#def talked a lot more than originally thought jgndg
jackienautism · 2 years
The saddest thing about the quarry not getting a proper ending is that we’ll never get to see Ryan and Caleb talk about All That because they’re supposed to be close friends, almost family, and yet not once does Ryan show any reaction to finding out he’s a werewolf and (albeit unintentionally) caused the most traumatic event of his life. This should feel like the upmost betrayal but we get absolutely nothing for these two and it makes me want to bite someone. Like, the fact Chris trusts Ryan enough to keep everyone inside the lodge but Caleb doesn’t even say bye?? Does he not trust him enough to keep a secret? Is he afraid he won’t take it seriously and get himself killed? *grabbing the devs by the throat and shaking them like a rag doll* What is their relationship like?
i've never really thought about the potential of their relationship tbh, especially the potential of it after ALL THAT happening... and i mainly blame the devs for that. for like, throwing in ryan's relationship with the hackett kids seemingly last second. and because we actually dont get to SEE how close ryan is with them, it's hard for the viewer to care? if that makes sense? and that's something i feel the game really struggles with....... they LOVE telling but not showing and it really affects how i view relationships within game
and speaking of, it SUUUCKS so bad that kaylee is killed no matter what you do within the story. and this is coming from someone who doesn't care a whole lot about the hackett family. out of them all i absolutely feel the worst for caleb and kaylee, so it's sad that only one of them has the opportunity to live depending on yr choices
youre absolutely right about it being a disappointment though... in regards to ryan not reacting more, i mean. because there's no way he never like. reflected on past experiences and finally pieced together just what on earth was going on with both him and kaylee in the past. dylan describes them as strange and reclusive kids (iirc) and its safe to assume now that their demeanor were heavily influenced by them being werewolves. which makes me wonder. how long has ryan known chris? was it before they got infected? was it after? when did ryan first arrive as a camper anyway?
it's definitely sad but youre right in ryan probably feeling betrayed. of course, caleb and the hacketts in general really had no other choice i suppose but. as you said, ryan saw hacketts quarry as a second home, he absolutely saw them as family. so to now know just how much he DIDNT actually know about his second family, it must be so. man. i cant even imagine what ryan will eventually go through
i think as the hacketts dove deeper and deeper into shit, they sort of couldnt tell anyone outside their immediate family about the situation they were in. even someone as close as ryan. due to how.... legally messy and whatnot it all has become. i don't think it's not that caleb didn't trust ryan, i think it's just that, at this point at least, he physically couldn't tell him anything without there being huge repercussions. which is unfortunate, because we know how much they probably wanted to tell ryan
and in relation to chris, i think it was a bit dumb of him to relay something as heavy and important as THAT to ryan. it of course shows how much trust he actually has in him, but at the same time, the chances of the rest of the group actually listening to ryan is slim. and that's like. that's what we see happen. at the least, chris himself telling everyone would've (hopefully) increased the urgency of the situation. not that they wouldve listened to him either though, i just think there probably wouldve been more second thoughts hearing it from chris than ryan. aka. someone else their age / someone they view as an equal
a bit off topic from the previous thought but. can you imagine how ryan would react to finding out that kaitlyn was the one to kill caleb? sure it was caleb in his werewolf form and in the moment, kaitlyn and dylan really had no other choice, but. there's no way that doesn't eat away at him. knowing that 2 of his friends were basically the cause of another close friend's death
long story short. now that you mention it, it is dumb how we never got more of ryan w/ caleb and kaylee, considering the amount of focus they put on his relationship w/ the hacketts in chapter 1
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