out this is the Captain, and he’s apparently powerful enough to foil his attack.    Walter recognizes him, presumably from when he and Alucard fought the proto-Millennium in the 1940s.
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And then the Major flies along in his blimp and confirms it. 
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Meanwhile, Integra gives the Last Battalion a merry chase, but eventually she crashes the car and seems to be cornered.  One asshole tries to get closer to finish her off, but she decapitates him with her sword.
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His comrades accuse her of being a “sore loser” and tell her to give up, but she mocks them all for being cowards who surrendered their humanity.  She’s hardcore, she’s hardcore.
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But before she can fight all these vampires alone, somebody comes along and throws a bunch of blessed bayonets at them.   These did a number on Alucard and Seras, but they didn’t cause any lasting harm.   Seras was even able to pull them out without too much trouble.   But this shithead just disintigrates on the spot.  Remember, the Last Battalion’s main advantage is their number.   Individually, they’re not terribly impressive, at least as vampires go.
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But yeah, it’s Alexander Anderson, along with his two sidekicks, Heinkel Wolfe and Yumiko Takagi, the stars of Kouta Hirano’s earlier manga, “Cross-Fire”.   We’ve seen Heinkel in Hellsing before, but I think this is Yumie’s debut here.  They chastise Anderson for interfering, since they were only sent to observe, but Anderson is too fired up by Integra’s fighting spirit, and he wants to kill some vampires, dammit.
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Turns out there’s quite a few of these Iscariot guys here, maybe all of them, but Anderson starts doing a whole routine with them, as they chant all this stuff about how they’re assassins in the tradition of Judas, the disciple who betrayed Christ.  I’m not sure I get much of this, but it’s nice that Hirano put some thought into Section XIII as the super-secret death squad of this fantasy version of the Vatican.
And that’s all we have for now.   
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uniarycode · 3 years
Remember when I said I might to a Xros Wars liveblog/rewatch becuase I don’t remember it all that well?  No? Well today is apparently the 8th anniversary of Digimon Fusion, and while I’m going to go off of the sub (Xros Qars), if I’m going to do this re-watch liveblog thing it’s as good a time as any to start.
Haven’t really tried anything of this style, so I’m experimenting a little bit.
(Have to turn off the beta for this because pic limit, lol tumblr)
Pic of the day: Common sense
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We open with a menacing army full of Mookmon, sorry, Troopmon, Tankmon, and some bigger baddies. Like physically bigger, I don’t recall them being very important. (I see you Valvemon in the top left.)  
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Then we get introduced to a human and a trio of Digimon that will in no way be important.
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There’s also an army of good guys, you can tell they are good guys because they show up in previous seasons.  I uh, only actually remember two of them appearing in this show.
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Anyway, Taiki says Digixros a bunch, and the three non-silhouettes merge together into….x4?  Poor Starmon I guess, no recognition.  
X4 then solos the army of Mookmon, which is probably why the rest of the ‘good’ army never appears again, clearly they are superfluous.  But X4 gets taken down by a lone off-color Greymon because nostalgia.
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..and it was a dream.
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(So Akari and Zenjirou don’t matter....that sounds about right.)
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We are then introduced to Akari, who is trying to deduce exactly which ball-based team sport she got stood up for.
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She stops midway to take a selfie, kids these days, amirite?  Also to grab a bag with Taiki’s name on it...literally.
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Taiki manages to pull an MVP move on the basketball court, by pretending to be in a sports anime when really just passing to a teammate.  Thus securing the team the win that he’s been looking for for months… sorry, I mean four days.
Yeah, that’s a Taiki thing.  The kid is a prodigy at nearly anything he picks up.  The implication is that he throws himself into it completely, and then:
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He does not necessarily pick the best time or place for a nap.
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Akari being the best character (of this arc)
Taiki reveals that his need to throw himself headfirst is because of a desire to help those in need, not because he’s just showing off.
(I am reminded how much his gary-stu ness annoyed me the first time I watched this.)
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Zenjirou shows up and I’m def going to spell that name wrong at some point.  He’s mostly here for comic relief, but also to reinforce that Taiki can pick up a sport (kendo) in a couple of days and beat people who have been training their entire lives.
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While Akari and Zenjirou rehash the great 1998 case of Bros V. Hoes, Taiki hears the voice of a dying king, then suddenly: chaos.  Cars merge into walls, phones stop working, the sky turns green, dogs and cats, living together.
Turns out, cars superimposed into building are not stable.  The strange voice warns Taiki of the falling car, and after he saves his friends, he is now able to see the tortured outline of Shoutmon.
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All well and good, Taiki, but how do you propose helping the disembodied light?
(We also get a flashback to baby Taiki between these)
Shoutmon soft-mocks Taiki for trying to help him, and Taiki points out Shoutmon did the same, just in case you didn’t believe they were destined partners.
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Floating toy with another disembodied voice.  Offering to help if Taiki accepts, he does and the x loader turns from white to red.  The others reasonably do not think touching the floating mystical toy is a good idea.
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They wake up in a strange world, normal Digimon stuff, turns out the X-loader doubles as a Pokecenter, very convinent.
Then, suddenly the army of mookmon appear, lead by a new Digimon:
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(Look. if the writers determined you were going to die every season, you wouldn’t be very happy either.)
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But then dream Digimon #2 shows up to save them, alongside a bunch of babies.  Shoutmon also comes out to fight.  .
We get a quick sequence of the allies using special attacks to wipe the floor with the mooks, normal debut episode things.  Then Madleomon gets mad that a human is involved and absorbs all his friends to…Digivolve?
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(They missed a perfect opportunity for raving MadLeomon)
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Uhh, good plan?
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The mysterious voice tells Taiki to use the x-loader, which he does to form…the top half of a super-fighting robot.  Which lasts long enough to get off one punch before dissolving. He then xroses the Starmon and Pickmons into a sword, (will happen a bunch.) just in case you weren’t sure of the core mechanic.
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Madleomon’s powerup breaks, and he gets forced back, namedropping a greater villain.  Tactimon, obsessed with perfection.  Which is a good thing, because if he’s like half the perfectionist I know he’ll be too busy sorting out all the details of his plan to actually execute it.
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Coming on a little strong there bub.  Maybe take him out for a coffee first?
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The name of the kids this time is generals, but that also gets extended to some Digimon.
If you are used to normal Digimon seasons, this is going to be a bit of a jump.  It isn’t the normal 1 human 1 partner here.  This is a battle of armies, (but mostly just jogress ++)
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And yeah, they know nothing.
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Keep being creepy Nene.
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And also blond blue boy featuring off-color Greymon. 
And thus ends the first episode that was mostly about introducing Taiki, and the concept of Digixrosing. Also uses a lot of X4 for never showing every component. 
Final note: add break card
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I think maaayyybe Vmon shows up in a limited capacity?  For a series that is perfectly willing to completely ignore levels and do something completely different in terms of evolution, there sure is a lot of nostalgia pandering. 
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mirrorfalls · 3 years
Lego Liveblogs ST: TOS, part 10 (of who-the-hell-knows-how-many?)
Things I should’ve done last night: read at least a Sparknotes of Macbeth so I know what Dagger of the Mind is supposed to imply.
Things I didn’t do last night: that.
* Prisons? In my enlightened 23rd century? How depressingly plausible. * Now this is some straight-up Beagle Boys shit. I love it. ** Guy, I sure hope you know what it means to put on a redshirt on this ship. * "A cage is a cage, Jim.” Again, how depressingly resonant. * Don’t know if this is supposed to be deliberate foreshadowing, but: the warden never gives a name (or even a number) for the fugitive so the crew can look up his record. * “Where there is no emotion there is no motive for violence.” What Earth history have you been reading, Spock?! * Oh, the crew is in rare form today. Not even the first ad break and the guy’s caught. * Bones, try not to let your mad-scientist show so much. * Ah, here’s our real plot: go down and explore Ye Olde Space Prison, boys, and decide for yourselves... are the inmates running it now? ** ~Wacky Sitcom Music Cue~ * Okay, Kirk, I know she’s not Nurse Christine (Barrett’s schedule couldn’t fit this in, I guess?) but that’s no reason to get snippy. * That’s one accommodating warden. Too accommodating... * Okay, whatever effect they used on this lady (glass eye? Contact?) it’s creepy as fuck. * Important Theme: Can someone be rehabilitated not by being convinced to live with their wrongdoings, but by having those wrongdoings outright erased? ** Spoiler: Probably not. * Knock it off, Kirk. I guess this is supposed to be banter, but it just comes off as spiteful. * Spock, I appreciate your needing to Get To The Truth and everything, but if he’s in too much pain to talk just give him a keyboard or something to write with. * ... say, was this before A Clockwork Orange came out? * Somehow it never occurred to me this’d be the Mind Meld’s debut. ** I have to wonder what audiences back in ‘66 thought of this - today even non-fans are casually aware of it as a part of Trek lore, but in the context of the episode it comes with no foreshadowing. Hell, people probably expected Bones to be the one with the fancy mind-massage techniques. * Probably continuity-by-accident, but I do love how Kirk’s a lot more reluctant to trust the Big Scientific Authority after how things went on the last planet. ** That said: Jesus Christ man at least radio in your situation before you "test out” the Lobotomy Beam! ** Aaaaand this has turned straight into the Unprofessionalism Olympics. Someone’s got it bad for the Captain. * Gasp. Shock. Who could’ve seen this coming. * Aww, our villain ships the heroes! ** Wonder how many fans rewrote this episode so Spock was the companion... * Again - probably not by design, but Shatner’s trademark overacting really highlights how artificial all the emotions created by the beam are. ** Hinging a cliffhanger on it, though, is good for nothing but laughs. * Uh, you alright, Kirk? ** Uhh. *** Uhhhhhhhhhhh. **** Oh thank God. * Anyway - this is more proactive than anything the other ladies have gotten to do in the last nine episodes, which is nice. Alas, it still involves a hot girl crawling around on hands and knees ‘cuz Roddenberry gonna Roddenberry. * Okay, how did you guys not see him shoving her into the vent?! * Can’t believe it took me this long to realize this was where TNG got the iconic "FOUR LIGHTS!” scene from. * Tsk, tsk. Shoulda strapped him down, doctor. * Holy shit, is this the first time one of the heroines killed a villain? You go, girl. * Ah, here’s our villain’s Karmic Fate: to be reprogrammed by the same machine- ** Oop, no, wait, it just plain killed him. Another point to Mr. Spock. * Also: every second of these lovey-dovey scenes is mutually nonconsensual. Pipe down the jolly music, guys. * “Hard to believe that a man could die of loneliness.” Bit silly as a line, but it’s a deft enough show of how Kirk’s now knows penal cruelties that Bones can barely imagine.
Act for act, this episode manages to feel even pulpier than the last one - the fanservice is still cranked just north of creepy, none of the Big Themes get off the ground, and the villain barely even pretends he has some higher motive behind lobotomizing everyone (with a spinny sun lamp, yet). And yet, somehow I’m more excited at the prospect of rewatching it two or three months down the line. Maybe it’s a matter of the script being more self-aware, maybe I just want to watch Dr. #Girlboss frying that mook again and again...
Next: Our third character-based title! Will she manage to succeed where Mudd and Charlie failed? Let’s hope so.
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
mtmte liveblog issue 18
lets goooo
I love the ‘no guns no swords no briefcases’ sign sm
NEVER over the ‘my first blaster(tm): big grip for little hands’ fucking iconic
‘get the hell out of my bar’ swerve lmao ily
so now we continue on with the remain in light arc, this issue subtitled ‘house of ambus,’ which is a dopeass name and also promises some ambus lore, which is exciting
first aid holding his gun sideways like a gangsta lmao I canttt
forgot there's literally a guy named dipstick LMAOOOOO that's funny on so many levels like...it sounds like dipshit, and also a urine dipstick is a urine test used to detect various stuff so that's the first thing I think of...what a name
‘put two and two together and make it a fist’ skids ily sm
pharma is in full-on dr thot mode over here, oh boy
lockdown looks like such a nerd on his edgy decepticon hoverboard
the fact that cyclonus immediately goes along w/whirls suggestion to disobey rodimus and attack the enemy....both of them are icons
OOOH ALL THE TITANS...that's such a good panel 
ok but I cant get over how lowkey funny it is that there's this battle going on rn where most of the participants can turn into various vehicles, but they're all riding around on dorky air scooters instead. this series, man
well, at least chromedome transformed
I fucking love that rodimus is always doing this like, ridiculous 80s action movie nonsense, I feel like that's perfect considering his g1 debut was in a ridiculous 80s action movie
poor tg just found out he’s gonna die in like 3 days and then rodimus immediately is like ‘wanna make that today?’ and does some crazy shit while tg clings to him like a terrified baby
rodimus mid-car transformation is fucking wild lmao
and now we finally get to see a bit more of what’s going on with our framing device flash-forward - it’s not just rodimus, everyone’s there! except ratchet...also, they’re in jail. woohoo!
and then there’s magnus, looking completely healthy but strangely unresponsive...
TYREST....this motherfucker....he is like, SO MUCH. the cape...the helmet crown thing...the holes....
tyrest told rodimus to ‘shut up or be held in contempt’ ayyyyyyyyyyyy
‘crimes against creation’ that's pretty dramatic dude
Let The Robots Swear!!
ok but rlly I find it funny that they're not allowed to say swear words (I'm assuming its not allowed rather than it being a creative choice) but all the death and violence and body horror is ok
chromedome is sitting there like oh holy shit did I find my now-dead husbands missing 1st husband after millions of years, like a WEEK after my husband died
chromedome mimicking the moustache with his finger...cute
its interesting to see a ‘sibling’ type of relationship here, since that's really uncommon for tfs since they don't really have families/lineage - of course, we don't really get to see dominus and minimus interact (until the FU), so
minimus really tried to pass himself off as a law-breaking smuggler lmaoooo that was never gonna work mdude
like he just continues acting exactly like ultra magnus except he pretends not to know these guys lol
‘forceful expressions of innocence’ tailgate ily
poor tg :( 
OH GOD pharma time. he’s out here looking totally unhinged and also thotty somehow, like usual
I SO subscribe to the idea that ratchet and pharma are exes are pharma still isn't over ratchet. that's the most entertaining and interesting way to read their interactions imo
dual chainsaw hands.....Bruh.
skiiiiiiiiiiiids....I love skids, he’s just such a good dude
also he’s really cool and also sexy. I feel like if anyone would be the mary sue of the series it would be skids rather than rung lmao 
oh shit I forgot skids gets skewered by star saber
aaaaaand ratchet’s in the box!!!! jesus pharma just say you kin the joker and go
HOW is ratchet alive tho like....wouldn't he need energon?? isn't energon basically blood for them, but also food, and fuel, and basically everything? I don't get it but yknow what, ill suspend my disbelief bc its so entertaining 
see, the little backstory on tyrest is really interesting, cause it seems to me that at one point, tyrest did have the best interests of the cybertronian people in mind, and he really did stand for true justice and tried to end the war peacefully - but somewhere along the way things went bad, and now here he is
oh rung, scolding somebody for revealing top secret information, that’s rich coming from mr hipaa violations himself 
lmao and minimus cant restrain himself from scolding rodimus either, and then very obviously fishing for information so he can ask questions without it being clear that he already knew all about the lost light 
vhbjahdbhjhdf im NEVER over rung passive-aggressively antagonizing minimus so he can accuse him of being ultra magnus hvbhjkdnfssfhsabjhdfk that's so funny
also its another example of rung maybe not being the best at his job - he’s basically manipulating magnus’s OCD to try to force minimus into revealing his identity...ethical? perhaps not. effective? oh yeah
I mean I guess you could say this is an example of rung being really good at his job, bc he was able to use psychology to deduce minimus’s identity...it’s more like he also decided to disregard medical ethics and ethics in general 
and then the reveal....ultra magnus is actually a much smaller green dude?! whaaaat!? 
ill talk more about it later but fr this is one of my favorite concepts that mtmte introduced, I fucking love it 
ahhhh I love this issue. tho tbh I love basically every issue. anyways tho I love the continuation of ratchet and pharma’s story, with pharma officially going off the rails with some complete bullshit, and also the big reveal about magnus/minimus! great stuff
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dojoliveblogs · 5 years
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Wow, the first at last people to die, what a coincidence.
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Oh... oh... that makes too much sense. Sonju has always been one of the strongest characters in the setting and he was very well known to the demons back during his debut, which is odd if he ran off with the evil blooded girl they try to pretend doesn’t exist. Interesting.
Well, that’s it for today, tomorrow I plan to liveblog the last 11 chapters (assuming there’s a new one out tomorrow and it’s not on break), so see you then.
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Worm Liveblog #115
UPDATE 115: The Simurgh Shows Off
A bit of a short Worm update today.
Last time the Travelers were introduced as a group of friends who play games together in a professional level. It was all nice and dandy until the Simurgh attacked, even Noelle was okay. This obviously is in the past, and I think it’s before they all got their powers, and I’m kind of expecting them all to get their powers from the trauma of being where the Simurgh attacks. So let’s continue and see if I’m right!
Running on a slippery concrete surface is not easy, and it’s even less easy when you’re running from something that could turn its attention at you at any moment and, I don’t know, vaporize you with her voice. It’s even harder for someone who is carrying somebody else, such as Luke, who is carrying Noelle along. They have to go, avoiding the windows and any other traps the building has. Hm...in theory avoiding the windows doesn’t sound like a difficult thing to do, really, unless this building has the most haphazardly-placed windows in the history of architecture or the ice’s making them slip around like crazy. Run in a straight line, that should be enough most of the time.
It’s when they’re getting to the parts of the building that are already crumbling – the base, I imagine – that dodging the windows is more difficult, due to the crumbling outer walls.
“Fuck!”  Luke shouted.  “Fuck, fuck me!”
Third time isn’t a charm for you, Krouse thought.  Luke had put his leg through a window and his leg was slit open from the base of his foot to his knee.
Oh, damn, that’s nasty, and something to worry about. If you get a nerve of an artery, or even a vein sometimes, sliced, you’re doomed. Thank goodness there’s not much description, although that doesn’t make it any better. I can’t avoid thinking of some rather ugly scenarios.
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot to comment, Scion is here. You know, for someone who is a complete mystery and also the epitome of being a parahuman hero, he sure features much less in the story than I expected. Scion must be doing something right, anyway, since he’s forcing the Simurgh to retreat from the area.
Luke’s injury is a bit of a mystery, they don’t know how bad it is, and he still can move his leg well. In that case, it may not be too deep if the muscle isn’t very compromised. Lucky guy, Lucky Luke. Not in condition to carry Noelle, though, so Francis does it. He also shows why he’s the leader of the Travelers while Noelle is not okay, as he takes the leadership and gets Marissa to lead the way, looking for the safer places.
There are still things to worry about, though. The Simurgh is closer than they thought.
Telekinesis.  She’d created a false image of herself out of snow and ice, baiting Scion away.  Judging by the sound of Scion’s continued onslaught, she was still controlling it. Controlling it even though there was no way she could see what it was doing by eyesight alone.
The Simurgh’s skin is primarily white, gray and transparent, or she’s able to mimic colors somehow. Or maybe the copy is floating around while using the white and platinum hair to cover the skin. She sure would have enough wing and hair to do that. So while Scion is over there, fighting the copy, that’ll give the Simurgh the freedom to cause havoc over here, too close to the Travelers.
She’s doing something over there...gathering a lot of electronics. Is she trying to make another copy of herself, this time using electronics? She’s even connecting some. It’s odd. No time to worry much about it, though, they still have to run away, somehow get off the building and onto the ground.
Turns out descending the building may be an impossible task, due to the slipperiness of the outside of the building. Their only option is to go inside and search for another way, although it may be dangerous. There could be a fire or a gas leak – reasonable fears in this situation. But out here, there’s the Simurgh, there’s the cold...just because the Simurgh is out here I sure know what I’d pick. If I could, I’d try to ensure I’d be able to get out again if necessary, but such a thing may be impossible to do. There’s nothing on the outside.
This flashbacks must be happening very long ago, because the Endbringers weren’t household names to recoil from. Only Jess seems to know about them, and she explain the circumstances of the Simurgh’s debut.
“The idea was maybe she and Scion met some specific set of conditions.  So the whole world watched for something like three days, to see if she would be another Scion, or if she’d be something else.   People approached, she even communicated with them some.  Not talking, just gestures, I guess.  Interacting might be a better word.  And when we thought things would be okay, she made a move.  The entire population of the city around her, with all the people who had come to talk with her and research her…”
Huh, where does Scion come from, anyway? Maybe he can be classified as an Endbringer, in terms of...what he is. Just that instead of going around destroying everything, he’s a hero. The world back then got pretty lucky the very first parahuman-related person decided to use the powers for good.
The conversation stops when heroes finally come to deal with that enormous problem – the Simurgh must be much stealthier than Leviathan was, if she managed to get here and start destroying before the heroes even got word from it. Just like it happened with the Leviathan fight, the heroes are immediately at a disadvantage, because the Simurgh seems to have sensed them coming, and already prepared to defend herself, killing one of them almost immediately. Perhaps the thing she’s assembling with electronics is part of her defensive strategy? I think so, because the other hero here aims at it.
Time to go inside. Apparently Noelle is quite the catch, as Cody had also tried to woo her and was unsuccessful. Wow, it’s like Francis has triumphed in everything Cody didn’t. No wonder Cody is so goddamn upset.
Getting out of the apartment is easy enough, breaking into another below is harder, as they have to kick the door open.
“It keeps getting worse.  The music,” Marissa complained.  “It’s like it’s stretching between three notes, and the moment I think there’s a pattern to it, it changes.”
Krouse glanced at Jess.  What does she know?  To Marissa he said, “It gets worse if you pay attention to it.  Focus on what you’re doing.  Distract yourself if you have to.”
What’s up with the music? It’s been noted to be changing, adding one note at a time. Is it perhaps a warning to those around? Like, the moment she reaches a certain number of notes, everything will be over? The part about how the song is changing is really making me concerned.
Soon they manage to get inside, ready to keep exploring. At least one person seems to have died in this apartment. Doesn’t matter, because they escape rather easily onto the ground from here. Okay, this went smoothly! Now it’s a matter of running away from where the Simurgh is.
Up there, the Simurgh has progressed, making a circle with her electronics. Like a frisbee? It’s still the heroes’ target, they keep trying and failing to destroy it. During one of the attempts, the hero that uses bubbles of force fields to fight gets struck down and thrown aside, near where the Travelers are, and gets impaled. Ouch.
Wow, for someone who got impaled he sure refuses to accept he’s down. Okay, hopefully this isn’t deadly. He sees the Travelers and tell them to leave or they’re as good as dead. During all that, a device he has tells him it’s too late even if he leaves now.
“I’ll let your wife know you fought bravely.  Do you want me to keep a recording for your son, for when he’s older?”
“Dragon!  Damn you!”
Oh heeeey, there’s Dragon! How nice to see a familiar hero face. This hero, Grandiose he’s called, isn’t as happy, and I’m sure he’s even less happy when the device starts beeping. Is this...normal? I mean, I’m pretty sure this means the device is going to explode, but it doesn’t seem like normal Endbringer protocol. Maybe the Simurgh does something with the dead bodies, since this one was about to die.
There’s Alexandria! This must be some time after she got her powers from Cauldron, then. The Simurgh fights, throwing her around, and luckily for Alexandria, she’s certain to survive this fight, what with being alive in the present. There’s nothing any of them can do about the Simurgh and her invention, as she finally rises and moves.
“That explosion,” Luke was saying, panting as he ran with a lopsided gait.  “They blew up their own person.  Why?”
“Because he’d been here too long,” Krouse said.
...I’m not sure what this means. Does it mean that, if you’re in the area where the Simurgh is for too long, you have to die? If the Travelers here are found, will they also be killed? Because I’m pretty sure they have been in the area near the Simurgh for much longer than the hero was. Of course they had to travel around, they had to put as much distance between this city and them, so they don’t die.
Somehow, the Simurgh manages to activate the device she made, a strange donut-shaped thing the heroes are desperate to destroy, so much they forgo the precautions of being near her for too long. The song seems to be the big issue. In that case, yeah, the Travelers are as good as dead if they’re seen. Apparently by now the song they’re hearing has six sounds.
They’re so lucky they already escaped the building, it’s torn apart. If they had still been on it or inside...
The donut the Simurgh made is activated, and its effects soon are seen despite the heroes’ best effort. It’s not a destructive device like I expected, it doesn’t make the city explode or anything. Instead, the Simurgh raises it high, and the device makes things appear. It’s a gate, a portal. And people are falling through it, alongside the debris. Oh, goodness, I didn’t think an Endbringer could do something like building portals.
“How the fuck is she not a tinker!?” Krouse shouted.
“She isn’t!” Jess called back.  “She’s never done anything like this before!”
Perhaps it gained this particular skill at some point? As if the Endbringers weren’t scary enough, this one here maybe learned tinker abilities. Nothing like a dangerous thing turning even more dangerous.
Oh, nevermind, those aren’t people, those are monsters, monsters that proceed to roam around and eat each other. Oh hey, what if the Endbringers come from another dimension, and these monsters come from that same dimension? It’s not too farfetched, given what’s going on right now! That there’s ruined architecture is not a good thing, though. It paints quite the grim picture of...whatever place she’s bringing all this from.
Even though Scion breaks the device, the portal doesn’t disappear, it continues pouring so many things. It takes Scion charging and channeling his power to start closing it, but that’s not going to be the end of this. Creatures already passed through and fell everywhere, those will have to be dealt with one by one. Seems to me the heroes are going to do cleanup for quite a while!
The Simurgh’s movement was slowed in the wake of the light, and Scion took the opportunity to land one well placed shot.  She was driven into the ground like a nail from a nailgun, somewhere Krouse couldn’t see.
I remember it was said Leviathan was incredibly dense and only got denser after the outer layers. Perhaps the Simurgh is the same? Still, punching an Endbringer is impressive. Way to go, Scion.
More running. They desperately need a hospital, and none of them know where they are right now. Luke suggests the Simurgh threw the building, Jess says that’s not possible because then it’d all have been shattered. I agree with her, I’m still kind of baffled the building just turned ninety degrees in the blink of an eye. If it had been tossed, I’m pretty sure they’d all have noticed something was wrong, and then they’d all have died.
They crossed paths with another monster.  A man, pale, with a head twice as large as his torso.  His arms and legs were atrophied, and he crawled, dragging his head along the pavement.  It looked as though he’d sustained some damage in being flung halfway across the city, his head was nearly caved in at the top, a bloody ruin with fragments of skull sticking out.
“Help me,” the thing pleaded.  He reached out with one emaciated hand.
“How?” Marissa asked.
“Mars!”  Krouse shouted, “No stalling!”
She ignored him.  “How can we help?”
“Give me your memories,” the monster said.  Marissa backed away a few steps in alarm.  “Give them!  I want to dream again!  I haven’t dreamed in so long!”
Oh my god. This is no out of nowhere and unfitting with everything, honestly. Suddenly, this that seems to come straight out from a horror tale is here. Okay!
The song they’re hearing in their heads is getting weaker, so either Scion is managing to injure or distract the Simurgh enough to make her stop the song, or they’re almost our of her range. Both would be great! The great news last...like two seconds before they encounter once another obstacle, and one I can’t say I saw coming.
In the distance, on the far side of a park, there were squads of men and women in army fatigues, with jeeps and other army vehicles helping to add presence to the already formidable line of defense.  Each of the soldiers was aiming a gun at the fence.
Krouse flinched as a howl sounded, closer than the ones before.  Caught between a rock and a hard place.  Not to mention Noelle’s condition, or even Luke’s.  He winced at the noise in his head.  It was quieter, but his stress here, his alarm and confusion, it was making the screaming spike to a brutally high pitch.
“Step away from the fence!”  The voice sounded over a loudspeaker, gruff, authoritarian.  “This area is under quarantine!  Seek shelter and wait for further instructions!  If you approach or touch the fence, you will be shot!”
Alright! Everything is quarantined. Hm...the silver lining is that this should mean anything the Simurgh brought will be stopped, and nobody has to worry about those anymore. I hope so, at least. The bad news is that, if there’s a quarantine, then Noelle and Luke won’t get the medical attention they need. Even though they say to await further instructions, this doesn’t seem very good, since...that Grandiose hero from before got killed because he had been in the presence of the Simurgh’s song for too long.
I’m aware the Travelers will survive, so...what if what happens is that they’re all taken away, to be dealt with? And everybody except Cody manage to escape. No signs of any powers yet, and seems to me like the circumstances that can lead to a trigger event are still around. All in all, I keep wondering what’ll happen next. Alright! But that’ll have to be for next time.
Next time: in five updates
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planetorigo · 7 years
Minecraft HC 6 Part 17 Liveblogging
Think I should just do all my liveblogging in this format? I kind of like the individual posts but this is just an overall better way to organize things? I might just end up resorting back to the old way for the next season assuming there is one. But we’ll just see.
Anyways. Finale as the episode states. For the first time with every time they’ve done this quest, they’re actually getting the chance to spawn the Wither. ...I’m nervous but let’s see how this goes. Probably badly.
- You know... the fact that this is how the start of the episode is going... With the Arena building and potion making...
- They were pretty lucky to not have a small Fortress like back in Minecraft 5, let’s be honest.
- Okay he remembers the fact it can destroy blocks.
- These guys should let themselves look up things on the Wiki. Doing some of these things blind is not smart. ...On the other hand...
- At least they’re one step closer to knowing about the Blaze Powder for the potions. But I doubt they’re going to be able to do it.
- Okay so Jared uses the internet to find out about how to make certain potions but he doesn’t think to take a quick check to see if Chad is missing anything about the Wither? Mmm. I guess it doesn’t come up th at much with others.
- Oh hey, it’s the ghost of Peebs.
- Beautiful Jared. (be glad he wasn’t Sailor Mars)
- Dean took the time to make a halfway done Tower of Pimps
- It’s going to start soon. Let’s see how badly this goes.
- This isn’t even the first time it’s happened.
- Oh wait never mind, I retract my previous statement. Chad does know. I guess he’s saying now so they don’t forget if he told them earlier. But still... No, we’ll just see what happens.
- Okay for some reason I thought it had the anti-arrow shield while flying. ...I don’t know why I thought that.
- Pffft. But no, I’d also be bad at Overwatch for the aim problems. I hear some characters auto-aim though.
- That was beautifully poetic. Jared is best Drama Queen.
- Also the Tower of Pimps is still up.
- Hey Frick Man said the frick word in the last episode
Oh wow. That was the happiest ending I’ve seen in a while for this show since... well Minecraft 4. Like, it’s still kind of bittersweet considering Jared died to a Zombie tailing him but in the end, it has more of an emphasis on the sweet than the bitter which is different from Terraria 3′s ending.
I don’t know how I’ll rank this season though, it’s... interesting. I’ll have to think it over but still. I’m excited for what’s coming up in the future because from the look of things...
We seem to be heading back to Todd’s editing debut.
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