#delamere forest
scowling24-7 · 1 year
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I went on a miniature holiday to see a band in England, the show was in a forest… Like an actual forest, it was amazing.
Here are some silly things I saw plus some lovely photos I took while on a walk.
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bonefall · 1 year
Sorry to bother with my maple tree questions (again), but I was just wondering what books you’d recommend for me to become more familiar with England’s tree ecology? 👀 i… I feel rather silly having to look up “do maple trees / apple trees / insert plant life here exist in northern England” every time I want to talk about the spring flowers :;
But also if I don’t describe the native plant life changing then what am I to write about in the heavy silence that follows awkward questions I just gotta talk about the whirlybird seeds falling a hair too early for the season or I’ll turn into a puddle
A really good intro to the types of flora you'll see in England can be found by visiting Woodlandtrust.org.uk! They do education on woodlands specifically, so I use them a lot when I'm writing about ThunderClan territory.
From there, I take a tree they're talking about and try to read more about it, then use iNaturalist to confirm if it's in my modeled region. There are also times I work backwards, using iNaturalist to browse the sorts of trees and flowers that exist here and learning more about how they got there, and if the cats would have it in their territory.
For the non-woodland biomes, I find Wildlifetrusts.org helpful sometimes. Sadly though, this site is not nearly as well managed as Woodland Trust and there's some dead links, so I find that researching rivers, moorland, and bogs is harder.
I think I've got forest ecology research down to a good science, but the other biomes, I have to tap into my search engine skills. It's probably a symptom of how non-forest biomes kinda tend to get neglected by casual conservationists. LOVE YOUR LOCAL WETLAND, GOD DAMN IT
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babygirl-riley · 1 year
Missing You
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Two years passed, the twins are causing havoc especially Athena. Simon has been away for a couple of months, due to new information that needs to be investigated. Allison missing him extremely once Simon gives a call to see how it is back at home.
Warnings: angst, mom!Allison, dad!Simon, fluff, and swearing
Little feet patter along the hallway of the cabin that Simon and Allison built. It was out in the middle of Delamere forest, away from all the people. Just like how I wanted it. The Hallmark Home. “Athena put that down!” I yelled running after her.
She giggles as she runs with the spatula she found. It was time to put kid locks on everything. They are old enough to find things, open, getting into no good. I finally caught up with her and gently grabbed the spatula out of her hands. Now Tommy, I picked her up and she giggles as she looks around.
Athena was the one up to no good, Simon told me that it was just like him when he was that age. The more and more she had been growing the more personality is closer to Simon. She looks more like me but acts like Simon. Tommy looked more like Simon but had the closer personality of mine. It was interesting to see.
I sighed as Tommy was coloring one of the walls. It was stressful the last couple of months, Simon was deployed back into the field with the 141, which was expected. Simon didn’t want to go, he was nervous on how everything would go without him. “I could give an excuse of some sort.” He said as I helped him grab some clothes.
It was in the middle of the night, kids were in bed, they said their goodbyes to daddy, and now it was packing time. I smiled. “Simon it’s not the first time you are leaving with them here.”
Simon sighed as he folded on of his army shirts. “That’s when they were baby babies. Now they walk. Run.”
I looked up at him while placing his boots next to him. He was concerned I would tell how he was looking down at me. Simon became a little softer when he came home from deployment. After being pregnant, with kids he is more soft. Concerned. Always. “Simon,” I whispered placing a hand on his cheek. “It’s okay, we have to do what we need to do.”
Simon leaned against my hand. “I know lovely.”
Like that he left and it’s been months, he would text but wasn’t able to call yet. I sighed and grabbed Tommy placing the spatula in my back pocket. “It’s time to eat kiddos.”
“Yay!” They both yelled as I walked into the kitchen placing them into high chairs.
It was pizza night, I grabbed pizza that I was able to cook at home. I didn’t want to cook a good meal today, today wasn’t that day. As I cut the pizza into slices, my phone goes off. As I cut the slices a bit and handed each plate to the kids, I grabbed my phone. My eyes went wide. Simon.
I quickly answered, putting the phone to my ear. “Allison love?” Tears pricked my eyes.
“Simon.” I whispered.
Simon hummed on the other side. “Hello lovely.”
“How are you?” I asked wiping the tears the threatened to leave.
“Mmm,” He said before clearing his throat. “Are the kids awake?” Ignoring the question.
I looked at the twins smiling, I placed the phone on speaker. “They are right here.”
I walked to them and their faces covered with pizza sauce. “Hey kiddos.”
“Daddy!” They screamed as their faces lit up.
“Daddy daddy mommy let us color on the wall!” Tommy yelled all excited.
“Oh did she now?” Simon said chuckling a bit.
“Yeah! I was playing military daddy!” Athena yelled which made you heart drop.
I didn’t know that is what she was doing earlier. “Oh yeah?” Simon said getting quiet.
“Yeah! Then we went from walks!” Athena said smiling big.
Tommy frowned and had tears. “When coming home daddy?”
The phone fell silent, my heart pounding. Sometimes these deployments take awhile. Which really never know when you would be coming home. “Uh,” Simon started before sighing. “I don’t know champ.”
Tommy huffed. “Okay.” Is all he said before continuing eating.
Athena looked at me. “Can’t you go get him mommy.”
I shook my head. “No he will be home soon.” I said softly.
It was quiet in the room besides the twins slowly digging more into the food. “Hey Allison,” Simon said breaking the silence. “Imma call later.”
“Okay love…” I started to say before hearing the dial tone.
I sighed and placed my phone on the table. “I’m done mommy.” Athena said looking at the phone.
“Okay,” I looked over at Tommy. “You done too baby?”
He just nodded his head as I grabbed both of them out. It was time to for bathes, helping them get ready for bed. “Mommy,” Tommy asked as I helped them get settled into their cribs. “Miss daddy.”
I nodded my head as I kissed his head. “I know, daddy misses you too.”
They cried as I shut the door, I didn’t know if it was cause of daddy or them not wanting to go to bed. It didn’t last long though, they passed out holding on to their blankets. I walked to the kitchen and started to clean when the phone went off again. I snatched my phone. “Simon.” I said first before he spoke.
It was quiet on the end. “Sorry I left.”
I half smiled as putting the dishes into the sink. “Baby you have nothing to be sorry about.” I answered turning the faucet on.
“It’s not fair for them,” He explained. “It’s not fair for you. It’s not…”
“Simon,” I cut him off turning around to lean against the counter. “You know this is what we live with until retirement. It’s okay,” I paused turning the faucet off. “There’s something more isn’t there?”
Simon paused not saying anything for a moment. “We lost a lot of men.” He finally said after a few minutes of silence. “It’s my own bloody fault.”
I sat there as he explained everything that happened. It made my heart sink when he finally fell silent once more before sighing. “I miss all three of ya.” He whispered.
I hummed and nodded before walking to the living room, sitting on the couch. “We do too.”
Simon went quiet once more. I knew it was hard for him to explain everything saying a bit how he felt. He doesn’t do it. Him hanging up fast was either two things, too much emotion happening and he didn’t know what to do, or the mission. “We are fine you know?” I said putting my legs up to my chest. “Yeah we miss you but it’s not like we are suffering.”
He didn’t say anything. “Colored walls huh?” His voice went deeper.
I laughed. “Yeah it wasn’t my idea, he decided that the wall was a canvas.”
“Sounds like Tommy.” Simon whispered going quiet. “Imma come home very soon baby girl.”
I smiled tears prickling. “Just come home safe.” I whispered.
Simon sighed. “Always.”
It was an hour before Simon had to say goodbye and to get back to the team. Soap joined in eventually talking all about how the bars there are a little odd. He asked about the kids and how him and Elma is going to visit soon. Elma was his girlfriend he met not too long ago, they met before they left on the deployment, she was spunky for sure. She loved the kids and she was a talker like him.
“Alright Fox we will see ya soon!” Soap yelled. “I’ll let ya say bye Lt.”
Once the door shut in the background it was silent. “I love you.” Simon whispered. “Very much.”
I smiled and held my legs. “Love you too. See you soon babe.”
The phone went silent as I took it off my ear looking at the time on the lock screen. It was a picture of Simon and the twins, they were holding his arms while being in the air. Smiles on every face. I sighed and placed it next to me looking out of the window. It was raining at this point, I got up and grabbed a blanket wrapping it around me.
I sat on the porch rocking in the swing that hung. I listened to the rain, thinking about how life as changed. I left the army to stay with the kids and Simon signed up again, we both agreed to it. It was the best for the both of us. Simon couldn’t leave just yet. Kat signed back up as well but she wasn’t on deployment with the rest of the team, under cover. I miss it but I loved my kids more.
I didn’t realize how long it was that I sat there. Now just thinking how much I missed Simon however, I knew he would get home, safe and sound.
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alyhumphrey · 11 days
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21st - 25th May 2022 - half term visit from Sam and Ellis. We took them to Wildshore near Delamere forest for their birthday present. Everyone loved the inflatables and were jumping off the highest parts. I even managed it. Ellis did not want a go on the ring though. Which meant you guys got all the time which you were super happy about
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caravanstuff · 25 days
Caravan Storage Cheshire
Now that the summer is coming to an end many people are looking for caravan storage in Cheshire. Conveniently located in Delamere Forest, Cheshire between the towns of Chester, Northwich, Frodsham and Winsford we provide high quality indoor storage for caravans in Cheshire providing security gates and CCTV. Security is paramount and we welcome a call for an appointment to view our facility. If you need caravan storage in Cheshire please view the rest of this site for details.
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mudkissphotography · 3 months
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Sting seems to have evaded me somehow in my photography career, last year I decided to apply to shoot him at a festival and got a "they have cut the list down" I was sadly one of those dropped off. This time around I tried again and was successful.
I was photographing for the We Shoot Music website and the show was at Delamere Forest, it's such a great outdoor venue, amongst the calmness of the forestry. Two fantastic supports in Storry and the Gemein Sisters from Australia. For Sting, we had to position ourselves at the mixing desk, which wasn't so bad seeing as I had my 150-600mm lens.
I used to be a bit of a Police fan back in the day, and one of my favourite songs of Sting's solo music is Fields of Gold. I've actually now watched him perform twice and he never fails to give a fantastic show, such a showman. He is now in his 70s and has no sign of letting up, he's an inspiration.
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You can read the review here:
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Both are excellent supports and definitely worth catching again.
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Use of these images in any form without permission is illegal. If you wish to contact me - go here [email protected]
All work copyright Melanie Smith/ Mudkiss Photography All Rights Reserved
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grandhotelabyss · 4 months
What do you make of the overtly supernatural or magical realist moment near the end of Jane Eyre, when Jane hears Mr. Rochester calling for her from a great distance?
I learned this from Brigid Brophy's Fifty Works of English Literature We Could Do Without—which is embarrassing, because I think I read the two novels in the same semester of my junior year of college, in two different classes—but Brontë lifted the idea for that scene from Moll Flanders. One of Moll's lovers tries to leave her and then returns when he hears her call across an impossibly long distance:
I sat me down and looked upon these things two hours together, and scarce spoke a word, till my maid interrupted me by telling me my dinner was ready. I ate but little, and after dinner I fell into a vehement fit of crying, every now and then calling him by his name, which was James. “O Jemmy!” said I, “come back, come back. I’ll give you all I have; I’ll beg, I’ll starve with you.” And thus I ran raving about the room several times, and then sat down between whiles, and then walking about again, called upon him to come back, and then cried again; and thus I passed the afternoon, till about seven o’clock, when it was near dusk, in the evening, being August, when, to my unspeakable surprise, he comes back into the inn, but without a servant, and comes directly up into my chamber.
I was in the greatest confusion imaginable, and so was he too. I could not imagine what should be the occasion of it, and began to be at odds with myself whether to be glad or sorry; but my affection biassed all the rest, and it was impossible to conceal my joy, which was too great for smiles, for it burst out into tears. He was no sooner entered the room but he ran to me and took me in his arms, holding me fast, and almost stopping my breath with his kisses, but spoke not a word. At length I began. “My dear,” said I, “how could you go away from me?” to which he gave no answer, for it was impossible for him to speak.
When our ecstasies were a little over, he told me he was gone about fifteen miles, but it was not in his power to go any farther without coming back to see me again, and to take his leave of me once more.
I told him how I had passed my time, and how loud I had called him to come back again. He told me he heard me very plain upon Delamere Forest, at a place about twelve miles off. I smiled. “Nay,” says he, “do not think I am in jest, for if ever I heard your voice in my life, I heard you call me aloud, and sometimes I thought I saw you running after me.” “Why,” said I, “what did I say?”—for I had not named the words to him. “You called aloud,” says he, “and said, O Jemmy! O Jemmy! come back, come back.”
Ironically, this moment is much more out of place amid the grubby, money-counting realism of Moll Flanders than its like is in Jane Eyre, where it pairs well with the Romantic atmosphere:
“What have you heard? What do you see?” asked St. John. I saw nothing, but I heard a voice somewhere cry—
“Jane! Jane! Jane!”—nothing more.
“O God! what is it?” I gasped.
I might have said, “Where is it?” for it did not seem in the room—nor in the house—nor in the garden; it did not come out of the air—nor from under the earth—nor from overhead. I had heard it—where, or whence, for ever impossible to know! And it was the voice of a human being—a known, loved, well-remembered voice—that of Edward Fairfax Rochester; and it spoke in pain and woe, wildly, eerily, urgently.
“I am coming!” I cried. “Wait for me! Oh, I will come!” I flew to the door and looked into the passage: it was dark. I ran out into the garden: it was void.
The atmosphere justifies the intrusion of the unreal to me. It doesn't break the mood. It also has an ideological edge, since Rochester's voice intrudes on her conversation with St. John, as if to elevate the elemental or Byronic powers of love and nature over his God. I doubt she could have intended that meaning—who knows?—but it's latent in the presentation.
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petnews2day · 7 months
Alabama rot case suspected after dog walk in Delamere Forest - Northwich Guardian
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/RBj6u
Alabama rot case suspected after dog walk in Delamere Forest - Northwich Guardian
Alabama rot case suspected after dog walk in Delamere Forest  Northwich Guardian
See full article at https://petn.ws/RBj6u #DogNews
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yorkcalling · 9 months
Forest Live Announces Bryan Adams Show
Forest Live, the summer concert series presented by Forestry England, has announced three shows in unique forest settings from Canadian rock legend Bryan Adams. Adams will be performing at Delamere Forest, Thetford Forest and Dalby Forest on Sunday 16th June, Thursday 20th June and Friday 21st June 2024.
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ellebaines · 8 years
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TVI Crime drama build May 2016
Workshop build and install in Delamere forest.
Abandoned pump house set for a TV drama.
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bonefall · 11 months
Elder Bones, can we get more info on ShadowClan's territory? They live at a bog, right?
I won't put out too much yet, because I want to make another research guide on wetlands in England the way that my lowland heath document covered what moorland is. That research opened my eyes to how important peat, fire, and management should be to WindClan's culture, and so I'm expecting something similar to happen when I dive into what their bog is.
But I DO know that the bog of the Forest and the bog of the Lake are going to be quite different. That is because the Lake is in active development during the Settlement Era (Po3), where the old Forest bog was downright medieval-ancient.
The Lake bog also has a SPECIFIC NAMED model, unlike the others which take a little from a lot of areas. It's the Black Moss in Delamere Forest-- a developing quaking bog which is an EARTH-SHATTERING success for the Wetland Vision project in the UK. I'm in love with it. I want to learn everything about it and explain why it's so awe-inspiring
(The area is also fucking gorgeous btw, I want to show everyone pictures of how breathtaking it is-- the moss enfolds the ground like a velvet blanket and the water seeps up to meet your step. The trees sprawl above you and cast dappled sunlight on the greenery, as if the sun is painting the definition of beauty before your very eyes. Also theres toads)
Anyway though, some various things about bogs;
Bogs are acidic, a fen is alkaline. I know very little about fens, besides that there's a few of them in the south
Like moor, bogs are so important for carbon capture that the destruction of any wetland makes me feel physically ill
Dead matter is quickly covered by fresh, living things, so the bottom layer is basically in permanent arrested decay
because of that, gas bubbles to the surface on occasion. That's why they're smelly sometimes! It means there's MUCH MORE down there that the bog is saving you from!! You're WELCOME!!!
It's a pretty bad area to be in over winter; everything freezes, falling into the water can become deadly, and a lot of the prey hibernates.
In other seasons, it's bountiful. Insects, amphibians, frogs, birds, fish, and mammals live here, you can get some good eats in a bog. ShadowClan has the most varied diet of the forest four.
A "swamp" is actually a term that refers to forested wetlands. "Marsh" is not covered by trees.
Medicinal leeches are supposed to live in wetlands but with the decline of natural livestock management their populations have crashed :(
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musichenrik · 1 year
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Pheew what a weekend in the U.K.
2 Forest Live - Forestry England (Delamere/Thetford) shows with Natalie Imbruglia and ze gang supporting the ‘Italian Springsteen’, Jack Savoretti, what a pleasure and what a bloke.
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alyhumphrey · 1 year
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25 - 29th Oct 2021 - a week at Delamere Forest Holidays. Lots of hot tub action, day visit from G&G, bike ride, monopoly, go ape and wildshore. First morning Henry woke up and said “I love it here”. Describing ‘Go ape’, Henry “this place is a site to behold”, Edy, “it rocks”.
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jeniharney · 2 years
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Todays day out. This was shot on my phone. Hoping the Kodak Pro Image gives me results like this!!! #shotoniphone #iphonexr #delamereforest (at Delamere Forest) https://www.instagram.com/p/CluGohTIRcK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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weartandculture · 2 years
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ginalr · 2 years
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Delamere Forest, Northwich, UK
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