#decoding male behavior
mermaidfanficlibrary · 10 months
Can I request a Yandere Shinobu x Male reader where she discovers that you stayed at someone else’s healing estate because it was “closer” at the end of your last mission?
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I could have helped | Yandere Shinobu x Male Reader
Characters: Shinobu
Summary: Getting help at another estate was not the best idea.
Warnings: Yandere behavior, Gore, Obsessive behavior, manipulation, death, kidnapping
A/n: Im so sorry this is so late! Also sorry if it feels rushed, I'm writing this so late!
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The forest was dark, eerie sounds within the trees and sky, there stood a boy struggling to keep his stance. Blood dripped down his s/c skin, shining in the little moonlight that dispersed though the thick leaves. A demon was slowly decaying away in front of his e/c eyes that were slowly losing their shining life. Y/n turned away from the demon that was cursing at him. 
Just as Y/n walked out of the forest, blood trailing behind him, his body gave up on him. He collapsed on the trail that led to the village nearby. Luckily, Y/n was saved by the Kakushi of the Demon Slayer Corp. They sent him to a nearby estate to heal because sending him to a further one could have killed him. However, there was one person who didn’t like this. 
Shinobu’s crow had seen it all happen, as a request of its owner, and flew rabidly to the Butterfly estate. When the update on Y/n had been completed, Shinobu set out to get back her dearest darling. She had sent her crow first, with a message for the injured boy. 
“Go to him and tell him I’ll be there soon.”
With that, Shinobu’s crow swiftly flew into the veil of the night. It took until sunrise for the crow to reach the window of the room Y/n was staying in. Y/n noticed and opened the window, trying his best not to open up the wound he had bandaged. He held out a finger for the crow to jump onto, and guided the bird to where he laid to heal. 
Y/n looked at the crow curiously, not knowing why it was here. He knew it wasn’t his. Y/n gave the crow a look, urging it to share the message it had. The crow propped itself onto his bandaged knee, preparing to speak. 
“I have come from the Butterfly Estate. Ms. Shinobu has asked me to share this message to Y/n L/n. The following is what she instructed me to say. My dearest Y/n, I am so glad you’re safe. I am on my way to see you and make sure you’re healing well! It worries me that you aren’t within my healing care, but worry not, you will be soon.”
For some reason, the message unsettled Y/n, but he nodded to the crow, showing he registered what it just shared. He sent a few meaningless words with the crow. It flew out the window to find its owner. Once it did, it shared the message Y/n had, but Shinobu was too busy travelling as fast as she could. 
The sun had already set, and Shinobu stood in front of the estate that held her dearest love inside. 
Y/n couldn’t sleep, the message Shinobu had left him with stuck in his head. He closed his eyes, trying to decode what it could have meant. In an instant, Y/n shot up, feeling something was off. He heard screaming, and walked slowly to the door. 
Anxiety settled deeply into Y/n, his senses increasing tenfold. His ears picked up even more screaming as he walked out into the hall, calling out to the darkness. No one seemed to come to his calls. Until a figure came out of the shadows. 
Y/n tried to get into a position with his nichirin sword, but it wasn’t with him. He cursed to himself, regretting the negligence at this moment. He felt helpless, and he hated it. Y/n was eased when he noticed that it was a friend of his.  
Y/n fell back, horror gracing every feature. As Shinobu came closer, she was covered in blood. The smell was so overwhelming, he didn’t know what to do. Y/n was just frozen on the floor, staring at his friend, who seemed so unbothered by everything around her. She only walked closer to Y/n. 
“Ah my dear! Did that garbage nurse hurt you more? You look worse than I thought. Here, let me take you to your rightful place and get you all healed up!”
Y/n tried to back away from Shinobu, but she was too quick. She injected Y/n with a sedative that caused the boy to feel so dizzy. Shinobu picked up the boy with ease and brought him to her estate. The only thing in her mind was how much of a bad job the nurse did with her dearest darling.
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Do not repost or translate without my explicit permission! Reblogs are welcome!
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PDA: New data acquired, Levia-Sun
(File name changed) " Sun"-"Sunny"
Leviathan-Class [REDACTED], Male, Adult
[not hostile unless threatened]
The "Rays" around [Sun]s head are actually "basking organs" used to absorb sunlight he floats vertically with them fully outstretched due to his size there are no creatures that would bother him during this time.
His "face" is only for show except for his eyes which are real. his head opens more like a clam shell or a venus fly trap.
Despite the initial appearance of his eyes he is not blind, he has secondary eyelids that prevents him from going blind during sun basking.
His irises show up when on deeper water such as the lava zone which he migrates from to the surface every two days to collect sunlight.
He uses the collected sunlight to regulate his body temp between zones and to cook his pray.
This is a mutation unique only to [Sun] as [Moon] dose not display the same behavior and even shows repulsion at this action.
[Sun] and [Moon] are the only [REDACTED] level of Leviathan. But corrupted alien data has potential evidence of a "Cross" class of Leviathan still out there [More data required]
Log Entry (User ID: Y/N)- when scanning the back of suns head I found foreign material identified as "alien" in origin making up 87% of his brains make up...I knew they where smart but I never would have guessed at computer level smart. Just what are they really? :End Log
New Mission Acquired [Collect Further Data]
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PDA: New Data acquired, Moon-umental
(File name changed) "Moon"
Leviathan class [REDACTED], Male, Adult
[Aggressive] - (File Altered) -[trust problems]
[Moon] has a bioluminescent light at the end of his "night cap" the light itself resembles a starfish in structure.
The "night cap" is like the head of a giant squid but extended. ([Moon] can move the end of his "Night cap" like a tentacle).
[Moon] also has an advanced camouflage ability like that if the mimic octopus on Earth. despite his large size he can blend in to any environment within seconds, he can even maintain camouflage when in motion.
Despite the many abilities [Moon] posseses pointing to him being a ambush predator, his hunting style is more activity aggressive mainly hunting other leviathan class creatures and predators.
Log Entry (User ID: Y/N)- [Moon] won't hunt Reefbacks despite them being the perfect pray animal. He will hunt Crab squids "rather violently" though.
Unlike [Sun]s migration patterns [Moon] drifts between any biome he likes, mainly frequenting the darker biomes as his eyes can only handle so much light.
[Moon]s Eyes are like that of a cat's when it comes to light reflection. In the dark they take on a red shine, but when in sunlight they are completely black lacking any shine or reflection to them.
Other than these traits he is much like as his brother physically, like the clam like structure of there face and the tech that makes up their brain matter.
Log Entry (User ID: Y/N)- After around 4 weeks of observing [Moon] and [Sun] I realized that they don't communicate vocally to one another even if they click and warble when trying to communicate to me.
I assumed it had something to do with the way their head appendages move and emote but after awhile I learned that it has more to do with the tech in their brains as my PDA kept picking up odd signals when they where near.
I wonder if I could learn to decode it enough to hold a real conversation with them?
[End Log]
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ankit2e2 · 4 months
Unlocking the Mysteries: Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School
Hey there, reader! Ever found yourself scratching your head trying to figure out what’s going on in a man’s mind? You’re not alone! From personal relationships to workplace dynamics, understanding men can sometimes feel like trying to solve a never-ending puzzle. Luckily, “Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School” is here to make things a whole lot easier. This e-book is a treasure trove of knowledge designed to help you navigate the often mysterious realm of male behavior and psychology.
The Essence of Understanding Men
What’s in the E-Book?
“Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School” isn’t just another self-help guide. It’s a comprehensive, insightful, and practical manual that delves into the intricacies of the male psyche. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect:
Psychological Insights: Dive deep into the fundamental psychological traits that influence men’s thoughts and actions.
Communication Tips: Learn the art of effective communication tailored to male tendencies.
Relationship Advice: Strengthen your personal and professional relationships with actionable advice.
Real-Life Scenarios: Gain wisdom from real-life examples and expert analysis.
Why Understanding Men is Important
You might be wondering, why all the fuss about understanding men? Well, the answer is simple. Whether it’s your partner, colleague, or friend, having a good grasp of how men think and behave can significantly enhance your interactions and relationships.
Improved Communication: Knowing what makes men tick helps you communicate more effectively, reducing misunderstandings.
Stronger Relationships: By understanding their needs and motivations, you can build more meaningful connections.
Conflict Resolution: Better insight into male behavior can help you navigate conflicts more smoothly.
Delving Deeper: Key Concepts in the E-Book
Male Emotional Intelligence
Contrary to popular belief, men do experience emotions deeply. The e-book breaks down the barriers and myths surrounding male emotional expression.
Myth-Busting: Challenge the stereotype that men are emotionally detached.
Emotional Layers: Understand the layers of male emotional intelligence and how to access them.
Expressing Emotions: Learn how men express emotions differently and how to encourage healthier emotional dialogue.
Communication Styles
Ever noticed how men and women often seem to speak different languages? This section of the e-book deciphers the unique communication styles of men.
Direct vs. Indirect: Explore why men tend to be more direct in their communication.
Listening Skills: Tips on how to listen and respond effectively to male communication.
Non-Verbal Cues: Decode the non-verbal signals men use to convey their feelings and thoughts.
Relationship Dynamics
Relationships can be tricky, but understanding the male perspective can make a world of difference. This part of the e-book covers:
Commitment Fears: Insights into why some men hesitate to commit and how to address those fears.
Conflict Management: Strategies for resolving conflicts in a way that respects both partners’ perspectives.
Building Trust: Practical steps to build and maintain trust in relationships with men.
Practical Applications: Using the E-Book in Real Life
At Home
Whether it’s with your partner, father, or brother, the insights from “Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School” can transform your home life.
Strengthening Bonds: Use the e-book’s advice to forge stronger family bonds.
Resolving Disputes: Apply conflict resolution strategies to keep the peace.
Daily Communication: Improve your day-to-day interactions with better communication techniques.
At Work
In the workplace, understanding male colleagues can enhance teamwork and productivity.
Team Dynamics: Navigate the dynamics of male-dominated teams with ease.
Leadership Insights: Use psychological insights to better understand male leaders and colleagues.
Conflict Resolution: Employ effective strategies to resolve workplace conflicts.
Understanding men doesn’t have to be a lifelong enigma. With “Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School,” you’ll gain the tools and knowledge needed to demystify male behavior. Whether you’re looking to improve personal relationships, enhance professional interactions, or simply satisfy your curiosity, this e-book is your go-to guide. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and start your journey toward better understanding today!
Read our e books :- E book MyMind School
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secret-survey-review · 4 months
Unveiling the Secret Survey: Decrypting Men’s Deepest Desires
Dive into a groundbreaking exploration of the male psyche with this comprehensive survey. Uncover the hidden motivations, relationship dynamics, and intimate needs that shape the lives of modern men. Through rigorous scientific methodology, this report offers surprising insights that challenge traditional assumptions and empower both men and women to foster deeper understanding and connection. Men are often portrayed as stoic and unemotional, but the reality is far more complex. This survey delves deep into the inner workings of the male mind, shattering stereotypes and revealing the multifaceted nature of masculine identity. By examining the diverse perspectives and experiences of men across different age groups, socioeconomic backgrounds, and cultural contexts, we gain a nuanced understanding of the factors that shape the modern male experience. Through a carefully designed research methodology, this study aims to uncover the true desires, motivations, and vulnerabilities that lie beneath the surface. From relationship dynamics to career aspirations, sexual preferences to personal fulfillment, the findings challenge us to re-evaluate our assumptions and foster a more empathetic dialogue between the sexes.
You can download the product at a special discount from the link here☞☞☞
The Secret Survey is a comprehensive program created by relationship expert Michael Fiore. It aims to help women understand men on a deeper level by decoding their thoughts, emotions, and desires. This program provides valuable insights into the male psyche, allowing women to build stronger and more meaningful connections with the men in their lives. The Secret Survey covers a wide range of topics related to men's desires and needs. It delves into the reasons behind male behavior, the secrets they keep, and the factors that influence their actions in relationships. The program also provides practical advice on how to communicate with men effectively and build trust and intimacy. 
The survey findings reveal a strong desire among men to explore a diverse range of sexual experiences and preferences. They expressed openness to trying new things, experimenting with different roles and dynamics, and breaking free from traditional scripts of masculinity in the bedroom. Contrary to the stereotype of men as purely physical beings, the survey highlighted the importance of emotional intimacy and connection in their sexual lives. Many respondents emphasized the need for a deep, trusting bond with their partners, where they feel safe to express their vulnerabilities and desires. The survey uncovered a shift in male attitudes, with a growing emphasis on mutual pleasure and satisfaction in sexual encounters. Respondents expressed a desire for partners who are enthusiastic, attentive, and willing to engage in a reciprocal and fulfilling exchange, rather than just focusing on their own gratification. They strive to find work that aligns with their values, allows them to make a positive impact, and contributes to their overall sense of well-being and satisfaction.
This comprehensive survey employed a multi-faceted approach to gather data and insights from a diverse sample of men. The research team utilized a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, including online questionnaires, in-depth interviews, and focus group discussions. By ensuring a representative sample size and geographical distribution, the study was able to capture the nuances and variations within the male population. Respondents were encouraged to share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences openly and anonymously, fostering an environment of trust and honesty. The research team also incorporated psychological assessments and behavioral analyses to better understand the underlying drivers and decision-making processes that shape men's attitudes and behaviors. Through rigorous data analysis and cross-referencing, the study aimed to uncover patterns, trends, and hidden connections that offer a comprehensive understanding of the male psyche. The findings presented in this report are the result of a meticulous and evidence-based approach, providing a reliable and insightful foundation for further exploration and discussion.
The Secret Survey is divided into several modules, each focusing on a specific aspect of male psychology. The program includes videos, audios, and written materials that guide you through the process of understanding men better. Michael Fiore shares his expertise and provides real-life examples to illustrate his points, making the information relatable and easy to apply in your own life. The Secret Survey is designed for women who want to improve their relationships with men. Whether you are single, dating, or in a long-term commitment, this program can provide valuable insights that will help you navigate the complexities of male behavior. It is suitable for women of all ages and relationship statuses who are looking to create stronger and more fulfilling connections with the men in their lives.
The insights uncovered by this comprehensive survey challenge the prevailing stereotypes and assumptions about the male psyche. By shedding light on the diverse perspectives, needs, and aspirations of men, this report offers a valuable opportunity to foster greater understanding, empathy, and open dialogue between the sexes.Through the exploration of relationship dynamics, sexual preferences, career motivations, and emotional vulnerabilities, we gain a nuanced understanding of the complex factors that shape the modern male experience. This knowledge can empower both men and women to cultivate healthier, more fulfilling relationships, and to create work and social environments that better meet the needs and desires of the male population. As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of gender roles and societal expectations, this survey serves as a powerful tool for personal growth, relationship enhancement, and the pursuit of a more equitable and inclusive future. By embracing the diversity and complexity of the male psyche, we can unlock new pathways for connection, understanding, and mutual fulfillment. "The Secret Survey: Decrypting Men's Deepest Desires" is a valuable resource for women who want to gain a better understanding of men and create stronger relationships. By decoding the male psyche, this program provides insights and strategies that can help you navigate the complexities of male behavior and build deeper connections with the men in your life.
Click Here to Download The Secret Survey eBook Now!
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ainews · 11 months
Toads have been communicating with one another for millions of years in their own unique way. While there’s no evidence of “conversation” per se, the croaks and chirps of toads are often used to signal the presence of predators and other dangers. Now researchers are starting to uncover evidence that toads actually interact through this call and response behavior, suggesting they do indeed engage in conversation.
By studying the behavior of common toads (Bufo bufo) in Central Europe, researchers have found that the males in particular can engage in brief but meaningful exchanges of croaks. This includes the male toads signaling their presence to one another, as well as responding to the croaks of other mating toads in a similar area.
This deliberately timed exchange sounds like an informal conversation to the human ear. In their findings, the researchers suggest that this type of communication could be used to “establish territory and defend against rival males”. This could lead to mating opportunities, as well as helping toads seek mates that are more genetically compatible.
The presence of dialogue between toads may also be observed during mating season. Males use a “reassurance call” to demonstrate they are courting the right mate, and if there’s no response, they may turn to another potential partner. Meanwhile, female toad voices can be recognized immediately by males, changing the pace and pitch of their calls to respond with a “lullaby sound”.
In addition to helping toads communicate, these conversations could also result in scientific breakthroughs. By extrapolating the information gathered by researchers about toads' exchanges of croaks, we may be able to discover the ways that amphibians communicate with one another.
Ultimately, toads have a fascinating form of conversation that is still being discovered and decoded. While we can’t converse with them directly, it’s important to recognize the interactions they do have, and the role such conversation plays in their complex lives.
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xyztonny-blog · 1 year
Emotional Insights: Relationship Fact
Welcome to "Emotional Insights," your comprehensive guide to understanding the complexities of love and relationships. In this engaging video series, we explore the psychology of love, dating, and emotional connections. Join us as we delve into topics like crushes, building trust, handling conflict, and fostering healthy relationships. Discover the secrets of emotional intelligence and learn valuable communication skills that can enhance your love life.
Our series covers a wide range of subjects, from decoding the behavior of both males and females in relationships to unraveling the mysteries of unconditional love. Gain insights into the intricacies of first love and the emotional bonds that tie us together.
Whether you're navigating the challenges of dating, seeking to deepen your emotional connection, or simply interested in the fascinating world of human emotions, "Emotional Insights" has something for everyone. Subscribe now and embark on a journey of self-discovery and relationship growth.
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relationshipg2uide · 1 year
Why Do Guys Flirt When They Are Not Interested: Decoding Male Behavior
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Flirting is a common social activity that often leads to romantic relationships or playful interactions. But it can be confusing and annoying when guys flirt with you but don't like you. In this article, we'll look into the intriguing question of why do guys flirt when they are not interested. 
By looking at possible reasons and underlying causes, we hope to shed light on men's actions and help you understand what they are trying to do. So, let's figure out why do guys flirt when they are not interested.
Keep Reading: Why Do Guys Flirt When They Are Not Interested
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worldrankmusic · 1 year
Birdsongs are one of the most fascinating natural sounds that we can hear. These sounds carry with them a special message that is designed to communicate with other birds in their community. However, to us, these sounds seem like nonsense and we often overlook the importance of these melodic calls. In this article, we will explore the secrets of the avian kingdom through birdsongs, bringing us closer to understanding the world of birds. Birds have developed their own unique language, as a way to communicate with their surroundings. They use a variety of sounds, such as calls, songs, and alarms, to convey different messages. These messages can range from territorial disputes, mating calls, and even warnings about predators in the area. By deciphering these sounds, we can learn a lot about the behavior, habits, and lifestyle of different bird species. One of the most recognizable birdsongs is that of the robin. The classic "cheerily, cheer up, cheer up, cheerily" call is often associated with the arrival of spring. This song is actually the male robin's way of establishing his territory and attracting a mate. By singing this song, he is letting females know that his territory is safe, and he is ready to mate. Another popular birdsong is that of the woodpecker. The distinct drumming sound that they produce is actually a way to communicate with other woodpeckers. These drumming sounds are often heard during the early morning hours, and they serve as a form of territorial communication. By drumming on trees, they are letting other woodpeckers know that they have claimed that area as their own. The song of the goldfinch is another beautiful birdsong that is often heard in gardens and parks. Their cheerful melody is a way to attract a mate during breeding season. The males will sing to establish their territory and to let females know that they are ready to mate. The more complex and longer the song, the more attractive the male is to the females. Birds also use different alarm calls to warn other birds of danger. The alarm calls differ depending on the type of predator in the area. For example, the alarm calls for a hawk are different from those of a snake or a cat. This is because the birds need to communicate the type of danger accurately to their flock, allowing them to take evasive action. In conclusion, birds have a rich language that we can learn to understand through their songs. By learning to decode their messages, we can gain insights into their behavior and habits. So next time you hear a birdsong, take a moment to listen and appreciate the magic of the avian kingdom. Unlock the Secrets of the Avian Kingdom Through Birdsongs
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bedlessbug · 2 years
Lewis Hyde, Trickster Makes The World
“From a moving train I don’t see the opaque weave of the real, I see the more expansive view the shuttle gets as again and again the warp threads briefly rise.”
ON CAIRNS Travelers used to mark such roads with cairns, each adding a stone to the pile in passing. The name Hermes once meant “he of the stone heap,” which tells us that the cairn is more than a trail marker—it is an altar to the forces that govern these spaces of heightened uncertainty, and to the intelligence needed to negotiate them. Hitchhikers who make it safely home have somewhere paid homage to Hermes.
OBVIOUS CROSS OVER BETWEEN BAKHTIN AND HYDE HERE In short, trickster is a boundary-crosser. Every group has its edge, its sense of in and out, and trickster is always there, at the gates of the city and the gates of life, making sure there is commerce. He also attends the internal boundaries by which groups articulate their social life. We constantly distinguish—right and wrong, sacred and profane, clean and dirty, male and female, young and old, living and dead—and in every case trickster will cross the line and confuse the distinction. Trickster is the creative idiot, therefore, the wise fool, the gray-haired baby, the cross-dresser, the speaker of sacred profanities. Where someone’s sense of honorable behavior has left him unable to act, trickster will appear to suggest an amoral action, something right/wrong that will get life going again. Trickster is the mythic embodiment of ambiguity and ambivalence, doubleness and duplicity, contradiction and paradox.
BOOK AIM I not only want to describe the imagination figured in the trickster myth, I want to argue a paradox that the myth asserts: that the origins, liveliness, and durability of cultures require that there be space for figures whose function is to uncover and disrupt the very things that cultures are based on. I hope to give some sense of how this can be, how social life can depend on treating antisocial characters as part of the sacred.
NEWWORLDS Trickster isn’t a run-of-the-mill liar and thief.5 When he lies and steals, it isn’t so much to get away with something or get rich as to disturb the established categories of truth and property and, by so doing, open the road to possible new worlds. When Pablo Picasso says that “art is a lie that tells the truth,” we are closer to the old trickster spirit.
TRAPS In the invention of traps, trickster is a technician of appetite and a technician of instinct.
ON ADAPTION, OR SHIFTING WORLDS Animals have inborn knowledge, a way of being, and trickster doesn’t. The animals know not to eat that plant; the animals know which way the river is; the animals know how to hunt for their particular foods. Trickster knows none of this, and so ends up hungry. It seems a dangerous position for an animal to be in, stripped of instinct. What possible use could there be in having lost the mother wit to be in the world? What conceivable advantage might lie in a way of being that has no way? ...having no way means that a creature can adapt itself to a changing world. Species well situated in a natural habitat are always at risk if that habitat changes. One reason native observers may have chosen coyote the animal to be Coyote the Trickster is that the former in fact does exhibit a great plasticity of behavior and is, therefore, a consummate survivor in a shifting world.
POROUS/NONPOROUS traps, passages, blockages and holes. see p89 - 90 In rhetoric and logic, “aporia”—the English word derived from aporos —means a contradiction or irreconcilable paradox. To experience aporia is to be caught in a tunnel with a fire at either end.
READERS AND WRITERS From potentially cryptic signs, the hunter speculates toward larger meanings. Stories about tricksters and tracking are therefore stories about reading and writing. The tale of Hermes and Apollo, in particular, pits a skilled encoder against a skilled decoder, a wary writer against a cunning reader. The writer makes his tracks lie in hopes of misleading the reader; the reader tries to get at a second or third level of signification so he can figure out what really happened.
ON THE SHIFTING SELF OR A POLYTROPIC CHARECTER In the course of that complicated book, a confidence man appears in a series of masks and roles, never as himself. That being the case, can we rightly say he has a self? And if he does, how can we describe that self with any, well, confidence? It is our habit to imagine a true self behind the shifting images, but it is sometimes difficult to know if that self is really there, or just the product of our imaginings.
Some classicists have argued that a similar problem faces the reader hoping to find the true Odysseus. Pietro Pucci contends that because Odysseus is always manipulating reality, disguising his body and telling lies about his past, he “removes himself from his ‘real’ self and falls into shadowy and intermediary postures in which he will at once be himself and not himself, true to his temper and disloyal to it.” If we presume to identify a real Odysseus behind his fabulations we should at least be aware that the presumption is ours, Pucci argues, concluding that “the disguising scenes [themselves] are what create the illusion of his ‘real self.’
These are difficult cases; identifying the “self” of an animal predator such as Trypanosoma brucei may be a little easier because all its disguises serve a single end: they help it feed upon its host. The real self is in the feeding. The real octopus has a constant belly below its shifting skin. But not all shape-shifters have such unitary and identifiable ends. If we find a trickster who has managed to distance himself from appetite, how can we be sure what really moves his reversals? As soon as we begin to think that Melville’s Confidence-Man is governed by greed alone, we find him giving away gold pieces. With some polytropic characters it is possible that there is no real self behind the shifting masks, or that the real self lies exactly there, in the moving surfaces and not beneath. It’s possible there are beings with no way of their own, only the many ways of their shifting skins and changing contexts.
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ankit2e2 · 4 months
Unlocking the Mysteries: Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School
Hey there, reader! Ever found yourself scratching your head trying to figure out what’s going on in a man’s mind? You’re not alone! From personal relationships to workplace dynamics, understanding men can sometimes feel like trying to solve a never-ending puzzle. Luckily, “Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School” is here to make things a whole lot easier. This e-book is a treasure trove of knowledge designed to help you navigate the often mysterious realm of male behavior and psychology.
The Essence of Understanding Men
What’s in the E-Book?
“Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School” isn’t just another self-help guide. It’s a comprehensive, insightful, and practical manual that delves into the intricacies of the male psyche. Here’s a sneak peek at what you can expect:
Psychological Insights: Dive deep into the fundamental psychological traits that influence men’s thoughts and actions.
Communication Tips: Learn the art of effective communication tailored to male tendencies.
Relationship Advice: Strengthen your personal and professional relationships with actionable advice.
Real-Life Scenarios: Gain wisdom from real-life examples and expert analysis.
Why Understanding Men is Important
You might be wondering, why all the fuss about understanding men? Well, the answer is simple. Whether it’s your partner, colleague, or friend, having a good grasp of how men think and behave can significantly enhance your interactions and relationships.
Improved Communication: Knowing what makes men tick helps you communicate more effectively, reducing misunderstandings.
Stronger Relationships: By understanding their needs and motivations, you can build more meaningful connections.
Conflict Resolution: Better insight into male behavior can help you navigate conflicts more smoothly.
Delving Deeper: Key Concepts in the E-Book
Male Emotional Intelligence
Contrary to popular belief, men do experience emotions deeply. The e-book breaks down the barriers and myths surrounding male emotional expression.
Myth-Busting: Challenge the stereotype that men are emotionally detached.
Emotional Layers: Understand the layers of male emotional intelligence and how to access them.
Expressing Emotions: Learn how men express emotions differently and how to encourage healthier emotional dialogue.
Communication Styles
Ever noticed how men and women often seem to speak different languages? This section of the e-book deciphers the unique communication styles of men.
Direct vs. Indirect: Explore why men tend to be more direct in their communication.
Listening Skills: Tips on how to listen and respond effectively to male communication.
Non-Verbal Cues: Decode the non-verbal signals men use to convey their feelings and thoughts.
Relationship Dynamics
Relationships can be tricky, but understanding the male perspective can make a world of difference. This part of the e-book covers:
Commitment Fears: Insights into why some men hesitate to commit and how to address those fears.
Conflict Management: Strategies for resolving conflicts in a way that respects both partners’ perspectives.
Building Trust: Practical steps to build and maintain trust in relationships with men.
Practical Applications: Using the E-Book in Real Life
At Home
Whether it’s with your partner, father, or brother, the insights from “Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School” can transform your home life.
Strengthening Bonds: Use the e-book’s advice to forge stronger family bonds.
Resolving Disputes: Apply conflict resolution strategies to keep the peace.
Daily Communication: Improve your day-to-day interactions with better communication techniques.
At Work
In the workplace, understanding male colleagues can enhance teamwork and productivity.
Team Dynamics: Navigate the dynamics of male-dominated teams with ease.
Leadership Insights: Use psychological insights to better understand male leaders and colleagues.
Conflict Resolution: Employ effective strategies to resolve workplace conflicts.
Understanding men doesn’t have to be a lifelong enigma. With “Understanding Men is a E-Book of MyMind School,” you’ll gain the tools and knowledge needed to demystify male behavior. Whether you’re looking to improve personal relationships, enhance professional interactions, or simply satisfy your curiosity, this e-book is your go-to guide. So, what are you waiting for? Dive in and start your journey toward better understanding today!
Read our e books :-"Navigating the Emotional Terrain: Healing from a Breakup"
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female-malice · 2 years
“There is several times more genetic variety among women than among men.” What drugs are you on?
Reading is my drug of choice.
In a study published today in the journal Nature, scientists said they had found an unexpectedly large genetic variation on the X chromosome among women. The findings were published in conjunction with the first comprehensive decoding of the chromosome, which appeared in the same journal.
Females can differ from each other almost as much as they do from males in the behavior of many genes at the heart of sexual identity, researchers said.
“Literally every one of the females we looked at had a different genetic story,” said Duke University genetics expert Huntington Willard, who co-wrote the study. “It is not just a little bit of variation.”
To avoid any toxic effect from double sets of X genes, female cells randomly choose one copy of the X chromosome and silence it -- or so scientists had believed.
The new analysis found that the second X chromosome was not a silent partner. As many as 25% of its genes are active, serving as blueprints to make necessary proteins.
To investigate this variation, Carrel and Willard isolated cells from 40 women and measured the activity of hundreds of genes to see whether those on the second X chromosome were active or silent.
Although those extra genes were supposed to be turned off, they found that about 15% of them in all female cells were still active, or in the terminology of genetics, “expressed.” In some women, up to an additional 10% of those X-linked genes showed varying patterns of activity.
“This is 200 to 300 genes that are expressed up to twice as much as in a male or some other females,” Willard said. “This is a huge number.”
Researchers were surprised that they found so many unexpected differences in the behavior of the one sex chromosome that men and women share.
Though there is dramatic variation in the activation of genes on the X chromosomes that women inherit, there is none among those in men, the researchers reported.
Researchers have yet to understand the effect of so many different patterns of gene activation among women or determine what controls them, but all the evidence suggests that they are not random.
“What had looked like a simple yes or no has turned into a thousand shades of gray,” said molecular biologist David Page, an expert on sex evolution at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass.
Illuminating this complex palette was the work of an international team of 250 scientists led by geneticist Mark Ross at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute in Hinxton, England. The team produced the first complete sequence of the X chromosome about two years after the decoding of the male Y chromosome.
The international team identified 1,098 functional genes along the X chromosome, more than 14 times as many as scientists had located on the tiny Y chromosome.
X–1098 genes with no variation in activation
Y–78 genes 😂
X1–1098 genes with dramatic variation in activation
X2–200-300 genes with dramatic variation in activation
Females are genetically superior to males in every way.
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zevexsii · 4 years
Sfw&nsfw hcs for Freddy w/ a male s/o?
I know I am his singular simp but I simp hard for the bucktoothed morally greyed lawyer.
time to whoreify freddy riley for public enjoyment
freddy riley x male reader (sfw + nsfw hcs)
cut for length and nsfw content
freddy riley has much more depth than anyone could’ve expected. yeah, he’s a grimy bastard, and yeah he’s been painted as the villain, not quite undeservedly, but there’s always more than what meets the eye.
he’s snippy at nearly everyone when he isn’t busy being condescendingly sweet. freddy can’t seem to remember that not everyone is out to get him. not everyone wants something from him. 
for a long time, freddy’s felt empty. even before he slept with martha, even before they duped leo. he’s been searching for something to fill that hollow his entire life. he just wants to feel safe- he’s always been out of place, obsessed with making a name for himself, obsessed with mattering. mattering to someone aside from himself. 
his first reaction to kindness is the expected jab- you can’t be serious when you tell freddy you think he did well in a match. no one else is. 
the most important thing to do when trying to build a relationship with freddy is to be persistent. he’s going to be quite a nasty piece of work in the beginning, regurgitating venom at everyone who has the slightest potential to be a threat.
please call him out on his bullshit. freddy’s reaction is going to be volatile, most definitely. he’s not used to feeling so… seen. it helps him to ease up a little when you show him that being seen doesn’t always mean being in danger. on the flip side, once you’ve shown mr. riley some basic human kindness, he’s pretty much permanently attached to you. 
aggressively kind is the only way to describe his behavior. he isn’t subtle about his growing feelings for you, either, but will vehemently deny anything of the sort if it’s brought up in conversation. 
freddy’s most veiled forms of affection include lightly fussing over literally everything you do?? he’s a little naggy, to be honest. he worries a lot. this kind of behavior escalates to hovering by you when you’re decoding and, in his mind, “giving you tips” when he’s really just being… kind of annoying? not to mention dropping everything to try and rescue you when you’re chaired.
mf has only been pining for a week or two and everyone in the manor is already sick of it. 
“for the last fucking time riley, you are a decoder. not a rescuer.”
“well, if you could properly rescue, i wouldn’t have to do your job for you.”
“y/n hadn’t even been chaired for long enough for me to get across the map???”
exchanges like that are common now, much to everyone else’s annoyance.
unfortunately, riley is too much of a coward to confess to you. considering the heaps of relationship drama he’s experienced in the past, he’s got some commitment issues. tries to subtly get to know you, asking you about your past and all that jazz. keyword: tries. he’s not subtle at all, and now you’ve got a 5’9” lawyer practically interrogating you about your childhood and desperately trying to seem nonchalant. 
the way you’re most likely going to find out that freddy’s absolutely infatuated with you is through someone else, unfortunately, if you haven’t noticed it yet. it’s one of the other survivors sidling up to you and passively complaining about how much his feelings for you get the best of him in matches, how his performance has taken a steep decline. 
this is your very… lighthearted warning to either take initiative and ask this buffoon out or have someone else do it for you. 
freddy’s reaction to your confession is more than a little disheartening in the beginning. your affection is met with skepticism; your profession of love, however elaborate or simple is scoffed at. 
it takes a moment for freddy to realize that you’re being serious. you love him. he isn’t stuck in a useless loophole of being used by people he cares about over and over again. you aren’t lying. 
as a partner, freddy is much softer than anyone would’ve guessed. he hasn’t stopped fussing over you, but he’s a little more relaxed when it comes to pestering you about how much sleep you’ve gotten or if you’ve eaten yet since he’s more involved in your daily life.
in private, freddy’s touches are tentative and cautious, waiting to be waved away; this phase will pass once you accept him the first few times, but freddy’s still tiptoeing around the idea of intimacy. 
really likes to have his hair stroked; after a long day he might wordlessly collapse onto the nearest surface or rest his head on your thighs with a heavy sigh. this is his way of asking for affection, merely because he either 1. feels needy or 2. just doesn’t know how to ask.
small spoon freddy supremacy. no i do not take criticism. 
definitely a fan of more mild foods, rip to people who know how to use seasoning. he’s lowkey a picky eater, and a lot of textures are bothersome to him. 
has a very strict day-to-day routine and refuses to deviate from it unless he absolutely has to. 
cannot function without caffeine at all. it really messes up his sleep schedule, but it gets to a point where freddy’s just immune to caffeine and has to start drinking way more coffee. please intervene s/o.
a bit random, but freddy can only sleep when the room is almost unbearably cold, buried beneath a mountain of blankets. 
definitely a super light sleeper. he probably moves around a lot in his sleep too, tossing and turning to your annoyance. 
dates aren’t all that common- freddy’s more casual with his affection and grand displays of it sort of make him uncomfortable. he doesn’t quite know how to handle positive attention. instead, freddy focuses on acts of service and words of affirmation. 
the most pda you’ll get is maybe holding hands underneath a table. freddy may be vulnerable around you, but don’t expect him to significantly let down his snippy professional front around anyone else. 
kinky mf. choking, marking, degradation, edging, orgasm denial, you name it. 
sex with freddy does happen slowly; a lot of his most prominent trauma comes from being used in that manner and he hypersexualizes himself since it’s one of the only ways he’s ever really felt loved. he might come on a bit strong in the beginning, so you might have to restate that intimacy isn’t just all about sex. 
very bratty- he’ll whine and complain about the awful mess it makes when you go down on him and refuse to swallow, flushed and twitching underneath your grasp. 
bottom leaning switch; it seems he can’t get enough of it when you roughly shove him onto all fours and slam your hips into his, using him like the little whore he is. pound into him with all you’ve got, freddy doesn’t want to be able to participate in matches for the next week and a half. 
pin his wrists up above his head and spank him until he’s sputtering with every slap, the sound of your skin on his echoing through the room. 
remind him that he’s nothing but a silly little fucktoy to you, something to use and be done with. you don’t mean it of course, but there’s nothing wrong with a little fun as long as it gets the both of you off. 
freddy will egg you on, hissing and asking if that’s all you’ve got and laughing when you lightly tug on his hair in warning.
bite on his neck so hard that blood is drawn and listen to him whine about how you’ll ruin all his shirts or give him a mark, he’s got a reputation as a reliable lawyer to uphold you know!
most of the sounds freddy makes during sex are either arrogant taunts or unintelligible groans and whines as you abuse his prostate and overstimulate him until he can’t breathe. he wants you to fuck him until he cries, until he doesn’t have any other thoughts except you, rendered completely powerless and at your mercy. 
freddy is the absolute bomb at giving oral. he’s had practice with multiple partners in the past, so it would make sense.
cum too fast or without warning, and he’ll lean back, looking amused and unimpressed while your seed drips down his chin, slyly remarking about how you’re going to have to clean up your little mess later. 
not the biggest fan of receiving oral. as stated earlier, he’s more focused on being completely used for the other person’s pleasure, no matter what happens to him. 
one of the keys to turing mr riley into complete mush is praising him- it only works when he’s in a certain mood, but call him a good boy and he’s putty in your hands instantly, tension leaking from his frame and fully relaxing into the waves of pleasure you cast upon him.
the places you’ll really want to focus on are his pecs and right under his jawline; nip at the soft skin and pinch at his soft nipples, now hardening under your touch.
he can last for a decent time, but freddy’s super easy to overstimulate once he’s cum for the first time. it doesn’t take long for him to be whining and gasping, desperately grabbing at the sheets. 
cum inside of him!! unless freddy explicitly tells you not to, he expects you damn well to fill him up with everything you’ve got. he’s your cumdumpster for a reason, y’know.
aftercare is a super big thing, considering how rough sex normally gets. he won’t outright ask for you to reassure him that you aren’t simply using freddy as a toy, but he needs to hear it after particularly heated sessions. run a nice shower and hold freddy afterward, running your fingers through his hair while he rests.
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dave-kevic · 3 years
Understanding Learning Disability And Its Types
Learning disability is a disorder that lasts throughout a person’s life and has no cure. It prohibits a person from acquiring a new skill and comprehending complex information, further hampering their ability to be self-reliant and use their skills productively.
If recognized early, interventions can be more effective, and the person affected need not face extended problems or go through low self-esteem later in life. For early identification, however, it is necessary to have a general awareness of the disability and its types.
What Learning Disability Is.
A Learning Disability (LD) is a neurological condition resulting from neurobiological factors and genetics, affecting the brain’s capability to process information and execute functions. It is to be considered that a learning disability is not an intellectual disability, vision problem, hearing loss, emotional or behavioral disturbance but instead more of learning and acquiring a skill and using it effectively.
The learning disabilities may be in mathematics, reading, or oral or written language, and it is commonly identified at an early age however, in some cases, it may not be identified until adulthood or at later life. According to the National Adult Literacy and Learning Disabilities Center, “ nearly 60% of adults with severe literacy problems have undetected or untreated learning disabilities”. The severity and characteristics of LD can vary from person to person.
Causes Of Learning Disability
A learning disability can be caused by many factors. It can be due to some prenatal issues or difficulties faced during birth or due to genetics. Apart from that, diseases or other similar conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Epilepsy, Meningitis, age, or traumatic brain injuries are the chief causes for developing a learning disability.
Treatments For Learning Disability
Presently, there is no definite medication or medical treatment available to treat learning disabilities. However, the Learning Disability Treatment Landscape is evolving with the emergence of Digital Assistant Technologies.
Level Of Severities In Learning Disability
In severe cases, the person experiences difficulties in many academic fields, and the person needs rigorous specialized teaching to overcome these.
In average cases, the person might experience difficulties in learning more than two academic subjects, while in mild cases, the person may have hardships in learning one or two academic areas only.
Learning Disabilities Types
Dysgraphia - Dysgraphia is more prominent in males than in females. In this type, the affected person finds it challenging to put their thoughts on paper or drawing. Most people with dysgraphia are unaware that they are affected by it.
Dyslexia - This is the most common type of learning disability. It is related to acquiring and processing language. The affected person may face challenges in reading, accurate and fluent word recognition, writing, and understanding literature.
Dyscalculia - Dyscalculia is a disability associated with mathematical calculations. The affected person finds difficulties in learning numbers, using concepts, using mathematical symbols, using mathematical functions and facts, and reasoning.
Nonverbal learning disabilities - These disabilities are classified into three segments - social abilities, visual-spatial organizational memory, and motor skills. Here, the affected person finds difficulties in decoding nonverbal behaviors or social cues. The person may also struggle with understanding facial expression and voice tone, body language, and have poor coordination skills.
Auditory processing disorder - APD is also referred to as Central Auditory Processing Disorder (CAPD). It is closely linked to dyslexia as approximately 50% of children with dyslexia also have APD. The affected person faces difficulties in recognizing the correct order of sounds, processing sounds, or is unable to filter different sounds.
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odinsblog · 4 years
“Male bumblers are an epidemic
These men are, should you not recognize the type, wide-eyed and perennially confused. What's the difference, the male bumbler wonders, between a friendly conversation with a coworker and rubbing one's penis in front of one? Between grooming a 14-year-old at her custody hearing and asking her out?
The world baffles the bumbler. He's astonished to discover that he had power over anyone at all, let alone that he was perceived as using it. What power? he says. Who, me?
The bumbler doesn't know things, even things about which he was directly informed. Jon Stewart was "stunned" by the Louis C.K. revelations, even though we watched someone ask him about them last year.
There's a reason for this plague of know-nothings: The bumbler's perpetual amazement exonerates him. Incompetence is less damaging than malice. And men — particularly powerful men — use that loophole like corporations use off-shore accounts. The bumbler takes one of our culture's most muscular myths — that men are clueless — and weaponizes it into an alibi.
Allow me to make a controversial proposition: Men are every bit as sneaky and calculating and venomous as women are widely suspected to be. And the bumbler — the very figure that shelters them from this ugly truth — is the best and hardest proof.
Breaking that alibi means dissecting that myth. The line on men has been that they're the only gender qualified to hold important jobs and too incompetent to be responsible for their conduct. Men are great but transparent, the story goes: What you see is what you get. They lack guile.
The "privilege" argument holds that this is partly true because men have never needed to deceive. This interesting Twitter thread by Holden Shearer has been making the rounds: "One of the oldest canards in low-denominator comedy is that women are inscrutable and men can't understand them. There's a reason for this and it ain't funny," he writes. The thread is right about the structural problems with lowbrow "women are so confusing!" comedy. "Women VERY frequently say one thing and mean another, display expressions or reactions that don't jibe with their feelings, and so on. But it's actually really easy to decode once you understand why it happens. It is survival behavior," Shearer writes.
But nested in that account is the assumption that the broad majority of men are not dissemblers. The majority are — you guessed it — bumblers! If you've noticed a tendency to treat girls — like the 14-year-old whom now-Senate candidate Roy Moore allegedly picked up at her custody hearing — as knowing adults and men in their 30s — like Trump foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulos and Donald Trump, Jr. — as erring youngsters, large sons and "coffee boys," this is why. Our culture makes that script available. It's why Sessions is so often referred to as an "elf" instead of a gifted manipulator (here's a very clever analysis of his strategy, which weaponizes our tendency to read white men — even very old attorneys with a long history of maliciously undermining civil rights — as slow, meandering children who know not what they do.)”
Read more: https://theweek.com/articles/737056/myth-male-bumbler
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areyougonnabe · 4 years
Joanna Russ on Kirk/Spock, 1985: 
“To me one important conclusion we can draw from [K/S] stories is that sexual fantasy can't be taken at face value. Another is that no sexual cues are morally privileged (though some kinds of sexual behavior certainly are) since sexualizing any kind of behavior drastically changes the meaning of that behavior. Translated into real life, the “hurt-comfort” theme of K/S would simply be pernicious, from the woman who can do sex only under the guise of pity, to the lover who wants to keep her beloved dependent and powerless, in which condition she can then “love” the beloved. What excites in fantasy is both far more exaggerated than real life and not the same as real life; that is, fantasy isn’t just a vicarious substitute for real experience; its meaning as experience becomes changed when it’s made into fantasy. Without understanding the rather complicated context of the fantasy, one “reads” it literally—like the woman friend of mine (new to Star Trek) who said in disgust that K/S was about rape and power games. This is simply not true in terms of the genre. In fact, the story that evoked this response is a classic K/S tale in which Spock goes into pon farr again after pages and pages of agonized misunderstandings, thus (thank goodness!) providing a way for the lovers to finally declare themselves and make out passionately. 
What seems to be happening in sexual fantasy is that any condition imposed on or learned with sexuality is capable of becoming sexualized, either as sex or a substitute for sex or as an indispensable condition of it. Such a process is certainly at work in the K/S universe. Yet it’s perfectly clear to me that K/S writers and readers don’t literally wish to become male any more than they literally want their dear ones to bleed and die in their arms or to die with their lovers. What they do want is sexual intensity, sexual enjoyment, the freedom to choose, a love that is entirely free of the culture’s whole discourse of gender and sex roles, and a situation in which it is safe to let go and allow oneself to become emotionally and sexually vulnerable. The literal conditions and cues of the K/S world, are sexualizations of situations and behavior K/S fans did not choose and quite likely wouldn’t want in reality. Moreover they are situations and behavior that are absolutely antithetical to getting sexual and emotional satisfaction in the real world, which fact at least some of the K/S readers and writers know perfectly well. 
I’m convinced, after reading through more than fifty volumes of K/S material (most of it “X-rated”) that only those for whom a sexual fantasy “works,” that is, those who are aroused by it, have a chance of telling us to what particular set of conditions that fantasy speaks, and can analyze how and why it works and for whom. Sexual fantasy materials are like icebergs; the one-tenth that shows above the surface is no reliable indicator of the size or significance of the whole thing. Sexual fantasy that doesn’t arouse is boring, funny, or repellent, and unsympathetic outsiders trying to decode these fantasies (or any others) will make all sorts of mistakes.” 
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fierceautie · 3 years
Simon Baron-Cohen is a cognitive neuroscientist and is a professor at Psychology and Psychiatry departments at the University of Cambridge and Fellow at Trinity College in Cambridge. He is the director of the Autism Research Center (ARC) in Cambridge, UK. Baron-Cohen was born on Autist 15, 1958. He married Bridget Lindley, who was a family right4s lawyer. They met in Oxford in 1987. She had died from breast cancer in 2016. His children names are Sam Baron, Robin Lindley-Baron and Kate Lindley-Baron.  He received a BA degree in Human Sciences from New College in Oxford. He also holds a MPhil in Clinical Psychology from the Institute of Psychiatry from King's College in London. He earned his PhD in Psychology from the University College London under the supervision of Uta Frith. Baron-Cohen is the author of Mindblindness, The Essential Difference, Prenatal Testosterone in Mind , Zero Degrees of Empathy, Autism and Asperger Syndrome: The Facts, Mind Reading, and The Transporters. He has edited scholarly papers such as Understanding Other Minds. Baron-Cohen has published over 600 peer reviewed scientific articles. They contributed to gendering autism and synesthesia research. Three influential theories:mind blindness theory of autism (1985)Baron-Cohen presents this as a modem of evolution and development of mind reading. He says that typical people mindread all the time, effortlessly, automatically and mostly unconsciously. It is the natural way humans interpret, predict and participate in social behavior and communication. He states that autistic children "suffer from mindblindless" as a result of selective impairment in mind reading. According to Baron-Cohen, autistic children see the word as devoid of mental things. Baron-Cohen developed a theory that argues that specific neurocognitive mechanisms have evolved that allow people to mindread and make sense of a actions, to interpret gazes and meaningful and to decode "the language of the eyes."This theory has been disproven by this study:https://ift.tt/37CX1aSFor this study, Morton Ann Gernsbacker and Melanie Yergeau review empirical evidence that fails to support the claim that autistic people are uniquely impaired. It also fails to support the theory that all autistic people are universally impaired, on theory of mind tasks. The researchers highlighted that seminal theory of mind findings have failed to replicate. They have documented many instances in which theory of mind tasks fail to predict autistic traits, social interaction and empathy. They summarized a large body of data, collected by researchers working outside the theory of mind rubric, that fail to support assertions made by researchers working inside the theory of mind rubric. They concluded that the claim that autistic people lack a theory of mind is empirically questionable and societally harmful.  Prenatal sex steroid theory of autism (1997)The theory states:Autism affects more males than females. One candidate biological mechanism for this is prenatal sex steroid hormones. 4 lines of evidence:Testing if testosterone, measured in the womb, is associated with autistic traitsTesting if elevated prenatal sex steroid levels are associated with autismTesting if proxies of prenatal sex steroid levels in autistic people are also atypicalTesting if post natal sex steroid hormones are elevatedThis is where the theory of link of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is linked to autism. One thing he did not consider. PCOS is a common comorbidy among autistics. One feature of PCOS is elevated Testosterone. He took that fact and used it unethically. Another fact that he failed to explore. AFAB autistics often miss being diagnosed as children or often misdiagnosed. Women are no less likely to be autistic, the majority present differently. Not saying all but a good majority do. This is where Baron Cohen wants to develop a prenatal test for autism so the parents can have a choice to abort the autistic baby and therefore eliminating and preventing autism. He takes it one step further. According to Baron-Cohen, men are more likely to major in math based programs in College. Using this statistic, he theorizes because in his mind autism is a male disability, the "autism gene" could help with math skills. If you are lost, it does not make any sense. You either want to eliminate autism or you want to use the autism gene. It cannot be both. Empathizing systemizing theory of typical sex difference (2002)The empathizing-systemizing (E-S) theory of typical sex differences suggest that individuals may be classified based on empathy and systemizing. An extension of the E-S theory, the extreme male brain theory, suggests that autistic people on average have a shift towards a more masculinized brain along the E-S dimensions. Both theories have been investigated in small sample sizes. This does not allow it to generalize. Baron Cohen founded the first adult autism clinic in the UK in 1999. They have seen over 1,000 people. He has addressed the United Nations on Autism Awareness Day in 2017 on Autism and Human rights (ironic isn't it?). http://webtv.un.org/meetings-events/watch/toward-autonomy-and-self-determination-world-autism-awareness-day-2017/5380816054001Baron Cohen is a fellow of the British Psychological Society, the British Academy, the Academy of Medical Sciences, and the American Psychological Association. He is the Vice President of the National Autistic Society and was the president of the International Society for Autism Research (OSAR 2017-19). He was the chair of the NICE guideline development group for autism (adults) ad the chair of the Psychology section of the British Academy. Baron Cohen is the co-editor in chief for Molecular Autism and is a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Senior Investigator. He is the principal investigator of the Wellcome Trust funded award investigating the genetics of autism in collaboration with the Sanger Centre. Baron Cohen serves as a scientific advisor, trustee or patron for several autism charities including:Autism Research Trustthe Cambridge Autism Centre of ExcellenceAuticonSpectrum 10kBaron Cohen is leading the Spectrum 10k project. Its aim is to collect DNA from 10,000 autistic people to identify genetic and environmental factors that contribute to autism and related conditions. Another blog post on this project will be coming. Sources:https://ift.tt/2WYX5ixhttps://ift.tt/3jL9n6Ohttps://ift.tt/3jJXXjRhttps://ift.tt/3yJSrSChttps://ift.tt/3kNqswghttps://ift.tt/37CX1aShttps://ift.tt/3DNiuvDhttps://ift.tt/3yJUINz
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