#decepticon jaune au
the-wayward-arc · 6 months
So I forgot I actually had a good portion of The Depcepticon Au fleshed out and since I retired that Au officially, I'll give the main bullet points
Thunderstrike travels to different worlds, either bringing deceptions back to order.
Pyrospear (Pyrrha) travels as well with her group, unable to find Thunderstrike or his crew,
Eventually both receive messages from their respective leaders from a planet called Earth
Over the course of years, battles take place on earth, eventually the cybertronian war is exposed with the death of Talon (Qrow) and the destrcution of a city to all the world and humanity is forced to fight for its survival
StormBlight (Sky Lark) dies much to ThunderStrikes sorrow
FireStar (cinder) betrays the decepticons for an opportunity to gain more power but is killed by Crescent Rose (Ruby)
Megatron and Optimus Mortally wound each other in final battle between the two
Pyrospear is given the Matrix of Leadership and becomes Pyrrus Prime while Thunderstrike becomes leader of the Decepticons after megatron's death
The war lasts another 10 years before Thunderstrike realizes its a useless war of attrition that will eventually end with their species extinction while killing the home of another
An uneasy peace is established; Decepticons control one side of Cybertron and the Autobots the other. (Retconning the original idea of them controlling a colony planet, got the idea from the Cybertron Cyberverse and Killzone Shadowfall)
A cold war takes place after, both leaders trying to keep the peace while dealing with rogue elements within each faction that doesn't like the peace
Thunderstrike renames himself Solaris, homage to one of the 13 primes while also trying to distance himself from his former life
Megatron and Optimus are still revered
Solaris and Pyrrus Prime are known to talk to each other when need be, Pyrrus still trying to reach out to him via Arcstrike
Overtime, she comes to understand Arcstrike is gone much like how PyroSpear is gone. Both have gone through too much to be who they were before the war
Both leaders work together to eventually bring a type of permanent peace and the eventual unification of their Race as one
It never happens but the hardwork they did does lay the groundwork for it to happen soon.
Pyrrus does her best to ensure another council and Prime never become corrupt. She is highly revered for her rule with the Autobots adopting the term "Age of Pyrrus Prime" to establish the timeline of her leadership
Solaris is highly regarded during his rule, creating a system of passing down power to a successor, in he himself takes care and guides a young Cybertronian until he finally step-down after ruling for 1000 years. Part of this is leaving Cybertron as not allow the old Decepticon ruler to influence/control the new Ruler.
Oracle is chosen to lead the Decepticons
The Age of Solaris's Rule ends.
Pyrrus Prime relinquished the Matrix of Leadership and hands it to Crescent Rose who becomes Scarlet Prime. The Age of Pyrrus Prime ends
Both Solaris and Pyrospear leave Cybertron together, to travel the universe itself together. Both having eventually grew close once more during their respective rules. Solaris claiming how he wanted to achieve his dream of exploring until he rejoins the Allspark. Pyrospear wanting to join him.
The two leave Cybertron, never to return. Unknowingly starting a tradition/protocol for both their factions in which both faction leaders give up their respective leadership roles when it's time and leave cybertron together to find a new path among the stars. This eventually leads to the unification of the Cybertronian race.
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auideaverse · 4 years
Hey can anyone help me i am looking for this rwby transformers crossover au, where the characters are cybertronians and jaune is a decepticon
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jevaisciner · 6 years
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C'est la rentrée ciné avec les derniers films de 2018. Et je commence doucement avec le plus apprécié des gil… robots jaunes (désolé, je devais la faire)
C'est ? Bumblebee
De ? Travis Knight
Sorti le ? 26/12/2018
Vu le ? 07/01/2019
Où ? Gaumont Parnasse
Genre ? Action/SF
Durée ? 114 min
Nationalité ? Américain
Quoi ? Une guerre sans merci fait rage sur la planète robotique Cybertron, opposant les Autobots contre les terribles Decepticons. Un soldat Autobot est envoyé sur Terre pour trouver refuge, sous forme d'une Beetle, qui va faire la connaissance de Charlie, une jeune mécano fan de musique...
Alors ? Pas déçu de cette toute première séance de 2019 ! Après des derniers Transformers quand même bien moyens, la licence semble prendre une nouvelle voie.
C'est écrit très scolairement, parfois un peu trop mis en scène, avec ses incohérences ou ses manques de réalisme, mais cet aspect plus enfantin marche plutôt bien. La volonté de s'adresser plus explicitement à au jeune public se ressent même jusque dans les designs des robots, plus cubiques, qui se rapprochent plus des dessins animés.
On voit arriver certaines choses, tous les ingrédients du film d'amitié avec un alien sont respectés. La similarité au fameux Géant de Fer de Brad Bird se fait même sentir sur une scène en particulier. Cela n'empêche pas au divertissement d'être là. Les VFX sont loin d'être bâclés, les incrustations et les animations sont plus que propres. J’aurais finalement aimé aller le voir en IMAX. BumbleBee est très expressif et très attachant. Les combats sont punchy et plutôt lisibles dans l'ensemble. Le montage est serein et ne cherche pas à finir au plus vite. Les moments calmes entre les scènes d'action font tenir le rythme. Très bonne idée d’avoir confié ça au réalisateur de Kubo !
Du coup ? Un épisode qui aurait pu être torché mais qui fait assez bien son travail, bien mieux que ses deux prédécesseurs. Je ne sais pas encore s'il s'agit d'un reboot ou d'une vraie préquelle, car les liens avec les premiers volets sont assez mitigés. En tout cas la tournure plus cartoon, proche de la série animée, me semble prometteuse et pourrait relancer la saga, via le tout nouveau studio d’Hasbro appelé Allspark Pictures. À surveiller !
Si vous avez envie de rouler sans toucher le volant, de revivre musicalement les années 80 et d'entendre la voix de Bumblebee, faîtes un plongeon dans le passé des Transformers !
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olivierdemangeon · 6 years
    1987. Alors qu’il est en fuite, l’Autobot Bumblebee trouve refuge dans la décharge d’une petite ville balnéaire de Californie. Il est découvert, brisé et couvert de blessures de guerre, par Charlie, une ado qui approche de ses 18 ans et cherche sa place dans le monde. Et quand elle le met en marche, elle se rend vite compte qu’il ne s’agit pas d’une voiture jaune ordinaire.
    Origine du film : États-Unis Réalisateur : Travis Knight Scénaristes : Christina Hodson Acteurs : Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., Jason Drucker, Pamela Adlon, Stephen Schneider, Ricardo Hoyos, John Ortiz Musique : Dario Marianelli Genre : Action, Science-fiction Durée : 114 minutes Date de sortie : 25 décembre 2018 (France) Année de production : 2018 Sociétés de production : Allspark Pictures, Di Bonaventura Pictures, Tencent Pictures, Bay Films Distribué par : Paramount Pictures Titre original : Bumblebee Notre note : ★★★☆☆
    “Bumblebee” est un film d’action de science-fiction américain datant de 2018, réalisé par Travis Knight, à qui l’on doit également “Kubo and the Two Strings” (2016). Les acteurs principaux sont Hailee Steinfeld, qu’on a pu voir dans “3 Days to Kill” (2014), John Cena, qu’on a pu voir dans “The Wall” (2017), Jorge Lendeborg Jr., qu’on a pu voir dans “Alita: Battle Angel” (2019), John Ortiz, qu’on a pu voir dans “Peppermint” (2018), Glynn Turman, qu’on a pu voir dans “Race” (2016), et Len Cariou, qu’on a pu voir dans “Death Wish” (2018).
L’histoire proposée par “Bumblebee” nous invite à suivre Charlie Watson (Hailee Steinfeld), une jeune femme qui vient tout juste de fêter ses 18 ans alors que nous sommes en 1987. Alors qu’elle fouine dans une casse pour voitures, dans le but de récupérer des pièces pour terminer la réparation de sa propre voiture, elle tombe sur une Coccinelle Wolkswagen jaune. Une fois le véhicule ramené dans son garage et alors que Charlie s’apprête à inspecter l’auto, cette dernière se transforme. En effet, le véhicule n’est que le camouflage de B-127, un Autobot envoyé en éclaireur sur Terre par Optimus Prime. Malheureusement, dans un combat, B-127 a perdu la mémoire ainsi que l’usage de la parole. À force de bidouiller dans la carcasse de l’engin, Charlie va déclencher la balise de celui qu’elle a nommé Bumblebee en raison de sa couleur jaune. Rapidement, des Decepticons vont venir sur Terre pour neutraliser B-127, et cela, avec l’aide des autorités américaines, qui espèrent bien tirer profit de cette technologie futuriste….
“Bumblebee” est le sixième métrage de la saga Transformers, et le premier spin-off de la franchise, qui peut d’ailleurs également être vu comme une préquelle à la série de films. En effet, l’action se déroule en 1987, soit une dizaine d’années avant les événements présentés dans “Transformers” (2007) de Michael Bay. Un clin d’œil est d’ailleurs fait à la fin du métrage, Bumblebee se transformant en Chevrolet Camaro 1977… Le film fait donc le lien avec la série de métrages, tout en développant sa propre histoire, mais de manière singulièrement simpliste. B-127 étant en sommeil, ne sachant pas qui il est, ni pourquoi il se retrouve là.
Et c’est d’ailleurs, de notre point de vue, le robot qui s’avère être le plus intéressant des personnages de cette histoire. C’est Dylan O’Brien (oui, oui celui de la franchise Maze Runner) qui prête sa voix Bumblebee, du moins au début, lorsque celui-ci est encore en mesure de parler. Les animations donnant vie à B-127 sont vraiment bluffantes. Le robot offre différentes formes d’émotions humaines et certaines scènes sont amusantes, notamment le passage où Bumblebee visite l’intérieur de la maison familiale des Watson, avec un lot de dégâts impressionnants. À la manière du personnage d’Alita dans “Battle Angel” (2019) de Robert Rodriguez, le robot B-127 va (re)découvrir progressivement ses aptitudes aux combats, enfuies dans sa mémoire.
La photographie qui nous est offerte par Enrique Chediak est très bien exécutée. Ce dernier n’en n’étant pas à son premier coup d’essai, ayant déjà œuvré pour J Blakeson sur “The 5th Wave” (2016), pour Peter Berg sur “Deepwater Horizon“, ou encore pour Michael Cuesta sur “American Assassin“. En effet, les spéciaux sont excellents, et le travail sur les décors et sur les véhicules ordinaires, est parfait afin de reconstituer l’époque et l’atmosphère de la fin des années 1980. Le tournage ayant eu essentiellement lieu en Californie, le directeur de la photographie a pu jouer avec les couleurs naturelles qu’offre cette région des États-Unis.
Malheureusement, c’est à peu près là que s’arrêtent les points positifs concernant “Bumblebee”. L’intrigue est ramenée à sa plus simple expression, et le scénario concocté par Christina Hodson est un peu pauvre. Nous avions nettement mieux apprécié son travail sur “Shut In” (2016) de Farren Blackburn. Le point le plus négatif est probablement la construction du personnage incarnée par Hailee Steinfeld, qui est très proche du pathétique. Le postulat classique de la fille rebelle qui vit mal le décès de son père, et le remariage de sa mère. Une jeune femme qui est prête à se lancer dans l’aventure en compagnie d’un robot venu d’une autre planète, mais qui n’arrive pas à prendre la main de son voisin qui en pince pour elle et qui ne la laisse pas indifférente, c’est lisse, c’est du puritanisme mal sain. Pire encore, le personnage interprété par John Cena est caricatural à l’extrême, n’arrivant finalement jamais à se positionner comme gentil ou méchant. Ce dernier ayant nettement plus de difficulté à s’imposer comme ses anciens collègues de la WWE, tel que Dwayne Johnson ou Dave Bautista.
“Bumblebee” a rapporté 127,2 millions de dollars aux États-Unis et au Canada, et 332,3 millions de dollars dans les autres pays, pour une recette mondiale de 459,5 millions de dollars, contre un budget de production estimé à 135 millions de dollars. En raison des performances du métrage à l’internationale, une suite serait d’ores et déjà fortement envisagée. En mars 2019, le producteur Lorenzo di Bonaventura a déclaré qu’ils développaient des scripts de suites pour “Bumblebee” et “Transformers: The Last Knight” (2017) de Michael Bay.
En conclusion, “Bumblebee” est un bon film de science-fiction, disposant d’une histoire simple, d’une intrigue familière et d’un développement propre mais léger. Le rythme est agréable, le récit est fluide, la narration est linéaire. La photographie est très réussie, les effets spéciaux sont saisissants, et la personnalité de B-127 est amusante. La distribution offre d’honorables prestations au service d’un scénario un peu mince et de personnage familier sans originalités. L’ensemble reste divertissant, mais en rien mémorable.
    BUMBLEBEE (2018) ★★★☆☆ 1987. Alors qu’il est en fuite, l’Autobot Bumblebee trouve refuge dans la décharge d’une petite ville balnéaire de Californie.
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the-wayward-arc · 3 years
Decepticon General Thunder-Strike
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Art of Thunder-Strike for the Decepticon Jaune AU~
Art by
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the-wayward-arc · 3 years
Decepticon au after the war and the Decepticons have a new home planet does Pyrospear still call him Arcstrike or Thunderstrike
Both, arcstrike slips from time to time whenever meetings are underway in regards to the two factions. Its her hope that one day, he may come back to them. To her.
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the-wayward-arc · 4 years
So, the first chapter of "The 11th son" is almost done but I have news! I've hit 300 followers! Which is seriously huge to me! Never did I imagine this blog would get to that amount! You seriously are amazing and im so thankful for all of you!! I wanna celebrate this momentous occasion with a small giveaway!
I normally only do commissions for friends, there personal reasons for that but now I wanna giveaway a small commission to someone! A 5,000 word commission. Rules are fairly simple, I dont wrote NSFW, as I'm still trying to practice that! The fandoms within this blog are the ones I'll wrote for, no Cardin, and think that covers it. I can explain more to whoever wins!
The giveaway will only be 48 hours! Just reblog and like this post~ new followers welcome as well! A randomizer will choose the winner~
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
Question: Are there more RWBY characters as Decepticons?
(Sorry anon! Deleted it by mistake!) (Also if anyone has a better name for Adam for this AU, please send it my way.)
-Decepticon high command, located on one of Cybertron's moons-
"Generals." Megatron stated as he walked in, flanked by two Seekers as he made his way into the war room, a cylinder holographic projector rested in the center. Surrounding it were some of Megatron's elite generals; a holographic Cerberus (Sienna Khan), a holographic Thunder-Strike, Flamewar, Red Fang (Adam Taurus), and Blackout. "Thunder-Strike, Report!"
"Yes Lord…" Thunder-Strike responded, his holographic body flickering a bit. "Gygax has been liberated, the last of Autobots have retreated back." Thunder-Strike waved his hand, activating the holographic projector, a holographic image of their planet appeared. He zoomed in on a small sector that changed color from red to purple, signify the Decepticon war front has advanced once again. "I do not expect them to retake it anytime soon, they suffered too many casualties." 
"What of the commander that was there before?" Cerberus inquired, curious as to what became of the Decepticon.
"The coward was trying to save his own spark, he was ready to leave Decepticon soldiers to die to cover his retreat," he looked at Cerberus as he spoke, "I ended his life." Cerberus looked at him, her optics narrowing a bit. She knew a punishment was in order for the near failure of that battle but to know he was executed. The price of failure was high.
"Good. Cerberus." Megatron looked towards the fembot as she looked at Megatron.
"My lord, the raid on the Uraya Vaults is well underway, my forces should soon breach the inner defenses." 
"Good, the vaults hold many secrets. Secrets that can help us in the war. Inform me once you secure the vaults." Cerberus bowed her head a bit. 
"Lord Megatron, if I may." Red Fang spoke up.
"Master, my warriors are growing restless. Guarding Shockwave while he investigates the sea of rust is starting to cause some infighting amongst my ra-" Megatron slammed his fist onto the projector as the others flinched.
"YOU WILL DO AS I COMMAND!" Megatron retorted as he glared at him. "Shockwave's experiments in the sea of rust are more important than their needs for war! Am I understood?"
"Yes my master." 
"Thunder-Strike, ensure that Gygax will not fall back into Autobot hands. After that, make your way to my coordinates in our capital. You've been lacking in your training from what I can see with your fight against the autobot that commanded the Gygax forces."
Thunder-Strike nodded, "I will see you in Polyhex lord Megatron." Immediately his hologram disappeared, leaving the rest for further orders.
"Blackout, you and Flamewar are to head back to Kaon. There you will aid Soundwave on a mission to find a traitor within our ranks." Both bots looked at one another.
"A traitor?" Flameware inquired.
"Yes, someone has been feeding our Seeker bases to the Autobots, they've already carried out a few bombing runs." Red Fang clenched his fist as he listened, a traitor amongst their ranks. Who was it? Who would betray the Decepticon cause? "Find this traitor and bring them to me!"
"A little traitor, they won't get far." Blackout stated as he and flamewar walked out. Cerberus bowed her head as her hologram disappeared.
"I know you seek to spill Autobot energon, you and your warriors have proven to be a valuable fighting force." Megatron said as he walked away and look out amongst the stars, his arms behind his back.
"That's why we wish to fight my lord! Why must we guard Shockwave?"
"Shockwave is close to discovering something that will soon tip the war in our favor. An ancient secret long thought lost…" Megatron grinned as he turned around looked at his general. "You and your warriors are there to ensure no Autobot discovers what he is doing. If they do then our people will have no chance of toppling the Autobot tyrants. Do you see why its important that you guard him?" 
"I-Yes my master. I will ensure that my forces understand the importance of this mission." Red Fang said, walking away as he left to go back to the sea of rust...begrudgingly.
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
So is there ever a chance of thunder strike becoming good again? Cause I dont really like the idea of Jaune as a decepticon.
Actually anon, in a way he does. Thunder-Strike becomes the new leader of all Decepticons after Megatron's death. For a while, he keeps the war going in an act of vengeance for Megatron, whom he saw as a mentor. But as the war rages on, he begins to see what Megatron failed to see, that the war was slowly bringing their race closer to extinction. Neither side was gaining ground and at this point it was a war of attrition, so Thunder-Strike would seek peace. Granted it was more of a cold war like peace but still peace, the Decepticons would stay within their system, keeping their new home planet Kaon safe. Thunder-Strike would face obstacles though, many Decepticons would not like this era of peace and seek to dethrone Thunder-Strike but the attempts would fail. He never does return as an Autobot, his time as a Decepticon and the pain he endured under the old senate had made that clear. The loss of his Mentor is what Solidifies his loyalty. In the end, Thunder-Strike would ensure a war like that would never happen again as when all things come to an end, when all are one. Decepticons and Autobots are still Cybertronians. Still the creation of Primus.
Kaon, named after the Decepticon capital on Cybertron, was once an ancient terraforming project started by one of the primes as a way to help expand their race by cyber forming dead planets into ones that would be habitual for Cybertronians. Kaon was one of few that were discovered by Shockwave during his intense expeditions for more Energon. Sadly though, Kaon was linked to Cybertron, meaning that when Cybertron went dark so did Kaon. The planet didnt have much in the way of Energon but once Thunder-Strike pade the peace pact and Cybertron was alive again, Energon did flow once more on Kaon.
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the-wayward-arc · 4 years
Hey, dont mean to be a pain in the ass, but i just dont find your transformers au as believable. I have seen many interpretations of the transformers, and in all of them, all the decepticons all act knowingly evil, save for the ones that join the autobots like jetfire, while all the autobots good, with just a few (cough ironhide cough) having some bad tempers or quirks. So I really dont realisticly see anyone on either side seeing autobots bad and decepticons good unless they are idiots. Sorry.
Like I said in a previous ask regarding this, the AU isnt meant for everyone and you're free to not read it my friend. I hold no anger or anything towards you! I like the AU I'm making and while its currently still being fleshed out, there is still alot of room for changes and improvement but kinda like where I have Jaune now. I never forgot the pole I did and I'm trying to incorporate the results into the story~ I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I do enjoy it ya know? I do get asks that others really do enjoy it and others that dont, but everyone has their tastes and I will continue to make this AU and mess with it more as I hash out all the planning. I do plan on making a story too!
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
What did Arcstrike look like before he became Thunder-Strike and went under modifications that you mentioned before?
Something kinda like this, honestly this how I kinda imagined him as I wrote Arcstrike save his optics are blue instead of red. Thunder-Strike's optics dont change color until later down the road during an event that solidifies him never returning to his old self. I'm actually gonna commission what he does look like as Thunder-Strike, kinda getting a bit annoyed that I dont have much of a face to put to my stories haha
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
Where are they?
"Its funny...how destiny seems to work..."
The Autobot weakly tries to fight back as he's tossed to the ground, his visor cracked as he tries to get up.
"I was weak...Weak and terrified of the Autobot regime..."
He looked up at who spoke, his red optics staring into his very spark. The Autobot instinctively transformed his hand into a blaster and fired a few shots.
"Then Lord Megatron raised me up. Raised all of us up! To usher in an era of true peace and to ensure all Cybertronians were equals!"
The massive Decepticon simply shrugged them off and kicked the Autobot back. Sword in hand, a sword still covered in the energon of the Autobots slain allies.
"But you Autobots fought back against such ideals. Even my own former friends betrayed me for a regime that only kept our people enslaved!"
The Autobot backed up, tried to run but was stopped as his legs were shot from behind. He looked to see a small Decepticon smiling wickedly from her spot on top of a dead Autobot, her blaster slowling be put down.
"We were close. Close to winning the war for all future Cybertronians! Then you Autobots struck him down....your prime slayed Lord Megatron!"
The Decepticon reached for the Autobot, grabbing him by the throat with his massive clawed hands. Other Decepticons watched with glee as their lord picked up the final survivor of this squad of wayward Autobots.
"Optimus died that day. Megatron and I made sure of it. But I know he passed down the matrix to his successor. To continue the Autobot rebellion! Your resistance will end soon enough! So, I have this question for you Autobot...."
He brought his face closer to the Autobot. The Autobot could feel the anger and hatred resonating from him. From Thunder-Strike, leader of all Decepticons.
"...where is Pyrrhus Prime?"
(Small snippet to mark my return! Hope you all enjoy!)
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
Where will I go?
*years ago on Cybertron*
Oracle (Penny): *Sits there while Shockwave is running tests* Fath-I mean Sir, can I ask you something?
Shockwave: What is it Oracle? *looking at the computer screens with his back toward her*
Oracle: Will I join the Allspark when I die?
Shockwave: *Stops what hes doing and looks at her* Why do you ask this?
Oracle: Its just that, I have overheard the others mentioning their fallen Comrades are now one with the Allspark, but my spark is artificial...*Looks down before looking at her creator* where will I go? Will I be one with the Allspark alongside everyone else?
Shockwave: *is silent, pondering her question* Oracle, do not ponder such trivial matter. It is illogical given the current events that are unfolding. Am I understood?
Oracle: Yes sir...
*Years later after the great exodus; Before being found by Megatron*
Shockwave: *on the ruined planet of Cybertron, tinkering with something on the computer before him*........Yes.....You will be one with the Allspark Oracle. *presses a button, beaming the message into space, in an attempt to answer one of his greatest creation's question*
Slowly burning away the writers block I've had as of late! Gonna focus on Decepticon Jaune for now.
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
I need your opinion on something guys
Regarding Decepticon Jaune AU, I've got two ways I want to do this. The story I just posted would have gone differently and sorta of established Thunder-Strike characteristics. But I'm sorta at a crossroads here now,
the first idea is that Thunder-Strike is deeply loyal to the Decepticon cause and Megatron. He hasn't heard the peace through tyranny from Megatron himself but rather other slain Decepticon warlords, Megatron and Soundwave have done this on purpose. Thunder-Strike is a powerful warrior, trained personally by Megatron himself. Loyal, honorable, and a devout follower. Megatron sees that in Thunder-Strike and uses it to his advantage. A heroic Decepticon that can sway the minds of a young generation and one that shows the Autobots propaganda as a false narrative created by the Oppressors. But he ensures Thunder-Strike never hears his Peace through Tyranny and explains his motives in a way that makes the Bot think otherwise. For example, when Neutral Cybertronians were gunned down by Decepticons, weapons and autobot insignias were placed near or around the bodies, some placed there as Thunder-Strike examined other bodies. Sometimes he would be shown the insignia on a body he already examined, hidden. Told that the Autobots hid under a false identity to kill the Decepticon troops sent to help the Neutral Cybertronians. Thunder-Strike is being manipulated and it works to the point that Thunder-Strike never believes in what other Decepticons say or what an Autobot says.
Thunder-Strike, a loyal and devout follower of Megatron, knows of the peace through Tyranny but he uses it in a different way. Tyrant Decepticon warlords taking control of planets inhabited by wayward Cybertronians, ones that didnt choose a side in the war. Well keep an eye on these planets, let it slip to some Decepticon with their own doom ambitions of leadership and power. Ones not entirely loyal to the Decepticons. Allow these Decepticon warlords to take control of the planet, enslave its inhabitants and let inhabitants experience true oppression. Let them experience what Thunder-Strike did because of the Autobots and a prime. Then when the time is right, strike down the Warlord and be seen as a hero and savior to them all. They've been oppressed and enslaved, vilify the dead Warlord as one who doesnt stand for the Decepticon cause and Megatron's rule. It's a necessary evil he concludes, he has no hatred for the Neutrals, they wanted to live peacefully, away from the war. But they never experienced true oppression, but now they did. Now they are told that the Decepticons fight against this! Now freed, most willingly join the Decepticons as fresh troops while others stay behind and become Decepticon citizens on the newly established colony. He kills an ambitious Decepticon who could prove a threat to Megatron and you gain more support to the Decepticons. "Peace through Tyranny; Experince oppression throuhh Tyranny and you'll gladly fight for peace."
So what do you guys think??
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
Thunder-Strikes body (what I kinda try to describe to you guys more or less....I'm bad at that)
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Thunder-Strike's body is basically inspired by the Transformers 5 Knights of Cybertron, moreso he kinda looks like transformers 5 Megatron, save for his head but with a similar combat mode to Reborn!Megatron. His body was modified and armor added after he became a Decepticon, by his request and Megatron's orders. His lower face is covered by a metallic face mask whenever he fights, though as of late, rarely uses it. It's gotten to the point where he actively trying to outright get rid of it, due to the fact that he believes it has a hindrance and a leftover from his days as Arcstrike.
Thunder-Strike was always inspired by the Knights of old Cybertron, for they were the pinnacle of selflessness, honor, and heroism. Hearing their tales of how they were the true defenders of Cybertron, chosen by Primus himself, to combat any evil that would try to harm their people and planet. Thunder-Strike wished to be one as the young naive Arcstrike, Megatron has told him that maybe a new order of Knights are needed. Ones made up of Cybertronians who wish to end the violence and class system that has held their people for too long. To ensure the corrupted elites face justice. Thunder-Strike doesnt see himself as a knight but to honor them, he chose his body type to be inspired by them.
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the-wayward-arc · 5 years
For the transformer thing I'd say go for the first option. It sets him up for a redemption arc.
It would be a sorta of redemption for him if I went that route, because he would realize that that he was being used but would also see how tyrannical Megatron became. Thinking he lost his way. The same fate will happen either way for him, Thunder-Strike becoming the new leader of the Decepticons and never truly forgiving the Autobots but he would see that power corrupts. He would strive to never allow himself fall down that path. Focusing solely on the survival of the Decepticons and welcoming those that leave Cybertron to become Decepticons by coming to Kaon.
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