#watching a wrestling
cmgirlie · 9 months
alright putting my cmjf feud liveblogging (/recap?) all here in one post instead of flooding y'alls dashes
(mostly following along with this masterpost. also I haven't actually watched the whole thing before, only their final match and the compilation on youtube 😬)
Rampage — August 20, 2021
(wait punk debuted on rampage? wow they actually used to try with that show huh)
that crowd really was WILD for him on a rumour huh
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GOD. god. look at him. best there was, best there is.
the guy crying and saluting. punk throwing himself into the audience. dear god the foreshadowing.
he spends so much time just standing there soaking it all in. i think the old man deserves to have sold-out arenas cheering him forever actually
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boo-boo face
"I got the time and I ain't going anywhere" two years buddy. basically one really. god he deserved so much more
"I made a place that felt like home and I cried when I left because I knew the place I was going to wasn't gonna be easy for a guy like me." fuck. lovely to know since tk owns ROH they're gonna erase his legacy there as well.
"August 13th, 2005 I left professional wrestling." and still hasn't come back. fuck AEW man
"the passion that i had stamped out" god this speech is just non-stop Agonies and getting angry and hurt at his firing again huh.
punk baby. light of my life. what the FUCK do you see in darby
he was so excited to be back. im so sad now
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diadraws · 9 months
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*knocking on mlb fandoms door* what if theyre dating as civilians but are rival supervillains who wanna steal each others miraculous to make the wish. and they fucking ahte eachother. where are you going come ba
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civetside · 6 months
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hello guys it's me miss consistent art style!!! wrestling AU????? sorry i am smashing my 2 current interests together as ya do, gideons trying to be a cool pro wrestler and harrow is her manager
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lghockey · 1 month
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deerabigailhobbs · 2 months
Saw 2004 AU where Adam is Australian and Lawrence is British
(Lawrence, more britishly): "He doesn't want us to cut through our chains... He wants us to cut through our feet..."
"Hmm... yeah nahhhh, fuck that mate. Jigsaw can suck my dick, stupid cunt"
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stargirl230 · 7 months
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Special delivery!
Birthday card i made for a friend that i ended up really liking :)
(no reposts; reblogs appreciated)
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cowboyshit · 5 months
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orange-catsidy · 1 month
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4 of swords - rest, sanctuary, recuperation after a period of turmoil
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suntaeshine · 2 months
current fans wouldnt survive back in the bte prime days,, cody was out there possessed by wwe and destroying hhh's throne they had chris daniels dressing up like hhh,, kenny was doing v*nce impressions,, like yall don't even know the shit that went down back in the day
note: they also invaded raw in a limo that one time
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jtl-fics · 26 days
The thing i like the most about Kevin Day is that there is a chance that he would do anything so long as it os something he can be convinced he should do for the role of “Kevin Day - Son of Exy”.
Like he is someone who is, in public, playing a character and therefore he will do many things that he Kevin Day - a dude might not really want to do.
I bet its a game for the Foxes to try and get him to break character in front of cameras / see what they can get away with when he’s “Kevin Day - Son of Exy” even knowing that Kevin’s going to throw a real damn fit the second the cameras are off.
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cmgirlie · 9 months
eh let's watch mox vs garcia too why not.
Rampage — August 20, 2021
garcia looks so twinky i dont like it. mox looks so chubby i like it A LOT.
"red death" trunks is such a serve. bring him back
actually changed my mind on twink garcia. it strengthens his 'chihuahua top' swag
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bumping purses! you know i love me some ass to ass action
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i love it when he does this face. it's a good face.
final thoughts: damn that was fast-paced. moxley was so red and i need to bite at his belly so bad. garcia's blows land like a rubber ball; i think mox could've should've sold a bit more so garcia didn't look like all he's got going for him is agility. nice match overall, coulda been hornier.
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theminecraftbee · 10 months
god i really feel like the mcrp fandom and the wrestling fandom are cousins. we should hold hands. we both have to deal with people not quite understanding the idea of keyfabe ("don't you know wrestling is FAKE?"/"they're using their real names so clearly it's all the real youtubers"), with ao3 tagging nightmares (did you know the wrestling fandom still has the rpf tag problem the mcrp fandom had for years because apparently ao3 doesn't understand keyfabe either?), with people who don't understand keyfabe but from the other side (yes it's not real but i should still harass the player/wrestler about it right?), with complicated plots with goofy characters, with outsiders being dead convinced that the people inside are writing rpf, even if we explain it's not real... i'm just saying. we're cousins. buddies. we should hold hands. we should understand each other. that's all i'm saying,
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was watching this documentary on transfem pageantry from 2007 and was so surprised when i saw chyna was a judge for it
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lghockey · 2 months
None of this shit with Jericho would be happening if we just let Eddie Kingston light Jericho on fire that one time
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merrysithmas · 9 months
when ppl see this & this, directed by the same person, and think the narrative is "anakin is evil" not "anakin is a steward of the balance, a force demi god, as was foretold on Mortis" 😂
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skylessnights · 4 months
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