#decidual cast
adhdstudybitch · 8 months
tw: menstruation (Probably more detail than you want to know)
Growing list of reasons to yeet my ute: have now experienced a decidual cast twice in a row, and oh my fucking god ow??? I'm no stranger to menstrual cramps, but damn! The cramps leading up are bad enough, but that final set of cramps had me flying out of bed going "what the FUCK is happening down there?!?!" And then. You feel it. you fucking feel it exit *shudder*
Why do I still have this thing? I have to schedule another ultrasound, but this time they're squirting water into my uterus. Not looking forward to that - doc gave me valium to keep me calm during the proceedure, and I'm gonna be a bad egg and take a ton of ibuprofen and tylenol. Then we'll know what's going on with this possible polyp, and hopefully start the process of ripping the whole system out. So fucking tired of it.
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elpsycongruent · 2 months
extreme vagina-haver tmi under the cut:
me: *has horrible period pain*
literally everyone: you should try birth control, that will help!
me: *tries birth control, has horrible side-effects*
dr's office: yeah, that happens. call us back if they don't go away after three months.
me, having my first period since starting: hey wtf, why am i having WORSE cramps than usual?
my body: *expels entire uterine lining in one go, looking (and feeling) distressingly like the mantle of a dead squid*
me: ...yeah, this might as well happen.
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kleefkruid · 2 years
Goin to be a bit medically graphic here so heads up
so after the decidual cast incident sunday night I've been having more cramps than usual (which is ironic, since there isn't anyhting left to cramp loose, you got it all out in one go hello) and more heavy bleeding too. And when it happened the entire reproductive system cramped up, not just the ehh, top area so now my uterus, crevix, vagina, everything feels scraped and bruised which is... I don't have to tell you this feels extremely uncomfortable.
I did go to a doctor, who as expected didn't know what I was talking about but I did get a referral to a gynecologist which was all I needed from her so while it's frustrating to educate your doctor, I don't expect a primary care physician to know every rare medical thing so I'll live.
I'm putting off making the gynecology appointment till everything stops hurting bc I obviously don't feel like having someone rummaging around in there right now. Never really! But especially not right now. And just typing about this made me cry from stress so whhoo hee
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hollowboobtheory · 2 months
god am i passing another decidual cast
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the-casbah-way · 3 months
endo periods are just a constant cycle of looking into your underwear and thinking hmm that particular chunk of bloody flesh really does look like it should be on the inside of me rather than out here but ok
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doctorwormcore · 9 months
not me being like 2 days after my period.......and immediately having two hs boils show up on my tit. bOOOOOO
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wigglingtapeworm · 6 months
gave birth to massive chunks of uterine lining at Disneyland today. I wasn't even working I was there as a guest 😩😩 being in horrible pain for free
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losthomunculus · 1 year
Lack of proper sex ed will have you googling shit like “am I dying” only to find out no sometimes your uterus lining just falls out all at once
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twinprime · 2 years
i hate being on my period i wish i could just scoop out my insides like the soft stringy guts of a pumpkin
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didanawisgi · 2 years
COVID-19 and the surge in Decidual Cast Shedding
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barbieyaga · 2 years
doctor thanked me for being interesting does that mean I win
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choking-on-roses · 2 years
I don't want to have a uterus anymore 😭😭
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cubot · 6 months
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kazimirovich · 7 months
i have the strongest desire to pass a decidual cast just once because it's so fucking cool... now that i'm on depo again maybe i have a chance
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eatyourdamnpears · 1 year
just revisited the pictures of my decidual cast after making that post and Jesus Christ, was it covered in blood clots
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cohendyke · 2 years
under a cut because it’s gross but this is my safe space. anyway it’s period stuff
i think my period more or less came out in one big chunk hence the insane pain i was in yesterday and now it’s like. nothing.
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