Does Kurt like to be acrobatic for sex?
t.m.i. hour
Nothing is off limits.
Ready? Go!
a c c e p t i n g
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“Well… If you have it, flaunt it.”
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nerdybirdboy · 2 years
cont. from [x] with @defyxoblivion
"Sorry, Nick! I needed some info for a case and I didn't want to bother you." There was a pause as he ducked the little creature again. "Can you please stop trying to bite me!" he yelled, though clearly not at Nick. "Sorry, kinda failed with that." Despite the situation, Tim really did sound apologetic.
"Oh, ok." What a name. "Kxyykthil! Stop it!" There was a unhappy hissing sound, but the little imp did stop. "Back into the book. Now!" Sticking out his tongue, the imp still obeyed and Tim hurried to close the book before slumping down on the floor. "Thanks, Nick and once again, sorry. Oh, do I need to do something about the bites? Does the imp being have any like magical diseases or something?" They stung like crazy, but thankfully didn't bleed much. It was like being bitten by a kitten or something.
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emmatriarchy · 2 years
“It’s like my life is buffering.“ Juilio to Cullen
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🐙 – "Your life? I just found out I have a sister. And she rid me of my glartrox. Nothing is the same anymore!"
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nightvow · 10 months
There’s a picture on some gossip rag of Paladin, aka Nick, making out with one of the paramedics in New York. He keeps looking at it, frustrated. Mostly with himself. Then with a sigh he grabs some black candles and starts whistling a jaunty tune. “Doo Dee Doo gonna curse a bitch Doo Dee Doo.”
Bruce come get your idiot son.
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"Nick, where are you going?" Bruce called to him, seeing him grab some black candles and knowing full well that's never a good thing to see. He looks at the newspaper and realizes his son has been very public in New York. "Is it about this?" He asks him, lifting the newspaper up. "It's just chatter. If it bothers you that much, I can get someone to deal with it."
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ron-burgundy-blog · 13 years
Your blog= amazing. I'm seriously having to refrain from reblogging everything, haha.
these are such kind words! thank you so much, honestly I don't mind ((: reblog away! xoxo
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How long does Kurt think Raze is going to last on X-Force before he does something to get himself thrown in the pit?
misc asks | always accepting
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“Mein Gott! I can’t predict that… We have mass murderers, Genocides und Psychopaths in the Council so, that would be strictly dependent of the context.”
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“I’m not sure if I believe in The Council’s judgement anymore. I was wary since the very first day anyway und these past months, many things have happened. I’ve lost my trust in them…”
I’ve even lost my trust in Herr Professor, I’m not sure what I’m doing there anymore.
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@defyxoblivion​ liked for a starter (wanda) | not accepting 
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What time is it? It is dark and with a moonless night it can be difficult to predict although, Kurt suspects it’s past midnight for the temperature is dropping and there aren’t many people in the streets anymore. 
His X-Man uniform is all torn, he has many bruises, dry blood, wounds, scraps but luckily, not -hopefully, let’s see what happens when the adrenaline rush is over- broken bones. 
He manages to climb to Wanda’s balcony; after teleporting enough times he is starting to wear off despite his heart racing and his will -stronger than ever- to see her.
Please Lord, let her be home.
It’s been long, so long. Did he lost count of the days he’s been away? He managed to escape after enough time plotting and he had to make all the right moves whenever he could, it felt like forever and... Well, he only wants to see her. 
Is Wanda home though? He could see a shape in her bed and under the sheets so, hopefully that’s her. He quickly knocks on the glass of the balcony door loud enough for her to hear... 
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Wanda is all smiles as she presents Kurt with a small gift box. Within is a tiny golden hamsa, resting on a chain. “It made me think of you, and I thought you can use all the protection you can get.”
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Kurt opens the tiny box and studies the present. He takes it out and immediately puts it around his neck. "Danke."
He leans over and presses his lips to her cheek, his smile lingers on her soft skin. "I'll keep it with me always."
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nightvow · 10 months
Nick’s very first time out as Robin, at least alone, has been stressful. He’s doing his best but it’s all so different in the field than in training. Dick wasn’t happy sitting it out, but Nick was glad not to have an audience for his nervous swinging and landing.
Dick had been younger when he started as Robin and been doing it far longer, so the gulf in experience was understandable. Still it was embarrassing for Nick.
As he and Batman responded to the batsignal, Nick found his landing to be slick, and didn’t stick it quite as well as he meant to. He fell hard, not quite catching himself. He was just happy his face didn’t slam into the roof, groaning a little to himself as he slowly stood.
“My bad. Slippery.”
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The Bat didn't try and make it awkward that Nick fell in front of Gordon, opting to move it along. "Well, Gordon, what's going on? There hasn't been any chatter on the radio and no reported break-outs from Arkham, either." He pats Nick on the back, making sure he's ok.
The nerves are probably getting to him. It's fine, though. He'll find his legs in time. No one was perfect when they first start going out in Gotham. He certainly wasn't. He got more hurt and made more mistakes in his earlier years.
No one had an instruction manual for what he was trying to accomplish. The Bat looks up to see Gordon hand him a file that he quickly thumbs through. "Dr. Phosphorus? I thought he got shipped out to the Slab? How did he even get out?"
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nightvow · 11 months
”You can either hand him over or you can die screaming alongside him.” Kang the Conqueror
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"Or we can both leave." Batman quickly hit the transponder button on his belt, a beam of light covered him, keeping his arm around the man he was chasing. They'll be taken up to the watchtower in a second. Whoever that was that showed up made the hair on the back of his neck raise. He felt the same way when facing Darkseid.
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nightvow · 1 year
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@defyxoblivion / sc
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"How do you feel about Gotham Academy?" Bruce asked in between sips of coffee. "I'm not a big fan of them, but I went there when I was younger. I thought it would be good to have you go there as well."
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nightvow · 1 year
❝ one good deed doesn’t erase the thousands of bad ones. ❞ Nora Fries
𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐥  𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞  𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬
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"Tell me, Nora, what good deed was it again?" Batman didn't know who she was condemning, him or Victor? They've both failed in different ways, but Victor hurt more people in his pursuit to save his wife. His sin is the one who was tasked to stop him at all costs.
"Who are you condemning, Nora."
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