ikingpotato · 2 years
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MidoTsuyu in "My Hero Academia" and the smartphone game "Gyakuten Othellonia"
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chrisrox110 · 5 years
It's been awhile but I wanted to get something new out and chaotee 257 inspired me to get this done. This was drawn by https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/79202137
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kaiyeti · 5 years
How would Izuku react to seeing froppy in some lingerie?? (I don’t remember how to spell it)
Lingerie. You spelled it right. Also this takes place in the future.
Tsuyu: Are you sure about this?
Mina: Trust me Tsuyu. I wore a similar outfit for Eijiro a few nights ago. Wooh boy. *Mina smirked biting her lips a little.* Lets just say we got a new bed.
Tsuyu: Really? *Tsuyu raised an eyebrow looking down into the bag.*I guess I’ll give it a try. Kero.
Mina: ATTAGIRL! *Mina pats her back.*
Tsuyu: ... So Who broke the bed?
Mina: I the mattress. Eijiro the bed frame.
Izuku: TSUYU! I’M HOME! *Izuku called out as he entered their house.* Tsuyu? You home?
Tsuyu: I’m in the bedroom. *Izuku heard his fiancee.* 
Izuku: *Izuku walked up the stair while reaching into the bag he carried.* I got you souvenir. I hope you Liiihhwoowah. *Izuku Smiled as he opened the door to their bed, only to drop the bag, the gift, and his jaw. For before him was the love of his life in a rather reveal Lingerie, showing her well built curvy body.*
Tsuyu: Welcome home, Izu. Kero. *Tsuyu smiles with a blush.* Do you like my new pjs?
Izuku: 0//o//0
Tsuyu: Izuku? You okay? *Tsuyu asked before thinking that she may have broken her fiance until Izuku walked up to her cupping her cheekand giving her a passionate kiss, sending a shiver down her spine beofre she let out a yip of surprise when Izuku grabs her butt lifting her up and carries her to their our.* I guess he likes it.
Ochaco: You heading home early Tsuyu?
Tsuyu: Yes. I told Izuku I would help him set up our new bed.
Ochaco: A new bed? What happened to your old one?
Tsuyu: My limp. Kero. *Tsuyu smiled.*
Ochaco: Your limp? What does your limp have to doOOOOOH! 0////0
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nickthehumanauthor · 6 years
Look man, I Stan both Deku with Tsuyu or Deku with Hatsume and you're going to get lots of multishipping here my dude.
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clawdeeverproud · 6 years
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Decided to lighten up on the background screentones a bit.
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fantranslator · 7 years
What’s the ship name for Midoriya and Asui?
Hiya anon!
Well, there isn’t as a catchy of a name like Green Tea, but in Japanese the pairing is デクケロ which translates to DekuKero (all Katakana) or Deku and Ribbit. So hope that helps!( ・ω・)ノ
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ikingpotato · 5 years
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Brought myself Izuku and Tsuyu Funko Pop that on sale, it was worth it. Aren't my midotsuyu Funko cute? 🐑 x 🐸
Merry Christmas Everyone!
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kaiyeti · 5 years
Is ther anything Tsuyu pretends to be mad at Deku for doing, but secretly loves?
Izuku: *Izuku jumps out of a window catching his partner/girlfriend like a princess just before the building explodes. Once he landed he looked back before look to Tsuyu.* That was a close one. Are you okay Froppy?
Tsuyu: I am fine Deku. *Tsuyu said with a slight blush.* However, Can you please put me down? You know Don’t like it when you carry me like this. Kero.
Izuku: Oh right. Sorry. *Izuku apologized lowering Tsuyu and slowly letting her go only for Tsuyu’s arms to still be wrapped around his neck.* ... Uh, Tsu?
Tsuyu: ... Kero. I, uh, may have hurt me ankle. *Tsuyu blushed, clearly faking a hurt ankle.*
Izuku: *Izuku smiles and picked Tsuyu back up.* I see. well than I guess I’ll have to carry you all the way to the hospital to get your ankle checked out.
Tsuyu: No! *Tsuyu panicked before quickly collecting herself.* Just Take me home and I’ll ice it. Kero.
Izuku: As you wish, princess.*Izuku smiled kissing Tsuyu on the lips only for her tongue to shoot into his mouth making him gag.* Gah! Cough! Cough! Okay I deserved that one.
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chrisrox110 · 5 years
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I have had this for quite a while and haven't uploaded it yet so I figure why not now? hopefully this year my projects will be up.
requested by me
 line art by 神境 (Kamisakai) 
color by Koi Horkka
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kaiyeti · 5 years
Let's have another AU crossover. This time they're looking at there opposite gender selves. Male Tsuyu and Female Izuku.
Izuku: Ooookay this is...
Tsuyu: Weird? Kero
Izumi: I think I, uh, or rather Him was going to ... *The female Izuku started.*
Kuyu: Unexpected Kero. *the male Tsuyu finished.*
Izuku/Izumi: Yeah that. *the two said at the same time before looking at each other.* Okay now that was-
Tsuyu/Kuyu: Weird. Yes. Jinx by the way. *teh two frog hero said.*
Izuku: Sigh How does this keep happening?
Izumi: Oh did you have a run in with your villain selves too?
Kuyu: Yes. A few months again. *Kuyu told her, and is suddenly wearing a girls school uniform.*
Izuku: Wait. Does that mean your dimension has a Kai too? He has gray skin blue right arm and horns though I guess he would be a woman in yours.
Tsuyu: Yeah but he is a male in ours time. *Tsuyu told him and is wearing a boys uniform.*
Izuku: ...
Izumi: ...
Tsuyu/Kuyu:  What Kero?
Izumi: When... Did you two switch sides?
Izuku: And clothes?
Tsuyu/Kuyu: *The two raised and eyebrow before looking at eachother and and calmly stated.* KERO!?!?!?! WHAT HAPPEN!? WHY AM I A GIRL/GUY NOW!?*And by calmly I mean freaking the fucking freak.*
Izuku: So My Tsuyu is now Kuyu.
Izumi: And My Kuyu is now Tsuyu.
Izuku: But how?
Izumi: This is going to sound crazy but
Izuku: I have a theory. *The two green haired one for all users pull out their notebooks and pens turning to Tsuyu’s chapter.* Since Tsuyu’s quirk is frog.
Izumi: It isn’t just limited to just one specie of frog but rather all of them.
Izuku: With that in mind their are some frogs that, given extreme circumstances, will actually charge sex.
Izumi: However since Kuyu and Tsuyu are human this desire to mate is over powered by the emotional at of loving namely us.
Izuku: So in theory by being presented with the genderswitched vision of their loved one. 
Izumi: They turn to the gender best suited to attract us.
Tsuyu: So how do we turn back?
Kuyu: Wait a sec. *The real Tsuyu said walking up to Izuku.*
Izuku: Uh Tsu? *Izuku asked as Tsuyu’s tongue measured the top of her male height and Izuku’s seeing that they are the same height.*
Tsuyu: *Tsuyu smiled and grabbed Izuku’s shirt and pulled him into a kiss.*  I finally get to kiss you without having to reach up. Kero? *Tsuyu said happily before noticing that she is shorter that her blushing love and looks down to see she is a girl again.* Aw, It worked.
Izumi: *Blushing she glances at her love seeing her glancing back at her.* ... I-I did always wonder what it would be like to be the taller one when we kiMM!?~
Kuyu: *Izumi’s words were cut short as Kuyu’s tongue enters her mouth and pulled her into a deep kiss wrapping their arms around eachother. Its was once their lips break Kuyu realized he was holding up his love.* It work! Kero!
Izumi: Y-Yeah. Its work. *Izmui said before she and Tsuyu looked at each other and silently agrees, they will have the high ground.*
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kaiyeti · 5 years
If Deku and froppy met overwatch, what would their interactions be like with the members
Deku: Your quirk is amazing Tracer! How did you first learn to use it?
Tracer: Quirk? You mean how I can control time? It was, uh, kinda in an plane crash.
Mei: Are you sure you are going to be okay working with me? I don’t want to put you into hibernation by accident.
Tsuyu: Its fine Mei. If I get too cold Izuku will warm me up. Kero.
Winston: Your powers are incredible and so extraordinary. It must me hard to control.
Izuku: *nervous laugh.* Haha, i may have breaking my bones twice or four times.
Tsuyu: Lucio kero. I really like your music and your moves are really cool.
Lucio: Aw thanks Froppy. I love your style and powers. They’re awesome!
Moria: The power you call quirks are fascinating. Would you mind if I run some experiments on you?
Izuku: I-I don’t think that is a good idea.
Sombra: So you call your friend your “prince charming” when you text?
Tsuyu: You hacked our phone!?... Please tell me you didn’t read anything from last night. Kero.
Zarya: Look at those scrawny arms. How much can you fit?
Izuku: Well I once punched  a villain weighing the size of a building up hundreds of feet into the air. Does that count?
D.Va: You now you are kinda cute.
Izuku: I-I am sorry but I have a girlfriend Tsuyu.
Junkrat: Hey Have you ever seen what happen when you shove a fire cracker u-
Tsuyu: Finish that sentence and I will show how hard a frog can kick. kero.
Wrecking ball: It is a pleasure working with you.
Tsuyu: Kero. So cute.
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kaiyeti · 5 years
There's a lot of AUs out there so what happens when there's a quirk that accidentally bridged one and brought something that is the total opposite of one were Tsuyu and Izuku are in. So basically they are starring face to face of there villain selfs. How would they handle this? How would there friends react to this? How would Japan respond to this?
Mina: No. 
Bakugo: Fucking. 
Kirishima: Way.
*Three of class 1-A said as every stared in shock at the Tsuyu and Izuku staring is shock and confusion at themselves. Only they weren’t themselves, They were different slightly older versions of them, Izuku wearing a suit like attire with fingerless gloves and hair still mess but slicked back with one arm around the waist of Tsuyu only her skin and black with neon colors of a poison dart frog wearing and similar outfit but a skirt and leggings and hair shorter with two thin pony tails in the back hugging Izuku.*
Izuku: Who?... How?... What is going on? Izuku questions nervously.*
Tsuyu: You two are... Us? Kero.
VIzuku: It seems so though from a dimension where we took... Different paths. *Villain Izuku speak Glancing over at the rest of class 1-A, glaring at Bakugo.* Very Different paths.
Izuku: B-B-But How!? How are you here!? What happened!? How did you get here!? Was it someone with a dimension hopping quirk? Maybe a mad scientist how’s machine causing a tear in space time and reality? Was it Hatsume of your dimension? Oh no what if it was OUR Hatsume!? *Izuku rambling going into a muttering rant  causing The other Tsuyu  to giggle as the other Izuku groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.*
VTsuyu: Gerogero. It’s so cute seeing you rumble again.
VIzuku: Siiigh its down right shameful. I can’t believe this me still does that. So nerdy.
Bakugo: That’s because you are a nerdy fucking Deku! *Bakugo cursed, taking a step forwards with his hand raised to attack.* Now you are going to tell just what the fuck are you doing here?! One of you is ba-*BOOM! WHOOSH! CRACK!*
VIzuku: *Everyone turned their heads quietly as Bakugo flew past them into, literally, a wall.* Only One person gets to call me nerdy, Asshole.*The look of terror covers everyone’s faces as the villain version spoke while they looked upon the giant spiked mace-like tendril crushing Bakugo before it retracts, morphing back into VIzukus hand which he placed back of Vtsuyu’s hip. But not before giving her but a pat.* And that is my wife Here.
Mineta: OH COME ON! IZUKU GETS THE SEXY FROG WOMAN IN TWO DIMESIONS AND IS MARRIED TO HER AND GETS TO HAVE HAVE S-GAUH! GUAH!GUUAHUAAH! *Mineta screams withtears before the villain Tsuyu slams him with her tongue which causes his skimm to turn purple and swallow as he starts chocking to death.*
VTsuyu: What me and my husband do in our private time is private and not for scum like you to fantacy about. Pervert.
Izuku: KACCHAN! MINETA! *Izuku shouted before turning to himself as Green light covered his body.* WHat did you do!? How did you-
Vizuku: Oh Please. That asshole has had that coming for the years of hell and abuse he put me through. I am honestly surprised You haven’t done the same since you too new have a quirk. And Judging from the power you are giving off am guess you somehow got our uncle’s quirk.
Izuku: *Everyone then looked at Izuku with great confusion as a nervous expression grew on his face.* I-I have no idea what you are talking about? I am just a late boomer with my Quirk and- Wait... Uncle’s quirk?
Vtsuyu: Hmm. I see. Izu hon. I don’t this you knows about your father’s secret nor does his friend on how you were born quirkless. Gero.
Class 1-A: What?
Vizuku: Hmm I think you are right. After all if He, or I, Me? WHatever. If this Izuku got One for All quirk from, I can only Assume All Might, correct? *The villiant teen asked watching Izuku’s face grow with more dread as his friend repeat.*
Class 1-A: What!?
VIzuku: I’ll take that as a yes. If You revived One for All, not knowing that its our uncle’s quirk there I assume that something must have happen to dad for him not to give you his quirk and inform you that he is All for One.
Class 1-A/Izuku: ... WHAAAAAAAT!?!  
Vtsuyu: *As Everyone everyone is processing the information VIzuku told them, Vtsuyu looks only at herself noticing a slightly pink shade to her cheeks.* I am guess he told you about his quirk already?
Tsuyu: I sorta figured it out the first time I saw it but wasn’t confirmed until our third date. Kero.
Vtsuyu: Gero. Lucky. My Izu was forced tow show me when the Yakuza attacked us on our forth date. 
Tsuyu: He probably did it to protect you.
VTsuyu: That and he was terrified that I would break up with him. He even cried.
Tsuyu: KeroKero. My Izuku did too. *This caught Izuku and VIzuku’s attention.
V/Izuku: Tsu!
VTsuyu: Did your Izuku cry waterfalls when you said yes to a forth date?
Izuku: Tsuyu! Please don’t! *izuku begged his girlfriend.*
Tsuyu: He did. Did yours do the same when asking to *Tsuyu Blushes a bit* Marry. Kero.
Vizuku: Don’t you dare answer that. *Vizuku growled.*
Vtsuyu: Actually we Asked him and yes he floated our parent’s house. Gero Gero. When he calmed down he apologized and fixed all the damn his tear float did. It was one of the cutest things I have ever seen. Next to his happy smile. Toya had to burn some of his stuff so get him to stop before we got to do our business with the league.
Tsuyu: Really? You asked him?
Vtsuyu: Yep. *Vtsuyu laying her husband’s side and walking over to Tsuyu, leaning her to a table in the commons room.* We were dating for five years at that point and Izu never popped the question because he was worried for my safety. 
Tsuyu: That sounds like our Izuku. Kero. Speaking of which, Seeing him give you that pat. Does your Izuku have a thing for your behind too? Because My Izu always grope mine when we get heated as he kiss.
Vtsuyu: Just wait until you are out of school. Gero.~
Izuku/Vizuku: Please stop. *the both whimpered in embarrassment as a gray skined man walked in.* 
Kai: Hey has anyone seen by anychange seen doubles of themselves? I accidently left one of my tears to another realm open and I think someone or thing may have come through. *He asked as everyone points to the Tsuyus and Izukus.*
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kaiyeti · 5 years
Has Tsuyu ever had nightmares about Izuku during USJ, The Mall, The Camp, or Overhual raid and how does Izuku help her through it?
Izuku: *As Izuku slept with Tsuyu in his arms he slowly began to wake up as he felt his love stir.* Mmm. Muh? *Izuku mutter as he looked down to find Tsuyu shaking with an expression of fear on her sleeping face.* Tsu? Tsu. Hey. *Izuku soft spoke, gentle shaking her.*
Tsuyu: ... Mmmrr. Mmrrrrrh! *Tsuyu stirred more before her eyes shot open as she to shot up reaching out and screamed.* IZUKU! 
Izuku: Whoa! Tsuyu! TSUYU! *Izuku shot up and quickly wrapping his arms around her comforting her.* It’s okay. It’s okay. It was just a dream.
Tsuyu: K-Kero?... I-Izuku?... *Tsuyu panted, looking around as her teary eyes landed on her love. She then quickly looked him over, patting his body as if checking him for wounds, before wrapping her arms around him tightly and burying her head into the neck and shoulder, softly crying.*
Izuku: It’s alright. It was just a dream. Everything is okay. *Izuku told Tsuyu, hugging her while stroking her hair and kissing her head.* ... Which one was it this time? USJ attack? The overhaul raid?
Tsuyu: ... *Tsuyu shook her head.*
Izuku: ... Kamino?
Tsuyu: You... You could have died there.... *Tsuyu sniffed.* You could have died and no one would have known where you all were. I wouldn’t have known where you were and Kero*sniff* And it would have been my fault for not stopping you.
Izuku: *Izuku frowned as he pulled away slight, cupping her girlfriend cheeks.* Tsuyu. That was not could not and is not your fault. We went because we felt we had to do something to save Kacchan. Even so, There is not a day that goes by that I don’t feel terrible for making you cry. *Izuku leaned in closer resting his head against Tsuyu’s.* I promise you that will never happen and that I will always come back to you. You’re my reason for always coming back home alive.
Tsuyu: *Tsuyu sniffed again as a smile appeared on her face.* Thank you Izu. Just promise me you’ll TRY to be careful and that no matter what you’ll always come back to me.
Izuku: As long as you do the same. *Izuku smiled back causing the two lovers to giggle before Izuku asked.* May I kiss you?
Tsuyu: Of course. Kero. *Tsuyu Smiled booping his lips with her tngue before Izuku closed the gap and kissed before cuddling together and falling back asleep.*
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kaiyeti · 5 years
Here’s a story idea! Izuku somehow ending up becoming as tall as all might and tsuyu just struggles trying to kiss him
~Thirteen years ago~
Izuku: Sigh.
Tsuyu: Kero? What’s wrong Izuku? *Tsuyu asked looking at her boyfriend, giving his hand a squeeze.*
Izuku: It’s nothing Tsu. I just wish I could control One for all better.
Tsuyu: Like All might?
Izuku: Yeah! Though just not having to different forms. *Izuku smiled imagining himself with All might’s muscle form only to shiver at the thought of being a skeleton when not using his powers.*
Tsuyu: Well I have to say I like how you use your quirk. *Tsuyu told him, causing him to raise an eyebrow before she giving him a kiss on the lips.* You look cool when you are glowing. 
Izuku: Aw thank you. *Izuku smiled giving Tsu a kiss on her lip.*
Tsuyu: Beside, could you imagine having to power down so I could kiss every time.
Izuku: Haha, Yeah. Guess its a go thing I am so short.
~Present day~
Talk show hostess: Hello and welcome back. If you are just joining in I am here with our two very special guest. The power couple. The Number One and sixth heroes Deku and Froppy. *She announced to the audience jestering her hands towards an Adult Tsuyu and an adult tall and lean muscular Izuku sitting on the couch holding hands.*
Izuku: H-Hello again. *Deku smiled.*
Tsuyu: Thank you for having us.
TSH: It is our pleasure and honor. Now before we went on to our commercial break you two were telling us about how you two started dating in school. What it like now thirteen years later as a married couple?
Izuku: Haha well I know for me It is a dream come true and so much more since Froppy said yes when I asked her to marry her. *Izuku smiled with a blush.*
Tsuyu: I have to agree. I always dreamed of being a hero and helping people be falling in love with Deku and him loving me back was more than I could even ask for. Although there are challenges. Kero.
TSH: Oh What sort of challenges?
Izuku: Well there are our busy schedules for starters.
Tsuyu: Plus, how we both can’t help but to spring into action to help everyone. But I have to say the toughest on is kissing my husband. *Tsuyu said placing her finger on her chin as the crowd awed and Izuku held back a laugh.*
TSH: Really!? Why is that? It is his costumes mask? Wanting to focus on the job?
Izuku: Oh no its not that. *Izuku trying not to laugh.*
Tsuyu: Its because he is now so frekn tall now, kero! *Tsuyu stated as she stood up motioning her husband to do the same which he did showing that he towered of his wife.*
TSH: Oh my god you’re right! Hahaha! Wass he always this tall?
Izuku: Hehe, No. I was actually only an inch or two taller than my lovely queen here when we were still in school. However, as I started to masterpiece quirk One for All. All Might, my step father, forgot to tell me that I would hit a massive growth spurt when I mastered it. *He explained wrapping his arm around his wife really showing just how much taller he is now.*
TSH: Oh so you can change your size too than?
Tsuyu: Unfortunately he can’t. *Tsuyu said Hugging her love.* All might only changed sizes because of an injury he got. But since Izuku can fully masterpiece One for All making it his own I am stuck with the adorable buff muffin. *Tsuyu smiled as Izuku laughed lifting her up to kiss her.*
TSH: Aw that is adorable! So I guess he has to lift you up so you can kiss huh?
Izuku: Hahaha, Ooooh I wish she would let me do that. *Izuku smirked.*
Tsuyu: I actually like giving him kisses my own way. Kero. For example. *Tsuyu said leading Izuku more towards the audience and turns him to face her.* Sometime I like to show off that he isn’t the only one who can jump high. *Tsuyu then jumped up and gives Izuku a kiss.* Another times, I need to remind him that I am very good and climbing. *Tsuyu the crawls up Izuku stanid on his legs, sticking to them with her feet before wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a deeper before hopping down.* And then there are the time I just don’t feel like climbing the mountain. Kero.
Izuku: Oh wait wait Froppy. You know how I get when you do tha- *Izuku began to say with a blush and nervous smile before Tsuyu’s tongue goes into his mouth, wrapping around his, and pulls him down to a deep Passionate kiss causing the audience to go wild and once the kiss was broken a large goofy smile placed of Izuku’s lips while he rests his head on Tsuyu’s shoulder whom pets his head and holds him.*
Tsuyu: That one is my favorite way of kissing him Kero.
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kaiyeti · 5 years
(For Izuku being as tall as all might idea) Imagine tsuyu in bed with Izuku. Just resting her head on her tall boyfriends chest
Izuku: *Izuku slowly woke up as yawned, rubbing his eyes while lazily looking over to the clock.* Hmm five am. I better get ready for work. *he thought to himself as he tiredly tried to get up only to feel a weight on his chest. He glanced down to fined this his cute, beautiful, and very hot wearing only his shirt girlfriend Tsuyu sleeping soundly on his chest.* Oh no. *He smiled with a small blush that only increased when Tsuyu stir in her sleep causing her to cuddle closing into his chest.*
Tsuyu: zzzKerokerokerozzzkerokerokerozzzkerokerokero. *Tsuyu quietly snored in her sleep making her boyfriend wrap his arms around her. Which made a smile form on her lips*
Izuku: Welp... Guess I am going to be late for work again. *Izuku thought to himself.*
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kaiyeti · 5 years
What would it be like if Deku and froppy met venom?? How would they react to see him biting of someone’s head??
Tsuyu: Izuku. I am starting to have some serious doubt with this team up. Kero. *Tsuyu told her boyfriend as she kicked a villain to the ground.*
Izuku: Huh? Why is that? *Izuku asked punching a villain out cold and used black whip to to them up with the villain his girlfriend knocked out.*
Tsuyu: Well its just this hero seems a bit more *Tsuyu started before several villains are throw through a wall  before one is pulled back by a black tendril. The two then watched as the black symbot anti-hero Venom continues to use the one poor villain as a weapon to beat others.* Violent.
Izuku: I... I see what you mean. But in his, uh, Their defense we are in America and their criminals are much more brutal. Plus, I need to learn how to use black whip from someone has a similar abiliIOH MY GOD! *Izuku began with nerviousness before and Tsuyu watched Venom’s jaw open wide at the ready to chop down on a villain’s entire head. Fortunately for the villain Izuku was able to use his black whipe to stop Venom as Tsuyu drop kicked them out of the way.*
Venom: *Venom then pulled Black whip off of himself and looked at Izuku.* What do you think you are doing? We has this under control?
Venom: And?
Venom: It wouldn’t be the first time we have.
Villain from the hole in the wall: It’s... true... Its kind his thing...
Tsuyu/Izuku: *the young couple looked at the villain and than at Venom then at each other.* America is fucking weird. *They muttered in horror.*
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