thewoodbine · 3 months
As an indigenous north american I remember when everyone was on and on about decolonization but Isreal is literally a decolonization project and suddenly "they don't actually get to be native anymore if they were removed in the past and actually they can only reclaim their land if it's extremely peaceful and they never fight back in anyway"
I'm not saying I support the Isreali government or military, I don't, but this is an indigenous group decolonizating their home land on their terms. This is the reality of it. You can still think what they're doing is wrong, I'd agree, but their existence is a version of decolonization. This is a way it can look. Maybe the wrong way, but Israel existing is decolonization.
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hjhb-the-hdgp · 2 years
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The "decolonizators" will post shit like this and then wonder why historians and anyone who knows a thing about the subject laugh at them
(boats were literally crucial for siberian colonization, it went, first of all, along the rivers and these rivers are big)
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everetterice · 2 years
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whatsheread · 4 years
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#Repost @teach_for_justice (@get_repost) ・・・ Today I’m just going to post a series of questions with some thoughts strewn about. My brain feels like the rainbow spinning circle on a Mac when it’s loading I’m so overwhelmed with relearning how to teach and the two pandemics happening right now. ✊🏽 Every single teacher has the power to shift the culture, shift their pedagogy, and design lessons. If we’re talking about addressing power structures start with the power you wield over the students you teach. How will you change? ✊🏽 How are you advocating for your students in the IEP meeting? In the disciplinary hearing? In the faculty meeting? In the board hearing? In the streets? In the election? In the city council hearing? In the mayors office? Advocacy takes many forms, you don’t have to do them all, but here’s a start. ✊🏽 How are you learning their cultures? How are you educating yourself and using your knowledge to connect with the kids? How are you using your knowledge to include diverse texts, stories, histories? How are you including diverse ways of teaching? How are you criticizing your own practice in order to best serve your students? ✊🏽 Are you expecting others to “teach” you and you have the privilege of soaking it up? Nah. Do the heavy lifting. It is uncomfortable. Painful. Eye opening. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t embrace it and use it to push yourself forward. How will you check yourself? ✊🏽 How are you advocating for change? How are you organizing with other educators? ✊🏽 If we really want to create antiracist educators we need a mindset shift. You want to be a better teacher then we’ve got to do more than what we’ve been doing. Clearly what’s been happening doesn’t work, so try something different. Engage our children. Engage our community. Engage yourself in more than just teaching. We will all be better for it. ✊🏽 I’m tired. ✊🏽 . . #abolitionistteaching #blacklivesmatter #teachforjustice #justice #power #antiracistteacher #antiracist #teachersofinstagram #teachersfollowteachers #teachergram #teachersofthegram #secondaryhistory #teachblackhistory #liberatedteacher #freedomeducation #blacktranslivesmatter #antiracisteducation #decoloniz https://www.instagram.com/p/CEvgEhUAnJi/?igshid=4vcl5dcxc6wk
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cholapinupla · 4 years
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✊🏾 Rp @mujeresdemaiz S O M O S . Repost from @whensherises • #Repost @chirapa.art ・・・ . 💛Yuyayninchik kawsakuchkanraqmi 💛 (Nuestra memoria sigue viva) 💜✊🏾 5 Siglos y seguimos resistiendo ✊🏾💜 Somos las semillas de resistencia que sembraron Micaela Bastidas, Bartolina Sisa ,Gregoria Apaza, Isidora Katari, Manuela Tito Condori , Tomasa Tito Condemayta y muchas más. #12octubre #GenocidioColonial #Etnocidio #Extractivismo #NiOlvidoNiPerdon #12octubreanticolonial #colonización #abyayalaunida #decolonizate #12octubre1492 #12octubrediadelaresistenciaindigena #nadaquecelebrar https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRGC5gpQJc/?igshid=12zmxmzqcr113
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thnkbforthat · 3 years
ig i’m doing a little introduction…lolz, well i’m new here (clearly). i really don’t know how tumblr works so be gentle please. main reason i joined the site is i need a place outside of my IG — away from the gaze of past acquaintances/exfriends, (i.e. yt cishet religious people). the basics: i’m an exevangelical (raised in a SBC associated yt evangelical church) left it in what will be two years ago this upcoming may (2022). i’m Black biracial. firmly rooted in intersectional feminism/womanism, spirituality, (un)learning all the time, centering darkskinned Black femmes & women, decolonizating, deconstructing & dismantling. practically just trying to survive, Queer (few know), awaiting the second lock down (maybe?) because ‘bout ready for a ‘questioning my gender stage…’ i’m here for vibes, aesthetics, space to exist outside the gaze of people i know & whatever else i find✨
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fredbydawn · 4 years
Y’all talk a big game of wanting to decolonizate things, but still be letting your cat (invasive species) outside to hunt 63 different animals to extinction 😒
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decolonizepr-blog · 8 years
Pitch(ing) Gap
Here I am remembering how to speak to you.  In Spanish. I only leave for 10 days, and come back a mess. “I noticed you’ve been making a lot more errors than usual,” she says with affection. This is no news to me.  I hear my grammatical mistakes belatedly, often a second after the words have become breath and sound, too late to do anything but cringe. I feel the walls climb rapidly between my tongue and thoughts as I question my competency in private. I furiously type and erase text messages, say everything really fast, like a mush. It all becomes a vicious cycle.  Even though I know logically these gaps will close in time—they have before—the transformation is painful.  I marvel at those who feel at home in multiple languages.  In me, these languages battle for primacy unless they can share home. spanglish. 
I am remembering how to speak to you.  After all those years finding language for the things that plagued, paralyzed and pulverized my sense of self-worth, I became utterly impatient with my family. I had so little patience for them in my college years and I expressed it in language, ready to deconstruct anything they said.  “I should have never sent you to that school,” mom says at one point when things reached a crescendo.  
Now, later, cooled by time and maturity, I can see how that story was incomplete.  It marked a losing of me, on the one hand—but also a coming into myself. Learning the outline of myself in those years was key to my survival. But now, I want to go beyond my own survival. And that requires talking again to you.  
I feel frustration when other loved ones talk about my academic mark.  You’re so poetic (at best) or idealistic or incomprehensible (worst).  I know I’m still swimming in a pool of jargon.  And yet, I believe in the transformative power of language so I’m trying and trying to stretch the current limits of my imagination using strange words and moving instinctually. Slow. Steady. 
If every word has power folded into it, then I choose to work for decolonization in this project because I think its basic, nay, foundational to healing ourselves, our communities and our places. The dualities we inherited from that era impede us in all kinds of ways. How do we create a similar dissolving of the financial world while capturing a sense of real wealth for marginalized people?  In the context of radical labor reform (in the worst sense of the word), I can’t think of a single better term for the work ahead. But I’m open to compromise with you on the best terms, or at least, get the dialogue started because I realize that the only way to thrive is to break the barriers between us, not build more. 
Searching for the middle path in the muck of everyday life is hard work. I am growing used to the feeling of sticky skin.  to dream big but find what’s workable within the constraints at hand. I am learning to love falling into the mud. 
looking again.  staying.
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everetterice · 2 years
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