#Uni watches Digimon
monitamon · 6 months
Rambling about Digimon DIMs & Tama Smart Cards that only will appeal to like 5 people here; wanted to get it out of my head, idk.
NGL, I'm kinda salty about the Tama Ticket stuff. But not in the way you probably expect. Salty because, damn, wish it had been like this for the Digimon Vital Bracelet. At every turn Digimon has sort of felt like a test for just Tamagotchi, who then got the "better" stuff, in a way. The first release of the Vital Bracelet was super rocky (given DIM memory/watch locks & charging), but then barely the next year, we got the Smart which was 100% better in those regards, & SmaCards seemed to do more. No watch ID locks or those issues that I am aware of. We later got the Vital Bracelet -V-, which improved some aspects which seemingly should have been there from the start, but again, the Smart seemed more advanced with what sort of thing they were trying to do with it (battery, interaction, sounds, etc), mechanics there aside. (On that note, god, why is the battery life fucking phenomenal on the Uni compared to the VB in every iteration? Lord.)
Now we're to the Uni with the Tickets, & the Vital Bracelet (And Hero, etc) have pretty much been failures because each iteration did not really add anything other than more characters. Battery life was sort of meh each wave, & it's not like we get to care for them in the same means as Tamagotchi. It still baffles me that they didn't try a similar thing with that, such as having your Digimon react & talk to you when you went out walking IRL. Instead we had an extremely limited exercise mission system that still felt like an afterthought in each wave of device, from the original VB to the Hero. From the start, despite BOTH IPs being a "care for a little guy" franchise, Tamas had so much more going on with their watch toys released around the same time? So- going back to the Tickets, which, functionally are the same as the Smart Cards or DIM Cards, just in a far more convenient means of getting them than physical, limited cards (note how for the entire time they were a thing, DIM cards suffered from reading issues & supply issues). And no damn watch locks with this. Unsure if you could share codes or even use them across multiple watches you own, but we'll see.
Just. Idk. It feels like Digimon sometimes is just a sort of throw-away IP for Bandai to test out things for other, better-selling IPs sometimes & I get frustrated at what could have been for Digimon.
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What i'm currently running.
I decided to get my Digivice ver Complete out and try to finish the campaign, because 1. It's nearly odaiba day, and i've been watching Digimon adventure, 2. I want to finish it before the color version releases. And 3. I've just been feeling the digimon mood hitting all over again, I really hope we get new, non remake non-digivice/pedometer-pet related v-pet news soon...
Zatchi is hanging in there on my Gen 2 at 27 yrs. If you can't see the screen on my Tamagotchi Connection V1/Plus, it's Ichigotchi. And on my Uni,it's Woopatchi. Woopatchi was married off a while after taking this photo though, so i'm starting anew.
And Meramon X on my X3... he evolved. I have Mamemon X now.... not what I was shooting for, so I think I got more than 2 care mistakes when I left him at home when I went to work today. Oh well. Hopefully he'll make it to Mega this time.
One more thing...
Mametchi has a son now.
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I keep seeing these little Mametchi dolls based on the gen 1 sprite ( Where do I sign up for the pokemon company to do this with Pokemon?? Give me big tongue Golbat please ) there's a more recent one, and then there's this one with actual beads for eyes that are crazy expensive, but I snagged him for 15 bucks. Pretty fair. He's very small, But very cute.
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frankenfran · 3 months
what do you think about the digimon watches that are on like. p-bandai. i was really debating getting one but then i ended up buying a tamagotchi instead. also chao world extended mod for sonic adventure 2 would be up your alley i think
the vital bracelets right? they're definitely really interesting but from what i understand they're sort of less of a virtual pet and more of a fun little pedometer type game. i definitely want to give it a go some day! witch tamagotchi did you get? the uni im assuming?
the extended chao garden mod is a time bomb for me. i was unsurprisingly obsessed with the chao garden as a kid and spent countless hours just doing that. it was like all i could think about at all times and i know if i ever get back into it im screwed lmfao
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tinta--branca · 9 months
waow !! a get to know me tag !! thanku for the tag @giselberts it's v sweet of u <3
last song: ready (mulher batida) by orelha negra and a garota não
favourite colour: i think it's pink ?? I haven't checked in in a while but i've been rlly into like pastel pink these past few months
currently watching: foundation! though i stop when im not sick so i'm on like,, episode 8 i think? enjoying it so far very good vibes
last movie/tv show: watched a few episodes of digimon tamers for nostalgia a few days ago :'D
spicy/savoury/sweet: i like all of them but recently i've been more into sweet foods,, i'm also craving fruit something fierce rn
relationship status: qpr wahoo !!
current obsession: i'm in uni application hell so it's all a bit scattered atm D: we'll say seals since that's always the case :'D they're so cute
last google search: 'build outdoor wall house flipper' because i decided to zone out and play for a bit instead of working shhh
tagging anyone that wants to do this tbh,, tho also @rimetin, @not-today-solas, and @rustmountain bc u guys use tumblr sometimes right ;3;;
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alientiime · 1 year
that 9 ppl u'd like to know better thing that im just choosing to do bc i like to talk about myself(
3 ships: isagi/kurona, isagi/kaiser, hyuse/yuuma
first ever ship: wtf i dont remember, probably some ship from sonic involving mina the mongoose
last song: is this last song heard? neighbor
last movie: menu it was good but i wish it had cannibalism
currently reading: the main ones im keeping up to date with r blue lock, world trigger, kaiju no 8, deranged detective kamonohashi ron, magilumiere and then some other ones tho i havent read them in awhile so not counting those due to brainrot
oh i also started reading nakanohito genome but i forgor to continue i should do that
currently watching: digimon ghost game altho i havent watched the last 3 eps bc of uni im kinda afraid cuz ik theyre gonna have to rush the ending bc of how they did it
currently consuming: nothing im in bed, but the last thing i consumed was yakult
currently craving: juice maybe?
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
I always notice, that I somehow never really got the appeal of absolute monogamy. With that I do not even necessarily mean polyamory, but rather this societal ideal for the same two people to be together beginning to end. To marry your first love and grow old together and be together until death do us part.
Like, for some people this is right. Absolutely. But I find it so weird that romance is always measured against this. As if any relationship that fails has necessarily to have been a bad or toxic relationship.
People just can fall out of love with each other. Sometimes life just happens. Sometimes feelings just change. With nobody at fault. Just as platonic friends can turn into romantic partners, romantic partners can turn into platonic friends.
Maybe I am just too aromantic to understand this ideal.
I can accept, that it is part of the romance genre to end on "happily ever after" or at least "happy for now". I just do not necessarily understand it. To me a romance does not loose any appeal by ending on "but living together we found we were better as friends".
I also notice it in how I approach shipping. Even when I was a kid watching Digimon. I shipping Hikari and Takeru, but I was always of the opinion that they were not "meant for each other". My headcanon for them always involved them dating during uni and then breaking up and finding other partners after it. But people never understood that. Just as they did not understand that for Digimon Tamers my most written ship always was Ruki x Ryou and yet I broke them up in my longfic. lol
I don't know. Just something I have been thinking about again lately. Mostly after a discussion about me having a ship with an older character - and yet also having the headcanon of the character being in a relationship with someone else before.
And yes, the only romances I ever write that I focus on and that last basically a lifetime, are within polycules with other stuff happening around it.
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sillymoonboi · 3 months
Chaos: yipee...
*with Rosa and Ness*
Rosa: why do you keep dodging our questions?
Ness: *to busy watching digimon* (freaking relatable)
*with Ophi*
Ophi: *takes Cetus to a red lobster and doesn't order himself food*
*with Uni*
Uni: so Galaxy how should we tackle the subject?
Mercury:*in sign language * is something wrong?
With venus
Venus:*signs* im sorry my babies mommy(venus) is not feeling well and she needs a break… how about we visit your grandma Jupiter?
With Cetus
Cetus: you gonna order something?
With Galaxy
Galaxy:hmm? Wait what are we doing? Sorry i was distracted by rystra moth
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little-forget-me-not · 9 months
Summary 2023
This used to be a tradition but it definitely slid off after I stopped writing much in general (especially with uni and all the damned essays) but Reba asked if I was gonna do one, so I feel compelled to try again. I kinda did one for last year too, except I logged it down by the month on my Insta journal. Extremely satisfying to read but a pain to do. Anyway, I’m already getting sidetracked lol. Unlike previous years, I don’t really have categories for these so I’ll probably just note the highlights (I’ll still try to categorise some of them):
Looking back at my entries this year I can see how I was constantly close to burn out and worn thin by stress, and yet I pulled through it. I was genuinely considering dropping out again due to the immense stress…(again)
Yet despite everything, and this is the fact I keep trying to brush away, but I did well. I did really well. I’ve been scoring basically almost consistent As across the board, for every agonising essay, project and exam I had to take on, I did them well. In fact, I was able to balance over 7 different essays that included separate roleplay demonstrations/tests and NOT freak out while still having time to have fun and socialise with my friends both online and irl (mostly Vot). AND also doing over 50 commissions AND finding a part-time job and going there physically to work. Younger me would have died under all that pressure, but I managed it all pretty well. I know I’m hard on myself, so even if I did well it doesn’t always feel that way, but I really did quite alright.
I remember setting a goal this year, which was to push myself out of my comfort zone and to dive headfirst into challenges, such as interacting with people and doing things that I’m afraid of. And I did do it. I was terrified of my lab sessions where we had to roleplay in front of the class, but every time I was the first to volunteer to demonstrate roleplaying in front of the class, and I actively reached out for advice and help. I even organised several practice meet-ups with a classmate who’s now a friend, Kala! I did gain some confidence in my ability. Cyndi tells me to believe in myself, being easier on myself, not to strive so hard for perfection and be more confident as I’ve proved my abilities in both the material and practice. …yet it’s so hard to believe it, still. But I’m not backing down…even if it terrifies me.
Also the graduations I’ve been to has made me realised that I very much would love to have my own graduation too, surrounded by people who love and support me. Mama and Dawn are going to fly over for it ;m; Bea's coming too! I hope to achieve so next year.
Really got into roleplays this year, both for school and for leisure. I especially finally got into fantasy thanks to LOTR. Which we watched in cinemas as they were putting out the trilogies with each new week :D Played BALDUR’S GATE 3!!!!!! With Mero! And Vivi! I love rping with Mero with our dumbass jocks.
One of my dreams came true, made so by Aura who started hosting a Pathfinder campaign called Dusk Over Dreamnest. Because of which I’ve managed to write again…for FUN! I’ve been chronicling our sessions AND writing a separate prose piece based on Bull’s POV experiences. Love that creativity.
Also joined a digimon roleplay thanks to Ryou. Honestly came up with great banger designs tis year that I’m really proud of.
I think my heart grew a little this year to make space for more people in it… When I travel to Finland, I realise I miss Vot or my sis, or my private spaces where I can hang out with Mero. I never really used to miss people apart from Dawn that much, so it’s nice to know it. I also miss Luca and mom when I’m back in SG. Especially hanging out with Luca. He’s such great fun. Hung out with him quite a lot this year! Went to bars for the first time, got drunk, discovered I really like non-fizzy cocktails (had the most delicious, creamy and smooth cocktail made with milk, cream and half shots of de kuper butterscotch and raspberry (each)...on and also White Russians, oh and he and Henry got me Bailey’s for Xmas :D), had lots of late night heart-to-hearts, worked out, he taught me how to do proper punches, I built IKEA furniture with him etc. Really enjoy going on holidays with him especially when the social saturation renders Dawn drained and tired. He made me realise I really valued spontaneity, enthusiasm, openness and energy in relationships. I also appreciate and value his brand of masculinity more now, instead of completely dismissing it in others. He’s really coming into his own, and I appreciate our friendship and his trust in me (like omg when he asked out the giftstore employee and immediately called me after it to tell me, I was so proud but also happy he wanted to include me in his exhilaration and triumphs). Anyway I love him too, and he’s like the brother I never had.
I got closer to Vot too! I enjoyed my very first omakase with him as a birthday meal and there’s no one else I’d rather enjoy food with. Oh, also Jason got me a birthday meal of chilli crab (2 of them AAAAAAAAAAAA) and mantou!!!!! Really made up for the tragic birthday I had last year (which was I spent my birthday with Vot this year instead). Oh and he gave me a laser-printed wooden keychain of Nuki that he drew, with forget-me-nots engraved at the back ;m; Had many great hangouts with Vot, really. He’s a very, very dear person to me. He was one of the few people I can reach out to and able to be vulnerable with. I rarely call anyone when I experience distress (except for Dawn and on occasion Mero) but it’s so nice to know I can rely on more people now. Oh, I also developed a love for board games thanks to Vot. I used to hate them but I genuinely enjoy them now (and am sad when people don’t join me)
Played Persona 5 Royal with my sis! I can’t  believe we first played it in 2017?! It’s been with us for 6 years and replaying the remastered version with her has been such a fun part of the year. It reminds me of all the fun times we used to have with each other, and she’s let me know of how important and valued those times have been for her. Persona 5 is like a CORE memory/connection for us. My sis loves me. Through her graduation and her new air stewardess job, she’s kept me in mind. Apparently she saw a co-worker with a nice pixie-cut and asked them for their hairdresser’s number so she could pass it to me (before reconsidering it because she thought I probably wouldn’t like the back cut). And she tells everyone about me?? She speaks highly of me. She was saying, “You like me? That’s because of my sis” xD Even someone she only knew for 11 days knows of me. It’s incredibly heartening… She also genuinely wants to make our Persona 5 Strikers Japan trip a reality and knowing that makes me want to make it so too. She also thought of me when she saw that there was a Joe Hisaishi concert and bought us tickets (I gotta pay her back, but she covered fees for me ;m;). Through her, I recognised the impact of my chronic depression… I noticed she’d say stuff like “You’d better not die before …” or “You cannot die…” etc whenever she feels truly fond/affectionate/appreciative of me. It made me a little sad but grateful for the sobering realisation of my impact. I spent so long suffering and struggling to stay alive that it made many of the people who did care about me genuinely afraid for my expiration. I definitely say that a lot less now…about wanting to die when depression gets too overwhelming. Or at least I only share it with a very select few when it gets too bad. 
Dawn has been a huge part of my life this year, every year, forever, hopefully. My love for her grows every year and it’s a mutual thing, and I appreciate the freedom and honesty we share about how we feel about each other, and the sad reality that we are incompatible as married companions. She once told me that she wish she was a different person so she could marry me without a thought. Which was honestly really sweet, but I’m also glad she has become someone who honours her own desires and self, and that she thanks me for it. I feel safe in the knowledge and expression of her love. It’s really nice to know that I am loved and to have it be such…a given now. I think she’s spoiled me though. I realised I’m pretty lazy and indulgent and can be very much a “princess” when given the space to be so x’D Oops. I still learn about myself when I’m with her. Also she’s really impressed me this year with her own growth and self-imposed challenges that help her develop traits she’s struggled with (like she reads so many books now..all with complicated text). I never would have pegged her to be such an erudite but then again, it doesn’t completely surprise me, but the resolve and drive she’s shown for it is incredible and inspiring. 
Hung out with more classmates this year…like Allan and Kala and I’ve made an effort to learn and remember more about people. I’m genuinely fond of Allan now and I do miss him when I’m in Singapore. I went to his graduation! He was the valedictorian! I met his husband!
I’m getting tired so I’mm rapid-fire these: Relationship with dad increased. He actually came up to me out of nowhere and passed me $200 as encouragement and to congratulate me of doing a good job with my studies. …I’m…it meant a lot and I was pleasantly shocked. His relationship with Jen has really improved relations in general. I’ve thought of him more because of such. He’s also helped me a lot with my medical bills ;m; Also mom, I’m more…interested in being a part of my family’s life..
Reconnected and met up with Ryoukishi. They were really nice and treated me to korean bbq and hotpots ;; And they shared their love of Digimon with me, and I got into it!
Mental Health:
Doubled my meds. I think it’s making a difference? I don’t really know, but from medical reports, it sounds like it is making a difference. I still feel the weight of depression and oftentimes this year I felt like I was regressing instead of progressing. But Bea said that when one is in a really dark and long tunnel, you are still moving even though it doesn’t always feel like it. Still heading towards the light, and she sees it. And that’s heartening.
Realised that I’m literally almost always overstimulated in SG which is probably why I’m in an almost perpetual state of discomfort x’D Apart from being lonely, which only heightens the discomfort. Somehow it helps to know that. Also when I got incredibly stressed I legit thought I was showing signs of psychosis.
Allan said something about not needing to suffer to succeed and I’m trying to keep that in mind.
Slightly more attempts at acknowledging my strengths instead of dismissing them…not much but some. I wrote some here. Inspired by Reba:
“You’re quick to take responsibility for mistakes, but you have the opposite for positive things. You don’t own the good things and attribute them to luck or chance, as if they have nothing to do with you. You should take responsibility for the good things too.”
For instance, W invited me to take the EFIT course despite it only being largely available to people who signed up for a separate course because it required an in-depth understanding of attachment theory. But W shared that she was so impressed with how well-written my essay was that she noted me as, “this one can”, and then encouraged me to take the course while subsidising the fees. I do write good essays. And I can leave favourable impressions. She even invited me to work part-time for her, to help out with her invoicing and administrative stuff and in compensation, not only do I get paid $15/h, I’m also getting sponsored EFT training, which is a modality I am interested in. I also facilitated a successful couple’s counselling session which was crazy. 
Other stuff:
Discovered and went to EFT (I learnt that this is a modality I'm geuninely interested in. Honestly kinda thinking of going to pursue a masters lmao but idk)
Made lu rou fan for the first time
Got a new guitar and tried learning music!
Began some brainspotting
Got mortar and pestle
Played many cool games. Like Disco Elysium (more roleplay!!!!)
Created my future vision board.
Entered an Armello competition. Won the first round with Ghor!
Sis graduated. Made me realised I would really like to have my own graduation.
Reba got me really a really cute handcrafted sushi keycap ;m;
Made new OCs like Breakfast, Kappa, Beanie (redesigned), Bullorgruokh, Ten, Martivihlar, Rae’zel and Kachimon! It’s been great to feel connected and invested in characters again.
Doubled up on my bed haha!
Tried mämmi, köyhät ritarit, for the first time and I love them! Ate reindeer steak. So GOOD.
Went to Desucon in Lahti!
Had an amazing summer! I made a video for the first time in forever chronicling our time together in Lapland.
Watched a ton of anime and shows with Aura and Luca. PMMM, Bubble, Mob Psycho 3, LOTR, Doctor Stone, Psycho Pass, Kimi ni Todoke (season 1+2), Physical 100, Bluey (fucking love Bluey), Death Note, Vinland Saga, ……just a ton that I don’t even remember now.
Learnt more about myself…maybe became more accepting about physical desires/needs (like intimacy, more casual than spiritual)
Also I learnt that I'm really impatient and restless sometimes so bye this year was pretty dope despite me being so stressed for more than half of it but I'm feeling good rn so I wanna end it on a good note!
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phaniji · 1 year
wasn’t tagged but I saw it and wanted to do it lol 
stolen from @ireneaesthetic
currently reading: wilmon fanfics, one piece (currently in the Dressrosa arc), rereading Mistborn, and I am in the middle of like 15 other books that I’ll finish at some point probably end of June when I am done with Uni...
favourite colour: dark Magenta
last song: I’m so excited (live) by Omar Rudberg (relistened to it for the Omar Rudberg song Contest Battle 4
last movie: oh good question, let me think... oh yeah I think I rewatched Digimon adventure tri in march or something, and it was released as a series as well as a 6 part movie series and I watched the movie version, so I am counting it. Digimon Adventure Tri vol. 6
sweet/spicy/savoury: savoury
currently working on: my final project for uni
I am not tagging anyone but I invite everyone to do it! 
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dreamhot · 2 years
can i ask what anime you like? the trigun post earlier surprised me, for some reason i thought you didnt watch anime
i'm not like. a frequent watcher and i've missed a lot of things that some people might consider seminal works lmfao i only started watching things when i was in uni, and they were mostly at the suggestion of my friends so. i skipped a lot of classics, maybe,
umm off the top of my head, i've seen the following:
trigun (top fave ever) digimon s1 & s2 nge (og series, end of evangelion, rebuild 3.0) death note fma + fmab ohshc pmmm soul eater hxh gurren lagann (series + movie remakes) kill la kill erased dmcb osomatsu mp100 (catching up on it now) chainsaw man out of those, my faves are prob trigun, death note, hxh, fmab, madoka, and gurren lagann. i'm sure mp100 will join the ranks once we finally watch s2 lmao
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uniarycode · 3 years
Remember when I said I might to a Xros Wars liveblog/rewatch becuase I don’t remember it all that well?  No? Well today is apparently the 8th anniversary of Digimon Fusion, and while I’m going to go off of the sub (Xros Qars), if I’m going to do this re-watch liveblog thing it’s as good a time as any to start.
Haven’t really tried anything of this style, so I’m experimenting a little bit.
(Have to turn off the beta for this because pic limit, lol tumblr)
Pic of the day: Common sense
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We open with a menacing army full of Mookmon, sorry, Troopmon, Tankmon, and some bigger baddies. Like physically bigger, I don’t recall them being very important. (I see you Valvemon in the top left.)  
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Then we get introduced to a human and a trio of Digimon that will in no way be important.
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There’s also an army of good guys, you can tell they are good guys because they show up in previous seasons.  I uh, only actually remember two of them appearing in this show.
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Anyway, Taiki says Digixros a bunch, and the three non-silhouettes merge together into….x4?  Poor Starmon I guess, no recognition.  
X4 then solos the army of Mookmon, which is probably why the rest of the ‘good’ army never appears again, clearly they are superfluous.  But X4 gets taken down by a lone off-color Greymon because nostalgia.
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..and it was a dream.
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(So Akari and Zenjirou don’t matter....that sounds about right.)
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We are then introduced to Akari, who is trying to deduce exactly which ball-based team sport she got stood up for.
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She stops midway to take a selfie, kids these days, amirite?  Also to grab a bag with Taiki’s name on it...literally.
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Taiki manages to pull an MVP move on the basketball court, by pretending to be in a sports anime when really just passing to a teammate.  Thus securing the team the win that he’s been looking for for months… sorry, I mean four days.
Yeah, that’s a Taiki thing.  The kid is a prodigy at nearly anything he picks up.  The implication is that he throws himself into it completely, and then:
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He does not necessarily pick the best time or place for a nap.
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Akari being the best character (of this arc)
Taiki reveals that his need to throw himself headfirst is because of a desire to help those in need, not because he’s just showing off.
(I am reminded how much his gary-stu ness annoyed me the first time I watched this.)
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Zenjirou shows up and I’m def going to spell that name wrong at some point.  He’s mostly here for comic relief, but also to reinforce that Taiki can pick up a sport (kendo) in a couple of days and beat people who have been training their entire lives.
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While Akari and Zenjirou rehash the great 1998 case of Bros V. Hoes, Taiki hears the voice of a dying king, then suddenly: chaos.  Cars merge into walls, phones stop working, the sky turns green, dogs and cats, living together.
Turns out, cars superimposed into building are not stable.  The strange voice warns Taiki of the falling car, and after he saves his friends, he is now able to see the tortured outline of Shoutmon.
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All well and good, Taiki, but how do you propose helping the disembodied light?
(We also get a flashback to baby Taiki between these)
Shoutmon soft-mocks Taiki for trying to help him, and Taiki points out Shoutmon did the same, just in case you didn’t believe they were destined partners.
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Floating toy with another disembodied voice.  Offering to help if Taiki accepts, he does and the x loader turns from white to red.  The others reasonably do not think touching the floating mystical toy is a good idea.
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They wake up in a strange world, normal Digimon stuff, turns out the X-loader doubles as a Pokecenter, very convinent.
Then, suddenly the army of mookmon appear, lead by a new Digimon:
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(Look. if the writers determined you were going to die every season, you wouldn’t be very happy either.)
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But then dream Digimon #2 shows up to save them, alongside a bunch of babies.  Shoutmon also comes out to fight.  .
We get a quick sequence of the allies using special attacks to wipe the floor with the mooks, normal debut episode things.  Then Madleomon gets mad that a human is involved and absorbs all his friends to…Digivolve?
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(They missed a perfect opportunity for raving MadLeomon)
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Uhh, good plan?
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The mysterious voice tells Taiki to use the x-loader, which he does to form…the top half of a super-fighting robot.  Which lasts long enough to get off one punch before dissolving. He then xroses the Starmon and Pickmons into a sword, (will happen a bunch.) just in case you weren’t sure of the core mechanic.
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Madleomon’s powerup breaks, and he gets forced back, namedropping a greater villain.  Tactimon, obsessed with perfection.  Which is a good thing, because if he’s like half the perfectionist I know he’ll be too busy sorting out all the details of his plan to actually execute it.
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Coming on a little strong there bub.  Maybe take him out for a coffee first?
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The name of the kids this time is generals, but that also gets extended to some Digimon.
If you are used to normal Digimon seasons, this is going to be a bit of a jump.  It isn’t the normal 1 human 1 partner here.  This is a battle of armies, (but mostly just jogress ++)
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And yeah, they know nothing.
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Keep being creepy Nene.
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And also blond blue boy featuring off-color Greymon. 
And thus ends the first episode that was mostly about introducing Taiki, and the concept of Digixrosing. Also uses a lot of X4 for never showing every component. 
Final note: add break card
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I think maaayyybe Vmon shows up in a limited capacity?  For a series that is perfectly willing to completely ignore levels and do something completely different in terms of evolution, there sure is a lot of nostalgia pandering. 
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you watch jojo and stanned pentagon? you're immediately my favorite person
good taste anon 😌
-admin mista
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Okay, now that i'm actually up and around, Happy Odaiba Day everyone. I know it's generally used to celebrate the Digimon Anime, but who give a shit, I'm gonna celebrate v-pets by doing an annual overview of my V-pet collection and what I'm currently running ( don't worry, I have anime related plans later this evening )
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My V-pet collecting has slowed down this year. I have most of what matters to me. A DM20th for every version exclusive, plus a few extras with special paint jobs for Holidays, though I contemplate giving away my extras. I have one of each DMX and DMX2, and one DMX3 that I bought before I realized there were plans for english versions, if Bandai doesn't localize DMX3 this year, I may bite the bullet and get the last one I need. And I have the Digivice version complete.
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I have put all of these ( sans the Holiday paintjob ones ) in this neat little 3 tier storage container. I have plans to decorate it with stickers, but I'm trying to get very specific custom made ones. Also I want to get another one, because the one I got is already nearly full, and I still haven't even put my Pendulums and DMCs in it yet which as you can see below...
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I have all the Pendulum Zs, two Pendulum 20ths, and 2 DMCs, and i'm expecting version 3, 4, and 5 in the mail this Autumn,
The first of the month is generally when I swap my V-pets around. But I was doing an extended run for the last few months of my DM20 to complete my log, and didn't want to put my DMC away yet, also I'm loving my Floppy Frog too much to put it away before it dies, because they don't have battery saves. So half way through the month, I put the DM20th away, and replaced it with Silver Black Pen20, and a Tamagotchi gen 2. Floppy Frog is still going at nearly 90 days, and no battery change. Amazing.
Currently running Saint Galgomon and Ogudomon.
Also, not pictured here, I'm running my Vital Bracelet BE, and I currently have Regulusmon, but I've kept him asleep the whole time, i'm literally just using it as a watch that I set ahead by 10 minutes so I get to work on time. I think he may have Evo failed anyway. I'm not a big fan of the Vital Bracelet BE anyway. I don't like the time limit you have to power up.
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That's all for now when it comes to Digimon v-pets. I've got some more V-pets coming in the mail, but they're not Digimon related. I've also been on a Tamagotchi kick, and I'd like to get a Tamagotchi Uni for my birthday in about two Weeks, but we'll see how things look financially around that time.
Anyway, Happy Odaiba Day, hope yall have a fun one and make plans to celebrate.
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kouichikimura · 4 years
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please no running down the stairs.
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nonbineyrie · 6 years
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In my 12 years of playing neopets, this will be the first time I'm not gonna get frustrated with yooyu ball after one game and finally get a trophy!!!!
Here's your favourite handsome offense bat from Team Haunted Woods and his biggest fan, my Baby Korbat Faucherchen!
It's Faucherchen's first AC and he loves watching his favourite player score goal after goal in hopes of meeting him one day ....!
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thanks so much for the tag @merisscatteredbooknook 💖💖
Three ships: Kanthony from Bridgerton, Percabeth from PJO, and Kieutou from Druck!
First Ever Ship: Fuck, I think it was either Jake Long and Rose from American Dragon, Sora and Tai from Digimon, or Hay Lin and Eric from W.I.T.C.H. My first obsessive ship was probably unsurprisingly Jack and Victoria from Memorias de Idhún.
Last Song: NORA by IZARO (I'm currently listening to an IZARO radio on Spotify lol)
Last Film: Turning Red
Currently Reading: Sub Luce Maligna by Gonzalo Fontana Elboj (also I have to read Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica for uni but I'm not really reading it in full)
Currently Watching: Nothing actually, I just finished rewatching Bridgerton and I'm still taking it in
Currently Consuming: Nothing??? I don't think I'm understanding the question sorry!
Currently Craving: Nothing tbh
I tag @naguaraquerandom @alicechesire @eskamtrash @sarcasmisalifechoice @what-islife15 @glittertrail @minglana @skamesp @im-too-tired-to-think @saviorcomplx
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