static-arz · 29 days
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I'm going back to my Transformers era it was literally my childhood dawg
The oc doesn't have a name yet and he's still a wip so have this concept of him! He's nameless for now
Their ship dynamic is similar to Bowser and peach I suppose XD
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scribe-of-hael · 7 months
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It's finished! I've very proud of this peice! Presenting DeadLock and Drift ❤💜
Thank you very much @geeky-introvert for the icon Commission ♡
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peznutbutter · 2 years
PeanutButter: FOUR MONTHS.
Bee: Is everything good?
Hornet: Don’t worry, I didn’t even know either
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Hello! Sorry for not piping in for a while! I’m not sure if your request is open at the moment, but do you mind doing a TFP Starscream opposite personality daughter? I am not sure if you have done one like this yet. If so let me know and I would check it out. Like you know, a daughter who is exceptionally calm, considerate, intelligent, and wants no power whatsoever, even if given to her, and just want to have a lovely little spaceship where she can travel in freely and explore. It can be a nutshell summary of this character if you would like. One thing I do ask is to give her a name please because almost all daughter buddies got names.
Hi! Great to hear from you again!
I'm going to treat this as a 'Nutshell Summary' since the request are still closed.
Time to add another daughter to the list.
(I really need to make that)
In a nutshell...
Star Cluster was nothing like Starscream.
Truly one of the greater mysteries in Decpeticon history.
There isn't much about her true heritage in the Decepticon database. Not that Starscream would ever put the true version of her information in the main system, instead opting to carry it around with him or locking it in his habsuite.
The little one was filled to the brim with energy and curiosity of the unknown. Always wanting to go out and travel around.
Starscream has lost count how many times he has caught her staring outside the windows of the Nemesis or being the first to go out on a scouting mission with the others.
He does love her and shows it in his own way, maybe not in the best way, but she appreciates that he is at least trying.
To his dismay, Star Cluster is one of Megatron's most loyal Decepticon's.
Megatron truly doesn't know how she can even call that traitorous snake her father.
Does he use her to get away with things?
Does he regret it?
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prime going ballistic and allying himself with the enemy to get his kids back for 500 please!
if you need time to do this its fine take as long as you want-
Everyone loves protective Papa Prime huh? Well, who am I to deny the desire to see him going to any lengths to protect his kiddos?
After the exhausting experience that dealing with his sparklings going through their growth spurts at the same time, Optimus was totally out for the count. He couldn't get up even if he wanted to. He was out cold in deep recharge and so did not even so much as twitch when his sparklings wandered off. The rest of the team were in similar states of exhaustion due to their extensive energon scouting missions and the odd battle with the Decpeticons. As such they were not at all aware of it when the sparklings marched on through the groundbridge before it closed after a patrol returned.
It was of course Miko's idea to go through the big glowy portal. She had seen every other bot go through it and she was desperate to take a look at what was one the other side. Jack had left base a handful of times but never without Optimus, as such he was very much dubious. But not wanting to leave Miko alone knowing she would likely only cause even greater trouble for their Sire, he opted to follow her through the groundbridge using his own experience as justification for doing so. He would have told another bot, but with all of them being so very exhausted, he in his naivety assumed that it would just be a quick trip. As such he also decided that it was a perfectly acceptable idea to take Rafael with them as well. That way their Sire and the rest of their family could relax for a bit and Jack would keep his siblings safe and protected while they went on their adventure.
It was a foolproof plan in the processors of each of them, save for Rafael who was too young to know what was going on... that was until the sparklings stepped through the groundbridge and had it close behind them. Jack's first response was to panic, he scoured the area, looking for the groundbridge and hoping that it had just moved or something. Meanwhile Miko worriedly began wandering around, no longer all that excited due to how strange everything was and how scary the world seemed without Optimus there to protect her. At the same time Rafael began bawling as he followed Jack around, holding onto his leg and whimpering. The trio of sparklings had no clue what to do, and so not knowing any better, Jack followed his instincts and began searching out civilization. On Cybertron this would have been fine, and in fact it would have been the best course of action for lost sparklings since any and all sparklings are cared for regardless of faction. But on earth? That is an incredibly different story. As such it did not take long for MECH to catch wind of the sparklings as they tried to get toward the nearest city.
By the time Optimus woke up to the feeling of pure undiluted terror and pain from his sparklings over the bond, checked the security footage, and groundbridged to the area his little ones had ended up in, it was too late. Trapped in cages and being carried away in helicopters were his sparklings, each fighting denta and claw to escape. Optimus did everything in his power to get to them but he could not reach them even when he pushed himself. In the end he screamed into the void and feverishly worked at base to try and find their location. He had already had his sparklings taken once, he would not allow anyone to keep them from him.
He wouldn't recharge, he wouldn't fuel, he wouldn't do anything but work to hunt down his stolen sparklings. Eventually, despite the team's best efforts, they had to knock him out and stick an IV in his arm just to get him to rest. But as the days ticked by, things began looking more and more dire. The sparklings couldn't be found anywhere even with the entire team out on the hunt day and night. It did not take long for Optimus's mental state to deteriorate again, and this time at rapid fire pace. In less than three days he was ready to commit a genocide to find his little ones, even going so far as to begin threatening Fowler should he fail to find them. The Matrix screamed at him and his spark wailed as he felt his sparklings cry out in pain and fear. By day five of finding nothing in regards to the sparklings, something in Optimus snapped. He no longer cared about anything except getting his little ones home, the war could go slag itself and morality could take a backseat. And so in the dead of night while the team were all out cold exhausted, he called upon his greatest foe.
Optimus: Megatron, I require your assistance and I will not take no for an answer.
Megatron: What makes you think you can order me around Prime?
Optimus: You are a monster, but a monster that I share one value with.
Megatron: And what might that be?
Optimus: *smiling cruelly* I think we can both agree that those who harm sparklings deserve to die.
Megatron: *very much scared for his life* On that... we can indeed agree.
Optimus was allowed onto the nemesis not long after on the agreement that he not break anything or otherwise attempt to sabotage Decepticon plans. Most expected him to walk on looking stoic as ever, grimly determined and cautious. What not a spark expected was for him to march on in like he owned the place, a huge axe in place of his sword, and an expression that screamed death and spoke of slight insanity. He didn't even seem wary as he began issuing orders and using Decepticon tech to get a better scan of the planet. Not even Soundwave dared to interrupt the Prime, instead opting to assist in order to get him off the ship as soon as possible. With Optimus in his maddened obsessive state, no good could possibly come form having him around longer than necessary.
By the time Optimus managed to track down MECH's base, his anger was undeniable. His frame shook and rattled, his optics glowed nearly white with the additional wrath of the Matrix, and in that moment Optimus did not look like the holier than thou Prime... he looked like a spark eater of legend, just waiting to be unleashed. As such when he requested aid on the ground, Megatron was loathe to deny him for fear of losing his own helm.
Megatron: *doing his best to stay calm* Tell me Prime, what do you intend to do to the humans who have taken your sparklings?
Optimus: *not looking up from the screen showing MECH's base* I will kill each and every one of them. Not a spark will escape me.
Megatron: *scared as pit of what Optimus could do if he ever turned that anger toward him* I see...
Soundwave: *whispering to Megatron* Caution advised.
Megatron: I know
MECH were not prepared in the slightest when Optimus appeared in the middle of their base armed to the teeth and not even hesitating to blast the closest human into paste. Not even Primus could have stopped Optimus (not that he would have) as he raged, slaughtering each and every human in the base and leaving Megatron and his troops to watch from nearby in horror. They only joined Optimus on the ground partially out of morbid curiosity, but mostly out of a desire to ensure Optimus was able to take out his anger on the humans and not them. They captured any MECH agents who tried to escape and tossed them back into the slaughter house that was once their base of operations.
The Vehicons shook in terror as Optimus played a sick game of hide and seek with the few humans who tried to hide, giving them the faintest glimmer of hope only to end their lives the moment they "won" the games he forced them to play. It was sick, it was twisted, and gave Megatron a harsh wake up call, reminding him of what Optimus could have become if he pushed him too far. As Optimus finished slaughtering the last human, Megatron prayed for the first time in millennia for Primus to protect him from the monster before him. The warlord audibly sighed in relief when the Prime's attention was shifted away from him and to his sparklings who were held in a cage and cried out for their Sire. He did not so much as twitch while Optimus, who was positively covered in gore from helm to pede, ripped the lock of the cage and pulled out his sparklings with tears of joy in his optics.
The sparklings didn't seem to care about the fact that their Sire was covered in blood and guts and merely wept in relief at being reunited. All the while Megatron stood in shock at everything he had seen.
Prime had sparklings, three of them. Where he got them, how he got them, and how long he had them were questions Megatron was too afraid to ask so he simply accepted it.
Prime, the normally peace loving, loft sparked, former archivist was capable of rage, true maddening rage.
Prime had killed nearly a hundred humans and didn't even seem the slightest bit guilty about it.
With these three facts sitting right in front of him, Megatron didn't even try to backstab Optimus and just watched silently as Optimus called for a groundbridge and left with his sparklings without so much as a threat or a thanks. The Decepticons all vowed that day to never touch the Prime's sparklings, lest they end up smoking husks on the floor.
When Optimus arrived at base the team's first response was relief as they saw the sparklings, but then it swiftly turned to absolute horror as they looked at their Prime. The dopey contented smile on Optimus's face and the gore coating every inch of his frame were the most terrifying set the team had ever seen. Optimus rarely smiled so openly and he never, at least in living memory up until that moment, killed so maliciously, much less humans. Smokescreen passed out immediately at the sight and the rest of the team barely fared any better, most shaking in dread and having to hold onto something for support as Optimus came near. Only Ratchet was able to hold himself together enough to take the now blood coated sparklings to give them a checkup after their traumatic kidnapping. However Optimus did not stray far and remained looming over Ratchet's shoulder as he worked, blood and the occasional scrap of intestine dropping to the floor as he paced around, watching like a hawk.
Optimus only eased off once Ratchet shakily informed him that the sparklings were fine aside from a few incisions and minor energon deficiency. Even then he did not excuse himself to the showers to clean up until each of his sparklings were cleaned, calmed, and put into the arms of the team to ensure they didn't wander off (not that they would after their experience). Once Optimus came out of the showers he looked and acted completely normal, as if he hadn't gone on a vengeful killing spree at all. The team never asked him for specifics as to what went on during his rescue of the sparklings. But based on the newfound fear they could see in the optics of the Decepticons whenever Optimus appeared on the battlefield, they got a pretty good idea of what happened.
However they could not bring themselves to fear or see Optimus any differently when they watched him lovingly care for his little ones when they woke in terror from nightmares about their imprisonment. In all honesty they couldn't even blame Optimus as most of the team came to the conclusion that they wouldn't have acted much differently if they were the primary caretaker for the sparklings.
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deepseaphantom · 1 year
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elita-1 girl gang! i hope at some point in the future theres a comic about these guys fighting decpeticons on cybertron
(process images under the cut!)
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since i still have the idea/headcanon that a SG IDW Overlord would be the Superman Equivalent of the Dececpticons i Imagine the version of Last Stand of the Wreckers instead of them fighting and dying agisnt Overlord in Garrus 9
it would be a Overlord with the decepticons story where he stops Fort max dark reign over that prision and tortering decpeticon and using garrus nine to turn it into a decpeticon base helping the cons and even some of the bots so they join his cause making Garrus nine the opiste of what it was, and when the Wreckers come in Overlord now with healed up both mentally and physcally bots and cons and a big army they stop them and even gets whril to join him as they littlery send the Wreckes back to cybertron (like they hack their ship and send it back to cybertron)
the starman song which people are now using as supermans theme so imagine if begin this version of SG overlords theme too
Ooooo??? Interesting! I've always puzzled over how Garrus Nine might integrate into shattered glass
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techni-cal-writing · 1 year
Orion Pax just finishing up downloading decpeticon files onto a datapad he hardlocked out of any sort of wireless access and runs smack into Soundwave
and Soundwave watches A L L and has been sus of Orion from the beginning
but Orion has a hidden ace up his sleeve that even he doesn't know he has!
the Vehicons.
bc he was Nice To Them and now they're Ride Or Die for him.
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stinger-shot · 5 months
I'd like to point somthing out rq,
So I was watching that G1 scene in earthspark where Alex explains the tranformers war.
And I noticed somthing, I'm probably over thinking this BUT
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We know that Optimus, Elita-1 grimlock, and bumblebee are in earthspark.
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And so are megatron, soundwave, starscream and Laserbeak
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And prowl was recently leaked or released a few months back...
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And he's also in this scene, does this mean all the autobots/decpeticons shown I this scene are planned for earthspark?
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mskenway97 · 7 months
life or taste
Okay i write this different for some ideas in my mind thanks to @callsign-relic's tasty AU
If you are sensitive to this, I warn you not to read from here.
Warnings: soft vore,unwilling vore, size difference, biting.
I just had to stay at the base, but Miko had gone through the portal. She never thought about it before entering. The battle was in the middle of a forest. I didn't want to lose Miko along the way, there had come a time when I had lost sight of Miko and the explosions that could be heard.
A sepulchral silence around me, I had the feeling that I was being watched. I grabbed my phone and tried to call Ratchet, but I saw that there was no coverage.
"Shit, Shit… Calm down, I just have to think clearly. Don't imagine that I'm in a horror movie scenario, and at night… "I thought as I started to hear some howling.
That feeling of being watched… It was increasing more and more. Until I saw some red optics in front of me. I didn't hesitate anymore, I started to run, I felt my breath hot. If this was a nightmare I wanted to wake up now.
I heard the decepticon's footsteps, it wasn't too close nor too far away it seemed it was playing with her.
The footsteps started to disappear, I could only hear my breathing and my heartbeat at a thousand per hour. I started to hear the footsteps continue as I found a cave to hide in without anyone catching me. I looked at my cell phone again, still without reception. I hugged my legs and stayed inside the cave.
"Will someone have noticed that I'm not at the base? Who is the decepticon looking for me? In the darkness I couldn't see who it was. This is a disaster" I thought
I started to hear some footsteps near the cave, I tried to hide as best I could in the cave until I saw a servo trying to catch me, I tried to run to the bottom of the cave but unfortunately it was not very deep and I tried to resist. Believing it was the decepticon I resisted as best I could only to see that it was useless, but I felt it wasn't holding me tightly, when it pulled me out of the cave I could see some optics that were very familiar to me.
-Y/N, thanks to Primus I found you - said the soft and strong baritone of Optimus looking at me worried - What were you thinking about?
-I was trying to stop Miko, I lost my way…. I felt that someone was following me.
-Well, well it looks like someone has beaten me to it….
I opened my eyes wide as Optimus protected me with his servos. The decepticon that had been chasing me was the leader of the Decepticons himself. What did the Decepticon leader want from me?
-Ratchet, I need a groundbridge," I heard Optimus say.
There was no response on the other end of the line, Megatron was laughing on the other end.
-The reinforcements aren't coming…. It got my attention watching that little girl run for her life," I heard Megatron say.
I felt Optimus' servos gripping me tighter, Megatron on the other hand was swinging his sword ready to attack.
I saw that Optimus dodged, he took me with him to leave me in some safe area.
"Stay hidden, don't move," Optimus told me as he went to fight Megatron.
Although he was at a distance, he could clearly hear the clashes of metal and the shots of the two titans. Curiosity could lead me closer to the combat area. The forces were equal between the two, they seemed too focused.
I was not focused when I saw that Megatron was pointing his gun at me, Optimus saw me and parried the shot in front of him, shooting him in the Chest plate, causing some of the energon to fall to the ground.
-Optimus! -I said as I saw him get on his knees from the pain, Megatron pointed the sword at his Helm.
-Always defending the weakest… It seems that you are very fond of this thing…-I heard Megatron while I felt his servo grab me.
I felt immobilized as I saw a cruel smile at the Decpeticon leader.
-There is a way you can survive… If you accept my conditions you will both come out alive but the little girl may not like the terms… You are small and resistant… But how do you know taste? Human, enter the jaws of your protector… Optimus and perhaps you will be saved…
-No! -I heard Optimus scream as he tried to get up, I was watching Megatron bring me closer to his mouth, I saw his teeth near him.
-If you don't decide quickly, I will end up making you enter mine and taste you to my liking. While your beloved guardian dies. You being my little pleasure for life - I heard Megatron say cruelly.
I was terrified just the thought of entering, it gave me chills, I saw those dentas too close to me. If I didn't decide quickly the Earth would be doomed and Optimus, the autobots would be lost forever.
-Come on, little one… Decide
-You don't have to do this Y/N - I heard Optimus when I looked at him I felt so guilty… I couldn't just watch him die, not after everything we've been through.
If I have to choose between the jaws of the beast and the noble warrior. I have a clear choice.
When Megatron was almost about to put me in his mouth-I'll do it! - I screamed as I felt that he had stopped looking at me with a cruel smile.
-Good decision… I'll give you 10 minutes to enter, don't make me wait
Megatron left me in the servos of Optimus, who had a distraught face plate, believing that this was all a nightmare.
The relationship we had was close, he became my guardian. I was secretly in love with him, I wanted to know him but not literally inside. I felt his servos shake.
"Don't worry… I'm not going to judge you, people need you, just do it," I told him while he tried to hold back my tears.
Megatron was aiming his weapon at him, while Optimus removed the battle mask from him, I was slowly approaching his mouth. I saw the inside of him, the gloss of him and the dentas of him. He entered me little by little and carefully. I was starting to feel parts of my body covered in what seemed to be slime, his gloss was around my back.
-Shut your mouth, taste it with your glossa - Megatron told him.
Optimus did so reluctantly, he was beginning to feel various parts of my body that were being covered by his gloss. Certain parts of my body were giving me some excitement or it was also due to lack of air. I moaned a little without realizing it.
-Wow, it seems that the little girl is enjoying being in your jaws, Optimus… Doesn't she seem delicious to you? Don't look at me with that face… I was watching you both closely. "Some of my spies said she was your little pet," Megatron told him.
I felt like I was almost going inside so Optimus was almost going to respond, but he had to restrain himself.
-Oh wow, can't you talk? Your sweet little one is being too busy for you. Now the poor thing must be scared of what's going to happen to her… Turned into a little sweet… That's looking at me with rage… But why just give her a glossa? "When we can give you two," Megatron told him.
When I heard that I felt Optimus's mouth and gloss tighten around my body. I was short of breath when I felt it.
Megatron grabbed him by the chin making him look at him -I can finish them both off quickly if you don't obey… The sacrifice of your little pet would have been in vain…
Then I heard a silence, to see that Optimus's mouth had opened a little, to feel another different sensation, another glossa… Then I realized that you were kissing, I felt the touch of both glossas playing with my body, competing to see which one had the greatest control over me. I ended up in so many positions… my mind was already starting to get clouded by the pleasure since his lips were touching certain parts of my body that were making me shake non-stop.
Megatron stopped to watch him lick his lips, while both Optimus and I were exhausted.
To see that the kiss continues while I feel both glossas around me again but this time when I finished I was in Megatron's jaws that I began to taste and feel the small bite on my arm and legs.
Then the process was repeated again, it seemed that Megatron and Optimus were still carried away by the feeling. While I felt somewhere between his glosses, between pleasure and fear. I couldn't see what was happening to Optimus but his side wasn't as pleasant as mine either.
We reached a certain point when Megatron was comfortable with both of us.
Megatron smiled diabolically as he grabbed Optimus's jaw again - I'm still left with the feeling that I need something in my tanks.
The look of horror on mine and Optimus's face could be seen from a distance.
"We hadn't agreed on that," I said nervously while the Decepticon leader laughed.
-Oh, you thought you were going to get away with it, that's not going to happen… You'll be a good little sweet…
I was horrified to hear it, how could it end like this while I felt Optimus' glossa pushing me inside. I understood what he was doing…
-Do what you have to do… - I said as I felt like I was sliding deeper.
Megatron was realizing what Optimus had done.
Megatron was going to attack him until Bumblebee and the rest came to help them.
Megatron ended up retreating far away but satisfied with what he had done.
Ratchet asking what had happened and where he was.
Optimus was unable to respond he felt so guilty, so destroyed…his little y/n didn't deserve to be inside his tanks. He felt remorse… But he had to protect her from ending up in a worse fate even if it was inside her.
Luckily the advantage is that he could get you out of there… No organic matter was consumed.
But that day would not be forgotten by Optimus or me.
Those horrors would remain in my mind for life.
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mysticfoxdesigns · 1 year
Dashi's design is finish!
Aquanautian design
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Earth design
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Here is also her backstory
Born in the Cargo Plane class, Dashi is naturally one of the largest bots on the planet. Her design is originally based around the Aquanautian aircraft the Octoray. However due to her natural metallic plating, she is also placed into an almost model like job. Her rose gold and copper plating makes her a unique looking bot, that when Koshi emerged from the Well with the same copper plating, she instantly takes the young bot as her younger sister.
When the Decepticons invade their planet for their bubble engine tech, Dashi is separated from Koshi. Having to fend on her own with no weapons, she uses her size to her advantage. A while after she loses Koshi, she meets Ryla, an Explorer class. Ryla recommends her to a doctor she knows that can add weapons to her. This is when she is introduced to the Octobots. She meets Captain Barnacles, a transport battleship missing his twin cannon, Inkling, a giant submarine that can change his mass and size at will, Tweak, one of the last living Engineering class bots, and Peso, the doctor.
After being looked over by Peso, she gains two guns in her thrusters on her shoulders. They are able to extend and move around 360 for her to be able to shoot anywhere. She also gains a gun that forms out of her left arm, which when in machine mode turns into a hatch on her underside that can be manually used by anyone inside of her.
As the war continues to rage on, they pick up Shellington, a submarine, and his mini subs the Vegimals. They also meet a pirate bot, a fast wheeled sub named Kwazii. The 8 member team soon find out about the Decpeticon plan to destroy the entire planet after their attempts to get their technology fails.
Forced to make the difficult decision, the team escapes the planet in Dashi, watching as their home is destroyed. The crew travels the universe, taking down any Decepticons warships they run into, and freeing any planets that they have their grasp on. During that time they also take any energon that they confiscate from the Decpeticons, knowing that its useful to them.
They run into Autobots along the way, often helping them out and restocking their energon supplies. Thats when they learn of the planet Earth, housing the Optimus team. Dashi sets her coordinates for the planet, taking the team safely there. Once they reach Earth's orbit, thats when the Nemesis spots them and takes fire, sending Dashi into the Pacific ocean.
The Autobots catch word of this, instantly ground bridging to their location where they are met with the crew coming up from the ocean, just as the Decpeticons start to close in their location. Dashi rises form the ocean as the fight starts, catching the Autobots off guard at her height.
After the fight ended, and the human children having tagged along, they were finally able to introduce themselves to the Autobots.
And thats where the story starts for this AU!
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And my concept page for her! I went with a Japanese plane since I headcanon her in the Octonauts universe as being half Japanese. It also gave for a fun flying type design!
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scribe-of-hael · 6 days
I think with the new Skybound comics and ES2 I am just tired of Starscream just being evil.
"Well he's always been evil!"
Debatable , but even if he was you have NEW universes where different shit happens, different events and butterfly effects. Do, somthing, eles. It is repetitive, it is tiring, you CAN do somthing different. Marvel does it , DC does does it. This is a series built of the concepts of multiverse.
Tfa is arguably one of the more different world considering the Autobots "won" , the Decpeticon forces are scattered and functionalism is VERY present. It was wildly popular! Optimus and Megatron didn't even KNOW each other, hell Megatron never even bothered to remember his name !
Armada acutally tried to give Starscream some sort of conflict, even CARING about the children even if a little.
Skybound is a just a psychopath and its just honestly for shock value and a way to make the squeaky seeker more "menacing" and honestly I roll my eyes. I'm tired of gore p*rn tbh.
Anything to do with a character that be worth wild, to go beyond the constant characterization after so many years is just tossed aside. I'd even argue they tried to tackle it in IDW. But nothing in video media.
It is the most devastating thing to present a character, a FAN favorite and hint at change but then whom ever is calling the shots just doesn't follow through.
Starscream can still stumble and fall , he can still struggle to be a good person. And I honestly WANTED to see that for him in es2. He can fall back into his habits, his unhelpful coping mechanisms. It's apart of untangling the trauma one has to go through to grow as a person and that's NOT a bad thing!
That is a very REAL thing people have to go through. Learning to be better is not an over night thing and I honestly wish we did see him stumble, regret it and try to do the right thing.
Instead they just in a kinda fucked up way JUSTIFIED what Megatron did to him. "He was crazy somtimes so I had to beat him up" like that shit wasn't funny then, and it's not now.
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jazzstir · 1 year
I’m about to rant so just a warning for spoilers for the new Transformers Earthspark episodes…
Those last few episodes were brutally in Earthspark 💀 With Nova Storm, Brawl, and Breakdown all most likely to be dead (cause maybe Breakdown and Nova Storm somehow lived through some magic plot armor or miracle working lol) I have to wonder who is is already dead or going to die. I’m really glad at least some Decepticons escaped during the jailbreak. Cause I can imagine the horror that the ones in prison are feeling finding out about their fates and the ones who escaping finding out what would of happened to them (or what would happen if they get caught again) But then all of the Decepticons are on the run trying to find Energon which the humans now force them to fight for it and if they lose they get dissected quicker. Like don’t get me wrong the Decepticons always tried attacking the humans but no one deserves what the humans are doing to them. Like the Decpeticons didn’t play with their food they just wanted to get the power to feed there troops and go home while also fighting the Autobots. The humans are playing with their food with no goal but to torture and “play” with another species. Then you got the GHOST AUTOBOTS who just don’t question the humans AT ALL. I mean do they just not notice the fact that what is happen is EERILY similar to how it was before the war? I’m hoping that their are more bots like Bumblebee who didn’t join GHOST for what ever there reasons are. But then they are being hunted and thrown in cells the same as the Decpeticons? Like, take Sunstreaker, my guys does NOT like humans. (Or Tracks or others I can’t remember) imagine fighting for a side in the war and when you finally reach peace time they threaten to through you in a cell for not wanting to be besties with the humans? Like imagine your a Decepticon in the cell and you watch as your enemies and your friends get thrown in the same jail just waiting for the humans to drain them. You got groups of boys like Protectobots, Stunticons, Combaticons and Aerialbots who were CREATED in the war who don’t even know what so called “peace time” feels like. The Decepticons lost both of their combiners in during peace time. Both who could easily be seen as children to others. So now we got two gestalts left who I bet got no idea what to do and have no guidance from anyone so it wouldn’t surprise me if they got involved in some trouble or tried to help around but scared to make a move anywhere. I mean… isn’t it weird that the ONLY Autobots and Decpeticons that we see that are officially part of Ghost are, Optimus Prime, Elita One, Arcee, and Megatron? Most of them are Autobot’s and only ONE is a Decepticon. That’s gotta say something??!!?
But hey that is what the Autobot’s fought for right? For things to go back to “normal.”
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Hello again and how are you?
How about TFA Silver Aid meeting Buddy the triple changer?
I'm doing well thank you for asking.
In a nutshell...
Buddy is well aware of Silver Aid's existance.
They've been a bystander for many of the battles between the Autobots and Decpeticon's, They'd have to be blind to not notice that spider.
Silver is on all their good sides.
With Carrier, it was when they saw Silver Aid indirectly helping some kids head the right direction of the daycare.
With Jester, it was the fact that she made Optimus do his dorky laugh. Not a feat many are able to do, it demands respect.
With Guardian, it was when Silver went out of her way to save a couple of kids from the flying debris and providing the daycare with extra support thanks to her webs.
Silver Aid has dealt with triple changers before, but never one like Buddy.
She respects Buddy trying to make a peaceful life on this planet and intergrating themselves with the community.
It something that she is a bit jealous of, but she knows that the triple changer earned their place here.
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For request how about this: what if instead of trying to destroy the cybertronians on earth, Unicron decides to change them into his creations to spite Primus. How do the bots handle the changes?
Neat idea! Quick answer: Very poorly.
Altered Reality
When Unicron woke and saw the small organic abominations and the cursed children of Primus meandering across his frame, his first instinct was to rage. The whole of his frame shook in response, disaster after disaster ravaging his surface as he woke his avatars prepared to destroy the pests on his surface. However once Primus's vessel came to him, Unicron calmed for a brief moment and had a wicked idea. Primus's children thought themselves so perfect, so strong, so holy... he would make them regret ever setting pede up on his surface in the most backhanded way possible.
He would make them his using their own mentalities as a reference.
And so he called upon Optimus, saying he needed all of his team there to come to an agreement. Then he also called upon the Decepticons using Megatron, promising a deal that would benefit them both if he came with his whole crew. Both faction were incredibly hesitant, but ultimately complied. The entirety of the Decpeticons on earth lined up before Unicron, prepared to fight if required but willing to hear him out. At the same time the Autobots stood a ways off, with only Optimus taking the initiative to stand as close as Megatron was. And with that, all the pieces were in place, Unicron would have his vengeance upon the cursed children of Primus and then through them, he would wake and ravage the universe. At least that was the plan.
Optimus: We have gathered, now speak your piece Unicron. What deal do you have for us?
Unicron: Why it is quite simple little vessel... you will all serve me.
Before either faction could react, Unicron sent a powerful pulse of his energy into every Cybertronian present, infecting Autobots and Decepticons alike. He focused more of his energy upon the two most prominent Cybertronians present, but he was not skimpy with his distribution. And as every single Cybertronian screamed, falling to the ground, clawing at their frames, or otherwise writhing in agony, Unicron laughed. However his joy was short-lived as he found himself unable to reach out and control the Cybertronians on his frame as he had originally intended. Something was blocking his ability to fully control them, and after a short inspection, he came to a realization.
Primus had copyright claims over his creations, meaning that Unicron couldn't snatch them from him unless the Cybertronians in question offered themselves willingly. And considering what he had just done, there was a near nonexistent chance that any would turn to him now. All Unicron could do was curse as he watched the Cybertronians before him warp and change, essentially getting a powerup without the consequences he was intending to have come with it. The pests were now filled with his essence, and before he could do anything much about it, Autobots and Decepticons alike worked together to force him back into stasis. The Matrix did not need to be offered, not when so many wrathful Cybertronians used their newfound abilities alongside the Matrix's light. The chaos god did not stand a chance after using so much power to try and warp the Cybertronians before him.
When all was said and done and Unicron was back in stasis, both factions looked at each other once, and turned away. They did not fight and instead created an unspoken truce of sorts as they each went to try and figure out what had just happened.
For the Decepticons, changes varied greatly, especially in the Vehicons. Every single one of them became more vicious looking, their plating sharper, sturdier, built for combat of all forms. But one in every five had something... off about them. Some had extra appendages (mainly of weapon variety), others gained odd senses (most of which served little to no purpose), and a few lucky (or unlucky) individuals gained what could be considered outlier abilities. However for the most part they remained uniform in appearance and mentality, with only a small number losing their minds or otherwise ending their existences due to the changes. Although unbeknownst to anyone, the Vehicons were bound together by the power of Unicron in a hive mind where each of them could feel, communicate with, and see through the optics of others. This in turn made their combat effectiveness skyrocket as an assault on one of them swiftly had over one hundred responding to the danger.
Soundwave was gifted with an even lanker frame able to bend in disturbing new ways, his cables tripling in number and made capable of coming out from under just about any section of loose armor. His plating became sharper and his visor fused with his face directly, giving him the off-putting ability to flare open his visor to reveal a horrifying mess of fangs and features far too wide to be normal. His sensory capabilities only grew, his outlier ability becoming a far deadlier force as no computer could stand a chance against him now. Lazerbeak also received an upgrade, becoming Soundwave's optics in a far more terrifying sense. Her entire frame became reworked for the sole purpose of observation and intimidation, with multiple optics appearing all over her frame in unusual but defendable locations. Working with Soundwave, she and her handler truly were cryptids worthy of being feared. However neither handled the changes too well due to the new constant urge to cause a certain amount of chaos and anguish. Although they certainly did spectacular jobs at keeping their new instincts buried deep, as always.
Knockout and Breakdown, ever bound together as companions (of which sort being unconfirmed), found their new forms reminiscent of their partnership. They were joined in mind, having their thoughts bound together in an odd hive mind like mix not too dissimilar to the Vehicons. They even had a measure of control over the other due to their close bond, something they found startling. They had the ability to see through the other's optics, hear through the other's audio receptors, and even experience a degree of whatever emotion the other was. Their frames did not deviate much from their original design, instead only warping to better compliment one another. Knockout became even more dreaded, a quick and deadly injector forming alongside his saw and natural venom pouches developing within his systems to allow him to inject lethal toxins into his prey. Breakdown became an even greater force to be reckoned with, his frame bulking up and his armor thickening to allow him to become a walking tank. And while the changes were hard at first, Breakdown and Knockout had each other to rely on and quickly adapted without much issue. Even finding that they had no new instilled instincts beyond a greater desire to protect one another.
Dreadwing had the least remarkable changes out of all high command. He did not have any major changes beyond increased height and an overall greater combat lethality rate. However unbeknownst to anyone, he gained the ability to see through the optics of and control Skyquake, whose frame was still left wandering in the shadowzone. It did not appear to be a very useful ability at first, but with some prodding, Dreadwing found that it was an excellent way to scout and with enough effort, he could even temporarily call upon the strength of his twin. The downside to this power? Dreadwing always felt the chill of death in his very spark, a sense of impending doom that never fully faded even when he stopped connecting with his brother. It caused him to become rather paranoid for a while until he learned to control his abilities more. And of course whenever he saw Starscream his hatred became even greater, to the point of nearly sending him into a blind rage.
As for Starscream, his natural ability to evade death was enhanced to the point of being ridiculous. His frame was made more feral in appearance, but that was not the most absurd bit. No, the cheat code level power he received is what made nearly every Decepticon hate him. Starscream gained a nearly undefeatable healing factor, one that unless his entire frame was disposed of, he would eventually recover from any wound or damage received. He was functionally immortal, his spark bound to the living realm even more so than before in large part due to his incredible anger. This in turn meant that his cowardly behavior dissipated like smoke, his desire for chaos and control combined and amplified by the Unmaker's servo.
And lastly Megatron... he was affected the most heavily in no small part due to his consumption of dark energon. His entire frame warped to more adequately match Unicron's own, becoming larger, sharper, deadlier, and more importantly, no longer able to function on normal energon. He gained great strength, a certain amount of control over the reanimated dead, and greater insight into the mind of the Unmaker. But in return, he was constantly plagued by visions, whispers, and thoughts not his own, all of which belonged to Unicron. He couldn't think straight for long when fully fueled and so resorted to starving himself just to be able to quiet the voices in his mind. And when he was forced to fuel, he always grew wrathful and desperate to kill. Often Starscream found himself the victims of these assaults due to his immortality.
As for the Autobots... they fared far worse than their counterparts for numerous reasons.
Arcee was by far the most fortunate out of the team. Her changes had little direct effect on her mind, instead having a greater influence over her frame. She became everything she despised, her body becoming akin to her nemesis in ways she loathed. Her digits lengthened, her legs became longer, her plating sharper, her optics wider, and most notably, her blades grew to be like that of a praying mantis. She couldn't even retract them once the changes were complete, causing her much grief as she tried to continue on with her new permanent attachments. But more than anything, she could hardly look at herself in the mirror because all she saw was Arachnid, the monster who took her partner from her and threatened to do so time and time again. It did not help that her denta sharpened considerably and small mandibles formed in her mouth to assist in devouring prey. She hated herself, and she hated the new desire to hunt and kill that came with her adapted frame.
Bulkhead managed to get off fairly well all things considered, and he swiftly became the rock of the team due to how well he adapted and was able to move on. He was larger, his plating thicker and built for combat and more akin to a walking fortress than anything else. He would have towered over Optimus before the changes with his newfound stature. He looked like a miniature titan, and he honestly only had a few difficulties dealing with new weapon systems and having to duck under doorways. His new instincts made him possessive of the small ones under his care (namely the humans) and protective of his team, but other than that and the odd burst of rage when a potential threat came near, he was fine. He did need to consume dark energon and normal energon to get by, but it was not hard for him to get ahold of on his own. And so he rapidly focused his efforts on assisting the others as they struggled with their changes.
Arcee: It hurts Bulkhead... I can't even look at myself anymore.
Bulkhead: I know Cee. But we must move forward. Everything will be alright in the end, I am sure of it.
Bumblebee was not as lucky as either Arcee or Bulkhead and got the short end of the stick, receiving modifications to his body and mind. He became the embodiment of his role, the perfect scout with optics large enough to prove it. He became flexible to the point of it being disturbing, his optics widened enough to be frightening, his digits became unnaturally long, and his whole frame became slimmer. His plating darkened, the yellow becoming dark and dirty looking and instead making way for blue biolights that had the ability to reel in enemies almost hypnotically. And most concerningly, his voice was only partially repaired, made to be usable just enough for Bumblebee to be able to mimic a few phrases from others. He was the perfect little monster, designed to lure in prey with his voice and then force them into inaction with his biolights before shredding them with the terrifying mess of serrated fangs that grew in his mouth, very nearly making it impossible for him to close it all the way. It most certainly did not help that Bumblebee quickly found himself desiring prey, wanting to watch his victims squirm as he dug his claws into them. Every moment he wasn't with the team, his thoughts screamed at him, demanding he hunt. It was maddening.
Ratchet suffered similarly, but one would not know what his most obvious change was apart from the more intimidating plating that grew on his form. Unlike the rest of the team, his frame remained mostly the same, instead allowing an outlier ability to take root in his spark instead. As if responding to his internalized fears of never being good enough, Ratchet gained the power to pinpoint weaknesses in other, physically and mentally. And while he saw this as a boon in the beginning, he swiftly became overwhelmed. He could sense everything at all hours, the data never ended. So long as he could see the person in question, he could sense their weaknesses. And even when he looked away the thoughts lingered and plagued him, begging him to exploit or rectify the weakness by any means necessary. He could hardly think straight especially with the whole team having to struggle to deal with the changes. He very nearly purged whenever Optimus came near due to the sheer number of issues that flooded his HUD in response.
As for the Prime? He was shifted both mentally and physically due to Unicron's touch. In a desperate effort to protect his mind and spark, the Matrix focused all of its attention on shielding Optimus internally from the corruption. This in turn left his frame completely vulnerable and therefore he could not even fight back when his frame tore itself to shreds. Unicron's power remade him, shattering his mortal parts to allow his spark the ability to spread and hold his body together that way. While Optimus did retain some features of his old frame, his new one towered far over the others, even Bulkhead. His entire frame looked like a surprisingly elegant mess of jagged plating held together by the power of his being. However it did not end there... Optimus soon found that he could not feel or interact with the world as he used to. Pain stopped being a part of his life unless he was harmed by a relic or the power of a divine. His senses were greatly enhanced due to his spark being exposed, leading to multiple instances of sensory overload. He found himself unable to tire as he had no need for recharge or sustenance. Damage received to his armor repaired on its own with time and nothing really seemed to effect him.
At the same time the Matrix held a firm grip over his mind, dampening his emotions and forcing his thoughts to remain on his duties as Prime to protect him from the violent instincts that Unicron had instilled. He couldn't feel much of anything beyond the mildest amounts of concern for his team, love for his son, confusion at his circumstances, and anger at the god who had caused this. But aside from that, he was unfeeling, cold, locked in the Matrix's grip to keep him in control of himself. Every moment was devoted to his work, especially without the need for rest or respite. But despite the Matrix's best efforts, Optimus was still a living being, and sooner or later he will require a moment to feel.
The humans were unsure how to feel about the whole event. Everything was different about their bots now. And so for the first few weeks, they remained away from base and stayed with Agent Fowler to give the bots time to figure things out...
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starrzies · 2 months
★Comic Test Page [Canineformers AU]★
Test page for my future comic! :D My last test pages were in 2020 so a LONG ass time ago. Decided to do this to see if the project is manageable with my level of perfection and it SOMEWHAT is. This took me around 5 hours to do which is super low on time for pieces like this! I simplified some of my shading process as well because that is arguably the most time consuming things!
I have't reavelaed much of the plot and details to ANYONE, so this is super out of context. But; Barricade (Character w/ 'Police' On shoulder) is indebted to Celeste (other character in the scene), and part of him fufilling that is to train her so she can thrive within the Decpeticons. But she is not progressing as quickly as he wants her too and ended early on this day to think of solutions!
If there is a lot of interest in this I will probably try and do more teaser stuff as I work on the story :]
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