#dedicated to my concept hiiiii <3
pjsk-writin · 1 year
Hello I'm the same anon who requested the age regressor reader fic :D!
The fic was so cute and wholesome 🤧❤️ if possible can I request the same thing but with Toya, Akito, Shizuku and Haruka? Thanks! :D
HIIIII im so glad u liked it !! and ofc, hope u like this ! <3
♡ AGE REGRESSOR - Toya Aoyagi, Akito Shinonome, Shizuku Hinomori and Haruka Kiritani x Reader
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Toya is kind of new to the concept, but he picks up being a caregiver pretty easily!
Whenever he notices you're about to regress, he kind of panics, but he tries to ask you what you want to do about it
He's definitely the type to plan out a kit just for you, filling it with everything you mention you like when regressed
Unless you're the type of little who cannot stay still, he likes to sit with you and read you a bunch of stories
He might be a bit awkward with it at times, not knowing if his bluntness translates well, but he's doing his best for you <3
"Hey, my dear...Are you alright? Can I get you anything?"
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Akito is incredibly unsure of himself as a caregiver, but he tries his best!
Admittedly, it takes him a bit to recognize the signs when you're regressing. Once he learns them though, he's quick to act
He has a bunch of things he's gathered that reminds him of you, and he brings them all out when you regress
He absolutely entertains you however he can, from making you little outfits to beat boxing to even making pancakes for you!
Even if he can be gruff, he's really caring to the people he loves, so he makes sure that you're nice and safe in his care <3
"Oy, careful with that! I don't want you getting hurt on my watch-"
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Shizuku is definitely one of, if not the best caregiver on this list!
She always has a sort of sense for whenever you're going to regress, and is very quick to coddle and baby you
She's incredibly affectionate, and always makes sure to keep a plushie or something else on hand just for you!
She dotes on you so much, you're literally never getting out of her arms for as long as you're regressed
She's a big sister at heart, and will always cuddle and kiss you, regressed or not, any chance she can! <3
"Awww, my little love!! You're just so adorable, I could hold you all day!"
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While Shizuku is an incredible caregiver, Haruka is very close behind!
She may not notice when she herself has problems, but the moment you start to regress, she helps you out immediately
She is absolutely more than willing to keep anything for littles that are penguin themed just for you, they're a staple in her bag!
She doesn't really allow herself to have many hobbies, so she's more than fine just following whatever your little self wants
She is definitely a very dedicated and caring person, so you can expect her to give her all while caring for you! <3
"Ah, we're all small today, hm? That's okay, I'm right here, love!"
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Hey, Cass! ^^
We don't know each other, but hope you're doing well.
I'm not really a Jervis fan, but I always see you gushing about him… I'll probably read the fanfics you wrote about him and leave reviews. Well, I found him kind of interesting as a character, so who knows?! Maybe I'll take a liking to him :) Maybe you could share with me why you like him so much? I'm curious.
Oh my gosh hiiiii :3
Literally thank you so much that’s so sweet, I’m literally going to bite you. Don’t feel like you have to take a liking to him though I feel like he’s an acquired taste of that makes sense. If it doesn’t that’s fine too.
I like Jervis because he’s 1) very very pretty. like SO pretty. 2) he has a cool like aesthetic and concept. 3) I love obsessive characters, I love characters who do whatever they can for someone they love, who become fully enveloped in the person they love so much they throw morals out the window for them. There’s nothing I love more then characters who are dedicated to their partners. I love how he’s so obsessed over his “Alice” (speaking in terms for any Jervis version cause I like multiple), it’s so earnest and intense.
Maybe that’s because I grew up with people around me who thought of me as a second option, that weren’t really invested in our relationship or friendship that they felt distant that I fell in love with a character who took it SO seriously, that loved SO much that they couldn’t handle it. I just wanna be loved like that. So maybe that’s why I like him, I want to be loved by someone who cares like him. And in return I’ll be just as dedicated. I just want someone to be loyal to me as he is to her.
Sorry that got ranty. Anyways THANK YOU SO MUCHHH 😋😋
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merrrrrrrrry · 2 years
hiiiii 💗🫶🏻✨
those colors are so pretty!!!! honestly i think u did a great job applying the polish<3 plus even if it’s a little messy eventually after you wash your hands/shower once or twice the messy bits on your skin come off so it works out in the end 🤷🏼‍♀️
the best part of window shopping, especially when it’s at a place that’s expensive, is nitpicking the stuff you don’t like djshsj also that’s valid! it’s nice to take stuff in instead of constantly taking pictures
thank you for sharing your photos 🫶🏻🫶🏻 i enjoyed them and im living for the cat picture ✨
i can help you find a recipe if you would like!! is there any specific kind of chicken and pasta dish you’re looking for? also kudos to you for (potentially) making pasta from scratch! i’ve never done it before so i don’t have any tips but hopefully it goes well if you do end up making it<3
it’s nice that you got to spend time with your family 🥹✨ sucks that your train was 12 hours late though omg ☠️
i made homemade pizza tonight for dinner!! it was the first time i’ve made pizza dough from scratch and it turned out great and my mom and sister enjoyed it as well so im super happy about that ✨
bless your keyboard and you 💗✨ i hope your week is going well so far, sending you lots of love 🫶🏻
-✨holiday pal✨
That is absolutely true and the one thing that saves my ass but other than that my execution is pretty bad🤣 but i don't mind, i just think it's fun to see colours on my nails
Did you see that potato i posted in your tag? It's so cute.
I was thinking of like an Alfredo sauce type of thing but with chicken in it. I've found seperate recipes for Alfredo sauce and for different kind of chicken dishes but not a good one for chicken alfredo
That's so so amazing!! I wish I could try your pizza, i bet it was amazing
My week has been going well and that remember I told you I had to write a review for a book on arbitration law i was struggling to get through, i finally completed it! It's obviously not very advanced at all because I've only just completed my first semester so i don't know a lot but im still so happy i got it done
As a reward, I've been binge watching dance videos. This is something about me, i don't know.if you've noticed but i have a 'movement' tag in my blog. Some of it is jokey but it's basically my dedication to dance. I love dance and dancing and choreography and dance concepts and everything. I discovered Aidan Carberry today watching steezy videos and oh my god, i can't believe I didn't know he existed. If you're not that into dance, i still think you'd just get stuck in watching his first dance with his wife Elizabeth. I learned bharatnatyam for like 8 years or so and have the first certificate in it as well. I always wanted to and still want to learn other forms as well but that's not an affordable option. I hope i can get to do it when i earn myself
What's something you like that you haven't told me about that you'd be comfortable sharing??
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oraclesclocktower · 2 years
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ivyalice + tongues & teeth by the crane wives
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m-jelly · 2 years
Hiie! It's #SoulAnon here! I loved what you did with ny last request and I saw a lot of people getting excited with soulmates AUs and other people also making asks with soulmates so I thought, why not?
Sorry it took me so long to ask, I sort of lost my creativity these last days. But here it goes... Hope you like it 💕
So, basically in your left arm you have "tattooed" the first words your soulmate will say to you. And on your right arm, you have the last words you'll hear from them.
So what I was thinking was like maybe a Canon world where reader joins the scouts and she meets Levi, realizing that he's her soulmate, but he doesn't maybe bc the words are very common for him like "Captain?" Or smth... But he realizes when he hears her last words to him, maybe in a mission?
And I read that you don't like sad endings so reader doesn't die, she just loses her ability to hear.
Also feel free to change whatever you want, I'm just the idea anon 😊
HIIIII SOUL ANON! Yes <3 I love this one and I'm happy to do it!
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@kenkopanda-art wonderful banner <3
Last words.
Pairing: Levi x Reader
Genre and tags: Canon world, soulmate AU, love, fluff, falling in love, angst, cute, happy ending.
Concept: You transfer from the garrison regiment to scouts due to your ideas and work. You go over with a few others and meet Levi, who you find out is your soulmate. You don't tell Levi because you don't think it'd work between you and him due to who he is. One day before a fight, you get hurt and lose your hearing meaning Levi's last words to you are on your arm and yours are on Levi's. Levi hunts you down and finds you. He saves your life and nurses you back to health.
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You hurried along to the first meeting. You were a little late, mainly because you were gathering a report for Erwin. You smiled at the commander and handed your papers over. "Sorry I'm late."
Erwin raised his brow as he took the report from you. "That's a lot."
You grinned. "It's very in-depth and I have coded it too."
"Thank you."
You pointed over to Levi. "I better go meet the Captain."
Erwin smiled. "You are a value to the scouts. Thank you for this."
You saluted before running over to Levi. "Captain!"
Levi looked over at you and blushed a little. "Messy brat."
You blushed and laughed. You fixed your hair a bit and clothes. "Sorry, I was in a rush."
He hummed. "You're the one who does the fancy reports, right?"
You nodded. "That's me."
"Welcome aboard. Try not to be a hero, okay?"
You saluted him. "Got it! I won't let myself down."
He frowned a little at your words, then watched you run off. He walked over to Erwin flicking through your report. "That was weird."
Erwin lifted his head. "What was?"
"She said I won't let myself down. Most people tell me they won't let me down. It's strange."
Erwin smiled. "She's not like the others. It's why I picked her up. She's got excellent observation skills."
Levi hummed. "Seems it."
"You should go retire for the day."
Levi sighed. "Sure, night." He wandered to his room and took off his things for the night. He paused when he saw on his left arm the word Captain. "Huh...I guess one of the new lot is my soulmate."
You undressed and saw on your left arm messy brat. You blushed when you realised that Levi was your soulmate, but then you came to realise that he was this amazing hero and you were nothing compared to him. You knew you couldn't stand at his side like most soulmates did, so you decided to hide Levi's words to you.
You dedicated yourself to your job. You gave everything you could to the scouts and researched anything Erwin asked for you to do. You tried to avoid Levi, but you kept bumping into him a lot. You two were just pulled together due to being soulmates. You even made Levi smile and laugh.
You'd sit in random places to avoid Levi, but he'd always find you and join you for a while. You sat on the edge of the roof and looked over at the scouts who were training. You sighed and noticed Levi walking around clearly looking. You blushed when he looked up at you for a moment and hurried inside.
You groaned a bit. "Damn it, I might have to run for it." You got up and hurried towards the exit. You were just about to rush out, but you bumped into Levi. "Ah!"
Levi stared at you. "Brat."
You smiled at him. "Captain."
He hummed. "Tch, Levi."
You cleared your throat. "Levi, right. I keep forgetting."
"Where are you going?"
You pointed. "Back inside. I've been up here long enough."
"Tea then?"
You nibbled your lip. "I uh...sure."
He walked with you downstairs to his office. "You know, you are a squad leader. You don't have to be so afraid of me. I see us as equal."
You sat down in his office. "I'm not like you, but I appreciate the thought."
He handed you a tea before sitting next to you and placing his arm around the back of the seat behind you. "Something on your mind?"
You pressed your left arm to your stomach. "No, everything is fine."
"I don't believe you, but I won't press you. You should talk when you want to."
You sipped your tea. "I have my soulmate's first words on my arm, but I don't think I deserve to be with him."
Levi hummed in thought. "Do you like him?"
You blushed a little. "Who wouldn't?" You laughed nervously. "That's the issue, he's popular and a lot of people like him. He has a lot of responsibilities as well. I'd just be getting in the way."
"You don't know what."
You smiled and downed the last of your tea. "I do." You stood up and smiled at Levi. "I best be off."
Levi stood up. "So soon?"
You turned to Levi. "Thank you for always being nice to me. We have an expedition soon, right? We're going to use those thunder spears. I hope it'll help us take back Shinigami when we get there."
"In time."
You waved to Levi. "Have a good night."
Levi let out a long sigh as you left. He got his things ready for the expedition tomorrow to test out the spears on the titans. He went to the meeting spot, rode his horse with the others and kept his eye on you. He wanted to say something to you, but you kept your distance.
Levi gritted his teeth and raced over to you before you had to go after a group of titans. "Oi?"
You paused a moment. "Levi?"
He flew over and landed on the roof and jogged over. "Be safe out there, okay?"
You smiled a little at him. "Of course, Levi."
"I mean it, be safe."
You hummed a laugh. "I'll be okay because I have you watching over me."
Levi smiled a little. "I'll always be here for you."
You waved to him and flew off. You weaved with the others and felt something on the skin of your right arm. You looked down to see Levi's words I'll always be here for you. You welled up knowing that this was the end and you never got the chance to tell Levi how you felt.
Levi frowned when he felt something on his arm. He shifted his jacket off and looked at his right arm to see I'll be okay because I have you watching over me. Levi glanced up and screamed your name. He ran and used his gear to fly across the buildings. He twisted in the roaring wind to see a titan bite down on someone carrying spears. He watched your body fly away from the explosion.
Levi screamed for you again as he flew closer. He caught you in mid-flight before a titan could grab you. He waved and moved until he was in the safe zone. He lay you down on the floor and checked your pulse to see you were alive. He let out a long sigh but noticed your ears were bleeding.
He held you close and carried you to his horse. He rushed back to the base and hurried you to the scout doctor. He lay you down on the bed and backed off as they started treating you. He sat down and watched the doctors work on you. He wished he could do something to help.
He looked up at the doctor as he got closer. "So?"
The doctor sighed. "It's highly likely she won't hear ever again."
"She'll have to leave the scouts and need help to adjust to her new life."
Levi nodded and fought tears. "I'll take care of her."
As the hours went by, you finally woke up but heard nothing. You didn't hear ringing, or shouting, or screams, or birds singing. You sat up slowly and didn't hear your movement, but only felt it. You looked over at Levi and jumped at him getting close. You watched his lips moving, but you heard nothing.
Levi frowned a little when he saw you welling up. He cupped your face and smiled at you. He let go and showed you his arm. He smiled when you gasped and touched the words. He leaned closer and kissed you making you flinch a little. He pulled back and searched your eyes. You both smiled, then he kissed you again.
He pulled back and laughed a little. He held up his finger. "I'll be right back, okay?"
You watched his lips and figured out what he said. You nodded in reply and gripped the bedsheet. You waited for Levi to come back and smiled when he appeared again with two notebooks and two pens. You smiled when you accepted one from him.
You opened the book to see 'I love you and I want to be with you'
You looked up at Levi to see he was blushing. You nodded and wrote back. 'I love you too. I want to be with you, not because you're my soulmate but because I really do love you. I've fallen for you over the years. Are you sure you can still be with me and love me like this?'
Levi nodded and wrote. 'I will love you forever and always. I never knew you were my soulmate, so I fell in love with the woman before me. I want to be with you and I want to help you. We'll find a way.'
You nodded and held Levi's hand. You smiled when he lifted it up and kissed it sweetly.
Levi showed you his notebook as he wrote. 'You'll have to leave the scouts, but that's okay. I will look after you. I'll get you a home and we'll live in it together. We'll a family. What do you say?'
You threw yourself at Levi and hugged him tightly. You pulled back and nodded excitedly as you cried a little. You were both going to get something you dreamed of. You were both happy that the last words between the two of you were rather sweet to have on your arms.
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bartonclinton · 4 years
hiiiii sharon 🥰✨ + my creation tag is /tagged/gifs* (or /edits* for that matter) hope you’re doing good 💛
Hi mima!! 🥰 I’m doing alright; I HOPE YOU’RE GOOD <3 I already know I’m going to have to fight the urge to list every single one of your clintasha sets asldkfjsl. 
1. this clintasha one we LOVE a good power couple who can also kick each other’s ass 😌 you know I’m obsessed w parallel sets and this one is soo good! I love the specific parts of their fight sequences you went with and just the whole concept of the set overall with the caption tying it together!!
2. this avengers one i love them w my whole heart and this set gave me all the warm feels. Love the scenes you chose, esp the one of them all walking at the end of the movie in the first gif & ofc the shawarma scene :’) and your coloring is so ON POINT as always
3. this other clintasha one QUALITY scene choices. they look so good just standing next to each other please 🥺 also YOUR COLORING!! esp for the vormir scenes - your colorings for those are always so good and sharp. and i know how much of a nightmare they are to color lmao. also, would just like to say that 2nd gif scene is my absolute fave; they are the SOFTEST.
4. this rdj one & really just ALL of your celeb interview gifsets mima I appreciate your dedication to stalking youtube vids of your faves & obsessing over men twice your age bc IT PAYS OFF. Honestly, it’s super time-consuming & a lot of work going thru youtube vids to find good moments and decent quality to include in these kinds of sets but you’re so good at doing them AND coloring them!!
5. this jeremy one first of all, coloring is quality as usual and these were such good shots I’m glad you giffed them!! also that last gif....😍😍
send me ✨ + the tag to your creations and I’ll answer with my top five favorite edits of yours!
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