sakura-blossom28 · 6 years
Sakura Fan-fiction List
I have been working on this list for about a year now.  These are (mostly) multi-chapter fanfics centered around Sakura in different pairs that I personally enjoy.  I have also read every story listed and they’re great.  Each story has a decent plot and good grammar and keeps the characters as they are unless it is an AU to a degree.  Will be regularly updating the list!
If there is a pairing that you like and it is not there it is because I did not find any story that wrote the characters/plot well.
** Please message me if there is a story that you like and I’ll read it and add it if I like it! **
Also please read summaries to see their ratings: K-M 
(99% of these are found on ff.net)
Updated: 5/25/19
* = new stories 
Sasuke x Sakura
The Planning Of A Matriarch by ChronicallyChill
In Times of Peace by SouthSideStory
The Prisoner by Nicola19
Inner Demons by XxSeriouslyJadedxX
Endless Possibilities by letmeannoyyoutoday
Variance by dances.with.sunflowers
Foxes and Fans by AdariasWrath23 
How Uchiha Sasuke Romanced Haruno Sakura by Nakoujou
Once More, With Feeling by JinnySkeans
Gravity by Kaze and Kiba
Blind by ObsidianSickle
Ripples by Yellow Mask
To Love and to Love Again by animequeen100
Laying the Groundwork by wolf08 (one-shot) 
The Last Will and Testament of Uzumaki Naruto by BlushingLotus 
Sakura's Secret by roraewrites
home is where the heart is by DeepPoeticGirl
The Uchiha Family by aria206
Unplanned by KuriQuinn
Samsara by KuriQuinn
Strange Attractions by proserandom
King of Gods by Mrs Scorpius Malfoy *
FLY AWAY  by BlueAngel7810 *
Syncope by Marquise de Nile *
Trial and Error by Manhattan Chase *
A Twist in Time by wolf08 *
Look Underneath by Sakura's Unicorn *
Akatsuki x Sakura
The Akatsuki Student Council by gummiwummi-chan
Saturday Night's Alright for Fighting by odmonkey
Gaara x Sakura 
Walking Together by Zelha
About: Frustration by toomanypickles
About: Time  by toomanypickles
Between Carnations and Roses by asthenic (one-shot) 
Tension by sharingank (one-shot)
Gaara goes girlfriend hunting by BlackElement7
Precious Flower, Fighting Sand by Celtic Oak
Breath of Life by Rise of the Blossom
The Changing Sands by everyday0203
Snap Shot by Little Falcon *
The Music Book by Lady Inu13 *
Vermillion by Nyxako *
Itachi x Sakura 
Heal My Heart by hatelove5lovehate 
Not Weak by BlackElement7
Fancy Footwork by silverfootsteps
Saviour by Rise of the Blossom
Hunter by Zelha
Nightmare in Red by  Sariasprincy
Who Said Anything About Love? by Rise of the Blossom
So This Is Love by Rise of the Blossom
Bruised, Broken & Healed by Rise of the Blossom
Perception by Cynchick
The Contentious Heart by elle6778 *
The Chance by elle6778 *
The Centerpiece by elle6778 * (sequel to The Chance) 
With Practice by Aria Illusine *
Naruto x Sakura 
Ribbon by Miss Soupy
Let's Get Married by luvtoshi
Kakashi x Sakura 
Catching Up by Kurai-Hisaki 
House Calls by Spoiled Sweet
Soulmates by moor
Your Most Important Person by yunyu
Sasori x Sakura 
The Soulmate Principle by OfPaintAndOil
Tagging Hearts by HiHi-Ai
Another Chance by xxThePowerOfYouthxx *
Behind by Somber Secrets *
Deidara x Sakura 
Silver Lining by Cynchick (sequel to Perception )
Shikamaru x Sakura 
Things you just don't talk about by Enodia
Kisame x Sakura 
On Display by Secret Sheik
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kankuroplease · 2 years
Deidasaku and gaaino
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sakura-queen-au · 8 years
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                   [SASORI+DEIDARA] [AKATSUKI AU]
Simple shadow is best shadow? 
Remember the firs time than Sasori and Deidara appear? Well Sakura is part of them team , that was the firs time than Naruto and Sasuke see her again after she left the village.. That’s why Deidara don’t have one arm. Sasuke , Chio and Sasori figth obviously Sasuke win even more fast than CannonSakura without help of Chio. Naruto and Kakashi pursued to Deidara and Sakura andthededbodyofGaara  Sakura left Deidara before Kakashi can use his Kamui. “I’m done my work here” She says before “scape”.
Maybe i’m going to make a fanfic of this BUT en español c:
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