weirdmarioenemies · 6 months
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SURPRISE! Did you think the day would come when we would cover Love Live on this blog? I didn't!
Yohane the Parhelion: Blaze in the Deepblue is the Metroidvania-style game based on the fantasy spin-off of Love Live Sunshine, but you probably don't care about that! Statistically speaking, our target audience is Bogleech readers who are deeply revolted by anime girls!
So why bring up? Why bring it up? The answer is 🐠 FUNNY FISH! It's Funny Fish Friday!
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Since this game is set in an underwater temple, the enemies this game are all based on sea creatures, and that's cool! Again, statistically speaking, you probably think sea creatures are cool. I really liked seeing the variety of enemies when playing through this game, so I thought it'd be fun if I could share them with an audience of people who otherwise wouldn't care! None of the enemies really have names, as far as I'm aware of. But I'll do my Rubesty...?
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Our first guy we encounter in the game is the sort of guy who emerges from the ground like the Zombies from Castlevania, and wow! A good first impression I think. It is sort of a squid mantle, if the mantle was also a cloak for a spooky sort of wizard! The way it doesn't really have a 'face' in the hood and the eye is below really makes it seem like a weird mimic creature. Cool!
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They also get a tough lategame variant which looks like a mix between a flapjack and a vampire squid. You don't often see flapjacks be designed as scary!
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Next is Barnacles! A whole clump of them, like a cake. They shoot Energy Balls at you. Is this what Barnacles can do if they combine their powers...? The top actually opens up, and it looks a lot like a sea urchin's mouth! So maybe it is some sort of naked urchin creature covered in barnacles? Game Theory!
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There are also barnacles with Ice Powers. Like real life!
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Let's give it up for Garden Eel!!!!
What a fine Garden Eel it is! Complete with the sort of grumpy face, and with the addition of two little arms that make it look like it's praying or maybe a bit shy. But it is mean! It also spits energy balls at you, then hides in the hole so you can't hit it. How very sneaky!
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SO sneaky, in fact, that these eels have mastered the art of ninjutsu! The ninja eel shows up for a split second in one single room, before smoke bombing away. You'd have to use a time freeze power to get him, but I never got around to doing that. I don't have any beef with a ninja eel! I respect him and his training!
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Did someone say CTENOPHORE? I hope you did, or my hearing has really gotten worse. This thing is a grade A ctenophore, only with a ring of Scary Teeth! A little scary to think of a ctenophore who could Bite you, but nonetheless this deserves a :ctenopog:!
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Let's not forget Fish Vortex! Fish Vortex was the first guy to make me go 'wow, this game's enemies really are awesome!' So of course I had to put him at the top of the post! He is my selling point! I am selling all these enemies to you. For 4.99 a pop!
Anyway. This design is just so funny and cool at the same time. A swirling school of fish that leads into an endless dark abyss, and in the middle, a big eyeball. Also covered in fish. It shoots fish at you! Yay!
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There is also a pink variant - it shoots fish that give you the Solitude status effect, which basically just makes Yohane too depressed to summon her friends. Meaning? They are Depression Fish! Maybe she just becomes so jealous of the unity and teamwork of these sardines. She's me like just for real! ^_^
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isopot :)
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This slug is an umbrella. That is ridiculous! Ridiculously EPIC! It does the opposite of shield you from rain, which is create rain, that kills you. But I would still want one as an umbrella.
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When I first saw this thing, I thought it was some strange round Echimoderm I had never heard of. But upon further inspection (I actually asked Mod Chikako shh), it is obviously like a Brittle Star, with each arm folded round to form a wheel! How creative and fun! It even has a bunch of eyes like a starfish!
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Last but not least- sushi! There are sushi guys and they are cute. They don't really do much and are typically found in their own rooms, so I'm not sure what the point of them is. But finding a funny walking sushi should be a reward in of itself, I guess! Look at their funny rice feet! Or the one with the roe eyes!
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I happened to use fire magic on one of them and this happened. Oopsies...
Now I am sure you are saying, thank you for showing me all these funny enemies. But are there any cool bosses? Of course there are, me! What's a Metroidvania without cool bosses? So I shall show you my favorites without delay!
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First is this freak (affectionate)! It is a sort of amalgamation of lots of different animals and I think it just looks plain cool! Two squid mantles combined into one, a bit of a sea angel shape, bug legs and of course a great big eyeball!
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If it is not freaky enough for you, let it be known that the bug legs turn into big green skeleton hands, and it also keeps getting pinker, and it grows new eyes and then extra horns grow out of those eyes. If THAT is not freaky enough for you then I am sorry but I cannot do anything about that.
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Now, how about a sampling of this Freaken Thang? It honestly doesn't seem that sea-creature themed, but it uses seashells so I guess it counts!
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What is really neat is that this boss has two different forms, upside down and rightside up! When it is upside down it looks a bit like a Magolor type creature. And of course, I really like the flame thing in the middle as well, that really feels like a Kirby enemy or something! Like a wisp made of plasma!
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Fans of Anomalocaris won't be disappointed by this one! It's a big Anomalocaris tank and boy is it cool! There's something for everyone here, whether you're an Anomalocaris purist or you've always wanted to see it turn into a sort of futuristic beast with a screen mouth that shoots lasers! It really is the future, zura...
After covering all these wacky creatures, I'm going to have to end it off with the final boss! What could the big bad, the ultimate boss of all these sea monsters even be, I wonder? Well, it's...
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...a coelecanth. Just a big coelacanth! It is big and blue! And really, does it need to be anything else? It is such an honor to make the biggest ultimate boss a coelacanth. It is even pretty cute!! Think he's smiling! 😊
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Uh oh! Is it still cute? I guess so. My first thought seeing this was of course the world-renowned tongue eating isopod, so I really hope it was an intentional reference! It probably just wants to shake hands. Still, a pretty simplistic design for our final boss, right?
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Buu buu! Its true form actually looks like this! Actually, it's kind of doing too much. Like let's tone it down a little?
So!! We beat the mega ultra coelacanth, and now we can find out what his motivation is! And it is... that he is the memories of the people of the past or something. And they all didn't want to be forgotten, so they turned into fish monsters! But we forgive them!
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It doesn't really matter. All the girlies gather around and sing him a song. Look how happy he is! I forgot I was talking about a Love Live game until now, actually. All's well that ends well, the end, et cetera! Hit it, Yohane! [imagine this is like the end of a kids movie where all the Love Live girls are having a dance party and there is a shot of the big coelacanth in jail and he's tapping his mouth fingers along to the beat]
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dynamo-deepblue · 2 months
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Sticker designs because the bandicoot won't leave my brain
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Name: Hats
Beat: 1
From: Deep blue
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vangold · 1 month
Skelefortnight Day 2 - Captured
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Finally got this little two-pager done now. Again having my fun here taking a classy prompt like "captured" and playing around with expectations.
Who did catch them tho, and....HOW?! Huh, such questions. Guess we can assume they either got shitfaced and didn't bother (in that case I blame Anon, lul), or they got bored and wanted to see where this goes XD
Poor Justice is so done with everyone's shit XDDD
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satoshi-mochida · 10 months
Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE releases today digitally for the PS5, Xbox Series, PS4, Xbox One, Switch, and Steam.
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vany-kun · 9 months
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To balance a game
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yohanes-magic-circle · 7 months
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just checked and yup, these two are still the best
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dynamo-deepblue · 25 days
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Stickers! Physical ones this time. because the bandicoot still won't leave my brain
Available here: https://www.dynamo-deepblue.store/
Preorders for Crash and Spyro enamel pins and pin banners are also open, until Sept. 7!
Website | Commission Info | Shop | Ko-fi | Telegram Art Feed
Twitter | Tumblr | Mastodon | DeviantArt | Bluesky | Fur Affinity
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min0uet · 11 months
stunning to look back at the iconic SDR2 deepblue MMD and realize the video has more total hits than the ORIGINAL SONG??
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also love the timestamps on these. less than a month after the song even came out. danganronpa fans were on something else in the 2010s
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Leander // Vespertine by Margaret Rogerson
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Name: Clap
Beat: 3
From: Deep blue
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zurxmxru · 10 months
If u know where I can get one please tell me bc I can’t find it in GameStop
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satoshi-mochida · 11 months
Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE demo now available for Switch, PC
Gematsu Source
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A demo for Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE is now available for Switch and PC via Steam, developer Inti Creates announced. Digital pre-orders are also now available for Xbox Series, Xbox One, and Switch with a 10 percent-off discount. While pre-orders will not be available for the PC version, it will launch with a weeklong 10 percent-off launch sale.
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Here is an overview of the demo, via Inti Creates:
Play through three early areas of the game—the Sunken Temple, Grotto, and Ruins—and explore the game before release! Use the Cast system to craft equipment, and search nooks and crannies in search of powerful bosses and treasure! Defeat monsters and pick up Musical Scores to use Yohane’s power-up mode where she sings her newest song, “Deep Blue!” (As some areas of the map have been adjusted for the demo version, players will unfortunately not be able to carry over their save data to the full game. We appreciate your understanding.)
Yohane the Parhelion: BLAZE in the DEEPBLUE is due out for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Switch, and PC via Steam on November 16 worldwide. Read more about the game here.
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mimikyuno · 10 months
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a couple of months ago i impulsively pre-ordered the yohane videogame and it arrived tonight while i was taking an online exam and. im so in love i completely forgot about all the bonuses and it was just the perfect post-exam treat 😭 im so happy
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