#defy the legends | diva ๐Ÿงก ryou ๐Ÿงก seto | curseofnecrofear
kaibacorpbros ยท 7 months
Ryou placed a small smooch on Kaiba's cheek. Sure the man didn't like birthdays, who could blame him? But it still didn't make Ryou's feelings go away. He still felt he had to do something special on the day that the world was blessed by Seto's birth. So a quiet evening was given. As the man worked, Ryou brought him a small sandwich and a drink for him to enjoy. And that smooch to his cheek as well.
"Happy birthday dear. Thank you for being you." All the good and all the bad that Seto was. It was all a blessing.
| birthday asks | @curseofnecrofear
Acts of service was always something Seto has appreciated. But he appreciated them all the more in moments like these. Times when he'd been staring at his work a little bit too long and starting to get a bit frustrated which impeded his progress. And just when his brain was yowling for sustenance but Seto was too engrossed to allow himself to stop and get himself something Ryou saved the day.
It was simple, but the best things usually were.
"It's appreciated, I needed this," he says, quickly taking a bite.
His was grateful for low profile of Ryou's celebration this year.
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indioragod ยท 1 year
"i never noticed your [insert feature/trait] before. itโ€™s cute.โ€
(ooc. Ryou to Diva post DSOD 2 electric boogaloo ๐Ÿ‘€)
forced proximity prompts ห—หห‹๊’ฐ ๐Ÿš ๊’ฑ | @curseofnecrofear
A cramped train ride was not something unusual in Domino. Usually Diva just faced a window best he could or looked at the floor.
But with how the crowd piled in this time when he was with Ryou they got pushed into the cabin doors on the other side a bit too close for comfort. Though this time Diva's back was to the sliding doors so he couldn't look out the window to avoid the awkwardness.
So he was awkwardly trying to not look like he was staring at Ryou even though he really couldn't do much else. Then Ryou commented on how his eyes seem to sparkle.
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"Oh. Haha, thanks?" he whispers since it's considered impolite to be noisy on public transit.
"They're an unusual color, yeah."
Poetic meaningful sentences were the only thing that came out of his mouth, ever.
He finds himself being a tad embarrassed. Perhaps it's due to the situation or the publicity, he wasn't sure.
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kaibacorpbros ยท 11 months
A sinful action for sure, Ryou thinks. But it's one he likes doing. Finding the other defenseless, out in the open like this. It was as if Diva was asking for it. The man was standing there, doing nothing that Ryou saw was of value. So he'd give him something to do.
The duelist walks right up to him, a mischievous smile barely containing his true intentions. "Diva-kunnnn~" he says, extending a gentle hand on the other's chin. No more words are exchanged as he holds him in place and steals a gentle kiss on the lips. Diva should really protect himself, least he be trapped by this viscous demon.
| unprompted c: | @curseofnecrofear
Diva is too distracted by the emails coming in on his phone to give much attention to Ryou's approach before he calls his name. But by then it's too late to escape the deadly clutches and a shade of pink filling his face.
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"H-Hey! You could have just asked..."
Seto, who was passing by, scoffed.
"Look at these two, how come I don't get any of that?"
He was being very sarcastic, seldom was he the one that got touchy-feely. But it was fun to give the other two a hard time.
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kaibacorpbros ยท 1 year
It doesn't always happen. It's rare, even with their closeness. But when it does it swells his heart with love and joy. The rare smile that Kaiba gives. It wasn't his usual smirk or smug look. It was soft, gentle. Like a ray of sunshine after a stormy spring day.
He didn't enjoy it being pointed out. So Ryou wouldn't. But he would come up to him after he smiled and give him a little kiss. "Because you look handsome."
Seto didn't notice when he did it. All he knew he was watching Mokuba feed Fรกfnir while Diva screeched at him to keep the lizard away from him and that it hated him. Ridiculous notion, of course.
But Seto watched the interaction with fondness.
A quizzical look is shot toward Ryou. What did that have to do with anything?
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kaibacorpbros ยท 7 months
"Well it does save you Seto." However, Ryou only recieved one treat. A treat that was meant to save Seto from any tricks. This left the ex-Plana user open and exposed for the trick.
"You on the other hand, I'll play a trick!" The scary vampire came at Diva's arms, giving the other nuzzles and loving quick kisses to his face. "I'm going to eat you!"
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"Noo! This isn't fair, you didn't even give me a chance to give another treat!" Diva wailed dramatically--but of course he'd never say no to affection.
"Seto, save me!"
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Seto, in all his coldheartedness turned his back on the one who had just aided him.
"Sorry, you're on your own."
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indioragod ยท 7 months
"What if I want to drink your blood?" Ryou purrs, his lips coming close to kiss the exposed skin. "Then what?" He could bite him right now. And leave him with a mark, showing to others he belonged to Ryou.
With his fake teeth he could... but that would hurt Diva too wouldn't it? And not in a good way. So instead Ryou elects to give him a small hickie. It was a good trade off.
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"Then I'll have to go get some garlic is it? To keep you at bay!"
He wasn't very familiar with spooky tales, mythology, and folklore. Not like Ryou was. But Diva was 80% sure it was garlic that vampires didn't like! And he'd douse himself in it if he had to!
"R-Ryou!" Diva blushed.
Well, at least that was better than causing a bloody mess.
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kaibacorpbros ยท 8 months
Ryou wasn't sure why. There was just a quiet eroticism in Kaiba's actions. He was sure the man didn't intend for it. Kaiba wasn't exactly the type to flaunt his sexual prowess to others or even for himself. But there were moments like this, where he'd do something mundane. Stare down someone insufferable, fix the cuffs on his suit. Or simply stare in the distance. Little moments like that. All of those little moments made Ryou's heart beat fast, his cheeks turn red and wonder unholy, sinful thoughts of Kaiba doing those actions against him. Little moments like that... Little moments that made Ryou love him more than he already did.
Dammit, this is why he liked having nearly everything digital. Stupid staplers jam too much. Alas, paper copies were still needed for too many things as a backup. With a scowl he whipped a pair of pliers out of his desk to remove the offending piece of metal.
...Ryou was staring at him. While he couldn't be exactly sure what the other was thinking, he knew whatever it was it needed to wait.
"Whatever's on your mind push it out of there until after you've clocked out."
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indioragod ยท 8 months
A very hungry vampire comes into the room. Like a moth to a light Ryou comes over in a quiet trance of the other's beauty. "Diva." His arms wrap around the man, giving him a warm hug from the back. He's eyeing the man's neck for substance.
In actually Ryou wasn't at all a vampire. He merely dressed up like one for a party he had come back from the museum. He was simply too lazy to remove it. He was also a little buzzed, hence his more affection tone and mannerism this evening. "Let's cuddle." He murmurs against the man's neck.
@curseofnecrofear |
Diva had been in the middle of making pumpkin bread for the season. While Halloween wasn't something he grew up celebrating he could certainly appreciate all the pumpkin-flavored things from the season. The toothpick he'd tested the loaf with came out clean, thankfully.
"Heh, I can't believe you're still in your costume. I hope you had a good time."
He also didn't know much about vampires really, but Ryou made a convincing outfit But he was happy to see Ryou being involved with his coworkers at the museum.
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"Sure, we can as soon as I clean up after my baking mess. Just so long as you don't drink my blood!"
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kaibacorpbros ยท 9 months
โ—‡ ignore this, tag dump dumblr seems to have yeeted most of my tags in the new editor from its memory so seeing if this fixes it-
big bro [seto] crystal cloud files [images] greedy little dragon [fรกfnir] defy the legends | diva ๐Ÿงก ryou ๐Ÿงก seto | curseofnecrofear right hand of kaibacorp [isono] seize the future [chihiro] salamander dad [tatsuya] KC files [lore] words in the wind [musings] make the impossible possible | seto ๐Ÿ’œ diva | indioragod make the gods laugh go and tell them your plans | seto ๐Ÿ’œ atem | ofthepuzzle you're a knight and so i'll be your lion | mokuba ๐Ÿ’š atem | ofthepuzzle ooc: Mew mews
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kaibacorpbros ยท 9 months
"Ah.. ehe.. sorry. I guess I went a bit harder than I should've." Ryou says sheepishly. He didn't meant to slap that hard! In fact he thought he went rather soft! But to Kaiba it wasn't soft enough. "Sorry, I'll be more gentle." This time he moves the CEO's bangs away from his face with his fingers. They're moved to the side so Ryou could kiss where he had slapped the man. "Better?"
@curseofnecrofear |
"I was just surprised, that's all!" Seto protested. As if he'd actually be hurt by that, he was just so stunned and confused!
But he'd keep in mind to push comb his hair back occasionally. Maybe. Sometimes.
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kaibacorpbros ยท 9 months
Will he get in trouble for doing it? Probably. But it was something he was ready to face. The act he was about to do was too tempting. Kaiba wasn't doing anything important, aside from typing away at his keyboard. He was too engrossed to really notice him so it was Kaiba's fault. Well... Here goes.
Ryou quickly slapped his hand against Kaiba's forehead. His hand shoved his bangs up to expose the skin. And he quickly leans in for a kiss.
May the Gods have mercy on him.
@curseofnecrofear | vEry late sunday |
Okay this time he wasn't flustered. Just astounded, confused, and a slight bit insulted.
"Did you just fucking slap me???"
Yes, he was more hung up on that part. He'd thought maybe a fly had landed on him or something. He's still baffled. Bamboozled. Shooken. Flabbergasted.
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kaibacorpbros ยท 10 months
"Here's the drafts you wanted. Approve them at your convenience boss." Ryou says to the other. Working was tiring. Not because it was long hours or because Kaiba expected perfection. Work was simply hard. A file with drafts of what the said man wanted was handed over. Truthfully Ryou didn't have to come to his office to drop them off.
He did have an assistant who could've done it for him but there was a reason why he came in person to personally give the files to Kaiba.
"By the way." No one could come in unless they were buzzed in or had a card. So it was the perfect place to do it. Ryou grabbed the CEO's chin with a surprising force. Their lips soon meet, Ryou taking charge of the kiss. If Kaiba struggled to escape his hold, the Brit would only hold him closer and tease his mouth more.
Until Ryou was completely satisfied did he pull away with a mischievous grin on his face. "Thank you Shachou."
| unprompted c: | @curseofnecrofear
"Mm," Seto responded, but only in acknowledgement for he was entirely locked into his task at hand. He didn't even notice the unusual use of 'boss' in Ryou's sentence due to his concentration.
He should have been paying more attention to his devious colleague it turned out. Seto gasps as his attention is forced away from his work by Ryou.
While he'd never admit it publicly, both Ryou and Diva knew he had a soft spot for kisses from a partner(s). His face flushes with color, easily visible as he's on the paler side due to the lack of spending much time in sunlight on a daily basis. Ryou's intense, seemingly paying no heed to the setting they were in, even if no one could interrupt them without being let in. Seto can't escape, not that he wants to.
Left breathless and embarrassed as his partner finally relents, Seto scowls.
"You're fired."
Ryou wasn't, of course.
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indioragod ยท 1 year
"Brush... Morning..." In his sleepy state he couldn't form a coherent sentences. He wanted to be held, he can brush his teeth later! For now Ryou kept holding onto Diva. If he did let go, he'd surely fall. And Diva was soft, warm. Like a toasted marshmallow. And he desperately wanted those cuddles.
@curseofnecrofear |
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"Nooo, tonight! Dental hygiene is important. I'm not having you needing false teeth in your fifties!"
And a light bap to Ryou's head as scolding!
Diva secures his cup of tea before rearranging himself so he can support Ryou's near deadweight form to lead him to the bathroom. He'd brush the other man's teeth himself if he had to!
"You're just as bad as Seto. C'mon, little steps I'll brush them for you if I must. Then bed."
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indioragod ยท 1 year
A pair of warm arms wrap around Diva's waist. They pull the man close to the Brit, as he leans his head against Diva's shoulder. It's Ryou, he's tired. About to fall asleep at any moment. "Diva.." he mumbles softly. Work had him stay up longer than what he intended. But his need for cuddles somewhat surpassed his need for sleep.
@curseofnecrofear |
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"What are you still doing up? Get some sleep, idiot,"
Honestly it was difficult to tell who was worse, Ryou or Kaiba when it came to any semblance of a sleep schedule. Disasters, both of them. They'd rather do almost anything other than go to bed at a decent hour!
The only reason Diva was up was he thirsty and decided to make some tea.
"Go brush your teeth and then we can cuddle."
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kaibacorpbros ยท 1 year
"You're very handsome when you smile." Ryou clarified. "I wish I could see it more." But he would treasure each smile Kaiba gave, like someone would cherish their gold treasure. It didn't mean Kaiba was spared though, no no! Another kiss is stolen, this time right on the CEO's lips. "Mwah!"
Ah. The 'smiling' thing. He couldn't help but roll his eyes, but in a good-natured way.
"You little hallmark gremlin."
With a little shove he tangled Ryou's hair. Diva yelped, drawing his attention again. And Seto got up to go detach his lizard from the big drama queen.
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kaibacorpbros ยท 1 year
Its sinday so Ryou will smooch eyes cheek. No mouth because that's too sinful! Not until marriage will be get the mouth smooches. Or Seto stops being a bully boyfriend, whichever happens first ;b
Seto would not stop being a bully anytime soon.
"I'm trying to read," he grumbled. Currently, he was using Ryou's lap as a pillow.
But he keeps his spot saved with his thumb as he closes the book and pulls it away so he can reach up and steal a kiss from Ryou's lips.
"If you're going to interrupt me don't hold out."
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